Yes, and you need insurance claim service now! You’ll get itâ€" and fastâ€"if you’re insured with State Farm Mutual. More than 100 State Farm career agents in Ontario are ready to help 24 hours a day. Call me today. JAMES, GRAINGER 130 Yonge'St. S. TU. 4-1529 STATE FARM MUTUAL Autoniobile Insurance Comipany & Héad Office: Tororito. Ontario ""“’"""- - TOWNSHIP. or MARKHAM , NOTICE OF : LOCAL IMPOVEMENT count. or REVISION TAKE NOTICE THAT: The Council of the Corporation of the Town- ship of Markham has Constructed. as a Local Improvement; watermains and services in the 'Doncaster Area. ' Richmond Hill ' z The former Delsie B. Robinson. daughter of Mr. an 1 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE, Victoria Square Telephone Gormley 5421 W.A. The April meeting of the W.A. was held on Wednesday afternoon of last week at the home of Mrs. F. Donnelly, with a large attend- ance. Mrs. Donnelly took charge of the meeting. Mrs. G. Brands gave the scripture reading. Mrs. Earl Emprlngham gave the les- son thoughts. Mrs. Harold Hill led in prayer. Mrs. Matsunga gave a commentary of the cus- toms Ot‘ Japan. Mrs. Ito showed Japanese articles which proved to be very interesting. At the close of the meeting a bake sale was held when over $33.00 was real- ized. Mrs. L. Mumberson took charge of the business portion. Dainty refreshments were served by the committee in charge. W.M.S. Service At the church service on Sunâ€". (lay afternoon, it was the 62nd annual W.M.S. service which was conducted by the president. Mrs: H. D. McCague. assisted by Mrs. H. Acre-man. Several of the lad- ies took up the offering. The girls from the CGIT and Explor- cr groups occupied the choir and each group sang a separate an- them. The guest speaker was Rev. F. H. Muir, B.A.. missionary on furlough from Japan. His mes- sage proved very inspiring. Play On Friday evening. April 24, at 8.30 pm, the Columbian Playâ€" ers from Toronto will present a three-act play, “Nobody but Nan- cy†in the Victoria Square Comâ€" munity Hall. It is being sponsor- ed by the Couples Club. Church News On Sunday, April 26. at 2:30 pm the sermon theme of Rev. A. F. Binnington will be “A Spring Time Message". Neighbourhood Notes Please remember to put the clock forward one hour for Day- light Saving next week-end. Birthday greetings to Mrsh L. McEachern, formerly of VictOria Square, but now of Lansing, who on April 23 will be celebrating her 98th birthday; to Mrs. L. L. Nichols for April 26; to Mrs. Leslie Hart for April 27; to Mr. A Court of Revision will be held on the 24th ‘ ' day of April at 1.30 pm. in the Council Chambers, in Richmond Hill United Church following her recent mar- Mrs. Wm. Robinson, Richvale, is seen signing the registerl riage to Donald J. Brigaites, son of Mrs. A. Brigaites, Buttonville, Ontario for the purpose of hearing complaints against the proposed assessment and any other complaint 'which persons interested. . ' may desire to make and which is by law cogniz- able by the Court. ‘ ' __ 'Dated at the Toivnsbip of Markham this 13th day of April 1959. _ C. T. CRISP. Clerk-Treasurer, Township Of Markham Scarborough. . TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS -â€" Photo by Lagerquist CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MILTON WELLS. R. R. 3 KING » The Temperanceville W.A. and W.M.S. met at the parsonage on Thursday, April 16. when Mrs. Kennedy [welcomed 21 ladies into her home. The devotional per- iod was taken by Miss Lottie Hamer of Aurora. Miss Hamer HAVE Nor WA ran WHEN YOU WANT m ‘ RENT A. . ‘ Natural Gus . WATERHEATER monthly [0W cosr OPERATION f Your Gas company does not employ door-todoor salesmen nor hm canvassers. For information about dealers licensed by the Ontario Fuel Board to sell and install natural gas equipment call or write the Sales Department of @onsumers' V Eta: "You’ll always be glad you chose Natural Gas†Phone PR. 3-5239 was invited by Mrs. Wm. Turner to conduct the devotional. She took as her theme, “Be still and know that I am God.