Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Jun 1959, p. 5

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Sympathy is extended to Mr. Ray Elson of the Ontario Hydro Electric. who received word early Tuesday morning of the death of his father, Mr. Alfred Elson of Parkhill. in a London Hospital, liter a brief illness. The Richmond Hill Hebrew Congregation held its first social event on May slst in the form of a picnic and barbecue, held at Eldorado Park, three miles west of Brampton, and was considered a success by all. The children participated in a “Sports Compe- tition" and prizes were awarded. On this occasion. Certificates of Merit were also given to those children who had shown out- standing ability in their Hebrew classes. On Sunday. June 7, the third general meeting of the Con- gregation was held at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Leon Bloom. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Lockhart, Langstaflf, will become the bride of Ernest Daniel Denby‘ of Thornhill on July 4th in Holy Trinity Anglican Church. The Richmond Hill J'aycettes held their final dinner meeting of the season at the Summit View Restaurant on Wednesday, June 3rd, with a complete membership attendance, also nine visiting Jay- cettes from Oshawa. and ten from the Newmarket Jaycette groupâ€" each visitor being presented with a rose. Following the enjoyable dinner. the guest speaker, .Jay- cette Ruth Watson of Toronto was introduced by Jaycette Estelle Markham. The speaker â€" a pro- fessional interior decorator â€" presented a very helpful talk to the group on the subject of beau- tifying their homes by the correct selection and arrangement of dra es, together with harmoniz- ing color schemes, which was fol- lowed by an interesting question and answer period. Jaycette Pladys McClelland thanked the speaker for her interesting and informative talk and presented her with a bouquet of roses. These roses. together with those that gracefully decorated the tables were recei ed through the cour- tesy of rose-growers, H. J. Mills Lii..ited. Mr. D. Miller, builder of Allen- court Centre was introduced and described the shopping centre, 13 stores now under construction, 20 in all when completed, with parking for 450 cars. An LGA. “model” supermarket of 13,000 square feet will be featured. toâ€" gether with a medical centre. restaurant, beauty salon, bake- shop, hardware, gift shop, ladies’ and men’s wear stores. Parking for baby carriages will also be included and a “Gala Day” is planned for the opening of the shopping centre on August lst. fair was given by Jaycette Carol Burgess. The new officers for the coming year were installed by’ Oshawa Past President Javcette Joan Edwards. Games were then played. including charades, the winner of which was Jaycette Ivy McCarthy. The lucky door prize was won by a visitor from Osha- wa. A supper of punch and cake concluded the final meeeting for the season of the Richmond Hill J aycettes. A short business meeting fol- lowed. at which reports on the re- cent Convention held at St. Paul, Minnesota was given by Jaycette Barbara Pfenning. Reports on the stall at the Richmond Hill There will be a Pre-Commun- lon service at Richmond Hill Pres- byterian Church on Friday night at 8 pm. when new members will be received into the fellowship of the church. Following their re- ception the ladies of the Women’s Auxiliary will serve refreshments in the church hall, and the new communicants will be introduced to those attending. They will take their first communion as members of the local congregation on Sun- day, June 14. The Holger_Neilson method of artificial respiration was demon- strated at the Allencourt Rate- payers Association’s last meet- ing of the season. held on Wed- nesday, June 3, at the Walter Scott School Mr. Hammond of the St. John Ambulance Corps asked for volunteers, and the members participated in the enlightening course. At the conclusion of the demonsration. Mr. Hammond was thanked by Mrs. D. Mayor. GAIL MARILYN LOCKHART Richmond Hill . . . AV. 5-4138 Radios Car Radios JOHN'S T.V. ‘x‘he Liberal” is alwayu .Jlad to receive social and personal items for this page and a call to TUrner 4-1105 will receive courteous attention. This newspaper will also welcome news reports about church organizations, women’s and men’s societies, lodges and other groups. While copy will be acâ€" cepted up to Wednesday of each week. it is desir- able to have it in earlier if possible to ensure its publication. HI-FI Richmond Hill Lions distribut-‘ ed roses along the parade route and all were very proud of the Richmond Hill Majorettes at their first public appearance. Among the attractions for the ladies were a luncheon and fash- ion show, and a tour through “The Sun Parlor of Canada" which in- cluded visiting Jack Miner‘s Bird Sanctuary, Kingsville, and a tour of the H. J. Heinz plant at Leam- ington. Thirteen Lions and their wives attended the District “A” (Ont. & Que.) Lions Convention in Windsor from May 315t to June 3. Those attending were Mr. Jas. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Don Thurston, Mr. and Mrs. George Fenwick, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sanderson, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Davey, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sackfield, Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown and David arrived for the parade Sunday afternoon. The Church of St. Gabriel held its annual Sunday School picnic on Saturday, June 6, at Boyd Conservation Park. It was a per- fect day for a picnic and there was an extremely good turnout.- Young and not so young enjoyed 'the races planned and directed by Mr. W. Whitman. Mr, J. Freeman and Mr. A. C. Clayton. The older ones played baseball after the races while the small fry splashed around in a nearby stream. The picnic supper was at 5 pm. and the bus and cars left at 7 pm. loaded with tired but happy child- ren. All in all a very successful picnic. Besides the business sessions and luncheons the men toured the Hiram Walker plant and the Chrysler Corporation. The picnic for the Women’s Institute and York Pioneers will be held at Sharon Temple grounds on Saturday, June 13, at 2 pm. W. 1. members are also asked to put their names in for the bus trip to Niagara on June 24. Congratulations to two Rich- mond Hill women, Mrs. Grace Newland and Mrs. Norma Ho- garth on winning the graceful walking competition sponsored by the Women’s League of Health and Beauty held in Toronto on Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Lusignan and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Boyer mo- tored to Buffalo last week end and were entertained by Joe’s sister, Mrs. Angeline Deschenes and Mr. and Mrs. Hector Des- chenes. On Saturday they cele- brated Mr. Boyer’s birthday at Glen Park Casino. Mr. Bob Price, Richmond Hill, and Miss Joan Shaw of Toronto. were married last Saturday at St. Patrick's Church, Toronto. Congratulations. Mrs. Newton-Smith held an af- ternoon tea on June 3, at the rec- tory in honor of Mrs. A. Snaith, of 68 Rockport Crescent. Mrs. Snaith and her son Guy are leav- ing this week on a three month trip to England to visit with rel- atives and friends. Mrs. W Whit- man presented Mrs. Snaith with a maple leaf pin as a memento on behalf of the ladies present. The pin was fashioned from lea- ther and made by Mrs. Victoria Cox. a member of St. Gabriel’s W.A. Tea was served by several ladies of the W.A. and a pleasant afternoon was spent by all wish- ing the guest of honour “Bon Voyage." Mrs. H. Rigby of 233 Ruggles South has returned from hospit- al and her many friends will be glad to know she is progressing favourably. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hailey, El- gin Mills, former proprietors of Wyndot Ladies’ Shop, Bayview Plaza, left aboard the ‘Saxonia' for England on Friday, June 12. Their many friends in Richmond Hill wish them continued good luck. of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Snively, Lake Wilcox, where a garden tea is to be held next Wednesday, June 17, under the auspices of St. Johns Anglican Church W.A. Mr. and Mrs. M. Tearne, Rock- port Crescent, held a ‘going aw- ay' party for Mr. and Mrs. K. Williams who are moving to Ot.‘ tawa in the near future. A smok- ing stand was presented to them both from their many friends and regret expressed that they were leaving the community, with add- ed good wishes for their success in Ottawa. Don’t forget to take the oppor- tunity of seeing the delightful grounds of Glenlon_elyL thg porpe A dinner meeting at the Rich- mond Grill marked the close of the season's activities for the Presbyterian Evening Auxiliary last Welnesday evening. Mrs. Russell Tilt will convene the an- nual rummage sale. the date for which was set for September 19. A gratifying financial report was given by the treasurer. Mrs. Geo. Pollard presided and Mrs. Lois Graham convened the evening’s Program; '1‘ '- The sacrament of Baptism was administered at Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church