Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Apr 1959, p. 5

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The draw for the television set and other prizes at Morley's Foodland will take place Saturday it 4 pm. Mrs. Barbara Lloyd is visiting this week with Mrs. Thompson, Richmond Street. Officers and directors of Rich- mond Hill Agricultural Society have had several meetings in pre- paration for the annual Spring Fair which will be held this year on Saturday, May 23rd. As usual the feature of the program. will ;I-~tn;“n3r§evéhbw. 'A Big dance is planned for the evening. --‘... Mr. Miles Vokes. Richmond St., is spending a week in California on business. STUART PAXTON WIRING LINE WORK Electrician Roylan Hairdressing Studio Richmond Hill 8: District Unit For Information call - Binhmond Hill TU. 4-1229 TU. 4-3463 Thornhill AV. 5-1603 AV. 5-1743 Maple 247W AV. 5-2406 Unionvillo 239 35 Lorne Ave., Richmond Hill TU. 4.1342 Permanents from $7.50 loughlin Home Supply Stop 21A SPRING FAIR Eié'nQOEEfik’HBEWOfi/‘EH 2.3§?::;f’,:::i;siofi::‘.'mam Richmond Hill . . CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Adequate insurance pro- tects you from a finan- cial loss when valuables are stolen. See us soon . . no obligation of any kind. » W. J. HAGGART Phone TUrner 4-2881 Including Cut, Shampoo Ind Fingerwaving Get 1 HEAD START Insurance Agent TU. 4-2277 For Spring At ST. 8-5361 Richvale. Ont. Residence “The Liberal” u alwm glad to receive social and personal items for this page and a call to TUrner 4-11-05 wlll receive courteous attention. This newspaper will also welcome news reports about church organizations, women’s and men’s societies. lodges and other groups. While copy will be ac. cepted up to Wednesday of each week. it is desir- able to have it in earlier if possible to ensure its publication. Yonge St. A mncheon meeting of the On- tario‘ Branch of the Victorian Order of Nurses was held at the King Edward Hotel last Friday afternoon. Attending from Rich- mond Hill were the local V.O.N. Nurse, Miss E. Woodbyrne. Mrs. F. E. Willock, Mrs. Ml F. Thom- édn and Mrs. T. Carey. The business meeting :‘.’ the Woman’s Federation of St. Mat- thew’s United Church was held April 7th and chaired by Pres- ident Mrs. R. P. Robbins. Mrs. B. Curtis led the devotionalâ€"her theme being “Woman, and her Country." Special speaker of the evening was Mrs. W. Patterson, who shared her experiences as a minister’s wife and gave her reflections on charges where she and her family have served. Her talk proved both amusing and moving at the same time. Re- freshments were served under the convanorship of Mrs. K. Mirr- phy. The next business meeting will be held May 51h, at which time Miss Margaret Brown. Mis- siontary irom China, will be the guest spaker. Group meetings April let will be held at the fol- lowing hdmes; G_roup 1. Mrs. D. H. Ball, 219 Ashlar Road; Group 2. Mrs. J. Perdicaris, 301 Brownâ€" dale Crescent; Group 3, Mrs. A. Smith. 22 Cartier Crescent: Group Achievements in the 4th Rich- mond Hill Boy Scout Troop have 'been made by two new Scoutsâ€" Martin Cregeen and Richard New- burg who have been invested as members of the world-wide scout brotherhood. Congratulations also to Scouts Gary Lander, Roy Towne, and B. Paton who have recently won 2nd class badg- es. Firefighting and cooking badges were won by Bob Town- send. Richard Newburg and Cliff Garland when on a recent hike. sun»... can u... .m. VH0“-.- 4, Mrs. A. McClelland, 51' Rock'- port Crescent; Group 5, Mrs. R. Andrews, 442 Elmwood Avenue. The Kinette Club of Richmond. Hill held their April dinner meet- ing at the Yangtze Pagoda Res-‘ taurant with President Muriel Flagler as chairman for the ev- ening. After-the Kinette's song, grace was said by Registrar Joan Pallister, and the chicken dinner was enjoyed by the twenty-two members. President Ray Gem- ‘mill of the Kinsmen Club of Rich- ‘mond Hill performed the cere- mony of initiating three new members as Kinettes, Maureen Loughlin. Julie Patten, and Laura Thompson. The card party held on March 3151; vyas ‘a great sne- 7 __ a- u“. Seven local residents were among the 22 person baptized at the three-dm religious training conference held by Jehovah’s Witnesses at the Leaside High School over the weekend. Mr. R. Harrison, the local presiding min- ister of the Witnesses reported on the outstanding event of the con- ference, the public discgnrse de- iféevéhvyby Percy Chapman, the Canadian supervisor of the Witnesses. on “La: nu V§uv -cess and many. thanks go to the convenor. Laurene Swanson, and to the local merchants who so generously donated the prizes. :0: an :0: 2|: Miss Patricia Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Lewis, Hunts Lane, left New York last Thursday aboard the French liner “Liberty” for an extended trip to Europe. Miss Lewis has for the past year been nursing at the Presbyterian Hospital in New York. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. H. Redel- meier were hosts to the Curtain Club following their production of “Kind Lady” presented at the Lions Hall last Saturday. Con- gratulations were the order of the day for everyone connected with t? is successful spring production, and a presentation by the cast was made to Cicely Thomson, director, in recognition of her many hours of hard work which goes into any production of this calibre. Refreshments were serv- ed under the very able conven- orship of Mrs. John Graham, and the evening was voted a great success. Danny William Lang, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lang. 444 Marybay Crescent; Robert Brad- ley Buckler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester H. Buckler, 395 Lynett Crescent; Beverley Ann Colton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Colton, 326 North Taylor Mills Drive; Ronald Gordon Snider, son of Mr. and Mrs. William G. Snidâ€" er. 326 Kerswell Drive; Glen Rob- ert Herridge. Julie Ann Florence Herridge, children of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Herridge, 325 S. Palis- er Crescent; Kenneth Scott Mc- Leod. son of Mr. and Mrs. John MacLeod, 221 Bluegrass Blvd. The following children were received into the fellowship of Christ Church through the Sacra- ment of Baptism at St. Matthew’s United Church on Sunday, April 12th, the Rev. William W. Patter- son officiating: Mr. and Mrs. William Leon- ard entertained at a cocktail party and dinner in their home at 178 Lawrence Avenue, Rich- mond Hill, on the occasion of their 24th wedding anniversary, Sunday, April 12. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilson and Mrs. Leonard’s sis- ters and their husbands, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Aldcroft and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Heffron. J. H. Redelâ€" The talented Perkins trio -â€" Joyce, Lois and John â€" were all winners at the annual Davenport Festival of Sacred Praise, held recently in the old Davenport Church, Toronto, at which the ad- judicator was Dr. S. Osborne As winner of the Upper Canada Bible Society's Trophy for the third year in succession, Miss Joyce Perkins now retains the trophy. Gaining highest marks in the Festival for Bible reading and reciting. Joyce won a gold medal, silver medal, and a Bible. Lois. singing in the under 16 soprano division, was the winner of the Langley Harris Scholar- ship, a gold and silver medal, and Bible. Competing against his old- er sister in the same class, John captured second and third place, winning one silver medal. and one bronze medal and a Bible. In presenting Joyce with her awards, the Rev. Canon Ralph Adye. Senior Secretary of the Upper Canada Bible Society, stat- ed, “That her work was the finest in the Festival." Bank clearings amounted to $2,749,553.32. cleared through the five chartered banks in Richmond Hill, the Bank of Nova Scotia, Canadian Bank of Commerce. Royal Bank of Canada, Toronto- Dominion Bank. and Bank of Montreal. Clearings for the month of February were $2,702.- 295.44, and January were $2.926,- 708.62. The total clearings for the first quarter in 1959 amount- ing to $8,378,557.38. $4.... With the advent bf warmer weather, the Richmond Hill Fire Department has been called on to answer several alarms daily to extinguish grass fires. However. more serious was their call to the 3rd concession. Markham Township on Sunday night. On arrival at the almost completed home being built for Mr. Neil Mortson, the firefighters found the structure burning fiercely. The unfinished building was com- pletely gutted. t t at no: The Women's Missionary Soc- ieties. of. Richmond Hill United Church entertained the younger missionary groups at a family party on Friday evening. Mrs. A. S. Elson, President of the Harriet Taylor Auxiliary, introduced the leaders of the various groups: Mrs. Lloyd Sanderson of the C. G.I.T., Mrs. A. R. Fenwick of the Explorers, Mrs. G. E. Fumerton of the Mission Band, and Mrs. W. G. Dodds, leader of the Baby Band. The program consisted of a skit perfprmed_ li‘y each group. The W, ‘_.L‘_- A: ‘knen