5He suggested that council re- quest school boards to provide ac- cess to general purpose rooms ami wash rooms so that they would be readily available for community use. , \Counclllor Ross said that this lsi already being done by Rich- mond Hill school board. He point- edl out that early school construc- tion in Richmond Hill was done under pressure and that f necâ€" 5‘:le the first considera ion on ’l‘l e‘ii’mited budget was the uro- vision of classrooms. However nhw that there had been time for considering the needs of the cjommunity construction along the! lines outlined by Mr. Bradstock| was receiving consideration and, attention. 1 Deputy-reeve Tinker said he {found the school board most c0- Aopcrative in arranging for use 01‘ {play-grounds and facilities. Councillor Bradstock thought a «formal request should be made to -the School Board and his motion to this effect seconded by Reeve Perkins was carried. “School buildings in the com- munity represent a very large in- vestment of public money and m erefore schools should be avail- ablie for maximum use by the people of the community" said C(glunclllor J. W. . Bradstock at Rilchmond Hill Council meeting Monday night“ 7 Maximum Use For Schooh 8 to 1.. JULY! 14 -â€" Tuesday. 8 pm. A work meeting for St. Gabriel‘s WA; to be held at the home of Mrs.‘ D. Lindsay. 403 Be’cker Rd. 1 ' c1w2 JULY 14 â€" Tuesday. Annual Ice Cream Social and dance sponsor- ed by the Vellore Junior Far- mers Admission $1.00. Dancing DAILY â€" Duï¬erin Fairways Golf Range and 18 hdle Reg. Minia- ture Golf Course open 10 am. to 11 13,111.. 4th Annual Toronto. & District Miniature Golf Champ- ionship Tournament September 8. 1959.. Open to all men and wo- men over 16 years. Fun for all. Enter qualifying play now For your ’added enjoyment after gol- ï¬ng a†new éwimming pool is av- ailablle. Registration and infor- matiu‘n at Dufferin St. at No, 7 Highway. Phone AV. 5-0032. c1w2 EVERY' SATURDAY NIGHT â€"- 9.00 p.nn. - 12.00. Dancing to Max Cameron's Orchestra, at Canad- ian Leger» Hall. Can-ville Roar! Richva] 2. Sponsored by Hi 1:9 mond Bill Branch 375. Canadiaï¬ Legion. 75c per person tfc36 BINGO every Thursday. 8 p.m~ in Orange Hall, lst house north »f Loblaws‘. tfc27 BINGO every Wednesday even- lng a- 7.45 pm. at the Canadian Legion E'ranch 375, Carrville Rd., West, Birth-ale. t£c48 EVERY TUESDAY, Bingo 8 p.mA at the Legion Hall, King Side Road, Oak Ridges. Cash prizes and jackpot. tchl Work Can't Wuii Council Waiting Report Of Probe Names Engineers Over the persistent opposition of Councillor W. J. Haggart, Rich- mond Hill Town Council Monday night lappointed the engineering ï¬rm of Proctor and Redfern to go ahead at once with engineering plans for the construction of a storm sewer on Markham Road. A new and imposing add Richmond Hill's rapidly ing sludine is the forty 5L artment building taking f the corner of Essex Aven Markham Road. buiit and it is 1' for occupa sooner. Mr The moc Coming [Events arix‘ Meisner is an apar Modern New Apartment Building suite ap ; form a‘ enue am clwi ‘th 1f tfc27 LEhan Grand Old Man The Century Mark {Tâ€" r build being The late J. Scott McNair was a distinguished and outstanding cit- izen of the community. He pos- sessed a pleasing personality and delighted in the good company of friends. He was keenly interes- ted in public affairs and was a l"elong student of politics and government. A staunch Liberal he was an active leader for years in the North ank Liberal Assoc- iation. Early in life he interested In his 98th year the late Mr. McNair was born on the Bath- urst Street farm in Vaughan Township where he lived all his life, until a few years ago when he went to live with his daughter Miss Alice McNalr in Brampton. His father and mother the late Mr. and Mrs. James McNair were ploneer Vaughan Township citiz- ens comin from Paisley, Scot: l..nd and settling on the second concession in 1829. J. Scott Mc- Nair was the last surviving mem- ber of a family of five boys and three girls. '5 began to unfold. John Scott McNair. one of the district's oldest and most highly esteemed citizens passed away on Friday July 3rd, and the funeral was held Monday afternoon from the Wright and Taylor Funeral