$3.500 DOWN Thornhill home on a quiet street. 8 bedrooms, with all conveniences plus tool shed and trees, on one acre of land. Don’t miss this one. Must sell. only $13500. W. J. Pearson, Broker, Aurora, PArk- view 7-5873. c1w2 REDUCED OWNER TRANSFERRED $15,700. Richmond Hill. Attrac- tive 6 room brick bungalow with breezeway and garage. Large lot on Harding Blvd. Tiled bathroom, ï¬replace, storms and screens. Mr. Carlisle, AV. 5-1176. David Mc- Lean Ltd., Realtors. c1w2 Real Estate Broker and General Insurance 21 Yonge St. N. AI 5-RO0M furnished cottage at Lake Simcoe. TU. 4-2'615. clw2 NORTH YONGE RAVINE LOT 150' overlooking ravine park and small lake. Just west of Yonge St. in Richmond Hill. Fully ser- viced with paved roads, curbs, sewers and water. Full price only $5950, terms. RU. 1â€"3727. clwz 1' 7 roamed rancher with one acre lot. huge rooms, beautiful view, $17,500 with terms. '3' 1% storey frame, huge corner lot, 6 comfortable rooms. ï¬re- place, $13,900 with terms. CALL BOARD wanted for summer on farm for two boys/l and 11 years. AV. 5-3532. Madame Jacquier, 96 Woodward Ave., Willowdale. O) G roomed rancher with attachâ€" ed garage, panelled living room, ranch style hardwood, ï¬replace, double glazing, $17,500 with terms. , WANTED Propane refrigerator and stove, suitable for cottage. TU. +1177. c1w2 PIANO NMTED Any size or make, pay cash, phone Toronto LE. 4-9419. collect. tic3 WANTED â€" used furniture. Cash prices paid. Call Frank's Movers and Storage. TU. 4-2613, AV. 5- 5101. ~ tfc47 'i 6 roomed rancher and breeze- way and garage. Lovely panelled living and dining rooms, huge stone ï¬replace. $19,000 with easy terms. _ REWARD 4 U! In this charming older style home in central Aurora. 4 bedrooms, large dining and living rooms, den, new garage and furnace. Only $9,500 with terms. room brick bungalow, aluminum storms. steps to Separate and Public Schools, shopping and bus- es. Phone TU. 4â€"3711. c3w2 PRIVATE SALE, $1,800 down, 6- MILL ROAD. Richvale. modern immaculate home and garage, oil heat, town water, landscaped lé acre lot. $10,500. Call Mr. Hill, AV. 5-1176 or AV. 5-1301. David McLean Ltd. Realtors 5 ROOM bungalow on large lot. Phone PRospect 3-5091. clw2 $70000 DOWN, 3 bedroom brick bungalow, up to date in every fea- ture, full price $11,990.00. Gleam- ing oak and tiled floors, alumin- um storms and screens, charming garden, picket fence, dry base- ment, gas heating, private drive, sewers in. N.H.A. resale. Carries for $89.15 principal and interest. Please call TW. 5-2478 10 am. to 9 pm. Dorothy Horsley Broker. Davis Dr.. just east of Yonge St.. Newmarket. c2w2_ MELODY ACRES, Township of King, paved road. convenient to Yonge. elevation over 900 ft.. 1 acre scenic lots. frontages of 125 It, full price $3,000. Terms. John R. Blyth, Realtor, member of York County Real Estate Board, (dk Ridges PR. 3-5241, Evenings. Stan Rule PR. 3-5325. tfc49‘ PBUDENTIAL TRUST Co. We have a number of low priced homes and building lots; also a few new homes List your home or lot with us for quick action. Mr Hudson, phone TU, 4-2822 or flu. 3-4343. tfcll LAKESHORE lots at Orillia on Lake Couchiching Island. near mainland, 70’ - 100' frontages, $20.00 per foot. AV. 5-1153. c2w1 DAVID McLEAN LTD. NEED MORE HOMES 4 KINGJS) SPECIALS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Peter Kitchen EARL V. STEWART WANTED Aurora c1w2 clw49 c1w2 BOY to take over paper route. Richvale area, for two weeks be- ginning Monday. Earnings $3. per week. Phone AV. 5-3507. c1w2 typist required in Richmond Hill. Full time. Apply in own handwrit- mg, giving references and details of experience. Box 50 The Liber- al. tfc50 MIDDLE AGED couple or pen- sioners wanted for caretaker pos- itions on gentleman's farm near Richmond Hill. able to look after two horses and be general handy- man. No farming. Wife to help in house when required. Two bed- room cottage available. Call after 7 pm. TU. 4-5310. c1w2 WANTED Have openings for two energetic salesmen to sell real estate for Victor Coughlin Real Estate Ltd. of Richmond Hill. Call Mr.’ Mar- ple. AV. 5-1951. c1w2 HELP WANTED, part time. TU. 4-265L *1w2 NURSES, practical nurses, part time. TU. 4-2651. *lwz AVON CALLING Earn $2.00 or more an hour rep- reSenting Avon Products in High- land Park area. Phone Miss Out- erbridge between 8-9 a.m., RU. 2-7567. c3w1 WHY NCT TRY SELLING in your spare time for that extra money you need One of Canada's best known household products. Good commission. Car essentia). TU. 4-1250 tfc19 REGISTERED nurses required. The Villa Private Hospital. AV. 5-3691. tfc29 We are taking on two more sales- men, one from the Langstaï¬' area and one from the Richvale or 1":hmond Hill area to work in our busy Thornhill head office. Excellent training and working conditions. Call Mr. Carlisle, AV. 5-1176. evenings AV. 5â€"2742. Dav- ld "cLean Ltd., Realtors. clw52 eht ‘wanted one or two evehings a week. Call TU. 4-2651. ‘1w2 HIGH SCHOOL girl to go away for seven weeks as a mother’s helper. Phone TU. 4-4573. c1w2 BOQKKEEPER and correspond- RECEPTIONIST - bookkeeper - 3 BEDROOM cottage, Georgian Bay, 1% hours from Richmond Hill. Fully equipped. Water in kitchen. Safe sandy beach. Avail- able August $30.00 a week. Phone TU. 4-5017 after 5.30 pm. c1w2 LAKE SIMCOE, 4 room lakefront cottage, electrically equipped. July only, $29.00 a week. TU. 4-3916. c1w2 TRAINEES To be employed as Student San- itary Inspectors. Must be willing to qualify for Certiï¬cate in San- itary Inspection. Course is of nine months duration and is con- ducted by the Ontario Depart- ment of Health. Minimum en- trance requirements Standard Grade 12, with preference to 21- 30 year age group. For further information apply to York Coun- ty Health Unit, Newmarket, Ont. c3w2 CAPONS. and fowl. highest pri- ces paid. Don’t sell until contact~ ing W 5‘ Appleton. Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Station. phone PRospect 3-5301. ï¬cz’l TRIM carpenters wanted. Droge Construction Ltd. at Walter Scott Public School, Richmond Hi1]. _ FEMALE clerk for general office duties. 5 day week. AV. 5-1377. c2w2 JANITOR SERVICE for CNR sta- tion, Richmond Hill Apply Agent. *2w2 SECRETARY required for exper- imental farm office, knowledge of dictaphone, adding machine and statistical work an advantage. Ap- plications in writing to J. M. Smithys, Shut-Gain Farm, Maple, Ont. c2w2 YOUNG MAN, 19‘25 years, must have basic knowledge of account- ing and typing qxperience. Apply Box No. 64 The Liberal. stating experience and phone number. c1w2 EXPERIENCED WaitreSSes want- ed. The Forum Drive-In Restaur- ant. TU. 4-3001. c1w2 WOMAN to clean one day week- ly. Thursday, Friday or Saturday preferred. Phone AV. 5-2166.7 at David Du-rilavabservatoiy for two weeks, July 20-31. Phone TU. 4-2112, between 9 and 5. GIRL for typing and telephone PIPE ORGANIST and choir leader required for Presbyterian Church Applicants please write to F. L. Walsh_ 17 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill Office in Richvale requires exper- ienced stenographer with dicta- phone knowledge, 5 day week. salary commencing at $230 per month. Call AV. 5-1113. c1w2 STENOGRAPHER REQUIRED Apply Pop’s Restaurant. 194 Yonge St. North. cZwl OPENING for one salesman in busy Richmond Hill Realty of- ï¬ce. Call Mr. Shields, TU. 4- 3805. David McLean Ltd., Real- tors_ Richmond Hill. clwl DO YOU LIKE TO SELL? It is easy to be a success and earn good money with Avon Cosmetics. Territories available in Newmar- ket, Langstaï¬, Pine Grove, Elder Mills and Kleinburg. Write Mrs. F. Walker, 38 Thompson St., Bar- rie, or phone PA. 6-6551. c2w1 REAL ESTATE SALESMEN HELP WANTED COTTAGES FOR RENT POULTRY W AN TED WAITRESSES c1w2 c1w2 clw2 c1w2 IST AND 2ND mortgages bought, sold. arranged. Cal] Mr. Stroud. HU. 8-5711, TU. 4-3263. tic29 THURS. JULY 16 â€" Auction sale‘ of farm stock and implements, in« cluding Case combine with motor, Case harvester, etc" herd of H01- stein cattle, fresh and springer cows and heifers. 