Maple, Concord & Edgng TEE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. April 16. 19†W.â€" “The Liberal" is always willing to publish interesting items regarding people and eve-OI contributed by its readers in Maple. Concord 1: Edgcley districts. Our representatm in Maple is Mrs. Len Shore. Maple 123W: in ('Onoord, “fl. Rflfll Keflfl‘. AV. 3-2375: and in loge!†and ï¬berwood. Mn. anond 8mm. AV. 3-1934. ' Rai ( v .5 . . 1, Jackson. president at Ma {enfattd' “District Ratepayers‘ ‘ Ass’jxr'l'atidn‘has written Donald Gordbn. 'C:l\':R. President and C'. A. C‘athb‘t’s. MP. for York North olttï¬hlng'ï¬he feelings of the rate- payprs,‘ in fopposition to the pro- posét’C‘NuR. yards in the Maple dist iii ct . . The; following letters have been'serrt’on behalf of the Asâ€" sociations; . ,_ Mr. ,Donald Gordon. President. Canflcli‘angNational Railways Company» . Hea‘dl'fo-ieé." ‘ MORT EAL. Que. Deï¬ant" . , 1' A ,vtti,-uieeting'of the combined R alt-'9 pa y e rs' AsSOciations of M ,e. Keele and Concord fV .Zghan ,_’l"w'p. Ontario) held at Maple) on March 31st. 1959. to discuss and consider the publish- ed proposed 'plan of the Canad- ian? National Railways Company in ‘X'dg'ardlto the location of the Metropolitan 'ljoronto by-pass and mat-shall‘tng.‘ yards. ‘2: resolution wad-.- duly moved and seconde auditmanimously carried that all the membersquthe said Associa- tions go on record as strongly op- posed and objecting to the loca- tion of the‘ mo planned installa- tion. in itsentirety. particularly on the ground-that it enters and encroache's' upon well-established residential. areas with consequent drastic. loss to residents and prop- owners: of, their enjoyment of hair properties and the values tlwreof. and that. further. the ‘uid location was ill-planned and wad conceived without any conâ€" aideration for the residents and Concord "SoCia ls Iooial Notes Welcome home to Mr. Alf Bagg Edgeley, who arrived home from Toronto Orthopedic Hospital last, Friday. Mr. Jack Bonner. Edgeley. and Mr. and Mrs. John Richtler and‘ son Roland. Brampton. visited Mr. .lohn Witney on sunday after- noon. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Harry 'Medensky enjoyed an evening out last Satâ€" . millerâ€"when- they «vent to see “South Pacific.‘ Nice to see Mr. and Mrs. Fred Orr-and. family home from New Brunswick. Last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Bob 'Haines visited Buff-an with -£rienda. - Guides . Congratulations to Linda and Vicki Watt. who did very well at. the disu'ictrbadgc‘day held Sat- urday, April 11. at Richmond Hill. Both girls passed their first class health. needlewoman's and emer- gency helper badges. This earns both girls their little house eniâ€" ble‘m' and also earns Vicki her first class badge and all round cord. Nancy » watt. the girls' older sister: who was lieutenant with the Concord company. has left. our midit' to asalst with a MWL‘V foerioo‘mpany at Pow- ell Road. 73b: will certainly be Jr. . Maple Ratepayers Ask Help Of M. P. In Fight Iway' Yards Maple ('nder The Weather! Akela. '.\lrs. Betty Rumble wa: missed by the Cubs or Pack. when illness kept her home We‘ve ordered up some hrig‘ht warm convalescing weather for Mrs. Bea Steggles. So many have been hit with the old flu but: 7 - .\e'll wish e\- eryone a speedy “change-over inâ€" to Spring.“ Our daffodils are ready to bloom so maybe ll has for the future devplopment ol' the area. . arrived at long last' For your information. the meet- P3212: :.Ealhe::l.lI-snng'hglls' ‘11): mg '9“ he lame“ attendance Brown. is m hospital. We hope of any ratepayers‘ association in Vaughan Township in living memory. Yours truly. ‘Vl‘. B. JACKSON. President. Maple and District Ratepay- ers' Association. copy to: Mr. John Perry. Reeve of Vaughan Township. Mr. red (T. Htinson. \l.f‘.. House of ('ommons. Ottawa. .