test grow stronger and more feal- istic as time passes on. We have attended several meetings con- In spite of our late spring many of the bird arrivals are about the same as in other years. March 22. the'first phoebe and kilideer. March 24. two snow geese, flying very high. Other observations have been reported in the Toron- to area; Snow geese do not us- ually fly this far east from the Mississippi flyway and it may be due to high winds blowing them off their course. 26. mourning dove. 28, the redébellied wood- pecker, a more southerly bird, which has constantly visited at feeding "station all winter, was seen for the last time. 29. blue. Since March 11, 1959, when the Canadian National Railways ï¬rst announced their plans for a marshalling ward and by-pass line to be located in Vaughan Twp., an ever rising storm of public opinion against the plan has ris- en. From the viewpoint of a near- by resident to the proposed yards some of the reasons for this pro- For 12‘years I have been very 11], most of the time completely bedridden. How .ver, the last 6 years unable to lie down in bed, must sit up all the time, asleep and awake. else will choke to death. It is just that definite. Was a missionary in the heart of the worst slum area of the city of Philadelphia when I became ill. Left my sick bed to officiate at the funeral of a Spanish wo- man whom Idid not know. This resulted in a relapse and begin- ning of all these many years of Dear Mr. Editor‘ suffering and privatioxi Have very much‘ pain and al- ways a great difficulty in getting air into my lungs. as they con- stantly fill with mucous. almost strangling me. Been in four hos- pitals and clinics, of them I re- ceived no help. Doctors agree my condition not contagious or asthma. Am collecting all kinds of posâ€" tage stamps, to try to forget the pain and almost intolerable dis- comforts. Hope and pray readers of “Liberal†shall send me stamps, any kind. The stamps sent will be a real help and deeply appreciated. Many thanks for your kindness and ’compassion. Pray for me. Best wishes. Sincerely. (Rev) ROBERT BROWN, PO. Box 721, Reading. Pa.. U.S.A. Lists Objections to C.N.R. Line Dear Mr. Editor: Mr. T. R. Scovell, teacher at Bathurst Heights Collegiate, and, in summer. par‘ naturalist at Presqu'ile Park. was the speaker at the April meeting of the Rich- mond Hill Naturalists’ Club. This area has been a provincial park since 1,922 but it is only in the last two years that the camping facilities have been extended to accommodate more people. Mr. Scovell sketched a map on the blackboard, showing the topo- graphical aspects which make this spot, second to Point Pelee. as a naturalist‘s paradise. Mr. Scovell illustrated his talk with excellent coloured slides of many birds which migrate through and also several who stay to nest. The club has planned a trip to Pres- qu'ile for May 23rd. and now the date cannot come fast enough. In view of this proposed rall- way coming through Doncaster is either a farce or Hitler is still alive. but should he.pick on a small community, for instance Doncaster. They put crosswalks on the main, streets and near schools to help save the lives of all children, then they turn ar- ound and invite them to be kill- edrln their own backyards. As for my opinion trains are much faster and capable of de- touring out around the skeleton areas of each subdivision or com- munities than the little feet of all our children in Doncaster. Alfred J. Perkins. Doncaster Objects To Rail Line Dear Mr. Editor: For Mrs. W. Snider, Mrs. J. Snider read an article on Wind- 501‘ â€"-'the most romantic castle in the world.‘ This dealt with events of historical interest that centredâ€about the castle. Election 6f officers followed the program. The following Were elected: President. Mrs. A. Bish- op; lst vice-president. Mrs.