Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Jun 1959, p. 15

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'53 PLYMOUTH in very good condition. new engine, very re- liable. all good tires, $600. AV. 5- 4738. nc52 1950 FORD, In 'very good running order, 895. TU. 4-5663. c1w52 HOUSE urgently required by cou- ple with four children. reasonable rent. TU. 4-5354. c1w52 ROYAL ENFIELD motorcycle} 1956 model. spring frame. buddy seat. Very smart. TU. 4'1972. ent 'condfllon. Can be financed. AV. 5-3881. c1w52 1954 CHEV. convertible, new paint job, radio, 36,000 original mileage. one owner. PA. 7-5674. PIANO for practicing â€"- threg days weekly. Mr. Young, TU. 4- 2821. (:le 1955 AUSTIN HEALEY. or 1952 MG P.D.. best ofl'er. PR. 8-5684 after 6 9.111. or PR. 3-5715. Priv- ate. clw52 WANTED TO RENT permanently in or near Richmond Hill by July 11 a house to accommodate min- imum of four rooms furniture and cellar accumulated stock. One small child. Reasonable rent. Tel. TU. 4-1624. c3w52 YOUNG COUPLE with dog. re- quire 3 to 5 room unfurnished house or cottage. Reasonably pri- ced from Willowdale to Richmond Hill. Call after 8 pm. AV. 5â€"5000. 1951 FORD customline. in excello SMALL. unfurnished apartment for teacher and husband. Please phone AV. 5-1195 or write School Area Office, Thornhill P.O. clw52 3 BEDROOM house wanted to rent. Reliable tenant. Must be in Richmond Hill area. 011 heat. Phone TU. 4-53.61. clwsz dition. $100 cash or liegiwolrfiéli'. 'IU. 4-3920 after 5.80 9.111. PRIVATE SALE ’58 Chem. as new, 2-door Delroy, 2-tone. automatic. small mileage, low down payment. Full price $2.350. TU. {-4695 evenings and Weekends. c1w52 1951 VANGUARD gBod condi- tlon, one owner, $175. TU. 4-3372. '§_9_PONTIAC. Gpod running con- '51 PONTIAC. Any nfifim fer will be aceeptc‘ TU. 4-2089, 112 Markham Road. c1w52 '51 FORD. Best offer. Good transportation. body needs at- tention. TU. 4-1396. Atter 6 pm. or Saturday all day. nc52 1953 CHEV. sedan delivery. top condition. $350 or best offer. Phone TU. 4-4519. clw52 '51 MORRIS MINOR. TU. 4- 2810. c1w52 1953 DESOTO Flredome, auto- matic. 27,000 guaranteed miles. New condition. TU. 4-2110. THURS. JULY 16 -â€" Auction sale of farm stock and implements. in~ c'uding Case combine with motor, Case harvester, e‘c., herd of H01- stein cattle.. fresh and springer cows and heifers, 20 Yorkshire sows, number 0! shouts and young hogs. At Lot No. 7. Concession 7 North GwiIlimbury; also 60 acres, part of lot 8, concession 7. Prop- erty at the estate of the late Fred R. Hamilton. Terms cash, no re- serve with the exception of the 60 acres of land. Time of sale 1 pm. (D.S.T.) Alvin .5. Farmer. auctioneer. c3w52 ISAT., JULY 4 â€" Auction sale of household furniture, dining room suite_, bedroom suite, antique ar- ticles, dishes, cooking utensils, garden tools. Quantity 0! linen. bedding. On King Street in the Village of Mount Albert. The es- tate o! the late Mary C. Watson. Terms cash. Sale at . p.m. D.S.T. Alvin 8. Farmer, auctioneer. UTOMATIC DELIVERY USED CA RS AND TRUCKS SAT., JUNE 27 -- Auction sale of household furniture garden im- plements, garden tillers. glau- ware, dishes, etc, on Main St.. Unionviue, Ont. Property of K. 3. Watson. Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash. No reserve. House sold. Kan 8.: Clarke Prentice. auction- Oers. c1w52 SALE REGISTERS WANTED TO RENT clw52 clw52 *lw52 c1w52 c1w51 THREE ROOMED cottage in good order. Richvale. AV. 5-3396, 10 ACRES on Highway 27, 5 room bungalow, city conveniences. large chicken house. Priced to sell. $15,000.. J. R. Vanderburgh, Broker, AV. 5-4497. *1w52 Well this two bedroomed tram-e bungalow with huge landscaped lot has a deep pond 100' x 175'. well stocked with fish. just wait- ing for your line. $16,900. with terms. MAPLE Owner moving to Toronto forces the sale of this stunning 4 bed. room, 2 bathroom ranch style home with panelled living and dining rooms, stone fireplace. built in burners and range. Ca:- port. $21,000, with terms. 