\lr. (‘. A. (‘alhers NH" Mr. L. Mackenzie- .\l.l".P.. ll‘oodbridge. Ont. Mr. J. L. Carin. Project Directâ€" or. ('..\’.R.. ’l‘oronlo. .\lr. (‘. A. Gathers. M.P., House of Commons. OTTAWA. Ontario. Dear Mr. Fathers: For your information we have. enclosed a copy of a letter which our Association ha! addressed to Mr. Donald Gordon. As this manstrous marshalling yard will spell ruin to all residenâ€" tial property owners situated within three miles of its limits. we are anticipating your active support on our behalf. in forcing a change of location to some less residential area. Thanking you are. in advance. we Yours very truly. M. B. JACKSON. President. Maple and District Ratepay- ers' Association. ‘ missed by the Concord Guides. and we hope P0well Road Guides appreciate how lucky they are. Ratepayers The April meeting of the Kei- fer Subdivision Ratepayers' Asâ€" sociation'will be held on April 22 at the school. time 7:45 p.111. The association is off to a good start sb lend your support; by attend- ing as many meetings as possible. Let's have every street. Well rep- resented. . Bowling High score.- â€"â€" Dave Young 302. Willard Young 285. Jack Fitzgerald 286. Don Mitchell 282. Jim Adams 264. Belva Houden 258. Bill O’Hara 271, Bernice Cook 259. 281. Team standings: Hornets 108. Wildcats 99. Bruins 96. lndians 95, Bearcats 91, 'l‘ryers 90, Cubs 89. Lions 88. All former bowlers and substi- tute bowlers wishing to attend bowling banquet: on May 8 at Four Winds. please notify Mr. Fred Rumney. Allin-1920. or Jim Aston. ,Maple 181'21. for tickets not later than April 23. Dogs Now that the lawns are getting soft with warmer weather here. it‘s ,l'f good idea to keep roving Rover home and tied up if poa- sibl‘e.. Socials -. Receiving happy birthday wish- es this week are Miss Debbie Young. April 15 and-Mn. Don Bagg. April 16. Mr. and Mrs. Don Bagg are celebrating their wedding anni- versary on April 15. Mrs. .lohn Stuart celebrated Teston News r‘orreapondcnt: M lag Joan Pelletier PhoneManlo 4RI2 Youth Rally. A gooditï¬Ã©presentntion of young ' people and adults from 'l‘eston United amino: attended the youth wally heldflpsxeumarkel United (htu‘ch‘hlonday evening. \prill 6. \ worship seryice “as con- ducted VELGJYI'. group: tron-t variousjchurches in York Pres- bytery with music by the tunior choir of. {heumarket' L‘nilcd Church‘s-A sing-song led by \lt'. \ltlliam‘ White of Toronto had everyone. singing in harmony without realizing they could. heir. and Mrs. Muir. missionaries home trom _.lapan. gain some very in« lterestmg highlights on life in that country including a dcmon~ stratton of some of the clothng worn. Al‘ the close of the even mg. a mmie "The Long Stride" was shown which illustrated the work of the World Council of Churches among relugees tn strife torn countries, This “as I very impressiu film which made everyone realm how lot'lunale we. are to lite In Canada. Eliâ€"C Group The regular meeting of the Hi» (‘ Fellowship group was held Tuesday e\enmg. .\pl‘ll T. with Donald Barllett In charge. .\lrs. ketth (‘amhden read the «TH» ture and Wayne Robson led in prayer. A poem was read bMiss Fl. Deisman. Rex. and Mrs I Jenkinson showed a film strip ilâ€" lustrating the symbol: of lhe church anti-rests designed to represent each apostle. Mr. Keith (iambden showed coloured slides of Niagara Falls and .