‘M. Duff; 2nd vice-president. Mrs. N. Kerr; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. F. Constable; assirtant secretary- t'reasurer, Mrs. A. Cameron Jr.; district director, Mrs. G. Bur- bidï¬e; alternate district director, Mrs. N. Kerr. The April meeting of Vellore Sr. Women’s Institute was held at Vellore Memorial Hall. Mrs. G. Burbidge. district di- rectorr reported that the district annual would be held at Klein- burg on May 21. Lunch will be served at the United Church, Kleinburg. at $1.25 per plate. â€""*â€"‘ol â€"â€"~ Yer Mrs. T. Taylor, convenor‘ of program committee for the month; read an address given by Mrs. Keith Rand, Dominion president. at the Ontario officers’ conference held at Guelph. Among other things Mrs. Rand Spoke of the value of education as a weapon to face the challenge of today as presented by world problems. She brought to mind the changes in home economics since the time of Mrs. HoodlessL Mrs. Christmare read a descrip- tion of a new stamp being issued to honour the founding of Wo- men's Institutes. By ‘ Richmond Hill Naturalists Club Vellore Senior Women's Institute District Annual May 21, Kleinburg “Dear Mr. Editor†Dlreétoré Jâ€" Mrs. B. Farr, Mrs JVa ture Notes Ca}! 7 You Help? as the general public, the fifth Scout troop and Cub pack of the United Church have obtained Mr. Bateman to speak on xther parts of his trip around the world. May lst, which is a Friday even- ing, is the date to reserve. Mr. Bateman’s commentary is always informative and often humorous and his coloured pictures of top quality. Mr. Bateman is also an artist and his sketches are equal- ly interesting. For further infor- mation, phone Mr. R. Kerslake at iTUmer 4-4018. LETTER FROM AN EDITOR We would like to thank the car- load of former Newfoundlanders who came to our aid on the Maple Road last Monday night â€" when our car had a blowout on our way to cover the Vaughan Coun- cil meeting. After trying unsuc- cessfully to flag down numerous cars, so we could send out a mes- sage for help -â€" and after seeing said cars whiz past us on the cold. dark, windy highway . . . we were delighted with the kind- ness and thoughtfulness of the boys from Newfy who piled out of their eastbound car and chan- ged our tire. We learned they have just been in this part of Canada for three years â€"â€" and that they don’t know just what to make of Smallwood's actions â€" and. that they can change a tire in six minutes flat. Mona Robertson cerning the railway plan and as yet from the C.N.R. spokesmen or from any other source, have we been able to gain any infor- mation which would suggest any immediate or far-reaching bene- ï¬ts for our area. The only bene‘ ï¬t ever advanced ls in the lnter~ est of the C.N.R. serving Metro Toronto. This ls a noble gesture. but surely it can be done in a more generally acceptable way. The list of negative arguments concerning the proposed C.N.R. plan is almost endless, but we shall outline only a few: 1) Consider the obnoxious livâ€" ing conditions. such as eternal danger to our children, perpetual noise and dirt, twenty-four hour operation of the yard, efficient but annoying lighting of the yard at night. These are only a few of the nauseating aspects of the yard and route. ' is another upsetting aspect. The resulting depressing eï¬ect of this plan is not limited to the ad- jacent properties of the proposed line or yard, but its stigma both social and economic would cover a very large area. Progress is a marvelous thing. but we do not wish to pay per- sonally for it to the sum of $5,000 in devaluated property prices. Yours truly, B. M. Thompson T. E. Thompson 14 Rockview Gardens, R. R. 1 Maple bird and flicker. April 2, blue heron. 3. woodcock. 4. wood- ducks. 5. fox sparrow, cowbird and winter wren. 12, kingfisher, frogs and toads singing. newts ob- served. A mourning cloak and Compton's tortoishell butterflies and hundreds of bees. sipping nectar from the soft maple flow- ers. 14, Savannah and vespra spar- rows. 16. barn swallows and ruby- crowned kinglets singing. 17, pine siskins still in our vicinity. purple martins, sapsucker, hermit thrush and fox sparrows, singing. 19, tree swallows. rough-winged swallow. hooded mergansers. bufflehead ducks and myrtle‘warblers. Also, hepaticas are in bloom on the southerly slopes in the hardwood bushes. In ouncolumn of April 3rd we mentioned the fascinating World in Africa which Mr. Robert Bate- man took us at our regular meet- ing. We all wanted to hear more and fortunately, £91: us, _as yen 2) The inescapable devaluation of properties within any reason- able distance of the yard or line 3) If it is necessary to point out economics to a rather dollar and cent conscious organization like our Federal government sub- sidized railroad, the C.N.R., then it would seem rather short-sight- ed planning to build a line and a yard in an area which very soon could be part of a growing Metro Toronto. Standing committee convenors â€"- Agriculture and Canadian in- dustries, Mrs. G. Burbidge: home economicsrand health, Mrs. R. Phillips; citizenship and educa- tion, Mrs. W. Bryson; historical research and current events, Mrs. H. Stephenson; resolutions. Mrs. L. Weldrick; public relations representative, Mrs. J. Snider; representative to'Cancer Society, Mrs. J. Kyle; pianists, Mrs. W. Bryson. Mrs. J. Bryson. -- r- nun, 1111.0. 