Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Jul 1959, p. 12

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Although Markham Township Council received word Monday that the Department of Highways has approved the extension of Henderson Avenue and Elgin Street for subsidy purposes the members discovered the matter still requires further study. It was learned that the property owners affected favour a change in the direction of the Henderson Aven- ue extension. The ratepayers would like to see two corners or Jogs put in the road. Au, .4 _av .Both Roads Committee Chair- man L. Mumberson and Planning Director R. Forrest were strongly opposed to the inclusion of any 12 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, July 9, 1959 Need Further Talks On Henderson Ave.Extension l‘ milsfighn and it’s scrubhahie Mr. Ralph Schurl'nga of Toronto proudly accepts his new Volkswagen from Maple Lions Club President Bill BOATS take water, feet-and years. WALLS are proof against dren, spattered insects country weather. Choice of 15 decorator-selected colours. Look for the red and yellow can. ' Internationa! Paints (Canada) limited " A was“ a. SON COMPANY This colour-flecked paint could: be better for country cottage living. It goes on breezin with a roller, dries in just two hours â€" then you forget about painting for years. The tough, plastic finish is 5 times as thick as paint -‘â€" so hard you can use a scrubbing brush and detergent. WILLIAMS PAINT & WALLBM 12 LEVENDALE RD.. RICHMOND HILL AV. 5-4621 24 Yonge St. S. ideal for your summer cottage!” I’S take hard sun-and- FURNITURE resists chipping, ', feet-and-seat wear for cracking and countless after- meal clean-ups. RIC'HMOND HILL HARDWARE says Peter Whittall (TV’s “Mr. Fix-it") s PAINT & WALLPAPER d paint couldn’t ltry cottage breezin with ust two mi!- and corners in the road. Councillor Mumberson questioned if the De- partment of Highways would ap- prove such a road. “Corners are traffic hazards. We just paid $3,000.00 to eliminate a corner this year,” stated Mr. Mumberson. Mr. Forrest contended the matter of proper planning couldn’t be left to the individual ratepayers. “If we listen to the ratepayers in the area we‘ll never get the road through," contended Councillor S. Watson. Mr. Forrest stated the exten- sion and present road is’to serve a large landlocked area, includ- ing Morgan and Proctor Avenues EQUIPMENT becomes rust- proofed, easy to identify and takes hard knocks. Johnson. Mr. Schuringa won the grand prize in the' club’s annual fund raising lucky draw. â€" photo by White TU. 4-2101 and John and Colborne Streets. The area will change very rapidly in the next few years. He forecast a population of eight to nine thousand people with a possibility of 5.000 oars. The roads committee has yet to recommend how payment of the road is to be made. They have several different ways in mind. Reeve W. L. Clark said the mat- ter of payment was of paramount importance. Council also learned that land for the proposed road- way into the public school site in the Elgin Streetâ€"Clark Avenue area will not be available until the first of next year. The com- mittee will confer with the trus- tees regarding the matter. Council received a petition from the residents on the Don Mills Road south of John Street requesting the extension of the‘ municipal water system to their area. The petition was signed by some thirty property owners. It was reported that there were only two to three owners who didn’t favour the move. It was estimated 2,000 feet of main will be requir- ed. The engineer will be asked to prepare an estimate on the work, and whether a six inch or 12” inch main will be needed. It was felt a 12” main would in addition to serving the homes also serve ‘the industrial area to the south. Council has still heard no word on a petition from the residents of both sides of the Don Mills Road north from the township wells to the Amleigh Heights Subdivision. The residents of Arnleigh Heights have already petitioned council for water. It was felt if a majority of the peo- ple on Don Mills Road favoured a public water system it would lower the cost of bringing the water north. All but five residents of Kirk} Drive in the Thornhill area have‘ petitioned council for storm sewâ€" ers and curbs. The work would~ be handled on a local improvement basis. The engineer will prepare an estimate on the cost of the work. In future all township employ- ees receiving mileage allowance will have to itemize their monthly statements before payment- will be authorized. In commenting on the decision Reeve Clark stated, “this is no reflection on our em- ployees. It is a common practice in both public and private busin- ess On motion of