Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 May 1959, p. 19

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T.. MAY 16 â€"â€" Auction sale household furniture, walnut gan, bedroom furniture, quan- y of good china cooking uten- s, bedding, garden equipment. thue‘ article's, at Lot 14. Con. Vaughan Township. 2 miles rtjl of No. 7 Highway my No. URNISHED bachelor apartment Richmond Hill. Telephone PA. 5728, collect. c1w46 . ELY furnished room in new ma: 113923111 optional. Parking. Pt. No reserve/Terms cash: 1e at 1.30 D.S.T. c2w45 .00 or reasonable trade. TU. O(30R FURNACE. natural gas, 3820. clwdfi IAPONS. and fowl. highest pri- gs paid. Don't sell until contact- lg W. S. Appleton, Oak Ridge! 'oultry Grading Station. phone ‘Rospect 3-5301. tlc27 n sale of br‘.ck dwelling, B 'TURDAY, MAY 16th - Auc- 4n_15_. bathkgll heated, good siz- Highway. The Estat'e of the :,e Annie E. Shackleton. A. S. ‘ljmerLAuctioneer, Gormley. q. 4-4179. ‘ "éliv’li's Mâ€" OOM AND BOARD available >r maleggood food. clean home. U. 4-4888. clw46 1' lot. on West side of Wales ya. in the Village of Markham, 50 personal effects. Property slonging to the Estate of the late ".ed Harvey. Sale at 2.30 pm. Brms cash. Real estate 10% 0f grchase price day Of sale. Bal- gee in 30 days. Russel Grove rd LewisGrova, Executorp. Ken Clarke Prentice â€" Auctioneers. _ c3w44 I‘lowers, flowers everywhere 1 the prettiest are on the chic lpeaux at Madeleine’s. :olors are glorious - - - the hionable trend moving 1mm ks. orangey reds, yellows, em to blues. See the new bright Bostume velry and Glgves. They will I the perfect finishing touch your ensembles. An extra large, gay collection Summer Handbags has just lved including all sizes of psluceut A? novelty plastics J1, MAY 23 â€" Auction sale of vulture, cooking utensils. etc., 2 property of Dr. H. Bascom, 1 King St. South. Whitby, sale 1.80 hm. A. S. Farmer, Germ- ’, Auctioneer. I"1W46 [TOMATIC DELIVERY Wacle/eino Mlllinery & AcceSsotlu 3319 YONGE ST. I Falrlawn) BU. 8-541 mum-6.30 pm. Fri. to 9 pm. ‘n washable linings, genuine hers. fancy straws. decorated bus stops below clty limit- ; frlilts arid flowerswâ€" $2.9§ £7.98 each. 00M and BOARD 4, LE REGISTERS firm" " s'AY “ non: MONEY mm as KNOWS mm m now/ma wusr ISN'T mr 5mm" 1,000 W Spring HATS mettle/zine :3 WANTED TO RENT POULTRY W AN TED M 5‘ SH: SWAP BU. 8-5408 9/ THQROUGHBREBW ‘hihrefiwith papers, 153,5 hgnds high. Dark brown. Call TU. 4-5314. c1w46 HGMES needed for cute black and white fluffy kittens. Phone TU. 4-1896 Saturday. Free for the asking. *1w46 white mid tan, Ii niéfiéhs, regiéti tered. TU. £1027. mus aQQISTERED bgbyAbudgAies from .2 FEMALE’boxer pups. TU. N4, 4536. C1W46 talkin' strain. 3150' brééaeig. $320 , tic” PUREBRED’ fis’fis’hifid ‘Eubiaféé‘, not registssed. TU. 428164. clwés SIAMESE kittens from registered stock. 10 weeks old. Mrs. John- ston. 95 Yongehurst Road, Rich- vale, or P.0. Box 342, Richmond Hill. c2w45 6 WEEKS OLD BUNNIES. TU”. 4-2885 after 430 p.31. e_1w45 4 KITTENS, need géfifibnfiéé AV. 54007. c1w46 Grumman». ' puppy'.‘ feinale And in King City there is a brick rancher with 8 bedrooms, panelled living and dining room, brick fireplace, attached garage, and patio for the low price of $18,000 with terms. ED’S PET SHOP v OAK MDGES Budgies, canaries, Java {female birds and finches. Caggs, $3.95 and up. Goldfish and goldfish bowls. Aquariums, pumps, and all aquarium supplies. Monkeys, tur- tles and hamsters. Rabbits and all types of dogs. All Hart: Mountain Pet supplies. Fishing tackle and live bait. Open 10.00 am. to 10.00 p.m., including Sun- days. (Wednesdays â€".