Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Jul 1959, p. 9

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DRIVE IN â€" CARL E. HILL, M.D., M.O.H CKERING : The C.P.R. plans request removal of stations at Atha and Glen Major . . . they are now merely whistle stops since no trains have stopped at either place for the past seven years. DEPT. OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK Ragweed Enemy 01 Hay Fever Sufferers It is estimated that 80% of the people in Ontario who suffer from hay fever each year have Ragweed to thank (?) for their complaint. Rag- weed flowers from July until frost and the pollen is pro- duced abundantly from mid- July until the frost comes. See Our Screen Door Our Showroom Values This Week In Ragweed has been classed as a noxious weed under the Ontario Weed Control Act. The plants may be hand-pull- ed. mowed or sprayed with a chemical. In any case The Weed Control Act demands that the owner of land shall destroy the plants as often as necessary to prevent the 1-11:- enlng of the seeds. - Relief is sometimes given by desensitizlng inoculations. Regarding these, consult your Doctor. Others try to spend this time in an area free of ragweed. Auto Service Complete Service To All Makes of Cars ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-3151 Our Service Bay is equipped to give you complete service on motors, transmis- sions, brake linings, and exhaust sys- tems. Fro;t End Alignmerit Your car will have new power after our scienti- fic engine tune-up. You’ll get better gas mileage too. Stop in soon. Let our expert mechanics make the precision adjust- ments. COOK'S BP STOP -22 YONGE ST. Wheel Baiancing Give Your Motor New Pep and Go! "II AND AUTO SUPPLY LIMITED “The Friendly Store That Saves You More” (between Thornhill and Richmond Hill) FREE PARKING 'ncluding weights. Horses 1 Heavy Draft Mare Cattle 1 Fresh Cow, calf by side 1 Fresh Cow, calf by side 1 Fresh Cow, calf by side 1 Fresh Cow, calf by side 1 Cow, milking, open Yorkshire Hogs 10 Yorkshire Sows, due Sept. 1 41 Chunks, about 50 lbs. flay & Straw About 125 bus. Wheat 400 Bales of Straw Poultry 200 Laying Hens, heavy breed Implements 1 IHC Tractor W4, good condition 1 Case Combine, 6 ft. cut, with heavy duty motor, with starter, complete, good condition 1 13-hoe Fertilizer Drill 1 Set Spring Tooth Harrow: 1 Set of Double Discs 1 Tractor Plow 2 Sets of Drag Harrow- 1 3-Drum Land Roller ,1 Hay Tedder 1 Set of Sleighs 1 Binder, M-H 1 Wagon 1 Wheelbarrow Dairy Equipment 1 2-unit DeLaval Milking Mach- ine, complete with outlets 1 1A h.p. Electric Motor 1 Power Cream Separator Forks, Hoes, and many other ar- ticles too numerous to mention Furniture 1 Sideboard 1 Heintzman Piano and Stool 4 Wash Stands 1 Glass Cupboard 2 Dressers 4 Small Tablel 1 Hall Tree 1 Rocking Chair 1 Fernery 1 Cook Stove 1 Quebec Heater 2 Sewing Machines Quantity of Oil Cloth Quantity of Odd Dishes 1 Large Table 2 Antique Fruit Cupboards 2 Large Antique Spinning Wheels 1 Large Chair 1 Large Carpet Flower Pots and Many Other Ar- ~ 0F FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS. ETC. Horses, Cattle. 10 Yorkshire Sowa, 40 Chunks, IHC Tractor W4, Case Combine, 6 ft. with heavy duty motor with starter complete Grain, Straw & Household Furniture The property of ARCHIE McDONALD Lot 33. Con, 6, Vaughan Twp. 114 miles west of 401 ticles not mentionea Terms Cash_ No rese STOUFFVILLE : The house num- bering project has been com- pleted in Stouffville. Thirty em- ployees of the service company installing the number plates did the work in a single day Mr. and Mrs. A. Heft and fam- ily are holidaying with relatives Prize winners at S. S. No. 4 Markham were: Improvement in Reading and Spelling, Sr. pupil, Andrew Jones; Jr. pupil. Robert Garvin. All Around Helpfulness and Co-operatlon, Margaret Gee. These prizes are presented an- nually by Mrs. R. G. Britnell. Mrs. Stuart Lee is spending the holidays at her 110319 in New York State. Terms Cash_ No reserve. Farm sold. Sale at 1 pm. D.S.T. Gordon Orr. Clerk ALV‘N S. FARMER.