Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Jul 1959, p. 14

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. n i w“? i 14 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES. first Insertion 30 per word, min. charge .. "a Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 30 per word min. charge . . . . . . . . . . FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of . . 400 256 COMING EVENTS NOTICE: per type line 10c; min. charge 500 CARD OF THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion $1.00 BIRTH NOTICE 500 ...--u~-.-.o..o-..-ouu-- Classified advertisements should be in so early in the week as possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. Bend ads by mail and enclose payment. or telephone TU. 4-1105 and you will receive invoice ARTICLES FOR SALE 4 CAPE COD lawn chairs. New. Unpainted. TU. 4-2211. tfc47 1 SHAPER, new, 55" spindle, 20" x 80" table; TU. 4-2211. tfc47 DOORS! DOORS! FOR SALE (Continued) AWNINGS, combination storm windows and doors. D. Macpher- son, Maple Lumber, Railway St., Maple, Maple 117, AVenue 5- 5246. tfc50 BRIGHTEN UP that room now. Aluminum doors installed at your Install a pre-fit window-unit. We home with all accessories, comâ€" have a complete stock of stand- plete, $47.00. Free estimates on a" sizes on hand. Butler and windows. Bob. TU. 4-1919. c2w2 Baird Lumber Limited, Richmond BUNK BED SETS, complete with spring filled mattresses, Hill, TU. 4-1125. tfc41 half WEDDING Invitations, engraved Price. $40-00 set; continental beds finest quality, reasonable prices. $15.00 set, surplus and bankrupt Quick service. "The Liberal," stock. open evenings. 50 Yonge Phone TU. 4-1105 Richmond Hill St. S., TU. 4-5311 clw2 MEAT â€" home freezer orders, 14 FT. Runabout. new. complete prime quality, cut right, wrapped with hardware, steering Wheel right, priced right. Special front and windshield. $445.00. N. W-, of beef 39c lb; Satisfaction guar- Corner Oxford and Regent Sts. TU. 4-4797. *3W1 2-5543. anteed. TU. 4-4630 or - WA.. ‘4w1 3 BRIARCLIFF lawn seats for SOD, delivered or laid Immeâ€"d- two. New, unpainted. TU. 4-2211. 125047 5-2268, or EMpire 8-4162. iate delivery. Phone TWining tfc51 1 THICKNESS P1811913 12"xs". 3 TAKE A TV TO THE COTTAGE let! of knives. TU. 4-2211. tfc47 , BOB’S $120 A! ii'eshly cut fie or nursery sod supplied and laid if desired. Free estimates. price moderate. TU. 4-2677. tfc51 SYLVAPLY PLYWOOD, handy panels, tapered hardwood table legs. See them at Butler 8: Baird Lumber Ltd. 181 Yonge St. N. TU. {-1125, AV 5-3506. tfc48 FREE ESTIMATES for alumin- um combination windows, doors. and awnings. Call' your local "ALSCO" representative at OX- iord 1-3180 tfc34 TRAILERS. Box and boat trailers for sale and rent. Hou 2 trailers for sale. Lowest prices. N. Zaiser. Phone Oak Ridges PR 3-5721. tfc40 ROTTED cow manure delivered in small quantities for lawns, gardens and flower beds, TU. 4- 2236. tfc44 TIME TO PAINT UP Sec us for Crown Diamond Paint. Painter's prices. Butler and Baird Lumber Limited, Richmond Hill, TU. 4- 1125. \ tfc41 â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"~uâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-t TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales- Service - Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in- cluding new and rebuilt standard, portable and electric models. Special rental rates available to students. L. H. SIMS 8 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill TU. 4-1745 tfc49 HOT WATER HEATER, electric, 40 gal with thermostat Fine con- dition Owner using gas. Best off- er. AV, 5-1440. c2w2 LEONARD refrigerator, unmark- ed. Perfect mechanical condition, $75. AV. 