Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Apr 1959, p. 18

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18 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, April 16, 1959 â€"_â€"_â€"â€"â€"____________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"'â€"-‘ FOR QUICK RESULTS USE “THE LIBERAL” CLASSIFIEDS PHONE TU. 4-1105 NORTH YORK: The Town- ship's inside workers have been granted an across-the-board pay boost of 8:5 per cent, retroactive , grille 5 .jvlome “s: a . . V.O.N. Joins Battle To Prev nt Sheppard and GIII e Lumber Co., Ltd. Builders’ Supplies LUMBER - LATHS - TRIM - SHTNGLES - GYPROC ROOFING MATERIALS 71 Centre Street East - TU. 4-1361 : l Home Accidents The Victorian Order of Nurses â€"â€" whose members make over a million calls on Canadian famil- ies each year â€"â€" has asked its nurses to join the battle against accidents in the home. In emphasizing this service. the V.O.N. points out that accidents in all forms cause more deaths each year than any single known disease. In Canada in 1956 the home accident fatality rate was 13.6 per 100,000 population â€"- and, for each death, there are some 150 home accidents that re- sult in disability for a period of 24 hours or more. Studies show that 76 per cent of home accidents are preventable and 19 per cent on the border- YOU PUT UP DICKET AND ISAY rr SHOULD BE A PICKET FENCE I'LL PUT UP BARBWIREI IT'LL BE A BOARD FENCE on NOTHINGI (Our Bank Manager) has ordered us to chop prices and get money to the Bank so we are having a sale THEY DON'T NEED 2 A FENCETHEY and will remain OPEN 54 CONSECUTVE HOURS AND WILL SELL Everyihng Sale Starts THURS" AQR 8: Ends SAT., “v-o-c Will Broadcast Continuousy From Our Window oat W E. 18 mi. 6 The Entire 54: Themes Stay Tuned For Some Of The Fantastic Prices “M Mr m sumo-0.0.0 «DD-(um). “aIn“.1.0-0”IQIVQTQIUUJQMIWA’QMWUI.‘ PEPSH Thursday I2 Noon To First Silt-B Peopie CQLA 8. Thurs. B2 Friday Midnight To 7 AM. m-vn-mm-mr-tru--¢o¢o¢t riparian-0’s micro-0.0-: Arr-0.0m- ‘ IN ADDITION TO OUR REGULAR IRER'cnRiIaIsE THERE WIII RE SPECIALS FOR THE FREE MENS WHITE SHIRTS Sizes 14 to 17 LADIES' Kitten Orlon Sweaters Reg. $6.95â€"NOW $3.50 Reg. $8.95â€"NOW $4.50; .‘..I. OUR $1 .75 "II-o- m .eJ.ollone/ MEN'S a Buyvew Plaza â€" Richmond Hil laovs' Reversable Windbreakers $2.99 news a are srecn V2 pic “Db-1 LA EES' Seamless Nylon Stockings 49c Pair -u-n-u-u-I -o-o-r Phone an. asses D--------*Dn_«--maa »- «a»--- Id at T2 Neon -I-U-U.IV.(I.€)-U.O.(““.0¢O.o LADIES mm-DIWIW‘DMM Midnight SPECIAL Thurs. i Midnight SPECAL Friday LA‘DIES CARCOATS $3.49 Of All Kinds line. The V.O.N. has listed 49 specific accident hazards that its nurses should watch for in the homes they visit. These cover falls, burns and scalds, asphyxia- tion and others such as poisons and sharp instruments. The V.O.N. says that home ac- cidents pose a particular prob- lem at the two extremes of life, with victims under five years and over 69 years accounting for two- thirds of home fatalities. Home accidents occur more frequently on Saturday and Sunday than any other week day. V.O.N. nurses are in a strate- gic position to help prevent acâ€" cidents by the very nature of their work. Through daily contacts with individuals in their homes, in in- dustry. at schools or child health conferences, they can integrate information about accident pre- vention into overâ€"all health tea- ching. V.O.N. National Headquarters says that the problem of accident prevention is not the responsibil- ity of any one group but requires the co-operative efforts of doc- tors. nurses, hospital and health workers of public and private agâ€" encies in promoting a continu~ ous safety education program. Owner and Pet Reunited Through Liberal Want Ad An intriguing story about a cat "with bells on,” came to light this week following the msertion of an Ad in the “Found” column of “The Lib~ eral." At the beginning of this past winter, Mrs. A. Parrott discovered a black, part-pers- ian cat lingering around her home on Homesview Ave., and although she could not coax it into her house for several months, she looked after it â€" feeding it daily. Then one day recently the cat condescended to be friends and Mrs. Parrott dis- covered it had a collar â€" to which the bells were attachg ed â€"- around its furry throat. Taking off the collar to ex- amine it she discovered a nameplate had been engraved with the name “Inky Honey." At once she inserted an Ad in “The Liberal" and Inky Honey's owner, Mrs. E. M. Honey of John St., Thornhill, saw the ad. and was happily reunited with her pet, whom she had thought never to see again. Mrs. Honey told The Lib- eral she had boarded Inky out while she went on a trip to Europe, almost two years ago. Inky Honey had run away from the boarding home shortly afterwards and had apparently “hidden out" in fields until Mrs. Parrott discovered him. Try the Want Ad columns of "The Liberal” for REAL results â€"â€" every time! I LADIES' SLIM JIMS $1.98 .0-‘!