Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Apr 1959, p. 6

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Mrs. E. E. Harrison (left) and Mrs. David Clark examine posters being used in the current canvass of King City and District Unit of Aurora Branch, Cana- installs complele gas forced air - fornace, including labour and moleriuls lo connect wilh nearest oxlsling basemenl duels. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO § WORN-OUT FURNACE! Replace that "‘cgstly THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontarlo, Inurs LOW COST . $146o 111m at. Naiural Gas "conversion human" for most furnaces, whatever Qhelr fuel, and Ihere are also Nalural Oat "culiom dulgn" Furnaces for Winier Air Conditioning, 611!va Warm Alr, Hal Wam- and Sham . . . Space Healer: . . . Room Hutu: . . . Fireplace Units. EASY PAYMENTS OVER 5 YEARS ON MONTHLY GAS BILLS NOTHING DOWN, King City, Oak Ridges “The Liberal” is always pleased to publish items of inter- est regarding people and events in the Olk‘Ridges-Lake . ' Wilcox and King City districts. Our new correspondent in King City is Mrs. William J. Houston, .telephone King 205M; and in Oak Ridgesâ€"Lake Wilcox. Mrs. Ruth Mo- Fadden. Elmgrove Avenue. phone PB. 3-5567. See these NATURAL GAS advantages Natural Gas Heating Equipment costs less to buy, less to install, far less to maintain monfhly installs a gas conversion burnerâ€"fits mos! furnaces. In- cludes cutomolic ciontrols. Also units for"dosign"furnoces. Your Gas company does not employ door-ta-door salesmen nor telephone canvassers. For information about dealers licensed by the Ontario Fuel Board to sell and install natural gas equipment call or write the Sales Department of , @onsumerg'CElas J61 AUTOMATIC CLEAN DEPENDABLE SILENT ECONOMICAL MODERN CONVENIENT COMPAQ BEST SUITED TO AUTOMATIC CONTROLS for economy . .. Ll’lg FREE BURNER SERVICE "You'll always be glad you chose Natural Gas" dian Society of Cancer. The village is sharing in Aurora’s objective of $5,700 to help fight the _djseasg. ancer saay, Aprll w, 1959 dependabflhy ///////A â€" Photo by Alex Knight 'I’L ue King Volunteers Raise $1,100. Canvass Continues The Legion- Ladies" Auxiliary held their monthly meeting last week. Zone Commander Clark was a guest and spoke to the 1a~ dies of the services and work of the Legion. Entertainment offic- er Mrs. L11 Windsor and her com- mittee are. making final plans for a dance to be held at the hall on Saturday, April 25th. Theme of the dance will be a Night in Gay Paree, and should provide an ev- ening of fun for everyone. Grades '1 & 8 Holgi Dance. A meeting of the Scout and Guide Ladies’ Auxiliary will be held on Thursday, April 16th at the home of Mrs G. Rowe, 1m Grove Ave. A group of C bs from the “A"-pack will demon- strate some of their activities to the ladies. All mothers of Scouts, Cubs, Brownies and Guides are welcome to attend. Legion LA, “A” Pack Demonstxjate u. Iluvv . â€" _-~ 7 Grade seven and eight students of Oak Ridges Public School en~ joyed a dance held at the school last Thursday evening. Pupils al- ,,‘A._L-:_ 1' Cup". a V.... -â€" Jimmy 'Willis, the original Kingfish of the Amos and Andy show was the guest at a series of meetings held each evening for a week at the Lake Wilcox People’s Church recently. Each night Mr. Willis sang several hymns and ___ l . , L_‘_:...- nan-G mara' “Mixâ€"1R?“ taking part Were: Rev. William Helmet, pastor of the Peoples' Church, Rev. Nigh. Brethren _in Chii‘st, Rev. A. R. r 774‘ \r....... on, uxcuuvu .... _ Yielding. Grace Church. Newmar- ket, and Rev; G. Wright, Aurora Gospel Church. Special talent was provided by the Davis fam- ily, Oak Ridges, the Henderson sisters, Gormley, the Williams fa- mily of Lake Wilcox and John McDonald who is a singing evang- elist. Accompaniment was pro- vided by Miss Marjorie Preston. Newmarket, Mrs. Harnden. Oak Ridges. and Miss E. Redford of Toronto. Socials A surpriSe baby shower was held at the home of Mrs. G. Rule. Schomberg Road last week. Guest of honor was Mrs. J. Topp of Aubrey Ave. Many