20 Yorkshire sows, number of shoats and young hogs. At Lot No. 7. Concession 7 North Gwillimbury; also 60 acres, part of lot 8, concession 7. Prop- erty of the estate of the late Fred R. Hamilton. Terms cash, no re. serve with the exception of the 60 acres of land. Time of sale 1 pm. (D.S.T.) Alvin S. Farmer. auctioneer. c3w52 STOP FEELING OLD! STAY YOUNG LONGER. Ostrex Tonic Tablets revitalize entire body. Make 3-day test. Only 69c. At all druggists. c1w2 SAT.. JULY 25 â€"- Auction sale of farm stock. implements, horâ€" ses, cattle 10 Yorkshire sows 40 chunks 1 I.H.C. tractor, W4 good Case Combine, 6 ft. with heavy duty motor. starter, complete. Grain, straw and household fur- niture at lot 33, con. 6 Vaughan Township, 11,4 miles west of 401. The property of Archie McDonald. No reserve farm sold terms cash. Sale at 1 pm. D.ST. A. S. Farmer auctioneer, phone Gormley 5311. TRY THE White House Lodge, Rice Lake. Gores Landing, 12 miles north of Cobourg, 80 miles east of Richmond 3111. Good food. Good ï¬shing, swimming. boats launched at government pier. Phone 5. Tomlinson, TU. 4-1797. c2w2 STRAYED to lot 14, concession 6, Vaughan Township, on or about June 15, a red heifer calf. Owner may have same by proving prop- erty and paying expenses. Apply Alex McNeil, R. R. 2 Woodbridge. . *2w2 SAT., JULY 25 â€"- Auction sale of choice modern and‘ antique furniture. electric appliances, scale model Lionel railroad, ut- ensils, dishes, glassware, garden tools, etc., on Woodview Road (Rouge Hills) half mile north oï¬ lst concession Pickering Town- ship. Property of W. G. Apple- gath. Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash day of sale. No reserve. Property sold. Ken 8; Clarke Prentice, auc- tioneers. c3w2 DUCKLINGS, all ages. Mrs. Free- man Barker. TU. 4~3004. c2w1 PUREBRED German Shepherd, 2 years old. school trained, with papers. 328‘ Kerrybrook Drive. TU. 4-4508. cle NUTRIA For Information call or visit N. Epworth at Colonial Nutria Ranch, Hillsview Drive, Richmond Hill. c6w48 KIDDIES’ FARM Day care, and day camp for children 2 to 10 years. 16 acres of playground, wading pool. Mon- days till Fridays, $10.00 weekly. Transportation available. Phone Stouï¬ville 298W1.. c2w1 ‘1 ALE REGISTERS 1 BEDROOM apartment, private entrance. Parking. Available Au- gust lst. Phone TU. 4-1189. c1w2 young businessman preferred; close to Yonge Street. TU. 4-1215. *lwz kitchen, large éupboards bathroom, private entrance 4-3471 after 6 pm. ROOM and BOARD ROOM 7& BOARD available, LIVING ROOM, bedroom 1951 CHEVROLET Coach with power-glide motor. Needs some body work. Phone AV. 5-1486. ’54 TR 11 - CD. Radio, new top, paint, clutch. Good condition. Make offer, can ï¬nance. TU. 4- 1538. ' *1w2 condition, private sale: 'TU. 4-4979. CIWZ will sell reasoriablg. Call TU. 4-, 1372. ‘ c1w2 ‘477FOVRD, very good condition 1958 RAMBLER, American, fully equipped, 8400 miles. Phone TU. 4-5373 Thursday after-8 pm. and Monday after 6 pm. c1w2 ’51 QLDSMOBILE, in very good 1950 FORD 2 ton complete with 12 ft. platform and racks. 1959 plates. Phone Gormley 5514. *lw2 good ’51 DeSoto automatic sedan and $200 cash. TU. 4-3158. *2w2 STATION WAGON wanted. Have 1950 FORD, 111 good running order, $95. TU. +5663. 290 Mc- Convey Drive, Beverley Acres. ’51 CHEV. in good running con- dition. Drive away. $100. TU. 4- 4296. clwz and ’50 Monarch sedan. kT. 3; 0251. *ZWI ’49_ FORD truck, 1 ton pickup USED CARS AND TRUCKS Summer Resorts MORTGAGES LIVESTOCK FOR SALE PERSONAL POULTRY FOR SALE STRAYED and TU. *1w2 c1w2 clwl and After a busy season of catering the' Buttonville W. I. members are planning to relax at a picnic for their July meeting. On Wed- nesday, July 15th they will meet at Buttonville Hall at 1:00 pm. and will proceed to Lynbrook Park. Each is to bring picnic lun- ch, cutlery and a cup. There will be swimming for, everyone. _ Neighbourhood Notes Its Vacation School at Head- ford church and school next week, and children from this area between the ages of 4, 14 and over will be transported by bus. Passengers will be picked up at Don Mills Road and John St. at 8.35, will travel north on Don Mills Rd. to No. 7; east on No. 7 to the Imperial Oil service station and back ' through Arnleigh Heights to Don Mills Rd. North through Buttonville to the air- port 'road (16th) picking up pas- sengers along the way and thence to Headford. The bus will return the children at 11:45 am. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hood and Isobel were guests and Miss Dor- othy Hood was a bridesmaid at the Vautier-Hagen wedding vhlch was solemnized in Thornhill Un- ited Church on Saturday, July 4. A reception followed' at the Four Winds. There was just one casualty of the day, when Norine Simpson fell unexpectly irgto the pond! ‘ ‘ Mothers are asked to provide cookies for rest period on Tues- day and Friday. For further in- formation call Mrs. F. G. Leaf Axâ€"3-6188. The gifts to which Mrs. Bin- nington refers were presented on the occasion of their 25th wed- ding anniversary. June 28th, by friends ’from Brown's Corners church community. Friends will be sorry to learn that Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Kerr and Donna have left our community. The Ken-s are now living at Hut- tonville where Mr. Kerr is em- plqud 9n _a chinchilla farm. ‘ I'sabeu Hood left with (three friends on Monday morning of this week for a camping trip to Manitoulin Island. Local residents meet Queen We were pleased to hear from Mrs. Binnington last week, and happy to learn that Mr. Binning- ton is able to be up in his room although he is not downstairs yet. Mrs. Binnington continues: ,“Would you convey to all our friends in the community our warmest thanks for the beautiful silver flower bowl and candle- sticks, the gorgeous red roses, and the money giftnuntil we are able to express it ourselves.†Tuesday of last week was a red letter day for at least three mem- bers of this community when they After all round rather reluctant goodbyes the ladies 'in charge of the booth, did a little high finan- cing and found themselves com- pletely solvent. Such candies as remained will be donated to the Vacation School as part of Head- ford’s contribution to the recess "goodies" next Wednesday. A small attempt at expressing thanks to the Rumbles came when those who had not yet left formed a circle round Stewart and Jean and sang “For They are Jolly Good Fellows." It was so nice to renew ac- quaintance with Mrs. George Moorley, who was present with her two grandsons, children of Frank Moorley. Mention must be made of the pony rides; the; rides of all the kiddies packed on a “flat rack" and drawn by the tractor; and even the audience watching fas- cinated as the cows were milked in the “parlor.†Your 'correspondent is in re- ceipt of a letter from Mrs. Bin- nington, asking me to express for Margaret Stevens that delight- ful Scotch girl, staying this week with the Brodies, was of course the recipient of the "longest dis- tance†prize; while Ben Terry and Jim Curtis displayed their prowess with a “nursing†bottle of ginger ale. After the supper, there was a good program of sports, with Marg. Brodie in charge. There was a prize for the largest family present, this one going to the Harry Burtons, while the second prize was shared by the Calders, and Terry’s and the Johnstons. Mrs. Leek and Ann Calder, fought it out for the ladies ball throw. Mary taking the prize af- ter several dead heats. Thursday last was a big day for the young fry of Headford. for it was Sunday School picnic day! Ea.er morning was not very promising. with lowering skies, but a little after noon the sun decided to peep out at things to make the weather more pleasant, but a stiff breeze kept tempera- tures fairly cool till well on in the afternoon. We are all at Stew- a1 ': Rumble's; and once the breeze dropped and the sun shone more steadily, the water in the pond became more inviting and many brave souls among the young folk decided to go in. They enjoyed their swiming. but didn’t stay in too long. A very popular spot was the attractive (thanks to Mrs. iTerry!) table, loaded with "tuck;" and the "pop," in charge of Mrs. I" ddleton. This "booth" is the Headford W. A.'s solution to pro- vide a place for the kids to spend a little money: for otherwise it w,uld not be a real Sunday School picnic. This spot is an ab- solute delight to those who take a spell behind the “counter.†wat- ching the children decide how to get “some of these" and “one of those,†clutching their nickles and coppers tightly in their hands. The great advantage of having the picnic “at home.†is the fact that so many who would not otherwise be able to be pres- ent, can join us for supper. This year we had about ninety; many thanks to all those providing all the good things. B. 8. z Gonnley â€" Phone AXmlnster 3-6188 BUTTONVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MES. 11. ACREMAN I. R. 2 Gormley â€" Phone TUrnel' 4-2236 CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. P. G: LEAF HEADFORD NEWS On Sunday, June 28, the Rum- ble Farm in Headford was the rendezvous for the Rumble-Cowle reunion. About eighty five rela- tives, ranging in age from eighty five years down to four months, met for an afternoon of fun and 'visiting. Being hot and bright. the weather was ideal for picnicking, and brought to this, the fifth flamin re-union, guests from Lon- ‘don, Belleville, Whitby, Toronto. \and the surrounding district of Richmond Hill. Little Miss Sharon Taylor was a dainty flower girl wearing yel- low nylon with white daisies in her hair and carried a nosegay of carnations centred with a rose. Miss Susan Milne, Junior brides- maid and bridesmaids Mrs. Caro- lyn Karrys and Miss Beverley Rodgers wore indentical waltz length irocks of mint green silk organza with portrait necklines and picture hats. Their flowers were yellow Shasta daisies and tea roses. . Given in marriage by her fath- er, the bride was lovely in a gown of white Chantilly lace over satin. The ï¬tted bodice featured a Sa- brina neck-line and the bouffant skirt was floor-length. Her finger- tip veil was held by a jewelled crown and she carried a cascade bouquet of red roses, stephanotis and white baby mums and cama- ons. Mr. Albert Jones. Buttonville, was groomsman, and the ushers were Theo Karrys, Brian Milne, Wayne Taylor and Carl Miller. For areception in the chur- ch parlours the bride’s mother “are a Helio organza sheath with brimmed hat of white straw and petals. Her corsage was white can-nations. Mrs. Milne chose a sheath of mink brown silk linen with bittersweet feathered hat and corsage of yellow ‘mums and coral roses. For travelling the Following the Scarboro recep- tion guests were entertained at a luncheon at Cedar Brook where 350 were served. Webb tum Goodwood United Church, Goodwood, Ontario. was the set- ting‘for the marriage of Glenda Marlene. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor, RR. 3 Stouff- ville. to Barrie Martin Milne of Buttonville. son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Milne. Ajax, Ontario, and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Reesor, Buttonvllle. Rev. Donald Davis and Rev. Woods officiated at the double ring ceremony and MI'. ’Kenneth Hallet sang “A Wedding Prayer" and “Because.†At'Sunnybrook Hospital Mrs. Ceron Purv'es was among the Red Cross workers reviewed, and Reeve and Mrs. Wm. Clark were invited to meet the Queen at the Golden Mile Plaza with officials from Scarboro, Pickering and Metro. were presented to Queen Eliza- beth ï¬lming ‘her yecgnt vjsit. Glenda Marlene Taylor, bride of Barrie Martin Milne There will be a bus to pick up the Victoria Square people at the “Corner†around 8.30 a.m.; and the same times as formerly will prevail for those using Mr. Reid’s bus from Buttonville. Headford folk will please bring cookies on Wednesday. [The committee also asks that mothers see that all small children (pre-schoolers es- pecialy) are wearing a name tag on their first two days of at- tendance. This is to help in the registration. Buses to take chil- dren home will arrive at Head- ford Church at 11.40. We hope everyone is ready and looking forward to Vacation School in Headford next Monday. When Jean Lee visited Gwen Johnson last week she was look- ing forward to there being a lit- tle'family gathering on Sunday, when several of Gwens folk would be present. One of her bro- thers is here from the West. Birthday congratulations to Mrs. Wm. Welman for July 9. Margaret Stevens left Brodies on Monday to spend a week with Ann Harrison at her home near Newmarket. She will soon be leaving for New York and home. W131 have enjoyed her stay in our mi st. David Terry leaves on Thurs- day for Camp Ahshunyoong. We hope he \finds everything in- teresting; but knowing David, that is an idle thought, we know he will. However, this is his very first trip to camp. The Terry's were rather un- fortunate as far as weather enter- ed the picture, when they spent Sunday at Lake Simcoe at Mr. Terry‘s mother's cottage there. It‘ seemed they had more rain than we did here; but in spite ’of that had a nice time. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sherk and their family of Green River were Sunday guests of the Cummer Lees. . Mrs. Rumble journeyed on Monday to Canoe Lake in Algon- quin Park to bring Sharon home, after a delightful week with re- latives at their summer home there. v What a delight to have Mr. Burton with us once again on Sunday! A brief meeting of tea- chers and officers after Sunday School, decided to close Sunday School this year for the month of August. This is rather by way of ‘an experiment, not having been attempted before. herself and Mr. Binnington their warmest thanks and appreciation to Headford folk for their gen- erous gifts and all their beauti- ful» cards and good wishes on their 25th Anniversary. At their earliest chance they will do this in person. Mr. Binnington is upv but at the time of writing was not; downstairs yet, though he is gain-; ing in strength. ‘ Albert Jones, Arnleigh Heights, entertained at a stag party for Barrie when the groom was pres- ented with a gift of luggage. A shower f0 Miss Taylor was held at the home of the groom’s grand- mother, Mrs. J. W. Reesor of But- tonville. Mrs. Alvin Robinson and her sister Mrs. Estelle Boyington left Sunday morning for a trip by motor to Port Arthur. When there will holiday with their brother, Carman Denby, and also bring back Mrs. Robinson’s husband who has been holidaying there for the past two weeks. bride changed to a brown paisley lace costume with beige and coral accessories and corsage of talis- man roses. Mr. and Mrs. Milne will live in Oshawa. Minister: Ii 134 V! Richmond Hill Service .. . . . . Oak Ave SUNDAY, JULY 12. 1959 9.30 am. â€"- Breaking of Bread 11 mm. â€" Sunday School and Family Bible Hour Mr. Norman Lemmer '7 pm. -â€" Evening Gospel Service Tues., 8 p.111. -â€" Prayer and Bible SUNDAY, JULY 12. 1959, 9.50 am. â€" Bible School for all! YOU are invited! 11 am. -â€" Morning Worship The Lord’s Table 7 pm. -â€"- Evening Service Wednesday at 8 pm. Mid-week Prayer Meeting A Friendly Welcome Is Extended '10 ALL At The young church with the old Message! ' BRLIHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH Wm. VanderBent. Pastor Tel: Richmond Hill, TU. 4-315! Helse Hill (Gormley) 10 mm. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Worship Service 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Service Wed.. 7.45 pm. - Prayer Meeting Vaughan (3rd Con., 2 miles north of Concord) 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11.15 am. â€" Worship Service Concord (Schoolhouse) 10 am. â€" Sunday School Oak Ridges. Aubrey Ave. Roy Nigh. Pastor TeL: Gormley 5544 10.30 am. â€" Sunday School 7.30 pm. â€"- Evening Service Tiles. 8 p.n1. â€" Prayer Meeting BICHVALE GOSPEL CHAPEL RICHMOND HILL m CHURCH OF ST. GABRIEL Anglican Richmond Hill East Beverley Acres School Neal Drive Rev. J. W. Newton-Smith. 407 Lynett Crescent TU. 4-4236 Organist: Mrs. E. V. Collier. A.T.C.0. SUNDAY. JULY 12_ 1959 11 a3» â€"- Morning Prayer 11 a.m. â€" Nursery and Junior Congregation SUNDAY. JULY 12, 1959 3 pm. â€" Watchtower Study taken from June lst Watchtower Magazine SUBJECT: “Look! I Am Making All Things New“. ' NO COLLECTION TU 4-2677 ALL WELCOME Study Hour We welcome you to ‘the fellow- ship of this friendly family church that continues the teaching of 01‘- iginal Methodism. , EVERY TRURSDAY pm. â€" Service Meeting p.n71.r -â€"fl Ministry School 2.45 pm. â€" Sunday School 7 pm. -â€"â€" The Family Gospel Hour Wed. 8 pm, â€"- Prayer and Bible RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Elmwood and Ruggles Rev. Earl S. Bull, Minister Church of the Light and Life Hour. CHML. 9 am. Sunday SUNDAY, JULY 12_ 1959 10 am. â€" Public Worship The minister in charge The nursery will continue for the summer 81'. MATTHEWS UNITED CHURCH Crosby Ave., Richmond mu Rev. Wllllnm W. Patterson. BA 3.1).. Minister Trinity VII 8 am. â€"- Holy Communion 11 am. â€"â€" Mérning Prayer BROADCAST OVER CJRH - 1300 (Nursery and Jr. Congregation) 7 pm. â€"- Eyegsong . Wednesday: 10 am. -â€" Holy Communion COME TO CHURCH AS A FAMILY A Church fpr all people 1n Charles Howitt School Mackay Drive. & Pearson Ave. SUNDAY, JULY 12. 1959 11 mm. â€" Morning Worship Sermon subject: THE MAN WHO WENT AWAY 11 am. â€"- Nursery Department “Exercise your love for others to keep it healthy†RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. Higginson B.A., 3.1). SUNDAY, JULY 12_ 1959 11.15 am. â€"- Morning Service Rev. W. W. Patterson “ My House Shall Be Called the House 01 Prayer†KINGDOI: HALL 0 JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Cedar Avenue. Richmond Hill 50 Wright St. Putor: Rev. Robert W. lrvln. B. Th.. B.R.E. Phone: TU. 4-2095 Regular Services Continue Throughout the Summer RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH lav. J. N. Hepburn. Minister SUNDAY. JULY 12. 1959 Richmond Hill Rector: Rev. J. F. O'Neil SUNDAY, JULY 12, 1959 EMMANUEL CHURCH ST. MARY'S ANGLICAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH Blchvale Rev. E. Morley Wright St. .Mini§try VTHE LIBERAL, Richmond Hm, Ontario, Thursday, JuYy TU. 4-3286 . 9.30 am. SUNDAY, JULY 12, 1959 2.30 pm. â€" Worship Service MAPLE PASTORAL CHARGE THE UNITED CHURCH 0! CANADA Rev. Harold W. Davies, 8A.. Minister SUNDAY, JULY 5. 1959 Adult Bible Class 11 am. - Morning Worship 6.30 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting 7 pm. â€" Gospel Service Wed. 8 p.111. f Prayer and Bible v Study Thin-3.. 1 pm. â€" Women's Miss- , ionary Fellowship Thurs, 8 pm. -â€" Evening Mil- sion Circle 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month Fri., 7 pm. â€" Lamplighters and Teen Fellowship CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeting In Concord School House Each Lord’s Day Evening at 'l D-m. Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9:15 am. Sunday mornings And Jesus spake unto them. sayingual} power in given unto me in heaven and in earth. JAMES 1 v 21: Wherefore lay apart all ï¬lthiness and superflulty of haughtiness. and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Reg: Earl B. Eddy. B.A.. B.D. Edgeley , 990 um â€" Morning Worship. Hope 10.30 am. â€".