Deputy-reeve W. Dean and Councillor J. MacNeil council will take no action on a request by Toronto Solicitors Mc- Keown, Yoerger and Chown for -an amendment to by-law 1386 (Thornhill zoning by-law). This would be the prelude to an am- endment to the official plan. The aim of the amendments would be to allow the property at 1033 Yonge Street to be used as a nur- sing home. The area where the property is located is presently classed as residential. _ g Council will not honour a claim by the Bell Telephone Company against the township for damage done to its nderground cable at tho corner of Clarke and Dudley Avenues in Doncaster. Repairs to_ the damaged cable amounted to $184.58 and Road Superintendent T. Canning maintained the muni- cipality wasn" responsible as the location of the cable wasn’t mark- ‘ed, Reeve Clark agreed if the lo- cation of the cable wasn't marked then the municipality couldn’t be held liable for any damage done tt it. Councillor Mumberson sug- gested the township prepare a master plan showing the location of the utilities serving the town- tt it. C gested master of the ship. for development of the smau Maynard and Jackson Subdivision located near Thornhill. Council vetoed any suggestion that the road department be hired to build the necessaryrroad. The road will have to be built to township spec- ifications. The building department has informed council that the value of new construction in the town- ship is up for the first six months of this year as compared with the .similar period in 19.58. Total val- ue of the construction for 1959 is $919,670.00 compared to $760,- 000.00 in 1958. NORTH YORK : Three applica- tions to rezone a large strip of Sheppard Ave. East between Bur- Mnk Drive and AmbrOSe Road -m single families to apart- ments were adjourned by the North York planning board in the face of stifi ratepayer opposition. .u louncil has given final approval developmrgntA of _tt}e 's.m.all PHONE TU. 4-1105 FOR RESUL u” ~v__, --_. ,,,,,,, , But if my test was positive - it did not mean that I had tuber- ca- culosis either...not for 0f cause the older we get the more ur- likely it is that we have come in )ad contact with someone who had u‘t- TB and we may absorb TB the germs. yet never really have :he tuberculosis. if our health is good, on. I our body usually keeps any germs, including TB germs, from doing any damage. However. if there was any Normapie To Finance Maple Water System Total Cost $126,000 Joint Meeting Council 61 Planning Bd. Harry Mendelson Q. C., appear- ed with his client Mr. .Grant at Tuesday nights meeting of coun- cil regarding the agreement of last week, and was told by Ac- ting-reeve ‘Vic Ryder that an agreement made last Thursday night was to be rescinded. Coun- cillor Wm. Anstey asked, “Where did the authority come from to stop it? As far as I am concerned Vaughan Township Council resolved Tuesday night that Mr. Jack Grant, president of Nor-maple Developers “Will make arrangements to finance a complete waterworks system; develop the municipal well on north Keele Street, in Maple; build a pump house and reservoir; supply equip- ment and undertake iron removal from the said water; and install a 12 inch main down Keele Street, to the Nor- maple subdivision," at a total cost to Normaple Develop- Markham Township To Seek OMB. Hearing On Metro Subdivision Freeze meht of $126,000. Vaughan vouncu it was moved and council, if it was would like to know thority." llS. Mr. Ryder replied, “I took it upon myself to call Mr. Perry (who is on holiday) and ,he asked us to hold it over until his return next Monday because we have a $36,000 debenture hanging over The N-ormaple subdivision is al- ready committed for $90,000 and at Tuesday’s meeting solicitor Mendelson said he had in his possession a cheque for $36,000. ,L__1 Councillor Anstey asked, "Don't we four members of coun- ci' have the authority?" Acting- reeve Ryder replied that he un- derstood the people in that sub- division don’t realize there is to be extra cost for having water. When Councillor Bruce Ralph said, “I think these people have acted in good faith and certainly they have co-operated with us." Mr. Mendelson replied they had gone to all kinds of trouble to sell the debentures. Following, a general discussion of council during which Council- lors Anstey, Ralph and Jesse Bry- son voiced their pertubation at rescinding the agreement, the act- ing-reeve called for a meeting in committee, which excluded Mr. DelBrocco, who is‘ to do the en- gineering iork, Mr. Grant and Mr. Mendelson until the council members had made a suitable new agreement which was then p esented to Mr. Grant and ac- cepted by him. MriGi‘ant said 20 families are expected to move into the sub- division by August