lovely gifts were received for the expected baby. ‘ In Valentit'le Acres. Team Captain Harry Lacey was ald- ed by Mrs. Lacey and Mrs. Fred Patterson. . Mr. Warren McKendry, Chairman of Heritage Park Ratepayers? Association, vis- ited homes "in his subdivision. with the aid of Mrs. Peta: Robertson and Mrs. George Cruickshank. _Ii_‘i Kingsview Subdivision. Mrs. E. E. Harrison was as~ sisted by Mrs. Ian Gilchrist. Mrs; De'wi‘d Clark. Mrs. Ed Poulin. Mrs. John Fox and Mrs. L'_eonard Appleyard. Residents of Kingscross Estates ' and 'King Summit Farms were visited by Mrs. A. C. Macnaughton and Mrs. Henry C. Fu_nke. u a”. With firial returns not yet complete, King City and Dist- rict. Cancer Unit has raised $1, date. in its first door-to-door campaign for funds. In Clean-view Gardens. the Home Owners' Association Chairman, Mr. George Law- ren'ce. -canvassed with Mrs. George‘_ DaWSon, Mr. Pat O’Hhra and Mr. John Keyr. 0a]: Ridges, Assisting the president, Mrs. Donald Findlay. in visit- ing King St.. William St., Dew SL, and King Boule- vard homes were Mrs. J. T. Phair. Mrs. Robert Walker, Mrs. Lowell Hicks and Miss Jennifer Findlay. / Working with Mrs. Irving Scott 011' North and South Keele Street were Miss Kay Clark, Mrs. Robert Innes, Mr. Keith Cambden and Mr. Gordon Orr. , Heading the drive, Dr. Quentin Hardy sent 43 let- ters to district Vresldents out- side the vjllage. --‘..... Aiding the appeal for funds, Mrs. Findlay made a radio plea and‘Mrs. Harrison has been in charge of pub- limit?- 'ééireral Cubs from Oak Ridges Lake Wilcox Socials The church service. followed by a reception in the parish hall, concludes weeks of study prepar- ation by Mrs. William Derrick and her daughter, Nadine; Lynda Tate and her brother, William; Diane Glass. Carol Anne Roberts, Jennifer Bryant, Nora Scott, Glen Price, Harry Rice, Mrs.. M. A. S. Jones, Mrs. J. A. Pryer. Mrs. D. M. H. Hinton. Mrs. John Grew, Mrs. J. G. Pettigrew, Mrs, George Dawson and Mrs. Roy Newton. Book Week ‘ Four prizes for the best essays written by Scouts and Guides on their favorite naturebooks will be presented at King Memorial Library this Saturday afternoon, April 18. .. . _ . “LA, Children of six district schools crayoned appropriate posters af- ter Fire Chief Glass gave them a talk about fire safety and sug- gested they ask their' parents not to light grass fires unless there were several neighbours ready to help. Mr. Glass visited the Catholic Settlement :School. Kinghorn, Strange. Eversley. Temperance- ville and King City Schools. Confirmation A mother and daughter team and a brother and sister were among the 17 teen-agers and adults confirmed at All Saints’ Anglican Church last Sunday ev- ening. ' Marking Canada Book Week, the library is open certain hours every day this week. A number is being given every adult taking out a book, the lucky number to be drawn Saturday afternoon at four o’clock, when refreshments will be served to adults. King City Lio’ns' Club will be present- ing a book to the library at 3.30 Saturday. Church Model Taking time off their regular jobs, the delegates will each re- ceive a $90 grant from village funds. Visits Schools other district brigades are represented at the five-day course being held in Trinity Church Hall and Aurora Fire Hall. When Mr. Glass and Mr. McCallum com- plete the training in up-m-date fire-fighting methods. they will in turn be instructing other members .of King City Brigade. A model of the proposed church. parish hall and offices to be started this year is on display in All Saints‘ Church. The pres~ ent building would become the chapel and the miniature shOWS Mrs. C. Cassidy, Oak Ridges, poured tea at a fashion'show and tea held at Our Lady Help of Christian School on Saturday. The tea, was put on by the 2nd Rich- mond H111 Scout Auxiliary. Mrs. Cassidy is very active in district Fashion Show Held will take part in a Leaping Wolf ceremony to be held at the Thorn- hill High School this Friday ev- ening. The boys will receive their Leaping Wolf certificates which is 'one of the highest