5-3024. Private, c2w3 JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTOR 35 h.p., 2 years old, electric starting. First class condition. TU, 4-2338. *1w3 "PEASE" hot air gravity furnace, good condition, pipes included. Reasonable. Phone after 6 p.m. TU. 4-1466. ' tfc3 GURNEY electric stove, good condition; also Quebec heater. TU, 4â€"1139. *lw3 SMALL, counter height electric refrigerator, in very good condi- tion. Electric rangette, white. White porcelain enamel annex with oven. TU. 4-1850. clws STAKE TRUCK racks for sale. TU. 4-3356_ clw3 SUMP PUMP. 600 gal. capacity. used can! one month. TUrner 4- 4792. c3w3 EASY spiralator washing mach- ine. Automatic pump and timer, excellent condition, $75. Large size twin laundry tubs, $12. AV. 5-3695 clw3 BABY CARRIAGE, Lloyd de- luxe, good condition, $25. AV. 5-3303. clw3 MAXWELL gasoline lawn mow- er, in good condition, $75.00 or best offer. One lawn roller and one wheel barrow, good condition, make offer. Gas stove, oven type. in fair condition. Make ofi'er. TU. 4.1609. tfc3 BANKRUPT and surplus stock of furniture and small appliances at 50 Yonge St. S., formerly Carbee Home Specialties: bedroom sets. kitchenâ€"dinette sets, coffee and step tables, buffets. lawn furni- ture, recliner chairs. baby cribs. odd beds, mattresses. toasters. ir- ens, kettles, cofi‘ee percs. fans. clocks, dinnerware, hundreds of table and floor lamps and other items; everything to be sold less than cost. Sale on Thursday, Fri- day and Saturday. Open evenings till 9 o’clock. Free delivery to su- burbs, phone TU. 4-5311. clw2 p We have a good selection of com- pact, reconditioned TV sets â€" ideal for the cottage or rec. room. Priced from $60.00 and up. Yer- ex Electric, TU. 4â€"1552. 74 Yonge Street South. tfc52 DEEP-WELL pump (Fairbanks- Morse) with 1 h.p. motor, pres- sure tank and electric controls. First rate condition. Offers. AV. 5-1440 c2w2 DELCO Oil Furnace and control: two rugs; bedroom furniture; lamps and chairs. Telephone AV. 5-4257. clw3 MOVING Everything from six roomed bun- galow & garden, furniture, tools, etc. AV. 5-4588 after 6 p.m. tch GENT'S CYCLE, Rolli-Shorts_ For information, telephone AV. 5-2123 after 7 p.m. clw3 MASONITE, 4x8, $1.75 sheet. Benjamin Moore‘ paints and en- amels, $1.25 quart; ceiling tiles, less than cost. 50 Yonge St.‘S., TU. 4-5311. *Iw3 â€"-â€"â€"_â€"d_â€"._____ WEDDING DRESS, satin and lace. Scalloped neckline in lace. Used once. Clean. Size 16 for $15. Headdress to match if preferred. AV. 5-3303. clw3 POLES & POSTS, all lengths. creosoted or plain. Dressed 4 by 4 cedar, 17c lineal ft. Ratclifi Bros. Ltd., 204W1 Stouffville R. R. 4, Lumber and Builders' Sup- plies. c3w3 â€"_â€"‘_â€"â€"_~. GOOD used furniture for sale. Call Frank’s Movers and Stor- age, 28 Industrial Rd., TU. 4- 2613.’ tfc3 __â€"__â€"___â€"_____â€"___â€"â€"â€"____â€"â€"___â€" WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator, good condition, $75.00; pearl grey kitchen set, 4 chairs, extra leaf for table, $40.00; stove-high table, white, $5.00. Telephone after 5 p.m. AV. 5-3906. clw3 Cat’s Whiskers Antiques PINE tea table, drop-leaf table, cupboards, linen chest, dry-sink, rockers and other pieces. Col- borne St., Thornhill. AV 5-3754. clw3 WESTINGHOUSE washing mach- 1.. .