1.. yupâ€"u. Delegptes to district annual â€"- Mrs. Bishop. Mrs. Burbidge, Miss A. Kerr. Mrs. J. Julian. Mrs. J. McNeil (alternate). Delegatï¬Ã©ï¬ig :érea convention Mrs. A. Cameron Sr. The meeting ‘was closed by singing God Sav'e The Queen and lunch was then s'erved by comm‘h tee in charge. ..-_,-__. Flower committee â€" Mrs. R. Phillips (convenor), Mrs. J. Bry- son, Mrs. L. Weldrick, Mrs. T. Taylor, Mrs. T, Seed, Mrs. J. Williams, Miss F. Gooderham. Program committee â€" Mrs. G. Burbldge (convenor), Mrs. J. Bry- son, Mrs. J. Williams. Mrs. J. Harrison, Mrs. B. Farr, Mrs. G. Bridgert -- w ...-_u°-_ . Social convenor â€"- Mrs. H. Stephenson '(convenor). Mrs. R. Julian, Mrs. N. Kerr. Miss Deb- orah Davidson, ,Mrs. F. Diceman. Mrs. P. Craib. “‘erst'Bigl‘l‘Bbrhgéinloccupied the president's chair. This will be her third year as presigient: T. Seed and Mrs. F. Diceman AixditoEï¬â€"V-V Mrs. H. Stephen- son, Mrs. R. Julianh By a close 7-6 vote the Metro Planning Board last week refus- ed to allow development of four subdivisions in the south-west corner of Markham Township. Reeve W. L. Clark who appear. ed before the Metro Board to support the township’s applica- tion expressed keen disappoint- ment at the refusal. The whole south-west corner of the town- ship was frozen five years ago. The four subdivisions in question are not affected by any proposed changes in Markham's zoning by- law. The four residential subdiv- isions were, Yonge Heights, Don River Heights, Steeles Valley Acres and Colmur Construction. However, the board asked Mu:- ray V. Jones, planning commis- sioner, to bring in a report on the issues involved. Reeve W. L. Clark told the board the freeze couldn’t last for- On Thursday, April 30th and Friday. May lst. Richmond Hill High School Music Club will pre- sent “Music Night ’59." The two performances scheduled this year are by popular demand, due to ast year’s large attendance. High- lights of the program include: The Junior Band -â€"- This band consists of the members of the Grade 9 music class. They have just been playing \their instru- The Carrville choir sang as an anthem “Deep and Wide". The girls look so nice in their new gowns. - - Christening id Barton, Beverley Acres, in honour of Miss Patricia Knowles of Concord_ whose marriage takes place to John Ash, Concord, on May 2, at Sherwood Lutheran Church. 'Hére are bio recipes we feel you'll enjoy adding to your ï¬les: MAPLE SUGAR CANDY You’ll ï¬nd Maple Brittle and Maple Fudge easy to make and delightful in flavour. Why not make some of each? While you're at it wrap up a pretty dish full of canrhr to take along to 8 Shut in friend next time you visit them. Maple Brittle Susan Clare, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Robert Manning, was baptized by her father on Sun- day at High Park Presbyterian Church, Toronto, where Mr. Man- ning is minister. The Bert Middletons were very pleased to attend this service and hear their neighbour, and friend preach. Pantry Shelf Shower Mrs. Jack Barton, Mrs. G. Dar- ling and Mrs. Bert Middleton and Gretta attended a pantry shelf shower at the home of Mrs. Dav- Miss Knowles was the recip- ient of many useful things and thanked all very graciouslyior the gifts. Others present wére: Mrs. B. Knowles, Mrs. Percy Ash, Mrs. John Ash Sr. Mrs. A. Snider, Mrs. C. Snider, Mrs. D. Keffer, Mrs K. Poole, Mrs H_ McLean, Mrs. A. Boron, Mrs. C. Witney, Mrs. Jim Fletcher. all of Con- cord. Mrs. E. Hendry, Thornhill, Mrs. L. Eberschleg and Heather of Willowdale, Mrs. Johnston of It’s a sure sign of spring when the sap begins to rise again and workers at Amos Baker‘s Sugar bush in Concord are kept busy from morn ’till night emptying the syrup pails into the intricate underground piping system that carries the sap to the cooking vats in the “sugar houseâ€. The syrup men began last‘ week. Combine 2 cups maple syrup. 