3 BEDROOM solid brick bunga- low. with attached garage. $2500. worth of extras, consisting of a1- 1 Iiuum storms and screens. pan- elled recreation room with ac- oustic ceiling and piano; drapery tracks and drapes. Completely landscaped. 5% NHA mortgage. $17,900. TU. 4-4586 for appoint- ment. c1w5-2 1 GENTLEMAN, washing Includ- e'L near bus. $1u.00 weekly. TU. 4-5578. c1w52 Petal- Kitchen PA. 1-5078 EARL V. STEWART Real Estate Broker and General Insurance 21 Yonge St. N. All ROOM and BnARD WILLOWDALE. near Yonge. comfortable home for elderly lady or gentleman. Bright room, bungalow. tray service )ptlonal. $25.00 weekly. Box 55 The Liber- al. c1w52 This is your opportunity to get into a profitable Greeting Card business by taking only one day or two half days a week. This business is already established but can be greatly expanded. We have an exclusive line of cards and display racks and our method of distributing has been widely a :epted. Either a man or woman could easily handle this in spare time. Investment dependent on inventory would approximate $609. Write to Box 52, The Libâ€" AURORA Close to schools and shopping. This 4 bedroom 1% store? home is situated on a large landscaped lot with an abundance of trees and shrubs. Only $14,700 with easy terms. ROOM & BOARD available. AV. 5-1670. clw52 in Riéhmdnd Hill business girl. Starting on June 28. Phone TU. 4-2214 and after 7 p.111. EU. 3- 6705 ROOM available with or without bpard. Central location. suitable for business person. TU. 4-1215. c1w52 ' Real Estate Department Willowdale - BA. 5-6429 Evenings TU. 4-2963. NOT FOR YOUTH ALONE Amongst the notable sporting achievements o! 1958 is that of Ted Williams of the Red Sox. At the age of 40 he gained his sixth American League batting chamâ€" pionsln‘p. ROOM or room and board wanted era! $950.00 Down Payment $9.600. full price - 8 rooms stor~ ey and one half. stucco on block construction. 1 block east of Yonge Street. A good family home. Possession this week. NATIONAL TRUST RICHMOND HILL AREA Modern 7 room bungalow. attach- ed garage. 01! heat, on plctures~ qua half acre of fruit trees. $14,- 900. AV. 5-4456. clw52 PRIVATE SALE. $14,100. N.I-I.A. mortgage. 6 room brick bungalow, corner lot. storms and screens. Close to schools, shopping, church and buses. Good residential neighbourhood. Owner. TU. 4- 3711. c4w51 RUSTIC building lot, bush md/ or creek. Vaughan Township. con- venient to Mapl . private. Box No. 51 The Liberal. ucso 5 ROOMED bungalow in Rich. mond Hlll. Luge living and din- ing room. kitchen, and two large bedrooms. Centre hall plan. Peri- meter oil heating. aluminum storms and screens, large land- scaped lot. 2-car garage. cement driveway and patio. $15,300 with $5,000 down. First mortgage car- ries for $55.00 monthly. and owâ€" ner will take a second mortgage of $2.500 at 7%., Private deal. TU. 4.1176. ‘ cZwfil PRIVATE SALE $14,900 5 roomed brick bungalow. finished recreation room, attach. ed breezeway and garage, storms. screens. One block to Yonge and bus stop. TU. 4-2152. c4w49 MELODY ACRES. Township of King. paved road. convenient to Yonge. elevation over 900 ft., 1 acre scenic lots, frontages of 125 ft. full price $3,000. Terms. John R. Blyth. Realtor; member of York County Real Estate Board, C an}: Ridges PR. 3-5241, Evenings, Stan Rule PR. 3-5825. tic49 PRUDENTIAL TRUST CO. We have a number of low priced home: and building lots: also a few new homes List your home or lot with us for quick action. Mr. Hudson. phone TU. 4-2822 or HU. 3-4343. tfcll DAVID McLEAN LTD. NEED MORE HOMES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY IN YORK COUNTY 7 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE RICHMOND HILL LIKE TO FISH 0R BOAT? *1w52 clw52 c1w52 c1w51 clw49 ADVERTISING SALESMAN. part time. with car preferred. Apply stating experience to Box 58 The Liberal. *1w52 FEMALE CLERK wanted in of- fice of industrial plant in Rich- mond Hill. Applicants'should be quick and accurate at figures and have some experience in book- keeping. Five day week. Apply in own handwriting to Box 57 The Liberal. v c2w52 PRINTER, compositor. Apply The Liberal