Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 May 1959, p. 19

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SIAMESE kittens from registered stock. 10 weeks old. Mrs. John- ston. 95 Yongehurst Road. Rich- vale, or PO. Box 342, Richmond Hill. 02w45 HOUND PUPS, 3 months old, good deer hound stock. Also pinto saddle horse, well broken. AV. 5-3961. *2w45 +2885 after 4.30 pm 6 WEEKS OLD B'JNNIES. TU ED’S PET SHOP OAK RIDGES ' Budgies. oanaries. Java Temple birds and finches. Cages. $3.95 and up. Goldfish and goldfish bowls. Aquariums. pumps. and all aquarium supplies. Monkeys. tur- tles and hamsters. Rabbits and all types of dogs. All Hart: Mountain Pet supplies. Fishing tackle and live bait. Open 10.00 am. to 10.00 pm. including Sun- days. (Wednesdays â€" closed at noon). PRospect 3-5233. AUTOMATIC DELIVERY ON TUESDAY. May 5th, a small, black. zippered bible on No. 7 Highway between Thornhill and K .ele St. AV. 5-2324. c1w45 WALLET, containing money, and papers at the corner of Yonge and Markham Road on Saturday May 2. Finder please call The Liberal ofiice, TU. 4-1105. c1w45 ‘LARG'E‘ I_'_ed _S_e_tter. temzfie, no tag. vicinity Richmo'nd fi'iiif'TU, 4â€"3878. c1w45 meals, suit gentléman. T'UT l1: 2698. I’1W45 ROOM 8: BOARD available Parking facilities. Phone TU. 4- 3217. clw45 WHITE pea-hen, vicinity VRich- vale-Langstatf. Phone AV. 5-2200. CHURCH §T.. single roam. good AVAILABLE May 7. private room with board for gentleman. Park- ing facilities. Pleasant atmos- phere. Call AVenue 5-4115. c1w45 ROOM and BOARD A GIRL'S bicycle. in good con~ dition. AV. 5-1387. c1w45 in god condition. Must Be _reason4 able. TU. 4-3955 after 6 pm. MALE RABBIT. Phone Maple 74 R5. *1w45 TWIN STROLLER TU. 4-4672.' SHALLOW or deep well pump, complete. Also 300 feet of 1” plastic pipe. Please call TU. 4- 2594. clw45 APARTMENT size retrigerator. WANTED â€"â€" Used furniture. Cash prices paid. Call Frank's Movers and Storage. TU. 4â€"2613. AV. 5- 5101. c1w45 GIRL'S bicycle, suitable for 10 years old. TU. 4-4997. c1w45 BOY‘S bicycle, 24" wheels. TU. 4-4538. c1w45 LARGE 20" tricycle in good con- dition. Phone TU. 4-1604. DEEP well pumps. BAldeln 5- 5962. c1w45 Can grow to a full time business. RAISE CHINCHILLAS STONEHOUSE CHINCHILLA 111 Haddington Ave., Toronto RU. 2-6806. tfc44 BUSINESS BORROWING Flne opportunity to place funds (under ten thousand) to work at good interest plus bonus. Prom- lssory note backed by readily saleable steel we have purchased, Box 13. Richmond Hill Liberal. c2w44 Any size or maké. pay cash. phone Toronto LE. 4-9419. collect. tfca PERMANENT baby sitter for one child. lee in. Good home plus remuneration. Must be reliable person. TU. 4-2726. tfc43 CLIMBING BARS PETS FOR SALE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY A PRO FITABLE HOBBY PIANO WANTED WANTED FOUND LOST Reasonable. clw45 TU. 4-3853. clw45 c1w44 c1w45 c4w45 c1w45 clw45 clw45 Semi-detached 3 bedroom. living room with dining area, modern kitchen. landscaped lot, gas heat- lng. $14,300, 1.800 down. Stoutt Agencies Ltd., Real Estate, 87 Yonge St. South. Aurora. Phone PArkview 7-4278 or Toronto. EMplre 6-9313. c1w45 room bungalow, desirable loca- tion, living room 28’ x 13' with dining area, 3 family-sized bed- rooms. kitchen, fully modern. lot 60 x 210 ft. Landscaped and fen- ced. oil heating. Many extras. Only reason for selling, owner employed out of town. Price $15,900, $5,000 down. JUST A REAL NICE home, 6- 287 acre wooded lot east of New- market, full price. only $3500. Call Des Sweeney Realtor. TU. 4- 2734. c1w45 KERRYBROOK DRIVE 3 bedroom bungalow. plus 24' square panelled recreation room. including broadloom. drapes and $1,000 worth of landscaping. The kitchen itself was featured in Homes and Gardens. Sickness only reason for selling this at- tractive home. For appointment to see the above properties call Des Sweeney, Realtor, TU. 4- 2734. $2.500 