\luskoka 'l‘he meeting closed with refresh merit served lag the oommitm in charge. "'Elgeley Swim†her birthday on April 9 and on Saturday last entertained at a part in honor of her sister. Miss Gll ys .VICGivery on her six- teenth birthday. Among those who attended the party were Mr. and Mrs. Allister Todd of (Ton- cord. Mr. Stewart and Bill Hughes of (larrville. Bill Sullivan of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. R. Stuart. Af Bagg returned home from the Orthopedic Hospital last ll'ri- day afternoon after spending nearly two months there recoverâ€" ing from bone surgery. Farm Forum The Ontario Farm Radio For- um annual meeting was held on Wednesday. April 8. at the Sea- way Hotel. Toronto. The guest speaker was Mr. Ray lioug‘heed. 2nd \ice-Dretidonl of the United (‘o-opet'atiyes of Ontario. His, I Hi was based on the theme of the meeting which w as "(‘o-oper- ation in Agriculture." The tuture plans tor Farm For- um were discussed at this mgetâ€" ing. as well as other projects which have taken place this sea. son. 'l‘here was also a panel discusâ€" sion on the topic. “Farm Forum an: Adult Leadership Training." The conic-nor; ol‘ the standing tvommlllrot of the Edgeley wt met at t'nb home of Mrs. It .I Darlington on Wednesday of last week to prepare the programs for the coming year We understand that there has been some chang- es made from the usual type of programming. one change being the Int-Imion of one or two even- ing meetings during the year. A tour to a milling company is planned for July. instead of postâ€" poning their regular meeting in \memher. the members plan to attend the Central Atea (‘on\en~ tion in Toronto on their meeting (la) \thiclt will be the second day of the contention. ENCORE 67 Yonge St. North Nearly New Clothes for the entire family TU. 4-3341 she has a short stay. "rs. \lar; Guttormson is wel- comed back home from her stopâ€" mer at The Villa Nursing Home Earl 'I‘hut'ston had quite a sick session too. Congratulations â€"â€" Birthdays and Anniversaries George and Norma Baker cel- ebrated their tenth weddng an- niversary April 11. and went out 'l‘om White tour local to rlinncr. photographer counted ott‘ 16 years. April 10. Bill Kerrigan will be 14. April 17. while sis: 'r Nancy hits 11. April 18. They will mark their big days by din- ing out and attending the thea- l'l‘P. Another Shower, The Maple Girls‘ Softball team gave a shower for Marie Field' Note: the banquet Judy Vladdtn asked Vlr. Hortgson i take the flowers. home to his wife Betty. Thanks. ('31. . After the trophies had been presented and very nice one: they were) a bit of rack and roll took over. .\ow you see boys. it was fun. wasn't it.'.‘ \eyt time ven- ture. out a little sooner‘ .\"ext week will be the windup of junior bowling with a complete look at scores and achievements throughout the year. A special bow too. to Bob Jackson and Ron Wismer. who with others took time out to work and play with our junior citizens. Boy Scouts Busy making the odd buck tor Scouts. at the monthly Lions' Club dance. three Scouts. Peter Davis. Clarence Palmer. and Greg Shore. handled the check room. This money goes Inward! buying equipment for their troop Eniértainment â€"â€" Ladies‘ Night The Lions' l (‘ltib provided a very enjoyable evening [or their l. ladies last. week. From London. the Paul brothers and Shirley 'in costumes. yeti entertained hilar- iously with songs and stories. An elimination contest was held for gifts for the guests. The Teston WA. catered with a very delicâ€" ious menu - and a large thanks recently. A toaster was one of the lovely gifts received. Be.- cause. of. shall we say. the 'Sprmg Thaw.†Mrs. Jean Calder and Helen posted the. shower at Mar- ion Holmes' home. At Marie's trousseau tea. friends got .a glimpse of new furnishings in their new bome-to-be. as well as the large display of beautiful gifts. Mrs. Harding, mother of the groom. paured. Junior Bowling Banquet By all reports last Saturday‘s banquet. was quite ’a success indeed. you might say. a bowling one! 11 was most difficult. to re.