†Miss Ham- er remarked that people of to- day do not take time’ to be still or sit quietly and meditate. The date set by the W.A. for the strawberry supper is -Wed- nesday. June 17. The ladiesnwill be supplying lunch at the Guern- sey sale on the Matthew Heron property this Wednesday after- noon. Mr. Kennedy gave a report on the new women’s organization for the United Church. A discus- sion was held and a skit given by Mrs. Jack Macklin and Mrs. Fred Boys on this organization. A com- mittee meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Fred Hare Friday night for further discussion on this subject. I A basket of beautiful white chrysanthemums and red carna- tions in the form of a cross was placed at the church altar by his family on Sunday in memory of little Danny Chalk, aged six, whose tragic death took place four years ago. Mrs. Fred Boys sang the beautiful “In The Gar- denâ€. The choir also contributed a beautiful selection. ' The communicants class begins this Thursday. April 23. from 4:15 to 5 pm. Rev. Kennedy will con- duct‘ these classes at the church. W.I. To Visit Hospital W.I. members please rememâ€" ber our visit to the Ontario Hos- pital on Tuesday. April 28. from 2 to 4 p.m. Mrs. Nelson Thomp- son. Mrs. C. Beynon anders. W. Jennings will be ,attending the Tweedsmuir History Workshop on April 30. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burk-3r Of Lansing were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Jennings Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Clark had the pleasure of becoming memâ€" bers of Temperanceville church when Rev. Kennedy conducted the service in their borne. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Thump son had as afternoon guests on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Kerr and children of Vellore. Mrs. Joseph Levison and Mrs. Sarah Payne. Shanty Bay_ had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wells on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henshaw. Mr. and Mrs. N. ThompsonI Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wells and Mr. and Mrs. Don Chalk attended the Agriculture banquet and dance at De Grootes restaurant. Aurora, last Thursday evening. The Temperanceville Explor- ' ers Group members have now re- ceived their second red star of achievement. The girls under the leadership of Mrs. Wm. Turner meet at 7 pm. each Thursday ev- ening. At their last meeting. the 4-H girls met at the home of Mrs. W. Jennings and had as their guest. Mrs. Gordon. home economist from the department. Our deepest sympathy to Mrs. James Gillham in the death of her sister. Mrs. Leonard Hall. , The last euchre of the season at Temperanceville schoolhouse was held Tuesday. April 14. There were seven tables and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the evening Prizes went to Mrs. Fred Hare. Mrs. Harry Hutchinson. Mrs. Do- ris Fairhall. Mr. Palmer Sn. An- dy Annand and Ken Robbins. The season‘s prizes went to Mrs Russ Baker of Elgin Mills and to Mr Andy Annand. L. L. Nichols for April 28. to Harry Barber Jr. for April 28. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. L. Mumberson, who on Ap- ril 26 will be celebrating their 32nd weddings anniversary; to Mr. and Mrs. Reid Brumwell who on April 26 will be celebrating their 29th wedding anniversary; to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nichols who on April 26 will be celebrat- ing their.18th wedding anniver- sary; to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Glover who on April 27 will be celebrat- ing their 22nd wedding anniver- sary. Mrs. S. DeFoe had dinner on Friday with Mrs. A. C. Huston in Toronto last week. Mrs. Huston was down from Falconbridge at- tending a conference in Hamilton. she wished to be remembered to everyone here at Victoria Square. Congratulations to Mr. Harry Forster on the birth of his sec- ond grandson. The baby is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Devins (Bertie Forster), a brother for four little girls. ' Rev. F. H. Muir, Douglas Muir, and Stewart Loan of Syracuse, N.Y.. had Sunday lunch with Rev. and Mrs. A. F. Binnington. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rennie and family of Scarboro had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hart and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Addison and Judith of Bolton called on Rev. and Mrs. A. F. Binnington on Sunday afternoon. Miss Carolyn Thompson of Ag- incourt had Sunday evening din- . ner with Miss June Collard. TIME TO FERTILIZE/ YOUR LAWN AND GARDEN TRUCKLDAD SALE - APRIL 24 AND 25 VIGORO AND GOLDEN VIGORO Mr. Vigoro will be here to answer your fertilizer problems N A FREE LANDSCAPE lOB irst Prize 5250 in Merchandise or landscape Planting 10 others prizes at $10 each ALL YOUR GARDEN NEEDS , Shrubs, Roses, Evergreens, Tools and Accessories OPEN TILL 9 PM. MONDAY TO FRIDAY Endean Nurseries Ltd. . RICHMOND HILL WI F ,2 [4 L \WWWWNNXNWW“ Mrs. A. Leitch and children from Wexford. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Leitch and family of Scarboro had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence .ilcckley. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Sanderson of Richmond Hill had Sunday evening dinner withMr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton and Donald. Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson had just re- turned from a very pleasant mo- tor trip to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Keï¬er of Maple had Sunday evening din- ner with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Orr and family. On Thursday of last week Mrs. Allan held a farewell dinner for Mrs. H. Scott and lamin before they moved to Agincourt. Those present were: Mrs. H. Scott. Kathy and Chris, Mrs. Alan Chadwick. Mrs. Jack Mackness, Mtu‘ray and Barbara. Mrs. Larry Sanderson and Linda. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Orr and family of King. Mrs. Bob Johnston and Sharon of Nashville had Sunâ€" day evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Orr. ' A speedy recovery is wished tar Mrs. Fraser Gee who has been I . Home and School The Gormley Home and School held its April meeting in the school house on Monday evening of last week. Plans were made for the bazaar which is to be held in the 'Victoria Square Community Hall on Saturday. May 30. It'ls requested by the committee in charge that for the next home and school meeting on Monday, May 11. the members bring dona- tions for the ï¬sh pond,also any sewing would be appreciated. Further particulars later. Mrs. L. Perkins. Mrs. Sturman and baby daughter of Toronto called on friends in the commun- ity on Tuesday of last week_ hav- ing dinner with“ Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mortson and supper with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker and Ross. Miss Dorothy Oliver of High- land Creek spent the week-end with Mrs. R. Perkins. If the traffic on Don Mills Rd. on Sunday is any indication of what it will be like later on in the summer, one will need a hel- icopter to get across. Park The park committee is busy preparing the park property to fence it. TRY LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS PHONE TU. 4-1105 STEEL LINTELS I BEAMS , Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service STEEL FABRICATING To Customer Speciï¬cations PINDER BROS. LTD. 2 Otonobee BA. l-3344 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. April "3, 1959 i Sign Register Following Wedding‘l VICTORM SQUARE NEws 13 u Wu.-..-.~__(m FACTORIES FOR RENT % IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 3 Various Sizes ! no“ 2500 sq. ft. to 6000 sq. ft. EXCELLENT LOCATION IN RICHMOND HILL JUST OFF YONGE ST. FULLY SERVICED LAWRENCE CONSTRUCTION CO. LIMITED 765 Mt. Pleasant Road HU. 7 -1591 Ordinary mowers clump, Iklpâ€"loavo many clippings. New Tore tun evenly, cleans up'otlm clipping: as well. Proved Best in the“X"lest. " Wind- Tunnel Whirlwind out mows them all] Daring “X†Test proves new Whirlwind rotary will outcut any other. Wind-tunnel under the housing creates powerful vacuum to freeze every blade of grass upright for a sharper, crisper cut. See this revolutionary new Whirlwind today. , 0 End: clumping 0 Bags clippings O No scalplng 9995 (19" Whirlwindâ€"only Ask about the “X†rest at STAN TROYER Yonge Street 2 Miles North of RICHMOND HILL, ONT. “At the Big Snowman†TUrner 4-1124 9 Easy Terms 0 No extras 0 Trims close Complete with bag, chute and leaf mulch-r YONGE STREET For your garden pleasure come to see Us at ENDEAN NURSERIES AV. 5-5122 Mu.