lst, and they By Mona Robertson Last Thursday afternoon we' hied ourselves up to the munici- pal building where the National Sanitarium Association had park- ed its mobile combined tuberculin test and X-ray unit. We popped our head inside the door, and saw a spotless little ofâ€" fice guarded by a doctor and nurse, just as the nurse asked, “Did you wish to have a test?” Well...we’ve been wondering a- bout this new means of detecting tubercolosis, without having too many xâ€"rays -- and absorbing too much radiation, or whatever they call it -- so we said rather dub- iously, “Maybe we will, but we did have an x-ray in March of this year, and it was o.k. Oh well, guess we might as well be .sure, eh?" 742 gem/“CA The doctor began taking such details as our name, address and age, then we passed along to the nurse who was preparing a needle with a milky least we think it was milky-coloured, be- cause just about then we began’ looking at the ceiling which was! rather neat, the leather covered ,benches on sides of the car andâ€" the nurse‘s blackâ€"banded cop (we don't like needles very much) . . when much to our surprise the nurse, who had been holding our left arm gently said, “please re- port back here Monday”... it was over as simply as that. You see the injection just goes under the skin for the tuberculin test. All' that’s done is to put some clear fluid called tuberculin between the layers of the skin, usually on . the foreman. Anotherv Way is to attach a tub- erculinâ€"treated adhesive tape to the skin. Following the liquid injection I had a little lump. like a mosqui- to bump only it was not at all itchy, appear on my skin. The nurse explained I was to return to the unit on the Monday for ex- amination when the doctor or the nurse would check the size, Shape, and color of the mark. I walked out of the mobile unit carefully, got into my car and drove carefully home What would Monday disclose? If my test was negative â€"- it would mean my body contained no TB gel-DIST: accepted by rescinded I on what au- ridimad must have water available by that date. Re: Ambulance Service Mr. Ron Cundy of the Rich-‘ mmd Hill Ambulance Service ap- peared before council to ask for a share-the-cost agreement be- tween Richmond Hill, Vaughan and Markham townships. Mr. Cundy, who has operated the only ambulance service in the district for several years, and answers calls from all three municipalities and the three different police de- partments, was told by the acting-l reeve to state his proposal outlin- ing services and costs etc., for a suitable subsidy to continue the service, by letter, and that fol- lowing receipt of such a letter a meeting would be arranged with the other municipalities to see what could be done. Councillor Bryson said. “I think an ambul- ance is a very necessary business to have in an area.” Uphold Freezing Bylaw Mr. Denys. solicitor for the Star Transfer and McChesney Lumber Co., was told by council that» to allow them to erect even t mporary buildings on the pro- perty east of Keele Street and south of No. '7 Highway would be contrary .» the freezing by- Law already initiated by Vaughan Township. Deputy-reeve Ryder said residents in the area had asked for this area to be zoned residential. Necessary Noise A ‘etter from Mr. Pempe who owns and operates the Colonial Motel at Edgar and Yonge St., read to Vaughan Township coun- cil was referred to Police Chief James Davidson for disposal, af- ter it was pointed out by Chief Davidson that the author of the letter had no recourse to the anti-noise bylaw. Chief Davidson said a magistrate had already rul- ed on three occasions that the noise complained of was neces- sary. Mr. Pempe‘s letter stated that trucks in the vicinity were “repaired and tested at night." swelling after the injection, one was told to have a chest X-ray just toibe _syr-e. As I said, we felt rather ser- ious about our left arm. until the next morninguwhen we promptly forgo-t all about it and only glanc- ed at it now and again to see if any swelling was appearing. By Monday morning we couldn’t ev- en find the mark -- and when we went back for our examination Monday afternoon our card was marked “negative.” That was a good feeling -- somehow even more satisfactory than Xâ€"ray results, which never arrive if you are 0.1:. We asked, “How many others have taken this same test?” (by this time the mobile unit was set up for Xâ€"rays and the patch tests were over for another year in this area). A pret- Johnny Nigh Stars As Victoria Sq. Defeated Johnny Nigh pitchedlhis heart out for the Victoria Square team until relieved by Jack Rumney in the fifth inning. Six unearned runs were scored by Wimbridge on defensive lapses in the Victor- ia Square outfield no