Cl Lv. nun. mothers ofrthe members of these groups were present in large numbers, and all enjoyed a soc- ial hour at the close of the pro- gram. t t t t The first Richmond Hill Scout Mothers Auxiliary held their reg- ular meeting on Wednesday. Ap- ril 8. Plans for the father and son banquet were discussed. also‘ the May dinner which will be the next regular meeting. Following ,the business meeting an auction sale of baking was held which was thoroughly enjoyedLby everyone. Miss Mary Dawson spent the week-end in Parkhill where she attended the fortieth anniver- sary of the Philathea Evening Auxiliary of the United Church of which she was at one time a member. Fire Chief Alfred- Stung and Captain George Pollard are at- tending a fire school at Aurora Armouries this wgelf. Thanks to the weather. and to the farmer + Mr. John Joyce â€"- who had saved‘some of the sap (from what had been a poor run this year) for this occasion, and thanks also to the members of the group committee who provided transportation â€" all contributing to a very interesting and memor- able outing for the boys of the 4th Richmond Hill Troop. GOHN, Albert Christopher â€"-l Passed away at Raimwrest Hos- pital‘ Fort Frances, Ont., on Saturday. April 11, aged 85 years. husband of the late Lil- lian Lashbrook, dear father of William, Fruitvale. B.C., Myr- tle (Mrs. L. Wheatly), Barwick, 0nt., and Leslie, Emo. Out. and brother of Mrs. F. Duncan (Annie) and Fred, both of Tor- onto. c1w42 fleatbs At the Catholic Women’s League of St. Mary’s Roman Ca- tholic Church meeting held on Monday night, the following of- ficers were elected: President, Mrs. W. Henderson; lst vice- president. Mrs. ML Stephenson; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Charles Armstrong; 3rd vice-president. Mrs. J. Lawlor; secretary, Miss Grace O’Brien; treasurer, Mrs. A. Decantis. Councillors elected were: Mrs. C. S. Engelhart; Mrs. B. Paxton. Mrs. J. Daley, Mrs. A. Lawson, Mrs. C. J. Ducharme, Mrs. F. Houlitan. Mrs. R. John- son. Mrs. H. George, Mrs. K. Dowden. Mrs. Price, Mrs. M. Bey- non. Mrs. Armstrong. Mrs. Bet- tles and Mrs. Daley were chosen to help at the Health Clinic, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, this month. Mindful of the ideal of the Unity of the Church and of the strides that are already being made wiihin the Ecumenical Movement and the World Council of Churches toward this end ~â€" Ecumenical Sunday was observ- ed in Richmond Hill. Sunday last, in St. Mary's Anglican Church. This was made possible by the co-operation and participation of the two local United Church min- isters. the Rev. C .G. Higginson and the Rev. William Patterson, with the Rev. W. J. Newton-Smith and the Rev. Edward Morley rep- resenting the Anglican churches of St. Gabriel on the east and Immanuel to the south, together with the Rev. James F. O’Neil, rector of St. Mary's. The April meeting of the Ev- ening Auxiliary of the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church featur- ed a demonstration by Mrs. Scott Ferguson on Millinery. Mrs. Ferguson made a gay little spring hat which was won by Miss Mar- garet Ireland. The Rev. Dr. W. J. Gallagher, minister of the United Church of Canada and a leading figure in Ecumenical affairs for the Can- adian council. preached the ser- mon to a capacity congregation. Following the service, an oppor- tunity was afforded visiting mem- bers of Richmond Hill United Church. St. Matthew's United Church. St. Gabriel and other churches to meet and mingle in Wrixon Hall over a “cup of tea" â€"provided by the ladies of the Afternoon W.A. _ On Saturday, April 11. the Patrol Leaders and their assist- ants, along with Scoutmaster Norm Foster and group commit- teeman Joe Derrick had a chance to see maple syrup in the first stages of production. The location was the sugar bush owned by Mr. Amos Baker. just west of Langstaff. A couple of hours were spent with Mr. Ba- ker who delighted in explain- ing the process to a group of very avid listeners. lst Beverley Acres Group But the highlight of the trip. was when Mr. Baker handed each boy a cup of cold sap. as it comes rom the tree, followed with a cup of the product, when it is' only half way through the pro- cess. The group came away with a‘ very tasty bag of maple candy. “B” Pack of the Fifth Richmond Hill Scout Group has been active in recent weeks. Peter Ramsay has earned his first star, while Gordon Pratt and David South- well have both received their second stars and collectors' badg- es. David also won his team play- er's badge. Meetings are well at- tended and the cubs are all en- thusiastic. L... First the trees must be chosen that are suitable for tapping, next placing the point where the hole is to be drilled. This is accomp¢ lished both by the usual brace and bit as well as power drill yhich is operated by a 2-cycle gas engine, which is carried on the_ back. After the hole is drilled, a spile is tapped into the hole. Then a bucket (2,000 of them) is placed on the spile to gather the sap. . When the sa , 4-..