Nï¬rs. Philip‘s Stephen. formerly of R chmond Hill. was wed to Nor- man Clifford Rumble, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Rumble, To- ronto. The Rev. Stewart Brownlee officiated. assisted by the Rev. Neville Bishop. A reception was held at Clarendon Hall. Among the wedding guests were Mrs. Giles Kerswill, maternal grand- mother of the groom. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rumble of Oak Rid- ges, paternal grandparents. Mr. Birthday 'greetlngs to Brian Taylor whose birthday is July 12, {mi to Stewart Chubb on July 5. A wedding of local interest was colemnized at Saint Hilda's Ang- lican Church, Toronto on Satur- day, July 4 when Barbara Jane _S§ephe_n, daughter of Mr. and “'5. E. A. Terry have again ex- tended an invitation to all to their cottage at Port Bolster. Come and bring your picnic bas- ket. For further details contact the segrgtary Mrs. Ron Browne. Don't forget the Community glub glcnic on July 12! Mr. and Without proper soil, there can be no healthy growth. Soil was likened to a machine working day and night. Millions and even billions of microscopic animals may be found in one teaspoonful of soil. The bacterial activity of this highly proliï¬c world is what constitutes adequate soil condi- tioning. Good garden soil con- tains 45 per cent mineral, 5 per cent organic. and 50 per cent wa- ter content. Compost piles are a gardener's best friend . . . and it is a simple matter to begin one. A small walled-off area made with boards or concrete blocks is ade- quate. Into this is tossed all refuse from the garden, exclusive of thick branches which do not de- compose readily. Alternating a layer of refuse, sprinkled with g That there is no such thing as "a Green Thumb†was aptly con- ï¬rmed by Mr. Courtney Knap- pett at the annual Delphinium Show of the Richmond Hill Hor- ticultural Society held Thursday. July 2, at the Lions Community Hall. Mr. Knappett. a local resi- dent of Richmond Hill and expert landscape gardener. gave a most interesting and informative talk on "Soil". Preper Soilâ€"Not Thumb Like Working Machine ELGIN MILLS-JEFFERSON NEWS Richmond Hill Branch â€"- J. K. Clarke - Manager Bayview Plaza Branch -â€" Murray Cass - Manager Our plan is simple. . . regular saving WALKER 6n MITCHELL Phone AV. 5-2526 Correspondent: The Evening Branch of the Woman“: Auxiliary of St. John's Angllcm Church TU. (-2708 T0. 4-1534 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE BY HAVING YOUR CHIMNEY OR FIREPLACE REPAIRED NOW! MONEY IN THE BANK MEANS PEAC! OF MIND EVERY JOB â€" FULLY GUARANTEED EXPERT WORKMANSHIP Chimneys & Fireplaces Built or Repaired Pointing Free Estimates Our other bank services include: Personal Chequing Accounts, Current Accounts, Safe- keeping, Travellers’ Cheques, Letters of Credit, Safety Deposit Boxes, Money Orders, Foreign Remittances, Collections, Banking By Mail. Happiness doesn’t just happen. It comes from planning, like this picnic. Avoid The Fall Rush Congratulations to Ivan and Margaret Peterson (and sons Rog- er and Tommy too) on the open- ing of “Petes Snack Bar" on Yonge St. at Jefferson, last Sat- urday. Many lovely bouquets, ver- bal and floral were given to the Petersons, and all their friends wish them much success in this new enterprise. Mr. and Mrs. Carson Whelan, Carolyn, Robbie and Catherine have returned from a week’s va- cation at Geneva Park. Open Snack Bar Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Graham Carson, Jefferson, on the arrival of their chosen son Michael Graham. and Mrs. John Boughnet and daughters ‘acquellne and Ruth of Sarnla. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holmes and daughters Janis and Patrlcla of Falconbrldge. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Jennings, Donna and Gerald of Temperancevflle, The Rev. D. C. H. Michell and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Passmore of Jef- ferson and Mr. and Mrs. James Kerswlll of Aurora. Members and friends are re- minded to mark the calendar for a garden visit to the Hamilton Bo- tanical Gardens. Sunday, July 19. Cars will leave the town hall at 1 pm. sharp. Anyone desiring to go, may contact Mrs. J. Grainger at TU. 4-1529. Pack a lunch for the family and come along and enjoy a happy day. Mrs. D. Boyd presided at the meeting and Mrs. J. Grainger in- troduced Mrs. A. Dolan. the judge. Mrs. A. Dolan of the Thomhill Horticultural Society judged the flower show and expressed her delight in the magniï¬cent show- ing of delphiniums and arrange- ments. Mr. F. Jackson carried off top honors in the Specimen class and Mrs. Geo. Barker won in the arrangements Mrs. Williams ag- ain was winner in the new mem- ber class. lime and a layer of soil gently watered occasionally will give re- warding results since it contains all the essentials necessary to good growth, manure, used in the fall, and peat loam also play an excellent role in activating the soil. A number from our commun- lty attended the music recital held by Mrs. Harold Joseph at Vandorf Hall. Misses Marilyn Stacey, Barbara Klrstein, Fern Gamble and Anne Duncan all took pant in theAre‘cital. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Heise and family moved early last week to their new home in Hamilton. Mr. Heise will be opening up a new Brethren in Christ church in Hamilton. Their many friends here wish them every success and God's blessing in this new work. We wish a speedy recovery for Mr. Harold Hill who underwent surgery for a hernia at St. Mi- chael's Hospital, Toronto. Deepest sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Stickley in the tragic passing of their se- ven months’ old baby girl. The baby died while her parents were visiting relatives in Harrisburg. Penna. The funeral was held on Wednesday at the Brethren in Christ Church at Heise Hill. Mrs. Robert Beck visited her mother, Mrs. Earl Atkinson who is in Alliston Hospital, convales- cing from a strolgg. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Farnell of Hamilton have been holidaying with their son-in-law and daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. McWhlr- ter. Mr. and Mrs. G. Harman spent several days with friends at Firth, near Ottawa. Congratulations to all our Grade 8 graduates who have pass« ed into high school. S. S. No. 7 Markham: Peter Dolderson. Bob Lee. Ken- ny Ground. Pat Johnstone. Bob Baycroft, Billy Gamble, George Boynton, Johnny Gamble, Fern Boner, Christine Grant, Michael Kaarageorgis, Mary Jane Leary, Sharon Storey and Barbara Kir- stein. Mrs. E. B. Read arrived home from Manitoba. Mrs. Read had been away for several weeks due to the severe illness and death of her sister in Manitoba. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Haddon (Marilyn Heise) who were married recently in the Brethren in Christ Church at Oak Ridges. N Mr. Percy Hayes and son Bar- ty, and Rev. Sanders and his daughter of Philadelphia spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Farmer. Dinah Wilcox. Ivan Winger, Edward Tatton, Cheryl Cochrane. Douglas Reid, David Barber. Sheilah Henderson, Beverley Car- rington, Walter Kelly and Frank Stansbury. Andrer Jones, Wayne Johnson, John Done: and Roger Helse. S. S. No. 7 Whltchurch Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Farmer were guests at the wedding of Mr. Duane Mullen and Miss Shir- ley Baker at the Church of the Nazarene. Newmarket, last week. Miss Pearl Grave and Mr. Mur- ray Wideman were guests of hon- our at a community shower on Monday night at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wide- man at Elmira. We wish much happiness to all of these young couples, On Monday night a miscellan- eous shower in honour of Miss Joan Barrett and Mr. Ivan Grove was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hoover. Miss Carol Walker and Mr. Ar- nold Steckley were honoured with a miscellaneous shower at Vic- toria Square Hall on Monday night. ' June is truly the month of showers this year. On Thursday night a shower was held at the Youth Centre for Miss Beverley Davidson of Meath Park, Sask., and Mr. Murray Winger of M_a_ple. Miss Jean Briiiinger entertain- ed her Sunday School class from Oak Ridges at a picnic at her home on Tuesday afternoon. S. S. No. 7 Markham held its annual school picnic at the Map- les near Uxbrldge on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. 