awards in Cubs. ‘ _ - Scout hetivitleé. Take Fire Course Mr. David Glass, chief of King City’s Fire Brigade, and Mr. Don- ald McCallum, captain, are this week attending a regional fire training school in Aurora, span- sored by the Ontario Fire Mar- shall. ASHâ€"FINDEISEN St. Paul’s United Church was the scene of a lovely wedding ceremony last Saturday when Miss Runi Friedrun Findeisen be- came the bride of Donald Robert Ash. Miss Findeisen is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Findiesen, and Donald is the son of Mrs. Robert Ash. Oak Ridges. The church was decor- ated with pink roses with white mums on the altar. The bride was given away by her brother Hans. She wore a full length white gown of lace and net over satin trimmed with scalloped net and seed pearls. Her headdress was a fingertip veil trimmed with seed pearls and she carried a Bible arrangement of sweetheart roses with streamers of swan- sonia. The matron of honor, Miss Beth Chester. Scarboro, cousin of the groom, wore a pale blue chiffon dress with matching ac- cessories and carried a cascade of pink carnations. Flower girl, Gwen Mills, cousin of the groom, was dressed in a pale yellow dress and carried a muff with baby yellow mums. The best man was Thomas Joyce of Oak Ridg- es. Ushers were Eric Findeisen and Lancely Mills. Rev. G. Winch officiated. Mrs. Farquharson sang Because and Mrs. G .Winch was the organist. _ Following the ceremony a re- ception was held at the Ridge Inn. The tables were beautifully dec- orated with pink roses. Mrs. R. Ash, the groom’s mother, wore a lovely dress of flight blue with petal pink accessories and a cor- sage of pink roses. The bride and groom left for a motor trip east and will reside in Oak Ridg- es. 2500 sq. ft. to 6000 sq. ft. EXCELLENT LOCATION IN RICHMOND HILL JUST OFF YONGE ST. FULLY SERVICED LAWRENCE CONSTRUCTION CO. LIMITED 765 Mt. Pleasant Road ‘ HU. 7-1591 Webbing King City Notes FACTORIES FOR RENT IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Various Sizes Mr. and Mrs. '-D. G. Marriott with their children; Tim, :Julia and Leslie, moved last’we‘ekend from the former Barrie farmhouse next to King City?- Schooi .to. Bronte.’ :1 Lasting from 10 mm. to'5‘p.r}x. the group’s second exhibit an sale was well attended. ’ ' ' Other paintings were 'by Mrs. Alex Cruickshank. 'Mrs: J:- Spar; row and Mrs. T.'B. Lamb. Richâ€" mond Hill: Mrs. J. McKay'aml Mrs. Keith Norris. Newmarket; Mrs’. H. C. Peacock. Gormley; Mrs. Henry Tuckley. Aurora; Mrs. Basil Mundy, Thornhill; Mrs. A. E. Jarvis, Mrs. Arnold Peter, Mrs. Herbert Schmidt, Mrs. Reginald Case, Mrs. Neil Dai-rach, Mrs.'K. M. Tuck‘an‘d Mrs. A. W. McLenf‘ nan, King. I " ‘5 - Elders Ordinat‘ed =3” At Sunday mumln 'serViée-‘Il'n St. A n dre w" 5' . ' re‘sbymrlan Church, three new Session mem~ bers were ordinated. Mr. Charles Ross. Mr. Rebel-1 Arbuckle,' Sr; and Mr. John Tanner. ‘ ‘ «'7 7 Family Moves ' ' - are in charge of'{Irmage'iriéutâ€"s.j Art Sale ‘ ' ‘ The oil paintings. accomplish- ed under Mr's. Bruce Davis' in: struction, were :of landscapes.- flowers and still life.‘ Mrs. John Grew had an 'easlly'identlfie‘di pamtmg of the McWattel-s" house across Springhill Road from her own. ' - ‘ The Mariotts cametto' King 'City a year and a hali,agq;from= Guelph. MrsnMariOtt has been active in All Saints" Evening Branch W.A. and both 'parents helped in the presentation of the Christmas. pageant at the church last year. ' ' Agriculture Night this qttachgd ’90 offices and new church to be built to mi‘nEEd: on. the-vacant lot.