Ofi’ice, Richmond Hill. CAR HOPS and waitresses. Ex- perience not necessary. Neatness necessary. Apply Wilcox Drivev In. 6461 Yonge St. It Meadow- view Ave. c1w52 CLERICAL help, part time, for office on Yonge St.. Richmond Hill. Apply stating experience to Box 59 The Liberal. *1w52 COOK-HOUSEKEEPER to run farm boarding~houae at King. Live in. Would consider married couple. mm to work elsewhere. Phone King 38R2. c1w52 BOYS WANTED 12 to 16 years. for summer work. Apply 56 Roosevelt Drive. Stop 20A Yonge Streeet, Saturday 2.30 2 MEN as helpers 1n holler room. Full time employment. Apply Mr. Fleury. H. J. Mills Ltd., Rich- mond Hill. c1w52 EXPERIENCED body AxiéfiéEdE man. Apply Jack Brillinget, 85 Yonge St. 5., after 7.30 p.m.r RELIABLE person to look after one child, live in, good home plus remuneration. Phone TU. 4-1401. ,. clw52 TWO experienced stenographers, shorthand essential for interest- ing work In Thoruhill area. Perâ€" manent position with usual com- pany benefits. Mr. Bishop, AV. 5- 1138. c1w52 REAL ESTATE SALESMEN We are taking on two more sales- men. one from the Langstafi area and one from the Richvale or fichmond Hill area to work in our busy Thornhill head office. Excellent training and working conditions. Call Mr. Carusle. AV. 54176. evenings AV. 5-2742. Davâ€" id T'cLean Ltd., Realtors. clw52 sewing teacher-bookkeeper. Qual- ifications â€" interested and able to sew, neat appearance and cap- able of dealing with customers. Apply Manager. Singer Sewing Centre. 12 Centre Street East. Richmond Hill. c1w52 North Road. Oak' Ridges, Ont‘ SERVICE station attendant, ex- perienced. Shelton- Manseli Mo- tors. AV. 5-1393 or AV. 5'1337. MOTHER'S HELPER. is years or over, reliable, good with child~ ren. Live in.AV. 5â€"3674. ' clw52 YOUNG WOMAN to train as HAIRDRESSERS. immediately, 5 years experience, $60.00 starting wage. 6 room house, reasonable rent. PR. 3-5391, PR. 3-5546 or Weekly. Uplands Gardens. Thom- hill area .AV. 5-5063. c1w52 REQUIRED immediately, fully experienced female bookkeeper, able to take full charge of com. plete set of books. typing. costing, invoicing. income tax, balance sheets, pay roll. etc.. etc.. for medium sized plumbing firm em- ploying between 20 and 40 men. Call AV. 5-2090 for interview. c1w52 CLEANING WOMAN, one day PRESSMAN WANTED For part-time work on night shut. Knowledge of both letter- press and offset automatlcs pre- f .red. Opportunity of extra work for good two-thirder. Apply To THE STOUFFVILLE TRIBUNE 2 MEN to work nine hours per day for $100 per week. Box 56 The Liberal. c2w52 OPENING for one salesman in busy Richmond Hill Real Estate where all the salesmen are earn- i..g good incomes. Mr. Shields, TU. '-3805. David McLean Ltd., Realtors. PLASTERER'S labourer, phone N. Alexander, AV. 6-2736. c1w52 EXPERIENCED waitresses. Ap- ly Pop's Restaurant. 194 Yonge gt. N.. Richmond Hill. 02w51 mond Hill NEWS correspondent and repre- Sentauve for the Thornhll! dis- trict. Interesting, remunerauve part time employment for man or woman. Apply The Liberal Office. Phone TU. 4-1105, Rich. RECEPTIONIST - bookkeeper - typist required in Richmond Hill. Full time. Apply in own handwrlt. lng, giving references and details of experience. Box 50 The Liber- al. tfc50 Immediate placement in High- land Park area for ambitious wo- man to represent Avon Products The Villa Print. Hospital AV. 5-3691. tlc29 a few hofin daily. Phone Miss Outerbrldge between 8 and 9 am. RU. 2-7567. c3w50 your spare time for that extra money you need. One of Canada's best known household products. Good commission. Car ouontlal. TU. 4.1250. {fem REGISTERED nurses WHY NOT TRY SELLING 1n HELP WANTED for tlie entire family TU. 4-3341 Nearly New Clothes 67 Yonge St. North Phones 152 or 158 AVON CALLING ENCORE required *1w52 c1w52 c1w52 blw52 c1w52 *3w50 c1w51 tfcbl Continuing Mr. Russell said the individual buying the 146 by 125 foot lot from the widow had built a house on one side of the property leaving a lot 73 feet by 135 feet for sale. As township leg- islation requires that a building lot have a