~Auctioneer Gormley 5311 Mrs. Harry Jones and Gary. Mrs. Ralph Baker, and Mr. Orval Conner, all of Toronto. had sup- per on Saturday with Mrs. Beul- ah Jones. Misses Leipold and Cirllos of Philadelphia are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. A. Kirstein and family. 4 $2.00 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moyer of Dixon Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Will- ard Moyer and ‘family of Stan!!- ville had supper on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. John Hawkins in honour of Mrs. J. Hawkin’s and Mrs. W. Mayer’s birthdays. Mr. Reg. McMullen picked his first ripe tomato in his field of tomatoes on July 3. \AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, JULY 25 IMPORTANT CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED calf by side calf by side calf by side calf by side per wheel GORMLEY NEWS AV. 5-1031 Telephone Gonnley 5201 E. J. Swalm of Duntroon. Rev. Ray Sider of Sherkston, Chair- man of ‘the Extension Board un- der which the new work at Ham- ilton will be opened, was also present. A special service was held on Sunday afternoon at the Breth- ren in Christ Church at Heise Hill for the ordination of Rev. J. Allen Heise. The ordination service was conducted by Bishop Mr. and Mrs. Percy Casse], Wayne and Douglas of Indiana, had dinner on Wednesday with Bishop and Mrs. A. L. Winger and supper with Mr. and Mrs. Levi Steekley. Misses Mary Elizabeth Steck- ley, Ardys Winger, Mary Lou Heise, Joan Wideman and Jean Kelly spent a week at Fraser Lake Camp. Mr. Victor Noble left on Sunday to spend two weeks at the Boy Scout Camp Composite at Hali- burton. Miss Vera Brillinger spent sev- er§l_ days _vi§§ting at Stayner. Rev. and Mrs. J. Allen Heise of Hamilton spent the weekend wig} Mr. and Mys. A. L. Winger. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wilms and two children, missionaries from Japan had supper on Sunday with M}: and Mrs. Lgvl Steckley. Plan to attend Pike’s Peak ser- vices on the 5th Con of Whit- church where you will enjoy the excellent singing of Mr Jack Bierce, and the fervent preaching of Rev. W. Burgess. Mrs. S. A. Wallace of Leth- bridge, Alta., has been visiting her cousin, Mrs. Geo. Leary. Grade 1: Anne Lyons, Vandorf; Doris Brilllnger, Harold Brillin- get, Doris Preston, Bethesda; Mlchael McKenzie, Vandorf. Grade 3 Honours: Mamette Jos- eph, Gormley; Sandra Tryon. Vandorf. Grade V Pass: Nancy Scott, Vandorf; Grade 6 Honours: Susan McKenzie; Pass, Grant McKenzie, Susan Dewsbury; Grade 8 Honours: John Houck, Melville. Theory Results Mr and Mrs. Earl Wideman and children. and Miss Annie Heise holidayed last week at Chesley Lake Camp at Allenford. Lloyd Publlc' School (5.5. 7, Whitchurch) promotions: To Grade 8: Lawrence Brem- ner, John Doldersen, Kenneth Doner, Edward Grant, Dean Har- vey, Ronald Houghton, Linda Kerr, Betty Lee, Susan Mills, Nancy Oliver. Congratulations to the follow- ing music pupils of Mrs. Ruth Joseph of R. R. 1 Gormley, who were successful in their recent conservatory exams â€" Grade 1: Carolyn Pogue, Jeanette Joseph; Grade 2: Marvin M. Joseph and Frederick Joseph, Gormley. Grade 1 Honours: Susan Mc- Kenzie; Pass, Grant McKenzie, Susan Dewsbury. To Grade 9: Bob Boycraft, George Boynton, Peter Dolder- sen, Fern Doner, John Gamble, Billy Gamble, Christine Grant, Ken Grounds, Pat Johnstone, Mi- chael Karageorgls. Barbara Kir- stein, Mary Jane Leary, Bob Lee, Sher-rem Storey. To Grade 7: Donna Baker, Ann Duncan, Linda Ellas, Linda Fox, Marnette Murree, Michael Reed, David Wardrop, Edith Wardrop, Norman Wardrop. Vacation Bible School will com- mence on Tuesday, July 21, at the Gormley United Missionary Church. Several have inquired so we are giving you this advance notice. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Grove (Joan Barrett) who were married on Saturday afternoon, July 11. at a very pretty wedding in the United Missionary Church at Gormley. To Grade 6: Sheila Ash, David Betz, Malcolm Elms, Bob Hep- burn, Heather Lee, Linda Lee, Marvin Murree, Helen Schlicter, To Grade 5: Wayne Beck, Carol B'etz, Peter Betz, David Craig, Bradley Jenks, Fred Kirsbein, Ed- die Leary, Bill Leary, Arthur Lee, Joanne Pudifin. Paul Schlicter, Howard Sproxtroixil: Mary Fargrop, Richarg Wardrop. Miss Erma Nigh ls helping with vacation school at Springvale for a week. To Grade 5: Keith Doner, Stev- en Fox, Robert Grounds, Barbara Harvey, Bonnie Harvey, Brenda Harvey, Gary Houghton, Ella Mae Hunking, Sherri Leary. Kennedy Peddell, Susan Reed, Jimmy Wardrop. To Grade 3: Carson Beck, Ralph Bosma, Matthew Bromiley, Allan Foster, Ferne Gamble, Wendy Houghton, Brian Hunklng, Fred- erica Joseph. Bruce Mackey, Dar- lene Schlicter, Michael Windsor, Dagnijag-drop. Miss Norma Nigh of Spring- vale visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nigh on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. George French recently. To Grade 2: John Ash, John Brinkman, Philip Bromiley. Patsy Hunting. Jeanette Joseph, Brenda Kerr. Brian Lee, Bruce Lee, Bri- an Oakley. Mrs. A. Hawkins returned home on Sunday after convalesclng for several weeks at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. Koch of Markham. Main Tie-Ins Profitable? Reeve Fred Armstrong is ap- posed to Woodbridge extending village services beyond the 11m- lts of the community, but he was defeated last week when coun- cil approved extension of the ser- vice to a home on neighboring lands. around Chatsworth “I can’t see why you should be opposed,” declared Deputy-reeve Norn Garriock, “we make a pro- fit on these tie-ins to our mains." “If the people in Pine Grove didn't have village water they would be in favor of annexation so fast it would make your head spin." replied the reeve. “They have the advantage without be- ing a part of the community." Later in the evening, the bride and groom left for a two weeks wedding trip to Parry Sound and North Bay. On their return, they will reside in Maple. Daily Vacation Bible School Miss Outdoors, Nancy Robson, presents Dr. Ross Lord, chairman of the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Con- servation Authority, with a gift at the opening of the Authority’s new conservation area, Glen Haffy, today. Glen Haffy, the sixth conservation area to be opened by the Authority, is located on the brink of the Niagara Escarp- ment high in the hills of Albion Township, one-half mile south of Mono Mills. ‘ The wedding music was played by Mr. Devey, and vocalist Mrs. Tomlin sang “The Wedding Pray- er" and "0 Perfect Love". For school age boyy and girls who love stories, singing, surpris- The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a full length gown of white silk organza over taffeta with sabina neckline. Tiny irridescent beads and pearls spar- kling against the French chantilâ€" ly lace which formed the bodice with a full flowing front panel of lace on the bouffant skirt. A small high crown of pearls and orange blossoms held her full fingertip illusion veil, and she carriegl orchids and stephanotis. Best man was Pierre Bakers and ushers were Paul Baker and Robert Ohlis. Receiving at the Four Winds, the mother of the bride chose a Dior blue lace and organza sheath and corsage of pink rosebuds. The gro_om's rhother assiétéd in a pink lace sheath and corsage of blue tinted rosebuds. Hely Trinity Church, Thorn- hill, was the setting for the wed- ding of Gail Marilyn Lockhart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W. Lockhart, Sussex Avenue, Langstafi. to Ernest Daniel Den- by, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Denby of Thornhill, 0nt., on Sat- urday, July 4, at 2 pm. Rev. Ron- ald H. T. Owston, cousin of the bride, officiated. Linda Howe, maid of honour, was gowned in pale blue organza with chantilly lace top and car- ried pink roses. Bridesmaids Sherrin Kent, cousin of the bride, and Martha Baker, cousin of the groom, were dressed similarly in pink and carried blue tinted roses. They wore matching