Home, North Yonge Street. With the passing of John Scott McN-alr, on Friday, July 3rd. the rolling tide of time claimed a venérated gentleman, known as Vaughan Township’s grand old man -- for he was born, just as the e'arly history of the township himself in school and township business and served several years as a member of Vaughan Townâ€" ship Council, and was Reeve of the municipality back in 1915 and 916. As the oldest living ex- reev he cut the ribbon at the official opening of the new Vaughan Municipal Building two years ago. Mayor Tomlin with consider- able emphasis told council any further delay in making some ar- rangements for the necessary en- gineering would seriously impair plans for road construction this year in the Elmwood'and Hard- (Continued on page 3) VOLUME " c5" XI, NUMBER 2 1E LATE I. S. McV “R ghout. Equipped with The modern apartment build- m conveniences the apes; ing will be a credit to the town : vary in size from one to and will ï¬ll a long-felt need in bedrooms, and many have the community for ï¬rst rate :Iies. It will be the ï¬rst buil- rental housing. Several of the in Richmond Hill equippedlapartments are already rented. buildings in :hip. building is of l and ï¬reproof ‘ :hout. Equipp ‘ell known builder 11‘ large apart- in North York .tttactive de- construction The passing of Scott Mchair marks the end of a long and a full life. For almost a century he as a prominent citizen of the V “ mMmeaimthe forefront a community and always ready and willing to give of him- self in public service. He was a real “old timer“ who always kept abreast of}. the times, and whose viewpoint was forever new and progressive. A really delightful ‘ personality, he was a useful cit- - izen and a good friend. Those ‘ privileged to know him will long ' treasure the memories of a happy - association. His wife the former Alice Marsh, also a member of one of the pioneer families of this dis- trict predeceased him in 1942. Surviving are two daughters Miss Alice of Brampton and Miss Edna of Elgin Mills, and one son Leslie living on the family homestead. The late Mr. McNair was a great lover of. flowers and the floral tributes at the funeral were many and beautiful. The funeral service was held Monday after- noon and was conducted by Rev. W. W. Paterson. Interment followed in Maple Cemetery. Honorary pall bearers were: Morgan Boyle, James M. McDonald, Clerk of Vaughan Twp., Robert W. Scott, ex-reeve of Vaughan. F. R. Perkins, Reeve of Richmond Hill, Arthur A. Ed- en. Wesley Middleton. past presi- dent Richmond Hill Agricultural Society, Dr. R. L. Langstaft and J. E. Smith. A keen sportsman he was for many years one of the most ac- tive and popular members of the Richmond Hill Curling Club. On and off the ice he was‘univers- ally popular and respected. Mr. McNalr’s municipal service included twelve years as a mem- ber of the Township Council in Vaughan. He was first elected as a councillor in 1904 and served in a similar capacity in 1905; 19- 06. and from 1908 to 1910. He was deputyâ€"reeve from 1911 to 1914 and Reeve of the Township in 1915 and 1916 during part ‘5 World War 1. A lifelong member of the Rich- mond Hill Agricultural Society he was a past president of the organization and several years ago was honored by election as the Society’s Honorary President. For many years he was a mem- ber‘of the Presbyterian Church, and was an elder of the Rich- mond Hill congregation until the time of Church Union when he became a member of the Rich- mond Hill United Church. Active pallbehrers were: Colin Hood, Fred Vanderburgll,‘ Clarke McNair, Batie McNair. Gordon McNair and Jack McCrae. “The Liberal" joins with the people of the district in paying tribute to an outstanding citizen, who was part of this community's history. and in extending sincere sympathy to the bereaved family. PICKERING : Council adopted a recommendation that an effic- iency expert be engaged for a proper distribution of duties for Pickering Township oï¬ice staff. laundry Automat Will Open Soon On Yonge Street Details were learned to-day of a new coin operated self service Laundry to open soon at. 74 Yonge‘ St. South in Richmond Hill. Owned by Mr. Hugh Yerex, it will have the most