minimum of 15,000 square feet, sale 9f thislot would contravene a‘ township by-law. Reeve W. L. Clark stated anyone buying a lot this size would be unable to secure clear title to the Following the report of the Property Committee presented by Reeve Floyd Perkins, chair- man. a controversy. on the site of a new maintenance depot for the Toronto and Yorks Roads Commission, waged for over an hour at last Friday's meeting of the June Session of County Coun- oil. The special property com- mittee had recommended that the present building occupied by the Commission (at the county build- ing, Newmarket) be extended and that the new maintenance depot only should be located on the Don Mills Road. south of Buttonâ€" ville at Pleasantville. In the Towns of Newmarket, Aurora and Richmond Hill. the Commission has agreed to pay the entire municipal share of the cost of maintenance and operaâ€" tion of all standard type signals. Reeve Anderson of Georgina Township said the depot should be on the present site of the County Council building saying, “We told the ratepayers we are consolidating servic‘e, when we built this county building. There' may be some advantages in hav- ing it down there. If we can save money by doing so I'd agree â€"- but I can’t see it at this time." Reeve Ken Wagg said the site was in the centre of the Toronto and York Roads position, but he was also opposed. Reeve John Perry moved the question he held over for a fur- ther session. Warden Hodgson called for a recorded vote which was 13 to 10 for its establishment at Newmarket. Studies are now under way and preliminary discussions have been held with engineers of the C.N.R., following resolutions re- ceived from the township of King, the police village of King City and the Women‘s Institute of King City. for a study of the crossing where a fatal accident took place reCently. County Coun- 32 will receive a report at a later te. The Board of Transport Comâ€" missioners have issued an order according to the Commission's application, directing the instal- lation of a new standard auto- matic signal at the C.N.R. cross- ing of Bayvrew Avenue, south of Highway No. 7. Snow plowing expenses were approximately forty per cent higher for the first four months of this year than for the same four months in 1958, County Council was told by the commit< tee of the Toronto and York Roads Commission. The overall cost of labour, materials and ma- chine time was two and one-half times as great this year as the cost was during the corresponding period last y_ea_r.‘ . “As Warden of the County, I wodld like to express our thanks The matter concerned the sale of property owned by the widow at lot 42 on Clarke Avenue. Mr. l”..:ssell stated the planning board had refused the widow permission to sell a lot 100 feet by 413 feet in size, and instead would only allow her to sell one 146 feet by 125 feet. Yet the planning board permitted the person owning pro- perty next door to sell an identi~ callot 100 feet by 413 feet in size. In a biting attack delivered Monday. Mr. Cecil Russell of Don- caster accused Markham Town- ship Council and Planning Board of treating a Doncaster widow and wife of a former veteran in an “ugfair and unjust manner.” mic. $5.00. cage lnclhded'. AV. 5- 5237. ‘*1W52 HAMSTERS. young Golden, five weeks old. quiet and clean pets. 75¢ each. TU. 4-4570. *1w52 ONE kllgg male budgle, good ml- Accuses Planning Bd. Of Treating Widow Unfairly talking strain. also‘ breeaers. TU. $2205. tfc28 make. blue. Vitiniti/ of 384 Sugar Maple Lane. TU. 4â€"4012. c1w52 Doncaster Lot LOST child’s tricycle, "Thistle" NUTRIA FOR SALE â€" anyone interested is welcome to Park- wood Nutria Ranch -â€" see the first Nutria Champagne cape, re- ceive information on how to feed and pelt the animals. 