- concile these delightfully chic young ladies. and these slick and stylish young men â€"â€" with the slacks and jackets. jeans and Windbreaker bowlers that arrive for a regular Saturday AM. sesâ€" sion? .Tim Hodgson. supervisor, coach. etc. and etc.. was present- ed with a gift of cuff links and clip from the whole gang. as a small token of their thanks for being a ‘good guy' towards about 97 ambitious bowlers. Cal Miller. of Miller Florists. enhanced the head table by send- ing over some lovely pink and white snapdragons. and following By Janet Berton More than 200 letters from the Kleinburg Public Library were mailed out. this week asking for support and donations for the purchase of more books. Mrs. James W. Reid. chairman of the board. said the fund rais- ing campaign this year was being held especially to coincide with the first Canadian Library week. Sign“ urging people to "Wake Up and Read" have been posted around the community and lib- rarians suggest that, new leism'e time can'be put to good usebe extra study in “do-it-yourself" projects, hobbies, science, travel. etc. 3 A budget of about $200.00, has been scheduled for this Year‘s new books. with more being add- ed regularlyl Mrs. R0." Cain. librarian. say: about 100 books every Wednesday go out to the children # a very high per cap- ita rate in a school population of onLv about 90. There are about 2,500 books on the shelves now. and extra ones for, special. studies are added from the travelling lib< vary. Board members Mr. include Harry Burnficld, secretary; Mrs. , Tom Matthews. treasurer; and Mrs. Michael Bevan. Mrs. J. R. Leslie tpant presidenti. Mr. E. Snider. Mrs. T. W. Clarke. Mrs. Leslie liongworth. Mrs. W. Web- er. Mrs. Douglas Zimmerman. Min W. K. Balshaw. Mrs. Harvey Burbidge. Mrs. Walter Griffith. .Vlrs. Van Christenson. and Mrs. Pierre Berton. ’ Mrs. Cain reports that there are about 80 children members of the library and perhaps about 25 adult readers. Min Rose Rice. primary teacher in the Kleinburg School. urges even her small Grade One pupil, to bring their ten rents membership fee: and lake books out of the library M'- or} Wednesday. Senior teacher and Principal F. Wells. has drawn up a list of books of in- terest to his students when the.“ are studying a special subject or country W« for example. Egypt. which in a current project. Next year. when the study of Canadian history in the public schools. re» Maple Ratepayers Protest (‘.. '.R. To Federal Govt. Over the weekend. a com- mittee from the Maple and District Ratepayers Associa» tion. met to read a letter that had been sent to \tr. Donald Gordon. president of the C. .\R.. regarding the propos- ed by-pass and marshalling yarn and thereby registering the i‘atepuyers' p r o t e at against such action A copy of 'l‘llF letter has been «em to Mr. John Perry. reevo of \aug‘nan Township: Mr. Fred (C Stinson. MP. House of Commons. Ottawa: .\‘lr, (' A. (father: WP. House oi Commons. Ottawa: \lr. Les Mackenzie W.I-.A,. Legislati- ure of Ontario. Toronto: and Mr J. 1.. Can. Pcoiect Di- PW. C..\'R.. Toronto. paign Klemberg Area of the Woodâ€" tn them. Dancing followed . Hockey Play-off Not Ignored Fans will be fans. and portable 'T.V.‘s showed up at both gala at» fairs. mentioned above. Mission Band The work meeting of the St. Andrew‘s Presbyterian Church Mission Band. took place April 4. at. the home of: Mrs. E. Keller. The assistant treasurer. Elizabeth Walker. and assistant secretary. Sandra Mathewson. gave reports. A letter from Mrs. C. Fl. Bow- man. thanking .he girls for the gift of flowers at Easter, was read. 'There is to be a bake sale. Sat- urday. April 18. 