modern e- quipment including 20 Maytag washers - 7 large commercial Dryers and plenty of soft hot water. The store will open 24 hours a day and all equipment will be coin operated for conven- ient self service. Free Parking 1will also be provided. with elevators. The top storey. with a commanding view of the countryside has two spacious penthouses. Garages and play- ground area are on the ground 001‘ "In Essentials Unity; in Non-Essentials Liberty: in RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, JULY 9.1959 Council members agreed with the Mayor that immediate action is most desirable and the ohly difference of opinion was as to whether or not the road should be continued from Centre Street to Markham Road. There was some thought this twenty acre arenmight be sold in one parcel to a large plant and the road would not be needed. Mr. Delmer is an experienced journalist and advertising spec» ialist. He has travelled in more than 30 countries of the world and has interviewed Kings, Presi- dents, Princes and Prime Minis- ters as well as a variety of other notabilities. ‘ We are pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Paul Delmel: as a new member of ‘The Liberal’ staff. Mr. Delmer who commenced his duties this week will be assoc~ iated with the editorial, advertis- ing and commercial printing de- partments. 11.11954 the Delnzeif‘faniily get ant to tou‘r‘ihe World and trav- elled through more than 20 coun- tries in ï¬ve years. These coun- tries included England, France, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisla, Libya, Greece, Yugoslavia. Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland, the USSR, East and West Germany. Holland, Belgium. back to Eng- land via France, only,to ship im- mediately to North America. After a visit to the USA the "Globe- trotting Delmers" as they have been dubbed by scores of news- papers and magazines across the In journalism all his life he served in the Royal Air Force throughout World War Two. after the war established two newspa- pers of his own, subsequently sold but still publishing regularly to: day; then appointed a Principal Information Officer in the Brit- ish Colonial Service, Mr. Delmer served for some years in Africa. Town Councl Meeting NewMemberTTheLiberai' Staff, World Traveller Experienced Journalist In urging immediate council ac- tion Mayor Ken Tomlin said un- less councll took action to prov- ide roads and services in the in- dustrial area the Industrial Com- missioner‘s office might as well be closed. He said all industrial land west of the ONE has been sold. Councillor H‘aggart said, “We simply can’t afford not to xopen up this areaâ€. Early Start For New Services In Industrial Area His Worship Mayor Ken W. Tomlin, well tanned and looking very ï¬t after a holiday at his Muskoka Lake sumâ€" mer home. presided at Monday night’s Richmond Hill Town Council took steps to construct roads and services in the indus- trial area east of the ONE line. Plans are for the construction of Sneddon Road. a through artery from Elgin sideroad to Markham Road. Deputy-reeve Tinker thought it ' was important to secure the right of way for a road right down to Markham Road. ‘ Council meeting. The Mayor expressed his thanks and con- gratulations to Reeve F. R. Perkins, who in his absence officiated as Acting-Mayor. “Thank you, Mr. Reeve. you did a ï¬ne job,†said the Mayor, “It was a real pleasure.†A motion by Councillors Hag- gai-t and Bradstock authorized an immediate start on the road and services from Centre Street north, and the Planning Consultant will be asked for a report on the pro- posal to continue the services to (Continued on page 3) Industrial Area said the Reeve. 1d During his travels Mr. Delmer has interviewed the King of Mor- occo, Crown Prince Moulai Hasâ€" san; the Bey of Tunis; the last Resident General of France in Tunisia, General. de la Tour: all the North African Prime Minis- ters; Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt; General Greunther the former Nato Commander; Prime Minister Kwame ‘ Nkrumah, Deputy Prem- ier Mikoyan; Cultural Minister Mikhailov; Kruschov's son-inâ€"law Alexi Adjubey who is now Editor of Izvestia, after Pravda the most pdwerful journal in the Soviet Union, and numerous other im- portant personalities across the world. If you want Paul Delmar to talk to YOU about adV‘ertising, or to attend any interesting event 01‘ function which you would like to see reported _in the columns of “The Liberalâ€, please telephone us your request. "The church has no need for more member; who be- lieve we should leave well enough alone." all things Charity.