-, excellent condition $65.00. Bed Chesterfield $15.00. Electric train set and accessories. AV 5- 5244. clw3 -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"__________________ GOLF CLUBS and bag: 5 irons and 2 Ben Hogan woods. TU 4- 2235. clw3 BEDROOM suite, veneer. bed, la- dies vanity, chest of drawers and night table. $75. Phone after 6 TU 4-3710. clw3 ________â€"_______â€"_________________ DRESS, ladies shoes, also other articles, .very reasonable. Please prone Friday morning, TU 4-2875. clw3 ENGLISH walker - stroller, good condition, best offer. AV 5-5032. clw3 ANTIQUE hanging oil lamps with cranberry shade; oval, solid ma- hogany dining table with pedes- tal centre, 2 extra wide leaves. TW 5-2974. Newmarket. clw3 RANGETTE 20," 2 pair unlined drapes to cover 112" by 72" wid- th. phone TU 4-5662. clw3 HOUSEHOLD furniture and el- ectrical appliances for sale cheap. TU 4â€"5405. 239 Demaine Crescent, Beverley Acres. clw3 METRO WRECKING s; LUMBER co. Cedar Ave. . Richmond Hill New and used lumber. plumbing and electrical supplies. Complete line of roofing materials: picture windows and other sizes for home and cottage. Insulation. plywood. ceiling squares 11c and up. lx2's 20 ft.; lx3‘s 3c ft. Pine boards 1x12‘s $110.00 per M. bd. ft. Copper pipe and fittings. 3 and 4 inch soil pipe and fittings. July Special: Stainless steel sinks A grade $12.50, vanity basins B grade $7.50. Complete toilets $34.50. Many other items. AV. 5-3942. c4w2 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, July 16, 1959 (Continued) (Continued) FRIGIDAIRE regrigerator, auto- Chimneys repaired. mntic defroster. Frigidaire stove, automatic. Piano with stool. 8 ft. counter with arbourite top, 4 drawers and cupboards. Swing bench, table tennis, regular size. Call TU 4-3480. c2w3 G. E. Washing Machine, with pump. Perfect condition, $39.50. TU 4-3949. clw3 BOY'S J. C. Higgins bicycle ex- cellent condition, $25.00. AV. 5- 444B. clw3 BABY carriage, $10. TU 4-4574. REFRIGERATOR - New unit-ex- cellent condition, one year war- ranty. Reasonable. First Farm N. of Endean Nurser- ies on Bayview Ave. clw3 good condition clw3 4 BURNER McClary Electric Steve, 60 cycle. Bargain. TU 4- 2684. c2w3 BOB-A-LAWN power mower reasonable. 2500 watt generating plant, excellent condition. AV 5- 3881. clw3 ORIENTAL RUG, 9' x 12’ - new. Also “Carry-Cool"'air condition- er. Reasonable. TU 4-1048. clw3 MISCELLANEOUS anytime. clw3 machinery. Anywhere, H. Culham. TU. 4-1821. PRECISION lathe work, by ex- perienced workman. Reasonable rates. Guaranteed workmanship. L. Boomhower, 217 Colborne Ave. Phone TU. 4-1262. c3w3 GARDENING maintenance by the week. Rates by the week. Rich- mond Hill and district. Reliable person. Phone TU. 4-5221. tfc51 MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework, Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard, 148 Yonge St. 8.. Richmond Hill, phone TU. 4-Ftif688. c23 GARDEN SUPPLIES Ploughing, Discing and Grading sand and gravel, rockery stone TU. 4-1538. - ctfcz UPHOLSTERING, recovering, re- repairing, restyling excellent workmanship -â€" reasonable rates. TU. 4-4345 anytime. c4w2 SANITARY CONTRACTOR, Sep- tic Tank and Tile Bed Instalation. Satisfaction guaranteed. Reason- able rates. Murray Baker, Phone TW. 5-4151. Newmarket. tfc47 Artistic Advertising Display Advertising FON LEW TU. 4-2141 30 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill c4w2 UPHOLSTERY Recovering and repairing of any kind of furniture. Experienced on Scandinavian furniture. Free estimates. Reasonable prices. Call anytime. TU. 4-4238. tfc52 BULLDOZING No float charge. $8.50 per hour. Also scraper. Available immed- iately. Carl Herman. PR. 3-5678. tfc§2 CEMENT MIXER for rent. AV. 5-3244. tfc52 FORD 1950 Serial No. 970451 will be sold to cover storage charges. Apply Richmond Hill Sunoco Station, Yonge St. N. c3w52 CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building, alterations and repairs, prompt service. WALKER 8: MITCHELL AV. 5-2526 F_____â€"______.â€"â€"â€"__________.