â€" closed at noon). PRospect 3-5233. ROUND PUPS. 8 months old, good deer hound stock. Also pinto saddle horse, well broken. AV. 5â€"3961. *2w45 2 BEDRQOM bungalow, large garage and recreatio'n rodm. 787x 135’ lot. TU. 4-2584. c2w46 HAVE YOU HEARD? About this charming frame bun- galew on a landscaped lot, 68’): 423', surrounded by a split rail fence and featuring 4 immaculate rooms. patio, storage shed, storms andtscreens. $2,500 down pay- men . or that we have a ranch style heme in Maple with four bed- ;ooms and two bathrooms with many more features to please you for only $5,000 down. Peter Kitchen PA. 7-5076 - EARL V. STEWART Real Estate Broker and General Insurance 21 You“ St. N. Am FOR SALE or exchange equity N.H.A. bungalow for car or house in Toronto. TU. 4â€"4113. 57YEAR-OLD house, convenient location. 1% stories. solid brick, 4 bedrooms, 3 piece washroom, 4- plece bathroom, large livin room ‘with fireplace, $15,700. . 4- 2660. clw46 LARGE building lot in town of Stouffville. All services. Must b sold. easonable. Write Box 33, The Lberal. *1w46 c1w47 $13,900 â€" 6 room bungalow, car- ries less than rent. Low down payment. Call AV. 5-3642 or TU. 4-2383. Look Real Estate Ltd. SCENIC. partially wooded acre- age, near highway with surfaced road to property. Suitable con- tours for golf course, sufficient acreage for 9 or 18 hole course in west Lake Couchichlng area. Will sell sufficient acreage for either course. Box 34. The Lib- eral. c1w46 MOVING â€" MUST SELL 2 bedroom bungalow. all conven- iences. gas-heated, close to school, $1,500 down. PR. 3-5478 after six and week-ends. c1w46 10 ACRES suitable for subdivid- ing. 22 miles NE. of Taranto on Highway 47. Alger I". Mayer, Goodwood, Ontario. *2w46 OWNER TRANSFERRED $16,500 â€" must leave lovely 6' roamed brick bungalow. Attached garage, fully landsca ‘ed, fenced yard. Large L-shape living-din- ing room, separate entry, double closets with sliding doors. Near to schools, buses, shopping. 5% N.H.A. mortgage. Phone owner, TU. 4-3913. ‘ c2w46 MUSKOKA, log cottage, screen- ed verandah, water,‘ hydro. Good fishing. 100‘ river frontage. Box 31 The Libera. *1w46 $790 DOWN - ATTACHED GARAGE 6 room detached brick, only 4 months new, 1200 sq. ft. of lux- ury living. 3 master size bed- rooms, huge ultra modern hos- tess kitchen. coloured tile bath, decorated. N.H.A. mortgage car- ries $82 monthly. Hurry, it won't last, Call AV. 5-3642 or TU. 4- 3283. LOOK REAL ESTATE LTD. PBUDSNTIAL TRUST (30. We have a number of low priced homes and building lots; also a few new homes. List your home or lot with us for quick action. Mr. Hudson. phone TU. +2822 at RU. 3â€"4343. ticll CO'I‘I‘AGE for sale or rent at Kincz‘rdrine, on Lake Huron, All modern conveniences. TU. 4-5073 or write or phone Wm. Walsh. Box 303, Kincardine 02w45 PETS FOR SALE TRY LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS TU.- 421-195 a REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Aurora c4w45 clwés c1w46 CAPABLE was 31:! ta live in as mother’s helper for summer months. AV. 5-3165. c1w4§ SECRETARY required, must be expert typist on modern electric typewriter. Shorthand not nec- essary but helpful. Must be of neat appearance and a wuling Worker. Thornhill area. Write BB! 33. Willowdale 9-0. 01W4§ CLEANING woman wanted, every ngggsdu- AV- 1mg. sméfi SIUDENTsINeAGCOUNTS With intermediate qualifications required chartered accountant‘s ofiice in Aurora. Reply in hand- writing, stating experience and aim. Reply Leonard A. Rosen- berg. Box 1010. Mama. Ont. WOMAN f9: two meniis week, ly and three full weeks in June, than part time. Livmg near Dun- can Read, Stop 22A, preferred. AV. 5-4231. clw46 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN We are taking on one new sales- man in our busy Thornhill head offices. We provide complete manager trainng and help. Call Mr. Cadisle, AV. 5-1176 or AV. 5-2742, David McLean Ltd., Real- tors. c2w46 EXPERIENCES!) married man for general farm work. on modern dairy farm with milking parlour. Good wages, separate house, yearly employment for right man. Position open now due to illness of present workman. Apply