2 tablespoons butter, Ma teaspoon cream of tartar and a few grains salt in a saucepan and boil to 280 degrees fahrenheit or until Be sure to change your clocks Saturday night, so as to be at church at the correct time 2.30 pm. daylight saving time. Dr. Eddy was in charge of the user- vice at Carrville United Church on Sunday. By Close 7 -6 Vote Metro. Pianning Board Refuses Subdivisioms Two Music Nights '59 At R. Hill High SithOOI The commission will not only develop the well, but also hunt for a further sup- ply. Dr. Berry said the com- mission will divide the avail- able supply between the two municipalities according to need. Markham will have to pay something to Richmond Hill to cover the cost of lo- cating the well. Reeve W. L_. Clark report- ed to Markham Township Council Monday that Dr. Ber- ry, general manager of the Ontario Water Resources Commission has ruled that the commission will develop the well located on the Mc- Kw property just south of Richmond Hill. Representa- tives of Markham and Rich- mond Hill met with Dr. Berry last week in an attempt to ï¬nd, a solution to the prob- lem of which municipality was to receive rights to the well. Water Resources Com. To Develop McKay Well .9152 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. BERT MIDDLETON CARRVILLE NEWS Telephone Maple 130R: The show is directed and pro- duced by music - teacher Mr. S. W. Atkinson, assigned by Miss M. R. Strathdee. Metro Chairman Gardiner said sewage would have m. be handled by septic tanks, pardkage plants or a connection with the Metro system. Mr. Jones told the board the Don Valley Consuarvation Au- thority was much against package plants. with the ultimate effluent going into the Don River. The Girls" Choiï¬', no'ted for its fine performanch in previous yegrs. will also amtear, Operetta â€" After the success of “Trial by Jury" last year, the Operetta group will. again perfonn music by Gilbert and Sullivan, excerpts {rem “H.M.S. Pinafore.†Soloists will be Ind; Perkins. Pat Barnes, Bruce IWilson, Barry Hopper, and Peter Smith. Several students twill appear in more than one grdup. Lois Per- kins, Joy-Lyn Wilson, Sara Gib- son and Suzanne Higgins will be busy in band. cho'tr and Operetta. Cecilia Anderson, the very talent- ed pianist, will serve as both ac- companist and scfloist. to the Ohtario'Muniéin‘al Bonn-E1 and the Water Resouu:es Com- mission. ments since September, but with a lot of hard wark they have made remarkable uro ress in this short time. This wfll e their first public appearance-‘ ever. If Markham couldn’t settle the matter, it would heme to put the sewage disposal qunestion up Mr. Clark said the township and subdividers had been pa- tient. Markham had .agreed to co-operate with Metro and with North York in meeting: the sew- age disposal problemu Markham and the subdividers were entitled to have the land released for development. The Senior Band contains members of the seurond year mus- ic class and other :students in the shoe! who have had some mus- ical training. THs band has made several appearanuas in town and at iootball games this year. Birthday greetings to Jane Nunn who celebrates her 8th birthday on Tuesday, ‘April 28, also to Roy Baker who will but! 15 years on April 28. Mr. Rigler, the music instruc- tor is teaching the childnem the song they are singing at the. York Music Festival on May 8 at Wood- bridge. Measure 2 cups of maple :syrup and 4 tablespoons butter into a large saucepan and boil to 234 degrees fahxzenheit or until syr- up just holds together when drop- ped into cold water. not ice wa- ter. Remove from heat and let cool to lukewarm. Then beat until mixture begins to lose its gjloss. Pour immediately into a lightly buttered 8" x 4" loaf pan. Cut into squares before it has com- pletely hardened. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Humphlreys and children Michael and Delbbie Humphreys 'of Downsview visit- ed on Sunday with ’Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barton. *. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Evringzham of Toronto visited on Sunday ev- eniï¬g with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wood. W.A. Invitation The Headford Woman’s Assocn iation would like the‘membars of Carrville W.A. to attend their annual service on Sunday, April 26, at 7 pm. at Headford elmrch. School News Mr. and Mrs. Bert Middleton and girls visited Mr.