AUTOMATIC DELIVERY SAT., JUNE 6 â€" 1.30 pm. Ware- house auction sale at Frank’s Mo- vers and Storage Warehouse, In- dustrial Road, Richmond Hill, Saturday, June 6, dressers, chests of drawers, chairs, electric mo- tors, ranges, electric stoves. tel- ephone tables, rugs, swivel chairs, dining room sets, end tables and odd upholstered, chairs, lawn mowers, telephone tables, gar- den tools, fridges, ï¬ve beds com- plete, new chesterflelds, settees vacuum cleaners, TV sets, dishes, cut glass, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Every- thing must be sold. c2w48 W--_‘-~-“ COUNTRY HOMES WANTED We have clients with up to $40.- 000 waiting for houses on 2 to 10 acres within 20 miles of Metro. Call Mr. Merriam, AV. 5-1176. David McLean Ltd., Realtors. All work guaranteed. Prompt service. Free estimates. 1947 prices. ‘ TU. 4-1687 88 YONGE STREET SOUTH RICHMOND HILL SALE REGISTERS you/W m SIAMESE KITTENS, Seal Points, from reg. pedigree stock. Phone AX. 3-4047 (Buttonville) c1w49 lovely colours, méles $8. TU. 4-, 4113. clw49 DACHSHUND puppy. pure bred. female, $25.00. TU. 4-3164. clw49 PUREBRED Cocker Spaniel pup for sale. 6 months old, male. Phone Gormley 5570. *1w49 3A3} BUDGIES. 6 weeks old, REGISTERED brabyrbudgles from talking strain. also‘ breeaers. TU. 4-2205. lf623 CHOICE PIGS, eight weeks. Cos- grove, Bathurst St. Call after 5 o’clock. *1w49 For information call or visit N. Epworth at Colonial Nutria Ranch, Hillsview Drive, Richmond TWO Boxer pups, female, suit- able for breeding. 54 Ring 2 Map- le. c1w49 IMPOUNDING Kennels on Duff- etin. Dogs of all descriptions for good homes. 54 Ring 2 Maple. c1w49 Hill CAPONS. and fowl, highest pri- ces paid. Don't sell until contacv mg W. S. Appleton, Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Station, phone PRospect 3-5301. tfc2'7 DUCKLINGS, 22, with two mo- thers. 185 Rumble Ave., Rich- mond Hill. *2w49 DAVID McLEAN LTD. NEED MORE HOMES PETS FOR SALE for Graduation - and - Father’s Day Gifts. 5-year guarantee. REAL ESTATE WANTED LIVESTOCK FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE POULTRY W AN TED WATCHES NUTRIA VE/“I clw49 c1w48 c6w48 200 acres Beaverton, 160 work- able. 90 acres of hay. 20 acres of grain. Hardwood bush, run. ning stream. Owner anxious to sell. Good terms. $14,800. Try $3,000 down with Jr. Farmer can. years old, 3 bedrooms and study upstairs. Separate dining room; 2 bathrooms; 22 foot living .room: fireplace. Extra large paved driveway; stone walk. Screens. storms, new awnings. Near shop- ping, schools, arena, bus line. 5% per cent mortgage. 106 Ruggles Ave., TU. 4-2947. c1w49 New cottages, 600 sq. ft, with bath, well and wiring. Only $2,- 500 on your lot. Lots available at $11.00 per foot. 5 rooms, near new. retirement home among the pines. Electric stove. Garage. 34 acre of land. $5,200. Terms arranged. PRIVATE ‘SALE $14,900 5 roomed brick bungalow, ï¬nished recreation room. attach- ed breezeway and garage, storms, screens. One block to Yonge and bus stop. TU. 4-2152. c4w49 UNFURNISHED 4<room cottage on 25 acres of property, 1% miles from Severn River, 5 miles from Goldwater. Good hunting and fishing district. Bargain, $1100. AV. 5-3427. c1w49 Canal Lake cottage. 3 bedrooms 600 sq. ft., near new. furnished Sand beach $4,900. $2,000 down‘ THORNHILL BUILDING LOTS St. and subway bus. Roads and water. Immediate building. AV. 5-1176. David McLean Ltd., Real- tors. c1w49 Don’t overlook this modern brick bungalow with attached carport, situated in King City and built by Gelany & Co. Ltd. $3,500 down payment, balance on one N.H.A. mortgage. SUMMER HOME on Lake Simcoe near Beaverton. 4 bedrooms. 