11 am. n was suggested the ‘girls put forth big effort and make lots of candy to be sold at this bake sale: The next meeting is Saturday. April 25. at 2.30»;p.m.. at the home of Mrs. J. R. Morris. (Please note â€" the next meeting is three weeks from the last. meeting. rather than the usual two). Cancer Campaign Have you made your contribu- tion to the Canadian Cancer So- ciety‘.‘ This is your opportunity to invest toward: your own peace of mind â€"â€" and scores of others. 7km; 0/, -j(Alntur7. slurry-y places British. a whole new secâ€" tion of books will be needed. To answer this need. lists of suggest- ed books of perhaps historical, fic- tion about Canada. stories of Can- adian heroes. etc. have been checked and double checked with the children's librarians in Toâ€" ronto. ' Mrs. Cain says she is pleased to see tho. youngsters bringing plastic bags for the book! to keep‘ them out: of the rain. mow and mud. Student helpers in the lib- rary are Margaret: Ranson. Jane Leslie. Heather Keown. and Sat- ly lreland. Wednesday night helpers are Mrs. .l. 'R. Leslie. Mn. Walter Griffith. .Mrs, A. Gillesâ€" pie. Min W. K. Balsl'raw, and Mrs. 'Van Christensen. ‘ New adult hooks in the library include a whole. group of heat sel- lers: ï¬â€˜Ot-I My Otvn" (Ha-marl by Eleanor Roosevelt. tells the. story of her experiences since the death of her husband. former U.S. pros- ident. Franklin D. Roosevelt. "And a Right Good Crew" (Harâ€" peri by Emily Kimbrough. is a humouroue account. by a well known writer of her holiday through Wales and England. "The Privilege Was Mine" by Princess Zinaida Schakovaky. has had very good reviews by the readers in the district. It tells of a Russian princess who ten the country after the revolution and returned 40 years later to re. port on conditions in the Soviet. There is a waiting list for this book. so if you would like it. get . your name on now. “Crater Country" 'Rye-rson'I by t' I well known newspaper columâ€" nist Lex Schrag. is a funny ac» count of the 1958 expedition to the Quebec crater country. He went along as cook. “Exploring the Himalayas†(Random Houset by" William 0. Douglas. associate justice of the L's. Supreme Court. is an east to read account of hi! Tibetan caravan. and outlines other fam- ous expeditions. It is illustrated with pictures and sketches. "Aku-Aku" vUnwln Bros) by Thor Heyerdahl. ia a beat-utter about the famous expedition to Easter Island. "The Moon is Shining Bright u ‘ Day." a httmourous collection of poems by Ogden Nash and other: K leinburg (‘arwasacra Begin Campaign Mrs. Walter Griflith. Can-- Chairman for the bridge [hit of the Canadian (lancer Sat-let; reports that her committee of ram asset's. \11's 1., W. Longworth. Mrs. Gordon King. \lrs, .l. R. Leslie. Mrs. H C. Allan. Mrs. S. V. Christensen. Mrs Allan H03; and Mrs. Pierre Berton began their house to house campaign This week Learning the facts about cancer ~ and helping to wipe it out 'hrough research and education ~- 15 the duty of everyone Support ymr lo- cal Novasâ€? when ’lu call. on you. “ Church News .atiye result. Districts - HEADFORD rot-respondent: Mrs. H. Acreman I. I. 2 Gormley. Out. Phone 'N’rner t-‘l‘336 Only one member was recen ed into the church at lleadford this year. this being Sharon Rumble u ho ioined on profession of faith on Sunday. April 5. and was the same day invited to partake at Holy Communion. Last year. lleadtOrd nultnum- bereft the two other churches on Victoria Square charge in the number of those who jmned the church. 0n .\londay evening. April 6. a follow-up meeting of the Offic- ial Board of Victoria Square charge was held in Headl‘ord Church. to make known what had been done with regard to making possible, an 11.30 am. service for the Victoria Square congregaâ€" t'ion. \lr. fleber .