Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Apr 1959, p. 1

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APRIL 27 -â€" Monday 8.15 pm. Charles Howltt Home‘and School Association. Presgntaliomof priz- es to winners of Reading Club. Guest Speaker. Miss Jane Mc- Laren, Thornhm Public Library. clw43 APRIL 27 â€" Monday 8.30 pm. Last chance this season to square dance with Richmond Hill Com- munity Swing. Come early, dan- cing starts 83‘. McConaghy School. clw43 APRIL 25 -â€" Saturday. Euchre.. Members of L.O.L. and L.O.B.A. will hold a euchre at the Orange Hall, lst house north of Loblaws on Yonge St. at 8 pm. sharp. A mission 50c. Lucky door priz- es, draw prizes ~and good euchre prizes. Lunch. _ A tfc33 APRIL 28 â€"- Tuesday 8 pm. De- monstration on uses of dairy pro- ducts by Silverwood Dairy at the Crosby Heights School auditor- ium. Sponsored by the East Dis- trict Local Association. Proceeds for Girl Guides camp equipment. The ladies of the Richmond Hill Health 8: Beauty will give a disâ€" play before the close of the ev- ening. c2w43 APRIL 25 -â€" Saturday 1 p.m. Mammoth rummage sale at St. George's Church Auditorium_ Willowdale. clothing, household articles, garden tools, furniture. wonderful bargainsfl c1w43 MAY 5 - Tuesday evening. Mu- sic Festival by junior grades of Richmond Hill Public Schools. in Crosby Heights Auditorium. MAY 23 â€" Saturday, Richmond Hill Fair Day. featuring Horse Show and many other attractions. For full information regarding events write William Neal Jr., Richmond Hill. c5w42 APRIL 25 â€" Campfire Variety Night at Buttonvllle Hall. present- ed by the Unlonvllle Junior Far- mers. Proceeds for charity. Tick- ets from members or at door. JPRIL 29 â€" Wednesday even- ing. Music Festival by senior grades of Richmond Hill Public S.hools, 1n Crosby Heights Audi- torium. c5w39 MAY 13 â€"â€"- Wednesday 8 pm. St. Michael’s Concert Band and Crosby Heights Sr. choir, present an evening of music and song in Crosby Heights auditorium. Tick- ets 50c and 75c reserved. Spon- sored by Crosby Heights Home and School. Tickets available by phoning TU. +4609._ clw43 APRIL 29 â€" 8 p.111. The Wom- en's Progressive Conservative group will meet at the home of Mrs. Norman Bone. 34 Elizabeth St. All young people interested in joining the Young Conserva- tives are cordially invited. *1w43 APRIL 80 & MAY 1 â€" Music Night ‘59 presented by the Rich- mond Hill High School Music Club, featuring the Junior Band. Senior Band, Choir, and excerpts from H.M.S. Pinafore. Admission 50c. c3w41 MAY 1 â€" Friday -â€" Annual Spring Dance, Thornlea Home and School Association. at But- tonville Women’s Institute Hall. Door prizes. Refreshments. Tic- kets $1.004 MAY 1 â€" Friday, 11 am. to 3 p.m. Hope Community & School Club are holding their annual tea and bake sale, also a miscellan- eous table, at Matg. Walker's Store, south-east~comer Vaugh- In Road and Keele. Mrs. Cosie will be present to read your tea cups during the hours of sale. c2w43 MAY 2 â€" Saturday. Rummage sale. sponsored by St. Gabriel's WA. at Bayview Plaza. north side_ next to LeFeuvre's, 10 am. to 3 pm. For pick-up, please call TU. 4-4294. c2w43 MAY 2 â€" Saturday 1 pm. Rum- mage and bake sale at North York Veterans Club, 6321 Yonge St.. under the auspices of the ladies' auxiliary. c2w43 APRIL 24 â€" Friday. Columbon Players present 3-act .comedy, “Nobodyv But Nancy” in Victoria Square Community Hall, 8:15 pm. Adults 50c. Children 350. Sponsored by Victoria Square Couples Club. *2w42 APRIL 25 â€" Saturday. Rummage and baking sale, 1.30 to 4.30 p.m., sponsored by St. Matthew's Unit- ed Church W.A., Crosby Ava. Richmond Hill. Afternoon tea will be served. Rummage contri- butions may be left at 270 Me- Convey Drive. 7 _ *3w40 APRIL 24 â€" Friday 1 pm. Rum- mage Sale, North York Veterans Club. 6321 Yonge St.. South of Steeles Ave., Willowdale. White elephant table, bargains galore. Auspices Northminster United Church Woman: Federation. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT â€"- 9.00 pm. - 12.00. Dancing to Max Cameron‘s Orchestra, at Canad- ian Legion Hall, Carrville Road, Richvale. Sponsored by Rich- mond Hill Branch 375. Canadian Legion. 75c per person. tf036 BINGO every Thursday. 