7 years ex- perience in breeding them. J. Tinkler, 8 Yongehurst Rd.. Yonge- hurst. c1w52 REGISTERED baby budgles from 2 FRESH COWS and calves. Milk- ing good. Overstocked. Stan Clarkson, Gormley R. R. 2. Lot 21, Con. 3. Markham. No phone calls. ‘ c1w52 For information call or visit N. Epworth at Colonial Nutria Ranch, Hillsview Drive, Richmond Hill. c6w48 PETS FOR SALE yer; Conn I!” Counci LIVESTOCK FOR SALE LOST N UTRIA Beeve John Perry said that around the Village of Maple there is a problem of half load restric- tions seriously affecting gravel trucks. “The people in this area can't compete with people onvfull load routes," he stated. With the railway coming into Vaughan and the possibility of increased industrial expansion, the reeve said “I feel we’ll have to carry full loads in this area." He then asked the Toronto and York Roads Commission to give his re- quest full consideration and re- quested a delegation, to include De uty-reeve Vic Ryder and him- se , to tour Vaughan during the next week. "Let us have air play and jus- tice for all”. concluded Mr. Rus- sell. Deputyd-eeve W. Dean recâ€" ommended council ask its two reâ€" presentatives, on the planning board to report to council on the matter. Reeve Clark promised to make an immediate investigation of the charge. to Mr. Kingsley Graham for his services in the past and on be- half at Council wish him every success in the future.” Warden W. Hodgson said following the announcement “with regret” that Mr. Graham had resigned from the Toronto and York Roads Commission. He and Mrs. Graham are to live abroad. where Mr. Graham has accepted another position. VILLAGE ONCE REBEL STRONGHOLD The chief rebel stronghold in the Canadian North West Rebel- lion was the village of Batoche. Saskatchewan. Its capture by the Canadian militia 1:: 1885 ended organized resistance by the metis. Reeve Perry, Chairman of the County Council Police Com- mittee said last week that 14 chiefs of police in the county had presented the following resolu- tion: “Resolved that the County he requested to set up a central bureau to deal with all transpor- tation, handling of all male and female prisoners in every respect, fingering, photography and cen- tral records which the individual police departments throughout the County of York may require. Further that this Bureau be set aside, from all police departments now established and that this es‘ tabllshment be under the direct control of the Council of the County of York.” Reeve Perry said it would be advantageous to have a woman take on the job, which is to be advertised in the usual manner. Two men will also be hired, as security guards, to transport prisoners. They will be paid a salary of $3,500 each per annum; be responsible to the County Clerk, and be provided with uni- forms “to give them an official status in dealing with prisoners.”- The report was adopted unani- mously by Council. Deputy reeve Wilfred Dean of Markham asked where the police committee would set up the hu- reau. Chairman Perry replied that it would be in the County Council building. It will involve an expenditure of $15,000 a year for the new set-up. salaries, etc, Reeve Perry said. “The plannin board bambooz- le-d this old wl ow while letting her neighbour sell a lot identical in size," emphasized Mr. Russell. Council made it clear it had no knowledge of the transaction. Mr. Russell felt there should be bet- ter liaison between council and the building department. “When speaking to the widow the plan- ning board used the flimsy ex- cuse that a proposed road was to go behind her property," stated Mr. Russell. The speaker main- tained the smcalled road existed only on. paper, and the township had never made axw attempt to construct it. _ property. “Any purchaser of a piece of property should first search the title". remarked the reeve. TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION required from Richmond Hill to Newmark- et 8 a.m., returning 5 p.m. TU. 4-1763. c1w52 JET TRAVEL 40 PER. CENT FASTER The jet transpom now going into service on the world‘s air- lines will be about 40 per cent faster than propeller-driven, pis- ton-engine airlines. CAPONS. and low]. highest pri- ces paid. Don't sell until contact- ing W. S. A pleton. Oak Ridges Poultry 61‘: has Station. phone PRospect 3-5801. t1c27 DUAL PURPOSE and Ames day- olds, prompt