113:. dwood floors, ï¬replace, bath and completely furnished, also guest house. Landscaped lot, excellent value at $13,800. Try $5,000 down. Canal Lake. Village of Bolsover‘ 3 BEDROOM bungalow. bath- room, large living room, large kit- chen, dinette, full basement. Fur- nace. Plenty of closets. Hot wat- er. Double garage. On one acre with fruit trees and chicken house ï¬enced. Near Yonge at Richvale. AV. 5-3990. c1w49 MARYVALE GARDENS 80' and 90‘ registered service lots, gne chk from schools, Yonge MAPLE’S LARGEST RANCHER! Peter Kitchen PA. 7-5076 EARL V. STEWART Real Estate Broker and General Insurance 21 Yonge St. N. Al 3 blocks from Yonge, 6 rooms 1% storey 6-years-old house, attached garage, attractive garden, close to Shopping. schools, churches, recreation centre and city bus. $14,900.00. Will consider low down payment. Apply to owner. 99 Ruggles Ave. *1w49 1 ACRE of land. south of Rich- mond Hill. Private. no agents. 24 Weldrlck (formerly Mill Rd.) c1w_49 $17,900 â€" COLONIAL home. 4 This 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom home features a panelled living and dining room, stone ï¬replace, built in range and burners in the kit- chen, carport. beautiful lot. $21,000 with terms. 1 1/; STOREY An attractive frame home with breezeway and garage, landscap- ed corner lot on paved road. six immaculate rooms, $10,000 with terms. EXCHANGE - semi-detached new brick 3 bedrooms and recreation room, etc., for older property with larger lot, within ï¬ve miles of Richmond Hill. Phone TU. 4-4716. *1w49 RICHMOND HILL $1,500 down payment $9,500 - 8 rooms storey and one- half stucco on block construction. 1 block east of Yonge St. Posses- sion in one week. A good family home. $500 DOWN, full price $7.900. 4- roomed bungalow just off paved road. with 3-piece bathroom. In excellent condition. Reasonable monthly payments. on one mort- gage. renewable. John R. Blyth. Realtor, Member of York County Real Estate Board, Oak Ridges, PR. 3-5241, evenings Stan Rule PR. 3â€"5325. c1w49 MELODY ACRES, Township of King, paved road. convenient to Yonge, elevation over 900 ft., 1 acre scenic lots, frontages of 125 ft., full price $3,000. Terms. John R. Blyth, Realtor. member of York County Real Estate Board, Cak Ridges PR. 3-5241, Evenings, Stan Rule PR. 3-5325. tfc49 2 BEDROOM bungalow, large garage and recreation room. Porch. 78’x135’ lot. TU. 4-2684. *2w48 '200 FT. LOT IN RESTRICTED SUBDIVISION AT ELGIN MILLS â€" TU. 4-2708. PRUDENTIAL TRUST C0. We have a number of low priced homes and building lots; also a few new homes. List your home or lot with us for quick action. Mr. Hudson, phone TU. 4-2822 or HU. 3-4343 5 ROOM frame house, central Richmond Hill, 5 minutes from Yonge and bus stop. Full price $6,500. Phone after 6 pm. AV. 5- 3832. c4w47 S. J. NEWMAN BROKER 168,2 Woodville THINKING 0F MOVING? ITEAL ESTATE FOR SALE Real Estate Department Willowdale - BA. 5-6429 NATIONAL TRUST RICHMOND HILL CALL Aurora 02W48 clw48 c1w49 tfcll mond Hill, Aurora, Newmarket, Apply in Person TUESDAY, JUNE 9 10 am. - 4 pm. IN TORONTO: Rooms 911 8: 912 WESTBURY HOTEL 4'15 Yonge St. Men especially needed for Rich- Our modern engineering and re- search development is respon- sible for the many tremendous new products that are part of 60% of the new homes built in Canada today. $1,000 DOWN â€"- North Yonge, 1 open 10â€"year mortgage for the balance carries $80 monthly New- ly decorated detached 2 bedroom bungalow. Private drive and garage. Full price only $11,900. Cannot be duplicated. Call Mr. Ashworth GIRL for? light factory work, steady employxï¬ent. Richirale disé trict. AV. 5-2613. c1w49 If you have a car and want to assure yourself of a secure fu- ture and learn