tummmmmmmmmmunutuuummummmmmmmm Town of Richmond Hill "ï¬â€™HE PREMIUM PAINTS AT REGULAR PRICES _ â€"â€"-‘ COLOUR CONSULTANT OUR GARAGE men-ed Mechanic- Repairs To All Make. 0! an Specializing In English Auto-obi!- ‘l‘une-ups 16; Texaco Product. * Towing W ELGIN MILLS r TU. 61m Safe Driving Week K. W. TOMLIN, R. LYNETT, "k,â€" ll YONGE STREET SOUTH everyone. And call upon all citizens to use Safety is the responsibility of our streets and highways. every possible care in driving on By resolution of the Municipal Council, I hereby proclaim April ' 12th to April 18th, to be CHARLTON HARDWARE IN OUR STORE THIS SATURDAY PAINT WITH CIIJ'ONE IT STAYS COLOR-FRESH! PROCLAMATION TALK THEM OVER WITH AN EXPERT AND TRY THE NEW CILTONE SATIN “DECORATING i PROBLEMS] Mayor. TU. 4-1331 RICHMOND HILL 0 Doesn't fade - Dirt washes off easily 0 Odorless and easy to apply - Comes in a wide range of colors BUY CILTONE AT Clerk. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE mmmmmmmumm\mmma At the request of the caretakâ€" ers the board agreed to a 40- hour week. Heretofore the men have been working 40 hours fm; two weeks, then 44 hours for two weeks. The staff agreed the day and night shift as set-up some time ago is working satis- factorily, the committee reported, service .............. Campletion of 1 year by Jan. 1, 1960 Completion of 2 years by Jan. 1, 1961 ...... Completion of 3 years by Jan. I, 1962 (max) The present caretaking 3,150. 3,356. 3,650. 4.050. staff has agreed to handle new class'- room's being constructed until De- cember 31', 1959. The two police cruisers txav- elled a distance of 8.836 miles during the month. The total op- erating expenses for the cruisers amounted to $299.71. The police committee has received the ap- provnl of council to call for ten- ders {or two new cruisers. Reeve W. L. Clark reported requests for house checks by the police is increasing steadily. The police made periodic checks of 10 home. when the people were away during March. The new sultry schedule for caretakers in the Richmond Hill Public School system was adopted unanimously Thursday evening following presentation by build- in: committee member Trustee H. Sanderson and C. Williams. "VTâ€"llï¬chiV-iieenï¬ere drawn up fol- lowing a meeting 0! the building committee with the caretakers: Effective January 1. 1959, is the following salary schedule: . Starting salary . ....... $3,050. Completion of 0 mos. service .............. 3,130. In his March report to Mark- ham Township Council Police Chief C. Wideman stated his de- partment answered 543 calls duro lng the month. Complaints of dogs running at large continue to plague township law enforce- ment officers. A total of 43 dog complaints were received by po- llce. The next highest figure was accidents with 22 reported. A further breakdown of the main statistics is as follows: four theft cues, four burglaries, three li- quor seizures, three domestic complaints, one false pretences, one malicious damage and one stolen car recovered. Salary Schedule For Caretakers To Call Tenders Police Cruisers Mr. and Mrs. Gren. Lunau. Roosevelt Dr.. motored South during the Easter holidays going down as far as St. Augustine. Florida, Where they toured the oldest house, saw the orange, lemon and grapefruit groves which facinated the children, to see oranges on a tree was exciting. Stayed at the Keyes Motel in Jacksonville for a week and were swimming and sun-bathing every day. They had a wonder- ful trip with no mishaps and hope to do the same thing again next year. Wins Silver Medal Mr. and Mrs. Albert Llepins, Denham Drive, celebrated their 10th Anniversary on Thursday, April 9, by having dinner at the Yangtze Pagoda Restaurant in Richmond Hill. To help them celebrate. afterwards. at their home were Mr. and Mrs. Al Miller, Westwood Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Martin, Westwood Lane and Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Mprningstar. Denham Drive. Sunday Social Marion Martin, Westwood Lane and ’Betty. Grimbergen of Toronto along with six other girls won a Silver Medal, second prize at the Hamilton, Kiwanis Music Festival last week for Scottish Country Folk Dancing. Betty re- turned home with Marion and was her guest. fonthe week-end. Celebrate Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Martin and family, Westwood Lane, motored to Corning N.Y., on Thursday, March 26 and toured the Glass Works there for 2 hours. watching them make Steuben Crystal, then went on to Watkln's Glenn, continued to Rochester and Syracuse, went to the Eastman School of Music and the Kodak Co., in Rochester. Had an interesting trip and were back home on Sunday, March 29. Shirley Barker and Barbara Rldout gave a shower on Sat- urday. April 11 for Patricia Knowles of Concord. at the home of Shirley Barker, Maryvale Ctes. About 10 girls were present. all from last years grade 13 at Thornhill High School. Easter Trips There is still an opening for a boy from 8-11 years old in the Kugo Pack in the lst Langstaff Cubs. They meet every Friday at 6:45 pm. at Charles Hewitt School. The week-end camp for the Kugo Pack is set for May 29 to 31. Only boys ten and older are allowed to go to camp. Bridal Shower 94 Spruce Ave. CORRESPONDEme m. I. l. SPEARS 35 Roosevelt Drive Phone AV. 5-8113 RICHVALE NEWS MRS. M. E. TAYLOR 200 and over Eleanor Edwards 208, Muriel Shaw 207. Wanda Weir 201, Pat Mills 216. Team standings, Roses 2917, Larkspur 2802, Hollyhocks 2784, Marigolds 2771, Asters 2756, Camellias 2656. During the month of April the Cancer Society in this area are having their campaign. Do be generous when thecanvasser calls for this worth-while ap- peal, and have the contributions ready as every house in the area will be covered. Still 0]: Sick List Bobby Pontln, Maryvale Cres..