Bruce A. Clarke, R. R. 4 Stouffe ville. Telephone Gormley 5474. c2w46 WANTED night shipper for bak- ery; Steady and reliable. AXmin- star 8-3241. After 6 pm. AV, 5-2766. c1w46 COOK'S assistant wanted Summit View Restaurant 4-1370. YOUNG GIRL partâ€"{ime for how- at shop. Box 72 Richmond Hill. *1w46 HIGH SCHOOL girl or _middle,- aged woman to supemse twp schooleage children after school, week-ends and for July and Aug, List. Plume TU. 4-2409 after 7. DELIVER with own gag: for drug store delivery. Monday to Fri- day, 4 pm. to 9 pm. Saturday, 11 am. - 9 pm. Apply Richvale Pharmacy. AV. 5-3772. c1w46 GPENING for one salesman or saleslady in busy Richmond Hill Realty office. Call Mr. Shields, TU. 4-3805. David McLean Ltd., JANITOR, handyman 2-.â€" elderly man preferred. Must have chau- fleur’s license and know the city. Supermr Sand, Gravel and Sup- plies Ltd., Maple, Ont. Phones: EM. 325389 or 94 Maple. c1w46 SUPPLY teacher wanted immed- iately for the George Bailey Pub- lic School, Maple. Apply the Principal, phone 59 or residence 274 Maple. c1w46 Realtors, méh‘méaa mu. cZw46 ATTENTION: Thornhill, Rich- mond Hill, Willowdale, North To- ronto residents. We require a capable experienced stenograph- er. Shorthand essential. Com- pany located Thai-mull area. Con? genial working conditions with usual company benefits. This is a permanent position. Attractive starting salary. Reply Box 18,‘ The Liberal. nc2w46 LICENSED aum mechanics, pre- ferably with recent model GM. experience. Top pay, best medi- cal plan. Apply Service Manager, MacPherson Motors Ltd., Aurora. PA. 7-5471. clw46 COMPANION for elderly lady. Good home and board plus small remuneration. AV. 5-2378. YOUNG MAN 16-18 years for grocery department. Apply Thornhill I.G.A. c1w46 DISHWASHER wanted. Apply at Pop’s Restaurant, 194 Yonge St. North. Richmond Hill. c3w45 FEMALE CLERK required in of- fice of mdustriaI plant in Rich- mond Hill. Appficants should be quick and accurate with figures and have some experience in bookkeeping. Five day week. Ap- ply in own handwriting to Box 23 The Liberal. c2w45 PLANNING a vacation? Be an Avon Representative and start earning for that trip immediate- ly. We train you. Wri e Mrs. F. Walker, 38 Thompson t., Barrie, or phone PArkway 6-6551. c2w45 WAITRESSES For day tima, night time and part time. Forum Restaurant. TU. 4- 3001. clw45 ATTENTION: Thornhill, Rich- mond Hill, Willowdale, North To- ronto residents. We require in- voice typist and or er desk clerk. Shorthand desired ut not essen- tigl. Good working conditions W1th usual company benefits. Ap- ply Box 18, The Liberal. FEMALE CLERK for a local bank in Richmond Hill. Experi- ence in bank routine preferred, but not essential. Box 16 The Liberal. 03w44 REGISTERED NURSES and Cer- tlled Nursing Assistants. also re- tired nurse to train as assistant Medical Records Librarian, re- quired immediately for modern ospital in the heart of vacation- and. Residence available. Apply Director of Nursing. St. Andrew’s Hospital. Midland, Ont. c3w44 V MECHANIC qualified licensed mechanic for Dodge-DeSoto Dealer Wm. Neal. TU. 4-2091. c1w44 your spare time for that extra money you need One of Canada's best known household products. Good commission. Car essential. TU. 4-1250. t1le REGISTERED nurses required. The Villa Private Hospital. AV. 5-3691. tfc29 WHY NOT TRY SELLING 1n HELP WANTED c1w46 elw46 c1w46 Apply clw46 c2w44 BE PREPARED with good stock for semis markets, Order June- July bra? era. Prompt shipment dayold and same started dual purpose pullets and cockerels, Some Ames pullets. also Leg- horns. Special prices dayold heaâ€" vy breed cockel‘els. Request price list. Bray Hatchery. J. C. Emu. Brampton, Glendale 1-8506 and Glendale 1-5218; Fairbank Fed, R. R. 1 Maple, phone AVenue 5.- 2954. clw46 40 PULLE’IS, $1.25 each. CFRB Sideroad West, 1§t house over midway E13535, Joy. 943/45 TRANSPORTATION FROM BATHURST and No. 7 Highway, to vicinity St. Clair and Yonge to arrive 8.30 to 9 a.m., re.- turn 5 to 5.30. AV. 5-2533. tic38 ’53 FORD Custom Sedan, exoell- ent motor, $500, radio. Can be financed. AV. 5-4273. c1w46 1952 FORD. Custom 4 door, black, radie, heater, etc. Excellent runv ning condition, $475. 28 Tormore Drive. TU. 4-1352. c1w46 1956 vofosWAEfiéj”‘ $900.00. Terms. TU. 4-1574. clw46 1953 DE SOTO, automatic, power steering and brakes, excellent condition. TU. 4-2110. elw46 2 clear, recent éngiue overhaul} $100 cash. AV.'5'4273. c1w46 GOOD car wanted for cash, ab. '56 fORD F600, Dump Truck, cab. bodf, Mist and tlrés,'g90d. Phone DAVE, TU. 4-5404 ‘atter '507 STUDEBAKER, "Champion. running condition. Phone T13. 4- 1416. I‘5‘2W46 54 METEOR 2 door, brand new engine and battery. Colour bronze. 237 Palmer Ave» WAlnut 3-3287. Richmond Hill. c1w4§ Men. espscially needed fer Rich- mond Hill, Aurora, Newmaket, and Barrie areas. out 53-54-55 Chev. or similar. AV. 5-3892. e1w46 Apply in Person TUESDAY, MAY 20 10 am. - 4 pm. IN TORONTO". Rooms 911 8: 912 WESTBURY HOTEL 475 Yonge St. ’52 CHEV. 1” ton rack truck, showroom condition. TU. 4-3718. c1w46 1950 PONTIAC coach. radio, good Our modern engineering and re- search development ls respon- sible for the many tremendous new products that are part of 60% of the new homes built in Canada today. USED CARS AN D TRUCKS If you ham {1 car and want to asSure yourself of a secure fu- ture and learn about man's most intergsting occupation “SELLING” apply in perSOn with the intention of associating yours self with a large company where salesmen are urgently needed for New Holland Machine Company wishes to speak to dealers at pre- sent serving the farm trade. An excellent opportunity for an ag- gressive farmer to enter the farm equipment field. Sell the famous line of New Holland, balers and best line of grassland machines. Dealerships available in Rich- mond Hill, Maple and King areas. For information, write to: Lionel Lecompte, PO. Box 460, Barrie Ontario. . *lw4é ms'nuc'r SALES PERSONNEL BRANCH SALES MANAGERS DISTRICT FACTORY SALES MANAGERS APPLICANTS ACCEPTED WILL BE PAID A SALARY WHILE THEY LEARN THE MOST MODERN DIRECT SELLING TECHNIQUES Nationally Known Company with WANTED BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY TRAINING PERIOD WHICH LASTS 1 MONTH, GIVES US AN OPPORTUNITY TO DETERMINE WHICH DEPARTMENT YOU ARE SUITED FOR, WHOLESALE OB RETAIL Factories Coast to Coast 13 conducting an Extensive Sales Training Program POULTRY FOR SALE (Continued) LEARN TO SELL A'l' OUR EXPENSE c1w46 c1w45 This new addition contains 1,. 000 square feet of shopping .space and will be utilized ta display I fun range 0! bedroom furniture. Representing two leading man! ufacturers of lightweight, alum- inum tubular summer chairs and chaise lounges, the Furniture Shep e for the first time in Rich- men Hill offers a broad range of aluminum summer furniture, in brilliant colors with seats and backing of waven Saran webbing, duck, end floral vinyl. These items, tegether with a spring fill: ed chaise lounge ,- on wheels 1-3.‘ are advertised and illustrated in this week’s issue of “The Lib, eral." CULTIVATQR. 1% h.p., 2 wheel dzivg. Cheap._.130 Mglsbam BIL. *lwé In the progressive, first prize 1 ladies was was by Mrs. Ha;- rlson, second by Mrs. Glassford. For the men, first went to Mr. J. Drwsbury, second to Miss Fran- ces Harrison. Most lone hands was made by Mrs. Smith, with 5. On Tuesday, May 12, at Ben- derson Ave. Public School, the school’s girl ball team met the girls from Thomhill School. Score was 33-9, The area baseball series has begun with Henderson teams having lost three games and won one game but aiming to reverse the scores in the next games. A First prize of ,the marathon went to Mrs. Martin and D. H. Morrison, their total was 875. Mr. Baker and Mr. Harrison took see- 056 prize with a total of 367 and third prize went to Mr. and Mrs. Riseborough who totalled 364 mints. High fat The éve'ning was Mrs. Middleton and her father, Mr. C. Jordan. . Wedding congratulations go out to George Morrison, of Clarke Ave., who, on Saturday. May 16, will wed Miss Dorathy Thomas, 92 Toronto, in York Mills.- On Monday, May 11, at the Thornhill Public School, the Don- caster community ladies’ club concluded another successful euchre marathon. There were 26 marathon teams and 32 others en- joyed progressive euchre. The prize for most lone hand; went t0 Mr. Joe Leruez, getting 18 in the 5 game marathon. anselatioa prize was won by 30391;! Stag and Dave Barbour. Heudersen A v e n u e Public School Girls’ Ball Team defeated the Powell Road School girls 24! 18 in a game played last week. "More customers, more busi- ness, more furniture stock," is the simple explanation at Messrs. Peter Saifert and Lou Magal- nick, owners of‘ the Furniture Shoppe as their reason to: at?» quiring the premises to the west 9i their pressnt stare at 4,4 Lev- cndale Road. Richmeud Heights snapping Plaza. Girls’ Ball Game Mr. Martindale stressed the ne- cessity of preserving and planting trees and voiced the hope of those present that our arbour day red maple tree would be a source of beauty and shade for many future pupils of Henderson Ave. School. Other trees planted dur- ing the' same week were six maples, 3 spruce and a Russian olive flowering shrub. Furniture Shoppe Expands Premises ' Birthday greetings are in order for Arthur Chbmiak. 38 Glen Cameron Ave., who will celebrate his 15th birthday on Friday. May 15. Mr. Laycock read from the Bible, Genesis 1, verses 11-18 and 29-31. James Binch recited Joyce Omer’s famous poem, “A Tree,” while Brian Dale, Joanne Bragan and Ricky Maeers assisted in the planting of the tree. The pupils, directed by Mrs. H. Burke, sang “The Maple Leaf Forever.” The most intensive medical search in history is going on for a drug that will cure cancey. Al- though ~10 “wonder drug" has ygt been found there are a number of chemicals that assist in the treatment of cancer. A memorable event took place on Friday afternoon when all the pupils assembled in the front yard for the arbour day planting 'of a maple tree given to the school by Mrs. L. Riley of Elgin St., Thdrnhill. Mr. Martindale reminded the 'upils of beauty, size and uses of tees and in particular the maple tree. . Mr. and Mrs. Barbour attended the funeral. which wag at God- erich, Ontario, on Tuesday 9f this week. The remainder of the evening was spent in sewin articles for the bazaar, to be he! on Wednes- day. June 17. The club is rattling a beautiful large table lamp whlc is to be drawn for at the June 7 bazaar. While visiting the Barbours’, 24 Henderson Ave.. since Tuesday. May 5. Mr. Wm. Bridle. of Hamil- ton, became suddenly V811! in On Saturday evening. May 9, and he passed away about an hour later. 7 He was accompanied to Don- caster by Mrs. F. Smith and Mrs. F. 010w, also of Hamilton. Plans were made for the June meeting and final arrangements for the euchre marathon finals to be held May 11 at the Thornhul Public School. It _was decided to hold a com- mumty picnic at Morrison’s, 29 SpruCewood Ave. The date will be announced at a later time. Correspondent: David Barbour Henderson Ave. Phone AV. 5-5205 The Doncaster community h1- dies' club met at the home of Mrs. T. Clemence. Clarke Ave., onAMonday. May 4. FOR. SALE DONCASTER . WXLLQWDALE :â€" 37 £91131..- 9 stars from a North Â¥9rk uh.» School visited Apsley’s lady trap, per. Mrs. Bernice Wagner. at her a heme 11; the heart 0? Peta-pg:- vhggl gggh's marsh and farest recently. 114‘. Mrs. Wagafl trans mushats And *lwéfi begveg. . WILLOWDALE. 2- Manda Lawrence Heights lowrrenm hausing dQVelopmeat has thrown a Welfare burden on to North Yank taxpayers, LDWnship_ Coun- cillg: Irvmg Paisley and last mg PICKERI'NG -â€" Pickering Township Council and Crusader Development Ltd., signed a $50.- 000,000 residential and eomrmet- eial subdivision agreement at a recent .meeting. WILLOWDALEâ€"A local com- pany, turned in the lowest tender of $322,987 to be awarded thg building of the Daystrom Drive Public School, not yet approved by Metro Council. The Property Committee apeaed the 10 mpdgrs which showed a $40,000 vanatmn Monday. NORTH Y08K=Teaehcr ugh, costs, stop oral French at Grade, 3 level in North York Public schools. It may be included in Grade 8 curriculum by Sepmm? ber, 1960. NEWMARKET : The 26th annual art exhibition of the Newmarket Art Club featured some 90 paintâ€" ings, pen and ink sketches and charcoals. They were shown by members of the club which has grown larger- every year. STOUFFVILLE â€"- Municipal Council has purchased the Park Theatre building and will con- vert it into town offices. The town lot near the CNR railway depot has been sold to Neil Pat- rick Ltd., as a used car lot for $5,000. * t t v STOUFFVILLE â€"- Norman STOUFFVILLE â€" Norman Henricks, Grade 18 student at the district high school, was a runner-up In the zone finals of the Liens’ sponsored public spea- king contest held at Renfrew re- eently. Anglican Richmond Hill Ea“ Beverley Acres School Neal Drive Rev. J. W. Newton-Smith. 407 Lynett Crescent TU. 4-4236 Ornnlst: Mrs. E. V. Collier. A.T.C.O. SUNDAY~ MAY 17. 1950 9.30 a.m. â€"- Sunday School 11 3.111. â€"â€" Nursery and Junio; Congregation 11 am. â€" Morning Pra er 2 pm. -â€" Bible Class at t e Rec- tory RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTEBIAN cannon Rev. .1. N. Hepburn. Minister SUNDAY. MAY 17. 1959 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School and Bible Class 11 am. â€" Morning Worship Sermon Subject: ' THE CHURCH 0F 51‘. GABRIEL OUR EXCUSES 11 mm. â€" Nursery Departmeufi “Habit is a cable â€"- one strand. a day" RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, MAY 17, 1959 9.45 a.m. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€"Morning Service “Pentecost” 7 pm. â€" Evening Service "Idolatry" “ My House Shall Be Called the House of Prayer” News From Next Door Alfred R. Cousins Funeral Today Alfred B. (Fred) Cousins. of Aurora, one of York Coun- ty's well known senior citiz- ens, dled at York County Hos- pital on Monday, May 11th, in his 97th year. The funeral was held Thursday afternoon with interment in Maple Ce- metery. Members of his fam- ily surviving are Lorne and Archie of Aurora and Carrle (Mrs. J. Humphreys) of New Redford, Mass. At Monday's council meet. ing Deputy-reeve W. Dean suggested the municipalities also investigate the possibil- ity of engaging an independ- ent operator. Reeve W. L. Clark doubted if an indepen- dent could provide the fre- quency of service the T.T.C. does and still operate with closed doors from Steeles Avenue south. The T.T.C. have a transportation monop- oly in the Metro area. Opel-e atlng with closed door: would speed up the service for the people living north of Steeles Avenue, but would seriously cut into gav- enue from the line. Councillor L. Mumberson also questioned if an inde- pendeat could supply a prop:- er terminal adjacent to the, northern terminal of the sub- way. held some time ago, Md'dr Ken Tomlin of Richmond ill The three municipalities joint owners of the North Yonge Bus Line have made formal application to the T. T.C. for a 10-year extension of the present agreement covering its operation. The agreement is due to end next December. Following a meeting of the municipalities of Markham, Vaughan and Richmond Hill held some time ago, Mayor was authorized to seek an ex- tension of the present agree- ment. Seek 10 Year Extension 0f T.T.C. Agreement THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May 14, 1959 1. Study than» 1 931. wt Womcn's Miss: lonary Fellowship