Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Jun 1959, p. 5

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Sherrlll and Ken Williams, of Itockport Crescent, were the very surprised guests at a “going aw- ay" party given for them at the home of Leslie Webb, Bathurst St. Sherrill and Ken. popular grade 12 students at the Rich- mond Hill High School are un~ fortunately moving to Ottawa in the very near future. and will be greatly missed by all their many friends. All the very best wishes for the future to you both. mmuuunumunmmmm“muuummmmnumumnmmum1un\\\1\lm\\\ulmlmmtmummmnummx1 unmuummuumuuuumu “Illll\ll\[11Wllllmllllllllllllfilkllulllmm H“ \NNRW :mmuummmmmu“mummlullmlunnu“uuumuuummummunuuunmmm“muuuummlm inuuumummum\llama“1\“\muummuummunuuumme§uma A miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mrs. Joyce Russell, Pemberton, Willowdale, when Sharon received many use- ful and lovely gifts. About twen- ty-flve guests were present and a delicious luncheon was served by the hostess. Residents of Hills- view Drive and ‘riends are pre- senting the couple with a set of English china din *erware on their return from their honeymoon. OPPOSITE LOBLAWS Entertaining for Miss Sharon Clllis, Hillsview Drive prior to her marriage last Saturday, June 20th to Mr. Gerry Gaflney at St. Mary's Catholic Church was Miss Lynn Jetmyn, Toronto, who gave a luncheon for thirty-six of the ltafi of‘ the Imperial Life Insurâ€" ance 00., where Miss Cillis is employed, and presented her with a vacuum cleaner. for your place of business. truck lettering. sale signs, office door lettering. FAST SERVICE W. G. STREET, Prop. TU. 4-2213 Photographer ween-ed Mechanics Repairs To All Makes 01' Carl Specializing In English Automobiles Tune-ups fir Texaco Products * Towing Service ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-1773 Richmond Hill . . Special Introductory Offer ! Closed Mondays during July and August “The Liberal” is always glad to receive social and personal items'tor this page and a call to TUmer 4-1105 will receive courteous attention. This newspaper will also welcome news reports about church organizations, women’s and men’s moieties, lodges and other groups. While copy will be ac- cepted up to Wednesday of each week, it is desir- able to have. it in earlier if possible to ensure its publication. SHIELDS Brown Leather Scamper Crepe Soles $4.95 OUR GARAGE Richmond Heights Plaza Dr. W. A. Ripley, Mrs. Ripley, Stephen and Nancy, leave this Saturday morning for Lee Island, in the North Channel for a vaca- tion at Dr. Ripley’s brother's The Richmond Hill Curtain Club held their annual picnic on Friday evening in the beautiful grounds of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Crampton. Following the pattern set at previous years’ picnics, members and their friends were entertained by a couple of very clever skits with each cast work- ing hard to outdo the other in taking off some of the plays pre- viously presented in the Hill. In addition, and also following a new well established precedent, Beth Jones and Marth Crack sang some very amusing verses caricaturing well known club members. With the assistance of some well placed floodliglxting. the Crampton’s gardens proved to be an ideal setting for the picnic and particularly an- open air theatre. camp A recent visitor at the V.D.N. Headquarters last week was the Regional Director for New Bruns- wick and Eastern Ontario. Miss Bessie Seaman, who was substitu- ting for Miss Cathrine Ross who is at present on a year's absence for further studies. On Wednes- day, June 17th, Miss Seaman at- tended a V.O.N. meeting, which was attended by representatives from the C.W.L., the Kinnettes, the Inner Wheel of Rotary and members of the V.O.N. commit- tee, to discuss the future door to door campaign which is to be held on September 15th to the 30th aprox. Mrs. M. Thomson, President, chaired the meeting. Children need correct shoes properly fitted if their feet are to develop healthfully. That’s why we feature Savage Shoes . . . and that’s why we take the time to fit them accurately. Rihgt now, we have a wide range of the new- est summer styles from Savage. All are well made of good materials over correct lasts. Come in while your choice is plentiful. SA Newest summer styles from where children’s shoes are properly fitted TU. 4:3643 ie/cl!) goofwear White Leather Sandal Neolite soles 83 (also in Red & Brown) Twenty-one members of the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church Sunday School received gold pins for perfect attendance at the church service on Sunday morning. These were the first gold pins to be awarded by the school. _ .