____4 RUBBER STAMPS, all kinds any size. Quick service. The Liberal Office, Richmond Hill. tfc43 RICHMOND HILL TV SERVICE TV & Radio Service, antenna and UHF. installations. Car Radios. Same day service. AV. 5-3756. tfc44 FURS Repaired, Cleaned, Restyled. Insured cold fur storage. KEN STIFF FURS LTD. Stop 21A Yonge St. AV. 5-4172 tfcll TREES REMOVED Pruned and Trimmed. Fruit Tree Pruning and Spraying Tree Culture. Custom Chain Sawing Free Advice and Estimates. No Job Too Small. P.L. & P.D. Insurance Coverage. RICHMOND TREE SERVICE TU. 4-1221 tfc40 MOVING & STORAGE Frank’s Moving & Cartage, pack- ing and storage. Experienced service anytime. Pickup and de- livery. Good rates. TU. 4-2613, AV. 5-5101. tfc16 ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke. 96 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc31 OVERSEAS - TRAVEL SERVICE All air and steamship lines cruis- es. For reservations and tickets S. G. GURNEY, AGENT Bradford PR. 5-3464 or TU. 4- 2152. tfc18 ROTOVATING Iustom rotovating, lawns and gar- dens. Tom Mashinter, 114 Rose- view Ave., Richmond Hill. TU. 4â€"1170. tfc4l STEAM CLEANING and de-grea- sing car motors and industrial Free estimates. Expert workman- ship. Phone Walker and Mit- chell. AV. 5-2526, tfc15 DRESSMAKING and tailoring. women's and men alterations TU. 4-3508. ctfc2 WEED CUTTING Lot'owners and farmers.Hay and weed cutting. Good service, good equipment. Reasonable rates. Call C. L. Knappett, Bayview north of 18th Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc2 P______â€"â€"â€"-â€"__________â€"_â€"‘.__..”_ DRUGS Richvale Rexall Pharmacy Free All Day Delivery Prescriptions Accurately Dispensed AV. 5-3772 WATCHES and clocks repaired. Quick service. 88 Yonge Street South, Richmond Hill. tfc42 GARDEN PLOUGH‘ING, discing, also light grading, front end loading. Lance Willis, TU. 4-2096. tfc42 BOB’S DELIVERY SERVICE Pick up and delivery. Phone ev- enings, AV. 5-5221. tfc3 RICHMOND CARPET CLEANERS Quality cleaners of rugs and up- holstery. All work done by ma- chine. Also carpets cleaned in your home. Work guaranteed. Phone AV. 5-3303. tfc27 CHROME kitchen chairs re upholstered. 24 hour service TU. 4-4615. tic? SPRING IS HERE! Don't be late! Make a date with PROFESSIONAL TREE SERVICE Tree removals, trimming, cabling, etc. Custom power sawing and fruit tree pruning. PHONE TU. 4-4031 RICHMOND HILL tfc39 PAINTING 85 PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. ROTAVATING Loam and manure. TU. 4-4658. tfc47 CONCRETE 85' GENERAL CONTRACTORS Call E. W. Payne for septic tanks, concrete floors and all types of concrete work around your home. Also home and foundation repairs, alterations and additions. Free estimates. AV. 5-1153. tfc38 WELL DRILLING George's Well Drilling and re- pairing, pumps installed and re- paired. George Adams, Box 192‘ King City, King 287. tfc46 caster Excavating Co. AV. 5-2096. tfc52 and grading. Free estimates. Phone anytime. TU. 4-2538. tfc48 POST HOLE DIGGING Joe Hampton, R. R. 1 Richmond Hill, TU. 4-2420. tfc44 AERATION Have your lawn aerated for heal- 4-1170. Tom Mashinter, 114 Rose- view Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc47 THE FURNITURE SHOPPE â€"â€"-‘ We specialize in recovering and Phone AV. 5-5201, 44 Levendale Rd., Richmond Hill. - tfc32 WEDDING invitations. printed or engraVLd. Finest quality at a reasuiable price. tf RICHMOND DELIVER; SERVICE Custom post hole digging, call thier, greener grass. Phone TU. remodelling chesterfield suites. The Liberal. phone TU 4-1105 Light pick-up and delivery. TU. 4-1812. «c3 CALL US for your sand, gravel, fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple 54R12. tfc7 ANYTHING in Painting, Paper hanging, Decorati g, etc. Phone A. Rollinson, King 