about man’s most interesting occupation "SELLING" apply in person with the intention of associating your- self with a large company where salesmen are urgently needed for $2,000 DOWN or offer. Oak Rid- ges west of Yonge, 5 room clap- board bungalow with full base- ment, all conveniences, on nice high lot. Only $11,400. Mr. Mash- inter, David McLean Real Estate, TU. 4-3805. tfc48 TAILORESS for modern dry cleaning plant. Must have exper- ience. Apply in person only. Barth's Cleaners, Shirt Service, 198 Yonge St. N. c1w49 YEAR-ROUND home on Head River, '20 minutes from Orillia. 6 rooms, partly furnished, all con- veniences. screened verandah, galvanized double garage, on one acre of land. AV. 5-1985. c1w48 No. 7. Open foi‘ offers. David Da- vis Realtor. AV. 5-1396. c2w48 10 ACRES on Yonge St., one mile north of Richmond Hill. Good level land with 6 roomed modern house. Full price only $55,000. with half cash. David Davies Re- altors, AV. 5-1396. c2w48 EXPERIENCED help for snack bar, week ends only. Phone Gor- mley 5411. c1w49 SCENIC, partially wooded acre- age, near highway with surfaced road to property. Suitable con- tours for golf course, sufficient acreage for 9 or 18 hole course in west Lake Couchiching area. Will sell sufficient acreage for either course. Box 34, The Lib- eral. c1w46 PRIVATE PRESTIGE SUBDIVISION PLEASANTVILLE GARDENS Save $1,400. Buy direct from ow- ner. Ranch style bungalow, six rooms, storms and screens. Beau- tifully landscaped. $18,500. 514% NILA. mortgage. TU. 4-3423. BAYVIEW & N0. 7 HIGHWAY $1,500 down, balance on one open mortgage on very reasonable terms, full price only $11,000. A cosy 4-room bungalow and large lot, modern bathroom, open ï¬re- place in living room. Beautiful landscaped lot with barbecue. ma- ny extras. David Davis, Realtor, AV. 5-1396. c2w48 STUCCO bungalow, 2 bedrooms, water pressure system, lot 110' x 247', stream on property. Full price $10,000 or best offer. Phone AV. 5-4002. c1w48 150 FT. frontage on Yonge St. at DISTRICT SALES PERSONNEL BRANCH SALES MANAGERS DISTRICT FACTORY SALES MANAGERS HELP WANTED APPLICANTS ACCEPTED WILL BE PAID A SALARY WHILE THEY LEARN THE MOST MODERN DIRECT SELLING TECHNIQUES Nationally Known Company with Factories Coast to Coast is conducting an Extensive Sales Training Program TRAINING PERIOD WHICH LASTS 1 MONTH, GIVES US AN OPPORTUNITY To DETERMINE WHICH DEPARTMENT YOU ARE SUITED FOR, WHOLESALE on RETAIL REAL ESTATE FOR SALE AV. 5-4356 John A. Kelly, Realtor. and Barrie areas (Continund) LEARN TO SELL AT OUR EXPENSE c1w49 clw49 *2w48 Preferably from immediate neigh- bourhood 01' Richmond H111. PICKERING : A petition was re- ceived by Pickering Township Council recently, signed by rate- payers who objected to the opâ€" position expressed by the South West Pickering Ratepayers As- sociation to the CNR line. “This is a real progressive move on the part of the CNR, and will even- tually be of great benefit to the township as a whole,†they said. MARKHAM : Following the 119th anniversary service at St. An- drews Presbyterian Church on Sunday, May 24, and a family dinner for the congregation on the following Monday evening the mortgage on the new manse, which was built less than two years ago, was burned. TRANSPORTATION REGISTERED nurses required. The Villa Private Hospital. AV. 5-3691. tfc29 TRANSPORTATION wanted from Stop 22A Spruce Ave.I between 5.00 am. and 6.00 am. to Eglin- ton or Bloor. AV. 5-3893. c1w49 NEW MODERN beautifully ï¬n- ished summer home on Moon River, Bala. Six rooms, insulated. with electric pump, stove and re« frigerator, hot water heater. and laundry tubs. 3 pc. bathroom. Easily accessible by road and water to good