team can give away this many runs and have a hope of winning. John gave six hits and walked twa in his seven innning effort as Wim- bridge defeated them as a 9-2. Result of the costly errors was on the short end of a nine to two count when Jack Rumney took over. Jack gave up one single and gvxvvaIIEâ€"i}; tube oné inning he pit- ched but 11.) run wereA produged. Bill Whitehead was the starting pitcher for Wimbridge. At times his control seemed very shaky and he walked three in the first inning to load the bases. Lack of timely hitting kept Victoria Square off the score sheet and th: three base runners were stranded. Bill gave up four hits and six walks in five innings when he was relieved hy Bill Costoffâ€"Qlit'hâ€"VWimbI-idge léading at the time by a four to_9ne_scqx_‘e. Costoff had no trouble in the top of the sixth as he retired the side in order. Bill was hurt and seemed to pull a muscle in his leg beating out a fielders choice in the bottom of the sixth. Murray Thompson went in to run for Costoff and pitched the final three innings of the game giving up no hits and walking two men. Jack Dunn and Matt Kinnari Horticultural Pnzewmners Prize Winners Delphinium, white with black or brown bee, H. Lumsden. R. D. Little. Delphinium. light blue, one spike, H. Lumsden, R. D. Lit- tle. Delphinium, dark blue, one spike, R. D. Little, H Lumsden. Delphinium, lavender, one spike, H. Lumsden. R. D. Little. Del- phinium, purple, one spike, R. D. Little, H. Lumsden. Delphin- ium, any other variety, one spike, H. Lumsden. Delphinium, at least three varieties, 3 spikes, R. D. Little. Canterbury bell. one spike. Mrs. Caldwell, Mrs. McLeod. R. D. Little. Hemerocallis, one stalk, R. D. Little. Memerocallis. 3 stalks, R. D. Little. Lily, Madonna. one stalk. Mrs. McLeod, Dr. H. MacKay. Lily. any other variety, one stalk, R. D. Little. Rose, H.T. Peace, F. Jackson, Dr. H. MacKay. Rose, H.T. pink, F. Jackson. Rose, H.T. white, F. Jackson. Rose, H.T. red, R. D. Little, Dr. H. MacKay. Rose, H. T., any other colour. F. Jackson, Dr. H. MacKay. Rose, H.T., any colours, F. Jackson, Mrs; Cald. well. Rose, polyantha, F. Jackson, Dr. H. MacKay, R. D. Little. Rose, 'climbing, H. Lumsden, F. Jack- son. Shasta Daisy, single, R. D. Lit- tle, Mrs. McLeod, Dr. H. Mackay. Shasta Daisy, double, Dr. H. Mac- Kay. Arrangements “Here Comes the Bride”, com- position, using all white flowers, Mrs McLeod, Mrs. G. Barker, Mrs. Caldwell, Hon. mention, Mrs. R. Kerslake. Arréngement of delphinium florets in water. R. D. Little, Mrs. G. Barker. Dr. H. MacKay. “The World’s Favourite Flower” arrangement of roses in a silver container, F. Jackson, Mrs. R. Kerslake, Mrs. G. Barker. Arrangement of sweet peas, Mrs. Caldwell, Mrs. G. Barker. Twin arrangements of flowers using shades and tints of one co- lour, Mrs. R. Kerslake, Mrs. G. Barker. “Sweet Willy Goes to Town", arrangement featuring Sweet William, Mrs. G. Barker, Dr. H. MacKay. Arrahgement featuring Daisies, Mrs. G. Barker, Little, Mrs R. Kerslake. Ashoack treatment in color, Mrs. G. Barker, R. D. Little, Mrs. Caldwell. New Members Only Lily, any variety, one stalk, Mrs. R. Williams. “Coffee Break” flowers in a sugar bowl for the kitchen table. Mrs. R. Williams, Mrs. Challener. ty little nurse, assisted by two members of the Richmond Hill Women’s Institute, replied there had been 405 persons besides my- self who had called in for a test during last Thursday and Friday afternoons. Of these many later had x-rays because they were now, listed ‘positive.’ They were advised to to have an x-ray every year from now on -- not because they really have tuberculosis but because they are harboring the germ of And another important thing, for those who have yearly TB x-raysg we were told this is also an indi- rect means of detecting cancer, often in time to catch it in its earliest and easily-cured stages. We felt very thankful for the simple asurance afforded by the TB patch test - we must remem- ber our gratitude when our usual allotment of Christmas seals ar- rive in the mail this December. hit triples for the Wimbridge team. On Dunns hit Fred Roman, Victoria Sq. centre fielder crash- ed into the fence and appeared to be hurt. He made a nice recovery of the ball and Dunn was tag- ged at the plate trying to stretch the triple into a home run. Fred v- v j ,__,-_u_ uu. lerAV u.-- _. __-_,,, Roman and Bruce Holdsworth were the Victoria Sq. marksman each having a good solid double. One of the nicest fielding plays of the game came in the second inning. Wimbridge right fielder, Bob Dyer was on first on an er- ror - Big Jac‘ Hurst smashed a line drive into the dirt that Vic- toria sq. second baseman Art Bed- ford caught for the out. Dyer who was certain that this was in for a hit was off and running on t‘-.e play. Bedford fired to Bruce Munro at first to double Dyer and retire the side. Despite the score the Victoria Sq. crew gave it the big try. It was a pleasure to see Jack Rum- ney throwing for the Square in his first appearance of the year. If Jack can get out to more games th.