-_., G, Sisters of the groom, Miss Aud- rey Egan and Mrs. Pat Egan as- sisted the hostess and following luncheon, cards and dancing were enjoyed by all the assembled guests. Mrs. Helen Sutton, Aurora, en- tertained 50 friends and relatives at a surprise miscellaneous show- er on Saturday, June 20, when Shirley was the recipient of many lovely gifts. A ‘ Several parties have been held for Miss Shirley Bond whose mar- riage to Mr. Harold Egan is tak- ing place at St. Matthew's Unit- ed Church on Saturday, July 4. A surprise kitchen shower was given by Mrs. B. Stapley at her home on Carl-ville Road. About 20 guests were present and many useful and varied gifts were re- ceived by the bride to be. A de- lightful luncheon was served, with Mrs. Margaret Hopwood and Mrs. Phyllis Bird assisting the hostess. . Mrs. Ede Butlin was one of three judges chosen from throug- hout Ontario who adjudicated the Ontario Championship Square Dancing Competition at Maple Leaf Ball Park, Wednesday. June 24. The proceeds from this Var- iety Club night go to the Crip- ple Children’s Fund. Mrs. William May of Mayfair Nutria Ranch, Yongehurst. and Mrs. N. Epworth of Colonial Nu- tria Ranch, Richmond Hill, will 1 exhibiting Nutri‘a on CBC’s Country Calendar program on Sunday afternoon at 1.30 p.m. on June 28. Trustee Mr. Lou Wainwright represented the York Central District High School Board. Mrs. Virginia Sully and Mrs. Margaret Southwell and Mr. C. R. Williams were at Bigwin Inn on Monday and Tuesday of last week attending the Urban and Rural Trustees' Association con- vention. 612 trustees attended. Mr. Henrik (Ted) Benckhuysen of Boskoop, The Netherlands. was a visitor in Richmond Hill last week. Home from their vacation at Nassau Beach lodge, are Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gibson, Richmond Hill. Although there will be no general meeting during July and August, the ladies will still make their regular visits to the veter- ans in Sunnybrook Hospital. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion Branch 375; Richmond Hill, held their gener- al meeting on Monday evening in the Legion Hall, Carrville Rd., with 19 members present. Presi- dent Audrie Apperly was in the chair. The highlight of the even- ing was a draw on a quilt made by the members â€" embroidered with names of the auxiliary and their families. The winner was a member of long standing, Mrs. Louise Gates. . “COMET” White with Red Plaid Saddle $3.95 TU. 4-5341 $5.50 ' The 110 winners to receive prizes of $10.00 worth of nursery stock were: Mr. R. Rosa, 164 Del- oraine Avenue, Toronto; Mr. Lam- bert, 26 Huron Court, Aurora; Mrs. J. Fraser, 311 Wenlock St., Richmond Hill; Mr. M. Cowan, 1174 Davenport Road, Toronto; Mrs. Morrow, 225 Harrygan Cres- cent, Richmond Hill: Mr. Kaye, R. R. 2 Maple; Mrs. Ketetona, 01d Yonge Street. Aurora; Mr. Ped- der, 78 Garden Avenue, Langstaff; Mr. Ades, 227 Owen Blvd.. Will- owdale; Mr. R. B. Green, 328 Prospect Avenue South, New- market. On Monday, June 22nd, the Grade 7 class from McConaghy School went on a trip to Midland and Collingwood. In Midland they visited an Indian village to see what life was like three cen- turies ago, then to the Martyr’s Shrine at Fort St. Marie. In Collingwood they visited a pot- tery factory, and lunched in a de- lightful park, returning home about 7 pm. Mrs. W. S. Thomson, Vaughan Road, left New York on Monday, June 22, aboard the "Statendam" for a seven week tour of Eng- land and Scotland. “Quite a field day". was one of the expressions overheard from the crowd attending the special one day sale of shrubs, plants, trees and garden accessories stag- ed by Endean Nurseries of Rich- mond Hill, on Saturday of last