-(I.‘I-U.0.0.( “ 2" The former Bernice Archibald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Archibald of Richmond Hill, is seen following her marriage to Daniel Edward Roller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roller of Kitchener, BC. The happy couple were united in marriage by Mr. Colin Anderson of Rich- vale Gospel Chapel at the home of the bride. â€"â€" Photo by Lagerquist Local Iaycecs Sponsor Sate Driv By Jaycee Frank Da Costa The Richmond Hill Jaycees have formed a committee head- ed by Frank Da Costa with Ken Davis, Len Storey. Gary Black- burn, Keith Jean Marie and Jim Sinclair to organize a safe driv- ing week from April 12th to 18th. Banners have been erected on the north and south limits of the town on Yonge Street. The ser- vice stations and businesses, high- way department and Superinten- dent Vern Snyder of the local hydro have donated their time and facilities. Safe driving pam- phlets have been issued to all school children. Courtesy drivers will be selected by the Richmond Hill Police. Safe Driving Week is a time during which we all assess our- selves as drivers and pedestrians and teach our children about cars, corners and caution. Let’s start with the drivers. . That’s us, â€" is our car in good condition, brakes, tires, lights and wipers. The little boy playing down the road just ahead - can we stop Church News Dr. E. B. Eddy was in charge of the service at Carrville United Church on Sunday. The choir sang “Growing Up For Jesus.” Dr. Eddy spoke on “This Ruthless Generation.” Dr. Eddy presented bronze at- tendance pins to twelve members of the Sunday School: Margaret Williams, Verna Hill, Barbara McLaren, Penny Houston, Anâ€" drew Wood, Brian Walker, Karen Wood. David Hill, Roy Hill, Rus- sell Greaves. Georgie Melnic and Kathy Wood. “LA. The Carrville United Church Woman’s Association held its .\.p- ril m'eting at the home of Mrs. R. Middleton on Wednesday after- noon, with 11 ladies present. The devotional theme was “Love Thy Neighbour". Mrs. J. Williams was in charge of the meeting and op- ened with the theme hymn, fol- lowed by the Lord's prayer. Mrs. A. Read read the scripture and the explanation from topics of worship. Mrs, J. Bushell read an interâ€" esting article by Miss Jane Scott. Following roll call and minutes, Mrs. J. Barton gave the treasur- er's report in the absence of Mrs. J. Baker. Mrs. Middleton, cor- responding secretary, read thank you letters from Mrs. R. W. Thompson and Mrs. J. Baker, thanking the W,A. for an Easter lily and the choir gowns. Mrs. A. Read also expressed her apprec- iation of the lily she received on Easter Sunday. There was also a thank you card from the family of the late Mrs. John Baker of Richmond Hill. The May meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. J. Williams -â€" social, Mrs. E. Bone and Mrs. J. Bushell: devotional, Mrs. R. Kirk; scritpure, Mrs. R. Middle- ton. Mrs. Williams read several let- ters. The WA. decided to pur- chase two high chairs and two soup ladels. The group has matâ€" erlal on hand to make curtains to divide the hall into classrooms for the Sunday school. Mrs. Read and Mrs. Williams were appointed to represent the WA. in assisting the young peo- ple to carpet the centre aisle and chancel of the church. Mrs, R. Kirk. and Mrs. J. Bart’m as~I»Ied the hostess with refreshments, bring- ng Week in time if he runs across the road? We should think for him now or we may spend the rest of our days thinking of him. To quote Mr. Louis M. Hodgson of the highway safety branch, ers are well within range of each other. I use this term range in the gunnery sense because Rich- mond Hill drivers and Toronto drivers are within reciprocal kill- ing distance of each other. There is a minority group of motorists who as you know drive in such a way that they aim rather than