‘ overworked John Nigh may get come needed rest. Summary Winning pitcher: Bill Whitehead (Costoff-Thompson) - - ‘0 AL Losing pitcher: John Nigh (Jack Rumney) ‘ 'imbridge Cleaners: Runs 9. Hits 8, Erors 3. Victoria Square: Runs 2, Hits 4, Errors 6. Shasta Claiming Metro Planning Board’s continued shelving of Markham Township’s request for approval of limited development in its southwest corner is “upsetting the economic planning of the township,” the coumcil and the planning board decided Monday to seek an Ontario Muni- cipal Board ruling on a request for an amended by-law for interim development of the area in question. ' It was pointed out by the town- ship engineers present, Eric Jar- gensen and Ben Davis of H. A. Babcock and Son, a sewage dis- posal plant could be established if Metro trunk sewer space was not available. The engineers have just completed a new two week study of the project. Losing Needed Assessment fiSiu’ch an 02MB. hearing is expected to force the Metro Planning Board to give reasons for not accepting Mark- ham’s plan. Said Reeve W. L. Clark. “This will force their hand and they will have to say whether thence is or isn’t going to be capacity in their sewers for our development.” It was pointed out by the town- ship engineers present, Eric Jar- gensen and Ben Davis of H. A. Babcock and Son, a sewage dis- posal plant could be established if Metro trunk sewer space was not available. The engineers have just completed a new two week study of the project. Losing Needed Assessment Reeve Clark estimates three there would be gradual develop- ment of the area. Though Metro has been approauthed since 1955 for approval of the development. putting on Presusure has been avoided by Ma‘i'kham officials. However, this yeuar the need for more assessment to help pay for the water system“ is becoming ac~ ute. Appeals to Mietro were made in April, May epnd June of this Reeve Clark estimates three quarters of a million dollars in assessment from this one small area of the township is being withheld from Markham by Met- ro's reluctance to come to a final decision in the matter. Say Sound Econcamic Pianning Impossitble In 1956-57, a water system was constructed in the Doncaster and Highland Park areas. While the contract stage had not been ar- rived at. Markham anticipated hooking into the Metro trunk sewer when it arrived north. The water system was put in at Don- caster and Highland Park at this time primarily because pollution of private water supplies was causing the health authorities concern. Thus to protect town- ship residents, council “went out on a limb”, as Reeve Clark put it and to carry the debenture load, added assessment in the area is now needed. The subdivisions which it is hoped the 0.M.B. will aid in speeding interim development are near Highland Park and Don- caster. South of John Street and east of Yonge Street, west of Don Mills, they are in a pocket of un- developed land near built-up ur- ban areas of the township. 550 homes are planned in three sub- divisions. Also in the interim de- velopment by-law would be the 120-home Colmer subdivision to the east of Bayview Ave., which will be on large lots and will be unsewered for the present. Four Years In Process Though Markham officials are now fighting to develop only a small portion of the amended of- ficial plan. plans for development in the area began in 1955 when the township proposed establish- ing a sewage disposal plant and they were turned down with the advice from the Metro Planning .Board that some of the area might be serviced by Metro trunk sewers. In 1957-58 when there were signs of an industrial area dev- elopment in Markham the official plan went back to the people and they approved of amendment No. 5. This was not approved by Metro. Later it turned out it was stalling for time for the CNR to decide on its location. Till Now Pressure Avoided fifhe seven or eight miles of wa- ter system were put in in the meanwhile, based on the theory Town Girl Guides Camping At Sibbald's Point From July 6-13 The Municipal Park was a hive of industry Monday morning as the Richmond Hill Guides left by bus for their camp. The final camp meeting for the Girl Guide camp being held at Sibbald's Point from July 6-13 was held at the home of Mrs. McGregor on June 29. The meeting was ‘attended by a members of the east district local association who have: shown a great interest in the camp and have worked untiringly to raise. money to buy necessary equip- ment. The expenses of the camp will be divided evenly between the east and west districts and Division Commissioner M‘rs. Cur- rie has been busy buying division equipment whch will be loaned to the camp. " iéfits‘éha marquee have been loaned by the Canadian Army HeadquartersLOalw‘i'lle. Every detail of the camp wam discussed from the pitching ofi‘ tents to breaking camp. Menum were discussed by Mrs. Shaw, Quartermaster. and capable ass- sistants, Mrs. Barenthin and Mrg. Yeo Crafts to be taught by Mn;. Taylor were discussed; also tt'e health of the camp by Mrs. Be.