shopping centre. Regular milk, bakery and gar- bage service. Enquiries invited. TU. 4-1747 or write Miss M. Win- ï¬eld, Box 386, Bala, Ont. *1w49 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN We are taking on one new sales- man in our busy Thornhill head oï¬lces. We provide complete manager training and help. Call Mr. Carlisle, AV. 5-1176 or AV. 5-2742, David McLean Ltd., Real- EXPERIENCED MAN to take charge of used car lot. Must have chauffeur’s licence. Apply R. D. Little & Son Ltd., 168 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill MEN to instal services. AV. 5- 4511. «c1w49 WHY NOT TRY SELLING in your spare time for that extra money you need‘ One of Canada's best known household products. Good commission. Car essential. TU. 4-1250. '1le OPENING for one salesman or saleslady in busy Richmond Hill Realty office. Call Mr. Shields, TU. 4-3805. David McLean Ltd.. Realtors, Richmond Hill. c2w46 SMART aggressive salesman for established bread route. Local area, salary and commiSSion, $60 minimum plus hospitalization. AXminster 3-3241 after 6 pm. AV. 5-2766. c1w48 DAIRY CASHIER Experienced man to cash in driv- ers and work out daily sales sheets, 5 day week. References. Must have car. Roselawn Dairy Depot. Apply Roselawn Dairy. 1411 Dufferin St., Toronto, LE. 1-3569. c1w49 LABOURERS for local ‘tempor- ary employment. Apply Irving Steel 00., Industrial Road. Call Pete AV. 5-5341. c1w49 STATIONARY Engineer, 74gb For from 4 to 12 hours’ work on weekends. TRANSPORTATION wanted to Wellesley Street at Bay or Yonge Streets. Work hours 8.30 am. to 4.45 pm. Phone AV. 5-3328. HAIRDRESSER (lady) for full or part time. Must have at least two years' experience. BA. 1-0300. - c1w49 tors BOOKKEEPER, part or full time, reply in handwriting stating edu- cation, experience and time av- ailable to Box 41 The Liberal. c2w48 HAIRDRESSER, full time. Shar- on‘s Hair Styling. King 170.‘ GIRL OR WOMAN wanted for part time work. TU. 4-2697. c1w49 class. Apply W. G.'Sea1es Ltd., 172 Centre St. East. c2w49 SERVICE STATION attendant. experienced. Apply in person. Baker Sales & Service, Richvale. c1w49 INTELLIGENT girl or expectant mother who can be a real help to busy mother with three child- ren. Good wages. Live in. AV. 5- 5342. c1w49 CAR leaving Beverley Acres for College and University at approx- imately 7 a.m., returning 4.45 pm. TU. 4-4669. clw48 ROOM and BOARD ROOM AND BOARD available in nice clean home. TU. 4-4888. LARGE gray and white cat, white under chin. Called Happy. Phone TU, 4-4728 Tampico Road. *1w49 COUNTER HELP WANTED YOUNG MAN For short orders and pies. YOUNG WOMAN For general counter. 6 - 8 PART TIME WOMEN TL’. 4-2444 for Appyintment. c1w49 HELP WANTED PETE'S DAIRY AND SNACK BAR Yonge St., 1V2 miles north of Richmond Hill COTTAGES FOR SALE (Continued) LOST c2w46 c2w48 Elw49 c3w49 c1w49 Nobody seems to have gone to the heart of the matter concern- ing the predicament of some homeowners in Beverley Acres and similar developments across Canada, or if they have. they have touched it lightly. I have lived tFere since the development was started and have seen events roll on to their inevitable conclusion. After I had lived there a year. I was approached by a realtor and offered a cash profit of $1.