Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Apr 1959, p. 1

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BINGO every Wednesday after- noon at 1.15 pm. at the Canad- Legion Branch 375, Carrvllle Rd. West, Richvale. A tfc39 EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT -- 9.00 pm. - 12.00. Dancing to Max Cameron's Orchestra, at Canad- ian Legion Hall. Camille Road, Richvale. Sponsored by Rich- mond Hill Branch 375, Canadian Legion. 75c pgr‘parsom tfcafi APRIL 18th â€"- Saturday, 11 3.111., A sale of baked goods at Mrs. Walker's Store, Maple, by the Women's Association of St. An- drew's Presbyterian Church; APRIL 21 â€" Tuesday. Euchre in the Victoria Square Community Hall, at 8.15 pm. Sponsored by the Park Committee. Everyone welcome. Ladies please provide lunch. c1w42 APRIL 21 -- Tuesday. 8.15 pm. The meeting of the lst Richvaie Cub and Scout Mothers' Auxiliary will be held at the home of Mrs. S. Lowe. 53 Oak Ave. Refresh- ments will be European. c1w42 EVERY TUESDAY. Bingo 8 pm. It the Legion Hall. King Side Road, Oak Ridge]. Cash prizes .n,n- and jackpot Lobliwa. Yonge St: APRIL 17 â€" Friday 3 pm. Wrix- on Hall, St. Mary's Anglican Church, regular meeting of .the Richmond Hill Naturalists. Mr. T. R. Scovell is to give an illusâ€" trated talk on the birds of Pres- qu'lle Park. Everyone welcome. clw42 APRIL 18 â€" Saturday. Rummage Sale â€" sponsored by St. Mary's Anglican Evening Guild. in Wrix- on Hall, 104 Yonge Street south. at 2 pm. For pick-up please tel- ephone Mrs. Donaldson. TU. 4- 1559 â€"- or any member of the BINGO every Thursday. 8 p.111. in prppge Hall, lat house north I’L .-_‘\’ EVERY FRIDAY night «33.5.1 7.45 pm. Bingo â€" Comnf’: .Aty Hall. Spruce Ave. Stop 22A, .- an APRIL 13 â€"- Saturday 2.30 to 9 pm. Richmond Hill Horticultural Society Spring Fair. No admis- sion fee. All welcome! c2w41 APRIL 18 â€" Saturday night 8.30 to 11.30 pm. TALENT CON~ TEST, $100 in prizes. Winner.r have opportunity to audition for TV appearance. Held during reg» ular Saturday night dances at the Legion Hall, Oak Ridges. Admis- sion $1.00. Cali PR. 3-5215, or write PO. Box 432. Oak Ridges. APRIL 20 -- McConaghy Home and School Association, 8.15 pm. Guest speaker. Mrs. Elliott, Art Supervisor for Markham and Vaughan School Area. will illus- trate her talk on “The Place of Art in Education" by coloured slides. Music by the school choir and a skit by Grade 7 will start the evening. 7 _ A > c1w42 Evening Guild Canadian Legion Branch Oak Ridges._ A _ > APREL 22 â€"- Wednesday, 1 pm. Spring luncheon sponsored by th: Women‘s Association of Rich- mond Hill Presbyterian Church. Speaker, Mrs. Elsa Jenkins, man- ager of Women's Activities, Canâ€" ndian National Exhibition. Tic- kets $1.00. available from Mrs. A. E. Tyson, TU. 4-2432. APRIL 22 â€" Wednesday 8 pm. MacKlllop Home and School meeting will present film “From 10 to 12 â€" Adults in the making" discussion. election and installa- tion of 1959â€"60 executive, refresh- ments. c1w42 APRIL 22 â€"- The Progressive Conservative Richmond Hill and District Association will hold its annual meeting at 7 Dufierin St. APRIL 22 â€" Wednesday 8 pm. Annual open meeting at King- crafls House. Speaker Dr. Ross Lord, Metropolitan Conservation Chairman. c1w42 APRIL 23 â€" Thursday at 1 o'clock. Spring luncheon with Miss Ruth Boxer, fashion advis- er, Robert Simpson C0,. under the auspices of the W.A., Holy Trinity Church. Brook SL, Thorn- hlll. in the church hall. Tickets $1.50 from Mrs. P. Skippen, AV. 6-2180 c1w42 APRIL 24 â€"- Friday 1 pm. Rum- mage Sale, North York Veterans Club. 6321 Yonge St., South of Steeles Ave. Willowdale. White elephant table. bargains galore. Auspices Northminster United Church Womans Federation. APRIL 24 -â€" Friday. Columbon Players present 3-act comedy. “Nobody But Nancy" in Victoria Square Community Hall, 8:15 pm. Adults 50c. Children 356. Sponsored by Victoria Square Couples Club. l'2w42 APRIL 25 â€" Saturday. Rummage and baking sale, 1.30 to 4.30 p.m.. sponsored by St. Matthew's Unit- ed Church W.A., Crosby Ave., Richmond Hill. Afternoon tea will be served. Rummage contri- butions may be left at 270 Me- Convey Drive. A l*3w40 APRIL 25 â€" Campfire Variety Night at Buttonville Hall, presentâ€" ed by the Unionville Junior Far- mers. Proceeds for charity. Tick- ets from members or at door. FATALITIES o ACCIDENTS XNJURIES as I 3 ACCIDENT RECORD RICHMOND BILL 1959 c1w42 (Co finned on Page 17) Coming Events 570. ¢2w41 c1w41 c1w42 “031 m. in l. A. o o Mausmess Is Brisk t£c36 c2w42 Mrs. J. Wilmott of Newtonbrook and Mr. Theodore Neilson were the first two customers to enter the store â€"- they took up their stations, with the honour of being first in line at 5 :50 am. that morning. Welcomed by proprietor Morley B. Hall and his sen Warren, they were-the first of three hundred visitors to receive free shopping bags filled with a wide selection of groceries during the three open- ing days. Mayor Ken Tomlin is seen as he cuts the yellow satin ribbon to declare Morley’s Foodland officially opened last Thursday morning. 