- :2 ' . Health Centre ' Next Tuesday- afternoon the monthly Child Health Centre Will be held at the Library; ‘spoh‘sor- ed by King City Women‘s Insti- tute in co-operatlon ‘with York County Health Unit. " ‘ ' 2 ‘ ' ‘ Pot Luck Supper The W.A. of St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Church 'is spamming: the congregational pot-luck sup- per to be held tomorrow. Presi- dent Mrs. John Tanner and so- cial coqvenor Mrs. James ’Ball About 25 farmers wereguests at King City Lions' Club regular dinner meeting last week ‘in King City United Church. Sixty in all heard the talk by Newmarket Lion Dick Hilliard on the current! farm safety- survey throughout Ontario. seeking information to help farmers be =mo_re =safety-. conscious. ' - ' : ‘ 4 The day after the King City level crossing accident, which re-. sulted in the death of 17-year- old June Knight and critical in- juries for her 19â€"year-old school- mate. Philip Tuckley of Aurora, King Township Council passed a resolution recommending that‘To- ronto and York ROads Commis- sion make a study of the village intersection to determine if any hazards can be eliminated. Since the accident, engineers are tak- ing trains through the crossing at restricted speed, until a Board of Transport representative inspects the lcrossroads. King City ., H i â€",,u #A_- Mr. Fergus Lawson introduced the speaker and program chair- man was Mr. David Sutherland. Mr. f‘Wib” Jennings thanked Mr. Hilliard. The nominating committee will be preparing nominations for the next meeting. Protest Crossing :‘Iiss Lottie Hamer, a retired teacher and' paSt president of Aurora United Church Afternoon Auxiliary, gave a resume of work being done 'in the church and mission field. Four quilts are being complet- e by the W.M.S., one of them f r shipment in the bale. The other three are being sewn upon individual request as a means of raising money. Mrs. Ted Wallas took charge of the Easter devo- tions. Mothers Meet President Mrs. I'm/ins Scott was hostess for the April meetingof King City United Churph W.M.S. attended by 20 ngembers. nun. u...,,v About 35 people attended the bingo last week at the Fisher St‘ home of Mrs. Donald Findlay, netting $11.50 toward the cur- rent cancer campaign. rrâ€"‘A- LL- "av".-. y .. Mothers of King City Guides and Brownies are reminded of the meeting tonight at 8.30 at King City United Church, fol- lowing the Brownies’ gathering. Hold Bingo uvvuma u. The public is invited to All Saints' Anglican Church-Parish Room next Thursday evening at 8.30 to hear Captain Marti; des- cribe his work among boys at Beverley Lodge. The program is -sponsored by the Evening Branch, WA. n pun. yu.‘ y y . . _ . . . r ,,,,,,, There were bingo games. the nlayers taking along ten-cent _ rizes and refreshments. The mo- vie made by Mrs. E. E. Harrison of a workshop meeting was shown. ' Hear Chairman av... v-.- - Dr. G. Ross Lord, chairman of Metropolitan Toronto Conservaâ€" tion Authority, will address King- crafts members and their friends at the yearly open meeting next Wednesday evening in Kingcraits House. Evening W.A. Trustees are a corporation, with ,three in each rural route, elected to ‘ office for three years. They must be British subjeds and res!- dent ratepayers. ' Fifty parents and teachers heard school trustees John Whal- ley. Gordon Tetley and Aubrey Gordon and school‘board $cretâ€" _ary Raymond Burt answer ques- tions prepared by the executive at King City Home and School Association April meeting" Main function of the school heard is to see schools in Its sec- tion are conducted according to the School Act and it has the power to ensure this is carried out. The board may expmpriate land for a- school site, bILV‘a bus or buses if necessary. and can suspend a pupil. a measune which a parent; may appeal. : Mr. Whalley explained that at the first meeting of the year the board usually surveys the schools to decide What improvements are needed. The board establish- es the amount of money to be spent, it appoints and pays teach- ers and sets their duties arrang- es group insurance for children and payssurgica} benefits. It arranges transportation of stu- dents to less crowded schools. "Do ratepayers have recourse?” trustees were asked. Parents were informed five ratepayers may re- quest 3 meeting of school trus- tees. It was explained trustees can- not receive remunemtion, but may be paid membership fees. travelling expenses, and the cost of ‘ any legal proceedings. ' Judges. members of the clergy ‘and township councillors may at- tend school any time and give ad- vice if they wish. A child is not required to have neliglous in- struction, if a parergt objects._ Commenting on the new school being built in Valentine Acres and Clem-view Subdivisions, the board noted, “the school is in- .tended‘to serve in the best pos- sible way the' increased number of children." ‘7 Thé scfiool- board se'cretary is paid for his sexjvices. School Board Plans Accomodation ForJrs. 