387. tfc9 TRENCHING Septic tanks, water services. Don- J. & J. SOD A1 Sod, 18c and 20c a yard. Im- mediate delivery. Laying, rolling ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS COWELL PAVING CO. Residential Commercial All work guaranteed 12 months Terms TU. 4-1070 tfc42 SPRING SPECIAL Chesterfield sets recovered â€"â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- sired. A. Smith, Upholstery, phone AV. 5-1682. ‘tfc43 RICHMOND SOD Landscape Contractors Limited Loam, Sod, Evergreens. Shade Trees, Rose Bushes, Rototilling, Lawn Rolling. 81 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill, phone AV. 5-1938. tfc43 ROTOVATING and garden maintenance. Call Joe Hampton, TU. 4-2420. tfc41 TRENCHING Water mains, sewers. excavating SEPTIC TANKS Installed and repaired. Harry Smith AV 5â€"1578 tfc41 PIANO TUNING a: REPAIRING S. Hoflman Formerly of Gerard Hemtzman. Work guaranteed, Free estimates. Phone Liberal Office. TU. 4-1105: evenings RUsseli 2-6516, Toronto. footings, l MISCELLANEOUS 1 MISCELLANEOUS (Continued) BLOCK LAYING and concrete work, footings, basement floors, etc. Fred Flood, Richmond Hill. TU. 4-3085. tfc40 FRANK’S WELL DRILLING Pumps installed and serviced. Frank Gerritz. R. R. 2 Aurora. PA. 7-5272. tchO CARPENTER WORK. Alterations and repairs. TU. 4-2896. Ruben Lahn. Richmond Hill. tfc8 Lathing and Plastering RECREATION rooms, partitions, renovating, indirect lighting. Free estimates. TU 4-5481. th3 hâ€"â€"_â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"_____.__._________ UPI-IOLSTERING and repairing Apply F Graham, Lake Road, Oak Ridges. PR. 3-5691 tfc27 SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed stone, loam and fill. E. Charity. Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1701. TV SERVICE Reliable. 240 South Taylor Mills Drive, Beverley Acres. TU. 4- 4347. Stan. Kucharski. tfc35 LAWN CUTTING & SODDING Fences built and repaired. WOLFGANG HAESSLER TU. 4-4216. tfc46 PHOTOS Weddings, portraits, free estim- ates. Phonc Maple 225. tfc47 PONDS DUG FREE AV. 5-1514 tfcl FOR EXCAVATION and grading and loading call Maple Excavat- ing. Phone Maple 34W or BA. 5- 4008 after 6 p.m. c8w50 EXCAVATING 8: GRADING Front end loaders and trucking. Hourly or contract. AV. 5-5332. tfc48 NORTH YORK SODDING CO. Ltd., rapid delivery of quality loam. Sod delivered and/or laid. Phone BA. 1-9877. *25w48 FOR SEWER CHANGEOVER CALL , E. W. PAYNE. AV. 5â€"1153 tfc38 BLOCK LAYING and concrete work, footings, basement floors, etc. Fred Flood, Richmond Hill. TU. 4-5072. tfc40 UPHOLSTERY Cleaning by fully experienced man. Evenings and week-ends. Special low rates. first class workmanship. Phone TU. 4-2540 anytime. c4w1 USED CARS AND TRUCKS 1949 CHEV, deluxe, custom radio, new tires very reliable. $85. 1950 Prefect as is with good body $20. Phone AV. 5-3892. clw3 ’52 MONlAROH Convertible with extras $590. AV 5-4448. clw3 1953 MERCURY sedan, automa- tic, radio, 2-tone $700.00 TU 4- 5330. clw3 1948 Hillman convertible, good body, tires and motor, $50. TU. 4-4368. clw3 53 PLYMOUTH Cranbrook De- luxe 4-door. New paint, new en- gine, good running order, good tires. $500. AV. 5-4738. *1w3 ’57 CHEVROLET hardtop, 2â€"tone blue and white; radio; heater, whitewalls, and windshield wash- er. One owner. Must be seen to be' appreciated. TU. 4-1988, clw3 1951 STUDEBAKER. Body needs some repair. Very reasonable. TU. 4-1719. clw3 51 CHEV, DeLuxe model. Excell- ent condition. Phone Gormley 5232. clw3 PETS FOR SALE REGISTERED baby budgies from talking strain. also breeders TU. 4-2205 tfc23 GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, 7 weeks old, purebred. PR. 3-5477. c2w2 DOGS available for good