Children from three King City classroom formed the winning team, after being coached by their music teacher. Mr. Illtyd Harris of Aurora. Cater For Banquet Once again King City Public Schom chok came home wï¬h a singing award from Woodbridge Festival, this time taking ‘first prize competing with public school choirs from five rooms or under. The cartons left at King City United Church were partly sorted by Guides’ and Brownies’ moth- ers who tied dozens and dozens of pairs of shoes together and packed evening dresses, a brown fur jacket, clothing for all ages, draperies. children's toys, hard‘ cover and paper-backed books, women's hats and purses, cups and saucers. china figurines and knle knacks and sewing acces- aorles. Choir Winn Earlier in the week the uni- formed schoolgirls had been tak- en around the village, by moth- ers driving cars, to collect more rummage than was received last year. (Continued from Page 8) Ion, Mrs. Bruce Hall, Mrs. Harry Goulding and five Guides. Joan Flucker. Elaine Powell, Denise Heaps. Maureen Donaldson and Linda Cane. ‘ >ï¬ehty-flve {mothers of King THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD HERE- BY APPOINTS THURSDAY, the 28th day of May, 1959, at the hour of 10:00 o’clock in the forenoon (Local Time) in the Council Chambers in the Town of Richmond Hill, Ontario, for the hearing of all persons interested in support of or in opposition to this application. DATED AT TORONTO this 15th day of April, 1959. O. R. CHAPMAN, Secretary "m" PEAT â€" " TOPSOIL & SPECIALLY MIXED SANDY LOAM SPECIAL PRICE FOR LARGE QUANTITIES Our rates are reasonable COMMENCING at an iron pipe planted in the existing northerly limit of said Lot 49. being also the southerly limit of a plan ï¬led in the Registry Office for the East and West Ridings of the County of York as Number 1931, where it is intersected by the wes- terly limit of Yonge Street as widened by 3 Depart- ment of Highways of Ontario Plan ï¬led in the said Registry Office as Number 4255; ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract; of land and premises, situate lying and being in the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York being composed of Part of Lot 49, in the First Concession of said Township, and which said parcel, containing by ad- measurement 37.733 acres. is more particularly des- cribed as follows: Quality guaranteed We also have cultured nursery sod LAY-IT-YOURSELF 0R WE WILL LANDSCAPE FOR YOU â€" JUST GIVE US A CALL. Elgin Mills Loam and Sod Co. AV. 5-1514 THENCE south nine degrees thirty-three min- utes east (89" 33" E) along the westerly limit of Yonge Street as widened by said Plan 4255 and by a plan ï¬led in the Land Titles Office at Toronto as De- partment of Highways of Ontario Deposited Plan Number 488859. six hundred and seventy-ï¬ve and ninety-six one-hundredths feet (675.96’) to an iron bar planted in the northerly boundary of the Town of Richmond Hill; THENCE Westerly along the northerly boun- dary of the Town of Richmond Hill and being also along the northerly limit of a plan ï¬led in the Regis- try Office as Number 5151, two thousand. four hun- dred and twenty-three and seventy-three one-hun- dreths feet (2.423.73’) to an iron bar marking the northwesterlyengle 'of said Plan 5151; Thence north sixteen degrees forty minutes and thirty seconds west (N 16° 40’ 30†W), six hundred and sixty-tWO and sixty-four one-hundredths feet (662.64’) to an iron bar planted in the existing nor- therly limit of said Lot 49 and being also in the south- erly limit of said Plan 1931; THENCE north seventy-three degrees nineteen minutes thirty seconds east (73° 19’ 30†E) along the existing northerly limit of said Lot 49 and the south- erly limit of said Plan 1931. two thousand ï¬ve hund- red and seven and thirty-eight one-hundredths feet (2,507.38’) to the place of beginning. RICH more particularly described in Schedule “A†attached hereto, IN THE MATTER of Section 14 of The Municipal Act (R.S.O. 1950, a. 253). as am- ended, IN THE MATTER of an application by the Corporation of the Town of Richmond Hill for annexation to the Town of part of Lot 49, Concession I of the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York, and IN THE MATTER of By-law 847 of Tha Corporation of the Town of Richmond Hill. King City Notes THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD BLACK APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING SCHEDULE “A†-and- oand - It's still the season for sewing bees. Mrs. Robert Farrel: and Miss Jessie Gellatly prepared at- tractive patchwork tops and the two quilts were sewn three after- noons last week at Miss Gellatly's home b: Mrs. Fred Curtis, Mrs. Farren, Mrs. H. Lenhardt. Mrs. Ern. Hollinshead, Mrs. Aubrey Campbell, Mrs. Charles Kerr and Mrs. Charles Black. City District Scouts and Cubs managed the catering for the an- nual Father and Son banquet at Maple. 7 _ - The new executive proposed adding a stone window box to the front'of the building. New black shingles will be an immediate improvement to the roof. _ 'Ir‘lâ€"Iévéntrance step is to be rais- ed a few inches to prevent water from mining the floor tiling. About a dozen quilts are being prepared for the bale to be pack- ed by St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church W.M.S. the end of May for shipment to north-western Canada. _ Library Board . . Several improvements Memorial Library were 1). the Library Board last week. "ï¬rs. James Plucker was social convenor, aided by Mrs. Harry Lacey and Mrs. Howard Clegg of the Auxiliary's social committee. Bale Quilts SEAL to King planned meeting Several local organizations will he represented at the Trend Tea to be held Thursday. May 21, at Kingfield Farms, Second Conces- sion of King, home of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. W. Burns. Among those enjoying the so- éial evening of contests and re- freshments honoring Mr. Pedlar and his bride, the former Miss Irene Ezard, were Mrs. Len Robb, Cyril Andrews of Toronto, Mrs. Roy Hollingshead, Mrs. Ern. Hol- linshead, Mrs. William Willoug-h- by, Mrs. William Windas, Miss Beth 'Gellatly, Mrs. Sadie Proc- tor, Miss E. Stewart, Mrs. Leus- by, Miss Maggie Ball of Maple, Mrs. Frank Armstrong, and Mrs. Alfred Gillham. Local friends joined in the pro- gram 0t contests, which conclud- ed with refreshments. Home and School Tonight's final meeting for the season of 'King City Home and School AsSociation will be ad'- dressed by Mr. J. B. Bastedo, vocational guidance director at Aurora and District High School. Trend Tea Mr. and Mrs. James Pedlar were presented with a handsome floor lamp at a neighbours’ party held at the home of Mrs. W. l". McDonaid. In honor of Mr. and Mrs. James Pedlar, Miss Jessie Gellat- 1y entertained at a chicken din- ner and miscellaneous shower at her King St. home. Among the 18 guests were Miss Beth Gellatly, Mrs. Clara Smith, Mrs. Roger Gellatly, Mrs. Lyall Whitehead, Mrs .Mary Maxsted, Mr. and Mrs. Lambert Maxted and son. Bruce, all ofAToronto. Among those unable to attend to witness their gift being pre- sented were Mrs. Effie Bingham and Mrs. Charles Gordon. Family Party Receiving with Mrs. Burns will be Mrs. B. T. D. Tudball, presi- dent of Aurora Unit of the Cana- dian Cancer S ciety; Mrs. Quen- tin Hardy, w' e of King City’s Board chairman, and Mrs. Frank Rostance, of Ontario Division. The program had been prepar- ed by Mr. B. J. Langdon and Mr. Howard Clegg. Arrival Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Walton of King St. E. are the proud parents of a son, born May 5 at York County Hospital, a brother for Helen and David. ' Presentation Pouring tea at the annual soc- ial event will be Mrs. Eric White, Mrs. C. T. McMullen and repre- sentative: of women’s organiza- tions â€" Mrs. Robert Berwick, King City Firemen's Women's Association; Mrs. Gordon Orr, King City United Church W.A.; Mrs. Gordon Wells, All Saints’ Anglican Church W.A.; Mrs. J. H. Tanner. St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church W.A.; Miss Lilly Anderson, King City Women’s Institute. and Mrs. Wilbert Jen- nings, Temperanceville Women’s Institute. Earn Badges Members of the midget hockey team were guests at King City Lions’ Club dinner meeting in All Saints’ Parish Room. The boys heard a talk on character build- ing and the aim of sports by by Mr. Herbert Carnegie, North York Sports Director, who has organized a hockex school. A series of three polio clinic: is scheduled, the next one to be held in the Masonic Hall on June Sponsored by York County Medical Society, in co-operation with York County Health Unit, the clinic was staffed by nurses of the Unit. Mrs. Freda McKil- lop, Mrs. Cameron, Miss Reynolds and Miss Koabel. Safety Night Cub Akela Mrs. Renee Bam~ ford awarded badges at a regu- lar meeting of her Cub Pack to the following: Carl MacTaggart, first star; Larry Patton, team player’s and collector's badges; David Brooks, toymaker‘s and artist’s badges; Danny Brooks. toymaker's am} artist's badges. Their little boy, Timmy. will be staying with his grandmother, Mrs. Ross Walker, for another few weeks. visiting back and forth. Polio Clinic The first free polio vaccine clinic for adults in King City Masonic Hall was attended by 113 men and women. Most of those receiving polio and tetanus needles from Dr. James McPhee were from neigh- boring areas. Laskay. Strange, Temperanceï¬viiie and Mapl_e. Last week's sessions of Toronto Diocesan Board Woman’s Auxil- iary annual meeting werevattend- ed by Mrs. Gordon Wells, Mrs. Eleanor Scott. Mrs. Ross Walker. Mrs. Raymond Burt and Mrs. Col- bourne of the Afternoon Branch W.A. of All Saints’ Anglican Church, and by Mrs. Robert Wal- ker, Mrs. Wharton Hood and Mrs. George Bennet of the Evening Branch WA. The Diocesan Board Commun- ion service was in St. James‘ Cathedral and business meetings were in the Masonic Hall at Yonge and Davenport. The girls can eight cents on every box of cookies sold and this year 660 boxes of cookies were bought by supporters in the district. The money will be divid- ed among the Guide Company and two Brownie Packs. Welcomed Home Mrs. Jack Crouch has returned to her Bolton home. after spend- ing more than a year at Weston Sam, and was able to attend Sun- day service at the Bolton church where her husband is minister. V-, Oâ€"n'éï¬x’xew cub, Paul Challi, was invested. A profit of about $50 was clear- ed from Guides' and Brownies' recent cookie day, according to Guide Commissioner Mrs. Ewart Patton. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gilbert of North Keele St. have a baby daughter, born at York County Hospital and welcomed by three brothers. Cookie Day A funeral service was held at Humphrey Funeral Chapel, Bay- view Ave., for Mrs. Hllma Lehto. formerly of RR. 1. King. who died May 8 at York County Hosp- ital. Newmarket. Burial was in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Proud Parents The Chief Librarian. Mn. A. E. Jarvis, was granted $75 (or the purchase of new books. Funeral A Cub Instructor's badge was issued to John Bamford. Brian Knight received debater’s and stamp collector's badges: Ronald Crooks, one year service star; Dick Macnaughton and Allan Rey- A sing-song was led by an an- imated movie of a professional qugrgettgt “'I_l‘he_1'_‘our _Gentlen_1en." Cub Akela Mrs. Renee Bam- f 4d awarded Chris Malcolm his second star; David Glass, first star. and Gary Armstrong, first '5 at. Rev. Martin Jenkinson spoke on the influence of the father on the son, observing, “There is no greater honor than for a son to say with reverence. ‘This is my fithél',’ nor for a father to say with pride. ‘This is my son'.†Scouuriaster David Lyon called upon fathers to award badges to their sons, second class badges going to Brian Knight. Ronald McDonald, John Lacey, Douglas Parsons. John Bamford and George Loney. Chairman Archie Macnaughton introduced Mm. Wharton Hood, assistant district commissioner for Cubs, and Mr. George Harvey, district scoutmaster: the Ladies’ Auxiliary and members of the press. Mr. Macnaughton thanked group committee members for their efforts and the fathers for maintaining the interests of Scouts. urging parents to attend committee meetings each month. Rev. Dr. W. Bruce Jennings asked a blessing. after which Mr. George McDonald, vice-chairman of the group committee, introduc- edrhead table guests. Nearly 250 people attended the King City Scouts' and Cubs' an- nual Father and Son banquet last Thursday in Maple Community Hall, where the Ladies' Auxiliary served a turkey dinner. 250 Attend Scout And Cub Banquet AT YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER’S HOW! 'AV. BIRRELL MOTORS LIMITED 5-4991 District Commissioner Tom Harrington gave an informative talk on the “do it yourself age, and the importance of following instructions in order to complete a successful project.†He stress- ed the need for parents to assist their boys in following these in- structions and the Scout move- ment code. Mr. Harrington presented to former Akela Miss Ethel Thomas, a silver bracelet and to District Scoutmaster George Harvey, a tie clasp and cuff links, the gifts bearing Scout insignia. The District Commissioner in- vested new members of the group committee -â€" Lloyd Brown. Dr. Robert Ritchie, William Cook and Henry Funke. Mr. Macnaug-hton introduced the National Film Board color- ed movie, “The Land of the Long Day,†outlining the life of eski- mo children. The film was shown by Mr. Brown. The singing of the national an- them concluded a packed 2%- hour annual celebration. nolds, two year service Peter Macnaughton, t star. We have clients for all types of Real Estate with ready cash. Photo Co-op Listings. 13!: and 2nd Mortgages Arranged Johnny longo Real Estate Ltd. Properly Wanted 31 Yonge St. N. â€" Northern Building Phone AV. 5-5301 or Mr. Steï¬an, TU. 4-3349. Richmond Hill YONGE STREET NORTH, RICHMOND HILL 'three year Radio and TV Service Sales Repairs & Rentals HERRIDGE ELECTRIC 53 YONGE N. Richmond Hill TU. 4-3211 s. . THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. May 14, 1959 9 Isnans oï¬ice a door AST S] door letteri: 'I‘ SERVICE STREET. Pr 2213 ering‘ Prop. TU. 4-1194 STUART PAXTON WIRING LINE WORK Phone TUrner 4-2881 Electrician