DOWN buys 2 homes on a 63’ lot. 1 oil heated, 6 room fam- ily home. Plus 2 room cottage that rents for $75.00 monthly. These two for the price of one and located just east of Yonge Street on Roseview Ave. Call Des Sweeney, Realtor, TU. 4-2734. HOUSE â€" 2 bedroom bungalow, 3 piece bath; brick veneer, 01! heat, on lot 100’ x 300'. Ever- green trees. Immediate posses- sion. On No. '7 highway at Con- cord. AV. 5-2444. c1w45 Real Estate Broke: and General lnsunnoe 21 Yonge St. N. All 2 ATTRACTIVE luxury bunga- lows with 18’ living rooms â€" on quiet crescent just west of Yonge Street. In addition to 3 bedrooms there are many extras to inspect. Call Des Sweeney Realtor, TU. 4- 2734. LOVE AT PURSE SIGHT! This two-storey Insulbric home with 7 large rooms on scenic lot overlooking King countryside, can be purchased for $2,500 down. See this 1% storey frame house on attractive corner lot in King City. There are eight comfort- able rooms, oil heating. TV an- tenna. $13,900 with terms. Here's the ideal family home at an unbelievably low price! Two storeys, 9 immaculate rooms. Car- port, water softener, storms and screens, corner lot on paved road in Maple, $12,900.00 with terms. Valuable business location with 100 ft. iroatage our Yonge Street. Tame buildiag, 22'x31'7 Flood- lights, deep well. 53,000 down payment. Only $500 Down buys this neat 5-room home in Oak Ridges. $6,- 500 full price. For additional information call . Peter Kitchen PA. 7-5076 EARL V. STEWART $3.000 FULL PRICE Big Bay Point, Lake Slmcoe, 5- room summer cottage with stone fireplace. Inside conveniences. drilled well. Large screened sleeping porch and summer kit- chen. Nice trees on property. Will accept low down payment. Mrs. D. Carter, AV. 5-1905. J. A. Willoughby and Sons Ltd., Realtors. c1w45 $8,700 5 room bungalow, 1 acre of ground with beautiful evergreen trees. Large barn and garage. RICHMOND HILL For sale. Lovely 6 room home, $2,000 down. Full price $12,- 1co.oo. Large lot with garage. Close to Yonge St., shopping and schools. For sale â€" 5 room home, immed- iate possession. $2,000 down. One single mortgage Lovely treed lot. For sale - Several detached lots ready to build. Builders' terms. For sale â€" Lovely triplex lot with mortgage already arranged. For further information, call Fnank Steffen, AV. 5-5301. John- ny Longo Real Estate Ltd. 31 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill. clw45 RICHMOND HILL $14,900 -â€"' Lovely trees enhance this 2-storey solid brick 3-bed- room home with separate dinette and attached garage. Located near Yonge St. in central part of town. COTTAGE for sale or rent at Kincarddne, on Lake Huron. All modern conveniences. TU. 4-5073 or write or phone Wm. Walsh, Box 303. Klncardlne c2w45 2 bedroom cottage on large lot, 200 x 100. fully furnished. TU. 4-5245. c1w45 Save $1,000. buy direct from own- er. ranch style bungalow, 6 rooms, storms. and screens. corner lot. completely landscaped. $17,900. Call Mr. Johnson, TU. 4-3613. PORT SEVERN, Georgian Bay. 6 rooms. Large house. 28'x43', acre lot. Lake frontage. Boat house. Hydro. Private road off highway to door. 80 miles. TU. 4-3469. *lw45 PBUDENTIAL TRUST CO. We have a number of low priced homes and building lots; also a few new homes. List your home or lot with us for quick action. Mr. Hudson, phone TU. +2822 or HU. 3-4343. dell PLEASANTVILLE GARDENS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LAKE SIMCOE Aurora clw45 c2w45 Year old. AV. 5-1370. ' c1w45 talking strain. also' breeaers."TUL 4-2205. tic23 ; GOATS; One milker. 2 one- CAPONS. and fowl. highest pri- ces paid. Don't sell until contact- ing W. S. Appleton. Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Station. phone PRospect 8-5301. tfc27 REGISTERED b_aby_budgies from HOUSE, must have hydro and in- side plumbing. minimum of 4 rooms. Locality is unimportant. for English family. 