15311] Turnidge of Seattle, Washington, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harvey. Mr. Jos. Cober suffered two more heart attacks on Wednes- day and was removed to Palmer- ston Hospital where he was plac- ed in an oxygen tent. However, he was much improved and ex- pected to return to the home of his daughter, Mrst Ellis, Kllnck. Congratulations to Miss Linda Elias, who passed her Grade 5 at the Conservatory of Music. To- ronto. with 67 marks. Rev. and Mrs. Willis Hunking left Thursday for a month’s mis- sionary deputation work in the Canadian West. Misses Patsy and Edith Foye are staying with their uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. C. Wraggett at Willowdale. Bryan and Garth are staying with rela- tives at Dundalk. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Boyn- CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED Telephone Gormley 5201 GORMLEY NEWS At the annual meeting to ap- point oï¬icers for the year at the United Missionary Church the following were elected: Local Conference Secretary, Miss Gen- evieve Bruce; Assistant, Mrs. Glen Bolender: Deacons, Mr. S. N. Doner (Life,. M. ‘Baker and W. Paisley to 1961; Class Leader, Mr. Leslie Grove; Assistant, Mr. A. S. Farmer; Organist, Miss Mae Summerfelt: Assistant, Mrs. Bum Preston; Pianist, Miss Lou- ise Bolender: Assistant. Mrs. Fred Yake; Song Leader. Mr. A. S. Farmer; Assistant, Rev. C. Hunking. Crusaders for Christ: President, Miss Genevieve Bruce; Vice President. Mrs. G. Bolender; Secretary, Marilyn Harmon. The annual tent meetings com- menced on Sunday afternoon at Pike's Peak. The song evangelist Mr. Jack Bierce of Indiana was present, and his wife presided very efficiently at the piano. Rev. Clinton Bell of Markham prea- ched in the afternoon and Rev. C. E. Hunking at night. The ev- angelist, Rev. W. K. Burgess of Detroit, Mich, arrived for Mon- day night’s service and will be speaking at each service for the next two weeks Church Ushers, Mr. Ronald El- liott, Mr. Glen Bolender, Mr. Murray Bennett. Mr. Alec Kirby. Church Stewards: Mr. Murray Bennett, Assistant, Mr. E. Hunt; Foreign Missionary, Mrs. Fred Doust. Parsonage Trustee Board. Mr. W. Paisley, Mr. E. Hunt, Mr. S. N. Doner; Church Board, Rev. C. E. Hunking. Mr. S. N. Doner, Mr. M. Baker, Mr. W. Paisley. Miss G. Bruce. Mr. M. Bennett, Mr. A. S. Farmer, Mr. C. Bol- ender. Mr. G. Barrett; Auditors, Miss L. Bolender, Mrs. G. Bolen- .der. Recently at 2 pm. one night several mail boxes were wilfully knocked off the posts, and in several cases posts removed too on the Don Mills Road South. Two boxes were damaged beyond re- pair. One wonders if these prank- sters realize how serious 3 charge this Is if they are caught. About a month earlier a number of mail boxes on Don Mills Road North were molested. Mrs. Harry Empringham and children spent a week with friends near Minden. - Mr. Hérb Woolley fell from a truck while at work on Friday any, brujsed his back badly. Mrs. J. Bond and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Doner were guests at the wedding reception of Miss Shir- ley Bond, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bond at Rich- mond Hill on Saturday. Mrs. Brown of Toronto is spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. Eric Morby and family. Miss Betty Sproxton is spend- ing a week at Geneva Park near Atherley. r Mr. 5nd Mrs. Garnet Francy spent the week end with relatives at Canoe Lake. Mrs. J. MacDonald and ï¬ve children spent the weekend with her sister in Belleville. Miss Sharon MacDonald is nur- sing a sore stomach where