‘ George S. Walker and Mrs. Walker at Vic- toria Harbour, Mr. and Mrs. Dal- ton Teskey at Warminstezr- on Saturday. syrup. when dropped into cold water, forms a rather brittle thread which piles up in zigzag fashions. To prevent formation of sugar crystals, do not Stilt syr- up. Immediately pour into an ligh- tly greased 7" x '7" pan. being careful not to add scraping from saucepan. When ï¬rm enough, mark into squares. When cold, invert pan and tap gently on bot- tom to remove candy. Breakv into squares. Maple Fudge Doncaster, Mrs. Jas. Ash. Mrs. Chas. Ash of Edgeley and Mrs. S. Gee of Port Credit and Mrs. W. Morrison. Miss Knowles in- vited the ladies to the troussreau tea her mother is having on Sat- urday. April 25. in her honour. Mis. Jim Fletcher assisted Mrs Barton with this pleasant event Mr. and Mrs. John C. Nestbitt and children, Marnie and Archie. returned home after a monlth’s vacation in Florida. ‘ FATAI m5 0 ACCIDENTS INJURIES 36 3 ACCIDENT RECORD RICHMONI D HILL yru/a Jime 1958 This was the last day of the season. Top team for the season was the Richmond .Bowl - V. Shropshire, L. Acreman, F. Lit- tleford, V. Lawrie, M. Fleming and captained by M. Musselman. Patti-Lu was second, Baker’s Sales third, and Richmond Theat- re fourth. Top bowlers of the season: High average, G. Lusignan 193. H.S.: B. Fleury 324. H.511: B Darling 336. H.T.: V Shropshire 719. H.T.EL: F. Littleford 752. 200 scores: V. Shropshire 248, F. Littleford 202, M. Fleming 255, E. Bunker 203, B. Fleury 292, 207. A. Wilkie 229, M. Hav- iland 212, B. Darling 312, E. Tumbull 54. 244, M. Robson 248, 200, I. Mashinter 216, G. Lusig~ nan 200. B. Campbell 242. Because of the general interest of the topic and the outstanding speaker this meeting has been expanded to invite all members of St. Gabriel and Immanuel Churches in Richmond Hill and of St. John’s, Oak Ridges, as well as including all men and women of St. Mary's Anglican Church. In Toronto, Miss Lee's respon- sibilities include the information and referral services of the coun- cil, publications and publicity, and liason with the department of Christian social service of the Women’s Auxiliary. She also vis- its many diOceses across the Do- minion, participating in work- shops, addressing meetings and providing consultative services in her work. She joined the council staff early in 1957 following her retirement from a distinguished career in professional social work. AURORA: Aurora Highlands Golf Club plans for future ex- pansion include a new road from Kennedy St. west and a year- r‘ound clubhouse with large din- ing<room facilities. ’ W.A. Members To Hear Talk About Tokyo Miss Nora Lee, information secretary of the council for social service (Toronto Diocese) of the Anglican Church of Canada will base her talk on her recent trip abroad where she attended an International conference on so- cial work in Tokyo before enter- ing upon an extensive study'tour of South East ‘Asia. RICHMOND BOWL LADIES’ MAJOR April 17 B. Fleury 691, E. Turnbull 665, B. Darling 665. AURORA â€"- John Thompson of Woodbridge has been named new town assessor. His salary will be $4,400 per annum. NORTH YORK: North York residents will watch with keen in- terest a hearing of the Ontario Highway Transport Board in Don Mills April 15 to decide whether or not Don Mills will have a pri- vate bus line to provide public transit service. Trinkets such as kewple dolls, baby shoes. boxing gloves. toy kangaroos and other similar ob- jects will not be permitted as windshiefd decorations under an amendment to the Highways Traf- fic Act which was introduced in the Legislature by Highways Min- ister F. M. Cass. Lucky winners of the draw prizes held in connection with the. opening of Collins Hardware. Yonge Street, Richvale are: lst prize Miss B. Reardon, Rich- vale; 2nd, Wayne Smith, Rich- vale; 3rd, Tony Crossley, Rich- vale; 4th,» Mrs. Cath. Kleinbeer- nink, Richyale; 5th. Mrs. A. C. Cheney. Richvale. “Through Asian Windows,†an address to be given by Miss Nora Lee at Wrixon Hall is being 5 on- sored by the Evening and A ter- noon Branches of St. Mary’s WA. on April 28th at 8:15 pm. VANDORF‘ â€"â€" Six cases of driv- ers operating with only one head- light were heard in Vandorf traf- fic court last week, with five cou~ victions and one dismissal. Fines in each of the five cases were $5 and costs. AURORA: Aurora Hydro reports the local commission built five miles of new line last year. The year before approximately one- half mile was built. The figure this year may run to eight or nine miles more within the town limits. " Reevg Norman Goodhead is in favour of the private firm being given a chance to operate. AURORA: Aurora town council has