Thur!w 8 pm ~â€" Evening Mb 5199 Circle 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month FrL, 7 pm. -â€" Lamplightets and ‘ 1’93; FewasL-IQ 1 £4 Adult Bible Class .131. â€" Morning Worship p.93. -- Prayer Meeting m. â€" Gespel Service gd. 8 p.m. â€"- Prayer and Bible mg in heaven and in earth. JAMES 1 v 21: Wheretore lay apart all filthiness and superflulty of haughtiness, and receive with meekness the eugrafted word, which is able to s'ave your souls. Church St., Langstaff mum”: Rev. B. '1'. McSpadden 10 gm. â€" Bible School with Meeting in Concord School House Each Lows Day Evening at '1 mm. Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9:15 am. Sunday mornings And Jesus spake unto them, saying,‘ al_l power 1; given ‘unto Quito. Ecuador $.50 we. â€"_ Bible School for ell YOU aye invited 11 em. ? Morning Worship 7 9.11;. -â€".â€". Evening Service 8.15 pm. ?- MlSslonary Slides ' Monday at '1 p.31, Boyr' Club 7 8 to 16 yem old Wednesday It 8.30 pm. Mid-week “Hour of Power” Thursday at 7 11.111. Girls’ Club â€" All girls 8 to 12 The yam church with the old Message! CARBVILLE UNITED CHURCH Rev. Earl B. Eddm B.A.. B.D. Oak Ridges - Yonge at Elm Grove Morning Prayer ...... 9.45 am. Sunday School . . . . . . . . 9.45 am. Hay Communion -â€" lst Sunday Morning Prayer 11 am. Sunday School . . . . . . . . 11 mm. Bible Classes Senior and Inter- mediate) 9.45 am. Holy Communion .. 2nd and 4th Sundays Whitsunday 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 9.30 mm. â€" Sunday School 9.30 min. -- Choral Communion (Dedication of Red Dossal Cur. tains) 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer (Nursery and Jr. Congregation) 7 pm. â€" Evensong Parade Service - Brownies and Guides Wednesdays 1 mm. â€"- Holy Communion 8 p.m. â€" Bible Study Group COME TO CHURCH AS A FAMILY SUNDAY, MAY 17. 1959 9.45 am. â€" The Church School 11 am. â€" Public Worship RICHMOND BILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Elmwood and Russia! Rev. Earl S. Bull. Minister Church of the Light and Life Hour. CHML 9 am. Sunday SUNDAY. MAY 17, 1959 2.45 pm. â€" Sunday School 7 p.m.â€"The Family Gospel Hour Mr. Stanley Campbell preaching We welcome you to the fellowshlz of mu friendly family churc that continues the teaching 0! Original Methodlsm. RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH 50 Wright St. Pastor: Rev. Robert W. Irvln. B. TIL. 3.3.16. Phone: TU. 4-2095 SUNDAY, MAY 17, 1959 ' Missionary Sunday Speaker: Rev. Frank S. Cook, Canadian Director, Radio Station 3613, The Voice of the Andes. SUNDAY, MAY‘17,'1959 2.30 pm. -â€" Worship Service LUTHERAN Ave» East Public School Find; Ave. 13., just west 9! Bayvtaw 81'. JOHN'S. ANGLICAN OAK BIDGES Yonzo at Jefienog Morning Prayer 11 a Sunday School 11 A Bible Classes Senior and Int ST. MATTHEWS UNITED CHURCH Crosby Ave.. Richmond Hill Rev. William W. Patterson. B.A., B.D., Minister The Sacrament of Baptism Kindergarten and Nursery meet at hour of worship. Sunday School . . . . . . . . 10 mm. Worship Service . . . . . . . . 11 8.!11. The Rev. Karl J. Schweder. 3.1).. M.A., Pastor Phone: BAldwin 1-8900 SUNDAY. MAY 17, 1959 3 â€"- Public Lecture “ ill Many New Living Never Die?" 4.15 pm. â€" Watchtower Study taken from April lst Watchtow- er Magazine. BBETHREN IN CHBI'I' CHURCH Wm. Vandal-Bent. Pastor Tel; Richmond Hill. TU. 4-31" Helge Bill (Gormley) 10 mm. -â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Worship Service 7.30 pm. -â€" Evening Service Wed., 7.45 pm. - Prayer Meeting Vaughan (3rd Com. 2 miles EVERY THURSDAY 7.45 pm. â€" Service Meeting 8.45 pin. -- Ministry School ' N0 COLLECTION TU 4-2677 ALL WELCOME north 0! Concord) 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11.15 am. -â€" Worship Service Concord (Schoolhouse) 10 am. - Sunday School Oak Ridges. Aubrey Ave. Boy High. Pastor ToL: Gal-Inlay 5544 10.30 mm. â€" Sunday School 7.30 pm. -.