\lr-Cague. as chairman of the committee ap- pointed tior this purpose in Feb- ruary. reported contacting \lr Allan .\‘lacl’ntosh. a young student candidate for the ministry. resid- ing in .\Iaikham. with an affirm- The meeting approx A ed unanimously and all details being satisfactorily taken care of_ the young man will take up his duties on the charge on May 9th. 4-H Club News Buttonville 4-H Club mel' laSt Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. B. "Ferry, The home econ- omist. Miss Wilma Gordan. was present. and appeared to be well satisfied with the girls“ progress. Vaughan Reeve Locks Door 0n Labour Union "I am mat pulling a Small- wood." Reeve John Perry ad~ vised Vaughan Township (‘ounctl in session last .\lon‘ day night. “but have ~\ou gen- tlemen heard the awful ru- mour that a labor union is seeking to sign up municipal employees?" "Our employees haxe not been-approached." the reeve stated. but in order to preâ€" vent ~uc an mentuality oc- currtng in Vaughan municip- al offices. Reeve Perry called for a motion to pass a by- law under section .\0. 78 of the Labour .\ct so that the labour union will not apply- tn Township of Vaughan Reeye. "We Will shut the dmr before. they get here " He concluded with the cry pltc remark. “Council was formed in lBï¬Oâ€"«and every year it gets progressively lees authority." See Richvale Ornamental Iron Works. For Stair & Porch Rails. Grilles & Gratings. Fire Escapes Portable Welding 8: Repairs Phone AV. 5-4421 Achievement Day will he Satur- day. .\lay 10. at Newmarket. WALS. Hosts Bands . I On Saturday last. Victor-ts Square W.M.S. was host. to the Baby» Band and Mission Band and their mothers. Unfortunately. l-leadford was not represented. We are all feeling very much aglow. however. at the news of the appointment of Mrs. H D, McCague to the Toronto Confer- ence Board. one day last week. Newsy Note- Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Rumble took advantage of the improved road conditions last. Sunday. to visit their cottage at londale in theHaliburton Highlands. The visit. we understand. was to as- sess. if any. the damage done during the past. winter by the heavy snowfalls. in their ab- sence. the young folk entertained their cousin. Elaine Howarth. We. should like. with all other Headford folk. to welcome Joan Margaret Homer, young daughter of. Mr. and Airs. Harley Homer. and'siSter of. Joyce. Celebrations In Order Tuesday of this week has been a day of celebrations. On that day. ,April 14. Jim Curtis Richard Burton and Mrs. Cummer Lee all had birthdays. Also it wag the wedding anniversary of M . and Mrs.‘ Len Balm, former residents of‘ Headtord. Birthday greetings to Jim Curâ€" tis $17.. for April 16.‘ Sympathy We are very sorry to hear'Mrs. John Simpson has succumbed to the flwbug. We wish her a spec.â€" d..v recovery. ' 'Someiï¬eadford folk will re- member the Sid Smith's who liv- .ll‘.. ‘ed on'Cam-ville Road. Word was i received this week of Mrs. Smith's death in England about. a month ago. Mr: Smith predeceased her by a number of years. ' NEWMARKET: three level railway crossings will get: new warning signals. The proposed new protection System is composed of flashing lights and a single ‘warnin-g hell. N ewmarko’c’s GROWER 4. FLORIST Since 1's“ The ï¬ne“ in floral decline and bedding plants. Maple 2 Maple. Ont. Phone Keck Street On the Paris AND YOU--- SAVE THAT MILK SHIP THAT MILK PROFIT MORE - -- Ag’a/l‘ 0/ l/izzigéan garnet CW. yap. BY Mrs. R. Stuart Among \"augnan Township‘s farm lamihes on the 1.185 acre site of the planned CARR. marâ€" shalling yard, .\ll Rm; last Fri- day. April 10. cold lll\ 70 acre farm in Edgclc) lmohed in another rec-en: transaction was his <on .