stopped approval on all gas line extensions until the Con- sumer‘sâ€" Gas Company provides an upâ€"to-date map “satisfactory to the town engineerâ€, of all gas mains laid within the town. D. Brooks Remanded Charged With Wounding Prize Winners Collins Hardware News From Next Door Douglas Brooks of Walmer Rd.. Richvale_ appeared in Newmarket Police Court on Monday morning and was re- anded for one week on a charge of wounding. follow- ing an altercation Saturday eVening in which Darrell Jackson received a bullet in the leg from a .22 rifle. Mr. Jackson is in Branson Hos- pital. Four people will appear in Maple police court at 10 am. this Friday for lighting ï¬res without permits. Charles Montaigne designs for women whose reputations for being well-dressed are based on consistent good taste with narya thought for fashion fadisrn. Typi- cal of his art is this step-in moan). gently shaped and as perfectly styled for the size 20 figure as is for slimmer sisters. The button- front opening is cut with an insert effect, achieved by the applied strap that is an extension of the bodice side panels. Start off the spring with serge, flannel or- sheer wool, but be sure to make it again for summer in linen, pique, raw silk or novelty rayons. From this size chart select the one size best for.you. Sizes Bust Waist Hips 10 34 24 35 inches 12 35 25 36 " 14 . 36% 26% '371/42 †16 38 28 39 †18 40 30 41 " 20 42 32 43 " Length from nape of neck to waist Size 10.. . . . . . . 16% inches " 12 16% ††14 17 " ' r 16 171/4 ††18 17% †" 20 17% " Size 16 requires 2% yards of 45 inch material for dress with % length sleeves and 1,4 yard of 42 inch material for lining. To order Pattern No. 5-426, state size, Send $1.25. For new Jumbo 144 page International Designer Pattern Book B-C, send $1.25. Address Pattern Service “The Liberal,’ 63 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill,'0n- SpAch's lNIERNAIiONAl DESiQNER PAUERN ’3‘ nu], / (a \.. CHARIES \ I I MONTAEQNE, } of FRANCE FOR. SATISFACTION LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS PHONE TU. 4-1105 Nearly New Clothes for the entire family TU. 4-3341 67 Yonge St. North FREE ESTIMATES NO OBLIGATION This year make grass cutting a pleasure in the season ahead with a smooth evenly rolled lawn. We use a Power Roller only. ON€E AGAIN ENCORE Richmond Sod landscape Contractors lid. WE AGAIN G -nn‘“ THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, April 23, 1959 Hips 35 inches 36 n 371/5 n 39 †41 " Liberal Ad. Sold Boots To First Caller Now's the time for cleaning out attics and basements, and per- haps you'll discover -â€" through the use of "Liberal" Classiï¬ed Advertising. that you have there- by discovered a veritable little gold mine. STOUFFVILLE -â€" Hugh W. Beckett died In the Brierbush Hospital April 12. Mr. and Mrs. Beckett marked their 50th wed- ding anniversary in February of this year. The former owner of the boots said he had found them carefully put away in his attic. and realiz- ing they were of no further use to himself he inserted a get-re- sults-quick ad. in “The Liberal.†One of “The Liberal’s†adver- tisers of last week, inserted an advertisement which read: “A pair of men's riding boots", sev- eral calls were received by the advertiser and the boots went to the customer who got there ï¬rst. FIRST ANNUAL MEETING YORK COUNTY BRANCH Canadian Mental Health Assoc. THURSDAY, APRIL 30th, 8 PM. Newmarket District High School . Special Presentation by Richmond Hill Curtain Club, “UNTO THINE OWN HOUSE†"Fine. . .I’ll send them right home†THE BELL TELEPHONI COMPANY OF CANADA Yes, your telephone is a wonderfully low-coat. wonderfully efï¬cient servant. How many cold meals and frayed tempers and moments of uneasiness have you been spared be- cause yout telephone was handy P. . . How many "man-huntsâ€when small ones have wandered off? The telephone helps make a neighboutly commu- nityâ€"helps us all to live more securely, to get more things done, more easily. Welcome words at mealâ€"time! V Usually a phone call or two among the neigh- bours rounds them up. PHONE AV. 5-1938 VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES RICHMOND HILL BRANCH Miss E. Woodbyrne Richmond Hill Municipal Hall PHONE TU. 4.4101 40 LEVENDALE RD., RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-5621 V. O. N. GALBRAITH J EWELLERS IEXPERT WATCH REPAIRS FAST 8; EFFICIENT SERVICE ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED