18 “ chi/if? Surrouncling. ï¬â€˜it‘annia THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, July 9, 1959 ,7 By: Mrs. F. G. Leaf Earlier Tuesday morning, at 9:15, this correspondent went to Pier 16, at the foot of Sherbourne Street to watch activity around the “Britannia.†r At that hour of the morning there were few spectators, but those were kept back of a line perhaps 75 feet from the royal yacht by Metropolitan police from the motorcycle squad. Out in the harbour small craft were Markham Police Have Busy Time ' Markham Township police and ? local garage owners had a busy week-end when several minor ac- cidents occurred. On Friday evening impatient motorists on Don Mills Rd. who thought to escape the traffic tie- ub caused by the light at No. 7 Hwy. and travelled up ‘.he right road shoulder found themselves stopped by an officer parked at Jones store. ' Saturday was fairly quiet, but Sunday brought a rash of acci- dents. There were five or six minor ones on No. 7 Hwy. and No. 43 Hwy; and two rear-end collis- ions on Don Mills Rd. which caus~ ed‘ damage to three cars and sent due woman to hospital during the north bound traffic rush. Early Monday morning a man who went to sleep at the wheel. of his car rammed a tree on No. 7 Hwy near Iieitchcroft Farm and was taken to hospital; a second accident in- v'olving a small school bus (North York‘ and a gravel truck at the intersection .of Steele's avenue and Don Mills Road sent several children to hospital for a check- up, and a third accident a few minutes later occurred at the - some point on Don Mills Road, ohosite the McKay property where the woman was injured on Sunday. This time a Home Bak- ery truck and a private car were involved, with the driver of the truck being sent to hospital. »" All this destruction made work fer local tow-truck owners. B&M ‘ motors hauled away one disabled car, and Rick Tribbling was cal- led on three. The theory that a treeless l‘ighway would make a safe highway 'seems not to have worked out that way last week- . 774a ‘ in A ,Mafernily /.. $idlinguid kept at a distance by red-coated R.C.M.P. in launches and by Har- bour Police. At the crew’s gangplank white- shirted seamen were busy carry- ing out garbage which was taken away by a Toronto Police Dept. disposal service van. One sailor was hosing down the hull of the vessel while another swabbed it off with a sponge on a long pole. A Ship’s Suppliers' van arrived with cartons - ‘ food to be unload- ed and milk in white painted milk can. Everything was carefully in- spected before it was taken a- board. Two spick and span mailmen came bearing the Royal mail in special pouches and were met and identified before allowed on deck. At a switchboard which had been set up amidship a lengthy conversation took place. and then an officer appeared who checked off all the items in the pouches and referred these to another of- ficer. All this was time-consuming and fifteen minutes elapsed beâ€" fore the mail carriers were taken inside with their burdens. Now the limousines were drawn up before the royal dais and police and R.C.M.P. escorts had assembled on Tuesday morning the Queen and her con- sort were attending separate fun- ctions. The lieutenant governor and Mrs. Keiller Mackay arrived. fol- l Jed by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fleming and Mayor Nathan and Mrs. Phillips -- the mayor s len- did in his chain of office. T ese V dignitaries waited for perhaps twenty minutes before Prince Phillip and his aide appeared, . .greeted the crowd and were wiske‘d away in an open convert- ible. Then came the Queen and her lady-in-waitlng, looking lovely as always, taking time to look care- fuly at the now large crowd and waving and smiling. which great- ly pleased the camera fans. Off she went, with her police escort and officialdom, to visit the several places on the morning schedule and meet our own neigh- bours. _ Such sincerity and devotion to duty in our reigning monarch, makes one feel humble. SOMETHING WANTED? TRY “LIBERAL†CLASSIFIEDS PHONE TU. 4-1105 1...! .44, SALE m... ï¬endian tle WA. 5 - 76ll t . ‘ ATTE ‘ PEA'I' "-5 J I. I: 4. 4:6 I :~ (.‘F 47. I S" s b . We personally handle all ALVIN s. Licensed Auctioneer . for YORK AND ONTARIO COUNTIES 36 YEARS EXPERIENCE __*_ Specializing in Purebred Cattle. Farm Stock, Furniture and Implements .â€".*.._. - Phone Gormley 5311 ’ l NTION HOME OWNERS ! LOAM * . In large or small quantities . ‘ 2'/2 YARDS DELIVERED $8.00 ALSO WELL ROTTED MANURE All Types‘Landscaping C. I.. KNAPPE‘I‘T BAYVEW NORTH or 18TH AVE. ' .RICHMOND HILL .