‘:- ty Justice, RN. Swimming will be taught by Miss Sandy McGreyg- or, assisted by Miss Loraine Mc- Closkey. A _ _ . An Indian theme is to be tuned being comprised of the Micrnac and the Apache Tribes. The 113 (me of the camp is Macapac. The [Ap- ache Tribe will wear red feathers to be a contrast to the Mlcimac Tribe wearing yellow feathens. The chief of the Apache 'Itribe is Mrs. McGregor, East District Commissioner and chief of the Micmacs is Mrs. Everett of Mew- market. mm u- It- All Guiders are very grateful to Mrs. Everett for ofierimg her services to Richmond Hill Guides, as it would have been impossible to have such a large camp with- out two commandants. This: camp is the first District Camp Rich- year Planning board Chairman Hugh Brennan, pointed out an official plan freezes development in a municipality. than an amendment to the ofiicial yp‘lan goes through the provincial Minister of Plan- ning and Development. after which a zoning; by-law for this unfrozen portion is heard by the Ontario Municipal Board. I It is this last measure whic the Markham Council and Plan ning Board dlecided to lnitia Monday. If M'etro objects to thi zoning, she is expected to voic her arguments at the hearln and thus Markham hopes to pi down whethe r use of Metro trun sewers can be expected, or whe ther Markham can proceed wit a disposal plant, or whether Met ro intends to do all‘ it can t freeze development north 0 Steeles Ave. (The trunk. sewer, it is no rumored, will come to Leslie 5 and Steeles Ave. and not be a ailable to 'the development l Markham liretween Yonge St. an Don Mills Road. It is also 581 that Reeve N. Goodhead of Nort York Township will strongly o pose Markzham's request for th trunk feeling North York deve opment wi 1E1 need all its capacity can not be extended forever. Mr. Jorg ensen claimgd. “That was no firm policy in the Metrl engineerilgg qepaytmept." “Mr. Davis said, “Trunk sewer! Reeve ('Jlark pointed out Mar ham could be serviced with di posal plantts and the Ontario W ter Resounf ces Commission was “ favor of it”. Planning Director Ron Forre felt emphasis should be place on askir 1g; the OMB. for the a thority to develop a small at of the township and not emph size in what form the servic would his. Towns hip solicitor J. D. Luca and spacial counsel John B. Con lin, will represent the township : the ONLB, hearing. Presemt'at the joint meeti Monday evening were Ree Clark. Deputy-reeve W. Dean 3 Councillors L. Mumberson, Watson and J. McNeill and me bers «If the Planning Boar Chairman Brennan, H. Si§son 13.- '31:} [Ex/e11 Alex Maynard a S. Richardson. momd Hill Guides have had many years. Excitement ran high when Mr Currie displayed the equipmen she had for the camp and the po sec; and grids to be used by th Guides for patrol cooking were set up by Mrs. McGregor who ha( b mught this equipment with man ezr donated by the East Distric members on their way to cam to set up the camp for the arriv :51 of the Guides last Monda Needless to say there were a fe ‘ ‘husbands in tow to help with thl ; 24 bell tents and a marquee. Vaughan Proposal 15 Class Legislation Dear Mr. Editor: I was amazed to read in a 1' cent issue that Vaughan Tow ship council favors exemptin‘ farmers from taxation for edu cation on lands other than fan homes. “Dear Mr. Editor’ I submit that this would In class legislation in a very viciox form. If you exempt the farm a: res of the farmer from which 1' makes his living, why not exeml the man who owns a factory 1‘ Richvale or a business establisl ment in Thoynhill. u 3.1. an”... - .eV The Vaughan council i would only be sound if townsh taxation for education were 1i ited to residential property, a all industrial and commercial sessment exempted. I don't think the Ontario g ernment or the Ontario Muni pal Board ever would sancti such class legislation, but I s gest to Vaughan ratepayers t they give very serious thought the fact that this suggesion endorsed by the Township Co Saturday, July 3. saw ‘all sta LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS PHONE TU. 4-1105 Taxpayer

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