- 350 (which he would guarantee in writing) to move into a practical- ly identical house on the same development. which was still to be built and on which the full down payment, involving no sec- ond mortgage. was only around $1700.00. When I asked why anyone in their senses would pay $3,000.00 cash to get into my house when he could get into a brand new improved version of it only a couple of streets away for $1700.00. I learned that my house would be so’ld to someone who could not meet N.H.A. require- ments on the new house, as to amount of down payment, salary. or both. There are no N.H.A. ï¬nancial requirements applying to re-rales apparently. ‘ The next sensible question was â€" how could a man who couldn't find $1700 find $3,-‘ 000 more easily. The answer â€"â€" by finding only a trivial amount in cash and taking out a second r ortgage for the balance. The rate of interest on it sounded reasonable enough â€" only about 2 per cent more than the pre~ vailing rate for a first mortgage as I recollect â€" but nobody stressed the fact that to get $2,- 500 cash from a second mortgagor involved signing a mortgage. for $4,000 and that not only did one have to repay the $4,000 within a relatively short period. but that the interest was charged not on the $2,500 received, but on the fictitious amount of $4,000 pur- ported to have been received. Naturally many of the original homeowners in Beverley Acres found the profit attractive and duly took it and moved a few streets away. 0f the houses thus vacated, most were sold on the basis I have just described to people who didn't have the $1,700 down payment which N.H.A. re- quired of new home purchasers or who were not making the m0- dest income required to support a first mortgage of only sixty odd dollars per month. Yet these same people whom NHA judged unable to meet these reasonable requirements. were judged by a realtor as able to carry the ruin- ous load of a heavy, short term second mortgage in addition. It is probably impossible to de- sign or enforce effective legisla- tion to curb the depredations of the few unscrupulous realtors who sell to people patently un- able to buy. Controls on them must come: from their own pro- fession, as all of them become tarred with the came dirty brush otherwise. The film industry in Hollwood set up its own moral censorship â€" the Hays Office â€" under threat of having the job done for them if they didn‘t. Canadian realtors might pay heed and put their house in order be- fore public opinion becomes so outraged that it forces the gov- ernment to place more ‘drastic curbs on them than would other- wise be necessary. STOUFFVILLE : Municipal coun- cil has passed a supplementary road appropriation bylaw for $10,500 to cover the cost of pavâ€" ing and surface treating some streets in town this summer. Dear Mr. Editor: Some are still fighting a losing battle trying to do so, living in their houses alone. Others, real- izing that they were simply pay- ing rent for houses they could never own, got out from under,‘ leaving about 90 houses empty on the last tally. These houses are so encumbered with a pyramid of mortgages that the only people who can afford to carry them are ones with the cash and the in- come to pay for better houses in better localities. Therefore they stay empty and two opposite my own home have stayed empty for well oyeria year. Council has a right to feel vir- tuous in passing the problem to higher levels of government for action, but could feel doubly so if it took the trouble to enforce its own by-laws against multiple family dwelling. If these are in- effective lt should seek legisla- tion to put teeth in them. Yours truly, A third group have tried to solve their dilemma by renting part of their house to another family, which besides over-popu- lating the area, increases the strain on schools and essential services which are being used by families who pay no taxes for them. Whilst feeling the great- est sympathy for those so unhap- pin placed, it is possible to feel some resentment at having one's own taxes increased to help them