“: sâ€" an tist-g-Eihered, if is stored in an underground tank until it is rea- dy to be boiled. Mr. Baker showed the scouts how the sap is pumped from the tank to the evaporator, where it is boiled at 229 degrees, to em- erge as the finished product. The 3rd Richmond Hill Cubs of “B” Pack held their regular weekly meeting on Wednesday, April 8th, at Walter Scott School. The meeting opened with the “Grand Howl”â€"followed by first star presentations to Roger Welch and Stephen Black, and second star to David Lay. Gerry Kay won his artist badge and Gordon Timperon won his house orderly badge. Two new chums were giv- en “coats of white paint” â€"â€" that is to say -â€" white scarves for beâ€" ginners. The Cubs were Larry Price and Harry Cook. During the camp fire Mrs. Ludlow, the Akela, announced that the boys would be taken on a visit to the Ontario Museum on Saturday, Ap- ril 25th - and so ended a happy meeting. Don't be a cancerphobe, but don't be an ostrich. The Canad- ian Cancer Society urges you to keep the facts of cancer in your mind. scoo’ Markham Township Council in session Monday promised to give favourable consideration to a pro- posal from Vaughan Township Council that they supply water to the Steeles Avenue West area between Yonge Street and Bat- hurst Street. Councillor Bruce Ralph of Vaughan Council who attended Monday's meeting said they had been petitioned by their residents on the north side of Steeles Avenue for water, but the existing facilities are inadequate and Vaughan is unable to meet the request. Mr. Ralph estimated there are 60 to 70 homes in the Steeles Avenue area and that the requirements would not be heavy. The Vaughan Township well on Bathurst Street serving the Crest- wood Road area is already work- ing at full capacity. Markham To Consider Selling Water Vaughan Councillor J. MacNeil. chair- man of the wa‘er committee re- ported that the committee and engineer have already made a survey of the available supply in Water Area No. 1 and that Mark- ham is operating at a surplus of 100,000 gallons daily. Councillor Ralph stated Vaughan is planning to lay a water main down Yonge Street to the limits of the Spring Farm this year. Reeve W. L. Clark. while agreeing the two townships should co-operate on the matter, suggested council might be criticized for selling water outside the township after refusing to extend the limits of water area No. 1 for the benefit of its own residents. Mr. Clark stated John Street and the Ar- nold Subdivision were two areas where requests have been made for a municipal water supply. “It’s a matter of principle”, stat- ed the reeve, “its only fair we should give first preference to our own ratepayers". Councillor Ralph then suggest- eed the two townships trade wat- er instead of selling it. He thought Vaughan Council would be will- (Continued from Page 1) hour test periods, when 350 gal- lons of water a minute is being pumped up. During the first test period which ended last Friday, all the surrounding private wells were dry again, but with the ces- sation of pumping they were back to normal again by Saturday night. Councillor Anstey: “They are all dry again tonight. they were pumped out again today." It is believed that after the third test wells will return to normal, at least until the well is put into full-time operation sometime af- ter June of this year. Operations for the installing of mains and p' elines will commence in May. R lief Statement Clerk McDonald ‘reported the township relief statement was down slightly in March. With 99 persons receiving aid $1,647.16 was paid out, 80 per cent of this BELL â€"- Lorne and Marion (nee Lockhart) are happy to an- nounce the birth of their daughter, Debra Elizabeth. on April 13, 1959, at North Wes- tern General Hospital. A great- \ granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Hopper. c1w42 GRADEENâ€"Glenn and Sonja are happy to announce the birth of a son on April 3rd at Bran- son Hospital. c1w42 Vaughan Tp. May Investigate PARIS -â€" Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Paris wish to announce the birth of a daughter. Kathleen, a sister for Joanne. April 10. 