she was bitten when she attempted to pet a dog that was tied. Miss June Chandler is hostess at Bangor Lodge, Bracebridge. £01: ithe summer holidays. Master David Jones is spend- ing a week at the Trail of the Pines Camp at Stayner. Mrs. Rose Britnell of England is visiting her step-son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. R. Britneli. Mr. Taylor of Belleville visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Steckley our Thursday. Mrs. D. Fennel! is spending a two weeks’ vacation at Glenholme near Glen Orchard. Miss Marjorie Barber left on Friday for an extended trip in California. Miss Arvilla Forester entertain- ed her music pupils on Saturday afternoon at a party of music games and refreshments at her home. The Brownies with their lead- ers, Mrs. N. A. Johnston and Mrs. G. Hardle enjoyed a picnic at Centre Island, Toronto, on Fri- day. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pope and son Allan of Sudbury spent a week’s holidays with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pope and his grandmother, Mrs. D. Fennell. Master Carson Beck is visiting his grandfather, Mr. E. Atkinson, near Bradford. A miscellaneous shower was given Mr. Arnold Steckley and Miss Carol Walker on Thursday night at the Youth Centre. Mrs. W. C. Noble’is attendiï¬g her second summer course at Tegghers' ACollege, in Toronto. Mr. Bert Moorby commenced his second summer course in Physical Education at McMaster University, Hamilton, on Monday. Miss Diane Sinélair of Toron- to spent several days with Miss ngy Elizabeih Steckley. Mi'. Alvin Farmer ha?! a sinus operation at St. Michael’s Hos- pital, Toronto, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Slaymaker, Mr. and Mrs John Slaymaker, and Mr. and Mrs. Ziegler Hess of Lancaster, Penna‘, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Steckley and John and Mr. and Mrs. Levi Steckley. Rev. and Mrs. Dan Thornhlll and girls of South Bend, Indiana, are holidaying with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. Harman. Master Dean Harvey is holi- daying at Camp Ashunyoong at Duclos Point on Lake Simcoe. Mrs. Alfred Cober and daugh- ter Beatrice of Montague, Mich., visited their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cober last week. Mr. Jos. Cober was moved on Wednesday from Palmerston Hos- pital to a nursing home in Pal- merston. Mrs; D. C. Henry of Toronto spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs Milsted. Master Bobby Ratke has re- turned to make his home perm- anently with Mrs. Bovair. ton and Patsy and Mrs. Emma Bovair moved this past week to Mr. Allan Heise’s farm. !{Stop 24 Yonge Street South of Richmond Hill Tel. AV. 5-4351 it too?" This small damage was inflicted by the cat which is kept by the Hope family together with a variety of budgies and ï¬sh. And so, thanks to the small ad which appeared in this journal last week, Fernando was safely returned to the garden he knows so well. Everyone is happy ex- cept Sammy perhaps who lost his new pet almost before he found him, but two mysteries remain. Not for long however. Mrs. Sargent is a reader of “The Lib- eral†and says that she never misses a copy. “How else could one keep up with all the local news?†she asked. The small ad concerning a lost turtle did not escape Mrs. Sargent’s keen scru- tiny and she immediately tele- phoned Mr. Hope to ask him if he could identify the turtle. Mr. Hope enquired, “Is there a small hole in the shell and scratches on Little Sammy Sargent, whose parents hail from Hollywood. Birmingham, England, was play- ing around a creek near his home which is at 277 Richmond Street, when he was surprised to come across an enormous turtle which "looked so lost and unhappy" that he wanted to take it home. The turtle was about 12 inches from head to tail and nine inches in girth and was quite heavy. But proud of his capture Sammy car- ried Fernando home. His sister, auburn haired Shoiach, aged 15, was thrilled and the turtle