out. N.H.A. might well re-appraise its requirements and policy in the light of such situations, Beverley Acres being only an isolated in- stance of a state of affairs pre- valent across the country. To the municipality the results are, this â€" increased taxes all around and, ironically enough, to support a slum in the making. There is no sense in mincing words. When an area has a large part of the houses in it uninhabi- ted and untended for a year or z are with no painting done and lawns grown rank with weeds, it is on its way to s'lumdom. When an area is largely populated with people, many of whom cannot at- ford to maintain their houses, let alone improve them, deterioration sets in. When many houses in an area are populated by twice the number of families they were de- signed for, it is certainly fast on th: way downhill. When one area is afflicted with all three sets of conditions for slumdom, the conclusion is harsh, unpalatable â€" and irresistible. But it mightrars well be_faced. _ “Dear Mr. Editor†Mr. Broadhurst Explains Serious Results of Mtge. Racket '1'. BRUADHURST, 343 Taylor Mills Drive N., Richmond Hill, Ont. “ My House ShiIBe Called the House 01 Prayer†RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. Higginson 3A., B.D. SUNDAY, JUNE 7, 1959 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€"- Morning Service “The Lord’s Supper†RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N. Hepburn. Minister SUNDAY, JUNE 7, 1959 9.45 a.m. â€" Sunday School and Bible Class 11 am. - Morning Worship Sermon subject: CHRISTIAN CONVERSATION (Sacrament of Baptism) 2.30 pm. â€" Communicants‘ Class 7 pm. â€" Young People's Society "Jesus left the unfruitful tree unblessed" Crosby, Ave.. Richmond Hill Rev. William W. Patterson. B.A.. 3.0.. Minister SUNDAY. JUNE 7. 1959 9.45 am. â€" The Church School 11 am. -â€" Public Worship Building a Church 1. The Visible Witness of a Building Kindergarten and Nursery meet at hour of worship. ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH Richmond Hill ‘ Rector: Rev. J. F. O’Neil SUNDAY. JUNE 7. 1959 8 am. - Holy Communion 9.30 am. â€" Sunday School 9.30 am. â€" Morning Prayer 11 am. â€" Choral Communion (Nursery and Jr. Congregation) 4 pm. â€" Holy Baptism ‘7 pm. â€"- Evensong THE CHURCH OF ST. GABRIEL Wednesdays 10 am. â€" Holy Communion COME TO CHURCH AS A FAMILY Anglican Richmond Hill East Beverley Acres School Neal Drive Rev. J. W. Newton-Smith, 407 Lynett Crescent TU. 4-4236 Organist: Mrs. E. V. Collier. A.T.C.0. SUNDAY, JUNE 7, 1959 9.30 a.m. â€"- Sunday School 11 am. â€" Nursery and Junior Congregation 11 am. â€" Holy Communion 2 pm. â€" Bible Class at the Rec- tory Corner of Elmwood and [mules Rev. Earl S. Bull, Minister Church of the Light and Life Hour. CHML 9 am. Sunday SUNDAY. JUNE 7, 1959 2.45 pm. â€" Sunday School 7 pm. â€"- The Family Gospel Hour Mr. Carl Green of Belleville, soloist and song leader Wed. 8 pm. â€" Prayer and Bible Study Hour Sat, June 6 at 8 pm. â€" Youth ‘- Rally‘ , Carl Green, soloist and song leader Rev. Robert' McCaw, special speaker. We welcome you to the fellowship of this friendly family church that continues the teaching 0! Original Methodism. GORMLEY UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH Rev. C. E. flanking, Minister 8.45 am. â€" Broadcast CJRH 1300 -10 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 7.30‘ pm. â€" Evening Service PARISH OF KING 8: MAPLE (Anglican) Rector: Rev. W. B. Jennings, DJ). Tel. King City 313 HOURS OF SERVICE All Saints’ Church - King City 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 10 am. â€"â€" Morning Prayer 11.10 am vâ€" Sunday School THE CHURCH OF ST. LUKE LUTHERAN Finch Ave., East Public School Finch Ave. E., just west of , Bayview Sunday School ........ 