0n the left of the picture are seen, Mrs. J. Wilmott and Mr. Theodore Neilson, who waited in line for four next is Reew Morley Hall : the store is l of the mayo: Five hundred customers filed past the cashiers' desks at Morley’s new Foodland within two hours of its official opening by Mayor Ken Tomlin last Thursday morning to demonstrate their enthusiastic support of this, Richmond Hill’s largest food market on Yonge S’greet._ Dozens of baskets of gorgeous spring flowers, roses and ‘mums lined the show cases and the wide window, further attesting to the good wishes of the Halls‘ many friends. in their new venture into bigger and better service for the people of Richmond Hill. One buyer, present for the opening, said he had never seen so many flowers on such an occasion. Vaughaflp- A Captfii mks Enthusiasm Weicome For Richmmd Hil's Fwdfiand Morley Hall said, “We would like all those who sent flowers to know how much we appreciate VOL?" ,, LXXX, NUMBER 42 Inspewéma Vaughan Township Council has a busy time ahead of it for the next few days. At Monday night’s weekly session it was decided that: (1) Council would sign an agreement with Jacob’s gravel pit â€" thereby purchasing its own gravel pit. (2) Will meet with Metro within the next day or two to ask for approval of the Official Township Plan as compiled and designed by Municipal Planning Consul- tants and presented to the Planning Board by Mr. Derrick Little, prior to the Council meeting Monday. (3) Will meet with the Road Committee and Supervisor Nelson Kerr re- garding 11 tenders received for a truck. (4) Will take several hours to tour, en groupe, around some of the town- ship rsads to see what condition they are in. Rising Debeewee Cosh Cause Ceeeea‘e Reeve Another and a longer range program was suggested to council by Reeve John Perry after he stated, “I am getting quite concerned about debenture debts. If we continue to issue debentures at the rate we are doing now â€" at the demands of the people â€" we are going to be in trouble.” Referring then to ever-increasing school taxes, Mr. Perry said certain areas of the township can develop industrially (thereby taking care of some of the burden of assessment) others can not. “I feel it (the cost) should be spread over the township. And if you go into a capital works program you need one school board, not several.” "It Is up to us to give it some thought". the reeve adjured. "Metro has a very sound plan in saying just what can be spent on education each year," the reeve pointed out. Councillor William Anstey ask- ed. “Does that mean a Board of Education for the whole town- ship? There is no industrial as- sessment in the front of the town- ship and it is bady affected by rising school costs.” Reéve Pérry: "We are not re~ fen-ring to School Area No. 1, but are thinking further ahead for their good wishes for a most suc- cessful opening.” Morley's was established just north of the new Foodland in 1942 in a smaller building, but mindful of the town’s increasing growth Mr. Hall and his son War- ren, who has been associated with his father in the grocery business for the past 12 years, de- cided they should launch out in a more ambitious program in keep- ing with the times. the whole township." The reeve said ’the debenture debt of Vaughan Township is still healthy but, “we don't want to see it otherwise." Clerk J. McDonald said. “Ten years ago the debenture debt was $50,000 â€"â€" today it is over three million dollars.‘ Councillor Anstey: “The in- crease in the debenture debt is not because of increase in pop- ulation?" Reeve people‘s said he 7I‘he new store has every mod- thdught council should “It is partly due to way of life.” He then “In Essentials Unity; in Non-Essentials Liberty; in all things Charity.” line for four hours for this ceremony; next is Reeve Floyd Perkins; proprietor Morley Hall and his son, Warren. Inside the store is Harold Mortson, on the left of the mayor. ern facility including a meat sec- tion specializing in a full line of already cut and cello-wrapped meats and fowl, to a line of fresh. cut-to-order meats. This depart- ment is under the direction of Ray Stunden ably assisted by an- other well-known town resident, Ted Mansbridge, and Ross White. “I would like to thank all the people who made this opening possible”, Mr. Hall told “The Lib- eral". “It is amazing how many people â€"- besides my family and staff â€"â€" who have given free- ly and willingly of their services." He said thanks were also due to all their former customers â€"-â€" and “we welcome all the new ones who are patronizing our store." Among the attractions for the opening were many give-aways which included bargains such as every housewife loves to see when shopping â€"â€"~ also free chances were available