1959, at Scarborough General Hospital. c1w42 LLOYD â€" Julie and Bill are proud to announce the arrival of their daughter, Amanda Marie, 7 pounds 3% 025., on April 13, 1959 at Branson Hos- pital. Many thanks to Dr. E. A. Crawford. c1w42 CARD 0F THANKS KNIGHT -- Millicent and Alex Knight and family wish to ex- press sincere thanks to all those who helped us through these days of sorrow by words of sympathy. beahtiful flowers and deeds of kindness. We will never forget it. 104 Hambly Ave., King City Mrs. Rose Opruk of Calder, Sask.. wishes t3 announce the en- gag‘gment of her daughter, Rose Opruk to Arthur S. Hammond of Bathurst St., Maple. The mar- riage will take place at St. An- drew's Presbyterian Church, Maple, on April 25, at 3 pm. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Ken Davenport and new son, Matthew Charles, born on April 9, at Newmarket Hospital, wish to thanlf all their many friends and neighbours for the flowers and cards received during their stay in the maternity ward. c1w42 CARD 0F THANKS Neil Mortson and Treanor Canning, Gormley, wish to ex- press their thanks to the Rich- mond Hill firemen, friends and the many people who assisted them during their recent fire.‘ (Engagements *1w42 'c1w42 clw42 ing to supply Cari-ville Road East in return for Markham supplying Steeles Avenue West. The water committee will give the matter further consideration and report back to council. C.N.R. Line Mr. Willard Simpson, former chairman of the Thornhill Trus- tees and two other residents of the village asked council if there was any truth to reports that the contentious C.N.R. line is to be shifted to south of the Langstaf! Public School. Council stated they hadn’t heard any rumors to this effect. Thornhill area represen- tative Councillor MacNeill report- ed he has received 104 letters to date objecting to the route of the line. Contrary to previous reports, Reeve Clark announced that the Beamish Construction Co., located at Thornlea. is assessed as in- dustry and not as residential. In addition the Beamish firm pays a business tax. Planning Director R. Forrest reported he expects three new industries will short- The third annual spring tea and fashion show put on by the Ladies' Auxiliary of the 2nd Rich- mond Hill Boy Scout Group took place on Saturday, April 11th, at Our Lady Help of Christians School. Mrs. Mary Henderson, the president, introduced Rever- end F. McGinn, who extended greetings to those present and opened the tea. Father McGinn said that after a very long winter, the tea and fashion show seemed like a welcome sign of spring. The tea table has béautifully decorated with a floral arrange- ment of pink and white snap- A delegation of five members of the United Ratepayers Assoc- iation attended on Council to ask permission to present a five min- ute summary of a brief at last night’s meeting with the ONE. Council said it would be in order to do so, they thought. Road Tour "‘All we can do is negotiate ac-‘ tion between Toronto and York Roads and the Department of Highways”, the reeve said as Council members planned a tour of inspection for this week, to see for themselves the damage “one of the most severe winters" has caused to township roads. De- puty~reeve Vic Ryder, Chairman of Roads, was instructed to ar- range a meeting with the county and province as soon as possible. 3rd Annual Fashion Show 8. Tea Ladies Auxiliary, 2nd R. Hill Scouts amount is recoverable from the province. C.N.R. Meeting A letter from the Northolt Ratepayers regarding road conâ€" ditions on Westwood Lane and Denham Drive sparked the road investigation. Mr. Perry said. Acting Reeve Council passed a by-law grant- ing permission to the deputy- reeve “to act and sign” in the reeve’s absence. “This will give the deputy-reeve power to act should I be absent at any time”, Reeve Perry said. Can-ville Community Hall “The Department of Agricul- ture isn’t too much interested in a losing proposition like the Com- munity Hall at Richvale", the clerk told council, after enquir- ies were negotiated regarding non-payment of fire insurance on the building. ’ “Under the Municipal Act". the clerk said, “we may be able to form an area. but it may be more practical to have the com- mittee in to talk to council?" Councillor Anstey, representative from council on the community hall committee said he has only heard of one meeting being held during the past year, which he attended. Reeve: “Let’s instruct them to pay their fire insurance.” THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hi1}, Ontario, Thursday, April 16, 1959 1y locate in the same area. Dog Control Council has approved the new joint dog control plan to be han- dled by Mr. R. Herd of Richmond Hill. The plan includes the mun- icipalities of Markham, Vaughan and Richmond Hill. Deputy-reeve W. Dean felt council could have hired a full time dog catcher at a salary of $3,000.00 a year. Mr. Herd's services will cost the township $5,000.00 annually. In disagreeing with Mr. Dean the other members of council said Vaughan had paid out $6,300.00 in a nine month period when they had their own dog catcher. Vaughan Council has suggest- ed that the engineers of the two townships make a survey of the Yonge Street area before the councils attempt to co-ordinate their Yonge Street planning. Metro Planning Director M. Jones suggested an engineering survey be made of the area as the first step. In preparation for next fall's pheasant season coun- cil will take 500 day old chicks and 500 eight week old poults from the Department of Lands and Forests. Once raised the pheasants will be released in the township. The roads committee will study the matter of paving the boulevard area in front of the stores on Yonge Street in Highland Park. The fashion show featured clo- thes for wear from early morning till after 5, and lovely children’s wear. Casual wear and dresses came from The Casual Girl, Bay- view Plaza; hats, bags and acces- sories came from Hollies Ladies’ Wear; and childrens' clothing came from Harry’s Children's Wear. Mrs. Helen Pipher of Beauty Counsellor, did the make- up. The senior models were Mrs. Dorrie Carey, Mrs. Betty Corbett, Mrs. Peg Coughlin, Miss Georgia Leblanc, Mrs. Norma Leeyus, Miss Carole Leonvard, Mrs. Re- gina Malboeuf, Mrs. Madeline Mathers. Mrs. Ruth McConkey. Miss Rosemary Mullin, Mrs. Nor- rie Paxton and Mrs. Phyllis Yawney. The junior models were Misses Jan Davis, Ann Galliene, Teresa Hanna, Knathy Ingram, 'Beverley Jackson. Colleen O'- Toole and Mary Louise Thomp- son; and Messrs. Paul Engle- hutt, Edward Houlihan, and Christopher Mofiitt. The com- mentary was done by Mrs. Mary Wilson. dragons and candelabras of double blue candles. the 2nd Richmond Hill colours. Pouring tea were Mrs. C. Cassidy, past president of the Ladies' Auxiliar- ies of Yorkâ€"Summit Scout‘Dist- riot; Mrs. E. D. Beaumont. the Richmond Hill vice-president of York-Summit District; Mrs. John Taylor, wife of the assistant Scoutmaster of the 2nd Richmond Hill Troop, and Mrs. James Davâ€" ies, wife of the 2nd Richmond Hill group committee chairman. Convenor of the tea was Mrs. Teresa Smith and convenor of the fashion show was Mrs. Brenda Hanna. The floral decorations were done by Theo Van Wierin- gen. “LIBERAL” CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS PHONE TU. 4-1105 HAVE YOUR MOWER PRECISION SHARPENED PLUS A MOTOR TUNE-UP. FOR YOUR GARDEN I‘RACTOR A TUNE-UP AND LUBRICATE. ALSO MAJOR REPAIRS IF NEEDED. AUTHORIZED SERVICE DEALER FOR LAUSON AND POWER PRODUCTS MOTORS. 201 Rumble Ave., Richmond Hill . Have your machine overhauled, condi-‘ tioned or tuned up now. WE SUGGEST Waawick Joule LINGERIE Shirtmakers, Sheaths, Sun Dresses, 2 pc. Suit Dresses 14 Levendale Rd. RELIABLE MOWER SERVICE “FOR WOMEN WHO DESERVE THE BEST” New co-ordinates for Spring & Summer PICKUP AND DELIVERY 'l'll. 4-2818 $10.95 - $25.00 Kay & Warwick Butt AV. 5-4741 How long is it since you stopped to consider your present LifeTIn- surance in relation to your family protection and retirement income needs? Family and business cumstanoes change every year. A Life Insurance program set up five years ago may be quite inadequate to-day. ‘ The Manufacturers Life Security Graph will show you how far your present Life Insurance and other assets will go in meeting these needs. It’s Time to Take Inventory HAULED ANYWHERE,‘ ANYTIME MANUFAETURERS msuuncn counts-vu- We are experienced in the construction of farm and suburban fences. No job too large and none too small. We invite your en- quiry. R. R. No. 1 Richmond Hill Phone TU. 4-2524 ' FRESH WATER George Banton says: Richmond Heights Plaza FREE ESTIMATES Wells Dug and Cleaned I-' A R M FENCING GEORGE BANTON J. BALES E. GAMBLE 23 Elmgrove Ave., Oak Ridges PR. 3-5489 Frank Evison ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-2728 Representing T" I ACCESSORIES

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