week. With perfect weather and in picturesque surroundings, the customers rambled around the nursery and were served ice cream. Great interest Was shown_ in the “Lucky Draw” prizes, the‘ drawing of which was conducted by Miss Dianne Wallingford, of 235 Harrygan Crescent. Richmond Hill, and resulted in the follow- ing: first prize, a $250.00 land- scaping, was won by Mr. T. Cur- rie, 396 Browndale Crescent. Following an International Lions Convention in New York on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of next week, the new- ly elected' president of the Rich- mond Hill Lions Club, Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Langstaff will be lea- ving aboard the "Medea" for an extended holiday to England, Scotland and the continent. While in Scotland, Dr. and Mrs. Lang- statf will be attending the Canad- ian Medical Convention in Edin- burgh. They will be returning to Canada on the “Saxonia” in the early part of September. Mrs. L. W. Zuefelt of Midland returned from a month’s visit on the West Coast on Tuesday morning. The Grade 8 class visited Nia- gara Falls and Thorold Locks. where they saw the repairs to the broken lock gates and then went around Fort George and the Navy Hall at Chippawa; Brock’s Monu- ment and the Floral clock were visited too before the students split up, some going on the cable car and some on the Maid of the Mist while others went through the tunnel under the falls. They also went to DeCeW House and arrived home in Richmond Bill About 11 p.111. Proceeds of the annual spring luncheon held by the Ladies' Golf Club at the Summit Golf and Country Club, in the amount of $200., were donated to the Rich- mond Hill Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society by secretary- treasurer Mrs. Stanley Dafoe, Mrs. Gordon Purves, chairman of the canvassing campaign reports. The amount collected to date has now passed the $21,000. mark. Warren Bruce, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Greig, 29 Demaine C12: Frederick Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Darlington, 59 Cartier CL; Gayle Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Clephane, 429 Osiris Drive: Thomas Alan. son of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Boss, 456 Paliser Cn; Samuel John An- drew, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cook, 435 Lynett CL; David Nor- man McLaurin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Macdonald, 250 Bluegrass Blvd. ‘ Having been engaged in kinder- garten teaching for the past 30 years -â€" and still is, in England â€" Mrs. Broadhursts interest was evidenced by her first call on Monday morning. visiting Bev- erley Acres Public School, where Prinbipal Grant Nighswander af- forded her the opportunity to obâ€" serve the classes of various grades during instruction periods, also to note the type of building and system employed in this fine type of Ontario public school educa- tional system. Baptisms at St. Matthew's Un- ited Church on Sunday, June 21, included: “Richmond Hill, Yorkshire, England, to Richmond Hill, On- tario" â€" was realized on Sunday afternoon by Mrs. Alice Broad- hurst on her arrival at the home of her son, Mr. T. Broadhurst. Beverley Acres. Flying in from Manchester, England via B.O.A. C,. to Montreal, then by Trans- Canada to Malton Airport. Where she was met by Mr. and Mrs. Broadhurst and family, and driv- en to Richmond Hill. During her three-months stay, Mrs. Broad- hurst plans to see as much of On- tario and the United States as possible, having travelled in most every country in Europe. The summer schedule of ser- vices at St. Mary's Anglican Church will begin next Sunday. There will be no 9.30 am. ser- vice until the Sunday School be- gins again on September 13. Dur- ing the summer, the services will be held at 8 and 11 am. and 7 pm. every Sunday. The Nursery and Junior Congregation contin- ues to meet family needs at 11 Mrs. K. Raflerty of Fair Haven, Michigan, is visiting Mrs. J. Dal- ey,ll Windhurst Gate, Richmond Hi . The Kinsmen Club of Richmond Hill advises that the drawing for the Electrohome Companion Hi- Fi has been postponed until July 23rd. . Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Longâ€" house of Woodbridge, announce the engagement of their daughter Doreen Violet to Mr. Archie Bry- son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bryson of R. R. 2 Woodbridge. The marriage will take place on Friday. July 24, 1959, at 7 o’clock in Woodbridge United Church, Woodbridge, Ontario. c1w52 BURNS â€" In loving memory of a dear husband and father, William J. Burns, who passed away June 30, 1958. In tears ‘we saw him sinking. We watched him fade away, Our hearts were almost broken, You fought so hard to stay. But when we saw you sleeping, So peacefully, free from pain, We would not Wish you back To suffer that again. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Walker, Vic- toria Square, wish to announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Carole Elizabeth, to Arnold Leroy Steckley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Landon Steckley, Gormley, Ontario. The marriage will take place in Victoria Square United Church on July 18, 1959, at 3 pm. c1w52 In memoriams Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lloyd Davidson of Meath Park, Saskat- chewan, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Beverley Ann, to Mr. Murray Winger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Winger, of Maple, Ontario. The wedding will take place July 18 at the North Star Mission, Meath Park, Saskatchewan. â€" Lovineg refinembered by his wife Etta and family and grand- children. c1w52 On Dominion Day, July lst, there will be no carrier delivery from the Richmond Hill Post Office, wickets will be open from 8.00 am. to 10,00 am. for sale of stamps and postal stationery only. Holiday pick up of mail matter will be at the times indicated on the street mail boxes. The Harriet Taylor Auxiliary W.M.S. of Richmond Hill United Church held an afternoon tea last week in the church parlor, in honour of Mrs. Ralph Smith. Mrs. Smith has been a useful and en- thusiastic member, and has giv- en valuable service as convenor of the social committee for sev- eral years. She is moving to Lind- say and will be greatly missed. Mrs. J. P. Wilson, on behalf of the members expressed their re- gret at Mrs. Smith’s removal and made a farewell gift to Mrs. Smith. After the examinations, what? High school students enjoy wide- ly varying and sometimes lucra- tive occupations during the sum- mer holidays. Misses Susan Gill- ard, Barbara Bain, Suzanne Butt, Sandy Hood and Sherrill Williams are all going to a lodge at Kawan- dag, Lake Rousseau, while Lynne Gilbert, Ken Williams and Judy Purvis go to a similar lodge at Patterson-Kay. Alan Brodrick left last Saturday to take up his duties aboard the Canadian Pac- ific Great Lakes Steamship “Assi- niboia." Bruce Langstaff will be joining the Junior Forest Rangers at Cochrane while his sister Judy is going to a Department of Edu- cation Leadership Camp at Bark Lake and then to Kitchikewana, Georgian Bay where she will be a counsellor. Many students are as- sisting in local stores, and Wyn Butlin is doing a very fine job with a local veterinarian. ed. by the host-ess, and on the tea table a beautiful centrepiece of pink and white ’mums. Pour- ing tea for the many guests were Mrs. Clayton Caswell, Mrs. Victor Pond, aunts of the bride, Mrs. James B. Butterill and Mrs. L. C. Marks. The trousseau, wedding and shower gifts were beautifully displayed and assisting the host- ess were the bridesmaids. Miss Barbara MacFadyen, Miss Arleigh Butterill and Miss Carol Marks and' three friends, Mrs. Jean Skimming, Miss Margot MacKen- zie_ and Miss Marilyn White. Miss Hilliard, principal of Pat- terson School, has invited the pupils to her wedding, and after- wards has arranged a junior re- ception in the church hall. Receiving with Mrs. Hilliard and her daughter was Mrs. Harold Fishleigh, mother of the groom. The prospective bride was dress- ed ln a charming decolette dress of mauve print silk with a deep violet cummerbund, and match- ing accessories. Throughout the house were masses of colourful garden flowers tastefully arrang- Many girls from Patterson School accompained by their mo- thers attended the Trousseau Tea last Saturday given by