'fiiéfibfid's aim is to have both We have clients for all types of Real Estate with ready cash. Photo Co-op Listings. lst and 2nd Mortgages Arranged A By-Law for Prescribing Times for Setting Fires and Precautions to be observed HAROLD G. ROSE YOU GET BETTER VALUE Johnny Longo Rea|_ Est_a_t_g Ltd. GRASS FIRES (Chev.-Olds. Dealer) King City, Ont. Phc No person shall set a fire in the open air in the Township of King Liter the hour of 9 pm. in any day and before the hour of 6 am. in any day. No person shall set a fire in the Township of King in the open air for burning grass or brush until he has first notified the Constable and obtained a permit. The notification shall state the follow- ing: (a) The day and hour when the fire is to be set No person shall set a fire in the open air in the Township of King unless and until he shall have present at the place where the fire is to be set out an amount of water, chemical fire extinguish- er or equipment, or other fire fighting equipment siutable for the extinguishing of such fire. Any person convicted of a breach of any of the provisions of this by-law shall forfeit and pay at the discretion of the convicting magistrate a penalty not exceeding the sum of $50.00 for each offence, exclusive of costs. NEW 0R USED CARS (b) (c) (d) The means of extinguishing the fire. AT leslie Motor Proaucts Ltd. 31 Y'onge StiN. â€" Northern Building Phone AV. 5-5301 ' or Mr. sneaa'n, TU. 4-3349. Richmond Hill Clerk TOWNSHIP OF KING BY-LAW RE: The day and hour when the fire is to be set out. The place Where the fire is to be set out. Thename of at least one adult other than the applicant who will be in attendance until the fire has been completely extinguished. schools working closely together in standards and schedules. Ask- ed what grades would attend the new school; the trustees said it was not certain. but their aim was to have junior grades in their oivn area to avoid the railroad crossing. Parents were told the trustees hoped pupils from King City wouldn’t be sent to Temperance- ville in the fall, but they might be.- An «overflow; might. be ac- commodated at Kinghorn School. Asked to comment on the advis- ability of a kindergarten,‘ Mr. Whalley and Mr. Tetley pointed out a new room costs $20,000. In addition it would have to be out- fitted and a teacher -paid. De- pending on homes and farms for assessment. with no industry to ease the load. the trustees felt now is not the time to increase taxes any more. Touching upon salaries, trust- ees felt high wages did not nee- essarily. guarantee: better~ teach- ers. They were-pleased. with the appointment of three teachers for the new school, two of them ex- perienced and one: new to teach- ing. Asked if a Home andSchool can assist the school board. trust- ees suggested eventually the as- 50ciation could provide scholar- ships for children, or athletic or playground equipment. or could beautify the grounds. . They like the spirit of co-oper- ation among parents. teachers and school board. Trustees had been introduced by program chairman Mr. Jack_Carg_ill. ynr... Executive members are, Mrs. Royce Armstrong, Mrs. Peter Ro- bertson. Mrs. James B. Hauston, Mrs. S. Allan Cooke and Mrs. Bruce Rawlings. w'fiis‘vsvflelen Nigh’s Elass won the attendance banner with a 1‘epresgnt_ati¢;_m~ of 27 parents. , .‘_AL_J Mr. Robert Seymour. re-elected president. installed the incoming executive, including vice-presi- dent Mr. Bruce Hail: recording secretary. Mrs. Kenneth Lawson; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Ed Poulin; treasurer, Mr.Jack Barra- clough. WILLIAM HODGSON Phone 50 Reeve

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