\orman. whose 100 acre tarrn \‘d.\ oppos- ite lli> t;ithcr‘<. on the <outh \llClC“ of .\o. i Highway. Two ycnr~ aim. l.\ormun mid this larm. hich Tic owned for twelve year». to an investment company. who last 1 week sold it In the (.\ll. Four \car< ago Fatima) Garri- erks bought 20 acres at .\lt“s 1th acre farm and last year Dr. Cor- bin 01' Toronto purchased 10 acres of the Rage property at the corn- .er of .\o. '7 and Highway chlc lStrcct. .\lr. and .\lrs Bagg moved to this farm m 1912 after spending; the first two years of their mar- ried life at the Bagg family larml on Jane Street. 3 During the past 47 years. All ant his sons ha\c demtcd most ol‘l their time to the raising of pure-t bred Jersey cattle and in improy- ‘ ing the Jersey breed and with them he has won countless awards' at cattle shows both here in Can-‘ ada and in the United States. Both Mr. and Mrs. All Bags and Mr. and Mrs. Don Bagg u ho also reside on the farm. have not yet made plall> tor the future. but. they will he remaining on the HEALTHIER farm until April of next year. Properties neighboring the Bagg farm that are reported sold 1within recent. weeks induido tilt. {rout curl of the Ash farm. 11’ was ptIrcha-et by Cam Boak‘ .‘xj. no sold the back part of his lill'lll last Fall. it was to th- Boakc farm that the first Holstein cattle were brought to Canada about me beginning of the last centtu) Charlie Ash sold the back half 01 his larm lu>l tall. Mr. and .\ll". .\>ll will be moving next Spring altct‘ farming here for nearly lllll'i) yequ \ portion of the Allan Smith larm is reported as sold recently. l‘his is «Toun land. having been .in the smith name since before ‘- lROtl. \\'e under5tand that Mr. Total .Leathcrdale has sold his farm. with Mr. Leatherdale retaining the llOllsE‘ and other buildinga. The Hatch farm and the Vandals berg properties are also reported' .as sold within recent weeks. The railway will be using this land as part of its marshalling yard. Richmond Heights 7 Plaza '38 llevendale Rd. TU. 4-5341 ALVES In other words. YOU CAN - “have your cake and eat it too†- for you can feed, that calf better and ship the milk. It adds to more profit out. of your dairying operation «v and that’s what matters! How do you do it! â€"â€" that’s easy. and inexpensive â€"- SHURsGAIN MILK REPLACER ‘ is a better way to raise oalvee â€"- SO CAN YOU =â€" as Thousands of Canadian dairymen have. learned during the past few months that than ' SHUR-EAlN MAPLE FEED lulu. " Ask The Man Who Feeds Shur-Gain" MAPLE, om. PHONE 167 ienne Scene High fashion experts ii agree Wonderful new: . . . at last fashion experts are unanimon! in their choice of the most glamorous creation of the year. itâ€: the meet eventing new look in ages . . . the 1959 Pontiac Parisienne! Daring Twin-Grilles are the focallpoint of this beautyâ€"the lines are crisp. clean, fresh I: I daisy. The rear deck is sculptured out to give a loner, sleeker look. Class area goes up and down and all aroundâ€"lets you watch all the heads running as you sweep by. Interiors? Fabulous: Pontiac takes ï¬ne materials. dyes them all the colon of a summer sunsetâ€"mixes and matches them inthe moot exciting color trims and combinations of the year. How marvellous to Show your new spring nurht oil in interiors like these. And just to show you it‘s a woman‘s world. try driving this car. it‘s eflbetleeeâ€"yon float along. nolly A flick of the wrist and you’re. of your toe and you stop :mn Pau'isienne matches. your lm la=hirin ceme. lilrixe l'rie P'Illl more Mr you than a hundred round the comet. A touch nthly. =tearlil}. surely. Tho ‘e. mi luxury. flatter: your irll‘ PHI'l'~lt"llFlP .tmu. ll dries new bats. “359.! W