10 am. Worship Service . . . . . . . . 11 am. The Rev. Karl J. Schweder, B.D., M.A., Pastor Phone: BAldwin 1-8900 RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Be Sure You Can Count On Yor Brakes! Play it safe. Come in today for our free brake- check. We repair and re- line. You’ll like our friend- ly service. Have our ex? perienced mechanics solve all your problems. Auto Service Complete Service To All Makes of Cars The total tax levy for 1959 in Whitchurch Township has moved past the half million dollar mark and totals $575,- 709.79. This is $122,500.13 above last year’s figure. Al- most all rates have increased. The township general rate for farm and residential pro- perty has been increased from 18.7 to 21.25 mills and the commercial rate has been upped from 22.72 to 25.3. Whitchurch ’59 Budget Up COOK'S BP ST. MATTHEWS UNITED CHURCH ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-3151 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, June '4, 1959 of Rowley, Massachusetts Tonight and Friday at 8 p.m. and SUNDAY, JUNE 7. 1959 9.50 a.m. â€"â€" Bible School for all! 11 a.m. and 7 pm. Rev. Clarence M. Keen Special music at all services 8.30 p.m. â€"- Coloured pictures of Bible Lands Monday at 7 p.m. Final Boys' Club meeting until Fall Wednesday at 8.30 13.111. Mid-week “Hour of Power" The young church with the old Message! BREIHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH Wm. Vendor-Bent. Pastor Tel: Richmond Hill, TU. 4-315] Beise Hill (Gormley) 10 am. -â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Worship Service 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Service Wed., 7.45 pm. - Prayer Meeting Vaughan (3rd Com. 2 miles north of Concord) 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11.15 am. â€"- Worship Service Concord (Schoolhouse) 10'a.m. â€"â€" Sunday School Oak Ridges. Aubrey Ave. Roy Nigh. Pastor 'l'el.: Gormley 5544 10.30 am. â€" Sunday School 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Service Tues. 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting Oak Ave SUNDAY, JUNE 7, 1959 9.30 am. â€" Breaking of Bread 11 am. â€" Sunday School and Family Bible Hour Mr. John Mair 4 pm. -â€" Sunday School Teachers meeting 7 pm. â€" Evening Gospel Service Mr. Stafford Tues.. 8 pm. â€" Prayer and Bible Study _ Fri. 8 pm. â€" Young People's Meeting THE ANGLICAN CHURCH 01" CANADA EMMANUEL CHURCH Richvale Minister: Rev. E. Morley 134 Wright St. Richmond Hill TU. 4-3286 Morning Service ...... 11 am. Sunday School . . . . . . 9.30 am. Services in Charles Hewitt School RICHVALE GOSPEL CHAPEL ST. MARK’S ANGLICAN Oak Ridges - Yonge at Elm Grove Morning Prayer ...... 9.45 am. Sunday School . . . . . . 9.55 a._m. iiiâ€"lyâ€"édhiiiï¬l’riiéi 7â€"7 Isl: Sunday Maple 10.15 11.30 Hope 11.15 am. -â€" Church Schoo Edgeley 2.30 pm. â€" Church Service HOLY COMMUNION “Identifying the true God" 4.15 pm. â€" Watchtower Study taken from April 15 Watchtow- er Magazine. EVERY THURSDAY 7.45 pm. â€" Service Meeting 8.45 pm. â€" Ministry School NO COLLECTION TU 4-2677 ALL WELCOME CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeting in Concord School House 0 Each Lord’s Day Evening at 7 pm. 1 Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9:15 am. Sunday mornings ‘ And Jesus spake unto them, saying, all power is given ‘unto V___, n, me in heaven and in earth. JAMES 1 v 21: Wherefore lay apart all ï¬lthiness and superfluity of haughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. Morning Prayer . . . . . . . . 11 am. Sunday School . . . . . . . . 