The Women's Missionary Soc- lety of Richmond Hill Presbyter- ian Church held their June meet- ing at the home of Mrs. R. Boy- lngton. Buttonville. "‘he guest speakers were Mrs. D. R. Vchilli- can. Markham and Miss Summer- ville, Buttonville. The missionary bale was on display with many ï¬ne hand made wearing apparel and lovely patchwork quilts. Re- freshments were served at the close of the meeting to members and friends. Sylvia Grant who will be sing- ing the title role in the Banff School of Fine Art’s production of “Madame Butterfly", which will be playing at Banfl‘ and the Jubilee Auditorium at Calgary and Edmonton during the month of August, can be heard on Sun- day, July 5. at 9:30 on CBL radio in the series ‘Reflecion in Music'. In recent months, Mrs.» Grant has appeared in the curtain Club’s winning festival entry “Cleram- hard†and several'television and radio shows. Richmond Hill . . the Opening of his Dental practice MONDAY, JULY 6, 1959 At l5 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill (The Lowrie Building) STENOGRAPHERS FEDERAL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS TORONTO, ONTARIO Salary up to $2610 depending on qualiï¬cations. APPLY IMMEDIATELY Civil Service Commission :2». w /e ï¬J/ml “The Liberal" is always glad to receive social and personal items for this page and a call to TUruer 4-1105 will receive courteous attention. This newspaper will also welcome news reports about church organizations, women’s and men’s societies, lodges and other groups. While copy will be ac- cepted up to Wednesday of each week. it is desir- able to have it in earlier if possible to ensure in publication. wishes to announce 25 St. Clair Avenue East, TORONTO, ONTARIO The Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church Couples Club held their ï¬nal meeting of the season on Saturday, June 6. Seventeen cou- ples attended the dinner meeting which was held in the banquet room of the Town Inn. The fol- lowing executive we installed for 1959-60 season: President, Mad- eline and John Wood; Vice-presi- dent, Madge and Art Broad; Sec- reary-treasurer, Wilma and Chuck Imeson: Programme Con- venor. Myrtle and Doug Bennett; Social Convenor, Esther and Jul- ius Bork. A vote of thanks was extended by all to Marian and Harry Rigby, the retiring presi- dents for their efforts in guiding the Couple Club through its in- itial year. Miss Mary Dawson was in her home town, Parkhill, for the weekend. Friday evening she took part in a program honoring a former teacher, Miss Isabel C. Mitchell, who is retiring after 36 years on the high school staff there. The fancy sandwiches, dainty cookies, etc., were donated by the Cub and Scout mothers. The re- ï¬lling of trays and general kit- chen duty was done by Mabel Landers, Doris Schell, Eunice Boone and Kay McRae. The ladies who served were: Gretta Sutherland, Dori Hiscott, Effie Acomb and Florie Sword. A gay line of hand-made aprons was put up outside and Georgie Towne, Margaret Weeks and Fran. Townsend sold aprons and home-made candy for the auxil- iary. The successful sale of tick- ets and advertising was well look- ed after by Frieda McVean and we would like to take this oppor- tunity to thank all merchants who allowed us window space for our cards advertising the tea. These cards were done by some of the artistic Cub mothers. The 4th Richmond Hill Cub and Scout Mothers Auxiliary held their “Spring Garden Tea" June 16, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fre‘d Landers, Richmond Street, which was convened by Thelma Long and Eunice Boone. Due to inclement weather the tea was held indoors and guests were greeted by hostesses Sadie Lucas and Thelma Long. The President, Marg Paton and Vice-president Rita Beaumont poured tea and everyone felt it was a most suc- cessful afternoon. The table was centered with a lovely spring wquet and white tapered can- 5. Two pupils of Miss Ruth Gar- son, A.D.C.M. of Richmond Hill have now received their stand~ ing in the recent Royal Conser- vatory exar. inations in piano- forhe. Patricia MacEwen of Bevâ€" erley Acres who has studied for only one season, passed with ï¬rst class honors, and 85 marks. Thom- as Ludlow of Richmond Hill gain- ed 76 marks and honors. Well done! Miss Janice Butlin 'and Miss Nancy Dean are leavlng Montreal on Friday, July 3, aboard the "Saxonia" for an extended visit to the British Isles and the con- tinent. Happy holiday to you both! Mr. and/ Mrs. Wm. Neal and Mr. and Mrs. C. Hooper are leav- ing on Thursday. July 2nd, for a two week visit to the Calgary Stampede. Mrs. F. Straumann, Bent Cres- cent, accompanied by her small daughter Wendy, left on Tuesday via TCA for St. Gallen, Switzer- land, where she