â€" Morning Worship 11.15 am. â€"- Church School Maple 10.15 am. â€" Church School 11.30 am. â€" Morning Worship LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH Church St., Langstafl Minister: Rev. B. '1'. McSpadden 10 am. â€" BibIe'School with GORMLEY UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH Rev. C. E. flanking. Minister 8.45 am. -- Broadcast CJRH 1300 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. -- Morning Worship _7.30 pm. â€" Evening Service LUTHERAN y Finch Ave.. East Public School Finch Ave. E., just west of Bayview Sunday School . . . . . 10 am. Worship Service . . . . . . . . 11 am. The Rev. Karl J. Schweder. B.D.. MA., Pastor Phone: BAldwln 1-8900 THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH Stop 17 Yonge Street Rev. Percy G. Buck. B.A.. 3. Th. 5 Old Orchard Grove. Tomato. 12. Ont. HU. 1-3142 UNITED SUMMER SERVICES JULY â€" Rev. P. G. Buck oï¬lbiating AUGUST â€" Presbyterian Church Rev. C. H. Chambers officiating Service of Worship 11 am. Nursery 8; Junior School 11 am. A cordial invitation is extended to summer visitors. THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. Earl B. Eddy. 3A.. 3.0.. Th. D. SUNDAY, JULY 12. 1959 10 am. â€" Intermediate Church School 11 am. â€" Church Worship and Church School HOLY TRle THORNHILL SUNDAY. JULY 12_ 1959 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€"- Morning Prayer Preacher. The Rector THE CHURCH OF ST. LUKE TNDERS WANTED + OU‘yo COMMISSION + Most listings most sales + Largest consistent advertiser hr the area Thornhill, Richmond Hill areas. + 60% commission Attention Truckers & Gardeners Real Estate Sales Producers Y0?! can be in business for yourself with this better than average set up. Call Mr. Ross Myles or Mr. Harold Keï¬â€˜er. Pulverized Your ï¬rst opportunity to join in our expansion program in Willowdale, 3rd Concession Mile North of 19th Avenue, Markham Township For placing and supplying of about 4000 square yards of sodding at the Walter Scott Public School, Richmond Hill. Plans and speciï¬cations may be seen at the ï¬eld otfice. Tenders will be received until 5 pm. July 17th, 1959. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ‘ Baptist Church P E A 'I' I. 0 A M Tuel'ized, a yard lam FRANK WILLIAMS DROGE CONSTRUCTION LTD. Box 279, Clarkson, Ontario “Your local typewriter specialist’ SUNDAY SERVICES 10 to 10 â€"â€" Sunday School Bring your family '11 â€"- Morning Service “How to be Filled with the Spitï¬- it". The ordinance of Believeri' Baptism 7.30 â€" DRIVE-IN CHURCH 3% Loblaws. north of Steeles. Choir. instrumental duet, vocd duet, trio, soloists. Come with your family. You will be glad you came. “The Church that is looking ahead†OFFICE MACHINES L. H. SIMS DEALER â€" TU. 4-1745 ~â€" 88 Baker Ave.. Richmond Ell! SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS Special Student Rater typewriteu . Adding Machines All popular makes on hand See Portable models at Wight's Pharmacy 28 Yonge St. S. or Cull TU. 4-1745 day or night 1 block east of Yonge Stop 12A Pastor Rev. 1". Vaughan. B. Th: Student Assistant. Mr. R. Thistlk SUNDAY, JULY 12, £959 9.30 am. -â€" The Service 10.30 am. â€" Sunday Schdol and Bible Class ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) Pastor: Rev. Harold R. Lindeman. 3.; Phone Unlonvllle 361 ‘ . ST. MARK’S ANGLICAN Oak Ridges - Yonge at. Elm Grove Morning Prayer . . . . . . 9.45 am‘ Sunday School . . . . . . . . 9.45 3.1m H“y Communion â€" lst Sunday PARISH OF KING & MAPLE (Anglican) Rector: Rev. W. B. Jennings. DJ). Tel. King City 313 HOURS OF SERVICE All Saints’ Church - Kin: Cit 8 a.rn. â€"- Holy Communion 10 am. â€"- Morning Prayer 11.10 am v- Sunday School ST. JOHN’S ANGLICAK OAK RIDGES rouge at Jefferson Morning Prayer .. . 11 a.m.. Sunday School . . . . . . . . 11 3.11:. Bible__Cla_sses Senior and Inter- mediate) . . . . . .7; . . ._Ԥ.â€"45â€"â€"i.vn-1. Holy Communion . . 2nd and 4th yard loaded 9. 1959 Sundays