last Sunday, at the morning diet of .vorship, and New Testaments presented by the Sunday School to Jayne Mar- ie Rutherford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Rutherford; and to Richard John Bennett. son of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Bennett, all of Richmond Hill. A recent interesting visitor at “The Liberal"'office was Mrs. F. M. Bethune of Toronto. Mrs. Bethune is a granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sivers who years ago lived in the house which for many years was the Mansbridge store, and which was recently torn down to make way for the new Woolworth build- ’ing. Robert Sivers was born in 1819 and died in 1885; his wife Hannah died December 30, 1916, and both are buried in Richmond Hill cemetery. Mrsr Bethune, whose name before her marriage was Suddaby, recalled coming to Richmond Hill by the old Thomp- son horse-drawn coach to visit with her grandparents. The annual Sunday School and congregational picnic of the Rich- mond Hill Presbyterian Church will be held at the Provincial Park at Sibbald's Point, Lake Simcoe. A full program of games and sports will be provided. Buses and cars will leave the town park at 1 pm. sharp. A11 attending are asked to ‘bring a basket lunch. Tea, milk and ice cream will be provided. Mrs. Bethune visited the graves of her grandparents and in dis- cussing business with Mr. Wes- ley Middleton who now has charge of the cemetery, showed a receipt given her grandmother, dated May 6, 1885, signed by Alex Moodie as treasurer. One of the well known old families of Rich- mond Hill Alex Moodie ran a grocery and liquor store on the premises reéently vacated by Pow ell Furniture. At the organizational meeting of the Richmond Hill Hebrew con- gregation, Mrs. Ronald Snider was elected president. On the slate are: Mrs. Len Bloom, vice- president; Mrs. Cyril Sherman, secretary; Mrs. Dennis Urstein, treasurer; Mrs. Irving Rosenfeld, publicity; Mrs. Arthur Adler, campaign chairman; Mrs. Norton Cooper, Mrs. Sidney Starkman a‘nd Mrs. Victor Zuck, program; Mrs. Ted Dobbs telephone; Mrs. Norman Eckler, Mrs. Samuel Gor- don and Mrs. Allan Jacobs, mem- bers at large. Membership takes in Richmond Hill, Newmarket, Aurora and district, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Gardner, Weldrick Road, well known resi- dents of Richmond Hill, return- ed for a two day visit last week from Sturgeon Falls. They have recently taken over Brown‘s Camp at Sandy Island and were most enthusiastic over this de- lightful holiday Ispot they have found. where both excellent boat- ing and fishing facilities are av- 'ailable. Congratulations to Mr. Daniel McGauley on receiving his BA. in the honour course in political science and economics at the Un- iversity of Toronto on Thursday, May 28th. A family dinner party was held at the Summit View Restaurant following the cere- mony and guests included: Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McGauley, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Leggett of Bolton, Danny's aunt and uncle, his sis- ter, Mrs. John Akitt, Peterbor- ough, and Miss Joan Dingle, Tor- .onto. Gathered around the lovely tea tab- le, with its centrepiece of spring flowers and its gleaming silver in the Langstafl“ garden, Church St. N., where the West Division of the Girl Guide Local Assoc- iation held an afternoon tea recently, are shown left to right: Mrs. Thom- as Lamb, wearing a beige shantung dress and pretty flower-petal hat dec- orated in the front with one large pink rose; Dr. Lillian Langstaff, hostess, in a dress of green and white flowered silk; District Guide Commissioner Mrs. Hugh Yerex in a softly tailored suit of olive green and Mrs. L. D. Clement wearing a blue dress with white leghorn hat, trim- med with a pink rose and blue ribbon band. Later in the afternoon Mrs. W. guide Joca/ Mr. George Gray asked Mr. E. Gooding to introduce the guest speaker of the evening, Mr. Peter Whittall (Mr. Fixit of TV). Mr. Whittall talked about his new book and his life in radio and tel- evision. It was thoroughly amus- ing and interesting and enjoyed by everyone present. After Mr. Whittal’s speech, the election of new officers was performed. Mrs. 1. Wright of the election commit- tee introduced the new slate of officers for the coming school term. The following will hold of- fice: President, Mr. George Gray: Vice President, Mrs. Iris Wright; Recording Secretary, Mrs. V. Buckingham; correspond- ing secretary, Mrs. Murray; Treasurer, Mr. J. R. Newburg; Directors, Mr. V. Buckingham, Mrs. J. Ritchie, Mrs. R. J. Whit- taker. Mrs. Everett Baker and Mrs. L. R. Peterkin. Mrs. Crown, Vice-President of the Metropoli- tan Home & School Association was then introduced and express- ed her pleasure in the tremend- ous progress for such a new home and school. Mrs. Crown then handed the gave] to the president, Mr. George Gray for another year and wished everyone a lot of luck. Mr. Gray in turn thanked Mrs. Crown and Mr. Gooding for all their help in the past year. The meeting adjourned with cookies and coffee being served. The matinee attraction at Rich- mond Theatre Saturday afternoon at 2 pm. will be “Lord of the Jungle.” The theatre is air con- ditioned for your comfort. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bond an- nounce the engagement of their daughter Shirley June to Mr. Harold Egan, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Egan, Aurora, Ont. The marriagé will take place July 4. 1959. at St. Matthew’s United Church, Richmond Hill. clw50 AT HOME The May meeting of the Cros- by Heights Home 8: School As- sociation was held at 8 pm. in the auditorium last week. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Bar- rett of Gormley wish to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Margaret Joan to Mr. Ivan Leonard Grove, son of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron D. Grove of R. R. No. 2 Markham. Wedding to take place July 11, 1959, at 2 o’clock in the Gormley United Missionary Church, Gormley, Ont. c1w50 Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Hard- ing will be at home to their friends and relatives on the oc- casion of their twenty-fifth wed- ding anniversary â€" Saturday, June 13th â€" 2 to 5 p.m., 7 to 9 p.rn., 93 Mill Street. Richmond Hill. *1w50 BLAKELOCK â€" Suddenly as a result of drowning on Tuesday, June 9, 1959, Bert Henry, be- loved son of Mr. and Mrs. Vin- cent Blakelockyof Maple, clear brother of Mrs. Allen Bagg (Elleanor), Melbourne, Kenneth and Darlene, in his 15th year. Resting at Wright & Taylor Funeral Home, Richmond Hill. Funeral from Maple United Church, Friday at 3 pm. Cas- ket open in church from 2 p. m. Interment in Maple ceme- tery. c1w50 SNELL, Forest Edward â€"- At the home of his son, Douglas For- est Snell of Elgin Mills, Tues- day, June 9, 1959, Forest Ed- ward Snell, beloved husband of Margaret Heeley; dear father vf Mrs. W. G. Henry (Margar- et), Mrs. B. Perkins (Ethel) and Douglas Forest. Resting at the Wright & Taylor Funeral Home, Richmond Hill. Private funer- al on Thursday. Interment in Laurel Hill Cemetery, Bolton, at 2.30 pm. In lieu of flowers please send donations to the Cancer Society, Richmond Hill. c1w50 QEngagements ZBeatbs Y . - ‘Moaahon Henderson, president of the Catholic Women’s League and Mrs. Malcolm Thomson poured tea for the many guests who attended. Specially invited guests were those ladies who had helped with testing and instruction for Guide and Brownie bad- ges ranging in subject from swimming to child nursing. Co-convenors of the tea were Mrs. N. Dean and Mrs. H. D. Currie, with Mrs. J. B. Anderson in charge of pub- licity. Guests were generous in donating towards the new Canadian Girl Guide Headquarters Building which will be built in Toronto next year, the Jubilee Year of Girl Guiding in Canada. W :2). JJo/cb 57m -â€" photo’by Mona Robertson The main feature of the even- ing was an Operetta entitled, “In the Land of Dreams Come True”. All participants were dressed in an array of colourful costumes. The leading roles were played by Helen Roman and Christine Jackson. The finale marked the end of a wonderful evening. â€" This article was writtén by Jeannette Waegemakers for her ,Girl Guide Reporters Badge. In between the short skits, Rob- ert Rawlinson played “The Light Cavalry" and “The Irish Washer- woman" on the violin. The First Richmond Hill W. Guide Company held their first “flying up” ceremony at MacKil- lop School on Monday evening, June lst. Brownies from Mrs. Cook’s Seventh Pack who re- ceived their wings were Beverley Baker, Eve Harwood, Lisa Jack- son, Karen Kraushar, Dale Kin- n-ar. Elizabeth Langstaff, Donna Sims and Linda Yerex. Susan A hworth and Margaret Pim of Mrs. Ripley’s Third Pack also re'- ceived their wings. Later, Guide Pamela Stoddart was awarded her .cook, needlewoman and laundress badges; Guide Lorna Sutherland her horsewoman's and reader’s badges. The First Guide Com- pany close for the summer with a weiner roast and campfire on June 8th. Many Guides will be attending our Richmond Hill East and West Districts’ first Guide Camp at Sibbald’s Park in July. Our local public and separate school boards, churches and town council help immeasurably by providing fine meeting places. Brownies and Guides will say thzir own special “thank you" next September when they plant golden jubilee tulips in flower beds at the various schools and halls where they meet. Guide Notes In filemnriamfi DUNSEITH â€" In ever loving memory of our darling son and brother, Kenneth Kingsley Wales, who was killed in a car accident â€" June 14, 1957. Too dearly loved, deeply mourn- ed, ever to be forgotten. â€" Mother and Dad Fondly loved and deeply mourn- DUNSEITH â€" That we shall be joined in heart And one day meet again. Dearly loved and deeply mourned. Alex and family. clw50 eyes. But never the one in my heart that lies. The stars seem dim as I whisper low. My darling boy I miss you so. â€" Mother & Dad c1w50 Heart of my heart, I miss you so. Often my darling my tears flow, Dimming your picture before my DUNSEITH â€"- Beagtiful memories are treasur- ed ever Of happy days when we were together. Deeply mourned, dearly loved. â€" Betty, Carl, Kenneth. c1w50 DUNSEITH â€" Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear. Fond memories linger every day Remembrance keeps him near. Dearly loved. deeply mourned. DUNSEITH â€" to me Like that wonderful brother of mine. Dearly 'loved. deeply moured. â€" Bonnie, Joe, Danny, Desiree. *1w50 DUNSEITH -â€" In ever loving memory of a beloved brother, Kenneth K. W. Dunseith, who passed away June 14, 1957. Your presence we miss, Your memory we treasure. Loving you always, Forgetting you never. Your memor; is as dear today, As in the hour you passed away You hold heart, There the For there glisten, And my face is not always sad, There is never a night or a morn- ing But I think of the brother I had. Not a day do I forget you, In my heart you are always here, For I love you and miss you As it ends a second year. DUNSEITH â€" In loving memory of my darling brother, Ken, who was killed in a car acci- dent, June 14, 1957. Though tears in my eyes do not Sister Marjofy, Ralph, neicé Sharon-Alice. *1w50 â€" Lovingly remémbered by sister Audrey. c1w50 â€" Elsie, Ralph,â€" Bonita. *1w50 LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS BRING RESULTS PHONE TU. 4-1105 RICHMOND EEGHTS PLAZA Opposite Lobiaws sun will always shine; will never be another a spot deep in my It's you: ideaâ€":beaew Easeful American Million- 0 mfledion of row amen flair for Mica: Mmmbwfibwewmfieyorebbokm. Exhibit A: Pogosoles by Air Step. Our very Antes-icon version or! the new "dim walking shoe in glove-soft caif or pigskin. < Both on coshiony “swing-forward” COLOURS Tan Softie Calf Bone Softie Calf THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, June 11. 1959 SHIELDS MWWWTHEMAGICSOE “verified In WOODRUFF â€" Joyce and George are happy to announce the birth of a son, a brother for Brady. on Friday. June 5, at Newmar- ket Hospital. c1w50 A- ‘smash and grab' entry at Ken Stiff Fur Store. Yonge St., Richvale, netted thieves a haul of approximately 313.000 in fur jac- kets and stoles last week. Thieves forced the front door, setting off an outside aiarm, grabbed the furs off nearby racks and fled. A passing motorist hearing the al- aim bell notified Vaughan Town- ship Police. The furs were cov- ered by insurance. Thieves Net $13,000 In Fur Haul W-C- 0.1) 3.0. EYES EXAMINED LOWRIE BLDG. 15 Yonge St. N. TU. 4-4641 RICHMOND HILL Hours: 11 to 5.30 pm. daily Fridays to 8.30 pm. Closed Wednesdays. Dress up your home! Do it yourselfâ€" build a fence. Advice and materials at “For Women Who Deserve The Best" KAY & WARWICK BUTT WW all/om for your place of business, truck lettering, sale signs. office door lettering. FAST SERVICE W. G. STREET, Prop. ‘ TU. 4-534] Nearly New Clothes for the entire family TU. 4-3341 67 Yonge St. North 14 Levendale Road Richmond Heights Plan casual country cottons . . . cocktail cottons and dancing cottons for those enchanted summer nlghts. Cottons in cool clear colours . . . cottons In gay desi ns . . . with skirts of illowi‘ng fullness or the slendemess of a willow stem. Come . . . buy a whole armlul . . . be ready to court the sun in the day, light up thc moon at night. Wear them, wash them, want them again and again. ENCORE TU. 4-2213 AV. 5-4741 Oh, to be h cottons now that summer's gear. ay cottons, bright cottons . . . morning, noon and night cottons. City cottons for fair-and-warmcr weatherwear in town . . . wonderfully

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