homes. Impounding Kennels, Dufferin Street, Maple. Telephone 54 rim 2 Maple. tfc GERMAN Shepherd, male, year and a half old. TU. 4-5330. clw3 COCKER SPANIEL puppies, 2 months, red, male and female. TU. 4-5362. clw3 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE NUTRIA For information call or visit N. Epworth at Colonial Nutria Ranch, Hillsview Drive, Richmond Hill. c6w48 1 DUCK and Drake for sale. TU. 4-1065. clw3 MAY m while you enjoy your vacation PR 3-5671. c8w3 Summer Resorts TRY THE White House Lodge, Rice Lake, Gores Landing, 12 miles north of Cobourg, 80 miles east of Richmond Hill. Good food. Good fishing, swimming, boats launched at government pier. Phone S. Tomlinson, TU. 4-1797. 04w: [view 7-559’2. T0 RENT 3 ROOM apartment, self-contain- ed, heat, light. water supplied. $70.00 monthly, available Sep- tember. TU. 4--2196. c4w2 BRAND NEW. 3 bedroom brick bungalow decorated in your own choice of colours, 'utomatic gas heating, full basement, private drive, close to shopping and schools, Newmarkct, near Yonge St. $100.00 per month. Dorothy Horsley. Broker, Davis Drive, Newmarket, TW. 5-2478. c2w2 MODERN apartment, central, 1 bedroom, two blocks from Yonge. TV outlet and parking. TU. 4- 2646. tic2 COUPLE have living accommoda- tion. one or two rooms, furnish- ed or unfurnished Suit lady pen- sioner or couple TU. 4-5391. tfc2 FURNISHED bachelor apartment, fully equipped. Separate entrance. $15.00 weekly for two adults, or $12.00 weekly for one. Aurora, PA. 7-5597. tfc52 2-BEDROOM apartment. com- plete-with living room, kitchen, and bath. heated. Steve and re- frigerator supplied. Apply W. S. Hare 8: Son, phone PR. 3-5841. tfc44 1 BEDROOM apartment, private entrance. Parking. Available Au- gust lst. Phone TU. 4-1189. clw2 ________________________________ COMPLETE camping outfit for 4. Tent, beds, stove, ice chest, car top carrier. $20 weekly. TU’. 4-2118. tfc50 2 BEDROOM apartment, with large kitchen and living room. stove included, very centra1_ Call TU. 4-5662 or 52 Yonge St. 5., Apt. 3. Only $100 monthly. clw3 SELF-CONTAINED large 2-bed- room apartment, living room, dinette, kitchen and bath, New building with country surround- ings. Children welcome. AV. 5- 1234. tfc3 W 1 BEDROOM, drapes, stove, frig, water and hydro, $90.00, AV. 5- 1234. tfc3 APARTMENT, bed sitting room, equipped kitchen, bathroom and separate entrance. Suitable for business girl. TU. 4-1455. clw3 BEVERLEY ACRES, 3 room flat, with kitchen sink, on bath floor, Unfurnished. TU. 4-5189. *2w3 3 ROOM self-contained apart- ment. Business couple preferred. AV. 5-1890. clw3 â€"_â€"_â€"__~_..___‘g._ 3 BEDROOM apartment, one room with outside entrance, may be sublet. Near- school, reason- able. TU. 4â€"2751 evenings. tics 3 ROOMS and bathroom and walk-in closet. AV. 5-1959. clw3 1 FURNISHED ROOM, sink, cup- boards and television. Share bathroom, suit business person. TU. 4-3250. tfc3 LIVING ROOM, bedroom and kitchen, large cupboards and bathroom, private entrance. TU- 4-3471 after 6 p.m. *1w3 UNFURNISHZED $90 a month. 4 Room Apartment for rent in Apt. house Apply at 14 Arnold St. or Phone TU 4-4137 after 7. clw3 BEAUTIFUL two bedroom unfur- nished apartment on the first floor of a triplex 148 Lucas St. Apply basement apartment. TU 4- 4863. tfc3 FURNISHED heated room, light housekeeping. TU. 4-2196. clw3 FRONT part of house, 6 large rooms, water, unheated, $50 monthly. Carrville Rd. W. AV. 5-3721. clw3 AVAILABLE King City, large, bright apartment. 