head- bands. Sheila Moulton, cousin of the’ bride, was flower girl and wore blue organza, and a headdress of blue flowers. Mrs. Hugh Deverell, Mrs. Percy‘ Briggs, and Mrs. Acreman attend- ed Victoria Square W. M. S. meet- ing for July, on Wednesday last at the home of Mrs. Lawson Mumberson. Repeating their de- lightful gesture of last year at this time, Mrs. Mumberson and her committee invited us all to an aI-fresco luncheon. There was a very good attendance, and we were all happy to be able to see and greet Miss Olive Glover, home now after her long stay in St. John's “Convalescent Home. Following a brief meeting, during which the Literature Sec. was in- structed to procure the Study Packet, which this year deals with Africa, we all adjourned to the Mumberson garage. Here we viewed many things brought by the members to be sold; a‘pro- cedure ably_conducted, with much mirth by Mr. Briggs, when last “object” was gone, those in char- ge found themselves richer by $38. and eight cents, which is designated for buying Literature. Victoria Square is well on the way to becoming York Presby- tery’s best read branch! Our very sincere thanks to all who partic- 'ipated in making ,it a memorable occasion, as well as a very pleas- ant one. On Monday last, Mrs. Cummer Lee, saw her mother, Mrs. J. Mc- Dougal of Toronto, off to spend the summer with relatives in Grand Valley. It was so' nice to have Miss Emma Barker with us in Church on Sunday last. Belated birthday greetings to Michael Calder, and very many happy returns for next Monday to Susan Terry. Murray Acreman was in Lind- say at the weekend; and on Sun- day evening he and Lorraine brought from Toronto, Johnny. and Theresa Pierce to spend their summer vacation with them. Did you know Headford has growing pains? Or perhaps it would be more correct to say our Vacation School has. Keeping up its already well established _rep- utation, our numbers are increas- ing daily. Attendance on Monday was 116 pupils, while Tuesday was 130 present. The co-operation of the weather man was perfect for these two days. On Friday evening all pwnts are invited to R. R. 2 Gormley, â€".Phone TUmer CORRESPONDENT: MRS. ll. ACREMAN LANGSTAFF NEWS HEADFORD NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. J. 80! Phone AVenue 5-2808 On June 25. 32 members of the graduating class of Langstatf School sat down to a delicious dinner given them by the Home and School Association. Parents of the children arrived at 7.30 pm. for the evening's entertain- ment and presentation of awards. The scholarship award given by the home and school association was won by Terry Lazar, and the proficiency award was won by Lawrence Drew. Terry Lazar gave the valedictory address. es. You will enjoy thrilling Bible stories, wonderful choruses, con- tests, object lessons, pictures. hand work, and other interesting things to do and hear. Daily Va- cation Blble School sponsored by the Christian Service Centres of Canada will be held at Langstafi Baptist Church. July 20 to July 31. commencing each morning at 9.30 a.m. Grgduntes Enjoy Banquet on the side streets from Yonge Street to Bayview. It will indeed be nice to be able to give the lawns and gardens plenty of wa- ter and not to watch them with- er away depending on nature her~ self. Let us hope there will be a plentiful supply available when all of Water Area No. 1 ll hook- ed up. Other guests were the staff of the school, Mr. Sand, Supervising Principal, Mr. Martin, Music Su- pervisor, Mrs. Elliott, Art Super- visor. Mrs. Neal, Mr. Facey of the home and school association Principal Urquhart and Mrs. Windrim presented the students wit}! their graduation pins. The guesf speaker of the even- ing was Mr. A. S. Elson, Princi- pa1_ _o_f Thornhill High School. During the evening, the grid; 8 choral group under the direc- tion of Mrs. Evans sang several songs. News writing today has been accompanied by the pounding of the huge construction machinery at the street line as the work- men go about the job of laying the water pipes