shipment. Started Leghorns. dual purpose pullets and cockerels. Ask for list of ready-ho-lay Ames. Time to order July-August broilers. Prompt shipmqnt dual purpose cockerels. Don't delay â€"- contact the Bray Hatchery, J. C. Enns. Brampton, Glendale 1-3506 and Glegdale 1-5218; Fairbank Feed, R. R. 1 Maple.' phone'AVenué 5-2954. c1w52 GOSLINGS FOR SALE C. Riggs. Steeles Ave. W. AV. 5-4194. i/ MgA/igéb POULTRY W ANTED POULTRY FOR SALE *2w51 The trustees of Jefferson and S. S. No. 4 (located on the third concession between the Elgin MiL‘. and Gamble Sideroads) pre- ferred to remain separate if possible. Howaver it was quest- ionable if the province would allow them to remain separate as the Markham part of the Jeffer- son secuon would not be large enough to form an independent section. No action was taken on a suggestion by Trustee N. Boyn- ton of S. S. No. 4 that Headiord School Area Chairman R. Bick stated the area was willing to join with the German Mills Board in the establishment of a new school area. After quick con- sultation by the trustees from the two boards it was agreed to set- up a new area board. The German Mills Board have already acquir- ed land for a new school. School Area Trustee A. Parker suggest- ed that part of S. S. No. 5 also be annexed to the new school area. in order to gain needed commercial assessment. “We will be pulling quite a load trying to provide a satisfactory standard of education without help of Vaughan assessment," stated Trustee Parker. ‘ With the province requiring that the new school boundaries be determined by July lst in order to come into effect this December 25th, it was felt there was in- sufficient time to enter into neâ€" gotiations with the Board of Trusttees of S. S. No. 5. There was also some suggestion that Buttonville School Section be in- cluded in the school area. Some 30 children from the German Mills Board are already attending Thornlea School in the area on a non-resident fee basis. Markham Township Council met with representatives of the Boards of Trustees of School Area No. 1 Markham- Vaughan, S. S. No. 2 (German Mills), U.S.S. No. 4 (Jeffer- son) and 8.8. No. 4 Monday evening regarding new boun- daries for the school area and Sections. Both the School Area and Jefferson Boards were dissolved by the action of Vaughan Township in moving to set up a “Super Board” for the whole of Vaughan. ' SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 1959 10 mm. â€"- Public Worship The minister in charge The nursery will continue for the summer In his opening remarks, Reeve W. L. Clark said that although the province grants the municipalities the power to arbitrarily alter school boundaries, Markham has never taken such action without the prior knowledge of the trus- tees concerned. He also stated that Markham children from the School Area and Jefferson now attending Vaugh- an Schools will continue to do so for the next few years on a non-resident fee basis. Of the total of eight schools in the School Area, five are located in Vaughan and only three in Markham. The Jefferson School is also located in Vaughan. . selections. Don't miss this unique ministry! SUNDAY. JUNE 28, 1959 9.50 am. â€"- Bible School for all! YOU are invited! 11 mm. â€" Morning Worship 7 pm. â€"- Evening Service Wednesday at 8 p.111. Mid-week Prayer Meeting The young church with the old Message! ST. MATTHEWS . UNITED CHURCH Crosby Ave.. Richmond Hill Rev. William W. Patterson. 8A.. 3.0.. Minister Form NewMarkham Twp. School Area And Section Gospel Team from Moody Bible Institute. Chicago. Hear vocal solos. duets, trlos and quartets, as well as instrumental THE MASTER’S CHORALAIREs RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH 50 Wright St. Paton Rev. Robert W. Irvin. B. TIL. B.R.E. Phone: TU. 4-2095 TONIGHT! THURSDAY. JUNE 25. It 8 13.11:. Special musical treat for the whole family! Rev. Earl 8. null. Minister Church of the Light and Life Hour. CHML 0 am. Sunday SUNDAY. JUNE 28. 