3 small child- ren. Maximum rent $50.00. Box Number 28, The Liberal. c1w45 SMALL self-contained apartment for two people. Phone TU- 4-5526. l"1“:45 WANTED â€" 4 roomed self con- tained apartment or flat for young couple with child. Reas- onable rent. Phone HU. 8-6638 collect. c1w45 YOUNG professional civil servant with high income but little capital seeks three on four bedroom house to rent. Must be in Rich- mond Hill and preferably west of Yonge Street. Three disciplined children in family. References will be exchanged prior to any agreement. Please address your reply to Box 27, The Liberal. 3 bedroom V bungalow in Rich; mond Hill near Yonge Street by 1st June. TU. 4-5321. c3w44 WANTED TO RENT â€" Small ham or chicken house. Box 392, Richvale P.O. *2w44 WANTED by local business mam, 1954 FORD station wagon. Cedar Ave., Richmond Hill ’54 CHEVROLET deluxe. radio, clean throughout. Runs, looks and is terrific. $795. Take trade and arrange finance. AV. 5-5000 or TU. 4-3331. c1w45 USED AUTO PARTS FOR SALE 49-54 Ford' rear end installed. $25.00: 49-50 Ford transmissions installed $25.00; 49-54 radiator installed $20.00; 6-cylinder Dodge motor, A-l. complete, fit most cars, $40.00, installed $60.00; Ford, Chev., Willys, Austin. Hill- man, Vanguard, Dodge wheels, $3.00 each. Hubcaps and various wheel discs. 500 to $2.00. 49-54 Ford rear axles with bearings, $3.00 each. 49-54 Ford products generator and regulator, $6. ’52 Hillman four doors, hood, bumper and trunk lid â€" all for $15.00. Austin tire, tube 8: wheel. Hill- man tire and tube. $5.00. 525x16" Austin tires, like new, $5.00 each. Ray, AV. 5-5000. c1w45 1958 CHEVROLET station wag- on. Very good condition and reasonably priced. TU. 4-1603. . c1w45 1952 FORD. good running condi- tion. TU. 4.1352. c1w4§ '56 FORD F.700 14 ft stake truck, new motor, 13,000 miles. 900 x 20 tires. Excellent condition. Will take half or one ton truck in part payment. TU. 4-5508. c1w45 1950 MONARCH, overdrive, white walls. Clean throughout, Sharp upholstery. New license, needs motor. $100 as is, $163 with ma- tor. Ray, AV. 5-5000. clw45 10-FOOT RACING hydro-plane boat with 15 h.p. Evinrude, fin, ready to go. $165. AV. 5-1692. c1w45 1949 MERCURY 3-ton dump near- ly new ’52 motor. Good box and hoist. Best offer. Maple 54r12. *1w45 1951 PONTIAC sedan. Good con- dition. Sell or swap for l;é-ton panel truck. TU. 4-2395. 1949 MERCURY, excellent con- dition. Call Mrs. Miller, AV. 5- 4228. c1w45 radio. signals; washers, new tires. TU. 4-2306. clw45 1954 CHEV Deluxe Sedan. priv- ately owned. 1959 license, in good shape. Tel. 292 Maple. c2w45 1951 HILLMAN, fair condition, 2 new tires, must sell, $75. AV. 5-1692. c1w45 ’58 RENAULT, white walls, radio, as new. 90 day warranty, $1.595. Take trade, finance. AV. 5-5000, or TU. 4-3331. c1w45 1951 DODGE, custom made ra- 1952 DODGE coach. good condi- tion. Make offer. Cash or terms. TU. 4-4018. Phone any time. c1w44 1954 CHEVROLET 4-door. re- built motor and transmission and clutch recently installed. Priv- ate. AV. 5-5373. clw45 $790 DOWN - ATTACHED GARAGE 6 room detached brick, only 4 months new. 1200 sq. ft. of lux- ury living, 3 master size bed- rooms. huge ultra modern hos- tess kitchen. coloured tile bath, decorated, N.H.A. mortgage car- ries $82 monthly. Hurry, it won't last, Call AV. 5-3642 or TU. 4- 3283. LOOK REAL ESTATE LTD. MELODY ACRES, Township of King, paved road, convenient to Yonge. elevation over 900 ft.. 1 acre scenic lots. frontages of 125 ft, full price $3,000. terms. John R. Blyth, Realtor, member of York County Real Estate Board, Oak Ridges PR. 3-5241. Evenings, Stan Rule, .PR. 3-5325. c2w43 USED CARS AND TRUCKS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE POULTRY WANTED ’W’A’NTED" TO RENT (Continued) clw45 c1w45 I“1w45 207 Engineering or Technical background an advantage. PERMANENT position, five day week. hospitalization and pension plan. Reply stating