ï¬b shaman. l sale bills and advertising. Gormley, Ont. SECRETARY for club. Position - MANAGER The new Richmond Hill Curling Club requires a full time Secretary-Manager to begin August 1, 1959. Prefer applicants with previous managerial experience. Curling exper- ience an asset but not essential. Town Playgrounds Now Open Brian Ruttles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ruttles. gets pointers hold the bat" from “Slu Floyd Perkins at the opening of there- creational playground at the Municipal Park on Monday morning. Stocks, camp director, is 0 the picture, next to her is MacGregor, a senior couns with “pockets full of sand’ picture taken at one of the recreation playgrounds should explai RICHVALE NEWS CORRESPONDENTS: 25 Roosevelt Drive MRS. M. E 94 Spruce Ave. If junior (Miss or Mr.) came home are ten senio on “how to gger" Reeve playgrounds School, Town Miss Nancy n the left of Miss Shirley ellor. There istered. The for ï¬ve week was not all c ’. the above each day at n “why†I It MRS. E. E. SPEARS Phone AV. 5-3116 . TAYLOR . Phone A". 5-4293 Graduation Banquet \On Monday evening, June 22, in Richvale Public School, the graduating students were honorâ€" ed with a banquet which was ser- ved by nearly 20 thrilled and ex- cited grade seven students. under the guidance of Mrs. R. J. Miller, Vice-president of the home and school association. The tables were festive with garden flowers and the school colours of blue and gold, and special table decorations which were made by the graduation students. Individual favours, the gift of the Home and School. were at each graduate’s place. Each graduating young lady was given a corsage and the lone boy a bOUr tonniere. At the head table was Mr. E. J. Sand, Supervising Principal of the School Area No. 1. Dr. A. W. R. Doan_ Treasurer of the School Area; Mr. John Roberts of Mur- ray Associates; Mr. Brian Bailey of Vaughan Tunneling; Mr. Peter Kurita, Principal of Richvale School; Mr. William Norris. Pres- ident of Richvale Home and School and Trustee Jackson Tay- lor, of the Board of Trustees of the School Area. Following the dinner, Mr. Willâ€" iam Norris, chairman for the ev- ening, proposed the toast to the Queen. Mr. E. J. Sand was then called upon to propose the toast to the graduates. Miss Frances Paul responded by giving the Valedictorian address. Miss Shir- ley Dubkowski was then called upon to propose the toast to the school. The reply to this toast was made by Principal, Peter Kurita. Mr. Kurita took a long look at the deï¬nition of the word “Schoolâ€. He reminded the class that without the people in it a building reverts to just the four walls. Then he spoke of their fu- ture and urged the members of the graduating class to take the word “concentration†as their keyword for their future academâ€" ic life so that their efforts would carry them toward their ultimate goal. and would not lose in effec- tiveness as they would if merely expended in the general direction of their goal. The scholarships were then preâ€" sented. Mr. John Roberts on be- half of his company presented the Murray Associates Scholar- ship for Scholastic Achievement to Miss Frances Paul. 311‘. Brian Bailey then presented his com- pany‘s award: the Vaughan Tun- year and hoped that with every- one’s help the next year in Home and School would be bigger and bottom step of the educational stairway to academic achievement. They would have to work hard and make the most of their op- portunities to reach the ï¬rst pla- teau or landing, beyond which the stairs would continue to higher and higher levels of learning. Dr. Doan closed with a quotation from Henry Van Dyke: “This is the message of, Labour, Ring it, ye bells, from the kirk; The God of Love came down from above To live with the men who work." Mr. Norris voiced his thanks to the teacher and parents for all they had done during the past better. The school graduation pins were then presented to each mem- ber of the class by Dr. Doan, as- sisted by Mrs. Wardender. They were: Loralie McDermott. Donna McCarthy, Marilyn Hudson, Shir- ley Dubkowski, Janet Taylor. Tina Allan, Diane Bailey. Sharon Brown‘ Frances Paul and Peter Miller. The evening was brought to a close by Principal Peter Kuriia pronouncing the Mizpah benedicâ€" tion. Mrs, Sheddon. Wesiwood Lane. left last wek for a month‘s visit with her sister. who ’ lives out West, near Winnipeg. Mr. and Mrs. Al Jemison. and family have recently moved from Westwood Lane to live‘ in