1959 Sunday School and services are withdrawn during time of Pine Orchard Camp June 26 to July 5. The camp evangelist is Rev. M. W. Dorsey, president of the Nat- ional Holiness Association. Rev. Bob Andrews song evangelist. The camp is five miles east of Newmarket on the Vivian Road. All are welcome. s'r. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH Richmond Hill . Rector: Rev. J. F. O’Neil SUNDAY, JUNE 28. 1959 Trinity V 8 am. -- Holy Communion 11 mm. â€"â€" Morning Prayer and Holy Baptism (Nursery and Jr. Congregation) 4 pm. â€"- Holy Baptism 7 p.m. â€" Evensong RICHMOND BILL FREE METHODIST CHURCR Corset o_f Elmwooq and Ruggie- .Wednesdays 10 am. ~ Holy Communion COME TO CHURCH AS A FAMILY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N. Hepburn. Minister SUNDAY. JUNE 28. 1959 9.45 a.m. â€" Sunday School and Bible Class (Closing Sessions) 11 am. â€"- Morning Worship Sermon subject: PROVOKING GOD 11 am. â€"- Nursery Department 'Those who talk much think little RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. Higginson 3A., 1 SUNDAY. JUNE 28. 1959 11 mm. â€" Morning Service Rev. W. W. Patterson “ My House Shall Be Called the House 01 Prayer” RICHMOND HILL THE LIBERAIi,rRichmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, June 25, 1959 MARKHAM : Markham Village Council is taking a neutral stand on the matter of a liquor store there. No resolution was drafted. However it was pointed out the Liquor Control Board has the authority to open a store at any time. without a vote or council resolutiou. Reeve Clark agreed with Chair- man Bick that until greater res- idential growth takes place with- in Markham, the suburban and purely rural boards should be kept separate. "We are not ready for a township wide school hard yet," stated Reeve Clark. Deputy-reeve W. Dean was crlt- lcal of the way in which Vaughan Council had handled the dissol- ution action. “Vaughan handled the whole matter in a most un- democratic fashion. They should have given both us (Markham) and the trustees more notice." contended Deputy-reeve Dean Trustee H. Betts of Jefierson crit- icized Vaughan for poor public relations. “They have ignored the trustees." remarked Mr. Betts. He felt the sudden dissolution action by Vaughan Council and lack of publicity had shaken the parents. 'be included in the new section. One Headfard trustee said their board was opposed to being in- cluded in a school area. The Headford School is already oper- ating at full capacity, while S. S. No. 4 will require a new building within another year. It was also questionable how long the Mark- ham children at Jefferson would be allowed to attend the present Jefferson School in Vaughan on a non-resident fee basis. Keep Sections Separate ST. MARK’S ANGLICAN Oak Ridge: - Yonge at Elm Grove Morning Prayer 9.45 am. Sunday School . . . . . . . . 9.45 an. H ".y Communion â€" lst Sunday PARISH OF KING 8: MAPLE (Anglican) Rector: Rev. W. B. Jennings. DJ). Tel. King City 313 HOURS OF SERVICE All Saints’ Church - King City 8 a.m. -â€" Holy Communion 10 am. â€" Morning Prayer 11.10 a.m -- Sunday School SUNDAY SCflOOL PICNIC to Hanlan’s Point will be held on Saturday, June 27. Buses leave the Chapel at 12 noon. SUNDAY. JUNE 28. 1959 9.30 am. -- Breaking of Bread 11 am. â€" Sunday School and Family Bible Hour 7 pm. â€"- Evening Gospel Service Mr. Fred Peer at all services Tues., 8 pm. -- Prayer and Blblo Study Mr. Fred Peer SUNDAY. JUNE 28, 1959 Edgeley 930 mm. â€"â€"- Morning Worship. Hope 10.30 am. -- Morning Worship 11.15 am. â€"- Church School Maple 10.15 am. â€" ChUrch School 11.30 am. --â€" Morning Worship CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Rev. Earl B. Eddy, B.A.. 3.0. SUNDAY. JUNE 28, 1959 2.30 pm. -â€" Worship Service MAPLE PASTORAL CHARGE THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA â€" Rev. Harold W. Davies. BA... Minister RICHVALE GOSPEL CHAPEL THE ANGLlCAN CHURCH OF CANADA EMMANUEL CHURCH Minister: Rev. E. Morley 134 Wrilht St. Richmond Hill TU. 4-3286 Morning Service ...... 11 am. Sunday School . . . . . . 