will be spending a week visiting her mother and father-in-lzw, Mr. and Mrs. P. Straumann. Leaving Wendy in her grandparents’ care, Mrs. Straumann is then proceeding to Edinburgh, Scotland, to join a party, which she will conducting on a ï¬ve \ eek sightseeing tour of the British Isles. ‘Peter Purvis, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Purvis. Bridgeport, left this week to take up his du- ties as a riding instructor at Ran- vine Lodge, near Dorset. On the way over they stopped at Jordon to visit the museum. All agreed this was well worth seeing; wearing apparel, more than 100 years old; int icate tap- estries, hand woven an very well preserved; old pottery and wea- pons. Outside the building there was a weatherbeaten wine press. and opposite the museum is the up to date, Jordan winery where they were taken on a conducted tour. It was interesting to see the way champagne is made, they use a method perfected by a Benedict monk 100 years ago. One remark- able feature learned was the bot- tles, after the distilling process, are stacked in racks, row upon row. They must be turned one quarter of a turn every day by hand, for 60 days. June baptisms at St. Mary's An- glican Church: Marcus Charles, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. White- head; Randolph Edward, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Newburg; Da- vid Stephen, son of Mr. and Mrs. ’R, E. Thomas; Michael Edward Alexander, and Ronald Bruce, sons of Mr.‘ and Mrs. Bruce Pat- rick; Jennifer Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Burrows; Lawrence Alvin. son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. MacDonald; and Mary Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N, A. Shepherd, all of Richmond The engagement is annbunced of Miss Jeannette Arlene Vautier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Vautiet of Thornhill. to Erroll Foster Hagan, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Hagan, Thornhill; the wedding t‘ take place at 3 pm. July 4. 1959, in Thomhill United Church. Next they visited the locks at Welland, where they enjoyed lunch at the picnic tables beside the canal. Continuing .on to the Falls they stopped briefly en route to view General Brock's monument and the floral clock at the hydro project. The clock is composed of 5,000 plants which are changed' three times yearly. June is a good time to visit the Oakes Gardens right at the Falls, as the roses are so very beautiful and there are so many varieties. The ladies were sorry the‘ new waxworks were not opened. The following day Lewis Tussard, a relative of the famous Madame Tussard of London, England, op- ened this new_ feature at Niaagra. Hill Thirty-six members and friends of the Richmond Hill Women's Institute enjoyed a bus trip to Niagara Falls last Wednesday. The weather was perfect. On Saturday. June 20. about 200 members of the Stephenson family gathered at Woodbridge Park, Bolton. Ontario, for their “23rd Reunion Picnic". The wea- ther couldn't have been better for this occasion and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the sumptu- ous meals that were served from gaily decorated tables. The sports programme was in the most eï¬l- cient hands of Keith, Murray and Willis Stephenson and varied prizes were presented for all the events. The election of officers took place and elected for a sec- ond term were: Norman Stephen- son President; Hilda M. Steph- enson, Secretary; and Harold Stephenson, Treasurer. The pic: nic was voted 3 great success and it was unanimously decided to return to the same park next year. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Chesney and children, Judith and John from Winona, visited with Mrs. IN. Sayers and family on Sunday ast. For those who missed seeing the one man show of paintings at the opening of the new Public Library â€" Ruth Calverley Rabin- owitch’s paintings will be re- hung for Autumn viewing. It is planned to use the north walls of the auditorium for Can- vas Club art pieces. High School. She will be missed at the United Church where for years she has been an active worker in the choir. Sunday school and has many times enter- tained the Womens’ Association and Missionary Society meeting with her solos. Mrs. Ernest Pike of Bathurst Street has entered the French Summer School at McGill Univ- ersity, Montreal, for a review of Conversational French. Mrs. Pike is a BA. graduate in Modern Languages at Toronto University and a graduate of 0.E.C. as an Honour Specialist. We understand she has accepted a position as French teacher in the Prescott High School. She will be missed at the United Church where for years she has been an active Thursday evening, members of the Evening Auxiliary of the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church held a picnic at the home of Mrs. Harry Bourne. Bathurst Street at Elgin Mills Side Road. The evening's enjoyment was cul- minated with the serving of straw.