30’ by 45', ad- ults only. Phone evenings 31W King. clw3 Large furnished bed sitting room with kitchen privileges. Phone TU. 4-1768. clw3 â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"+â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"u 3 MONTHS, unfurnished 4â€"bcd- room house with garage on large lot, Crosby Ave. East. Phone TU. 4-5278. -ch3 5 ROOM apartment, Richmond Hill district $85.00 per month. TU. 4-5581. *1w3 ____.__._____._.._......._....__. 3 ROOM apartment in private home Separate entrance, private bath, all newly decorated TU. 4- 1688. clw2 FLOOR SANDERS. POLISHERS. ELECTRIC TOOLS To rent. Charlton Hardware. TU. 4â€"1331 Richmond Hill. tic32 APARTMENT, kitchen, living room and bedroom. Fridge and stove. heated. TU. 4-1331. tfc51 OFFICE to rent. MacNeil Bldg., Thornhill. Phone John E. Mac- Neil. AV. 5-1663. tfc36 TRY OUR RENTAL SERVICE Floor polishers, Sanders, Hand Sander, extension ladders, Bis- sells rug cleaner; also lawn mow- ers, sharpened and repaired. RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE Fee Del. 24 Yonge St. S. TU. 4-2101 tic-18 THREE bedroom house, refriger- ator and stove. Richvale area. BA. 5-7181. tfc52 6 ROOM HOUSE. Maple area. Lawn cared for; half fuel paid for $1.5. monthly. Apply Samuel Pla- to, Skyline Marina, Highway 400 an" Maple sideroad. tfc52 FURNISHED 3% room ‘apart- ment. fully equipped kitchen. Couple or young men. $20 weekly. Lar e ounds. Aurora. PArk- g gr tfc52 TO RENT (Continued) FACTORY, 2,000 square feet of space available immediately. 86 Spruce Avel, Richvale. AV, 5- 4373 after 4.30 p..m tfc48 FLOOR SANDER to rent Phone AVenue 5-1109. tfc28 CEMENT MIXER for rent. Will deliver. Norman Ellis, Maple 31R42. tfc50 STORE FOR RENT Newly renovated, 50 Yonge St. S. Suitable for any 'iusiness. Call RU. 3-6229. Also lot 60' x 150’ facing Yonge St. tfc51 2 BEDROOM apartment with large living room and large kit- chen, 4 piece tile bathroom with laundry room, stove and frig. in- cluded, $100 a month. Call TU. 4- 1650. clw2 HELP WANTED OPENING for one salesman in busy" Richmond Hill Realty of- fice. Call Mr. Shields, TU. 4- 3805. David McLean Ltd., Real- tors_ Richmond Hill. c1w1 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN We are taking on one more sales- man from the Langstaff or Rich- vale area to work in our busy Thornhill head office. Excellent training and working conditions. Call Mr. Carlisle, AV. 5-1176 or evenings AV. 5-2742. David Mc- Lean Ltd., Realtors. clw3 TILE CONTRACTOR requirés helper, young man, must be will- ing to learn trade. TU. 4-5541 af- ter 6. ' clw3 1 SHORT ORDER COOK. I wait- ress. Log Cabin Grill, Oak Rid- ges. . clw3 FEMALE, full time. Apply Fish- er's 5c-$1.00 Store, Ltd., Rich- mond Hill. clw3 JUNIOR CLERK for typing, fil- ing, general office duties, requir- ed by construction company, lo- cated at No. 7 Hwy. East, Lang- stai’f. AV. 5â€"4984. clw3 REGISTERED NURSE Needed for part-time instruction- al duties, morning, afternoon or evening sessions. Box No_ 69 The Liberal. clw3 CLEANING WOMAN, all day Thursday or Friday. TU. 4-3481. clw3 REAL ESTATE OPPORTUNITY 3 resident salemen required for Queensville and district, Brad- ford and district, and King and district; by progressive realtor. Excellent company facilities and top assistance available. All re- plies held in stric? confidence. Box No. 68 The Liberal. c2w3 MECHANIC, licensed, General Motors experience preferred. Good working conditions. ’ Apply Mr. Graydon, Birrell Motors Ltd., Richmond Hill. clw3 START YOUR own career in the exciting cosmetic business as an‘ Avon Representative. Unlimited opportunities for advancement. Write Mrs. F. Walker, 38 Thomp- son St., Barrie, or phone PA. 6- 6551. clw3 HIGH SCHOOL girl wanted as mother's helper, first three weeks August for cottage, Lake Simcoe. TU. 4-3574. clw3 STENOGRAPHER experienced, shorthand not essential