8 pm. in Orange Hall. lat house north )f Loblaws. , tfc27 EVERY FRIDAY night â€"\_4, \’ 7.45 p.m. Bingo â€" Com' 9"“9‘ Hall. Spruce Ave. Stag". ‘13. Yonge St. 7 .‘c36 BINGO every Wednesday after- noon at 1.15 pm. at the Canad- Legion Branch 375, Carrville Rd. West, Richvale. ttc39 EVERY TUESDAY, Bingo 8 pm. at the Legion Hall. King Side Road, Oak Ridges. Cash prizes Ind jackpot. tics! Coming Events c1w42 c1w43 c5wS9 c2w42 Corporal Askew of the On- tario Provincial Police and a Mr. Drew of the Department of High- ways told Vaughan Township Council at their weekly meeting Monday night statistics prove that since traffic speed signs were changed from 30 to 40 or 45 m. p.h. at Thornhill and Richvale on Highway 11, the accident rate is down, also down are infractions of the speeding law..' Mr. Drew said, "Raising the speed limit and cutting down accidents has been claimed by theorists on the North American continent for some time. It seemed hard to swallow. But the idea behind it is this â€" Richvale is a fast highway and when zoned at 30 mph the ped- estrians took it for a “Safe Zone.” Now that the speed limit is up, the pedestrians take more care, realizing it is 3 “Danger Zone." Does a low rate of speed spell Fatality for pegestriansz “If we go too far with safety," Corporal Askew said, “it is badâ€" we engender too much safety in the population." Councillor Wm. Anstey then asked for Vaughan Police Chief J. Davidson’s comments and Chief Davidson replied, “The ac- cident and fatality rate is up, yet A letter from H. P. Matthews was sharply critical of the High School budget and salary scale and suggested serious considera- tion for the proposal to form a Board of Education. Councillor Haggart agreed the matter of teachers' salaries was for school board and not for council, but expressed disapprov- al of a policy which geared salâ€" arias to keep pace with Metro. Councillor Ross suggested coun- cil members before being too critical should look into the whole matter. He said the school board was forced to raise salaries to get good teachers. If you want a second rate school system you have to be satisfied with second Councillor Bradstock contend- ed that education is one of the most important of services and if we wanted the best possible teachers this was one place we would have to keep pace with Metro. He agreed with Mr. Mat- thew's letter that if we paid top salaries we should get teachers with top qualifications. Councillor Haggart â€" Too many people confuse the best av- ailable with the best we can af- ford. We simply can't tax people out of Richmond Hill. The Richmond Hill High School Music Club is pres~ enting its annual music night next week entitled Music Night 359. The demand for tickets has been so great in past years that for the first time it will be held on two evenings, Thursday and Friday, April 30th and May lst. Increase In Speed Limits Reduces Accident Record Thornhill & Richvaie Area Education Costs [in “It's just too great a load for the taxpayer." he said. Mounting education costs were under fire at the Town Council meeting Monday night and Councillor W. J. Hag; gart suggested a most careful review of both public and high school budgets before they are passed by council. Keeping up with the Metro scale of pay was criticized and Reeve Perkins who presided at the meeting remarked, “if we continue to try keeping up with the Jones’ to the south of us, we’ll land in the poor house to the north”. Council Slashes All Estmfies ha Battle Of Budget VOLUME Lixx, NUMBER 43 {igé .5: 00/ _mudic Aflgét Mr. Drew and Corporal Askew had appeared before council to obtain their approval of the De- partment of Highways plan to change the speed limit from 30 to 40 miles per hour on Highway 7 approximately 500 feet west of the boundary of Thornhill vil- lage. The department claims such a changeover will save drin hers using the area from losing “2 or 3 points.” Chief Davidson claims it is being changed to ac- commodate a few drivers who ex- cerd the limits no matter what they are and that it will cut down police fines, and reVenue. With the excebtion of Council- lor Anstey (who had earlier said it was premature) council agreed to accept the pyoposal. Mr. An’ stey said, “If you can show me on a map that it (the 40 m.p.h. zone) will not start for 500 feet