†Mr. Wise’s interest has always been in the frozen food industry and he ï¬rst entered business by working in a chicken brooding es- tablishment where 20,000 chick- ens were maintained. Later he ran a food locker business where people could rent a cold storage box of their own. From this ex- perience Mr.‘ Wise states he soon came to realize that the real answer‘ in this ï¬eld was the pro- duction of a home freezer which people could 'buy and maintain in their own homes. Million Dollar Organization . Elms it xya thanjhe Richmond ‘ Hi. frozen and Plant Was es- tablished in 1954. A mar- ried man with four children, two of whom are of school age, Mr. Wise heads a million-dollar a year organization which is now the largest complete food plant in Ontario, supplying more than 6,000 .customers throughout the province.‘ . Town & Country Food Plant Announces Expansion Plans Free Steaks' And Freezer For Winner There is a real treat in store for the people of Richmond Hill and_ surrounding area next week. Everybody is invited to the Town & Country Food Plant (formerly known as the Richmond Hill Cold Storage) on Markham Road, be- tween Yoiige and Bayview. , His father owned property 10- cally and it is interesting to note that the present plant is built on the very spot where the young Fred Wise lived \\during his schooldays. Mr. Wise has his father. his brother. a sisterxand a brother-in- law working in the business with him, and a number of other local men who ape his able assistants, led by the sales Manager Mr. Hugh Kerr who is also married. Total employees number twenty, of whom ten are salesmena The celebration next week is when the ï¬rst sod was turned for the construction of Richmond Hill’s new Curling rink, located on Elgin sideroa'd oast of Yonge St. The new building, complete with six rinks for curling and club, room accommodation will be ready HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 SINGLE COPY Turn First Sod For Curling Rink érly invited to try for the pnize by phoning in their guess direct to the radio station not to this office. And the prize! The win- ner is to receiVe frozen meat steaks to the fat! weight of the announcer. And to solve the cold storage problem the winner will also receive one freezer. absol- utely free. TV Star Patti Lewis will be at the plant 'on Markham .Road at 4‘ p.r_n. Saturday, July 18th, and will weigh Teddy Froman in pub- lic on top of the Radio Station’s Mobile Transmitter. The an- nouncement of the winner will follow and-the TV celebrity will present the prizes. ‘ Among the many good things thusiastic club members present for the sod turning. Left to right: Dave Brown- lee, N. Hallman, George Chassie, Don. L. Little, B. Saunders, A. Harley, S. McCann, Barry Brent, Reeve F. R. Per- kins, D. Hicks, S. Beggs and J. Symingâ€" ton. â€"â€" photo by Wainwright L. Little, B. Saunders McCann. Barry Brent, kins, D. Hicks, S. Begg‘ ton. -â€" phot‘ PUBLISHED Weekly - Read DAILY a FRED WISE which will be made available to the public free of charge through- out the three days of the exhibi~ tion, will be gifts of frozen foods which will be periodically don- ated to the lucky ones; free fruit juice drinks will be continuously available: free lee cream comets for the! children and by courtesy of the local rose growers, H; J. Mills Ltd., free roses for the la- dies. Many will also be invited to sample special foods from B! tlsh Columbia .and California. em- bers of the public will recelvz pictures of themselves photb~ graphed with well known radio personalities. For people who want to buy For people who want to buy freeZers on the spot other specv ial gifts are being provided. Those who make a purchase between (Continued on page 3). I RICHMOND HILL AC1 EIDEN’I‘ RECORD FATALITIES l ACCIDENTS INJURIES 89 I 9 1959