steer their cars. Every area has its quota of potential killers who carry their threats hundreds of miles from their home base. We see them every day, overtaking on hills, “tailgating” at 65 mph. and so on. One might say they are apprentice executioners and given time they will complete their course. We should therefore all assess ourselves, check our cars and then know a “safe present" is a “live future." Toronto and. Richmond Hill driv-l CARRVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. BERT MIDDLETON Telephone Maple 130R3 ing a pleasant afternoon to a close. The Young People of Carrville United Church met Thursday ev- ening with 14 present. Election of officers by ballot was held with Lynn Morris being elected president and Mary George, sec- retary-treasurer. An executive meeting will be held at Mary George's on Thursday to plan the meetings for the next three months. Birthday Supper Mr. and Mrs. Bert Middleton entertained in honour of the first birthday of their grandson, Glen Robert Charles Middleton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Middleton of Doncaster. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jordon and sons Keith and Gary Jordon of Doncaster; Miss Joan Donahue, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bar- ton and John Barton; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. E. Ash and Robbie and Donna Lyn Ash of Edgeley; and. Gretta and Nancy Middleton. on Sunday. Glen’s birthday was Ap- ril 10. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Baker at- tended the horse sale at Lind- say last Wednesday. They accom- panied Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ness. Miss Jamieson and Miss Jen- set both of Teachers‘ College, Toronto, are spending this week at Carrville Public School. Happy birthday is wished Gary Broom who will be six years old on April 17; Kathy Wood, five years on April 27; also Jane Manning on April 27, her 12th birthday. Hear Scottish Naturalist Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wark en« tertained a group of Toronto Veg- etarians on Saturday. They had the pleasure of visiting Mr. Amos Baker's sugar bush, then came to the Wark home for tea and in the evening enjoyed a talk from Mr. Dugald Semple of Ayrshire, Scotland. He is a very noted nat- uralist and the author of many books. The Warks felt it a real honour to entertain such a distinguished guest as Mr. Sample. He left this week for Scotland following a lengthy tour. Cancer Society The Richmond Hill Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society will be canvassing in our area sometime during the month of April. Would “1‘s. .1. Williams. :‘ou plea-1c have your donations 'rcady for this worthwhile cause when the representatives calL. to January 1. 1959. Richmond Hill Telephone Toronto TUrner 4-1312 EMpire 2-3456 ‘ Dependable Service HERBERT Associated With GEO. McMURRICH SONS LIMITED 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill BRAKE a murrrn EXTRA-LIFE M - optimal-54 " gal; 1854i)?" . laying: Elisha. 5,60 3.35 12.45 . an... (1:23;? MISS-gs" 7 .33 .0 8 8 clinic-Iii: gfil’ciiiiif. 4.65 7.40 “.10 0 my...“ gilt-1::- “H. . . , . . . 0 Honvlor elm ‘ heads. tubes each ....v-"' ts for tail pipe k of Buick Cadillac, A“ Ehglish cars ',/ “lit "RIDE-O-MATIC" ‘ SHOCK ABSIIIIBERS Mcnacing pot holes . . . iaggcd frost breaks . . . I at iolting O Adi”. combination. Replace worn brakes, In- shoclu with "Ride-O-Matic” eluding smooth riding shocks .meygency for better than I brake "now car" ride. 0 Pack front .70 .98 whch ‘ Pair Each bearings YOU UP TO 50% INSTALLATION While You Wit MIIFFLERS .90 INSTALLED ‘Doâ€"Il- "mm" In taller. Yogi?" 11133;“ with m MUFFLER Price P'lcfi. «mun-U“)e wad” 5.13 7.93 9.45 m 8.27 12.57 mutilation (extra, I r Oldsmobile, etc, cms e i and Volkswagons. NOSE DIVES SIIIIMIIY and SHAKE AUTOMATIC ADJUSTMENT CANADIAN TIRE SAVES 0 Front End Paris Coil Springs, 08., l‘ u C.T.C. Savings. _ __.___,- Budget Terms Available 35 YONGE ST. NORTH TUrner 4-II96 R. BUTT 4 Wellington St. E. Toronto ..I~ MUFFLER SAFETY CHECK Muffler. A DEFEGTIVI * “.6? gas and ‘pour 13.“ name: no at bigger Installed WHILE You WAIT \sWi a, ~ 'N available for: DON’T ’1 IIIIN .. , IIIro TROUBLE 1 Special! BRAKE ADJUSTMENT Add approved heavy-duty brake fluid (superlor to new car quality) to master cylinder Richmond Hill

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