on a TV set and a lovely bride doll that will make some youngster happy when the winners’ names are drawn. The draw for the prizes will be made Saturday at 4 pm. authorize someone to prepare fig- ures to see “what we should do” by June of this year, concluding, “I do think we would put our township in a better financial pos- ition." Councillor Anstey referred to research along the line of assess- ment being carried out in Boston, stating it was found that, “as the lot sizes went up, the cost to the municipality went up too. In other words, if you get 100 feet of road for one family you have got a higher amount for each fam- ily to pay in taxes, but larger houses on larger lots give less in the way of assessment than more smaller lots.” Councillor Anstey stated he thought, “the time is coming when the province will pay education costs“, thus spread- ing the expense out thinner. Tender For Gravel A tender for 35 thousand tons of gravel, .crushed and _stacked was accepted from Collingwood Sand and Gravel in the amount of approximately $15,150. follow- ing the opening of seven tenders. The tender will be awarded foll- owing approval of the Depart- ment of Highways. Tenders sub- mitted quoted prices from a low of 35c a ton from Collingwood, to a high of 45c from one firm. Maple Water Supply Harassed by water problems, with letters being received from residents of Wood Lane regarding too much water in ditches and on roads â€" council heard a re- port from Councillor Bruce Ralph that he had'had two meetings with Markham Township Plan- ning and Water Committees, re a new source of water supply for the Steeles Ave. area and said, “A counter proposal is that we give water where they haven't got water.” The new well site on Keele St. in Maple came under discussion with a notation that test-pumping is being carried out in three 72- (Continued on Page 5) -â€" Photo by Lagerquist RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1959 Markham & H.S. Bd. To Confer 0n Bayview Site Cmsby Ave. Sewer Crosby Avenue has been barri- caded this week while town work- men worked to find the cause of a sewer break. Forty feet of pave- ment sank about two feet just ‘ea ‘t of the pumphouse and indi- ‘m ions are that there is another b eak in the sewer which has al- re‘ dy cost the munficipality a lot of money. he Crosby Avenue sewer has 10 g been a head-ache for the 10- cal council. The original sewer 2,000 feet in length was construct- ed in 1956 at a cost of. $23,762. In April 1957 Engineer Redfern pre- sented council with an account for $40,812.82, l ;ing $16,588. for additional work on the sewer con- tract, and $24,224, for repairing three serious breaks in the sew- er. At that time in answer to coun- cil members Engineer Redfern stated that the construction work had been carried out according to specifications and the break could not be attributed to faulty workmanship. He explained that when the sewer was laid the ground seemed satisfactory but trouble developed a few months afterwards. There were large deposits of quicksand and sec- tions of the sewer just disappear- a... - v-â€"__» cil at the time said it was unfor- tunate soil tests had not been made before construction was started. The engineer agreed and said that had the nature of the soil been known an altogeth- er different type of construction would have been specified. The need for a day centre for the Senior Citizens' Club has been met by the United Church which has made arrangements with the club executive so that they may use the platform of the old Sunday School room as their headquarters. Mr. A. E. Plewman. president of the Senior Citizens'- Club. made this announ- cement at the monthly social meeting last Wednesday. , ,u___ $7. Cfiézem' Day Cenfire In R. Hi“ United Hail Open Monday to Fridcg nun. v-.- -â€"- He then called for suggestions as to obtaining furnishings, cit- ing such items as cups and sauc- ers, chairs. card tables, work tables, sewing machine. games and a rug to add a home-like at- mosphere. that the committee had- already thought‘of.‘ An electric ;n_-‘..4l on Cau‘y any “5... -_. kettle has already beefihdonated. and the club has the nucleus of a library. The day-centre will be open Monday to Friday afternoons, and the once-a-month social meeting will continue to be held in the new Primary Room of the United Church Education Building. Great appreciation to the church board for making these quarters avail- able to the Senior Citizens' Club was expressed. Markham Township and Richmond Hill Planning Boards recently conferred as to how the site fits into the future development plans of Richmond Hill. Planning dio rector R. Forrest reported the Richmond Hill Board stated more study was re- quired before a decision could be made regarding fuâ€" ture growth. Mr. Forrest felt any future growth would be in a westerly, north- westerly or northerly direc- tion. He didn’t envisage Richmond Hill expanding to the east. The area in Mark- ham Township north of 16th Avenue is expected to remain static for a good number of years yet. Markham Township Coun- cil will meet with represent- atives of the York Central District High School Board next Monday regarding the board's proposed new school site located on Bayview Ave- nue. Deputy-reeve W. Dean re- ported that the special roads committee of the county did not favour the Bayview site. They felt the majority of the students attending the school would be from Richmond Hill, and their attendance at the school would involve crossing Bayvlew Avenue. The county has already taken over Bayview Avenue from Steeles Avenue north to Markham Road, and future plans call for its development as a busy highway. The feature of the afternoon was the showing of a film, “The Golden Age.” on three approach- es to retirement by Miss Buckley, senior nurse of the Public Health Unit in Richmond HilL There Was the man who with the help .. , Mr. Perkins, a member of coun- Too Close To Schools Township School Area Board Opposes Route Of Rail Line -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-Object To Noise The place of art in education l y is the subject of the next meet- . ing on Monday, April 20th, of the . M oooooooooooooooooooooooo sociation. MMMM Elli ooooooooo > w rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ' ooooooooooooo 1 of Markham The place of art in education is the subject of the next meet- ing on Monday, April 20th, of the McConaghy Home and School As- sociation. Mrs. Elliott, whose work as art supervisor for the School Area No. 1 of Markham and Vaughan, is well known, is the guest speaker. She will il- lustrate her talk with colour slides of art work done by child- ren of different ages. She be- lieves. in common with many people experienced in child de- velopment, that art is not an educational frill, but an essential part in the growth of the person- ality of a child. The chief aim is to develop creative thinkers ra- ther than perfect _artists_._ Vri'il‘iher schnol choir will begin the evening with music, and Grade 7 will give the skit on the Highwayman which was post- poned last month due to sickness among the cast. Engineer Redfern said that when the breaks are repaired a type of construction is used which would stand [up even in this tricky soil. Other sections he said are not so deep and shouldn't give any trouble. _ . .. An, :91 This week a break-through did develop and workmen have been busy digging in an effort to lo- cate the trouble. It cannot be stated definitely at press time whether the break is in a new section, or in one of the sections previously repaired. , “-1-.. -v.-v __, _- Works Commissioner Whalen has a gang of men on the job taking emergency measures to take care of sewer requirements and endeavouring to locate the trouble. This is a job which has to be undertaken with care and will take some time. The Commissioner is hopeful the break will not be as serious or as expensive as on previous occas- ions. of his wife planned a new car- eer when compulsory retirement faced him, and of the richness he found in his new met 0d of liv- ing; there was the an whose boss tried to place him in ano- that category in the plant and went further to suggest a niche in teaching where this reliable man‘s skills might be used to full ad- vantage. Opposed to these two who solved their problems, there was the lonely man who lived inside himself having no use for ..p. ; . fiwfiages From B d. Conventions h L _ I._ %=" noun. ........-_. _.._. a world that had cfigfigéd and left him behind. Miss Buckley also spoke shortly on the benefits'of proper nutri- tion, stressing that protein and vitamins are of utmost import- ance. Two announcements were also made for outside activities when nearly forty members expressed their intention of attending ‘Kind Lady' on the opening night and the coffee party afterwards at tctieb invitation of the Curtain u . A tour through the Dominion Store plant by Mr. Wm. Ruttle of the Recreation Committee. is being tentatively arranged for April 22. Further details of transportation etc.. will be hand- led by the telephone committee. Twenty members at least planned on participating in this interest» ‘ing outing. HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 SINGLE COPY 10¢ At their meeting this week the trustees of T.S.A. 1 Markham-Vaughan took a strong stand in opposition to the routing of the proposed CNR by-pass line through Mark- ham and Vaughan Townships south of Thornhill. Trustee Allan Parker said, “We must consider this matter in terms of education and form an organized opposition. Our only stand is to join others.” After a report by Trustee Jackson Taylor, the board passed his motion to express strong disapproval of the proposed route adjacent to schools in the area. The board formed a committee (Trustees Taylor and Parker) to put- sue the