start- ed life in a new home. The Hopes own the Richmond Hill Commercial Cleaners at 406 Fernleigh Circle North which they bought three years ago. Na- tives of Edinburgh in Scotland, they have fallen in love with Rich- mond Hill Fernando for two and a half years has lived in the back garden and when Mr Hope last week discovered that the turtle had unaccountably disappeared. he was very upset Where had Fernando gone? How could he be recovered? The mystery as to how he left the back garden which is securely fenced is still a mys- tery, but Mr. Hope hit the nail on the head when he decided to place the above small ad in “The Liberal". It worked like a charm. and within 24 hours. Fernando, none the worse for his adventure. wasrestored to the back garden. Behind a small ad there is often a very human story. Mr. and Mrs. James Hope have owned “Fernando†the turtle for the past two and a half years, during which time they have become quite attached to him. Fernando is 12 years old and was formerly owned by a son-in-law of the Hopes. Mrs. Hope gave the name but told “The Liberal†she did not know why that particular name. It just entered her head when she ï¬rst saw the turtle and it has stuck with him since. Make Me Mange. . . make f/Ie Mflflllflt‘flfl Mange new to y'algék’: ;/'I:fi:4.6.}llfI€£NT Mange now to RICH - HILL MOTORS LTD. gaé iii-l"! .7}; 1 ILA! All?†' AV wot/“:1 1 .flmtau‘ 'ern an from 406 Fernleigh Circle NJ phone TU. 4â€"3714. clwl LARGEVTVUBTLER 1_2 years old. '0 f7ée jurf/e LOST AURORA : Nixon Fisher, Aurora retailer, has completed an agree- ,ment to open a branch store in a Ill-store shopping centre at the Jane Park Plaza, on Jane St.. south of Eglinton Ave., and west of Mount Dennis. Steinberg's will have the food store in the centre. This will be the ï¬fth Fisher var- iety store. AURORA : There is considerable criticism of tree-cutting by Con- solidated Building Corp., devel- opers of Regency Acres, in the areas near the subway sideroad where a branch of Tannery Creek has its source. To insert a small ad in “The Liberal" simply telephone your advertisement with your name and address to TU. 4â€"1105. or bring it to “The Liberal" office. How did Fernando get out of the garden, and how did he cover the two miles from the garden to the creek where he was discovered? Asked if he thought the turtle could have walked the distance. Mr. Hope said, “well he goes quite fast you know. but perhaps some kind person saw him wandering the streets and took him to the nearest creek." Anyway he is back and “that is the important thing,†concluded 1_Vlr. Hope. VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES RICHMOND HILL . BRANCH Miss E. Woodbyrne Richmond Municipal Ha PHONE TU. 4-4101 THE DISTRICTS MARKET PLACE LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS PHONE TU. 4-1105 v. o. “O w-mnapeg. “It gives me great pleasure to advise you how happy I am ,to be the owner of my lnvicta two-door hard top." THE LIBERALV Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday Mount Royal Que. My wlfe and " l and nine National Farm Sufï¬x Wu. JULY 19-25 cm 00-0P52§;323:m"fl 89W by the CPA mum.mm.mmmau FOR MASSEY-FERGUSON PARTS & SERVICE CALL NOBLE EQUIPMENT Safety was a ward to Jim, Aimed at others, not at him. William, on the other hand, Practised safely on his land. Jim drove his Iraclorlike a in Certain he would not‘wsef. William drove his with great care- Of its dangerrâ€"well aware. Jim was always having falls On broken ladders, pitchforlu, Vim Will was healthy, careful, wise On safety he'd not compromise. Jim left this world the sudden way While blbwiag up some slumps one Wise William's living out his days Because he Imam lhauafely pays! 'afl Us F91; All Your Needs Listen to Noble‘s Farm Revtiug 6 am. - 8 am. Sundays on CJRH 95 RIVALDA RD., WESTON (400-401 Area) R0. 6-6862 SALES CH, 4-3546 PARTS (ID-OPERA MRS INSURMEE A8806“ TIM We Deliver Direct To Your Farm /////////¢ 7///// Hami}ton,/o},taï¬o ‘~ JUYY 9, 1959 ‘ I