Mrs. H. G. Hilliard in honour of her daugh- ter, Miss Sandra Hilliard, whose marriage to Mr. W. Fishleigh is taking place on June 27th at Humbercrest United Church, Toâ€" ronto. Qfingagements To Be Wed July 18 lives in a tent made of plastic bags, with a cot fashioned of ce- dar slats and foliage was remand- ed for sentence after pleading guilty to stealing from a refresh- ment booth, because he was hun- STOUFFVILLE : An Arbitration Board hearing conducted in Whit- by Court has rejected a bid by the Altona School Board to an- nex a portion of the Glasgow Section within its boundaries. The Glasgow trustees contended it was the thin edge of the wedge. WILLOWDALE : Thomas Nuhn, the man charged with stealing ‘hot' golf balls (they were still warm from their flight from the tee-off) and then claiming he thought they were 'lost’ balls, re- ceived six months when be ap- peared in Willowdale court re- cently. It is claimed thieves have been making as much as $20 a day stealing golf balls and reselling them to golfers. PICKERING : A hermit, who David Rutherford To Meet Queen When you taste caper sauce you are enjoying the pickled flow- er buds and young berries of a near-eastern shrub. The caper grows from the crevices of rocks and walls. in the Mediterranean region, particularly in France, Italy and Northern Africa. to express pur thanks to all our 'friends and neighbours for their sympathy, cards and beauti- ful floral tributes during the re- cent bereavement of our loving mother, Eva Maud Sanders. We wish especially to thank the Rev. C. Higginson and the Wright and Taylor Funeral Home. Queen Scout David Rutherford, 16, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rutherford, R.R.2, Woodbridge will be one of the 10 Queen Scouts in the Toronto and district area to receive a Queen scout certificate from Queen Elizabeth on June 29 at High Park, To- ronto. David joined the scouts when he was nine and won five badges before being made a Queen scout in February. A member of the 2nd Woodbridge troup he was chosen to represent the Humber Seneca district, which includes Woodbridge, Kleinberg and Nash- ville. David is also an honor stuâ€" dent at Woodbridge high school where he was recently named 'athlete of the year. He hopes to attend Royal Roads Naval college after graduation. CARD OF THANKS SANDERS, Eva Maud â€"-â€" We wish TOYNE, Mary Jane -â€" Suddenly, at Elgin Mills, Thursday, June 18, 1959, Mary Jane Patterson. beloved wife of Walter F. Toyne and dear mother of Ken- neth Stewart of Orangeville. Rested at the Wright and Tay- lor funeral home, Richmond Hill. Interment Monday in ‘St. Margaret’s cemetery, West Hill, c1w52 SANDERS, Eva Maud â€" At the Stoufiville Nursing Home, Sunday, June 14, 1959, Eva Maud Culverwell, late of Rich- mond Hill, widow of William John Sanders, dear mother of John Douglas, Mrs. Albert Pat- tenden (Mary), Robert Uylorne, Mrs. A. Bandy (Clara Maud), Mrs. D. Linstead (Dorothy Win- nifred), Charles Frederick and Morley Clinton, in her 8lst year. Rested at the Wright and Taylor funeral home, Richmond Hill. Service was on Wednes- day at 2 pm. Interment in Richmond Hill_cemetery. McGINNIS. Margaret Elizabeth â€" Suddenly. on Monday, June 22, 1959. at the North York Bran- son hospital, Margaret Eliza- beth Scott, dearly loved wife of Lieut-Col. John A. McGin- his of Concord, dear mother of Diane, Jon and Ross. Resting at the Wright and Taylor fun- eral home, 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Service in St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, Maple, on Thursday at 2 o’- clock. Interment Maple United Church Cemetery. Casket will be open'in the church from 1 pm. till time of service. PATTON. Albert Edwin â€" At St. Michael's hospital, Toronto, on Friday, June 19, 1959, Albert Edwin Patton, of 139 M111 St., Richmond Hill, beloved hus- band of Amy Gillespie, dear father of Harold and brother of Dr. W. D. Patton of Van- couver. in his Blst year. The funeral was held from the Wright and Taylor funeral home, Richmond Hill, on Mon- day, at 2 o'clock. Interment fol- lowed in Highland Memory Gardens. clw52 GARTHWAITE â€" Mr. and Mrs. W. Garthwaite are happy to an- nounce the birth of a son. Rob- ert William. at Branson Hospi- tal on June 21, 1959. c1w52 KENT â€" .Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Kent (nee Mecredy) are pleased to announce the birth of a son John Richard, on June 22, at the Cottage Hospital, Uxbridge. c1w52 LEE â€" Charles and Shirley (nee Holledge) are happy to an- nounce the arrival of a daugh- ter. Brenda June. at York County Hospital, Newmarket, on June let. 1959. A sister for Clifford. c1w52 BURTT â€" Bill and June (nee Or- vis) are happy to announce the birth of their son, Michael William, June 23. 1959, at Branson Hospital. clw52 SHRUB CUTS A CAPER. Etatbfi The Family THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, June 25, 1959 c1w52 Ultimately the time came to leave after we had cleaned our spot and put out the fire. On the way back a cool stream persuad- ed some of the girls to go in wad- ing. Then we continued on our way back to the gates.- There, those considerate parents met us and brought us back to Richmond Hill. :IIEIIIIII-IIIIIII' I-I'IIIII-I'I-IPJII-I-Il; Later we played games and ha anigxciting treasure hunt. ' Here ended a most enjoyable day full of excitement, amuse- ment and mishaps. When this succesful hunt was over, a rousing game of baseball began, once we had diverted some of the girls’ atention from two handsome boys. Then came what we had all been waiting for, DINNER. There were the usual sandwiches and pop, however corn and macaroni were also served. - en. After a few helpful hiiifs, they managed to follow the trail and finally ended at the dinner spot. After settling down. half the company set a nature trail for the younger Guides to follow; For this we used Woodcraft signs to indicate the direction we had tak- On Sunday, June 14, the 2nd Richmond Hill Guide Company met at the post office at 12:30 to venture through the Boyd Con- servation Area in Woodbridge. Considerate parents drove us to 0121' destination where enthusias- tic Guides hustled out of the cars. With our capable leaders, Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. 'Hamilton, we started up a hill to find a suit- able place to have dinner. Mr. Walt Hampton of Elgin Mills extends his sincere thanks to all friends and neighbours, who, during and after his five weeks’ confinement in Sunny- brook Hospital, showed their in- terest and sympathy towards him with their frequent visits, gifts of flowers, and for the numerous “Get Well” cards he received. Miss Heather McGregor, RN. Of Paliser .Crescent North, Richmond Hill, who graduated from Toronto General Hospital May let. Miss McGregor finish- ed her training course March 13, and after a three week vacation in Florida, commenced duties as .an operating room nurse at Pri- vate Patient’s’ Pavilion. Toronto General Hospital. CARD 0F THANKS Guide Notes .-.~-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.1.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.' SUPREME DRY CLEANERS Graduate Nurse STOP 21A, RICHVALE h-IIIIIIIIIIIII' I-I'IIIII FREE PICK UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE & SATISFACTION GUARANTEED SUPREME DRY CLEANERS The BANK of NOVA SCOTIA TAKE A REAL VACATION S Suits â€" Chaâ€"rleen Smith and Janet Thompson RUGS CLEANED AND REPAIRED borrow economically through $1.4“ Pants Skirts (plain) $1.20 (Minor repairs free) *1w52 “For Women Who Deserve The Best” KAY & WARWICK BUTT .AV. 5-4741 Plastering & Painting ALTERATIONS REPAIRS AV. 5-2736 RICHVALE W/W Jam Materials and Advice at Want to make some WINDOW SCREENS yourself? Alexander & Sons 14 Levendale Road Richmond Heights Plaza \ " surprisingly lightweight designs are geared to specific action groups and their fashion counterparts. You'll find your best performance stems from confidence in your appearance whatever the occasion. Come see our entire collection of blithe, carefree girdles and brassieres designed to make you lool< and feel graceful as a leaf in a soft summer breeze. BOX 52 Lovely lady, help yourself to more lilt, more lift, more allure! Now, in this season of perpetual motion, each motion finds its second in the pro er support oft e proper foundation. ‘

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