age. education, ex- perience, expected salary, and giving references. CAPABLE housekeeper required to assist in congenial home, 5 days a week, $30.00 weekly. PR. 3-5810. c1w45 EXPERIENCED waitresses wan- ted, full or part time. Apply at the Thornview Restaurant, Thom- hill. clw45 BUILDER WANTED To build bungalow 1,200 ft. on Thorn Heights Drive. Phone MEI- rose 3-3655. c1w45 FEMALE CLERK required in of- fice of industrial plant in Rich- mond Hill. Applicants should be quick and accurate with figures and have 'some experience in bookkeeping. Five day week. Ap- ply in own handwriting to Box 23 The Liberal. 02w45 SOMEONE to 101: after children in mother’s absence. May 16, 17 and 18. Phone PR. 3-5243. c1w45 GARDENER required, two or three days weekly. AV. 5-3721. c1w45 CAR HOPS and waitresses. Ex- perience not necessary. Neatness necessary. Apply Wilcox Drive« In. 6461 Yonge St. (Meadowvlew Ave. c1w45 GIRL for general housework, one adult, live in. TU. 4-1344. c1w45 WOMAN for light nursing and household duties. Live in. AV. 5- 3901. c1w45 DISHWASHER wanted. Apply at Pop's Restaurant, 194 Yonge St. North, Richmond Hill. c3w45 MEN wanted to work in wood factory. Apply in person between 5th and 6th Concessions of Mark- ham on 19th Ave. c1w45 X-RAY Technician (medical) re- quired part time. Please state experience and hourly salary re- quired. Box 21 The Liberal. clw45 WAITRESSES For day time, night time and part time. Forum Restaurant. TU. 4- 3001. c1w45 PART TIME office help, one with experience in posting and billing preferred. three or four half days weekly, hours arranged to con- venience of suitable applicant. Apply by letter to Box 26, giving details of qualifications. *1w45 LABOURER wanted. Phone AV. 5-1153. c1w45 SALES CLERK Apply Osborne's 5 & 10. Rich- mond Heights Plaza. TU. 4-4941. QDD JOB MAN, onq day a week, $1.25 per hour; Phoné TU. 5489. ch COUPLE need housekeeper. no heavy work. Suit elderly person live in. Moderate salary. Box 14 The Liberal. . *2w44 ATTENTION: Thornniu, Rich- mond Hill, Willowdale, North To- ronto resident. We require in- voice typist and order desk clerk. Shorthand desired but not essen- tial. Good working conditions with usual company benefits. Ap- ply Box 18, The Liberal. ATTENTION: Thornhill, Rich- mond Hill, Willowdale, North To- ronto residents. We require in- capable experienced stenograph- er. Shorthand essential. Com- pany located Thornhill area. Can- genial working conditions with usual company benefits. This is a permanent position. Attractive starting salary. Reply Box 18, The Liberal. c2w44 EXPERIENCED hairdressers and help. Good wages. Phone afteri-VG p.m. TU. 4-3030. c1w45 FEMALE CLERK for a local bank in Richmond Hill. Experi- ence in bank routine preferred. but not essential. Box 16 The Liberal. 03w“ PLANNING a vacation? Be an Avon Representative and start earning for that trip immediate- ly. We train you. Write Mrs. F. Walker, 38 Thompson St.. Barrie, or phone PArkway 6-6551. 02w45 WAITRESS wanted for full or part time. Apply Mr. Breunjes, Richmond Theatre Grill. c1w45 REGISTERED NURSES and Cer- tlled Nursing Assistants, also re tired nurse to train as assistant Medical Records Librarian, re- quired immediately for modern hospital in the heart of vacation- land. Residence available. Apply Director of Nursing, St. Andrew's Hospital. Midland, Ont. c3w44 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN We are taking on one new sales- man in our busy Thornhill head offices We provide complete manager training and help. Call Mr. Cariisie, AV. 5-1176 or AV. 5- 2742, David McLean Ltd., Real- tors. clw-fl MECHANIC qualified licensed mechanic lot DOdge-DeSoto Dealer Wm. Neal, TU. 4-2091. c1w44 OPENING for one salesman or saleslady in busy Richmond Hill Realty office. Call Mr. Shields, TU. 4-3805, David McLean Ltd., Realtors, Richmond Hill. c2w39 WHY NOT TRY SELLING in your spare time for that extra money you need. One of Canada's best known household products. Good commission. Car essential. TU. 4-1250. ~ tfcls REGISTERED nurses The Villa Private Hospital AV. 5-3691. dc29 EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR. ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN SALESMAN REQUIRED I Box N0 22 THE LIBERAL clw45 MANUFACTURERS OF INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT HELP WANTED require! c1w45 c1w45 c2w44 Satisfaction, Workmanship Guaranteed Terms if you desire For a. free appraisal, consult Sales Manager, AV. 5-3541 SATURDAY, MAY 16th â€" Auc- tion sale of brick dwelling, 6 rooms, bath, oil heated, good siz- ed lot, on West side of Wales Ave., in the Village of Markham, also personal effects. Property belonging to the Estate of the late Fred Harvey. Sale at 2.30 pm. Terms cash. Real estate 10% of purchase price day of sale. Bal- ance in 30 days. Russel Grove and Lewis Grove, Executors. Ken 3; Clarke Prentice â€" Auctioneers. c3w44 SAT., MAY 16 â€" Auction sale of household furniture, walnut organ, bedroom furniture, quan- tity of good china cooking uten- sils, bedding, garden equipment, antique articles, at Lot 14, Con. 9 Vaughan Township, 2 miles north of No. 7 Highway on ,No. 27 Highway. The Estate of the late Annie E. Shackleton. A. S. Farmer. Auctioneer, Gonnley, Ont. No reserve. Terms cash. Sale at 1.30 D.S.T. c2w45 We specialize in driveways. First class material used on- ly. For a truly beautiful driveway, where workman- ship is guaranteed, you owe it to yourself to get ‘United’. United Paving Co. TRANSPORTATION LET US HELP YOU -ave honey by combining your mortgages and other debts in a single mortgage. Firsts and seconds bought, sold and arranged. ‘ WILLOWDALE MORTGAGE SERVICE HU. 3-2040 151‘ AND 2ND mortgages bought. sold. arranged. Call Mr. Stroud, HU. 8-5711. TU. 4-3263. tfczs MARRIED MAN, good education. Can accept responsibility. Any- thing considered. Can supply re- ferences. TU. 4-4269. *1w45 tlon as nurse or housekeébéiball King 253W. c1w45 FROM BATHURST and No. '1 Highway, to vicinity St. Clair and Yonge to arrive 8.30 to 9 a.m., re- turn 5 to 5.30. AV. 5-2533. tfc38 SALE REGISTERS QUALIFIED lady bookkeeper with banking, office routine, and management experience. Can as- sume control and act on own inl- tbatlve. TU. 4-4269. *1w45 RELIABLE mother will give da; care to baby or children. Play- ground equlpment in backyard. TU. 4-3891. c1w45 YOUNG LADY requires wail; anything considered. Box 25 .“The Liberal”. *1w45 ACCURATE typing done at he}; Invoices, stationery, correspond- ence. Reasonable and reliable. Phone BA. 5-4743. c1w45 EXPERIENCED typist reqfiiEE Work at home. Phone TU. 4-3217. c1w45 gRACTICAL Ngrse qesires pas?- BABY SITTER at her own home. Phone TU. 4-2684 after 7 pm. *lw45 PART TIME bookkeeping and ac- counting, full set of books. days or evenings. Phone collect Rich- mond Hill, TU. 4-5477 after 7 pm. WOMAN desires position in vic- inity of Richmond Hill. Clerical or sales clerk, experienced. TU. 4-3466. *1w45 time office work. Exba-ienced typist. TU. 4-5361. clw45 in many kinds of employment. Phone Salvation Army House of Concord. AV. 5-5126. c3w45 CAPABLE mother wiiiiéére for one or two children. AV. 5-4704. c1w45 XOUNG LADY would like m: DAY CARE for 1 child. TU. 4- 4767. cZw45 YOUNG MEN, 16â€"21; interested RETIRED MAN. active and rel- iable. requires full or part time employment. 