- Evening Service Tues, 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting THE CHURCH OF ST. LUKE KING-03%! HALL JEHOVAB'S WITNESSES Cedar Avenue, Richmond Hill ST. MAEK’S ANGLICAN ST. MARY'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Richmond Hill Rector: Rev. J. F. O’Neil SUNDAY. MAY 17, 1959 CHURCH 01" CHRIST LAN GSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH 1 block east of You“ Stop 1“ Pastor Rev. F. Vaughan. 3. 7!:- Student Assistant. Mr. B. This“. SUNDAY SERVICES 10 to 10 â€" Bible School (31115565 for all ages. 11 & 7 -â€" Rev. Frank Wellinth well known children's worker, ‘ Meetings Monday to Friday at 6.45 pm. , “The Church that is 199m 4mm SUNDAY, MAY 17. 1950 10 am. â€" The Service 11.15 am. â€" Sunday School and Bible Class 11.30 am. -â€" Morning Wot!!!» Hope ’ 10.30 am. â€" Morning Worship 11.15 am. -â€"- Church School Edgeley 1.30 pm. â€"â€" Church 891309! 2.30 pm. -â€" Church Service (2 miles south of Maple) Pastor: Rev. Harold R. Lindeman. BA. Phone Unionville 361 THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH Stop 17 Yonge Street Rev. Percy G. Buck. 3A.. 3. Th. 5 Old Orchard Grove. Toronto. 12. Ont. HU. 1-3142 SUNDAY. MAY 17. 1959 HOLY TRINITY THORNHILL SUNDAY, MAY 17, 195! Whitsunday 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer 7 p.111. -â€" Evening Prayer Oak Ave FRIDAY. MAY 15. 1959 The Young People's meetln wfl! commence at the Chap; at 7.15 p.111. ‘ 7‘30 P-m- f 3931339“? , Family Bible Hour 7 p.m. -,â€" Evenlng Gospel Sew!» Tues., 8 pm. - Prayer and Blbl. Study Mule 10.15 mm. AV. 5-5391 SUNDAY. MAY 17, 195. 11 am. â€" Sermon ..How Children Learn of God" Baptismal Service 7.30 pm. â€"- Young Adults luvth the congregation to a special Mother's Day Programm Mon., 6 pm. â€" Young Life Club (Teenagers 13-16) Tuel.. 8 pm. â€"- Adult Chri‘wgp Education Programme ‘ -Wed., 8 pm. â€" Praye; Fellnwgup at the home at Mr. and_Mrs. ., Hook, 256 Rur_nl)Â¥l_em.1\ve.I Rich.- mond Hlll Fri., 7 pm. â€" Children'l Ham Hour ‘ 7.30 p.m. â€" Live Wires Sat., 8.30 pm. â€" Couples Club. Mr. Jan Kok will show pictures of his recent trip through Portu- gal, Spain, Italy. the Azores and Holland. for all ages. 7 pm. â€" Evening Service Tuesday 8 pm. â€"- Prayer Meeting Pastor Helmet will be in the Lake area from Sunday noon til! Euca- day evening. also Saturday. Tel- ephone PR. 3-5344. SUNDAY. MAY 11. 1959 9.30 am. -â€" Breaking at age]; 11 a.m_._ --__ Su_n_g§y _§chool um! Minister: Rev. Earl B. Eddy. B.A.. 3.1)., Th. D. SUNDAY, MAY 17. 1959 10 am. â€" Intermediate Church School 11 am. â€" Church Worship and Church School Wednegdly V 10 an. -,- Holy Communion Rev. C. E. Banking, Minister 8.45 am. â€" Broadcast cm 1300 10 mm. -â€" Sunday School 11 mm. â€" Morning Worship 7.30 13.111. -- Evening Serving PARISH OF KING & MW (Anglican) Rector: Bev. W. B. Jennings, DJ). Tel. King City 318 HOURS OF SERVICE All Saints’ Church - Kin: C!!! 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 10 am. â€"â€" Morning Prayer 11.10 mm «- Sunday School Pastor - Rm}. Wm. Home! v 11 am. â€"- Mornin warship, _ 2:30 p.111. 5 Bib}; chool. Chum THE ANGLICAN CHURCH 0' CANADA ' EMMANUEL CHURCH PEOPLE’S CHURCH Wildwood Ave" Lake Wflm BICHVALE GOSPEL Minister: Rm 134 er Richmond Hill , Max-[1mg 7 Service Richvale Minister: Rev. E. Marlo! 134 ersht St. Richmond Hill , w. «my Morning Service ...... 1f Mn. Sunday School 9.30 .331. Services in Charles Hewitt Schod MAPLE PASTORAL CHARGE THE UNITED CHURCH O!‘ CANADA lav. Harold W. Davies, 34., Minister gunnu, MAY 17. @959 ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev. Calvin Pljamhem 3A.. THORNBILL ‘ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH GORMLEY UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH ' Pearson Ave. _ Chm-eh 5!:th for all 8885 ._ Morninfl Wonk?!

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