beyond the pond or the new Presbyterian Church at Erica Rd., I’ll buy it." A map was then brought forward and Mr. Drew said the zone of 40 mph would commence west of Erica, not 500 feet west of Oak Bank Ave., as he had stated earl- ier. Erica Rd. is 500 feet west you tell us it isn’t.” Corporal As- kew replied they were referring to Highway 11.7 Reeve Perkins -â€"When it is I-eady it will be submitted to coun~ oil and all will have a chance to go over it. It has been well pared, and I think there will be more paring. The Reeve intimated that es- timates for all departments had been slashed in an effort to keep the increase down. rate teachers Reeve Perkins said school board representatives will be asked to meet with council finance com- mittee before the budgets are ap- proved. Councillor Haggart said, "we appoint high school trustees and should meet with them to let them know how we feel". His mo- tion to ask for such a meeting was seconded by Councillor Pat- erson and carried. Reeve Perkins revealed that tax increases needed for high school, public school and County of York already totalled 6.23 mills. These are all increases ov- er which council has very little control. The finance committee is hav- ing several meetings this week and hopes to have the budget ready soon. “Could we have a copy of the budget as it is now," asked Coun- cillor Ross. “In Essentials Unity: in Non-Essentials Liberty: in all things Charity! fi'our York iCentralYard A. R. Sumner, Chairman of Trustees for the Police Village of Thornhill, appeared before Coun- cil regarding paving of roads in the village, stating that the trus- tees had been “trying to getlsome- where with roads for the past two years.” Following a lengthyfiis- cussion of how such -a program would ‘be’ financed, Reeve ‘John Perry said the people concerned with paying for it would have to present a petition â€" which Vaughan Council could set before the Municipal Board and the De- partment of Highways. The reeve said that Deputy-reeve V. Ryder, road chairman, would make an appointment and arrange a meet- ing between the trustees and the department as soon as possible. To Widen No. '7 Highway Vaughan Council heard a pro- posal from the Department of Highways to widen Highway 7 from the 400 to Highway 27. The department is now in process of acquiring land in this area for a four-lane highway, which will eventually do away with the nar- row bridge at Woodbridge. To Attend Convention Vaughan Council’s agenda is so full these days Councillor An- stey implored, “Don’t "take any commitments for May lst, that's the day the ‘Trout Season’ opens." Township Assessors, John Mitâ€" chell and Madill will attend the annual convention of assessors in Ottawa, council decided. Trout Season Opens May 1 Yesterday, Wednesday, was one of the busiest of this year for council members who had: (1) a meeting at 10 am. to discuss rate- payers' and trustees’ briefs re the C.IT.R.; (2) a meeting with the C.N.R. re a caution light on the point where the road to the town- (Continued on page 15) of 'the village boundary. Mr. Anstey joined in approving the new zoning. Thornhill Trustee Among the press members cov- ering the tour will be Mona Rob- ertsin. Associate Editor of “The Liberal". Among those attending are Vaughan Township Reeve J. Per- ry, Deputy-reeve V. Ryder, Coun- cillors Jesse Bryson, William An- stey and Bruce Ralph: Vaughan Planning Board members, Du- gal McCowan and Dr. Allan Hogg; Clerk James McDonald; Building Inspector and Planning Board Secretary, Thomas Gillings; Township Engineer, Keith Hop- per; Planning Consultant. Derrick Little; Maple Trustee John Yorke; Maple Ratepayers repres- entative, Mr. Mendelson; and Concord Rabepayers‘ representa- tives Henry Nordin and John Pepper. The tour has been arranged to give the e ' representatives of Vaughan ownship an opportun- ity of observing the marshalling yard, viewing nearby townships (the yard is 23 miles outside of Pittsburgh), noting subdivision growth, and meeting with vari- ous ratepayers and planning members adjacent to the marshalâ€" ling yard. A tour of the Pittsburgh. Pen- nsylvania marshalling yard has been arranged for today, Thurs- day, on the invitation of the Pub- lic Relations Department of the Vaughan Reps. Above