Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Apr 1959, p. 3

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l-11mmmuuuuuumuuuuuuuuuuuluuuuuuuuuuunulumIuu“mutualllllluuumuunuummI“nulumuuulumumuuuumuuumunumuulumummmmmumum“mumuuummun“uuuunnmumx~21 Employer: “That’s fine, Miss Jones. What other qualifications have you?” Young Secretary: “Well sir, I need the job very badly and I’m willing to struggle, if given the opportunity.” The best qualification a secretary can have according to my business acquaintances is trust and relia- bility. And those same qualifica- tions go for dry cleaning estab- lishments, too. We like to think we measure up. And I know you'll agree when you ‘trust' your gar- ments to us that you can ‘rely’ on us'for both these important qualities. " I98 Yonge Street N., Richmond Hill tmu\\\\\\\\\m\m\\mm\mmmunmmuuuuu\ummumnnumlum“u\\\\\\m\m\11mxlmum“ummlEmlmmnmmnmmmn\1nmum!mnuu“lmmmummmwmmmummmmmmnummm~I= Monday, April 20“- Richmond Hill Lions Hall This 7th day of April, 1959 4. A Court of Revision will be held on the 27th day of April, 1959, at 7 o'clock pm. in the Council Chambers at Maple for the purpose of hearing com- plaints against the proposed assessments or the ac- curacy of frontage measurements and any other com- plaint which persons interested may desire to make and which by-law is cognisable by the Court. 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Vaughan has constructed as a Local Improvement the paving of Thornridge Drive between the West limit of Brooke Street to the West limit of registered plan 4061. ‘ i 2. The cost of the work is $8,800.00 of which $2,217.13 is to be paid by the Corporation. The special rate per foot frontage is $1.53. The special assess- ment is to be paid in 10 annual instalments. ‘ Dated at Maple, TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN 'I'ake Notice The“ The estimated lifetime of the work is 10 years. SHIELDS fm‘ mama? 39W rm Mm RICHMOND HEIGHTS PLAZA (Opposite Loblaws) SHIRT SERM Vaughan Township Clerk J. M. MCDONALD, TU.. 4-5341 PHIL. EARTH ‘Imnnnnnmumul TUrner 4-44] I Earlier in the meeting Trustee Sanderson pointed out â€" “why the board put in a contingency fund." when it was revealed the Crosby school debenture account was short $2,400. due to the On- tario Municipal Board’s approved debenture sale netting less than Chairman L. Clement said~the planning committee would be meeting to estimate the class- room requirements. based on pre-school and new housing fig- ures, for an addition to Mc- Conaghy School and a new school in Pleasantville. Such a meeting would try to ascertain whether portables would be necessary this fall. However, Chairman Cle- ment intimated the committee may not have the work done by May lst, the last date for reduc- ing this year's budget and submit- ting it to council. So far the pre-school survey reâ€" cently undertaken by public school officials appears to be run- ning lower than anticipated, at less than 300 children. The final count has not been tabulat- ed, however. Crosby School Debenture Short If the contingency fund was de- leted the public «school bud- get could be reduced by $10,- 967.45 (2 per cent of the school budget), about 1/2 mill. Indica- tions at present are the public school levy will run three mills over last year's 17 mills to 20.21 mills.. The finance chairman argued the supplementary assessment which is expected to be around $12,000.00 based on new homes expected to be occupied this yeal‘, could be used in case a contingen- cy arises. (In making up the bud- get it was decided to use the an- ticipated supplementary assess- ment for the purchase of two portables). BINGO $375 » JACKPOTI3 Trustee S'anderson based his-recommendation on the proviso the board’s planning committee (Chairman L. D. Clement and Trustee J. Rabinowitch) finds two new port- ables included in overall budget estimates will not be need- ed this year. This follbwed a telephoned request from Town Coun- cillor Robert Ross to Trustee Sanderson asking that con- sideration be given to decreasing the budget estimate of public school requirements where possible to bring down an anticipated higher mill rate. Finance Chairman Trustee Harold Sanderson of the Richmond Hill Public School Board at Thursday even- ing’s bi-monthly meeting recommended the deletion of the contingency fund from this year’s already approved budget. Finance Head Sanderson Suggests Town School Rd. Drop Contingency Fund Expect 3 Mill Increase in mirror-bright pulenl fimflwmmflah Shoes For Men “14.” Bags to match We Carry 13.95 credit. There was considerable discus- sion on the schedule of rates for use of the public school prem- ises by outside organizations, in- cluding religious groups and the regulations regarding the “free list," this latter includes such non-profit organizations as scouts, guides, cubs, ratepayers' organiz- ations, etc. Use of the schools on Friday evening will be discourag- ed if possible to permit the care- taking staff to do their cleaning. A ‘revised list will be reâ€"submitâ€" ted at a later board session for final approval by building com- »mittee members, Trustee Sander- son and Trustee C. -Williams. A request for use of the Cros- by School auditorium by the local Guides for a cooking school dem- onstration was turned down. It was pointed out a musical evenâ€" ing by a school group is being held the following evening and ‘a rehearsal will probably be held on the night requested. The stuffed birds in glass cases in the upper hall at the McCon- aghy School will be moved down- stairs for the younger pupils. The board agreed to Principal G. Mc- Diarmid's request an aquarium be purchased and installed in the upper hall. This is especially for the older pupils. Trustee Sanderson recommend- e that the council be informed the Crosby Heights ebenture was short $2,400 for the project and that the board would like to be advised whether or not the council intends to forward the balance due. He also asked that the council inform the board what the net proceeds from the sale of debentures for the additions to Beverley Acres School and Walter Scott School are. At present there is $2,500 left in the original Beverley Acres School debenture account. After settling an outstanding account fir some shelving in the school, th: remainder will be transferred to the debenture account of the Beverley Acres addition deben- ture account. Send Minutes To Council Following a request from coun- cil, the board on {notion of Trus- tee Southwell agreed to send ap- proved minutes of regular meet- ings to the council, except per- sonnel matters. An in-service training course for kindergarten and primary teachers in this district is being held in Richmond Hill. There are 12 weekly two-hour sessions which culminate in a lyé credit for the teacher taking the course. It costs $15.00 per teacher. The 10- cal board recognizes_ the course “We don’t know when we ask how the market will be and so how can we know the extra amount to ask for," commented Trustee Sanderson. “We could ask for more to be sure we got the required amount.” pointed out Trustee Mrs. Margaret Southwell. the requested amount from the school board after it was sold by council earlier this year. “It might be a good idea to include in a debenture request that we need the entire amount,” said Trustee Sanderson. This Sunday, April 19, at 5.30 p.m.. on Channel 6, CBLT-TV,-viewers will see the work being done at the Princess Margaret Hospital for the treatment and re- search of cancer. Channel 6 CBLT Sunday 5:30 p.m. Rotary Plans Radio Round-up éid récognizes the course salary schedule category Supervising - Principal Eilert Sand reported to the board re- garding the addition to Charles Howitt School, he said the matter had been submitted to the On- tario Municipal Board, and Mark- ham Township expected to have papers relating to the new school south of Thornhill in OMB hands within the week. He asked and was granted $100.00 to subsidize an area schools musical concert to be held May 22 at Thornhill High School Auditorium, to in- volve over 500 children and to in- clude an art display of consider- able magnitude. An admission charge would help defray expen- ses, possibly all, but money would be required meantime for rental and buses. During March attend- ance was 89.21 percent because of a “plague of illness”, and en- rollment dropped by 11 to 2319. A six-weeks’ in-service training course in kindergartenaprimary teaching began April 7, and a great many Area teachers were attending a short evening course in guidance and testing being held at Mac ’llop School by a member of te Department of Education Special Services Branch staff. Mr. Sand noted that access to the new school needed to be checked, and Chairman Roy Bick asked the property commit- tee to get in touch With the Mark- ham Township Planning Board about roads and extensions of roads to the site. Mr. Sand said the principals had all been rec- ently involved sometimes received 1mm teachers retired by other boards who want- ed to go on teaching. The board passed a motion by Trustee George Chandler, to the effect that any teachers over superan- nuation age, applying for em- ployment would be interviewed by the board and considered ac- cording to their individual mer- its. Mr. Sand said he would like the board to replace the basement classroom at Richvale School with a portable. Trustee Parker noted ground space was small. The ques- tion was turned over to the prop- erty committee for solution. Mr. Sand asked permission, granted by the board, to go another way about getting right-ofâ€"way through private property to the Charles Howitt School. Vaughan Council had not reported as to its efforts in that respect. “What about a motion now ad- vising German Mills there is some doubt about accommodating their children next year?" Chairâ€" man Bick asked. The trustees ag- reed they would have to decide about the German Mills children, now attending Thornlea School before too long, but favored fur- ther discussion at a later meet- ing. Many types of cancer can be cured by radiation or surgery, or a combination of both. Regular medical check-ups on persons over 40 years of age may reveal in interviewing cancers in a curable stage. (Continued from Page 1) r0) went to Ottawa before the CNR announcement; Metro is in- terested in keeping the line with- in Metro Planning Board juris- diction; the CNR must establish marshalling yards here; Metro and Mr. Gardiner are powerful; the CNR are said to be acquiring property fast and appear to mean business. He proposed his moâ€" tion with a further clause, name- ly, that should the route be ap- proved, the board would demand that schools nearby be relocated at the expense of the CNR and that access to all new schools meet with trustees’ conditions. Trustee Parker said he entirely disapproved of this negative at- titude, that much of it was based on hearsay. that there seemed to be a possibility of an alternative route. He wanted to go on record that the board would have noth- ing to do with considering the railway factor in school planning. Trustee Taylor agreed to amend his motion to exclude the condi- tional clause and. seconded by Trustee Parker, it passed unani- mously. x Musical Concert Township School Area Bd. - I1mmmmmnmnmmmnnmunlummummmummm11mmmmmummunummmummummmmmmmunuummnumm“mmmmmuuuunumumulmu\ummmuunuummmlmulmnmmmmmumm ! "11‘ ‘l‘ Morgy's First Grade fifllAW DRE§§$§G Chicken, Turkey and Beef Blrds Eye Dmner MIRACLE WHIP Birds Eye Orange Juice, 6 oz. 3 for Birds Eye Peas Birds Eye Green Beans MORLEY'S FOODLAN Reg. Price SPECIAL Nestle'sQuik $1.05 2Ib. tin 89c Draw for 17" Portable 1' E I. E V I S I O N Draw to be made Saturday 18th at 4 pm. and 6 is WHMIN‘M 29 YONGE ST. SOUTH, RICHMOND HILL comm uou STARTING TIME - 8 PM. NUMBERs $6058 NUMBERS CALLED PORK Tenderloin lb. 65c PURE PORK ‘ Link Sausage lb. 31: MAPLE LEAF Werner-s FRQEEN Ffififi MEATS Mr. Sand said he would like the board to replace the basement classroom at Richvale School with a portable. Trustee Parker noted ground space was small. The ques- tion was turned over to the prop- erty committee for solution. Mr. Sand asked permission, granted by the board, to go another way about getting right-ofâ€"way through private property to the Charles Howitt School. Vaughan Council had not reported as to its efforts in that respect. “What about a motion now ad- vising German Mills there is some doubt about accommodating their children next year?" Chairâ€" man Bick asked. The trustees ag- reed they would have to decide about the German Mills children, now attending Thomlea School before too long, but favored fur- ther discussion at a later meet- ing. Trustee G. Skinner, for the ed- ucation committee, reported re- quest for leave of absence for one teacher to attend teachers' coll- ege, and resignations of seven others. Two teachers, Mrs. Birk- son and Mr. Myers. were to re- turn after leave of absence,and 12 additional teachers had been hired for next September. The trustees discussed the question of an age limit for new teachers. Supervising-Principal Sand ex- plained that applications were sometimes received from teachers retired by other boards who want- ed to go on teaching. The board passed a motion by Trustee George Chandler, to the effect that any teachers over superan- nuation age, applying for emâ€" ployment would be interviewed by the"board and considered ac- cording to their individual mer- its. new teachers and should be com- mended for their co-operation. Trustee Parker reported a com- plete replacement of the boiler at Henderson School. Temporary heat had been provided in each classroom for the four days the work was expected to have taken last week. Mr. Sand said there was insurance coverage and a re- port from the insurance company was expected. He felt the cause of the break-down was not low water because there was an auto- matic low-water cutout. but ra- ther that the heating system had been working at full capacity over the years. pkg. of 8 3m THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, April 16, 1969 2 for 2 for 53¢ 69c 77c NATURE’S BEST CHQICE CUT Green Beans 3 10 oz. i Peak Frean Biscuits Digestive, Nice, Shortcake and Ginger Crisp Reg. Price SPECIA 25c pkg- Carnation Evaporated Milk Greenwood Harvard Beets DAVID McLEAN Ltd. Realtors II'I'TER FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS GOLDEN YELLOW Bananas 2 lbs. 25c Grapefruit 10 for 49¢ 80 and 90 foot serviced lots in exclusive new Maryvale Gardens in lovely North Thornhill, $5,800 up. A good selection still available to early buyers. 56 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill “Before you buy â€" it will pay you to give us a try” 40 Yonge Street South TU. 4-2922 Temporary BUILDING LOTS LOCATION OF Powell Furniiure TURNER TAXI Call Mr. Carlisle AV. 5-1176 Under New Management Specialfi Price NOW SELLING formerly Village Taxi (opposite our former location) TU. 4-1161 23c jar FRUITS Reg. Price 47c Free Parking In Rear 3 10 oz. tins 21c I6 oz. jar 41c 2 tall tins 29c SPECIAL PRICE 2 for 43¢ Size 48’!

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