11 am. Bible Classes Senior and Inter- mediate) . . . . . . . . . . 9.45 am. Holy Communion .. 2nd and 4th Sundays KINGDOM HALL OF JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES Cedar Avenue. Richmond Hill *SUNDAY, JUNE 7, 1959 3 pm. eARublic_Lec_ture 10.30 ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN OAK RIDGES Yonge at Jefferson Morning Prayer 11 z Sunday School . . . . . . . . 11 2 Bible Classes Senior and In MAPLE PASTORAL CHARGE THE UNITED CHURCH O! CANADA Rev. Harold W. Davies, B.A., Minister 50 Wright St. Pastor: Rev. Robert W. Irvin. B. Th.. B.R.E. Phone: TU. 4-2095 CONCLUDING ANNIVERSARY SERVICES with REV. CLARENCE M. KEEN SUNDAY, JUNE 7, 1959 HOLY COMMUNION a.m. â€" Morning Worship HOLY COMMUNION a.m. -â€" Church School RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH all departments a.m. â€" Morning Worship a.m. â€" Church School in Pearson Ave. THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. Earl B. Eddy. B.A.. B.D., Th. D. SUNDAY. JUNE 7. 1959 10 am. â€"- Intermediate Church School 11 am. â€" Church Worship and Church School HOLY TRINITY THORNHILL 2116 Sunday in Trinity SUNDAY. JUNE 7, 1959 I a.m. â€"- Holy Communion 11 am. â€" Holy Communion Preacher: The Rector 8 pm. â€" Special musical service. The speaker Professor Godfrey Ridout of the Toronto Conserva- tory of MUSiC‘ Wednesday 10 am. â€"â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€"> Sermon (6) Turn Backward - Face For- ward 7.30 pm. â€" Young Adults Election of new officers Tues., 8 pm. â€"- Church Member- ship Class ' Wednesday â€" Prayer FeIIOWShip at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hook. 254 Rumble Ave., Rich- mond Hill Fri., June 12 â€"- Preparatory service and reception of new members THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH Stop 17 Yonge Street Rev. Percy G. Buck, B.A.. 8. Th. 5 Old Orchard Grove. Toronto. 12. Ont. HU. 1-3142 _ SUNDAY. JUNE '1. 1959 10 am. â€"â€" Sr. and Ibermediate Sunday School _ 11 am. â€"- â€"â€"Jr. School and Nur- sery 11 am. â€" Service of Worship‘ The service is being broadcast over CJRH. The following hymns SUNDAY, JUNE 7. 1959 2.30 pm. â€" Worship Service will be sung: “How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds," “Saviour Like a Shep- herd Lead Us," “Take My Life and Let It Be Consecrated Lord to Thee," and the Scriptures: Psalm 39 and Romans 12, 1-21 CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Rev. Earl B. Eddy, B.A.. 3.1). LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH Church St., Langstafl Minister: Rev. B. T. McSpadden 10 am. â€" Bible School with Adult Bible Class 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 5.30 pm. â€"â€" Prayer Meeting 7, pm. â€" Gospel Service Wed. 8 pm. -â€"_- Pgayer and Bible Study Thurs†1 pm. â€" Women's Miss- ionary Fellowship Thurs.. 8 pm. -- Evening Mll- sion Circle 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month Fri., 7 pm. â€" Lamplighter: and Teen Fellowship 1 block east of Yongo Stop 12A Pastor Rev. F. Vaughan. B. Th. Student Assistant. Mr. R. Thistle SUNDAY, JUNE ’1, 1959 11 am. -â€" Conï¬rmation Service and Holy Communion 9.45 a.m. â€"- Sunday School and Bible Class SUNDAY SERVICES 10 to 10 â€"- Bible School Classes for all ages 11 â€" Morning Worship Mr. R. Thistle.‘ Assistant Pastor 7 â€" Evening Service The Gospel in sermon and in song “The Church that is looking Ahead" (2 miles south of Maple) Pastor: Rev. Harold R. Lindeman. BA. Phone Unionvllle 361 THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Calvin Chambers, B.A.. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH AV. 5-5391 SUNDAY, JUNE 7. 1959 Messages from the Minor Prophets