are seen several of the performers with the High School’s Music Director Mr. Warren Atkinson. The musicians are (from left to right): George Croft, Lois Perkins, Peter Maddeaux, Sara Gibson, Monte Wag- ner, Ann Fletcher and Mr. Atkinson. RICHMONbTIEL ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 23,1959 HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 iSmGLE COPY 10¢ Mr. Smith was directly critical of a proposal to “spend $85,000. on a broken down arena â€" just to put a front on it” but didn’t limit his criticism to the present council. “No one in the past years has apparently had the intestin- al fortitude to say “no”, he said and he compared a recent council session to a “TV give-away pro- gram". In speaking for the ratepayers delegation Mr. Smith said. “we are not belligerent, we have no axe to grind, we have no chip on our shoulder, but we are extreme- ly worried and we're dead ser- ious". Critical of high levies for education Mr. Smith said the school board couldn’t take all the blame. If the council goes ahead with residential subdivisions the school board has to provide for education of the children. “That's on paper," said Mr. Smith who had some critical words for the big chain stores. “The money spent in chain stores doesn't do Richmond Hill any good," he said, “it doesn't stay here 24 hours. When it comes to raising money for community projects the chain stores don’t Councillor Haggart took issue with the speaker who claimed that council and school board are trying to keep pace with Metro spending. Councillor Haggart said as far as council is concern- ed salaries are well below Metro. Mr. Smith suggested that school boards should collect theiI taxes for education. “If they col- lected their own taxes they would be more conservative," he said. Councillor Haggart defended the 1959 annexation as he said it will help ease the tax burden: Pleading for co-operation between council, school boards, planning board and all local bodies; Kenneth G. Smith, representing the Crosby Heights Ratepayers As- sociation suggested at Town Council meeting Monday night the appointment of a fact-finding committee to cur- tail spending and ease the load on the over-burdened tax- payer. The speaker said that last De- cember all candidates for office said this should be a year of con- solidation but the first thing that happened was more annexation. “We’ve missed the boat", he said, “and planned poorly". He stress- ed the need for industrial devel- opment and deplored the fact Richmond Hill did not have in- dustrial land for sale. Available land he said is held at prohibitive prices. With no land for sale by the municipality, Mr. smith ask- ed why we needed an indUStrlal commissioner. Mr. Smith warned against ‘overâ€"development of com- mercial areas and said we have gone subdivision crazy. "The people of Richmond Hill are rel- ly concerned at the prospect of in- creased taxation, and rightly so," he said. “for we will wake up some day and find our investment gone." Councillor Bradstock said the annexation this year meant only 125 new homes and the commer- cial assessment would help bring us nearer a balanced assessment. Need Fortitude To Say No Council Meeting Like Give-Away Program On T.V. Farmers throughout the district are busy on the land this week. Seeding operations are well underway, and the start this year was about one week later than last year. Land is working nicely but a good warm rain would be welcomed. Spring Work Now Started Will Appoint Commiflee Council Will Probe Crosby Sewer Costs And Beverley Acres Big Drainage Project meg-930' Ratepayers Ask O 0 Bus Ag eeeee nt ‘ A joint meeting to discuss e c I e ttttttttttttttttttttttt North Yonge Bus Li nnnnn . held Tuesday morning in Ma- ple. Representatives of Mark- O o n e ham, Vaughan and Bi cccccc Hill ininf nwnorl of the “no. MARKHAM â€" Mr. J. Koblesn- by has purchased the former Milne farm. of about 80 acres. in Markham Village. For many years the property has belonged to Dr. 0. L. Stanton of Yellowknife. Deputy-reeve S. F. Tinker said he was not in favor of the annex- ation move this year, but he pointed out to the delegation that all requests to council for money will not be granted. While council may not have opposed requests at the time. they were referred to the finance committee and they have been pared and the paring is not finished yet. contribute a dollar Reeve Perkins assured the del- egation that the finance commit- tee is paring estimates. Referring to the proposed $85,000. for the arena he said, “I don't think you will see that done this year.’f In thanking the delegation for the representations Reeve Per-_ kins said that such criticism was helpful and that undoubtedly it would help sharpen our pencils even more as we consider the es- timates. In closing Mr. Smith appealed to council and school board to co-operate in keeping the tax levy down and warned against new subdivisions. “Every subdiv- ision costs us barrels of money,” he said. the future operation of the North Yonge Bus Line was held Tuesday morning in Ma- ple. Representatives of Mark- ham, Vaughan and Richmond Hill, joint owners of the line were present. The current T.T.C. agreement covering the operation of the» line is due to expire on December 3lst of this year. Those present instructed Mayor Ken Tomlin of Rich- mond Hill to write the T.T.C. and ask them to renew the present agreement. Richmond Hill was represented at the meeting by Mayor Tomlin and Reeve Floyd Perkins, Markham by Reeve W. L. Clark, and Vaughan by Reeve John Perry. Work is progressing this week on construction of the new shopping centre at the corner of Markham Road and Bayview. D. Miller & Com- pany of Oshawa are the builders’ and when complet- ed the centre will include 14 stores. It is reported that five are already rented. On behalf of Dr. Clayton Rose, Dr. R. M. King. York County Medical Officer, ad- vises that free Palio Vaccine will be available for adults, beginning May 1. This repres- ents the first time that this special free service has been available for adults, and dis- tribution will be made in 17 centres across the coun- ty with the assistance of the health unit and staff. Dr. King urges that immediate consideration be given to this opportunity, before the start of the active polio season. Fourteen New Stores Free Polio Vaccine For Adults of the la was Council authorized the appoint- ment of a three man commi vee to invesigate thoroughly the 0 projects in an eil'ort to fix res- ponsibility for the conditions. Files will be searched and draw- ings and engineering recommen- dations examined and it was in- timated former council members would be questioned. In his let- ter to council and his verbal rep- resentation to council Mr. Broad- hurst suggested that council should consider legal action if it is found the engineering of the projects was at fault. Sparked by a letter from Tom Broadhurst, 343 Taylor Mills North, a municipal council candidate in the last elec- tion, Richmond Hill Town Council Monday night after a lengthy discussion agreed to a full scale probe to fix res- ponsibility for the quarter million dollar drainage problem in the Beverley Acres area, and the recurring sewer breaks gn Crosby Avenue which have already cost more than 50,000. After lengthy test drilling op- erations the new well was located on the MacKay property just be- ,yond the town limits in Markham Township. While Richmond Hill made plans to develop the well the site was deeded to Markham Township. Richmond Hill appeal- ed to the Water Resources Com- mission with the foregoing re- sults which Reeve Perkins said is quite satisfactory. Markham Township needs a water supply in the area. particularly for Hills- view Avenue. In announcing that future test drilling would be by the Commis- sion. the Reeve stated that Mark- râ€"â€"aâ€""~ r In his presentation to council Mr. Broadhurst said. “before be- ing taxed heavily to remedy this situation I would like first to be convinced that I am the one who should» be paying for it”. He re ferred to a case ‘in the City of Brantford, where a recent judgâ€" ment aWarded the municipality $55,000. in an action against the consulting engineers found neg- ligent in failing to advise coun- cil regarding the condition of the ground where a fire hall was built. Councillor Haggart agreed with Mr. Broadhurst that the ratepay- ers had a right to know why it was necessary to spend a quarter of a million dollars to correct the drainage situation. He suggested that the help of investigating en- gineers be sought: Councillor Bradstock doubted if it was a case of error in Bever- ley Acres but thought there might be some chance of error in the case of the Crosby sewer. _ Councillor Haggart reminded Councillor Bradstock that before coming on council he had sug- gested engaging inspecting engin- eers. “Why the change of atti- tude," he asked. Councillor Ross agreed that there should be an investigation to get the facts. “I have asked for a copy of the agreement with J. A. Bailey,” he said. Councillor Paterson suggested a committee of council to make a thorough investigation. Reeve Perkins said he always had misgivings about drainage of The Ontario Water Resources Commission will develop the deep, well located in Markham Township by the Town of Rich- mond Hill and when the extent of supply is determined will again meet with representatives of the two municipalities and work out an agreement for sharing on the basis of need. In future all drill- ing for additional water supply in this area will be carried on by the Water Resources Commission. This was the result of a meeting last Wednesday of Richmond Hill and Markham Township repres- entatives with the Commission, as reported to Town Council on Monday night by Reeve Floyd R. Perkins. Water Resources Will DeveHOp Water Supply For This Whole Area New Well By July the area. I asked about drainage because it was always a frog- pond. I was told by the engineer that it was being looked affing Councillor Bradstock said he hoped the committee would have the power to call anyone who might be able to throw llght on the situation. He thought the pos- sibility of successful legal action in the case of Beverley Acres was remote. Councillor Ross -â€" I recall council said Bailey had no fur- ther responsibility in the Bever- ley Acresfisituatlopi Someone asked where the fin- ance committee will get the mom ey to pay the inspection englnu eers. “Open another subdivision,” said Deputy Reeve Tinker. "We've got a tiger by the tail and can't let it go". To the suggestion former coun- cil members be interrogated. Reeve Perkins said he welcomed the opportunity. “I look forward to it with no fear nor trembling," he said. Council gave unanimous ap- (Continued on Page 3) Councillor Bradstock â€" Those were Mr. Bailey's words. Coun- cil said no legal responsibility. I had in mind moral responsibil- Councillor Haggai-t said the Crosby sewer has already been repaired three times at a cost of $50,000. and it has disappeared again. He thought council should take action to see whether or not it was the fault of the consulting engineers. "I object to the taxâ€" payers paylng all this money." he said, “and we've been paying en- gineering costs to correct engin- eering errors". Works Commissioner Whalen stated the present break is just west of where the previous re« pairs were made. ’ Councillor Paterson said ln~ spection engineers would cost at least $100. per day plus expenses. Councillor Haggai-t thought the Commission should be busy now developing a new permanent sup- ply to serve the whole area. The lack of an adequate water supply was holding back the development of the whole area, he said, a pol- icy of continully punching dry holes isn't just good enough for this fast growing district. Reeve Perkins said the Bever- ley? Acres drainage schemrls es- timated to cost $250,000. and It may be mpre. ham Township will have to share in the $14,000. expenditure made by Richmond Hill in the explor- atory test drilling. The new well should be in production by July lst which should be in time to make restrictions on water use in Richmond Hill unnecessary said Reeve Perkins. “Richmond Hill didn't think kindly of the action of the owner deeding the land to Markham Township, but I’m quite satisfied with the result of our meeting with the Water Commission, and in the long run the whole thing may have worked out well‘for everybody," said Reeve Perkins. Reeve Perkins intimated that the Water Commission felt that while deep wells may not be the permanent answer to water needs, they should be used as long as possible. Councillor Haggart pointed out that Richmond Hill's claim was based on established need, and was not for future developmept.

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