16 years banking ex- perience, AV. 5-3328. c3w43 EXPERIENCED KNITTEF re. quires hand-knitting. AV. 5-1559 evenings. tics SKILLED ENGINEER Fully experienced in all phases of Engineering. Blueprints. Boil- ers, Steam, Hydraulic, Diesel, Re- frigeration, Fleet Maint., Ship- ping, etc. Requires plant supervis- ory position. Full, Part time, Temporary or Permanent, inter- ested in time study, and job effic- iency programs. Just finished sev- en years as Plant Engineer with well known Toronto Glue Factory. (Age 45). Phone Maple 233. Or write T. H. Bryce. R. R. 2 Maple. Ont. l"‘lw42 RELIABLE mother wishes baby sitting, or will combine baby sit- ting with general nursing care. Phone TU. 5-3698. tfc40 EXPERIENCED woman willing to look after family in mother’s absenceznlso baby fitting. TU. 4-3158. t1c23 EMPLOYMENT WANTED MORTGAGES c1w45 tfc28 4822 Yonge St. Willbwdale 5'/z% N.H.A. MORTGAGE For Only $22,500.00 A PERFECT BLEND See It Today For Further Details Call Take all the charm and spac- iousness of a large 7-room ranch bungalow with finished recrea- tion room, add a larger than nor- mal lot. place it on a quiet cres- cent close to Toronto and you have the perfect mixture for a family home. - Other ingredients include a garage, paved drive. fenced yard, charming decoration and a large open fireplace. Kelly 8. Kragg Ltd. Household Finance Corpora- tion of Canada is pleased to an- nounce .the appointment of Mr. Felix Game as manager of their new branch office, located at 15 Yonge Street North, in Richmond Hill. Mr. Game has worked in several of the company’s branch offices and was recently assistant manager of one of their Hamilton branch offices. Mr. Hooley and. his staff are li- censed tradesmen, and the new building in which the Regal Body Shop is located is equipped with the most modern equipment pos- sible to facilitate high quality, speedy body repair work, collis- ion, insurance work, and chassis straightening. One machine. the ‘Pulldiozer’ (a newcomer to Carna- da this year) has been installed. This machine, operating at 10 tons hydraulic pressure, utiliz- ing various attachments, is cap- able of removing dents in diffi-t cult positions, together with pillar straightening, and a variety of other body work. With modern spray painting equipment, Mr. Hooley is able to offer his pat- rons quality refinishing. together with their choice of colors. due to special color mixing equip- ment. The opening of the Regal Auto Body Shop should prove of in- terest to motorists, commercial concerns, and trucking compan- ies in Richmond Hill and sur- rounding areas. The Regal is lo- cated at Enford and Industrial Roads and the proprietor, Mr. Vern Hooley, is well known to the trade in Toronto for the past 15 years, and is thoroughly fam- iliar with every phase of the auto body repair and refinishing, originally graduating from a special vocational training course. Open New ‘ NO COLLECTION TU 4-2677 ALL WELCOME Ascensiontide 8 3m. -â€" Holy Communion 9.30 am. â€" Sunday School 9.30 am. â€" Family Service Dedication of Altar for Senior Sunday School 11 am. â€"- Morning Prayer (Nursery and Jr. Congregation) Preacher Rev. Logzan Varey, BA. 4 p.m. -â€" Holy Baptism 7 pm. â€" Evensong Wednesdays 1 am. â€" Holy Communion 8 pm. â€"-_Bible Study Group Body Shop EVERY THURSDAY 7.45 pm. â€" Service Meeting 8.45 p.171]: erernistry School “ My House Shall Be Called the House of Prayer” RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N. Hepburn. Minister SUNDAY, MAY 10. 1959 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School and Bible Class 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 11 mm. â€" Nursery Department Ranch Bungalow PLEASANTVILLE GARDENS KINGDOM HALL OF JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES Cedar Avenue. Richmond mu ‘ SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1959 ; p.m. â€"- Watchtower study tak- en from April lst Watchtower magazine â€" SUBJECT. King- dom Missionaries, the Bringers of the Best News. COME TO CHURCH AS ‘A FAMILY ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH Richmond Hill Rector: Rev. J. F. O’Neil SUNDAY. MAY 10. 1959 MRS. PEARCE BA. 5-2311 FELIX ’G. GAME To this add one REALTORS THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hin, Ontario, Thursday, May 7, 1959 Friday â€" 7.30 p.111. -â€" Boys’ Club 8 pm. â€"- Young Peoples Meeting Oak Ave SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1959 9.30 an. â€" Breaking of Bread 11 m. â€" Sunday School and Family Bible Hour Mr. Colin Anderson 7 p.111. â€" Evening Gospel Service Mr. Fred Peer Tuem, 8 pm. -â€" Prayer and Bible Reading PEOPLE’S CHURCH Wildwood Ave., Lake Wilcox Pastor - Rev. Wm. Helmet 11 a.m. â€" Morning Worship 2:30 pm. â€" Bible School. Classes for all ages. 7 pm. â€" Evening Service Tuesday 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting Pastor Helmet will be in the Lake area from Sunday noon til] Tues- day evenlng, also Saturday, Tel- ephone PR. 3-5344. TH! ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA EMMANUEL CHURCH Minister: Rev. E. Morley 134 Wright St. Richmond Hill TU. 4-3286 Morning Service ...... 11 am. Sunday School . . . . . . 9.30 am. Services in Charles Howitt School Pearson Ave. BICHVALE GOSPEL CHAPEL m CHURCH OF ST. LUKE LUTHERAN Finch Ave., East Public School Finch Ave. E., just west of Bayview Sunday School ........ 10 am. Worship Service . . . . . . . . 11 am. The Rev. Karl J. Schweder. B.D., MA., Pastor Phone: BAldwin 1-8900 (Anglican) Rector: Rev. W. B. Jennings, DJ). Tel. King City 313 HOURS OF SERVICE All Salnts’ Church - King City GORMLEY UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH Rev. C. E. Banking. Minister 8.45 a.m. â€" Broadcast CJRH 1300 10 an. â€" Sunday School 11 mm. â€"- Morning Worship 7.30 pm. -â€" Evening Service SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1959 2.30 pm. â€" Worship Service PARISH OF KING 8 MAPLE 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 10 am. â€" Morning Prayer 11.10 am -- Sunday School CARBle UNITED CHURCH TU. M236 Organist: Mrs. E. V. Collier. A.’l‘.C.O. SUNDAY. MAY 10. 1959 9.80 mm. - Sunday School 11 mm. â€"- Nursery and Junior RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH 50 Wright St. ‘ Pam: Rev. Robert W. Irvin. 3. Th.. BJLE. Phone: TU. 4-2095 SUNDAY. MAY 10. 1959 9.50 a.m. â€"â€" Bible School {or all YOU are invited 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 7 pm. -â€" Evening Service Monday at 7 jun. Boys' Club - 8 to 16 years old Wednesday at 8.30 pan. Mid-week “Hour of Power” Thursday at 7 pan. Girls! Club â€" All girls 8 to 12 The yam church with the old Message! 8T. MATTHEW'S UNITED CHURCH Crosby Ave., Richmond fill] Rev. William W. Patterson. B.A.. B.D., Minister SUNDAY. MAY 10. 1959 9.45 am. â€" The Sunday Church School 11 mm. â€" Public Worship Mothers' Day Service Nursery and Kindergarten meet at hour of Worship 2.30 pm. â€" Baptismal Service 7.30 pm. -â€" Young People’s Un- ion Congregation 11 a.m. â€"- Morning Prayer 2 pm. â€"- Bible Class :t the Rec- tory Corner of Elmwood and Rnulen Rev. Earl 8. Bull, Minister Church of the Light and Life Hour, CHML 9 am. Sunday SUNDAY. MAY 10. 1959 2.45 pm. â€" Sunday School Mother’s Day Program 7 pm. â€" Mother's Day Worship Wed.. 8 pm. â€" Prayer and Bible THE CHURCH OF ST. GABRIEL Study Hour Mon., May 11, at 6.45 pm. â€" Jr. Missionary Club We welcome you to the fellowship of this friendly family church that continues the teaching of Original Methodism. BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH Wm. Vanda-Bent. Pastor Tel; Richmond Hill. TU. 4-31" Bebe Hill (Gomley) 10 mm. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Worship Service 7.30 pm. â€"- Evening Service Wed., 7,45 p.m. - Prayer Meeting Vluxhgn (3rd Com. 2 miles north of Concord) 10 mm. â€" Sunday School 11.15 mm. â€"- Worship Service Concord (Schoolhouse) 10 mm. â€" Sunday School 011: Ridges. Aubrey Ave. Roy Nigh, Pastor Tel.: Gorlnley 5544 10.30 mm. â€" Sunday School 7.30 p.m. â€" Evening Service Tues. 8 p.111. â€" Prayer Meeting RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, MAY 10. 1959 9.45 mm. â€" Sunday School 11 am. -â€" Mother's Day Baptis- mal Service (Junior Choir) 7 p.111. â€" Evening Service “Ready For Action" Rev. Earl B. Eddy. B.A.. B.D. RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Anglican Richmond Hill lust Beverley Acres School Neal Drlvc Rev. J. W. Newton-Smith. 407 Lynett Crescent Richvale Rev. E. Morley Wright St. MOTHER’S DAY SERVICES 10 to 10 - Bible School The oldest and youngest mothers in Bible Class will be honored 11 --â€" “The Hand That Rocks The Cradle" A rose to every mother present 7 â€" Family Night "What's Wrong With Modem Families" The choir at both services 1 block east of Yonge Stop 12A Pastor Rev. F. Vaughan. B. Th. Student Assistant, Mr. R. Thistle SUNDAY, MAY 10. 1950 10 am. â€" The Service 11.15 am. â€"â€" Sunday School fl Bible Class (2 miles south of Maple) Pastor: Rev. Harold R. Lindeman. BA. Phone Unlonvlllo 361 Study Thurs., 1 pm. â€"- Women’s Mia- ionary Fellowship Thurs, 8 pm. -â€" Evening Mlle slon Circle 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month ML, 7 pm. â€"- Lamplighters and Teen Fellowsth LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH Church St, ngstafl M ter: Rev. B. T. McSpnddel 10 am. â€" Bible School with Adult Bible Class 11 am. â€"- Morning Worship 6.30 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting 7 pm. â€" Gospel Service Wed. 8 pm. -â€" Prayer and Bibi. me in heaven and in earth. JAMES 1 v 21: Wherefore 11y apart all filthlness and superflufly of haughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your soul]. Oak Ridges - Yonge at Elm Grove Morning Prayer . . . . . . 9.45 1.111. Sunday School . . . . . . 9.45 mm. Hyly Communion â€" lat Sunday CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeting in Concord School no. Each Lord’s Day Evening at 7 pm. Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9:15 I... ‘ Sunday mornings And Jesus spake unto them, saying,_a1_l power 1; given unto mond Hill Fri., 7 pm. â€" Children's Happy Hour 7.30 pm. â€" Live Wires Sat., 8.30 pm. â€" Couples Club Mr. Jan Kok will show picture! of his recent trip through Portu- gal, Spain, Italy, the Azores and Holland. ST. JOHN’S ANGLICAR OAK RIDGES Yonze at Jefferson Morning Prayer . . . . . . . . l! IJII. Sunday School . . . . . . . . 11 mm. Bible Classes Senior and Inter- mediate) . . . . . . . . . . 9.45 am. Holy Communion .. 2nd and 4th Sundays Baptismal Service 7.30 pm. -â€" Young Adults invite the congregation to a special Mother's Day Programme Mon., 6 pm. â€" Young Life Club (Teenagers 13-16) Tues., 8 pm. â€" Adult Christian Education Programme Wed., 8 pm. -â€"- Prayer Fellowship at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hook, 256 Rumble Ave., Rich- THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. Earl B. Eddy. 3A.. 3.1)., Th. D. SUNDAY. MAY 10. 1959 10 am. â€" Intermediate Church School 11 mm. -â€" Church Worship and Church School THORNmLL BAPTIST CHURCH Stop 17 Yonge Street Rev. Percy G. Buck. B.A.. 3. Th. 5 Old Orchard Grove. Toronto. 12. Ont. HU. 1-3142 SUNDAY, MAY 10. 1959 Christian Family Sunday (Mother‘s Day) Special Service Maple 10.15 am. Edgeley 1.30 pm. â€" Church School 2.30 pm. â€"-- Church Servico HOLY 1'le THOBNEILL SUNDAY. MAY 10. 1959 Sunday After Ascension Day 8 am. -â€" Holy Communion Corporate Communion for Mel 11 am. â€" Public Baptism Preacher - The Rector 1 pm. â€" Evening Prayer Preacher. Rev. D. L. Varey Wednesday 10 mm. â€" Holy Communion AV. 5-5391 SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1959 Christian Family Sunday 11 am. - Sermon . .How Children Learn 0! God.» 11.30 am. Hope 10.30 am. 11.15 MAPLE PASTORAL CHARGI THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Harold W. Davies, BA. Mlnlster ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN omen Rev. Calvin pgamben, ILA. ST. MARK’S ANGLICAN SUNDAY, MAY 10, 195. . â€"- Morning Worship .. -â€" Church Schod â€" Church School for all ages â€" Morning Worship

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