Oak- view. all best wishes from friends and neighbours go with them, for success in their new venture. Mary Nelson, Roosevelt Dr., held a party to celebrate Gradua- tion last week. many graduates \of this year‘s class and last year's two were present. Several of their former neignE- bours «attended a House War - ing" at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Morningstar. Burlington, formerly of Durham Dr. The par- ty went on to the “Brant Inn" where they enjoyed an evening of dancing. Carol Wood. Romeveli Dr, held a “Theavre Party" on Thurs~ day. July 2. The guests returned to her home for rcfrï¬limeni and dancing. \lr. and Airs. E. E. Spears and children. Roosexcii D;‘.. spent a lovely week-end at the summer home of the Al Pcck‘s. Westwood Liane. AS it is situated on the Georg- ian Bay. ‘1 l l Beverley Acres Heights School. 1,500 children have regâ€" a wellâ€"organized schedule takes place exercises. crafts and baseball rounding ’out a happy time for all. I I x x rand the same number of junior counsellors for the ï¬ve different located at MacKillop Park. Walter Scott School, School and Crosby playgrounds will be open 5. â€" photos by Lagerquist astles of sand though, for every camp, with games, turn of Queen Elizabeth in Parry Sound. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Wood, Car- ol and Bui, Roosevelt Dr., spent the week-end camping at Nor- land Ontario. After a prolonged three month ilness, Mr. Terry Carragher, Roosevelt Dr., is at last well a- gain. His friends and neighbours wil be happy to hear. Mr. and Mrs. Carragher and Andrew have taken a week’s vacation in the Lake Scugog area. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Everall Newman, and children took Doug Davies with them on their first camping experience in Canada. They arrived at Balsam Lake on Friday morning and their neigh- bours on Pearson Ave., the Les Walters arrived Friday night when the Walters set up camp they found that the tent poles were left at home so with flash- light and hatchet had to cut poles before getting the tents ready for the night. That’s camping the hard way. Capt. Bob Brash of Roosevelt Dr. is home for a three weeks vacation. He and his family are going camping this week to Mar- maro, Ont, where the Bob Wal- ter’s of Roosevelt Dr., are build- ing a cottage. Shower Last Tuesday evening 14 Guide and Brownie mothers, of 3rd Richvale. and Guide Commiss- ioner Bigley, attended a surprise < linen shower for Miss Norma Len- ion at the home of Mrs. J. Sim, ~Avenue Road. Mrs. G. Lawson .lr. zmd Mrs. Sim were hostesses for the happy occasion. The house was dccoraicd with pink stream- ers and bells and the dainty pink bmkci was loaded with beautiful | gifts to the bride-iO-bc. Afterward 3a delicious lunch was enjoyed. Belated greetings to Jimmy Lawson who celebrated his June 26111 birthday on June 27th. Mrs. Millar of Avenue Road joined Mr. and Mrs. J. Sim and Stephen and enjoyed a picnic din- ner out on the Don Mills on Sunâ€" day afternoon. His friends will be happy to know that Mr. Charles Blintz of Yongehurst Road is coming along very nicely following his opera- tion last week. Mrs. Russell Peirce, accompan- ied by Diane and Robert. left for Newfoundland on Monday where they will spend an extended holi- day with Mrs. Peirce's father, Mr. Michael Tobin. of St. John's. ï¬nk-ill Webbing l GlASSON-BURNS A quiet wedding was soiemnized {on Saturday, July 4. 1959 at ï¬ve I p.2n. at St. Mary‘s Roman Catholic 1 Church. when Helen Audrey “a; a \tonderml Op_lBums. daughter of MT. and \lrs. i nylon net over taffeta. She wore brilliants. and she carried a bouâ€" quet of pink and white carnations. The bride‘s matron of honour was Mrs. A. Caisson. sister of the groom, who wore a blue dress of a feather headdrch with match- ing accessories and carried a bouquet of yellow mums. Best man was Mr. Alfred Giasson, bro- ther of the groom. Following the wedding a re- ception was held at the Town Inn. Richmond Hill, which was attend- ed by 45 guests. The mother of the bride receiv- ed. wearing an embossed pink sheath dress with matching hat and white accessories. She was wearing a Corsage of pink and ly‘ 'c earn tions. The mother of in groom' assisted. gowned in blue taffeta with matching hat and white accessories. Her cor- sage was of pink and blue carna- tmns. For going away the bride chose a pink linen suit. Following the honeymoon to Magneiewan and points further on, the happy couple will make their home in Richvale. I t i 1 Sanderson - Gibson The Rev. J. N. Hepburn officia- ted nt the wedding of Miss Geor- gina Gibson. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Gibson, Willowdale, to Gordon Keith Sanderson. son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanderson of Richmond Hill, at an eveni‘ng wedding on June 19. 1959. During the lovely service Norman Law- 501 sang. ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ and ‘Beoause’: while Mrs. Anderson was at the organ. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a street length dress of white Peau de soie and carried red roses and white mums: Mrs. Evelyn White attend- ed her, wearing aqua Peau de soie and carrying yellow roses and pink sweet peas. Mr. Robert Jones was best man and the ush- ers were Allen Sanderson and Ronnie Gibson. Sixty guests enjoyed a buffet supper and dancing afterwards at the home of hte bride‘s parents, following which be happy couple honeymooned in Northern Ontar- io. DANS@IERVICE TIM-5641 .i-‘BAYVIEW ATMARAMAK "While You We Chev. vcyl. 54-53 (most) P M I can SAFFTY CHECK ,3... 2:... _ . . For thousands or extraL Pom imam l safe drivmg miles, rev *fyiguss'†6'70 8'95- I“.-- place W i f h 3 Moto- Brackets for tail pipe installation (extra, Mastei Blow Out Proof Muffler at Big Cana- dian Tire Savings. SPECIAL 0 Pack FAST INSTALLATION .85 to 1.90 oer unit Make ‘- Veer Chev. 0-53 (mom Get a "New Car†Ride! For Efficient Service Second To None Dial 'I'Ilrner 4 - 2101 RICHMOND 24 YON Courtesy & Service HILL HARDWARE GE STREET S. Free Delivery The Fisherman’s Best Friend the 7V2h p SCOTT THE ONLY 7'/2 hp OUTBOARD SOLD with all these features only This season enioy comfortable, dry, safe ï¬shing with Boil-a-malic power bailingâ€"exclusive with Scofl. The 7‘/2 hp Scott has everythingâ€"Big motor styling, portability, power, safety-ï¬rst non-pressurized gas tank, new submerged water pump for "lifetime" cooling, your choice of six coloursâ€"and the slowest, quietest troll ever. Full Forwardâ€"Neutrolâ€" Reverse Gearshift Come in andsee the wonderful new ’59 Scam Iodoy R. D. Little 8. Son I68 YONGE STREET NORTH . RICHMON e" o n-MATER MUFFLEHS ' (I) SAVE TIME- Speedy, Drive-in Service (2) SAVE MDNEYâ€" Up to 50% on New-Cor Quality (3) SAVEâ€" ON LONGER SERVICE LIFE Installed with Tell Muffler Pipe Above INSTALLED PRICES include your Wed., or Thurs. installation. tOiher limesâ€"50¢ more). Elmilar "Doll-Yourself“ end "Installed" savings for other cert. BRAKE ADJUSTMENT TUESDAY 0 WEDNESDAY 0 THURSDAY 0 Adjust brakes, including emergency brake front wheel bearings 0 Add approved heavy-duty brake fluid (superior to new car quality) to master cylinder. . or: on snoc Replace that Shake, Rattle and Roll with smooth -riding i e v e 1 action RIDE ~ 0 ~ MATIC Shock Absorbers. Better steering -â€" less road sway. D HILL, ONT. Io Muffler Installed with Tell page 8. Ply 64:le 49-58 ’ (mesh a I N ‘ Ford, 1949-51 tmost) Ford, "55-56 (most) stud.,cnamn . 9.44 13.54 W... 4.80 7.05l11.00 where needed). 275‘.†each .25 BONUS SAVINGS for Tuen, .19 COMPLETE ANY CAR 1 RIDE-O-MATIC Automatic Adiuslmenl Ii ABSORBERS 9 .70 Pr- nelliug Scholarship for Citizen- pol‘iiiï¬ily i0 vie: :‘no “Queen'fldlfl'ed Bum Of 93 Spruce Ave†ship to Peter Miller. and prime pump on saurday‘ Richvale. was united in marriage M!“ JaCkson Ta.Vlor then introâ€" when they vi~ivcd inc Vacation ‘0 DOV-31d 30569-13 Chiffon» 50“ 0f . . . “ duced the speaker for the eycn~ 5.1-“ m Onmrin, The 1mg 2 3mm: .\lI‘. and. Airs. L. ‘Gaisson. May In Wl‘ltlng to Box The mg- DT- A “3 RV D0311. IOI‘IHO’.‘ wai: in £210 hot sun um Li):‘_,it-;-\\s‘u RlCllVale- “10 Ceremon.‘ Teacher and School imperrou fen awn-n 1",.) Rm ,1: D3113; 3;‘1~i\'â€"l\‘.iii performed by Father IBreen. ° ’9 ' ‘ ' Dr. Doan. in his remarks In the ed 'w.Li ’110 Royal Standard “.'i.\‘-‘ The bI‘idP \\ :15 bt‘allllfu in a leeral . replles confldentlal' le- ï¬ï¬‚l‘llllls’ high stnool students-{w in- breeze a: the box; of , white nylon net worn over white n m be. suggested that the boys and he? fla"~'.‘:ip. lI'dille iail‘ela drew ballerina I eral salary. girls remember that while in pubâ€"1 Ann er exciting ' en! 'a'ax‘ lcn‘lill» Her HUSH-ill) Veil BdOT' ’ lic school they were new at the laymen : the “BL†mm‘e‘ned with embroidered I-rcscents v 4-1 1 top of the ï¬eld in high schoolloui along the Bay. wiin ner de‘land sequins. was caught to her they would be beginning at the srroxcr escort, to await Ihe re- head with a riara of pearls and inumwuuunumuuuwmmnmummmumnuumuuuuunuumuumuummwuumumlnummuuuuumummwTumumumuuunuinuumuuwmmumummmmmm