9.80 am. Services in Charles Hewitt School Pearson Ave. Come and Worship p.m. -â€" Service Meéting p.m. ~â€" Mlnistry School NO COLLECTION TU 4-2677 ALL WELCOME 3131603]: HALL JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Cedar Avenue. Richmond Hill SUNDAY. JUNE 28. 1959 3 pm. â€" Public Lecture “How to Guard Your Children From Delinquency" 4.15 pm. â€" Watchtower Study taken from May 15th Watchtower Magazine 11 am. â€" Morning Pria'yerw 11 am. --â€" Nursery and Junior Congregation RICHMOND KILL m CHURCH OF ST. GABRIEL Anglican Richmond Hill Elli Beverley Acres School Neal Drive Rev. J. W. Newton-Smith 407 Lynett Crescent TU. 4-4236 Organist: Mm. E. V. Collier. A.T.C.O. SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 1959 EVERY THURSDAY Oak Ave Richvale Rev. E. Morley erlht St. Study Thurs, 1 pm. -â€" Women's Miss. ionary Fellowship Thurs., 8 pm. -â€" Evening Mu- sion Circle 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month Fr!.. 7 pm. -â€" Lamplighter: and Teen Fellowship 11 3.1a. -â€" Semion Church St.. Langstafl Minister: Rev. B. T. M08911!!!“ 10 am: â€" Bible School with , Adult Bible Class 11 am. -- Morning Worship 5.30 pm. ~â€" Prayer Meeting 7 pm. - Gospel Service Wed. 8 pm. -â€"_ Pyayer and Bible Stop 17 You” Stud “6'. Pore! Gp Bunk- ”u no 5 Old Orchard Grove. Tom 12. Out. HU. 1-3143 SUNDAY, JUNE 28. 198. 11 mm. â€" Service of Worth“! 11 am. -â€" -Jr. School and Nu!- sex-y All welcome (2 miles south of Maple) Pastor: Rev. Harold R. Lindeman. BA. Phone Unionvillo 361 SUNDAY. JUNE 28, 1959 11 am. - The Service 9.45 am. â€"- Sunday School and Bible Class I block east of Yonge Stop 12A Pastor Rev. F. Vaughan. B. Th. Student Assistant. Mr. R. m Thé Pastor 7.30 â€" DRIVE-IN CHURCH It Loblaws, north of Steeles. Choir, Duet. 6 year old soloist - Paul Walkey. Sermon "God's Remedy for Weariness”, “The Church that is looking Ahead" HOLY TRINITY THOBNHILL SUNDAY. JUNE 28. 1959 I am. â€" Holy Communion 11 an} â€" Mornmg lirayer THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH "w “SUNDAY SERVICES 10 to 10 -â€" Sunday School 11 -â€"-' Morning Worship me in heaven and in earth. JAMES 1 v 21.- Whetefore 11y apart all filthiness and Iuperflulty of haughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word. which is able to save your souls. CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeting In Concord School Hon-o Each Lord's Day Evening at 7 p.111. Gospel Message Tune In CKEY (580) at 9:1! am. Sunday mornings And Jesus spake unto them. saying._al} power lg given unto Minister: Rev. Burl B. Eddy. B.A.. 3.1).. Th. D. SUNDAY. JUNE 28. 1959 10 mm. -â€" Intel-medium Church School 11 am. â€"- Church Worship and Church School Sunday School ........ 10 m Worship Service . . . . . . . . ll 3.] The Rev. Karl J. Schweder. ~ B.D.. M.A., Pastor GORMLEY UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH Rev. C. E. Banking. Minute:a 8.45 1.111. -â€" Bfioadcut CJRR 130 10 mm. -- Sunday School 11 am. - Morning Worship 7.30 pm. â€"- Evening Service THE CHURCH Ol‘ 81'. LUKI LUTHERAN Finch Ave.. East Public School Finch Ave. 15., just west of 7 Bax/view north 0! Concord) 10 3.111. â€" Sunday School 11.15 am. â€"â€" Worship Service Concord (Schoolhouse) 10 am. â€"~ Sunday School Oak Ridges. Aubrey Ave. Roy Nigh. Pastor 'l'eL: Gormloy 58“ 10.30 mm. -â€" Sunday School 7.30 pan. -â€" Evening Service Tues. 8 pm. -_ Prayer Meeting BRL.‘HREN IN CHRIST CHURCH Wm. VanderBent. Pastor 'l'el.: Richmond Hill. TU. (-8". Helge Hill (Gormloy) 10 mm. â€" Sunday School 11 am. -â€" Worship Service 7.30 pm. â€"â€" Evening Service Wed., 7.45 pm. - Prayer Meeting Vaughyn (3rd Com. 3 mlloa ST. JOHN'S ANGUCAN OAK RIDGES You» It Jolene: Morning Prayer 11 mu. Sunday School . . . . . . . . 11 3.111. Bible‘ACJagses Senior and Inter- 7 __‘- -“w- mediate) 935 am. Holy Communion .. 2nd and 4th Rev. Calvin iChambers. B.A.. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH AV. 5-5391 SUNDAY, JUNE 28. 1959 Messages from the Minor Prophets Phone: BAldwin 1-8900 Preacher. Th3 Reétor LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH Sundays

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