on Sussex Ave. With the compietion of Sussex, all the water pipe: will be laid attend Headford Church at 7 o'- clock, to see the display of work done during the week, and for a brief look at how we conduct our worship there. For Monday, op- day, everyone was extreme- ely happy, and our hard-working Mrs. Rumble, in addition to lead- ing the singing, told a delightful and meaningful story in the wor- ship period. Up to the time of writing there were no casualities hadn’t even heard of the use of a single band-aid! Mothers may rest assured of the safety of their youngsters - we have police co- operation this year in view of the fact there are some heavy gravel trucks 'on the road. Leadership this year is both outstanding and plentiful. The piece of wire drilled into his chest when tossed up by a power mower as Mr. Crawford was mowing his lawn about 8.30 pm. Monday night. He described feeling an impact on his chest and a stab of pain as though he had been shot. Charles Crawford, 45, of Oak Ridges is resting quietly at home with a short piece of wire one- half inch from his heart. Freak Accident Is Nearly Fatal Mrs. Garland Vine, sister of Mrs. Crawford, drove the injured man to Dr. Gordon Chunn’s office in Aurora and from there he was ordered to York County Hospital. Xâ€"rays showed a piece of wire, from a quarter to half-inch long, lodged about one half-inch from the heart. not much danger. In time, Mrs. Crawford said Wednesday. a ma- jor operation may be needed to remove the Wire. Mr. Crawford was kept in hos- pital for observation and then al- lowed to go home at 5 pm. Tues- day. He was told to rest and not do much moving around. Doctors advised him that as long as th_e wire shayed where’it is there Ls “LIBERAL” CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS PHONE TU. 4-1105 2236 urch at 7 ( play of we] 3k, and for e conduct 01 Monday, 0 nday, op- : extreme- d-workjng n to lead- delightful B. F. Glavin of Richmond Hill was among the 275 secondary school teachers who attended an intensive two-weeks summer sch- ool at Lawrence Park Collegiate. Toronto. The course, which ended July 10. was the fifth consecutive summer school sponsored by the Ontario Secondary School Teach- ers' Federation for its members. In age the teachers ran from 2- to 50. They voluntarily switch- ed roles to become students again in order to improve their profes- sional qualifications. The course is- part of the year-round program of professional development spon- sored by the Federation. Living expenses plus a fee are paid by the teachers themselves. Attends 2 Weeks Summer School Behind The W'heel Y0“ (All (OBI! OI! STATE FARM POI MS! CLAIMS IIAIDllNG State Farm Mutual and your State Quickest Way Back I! you have an necklng you can count on State Fann’s fast claim servo betoput you back behindthewheel hahurry.'l‘hisilthekindofservica youhaveafighttoexpechanddn kiniofmiceyoualwayagetfrom FamagentYmmeva-yoneof “99008130013111: agentsandclaim representative. is pledged to give ptompt, courteous mice to Stats Farmpoficyholdennomatterwhen theydriv‘e.Whynotdrophandget ullthnfactnahoutSthu-msoon. What sweeter invitation than that! And you step from the scorching heat into the refreshing coolness of an electrically air- conditioned home. All through summer’s hottest days an electric air conditioner lets you work in comfortâ€" sleep in comfortâ€"wake refreshed . . . keeps the air in your home aliveâ€"ride it of smoke and odors. You get more out of life when you get the most out of electricity. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. July 16, 1959 9 live better ElEflTfllflAllY RICHMOND HILl HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMMISSION the safe, clean, modern way! 56 Yonge Street North - TU. 4-35" JAMES W. GRAINGER The Friendly Store - Everyone welcome PIRRI'S MARKET 89 YONG! ST. N. Richmond Hill Fresh Fruit, Vegetables, Groceries CORNER BEDFORD PARK AVE. Richmond Hill’s Only Fruit Market! TU. 4-1529

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