if able to handle dictaphone. For interest- ing and permanent position in Thornhill Area. Congenial work- ing conditions with usual com- pany benefits. AV. 5-1138, Mr. Bishop. c2w3 GIRL with general office and dictaphone experience. Must be good typist. Phone Mr. Taft, AV. 5-4965 or write Box 348 Maple. clw3 SECRETARY required for exper- imental farm office, knowledge of dictaphone, adding machine and statistical work an advantage. Ap- plications in writing to J. M. Smithys. Shurâ€"Gain Farm, Maple, Ont. c2w2 HELP WANTED (Continued! HOUSEKEEPER to assist mother in working man‘s home. Age 18 to 60. Liberal time off. Live in. Must be fond of children. Mod- ern conveniences, good wages. PR. 3-5717. clws FEMALE clerk for general office duties. 5 day week. AV. 5-1377. c2w2 JANITOR SERVICE for CNR sta- tion, Richmond Hill Apply Agent *2w2 AVON CALLING Earn $2.00 or more an hour rep- resenting Avon Products in High- land Park area. Phone Miss Out- erbridge between 8-9 a.i'n.. RU. 2â€"7567. c3wl WHY NOT TRY SELLING in your spart- time for that extra money you need One of Canada's best known household products. Good commission. Car essential TU 4-1250 tfle REGISTERED nurses required. The Villa Private Hospital. AV. 5-3691. tfc29 RECEPTIONIST - bookkeeper - typist required in Richmond Hill. Full time. Apply in own handwritâ€" ing, giving references and details of experience. Box 50 The Liber- al. tfc50 REAL ESTATE SALESMEN WANTED YOUR FIRST opportunity to join in our expansion program in Willâ€" owdale, Thornhill, Richmond Hill areas. 60% commission, most listings, most sales, largest con- sistent advertiser in the area. You can be in business for your- self. with this better than aver- age set up. Call Mr. Ross Myles or Mr. Harold Keffer. H. Keith Realtor, AV. 5-1156. BA 1-1102. Member of Toronto Real Estate Board. clw3 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION wanted Richmond Hill to Toronto, Jarvis Street near the CBC 9 a.m., re- turning 5 p.m. TU. 4-2392. clw3 TRANSPORTATION available to Dufferin and Highway 401. Arriv- ing 7.30 an Returning 5 p.m. TU. 4-4644 clw3 WANTED transportation leaving Dufferin and No. 7 Highway at 7 or 7.15 am. to Queen and Bath- urst or vicinity. AV. 5-2459 after 6 p.m. clw3 TRANSPORTATION'wanted from Elgin Mills to Yonge and Eglin- ton, arrive 8.30 am. and leave 5 p.m. TU. 4-2255. clw2 TRANSPORTATION wanted from Richmond Hill to Toronto, Bay in Front Streets. Arriving 9 a.m., returning 5 p.m. Phone TU. 4-' 2292. clw2 TRANSPORTATION wanted Rockport, arriving Weston 8.15 am, returning 5 p.m. TU. 4-4610. clw2 URGENT Transportation wanted from Carâ€" rville and Bayview to Don Mills Shopping Centre and return -â€" arriving anytime before 9'a.m., leaving any time. Mondays, Wed- nesdays and Fridays, July 20th to 3lst. AV. 5-1462. clw2 REAL ESTATE , WANTED- WANTED 2 or more acres near 1 or 400. reasonable for cash oi. exchange. TU. 4-1266. *3w. RUSTIC building lot, bush and/ or creek, Vaughan Township, con- venient to Maple, private. Box No. 51 The Liberal. tfc50 STRAYED STRAYED to lot 14, concession 6, Vaughan Township, on or about June 15, a red heifer calf. Owner may have same by proving prop- erty and paying expenses. Apply Alex McNeil, R. R. 2 Woodbridge. ‘2w2 SIMPSON’S DRY GOODS DRESS CLEARANCE Ladies’ Better Summer Dresses, asst’d styles and materials, 10 to 241/; Reg. $5.95 to $12.95 $3.95 to $3.95 Girls’ Dresses, asst’d styles and mater- ials, sizes 7 to 14 yr., Reg. up to $3.98 Clearance each Watch the Windows Everyday for the Daily Window Specials SIMPSON’S DRY GOODS 12 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill

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