~ returned home from the Sick Children’s Hospital on Saturday, April 11. He will be confined to the house for another 10 days at least. His little friends hope that .he will be able to be out and play with them soon. Neighbourhood Bowlers - Bowl Ruth Ann Lucas, MacKay Dr., had a birthday party on Mon- day, April 13. Helping her cel- ebrate her 6th birthday Were Ken Jellicoe, Stephen Collett, Janet Knight, Susan Davies. Sherry Nugent, Barbara Graves. Lois Robert, Elizabeth and Grace Young. Mr. and Mrs. David Klassen, of Aurora, entertained Mr. and Mrs. Edward Spears, Roosevelt Drive, at the Yangtze Pagoda Restaurant on Saturday, April 1, on the occasion of Mrs. Spears birthday. Cancer Society .. . Mr. and Mm J. Graham, of Spruce Avenue, accompanied by their grandson, Barry Smith. spent :Sunday with their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. E. North, of Epsom Down Drive, for the christening of their ï¬fth great- grandchild, Paul James Lester, at Calvary Anglican Church. O.B.L. scores last week were: Marie Lawson 207, Bill Stone 236, 205, Earl Freeland 229, 288, John Sim 234. 226. 236, Tom Lemperg 203, 238, 236,, George Lawson 229. 249. 295. High flat, George Lawson 773. 200 and over flat. Sam Hackett. 210. 299; Bob Webster, 209, 239; Joan Campbell, 206: Wally Ellis, 230,205; Cliff Boss. 231, 211; Mar- ion Blanchard, 212; Betty Easton 208. Ross Clark, 219, 226, Jean Ellis. 222; Norman Winterfield Murbay' Campbell 302; Morris Endlcott 204; Jim Webb 203. 209; Tom Saston 242, Les Markle 260, 268. H. S. F. - Jean Ellis 222, Murray Campbell 302; H. S. H. Jean Ellis 259, Murray Campbell 331; H.T.F. Jean Ellis 598,, Les Markle 685. H.T.H. Jean Ellis 709. Sam Hachett 728. Team standings, Okey Dokes 60. Fire- flies 58. Swedes 52. Flying Tig- eis 50, Screwballs 40. Alley Cats 3 .- Blrthdm ' Bradley Edward: celebrated his 7th birthday on Thursday, April 9, by having some friends in for a party after school, at his home on Maryvale Cres. Attending were Jimmy Miller, Ted Price, Bruce Hartford, Billy McBatn. Kenny Mills, Ronnie Clark. Bobby Portin wasn’t able to attend as he was ill. Beautiful slides were shown at the ï¬reside hour at Richvale Cha- pel on Sunday evening by Mr. Charles Stevens, who returned just a few weeks ago from Africa. Included with the scenes of Dr. Bob Stevens’ Mission Post in East Belgian Congo were others taken along the route in Italy and Spain, and Rortugal. Mr. Stevens brought a ï¬rst-hand report of the work being carried on by Dr. Stevens‘ and his hospital staff, which now has its own government-approvâ€" ed training school for nurses. Falcon Patrol with R. J. Brash patrol leader. went on an all day hike on Saturday, April 11. to the “Honey Potâ€. Passing their Knife and Axe Tests were Don Webster, Bob Howard, David Pollock, Ricky Edwards and Don Davies. Passing the Firelighting and Cooking Tests were David Pollock. Bob Howard, Don Web- ster and Don Davies. Lanrlck Bowlers s The net proï¬t realized from the Ross Doan Spring Fair was re- ported today td be $250.00. House league sports at the school should be starting about the ï¬rst of May. On Thursday, at their regular meeting one of the patrols had a candy sale in order to raise money for the new Guide Head- quarterl. lat Llnuufl Scouts Mrs. Sta'n Baker returned home from hospital last Tuesday even- ing and is coming along well. The canvassers for the Cancer Society will be out during the month of April. Please have your donation ready when the canvass- er calls. This cause is of concern to every Canadian. Anyone par- ticularly interested has an op- portunity to hear the Chairman of the Society, Mrs. B. Purves, when she speaks at the Richvale Home and School on Spruce Ave.. next Monday night, April 20. The meeting is to start at 8 pm. Appreciative cdmments on the new stoplights at Carrville and Yonge St. are still pogrlngjï¬n. Rae Mayher, formerly of Yonge hurst Road. underwent an oper- ation on Saturday in the York County Hospital, Newmarket, and is progressing well, his school- mates will be glad to hear. At the executive meeting of the Charles Howitt Area Recre- ation Association held March 31. it was decided to undertake a survey of the number of children planning to attend the playground held on the C. Howitt school grounds. The recneation association ï¬n- ances the supervised playground. during the month of July, and all children (ï¬ve years old and up) from Camille Road. south to Langstaï¬ are eligible to attend. In order to provide enough su- pervision for the children the as- sociation must know approxim. ately how many children plan to attend. Would you please tele- phone AV. 5-4210 or AV. 5-3900. Phone AV. 5-4298 STOP 14A, YONG! STREET THORNHILI. BA Station - Down the hill north of Steeles' Ave. Phone AV. 5-4111 'I'OM RILEY MOTORS “ THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, April Exclusive Ontario distributor sI19800 of the Renault Dauphine, Europa Cars Limited, as dealers for the to announce the annointment of is pleased DELIVERED THORNI'IILI. 18, 1959