- ben'y Shortcake and other re- freshments. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wagner have just returned from a motor trip to New York when they vis- ited for ten days with their dau- ghter, Mrs. Doug Allen and fam- Being Married July 4 -= Photo by Barbour The local club is enjoying an excellent season and will have an in 'eased membership. New mem- bers will be made very welcome in any of the events. The family of the late Mr. A1â€" bert Patton would like to express their sincere thanks for all kind- nesses shown them in their re- cent sad bereavement, for flow- ers and cards from kind neigh- bours, friends and relatives. A special thank you also to Rev. W. Patterson. Drs. Wilson 8: Cowan and the Wright & Taylor funeral home for kind services. *lwl Mr. Fleming is a well-known Markham Township resident, where he is assessment commis- sioner. He has been a faithful member of the Markham Assess- .ment Department for the past 15 years. Both Mr. Fleming and his wife, the former Elizabeth Jane Bur- rows, aru natives .of Scarboro Township. The Flemings have two children, Allison and Isobel. Mrs. Helen Pipher and Mljs. Rus- sell Lynett paired up to Win secâ€" ond prize in the Ladies‘ Doubles at Markham last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Grainger won their three games and came very close to top honors at Kew Beach mixed doubles Saturday. Tiny captured second prize, be- ing one point behind the tourna- ment winners. As individual prizes they received cocktail sha- kers. CARD 0E THANKS Mr.&Mrs. Fleming Celebrate 40th Wed. 'Anniversary A7 st of relatives and friends joine 'Mr'." and Mrs. Archie Flem- ing Thurlsday of last week in cel- ebration of their 40th wedding anniversary. The happy event was helld at their residence in Union- vi 1e.. A Richmond Hill rink skipped by James Grainger won the top honors and the Office Specialty Trophy at Newmarket last Wed- ges/day. Other members of the rink were Town Clerk Lynett and Dr. R. K. Young. Mrs. R. MacGregor, Commis- sioner for District East, and Mrs. Everett of Newmrket, will be Commandants and Quartermast- er,will be 2.11". Shaw. At a spec- ial meeting called by the Guides Local Association held at the home of Mrs. W. Morrow, ï¬nal preparatic were made regard- ing equipment, transportation, etc A donation from the Kinettes and the funds raised by Guide Mothers of the Districts were gratefully received. Visitors' day will be Sunday afternoon and ev- ening, July 12th and parents are welcome. The camp is in the Sib- bald’s Pt. Provincial? Park on the south shore of Lake Simcoe Camp Macapac on the shores of Lake Simcoe. Sibbalds Point, will be ready Monday, July 6, to welcome 60 Girl Guides from Richmond Hill East and West Districts. A camp bus will leave the Arena Park at 8.30 am. on Monday, and Guides are asked to bring $1.00 to cover the cost of tragsportgtion both ways. Camp luggage must all be brought at District Commissioner, Mrs. Hugh Yerex, 90 Centre St. W., by Friday evening. July 3, and the luggage will be at the camp when the Guides arrive. In memoriams â€" Lovineg remembered by Sister Jane. clwl THOMPSON â€"- In loving mem- ory of a dear husband and fa- ther, Charles Thompson. who passed away July 2nd. 1954. In life, loved and honoured. In death remembered. â€"â€" Lovineg remembered by his wife Ethel and family. c1w1 BASINGER â€" In loving memory of a dear sister. May Basinger, who passed away, July 2, 1956. I do not need a special day To bring you to my mind, For the days I do not think of BROWNLEE â€" In loving memory of a dear brother. George. who passed away June 28, 1956. You are not forgotten, brother, Nor will you ever be; As long as life and memory last, We will remember thee. â€" Always remembered by sis- ter Lily and family. clwl you Are very hard to ï¬nd Auto Service Complete Service To All Makes of Cars Guide Noth Give Your Motor New Pep and Go! Your car will have new power after our scienti- ï¬c engine tune-up. You’ll get better gas mileage too. Stop in soon. Let our expert mechanics make the precision adjust- ments. COOK'S BP Oil/(ill? ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-3151 Vofeé ' On Thursday afternoon the whole group, and Mrs. Dot Turn- er, secretary of the Richmond Hill Public Schools; Mrs. Dorothy Street, secretary-treasurer of the Public School Board and board representatives_ Mrs. Margaret Southwell and Joseph Rabino- witch, ï¬nished the program off with afternoon tea and strawberry Shortcake at the Crosby Heights School. . “The Liberal" joins 'in welcom- ing these new teachers to our community. ' An induction program for 19 new teachers joining the Rich- mond Hill Public School staff this fall was held on three days last week, from Tuesday through Thursday. The teachers, 12 young women and nine young men, were taken on a tour of all the town public schools and shown around each one; then they went to their own schools and sat in the grade they will be teaching in Septem- ber, after which they received a brieï¬ng. All the school principals sat in with them in order that the teachers might ask questions about the work etc. On Wednesday afternoon of last week the entire teaching staff, and the Richmond Hill Pub- lic School Board met at Crosby Heights School to welcome the new superintendent of Richmond Hill’s Public Schools, Mr. Gordon McIntyre. Mr. Duard Rose. was chairman for the happy occasion when School Inspector Mr. W. J. MacLeod introduced Mr. Mc- Intyre to the staflf. Mr. Mc- Intyre and his family have bought a home in Richmond Hill and he plans to start his official school duties on August 15th. | Above are seen some of the counsellors who will supervise the playgrounds for the Rich- mond Hill Recreation Committee program from July 6 to August 7. Standing, back row, left to right: Dianne Ainslee, Shirley McGreg- Two R. Hill High School Students To Attend U, N. Summer Seminar THORNHILI. POOL HIGHWAY N0. 7 and YONGE STREET School Lessons will be held as follows: MONDAY & THURSDAY â€"- 9.30 â€" Thomhill Public‘ School 10.10 â€" Henderson 10.50 â€" Concord, Richvale, Camille 11.30 â€" General Public 12.10 â€" St. Luke’s, Jefferson TUESDAY & FRIDAY 9.30 â€" Powell Rd 10.10 â€" Chas. H0“ 10.50 â€" Maple 11.30 â€" Langstaif 12.10 â€" Woodbrid: WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY â€" uchmon‘ Playground Sr. Counsellors 10.50 â€" King 11.30 â€" General Public 12.10 â€" Thornhaven THE LIBERAII, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, July 2‘,’ 1959 J JIz/l Pal/ac ScAoo/ 77m Chas. Howitt Maple Langstaif Woodbridge Powell Rd., Thornlea, Ross Doan a presentation, as did Mr. John Peace who goes‘to Walter Scott School, Mr. Graham Shantz who goes to Pleasantville School and Mr. Medcalfe â€"â€" who is going to b. married. School Trustees Mrs. Virginia Sully and Mrs. Margar- et Southwell made the presenta- tions. Miss Grace 'Masselink, who leaves the McConaghy staff for a school in Brampton, also recejvpd One of the happiest notes was struck with the presentation to Mr. Duard Rose of a lovely wrist watch from the staff of all the Richmond Hill Public Schools. This Fall Mr. Rose will be prim- cipal of the new Pleasantville Public School. Two‘ lady teachers who have now retired. were recipients of gifts from the staff at McCon- aghy. Mrs. Dean was presented with two books and Mrs. Unger had a last presentation made to her. About 70 to 80 outstanding high school students from an area ex- tending £rom Welland to Ottawa and Toronto to Sudbury will be attending the conference. These students are being sponsored in a variety of ways. In some cases student bodies have raised the necessary funds. In other cases students are sponsored by home and school group, by the I.0.D.E. or by service clubs. Richmond Hill Rotary has sponsored a stud- ent to attend previous U.N. sem~ inars held at Western University and is pleased that students from Richmond Hill High School will be attending this ï¬rst conference in the Toronto area. Many fond farewells have taken place with the closing of another school term â€" and it seems as {if the Lillian M. McConachy School has had moqe than its share of goodbyes to say. How- ever there was one bright side to parting â€" and that was it provided the opportunity of hon- ouring various members of the school staff, and good wishes to all of them in their future ac- tivities. Meredith of the UN. Washington Bureau_ who helped conduct the plebiscite in Togoland prior to the formation of Ghana. or and Donna Lindsay; central ï¬gure. Nancy Stocks. Front row, left to right: Elizabeth Hearn, Metro Kozak and Mrs. James. Absent when picture was taken, Penny Parmenter, Marion Mun- roe and Bill Fleming. â€" Photo by John Thomson Lug’ Richmond Heights Plaza Opp. Loblaws - TU. 4-5341 White Leather with Red Plaid Saddle Crepe .OIIOOIOIOIOIOCE SHIELDS Dark Brown Leather Crepe Soles 5.50 Tan Leather Crepe Soles . DRUM Schoors Out Red, Tan or White Leather White Leather with Blue o n g o o o o a}, Richmond Heights Plaza 38 Levendale Rd. TU. 4-5341 SHIELDS Play Shoes CLOSED MONDAYS DURING JULY 8: AUGUST mmmjmmmw mm 15M Time For 030.00.... KOOLIES SADDLE BULLY COMET ... 4.95 o o L73