matter, and decided to send copies of the motion to the CNR, Markham and Vaughan Township Councils, Markham-Vaughan United Ratepayers Committee, York County Council, C. A. Gathers M.P., F. Stinson M.P., F. Mc¢ Gee, M.P., all members of parliament and Lex Mac- Kenzie M.L.A., of the Ontario Legislature, to attend a joint meeting with trustees ’of other school boards in the wide area affected by the route. Seven interested ratepayexs at- tended the meeting, including representatives of the Markham- Vaughan Ratepayers' Committee; and Ernest Brennan, chairman of the separate school‘ board. also present, expressed his board's ag- reement with the stand taken and its support in opposing the route. Trustee Taylor said that at the request of the board he had at- tended four previous local meet- ings on the question. Initial per- sonal positions against the route have given away for the good of the area, he said. Vaughan Town- ship Councll stated they were looking to the ratepayers for lea- dership. The railroad would mean an assessment to Vaughan almost equal to their present assessment. Markham Council's attitude. he said, was constructive, revealing what they knew through the plan- ning board chairman. _ He reviewed the position of the schools in relatidn to the proposed railway line. They had been plac- ed ln vital locations after careful planning. he said, “all gone down the drain" with the advent of the railway. Henderson Avenue School property would be 400 feet from the tracks, the school itself 700-odd feet. It would be difficult to plan for the_futufe “All-yu-v _. _ there. PagelfIâ€"loadHSchool would Mr. Harry Stanford, for thirty-one years, caretaker of Richmond Hill High School, is retiring June 30th. His res- ignation was accepted by the York Central District High School Board at its regular meeting Monday night, and in appreciation of his long years of faithful service he was voted a pension of $50. a month. Pension plans were not in vogue back in 1928 when Mr. Stanford joined the school "Uncle Harry" as he is lovingly known by the hundreds of stu- dents who have passed through the school has long been an imo portant part of school life at Richmond Hill High. His retire- ment will mark the end of an era. Faithful and conscientious in the conduct of his duties he took a fatherly interest in stu- dents and with enthusiasm enter- ed into the spirit of school activ- ities. In his letter of resigna- tion Mr. Stanford expressed grat- itude for the‘ treatment accord- ed him by successive trustee boards and the hope that in scme small way he had contributed to the welfare of the many students who passed through the school. staff. Chairman H. W. R. Sayers pre- sided at the regular meeting of the District High School Board which held its meeting in Rich- mond Hlll High School. Usually the board meets in Thornhill MORE READERS Mean MORE RESULTS Liberal “Want Ads” TU. 4-1105 be 570 feet from the railway. Mr. Taylor noted 40 to 60 freight trains in day were expected. Each diesel makes 90 decibels of sound at 100 feet. and each box car 70 decibels. This is the same noise as a riveter at 55 feet. At 800 feet the sound would be 70 decibels. the same as normal conversation. but both schools are within 800 feet of the proposed route. As to the pollution of the air, Mr. Tay- lor asked Don McCaskill, MN United Ratepayers’ secretary. to give the board information he had obtained from the US. Bureau ‘of Air and Water Pollution. This statement showed that diesel en- gines contribute to air pollution. could give of! carbon dioxide at a strength three to five times above normal safe amounts, and carbon monoxide about 10 times. though these products appeared in such strengths only at high speeds and on upgrades in the main. Trustee Taylor went on to n] he had considered the whole sit- uation and tried to get as much information from as many sources as he could. As I result he had/ concluded that very likely "it is a political issue. already settled}: He pointed out various indica- tions: Mr. Fred Gardiner (of Met-z (Continued on Page 3) High School but a new policy is to rotate the place _of mgeting Lv vauuv e-.- __eV to give ratepayers in different communities the opportunity of attending board sessions. Chair- man Sayers welcomed a dozen spectators at Monday’s meeting and expressed the hope more citizens would attend the meet- ings. Among the Monday observ- ers were Richmond Hill Reeve Floyd R. Perkins and Public School Trustees Mrs. Margaret Southwell and Harold D. Sander- SOD auu. Members in attendance in ad- dition to Chairman Sayers were Viceâ€"Chairman Stewart Bumble, and trustees E. Axelson, J. D. Honsberger, V. W. Sniger, We:- .ey Middleton, Morley Kinnee. R. Wood, Louis Wainwright, Robert Endean and N. D. Hicks. School Principals Morrow, Elson and Morrison were in attendance and (Continued on Page 15)

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