Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Jul 1959, p. 2

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Weekly Newspapgr ‘Qanventign I like the Oxford Dictionary’s definition of the word "spontan- eous". It means “unforced, done without compulsion or restraint, unpremeditated." When you look into the life of the early Church, you see this spirit of spontaneity prevailing almost everywhere. The people were‘so full of joy of the Lord. so transformed by the power of Christ’s indwelling presence, that they were more than eager to support the spread of the Gospel. and the local work of the Church. The spirit of the Sermon on the mount had taken hold 0! all their actions They were willing to “walk the second mile". to turn the other cheek, to sacrifice joyfully. There was a reckless abandonment of self and personal concerns to the wider task of serving Jesus Christ through the fellowship of His Church. Although a town or township pays more than half the cost of building roads, it must have each project apâ€" proved by the province before starting. A local municipality may pay "more than half the cost of education, but the prov- ince makes the rules regarding curric- ulum, staff qualifications. and building facilities. icipality. The -Iocal municipality agrees to do as the province says in order to collect grants of money. Our entire tax structure is becom- ing hopelessly tangled. Last year the ten provinces collected approximately two billions of dollars, 25 per cent, of which was from other governments â€"â€" mostly the federal. The provinces, in turn, paid out about $350 millions to local municipalities. Not all municipal officials are hap- py about their relationships with the other levels of government. Irving C. Pink, of Yarmouth, President of_ the Under the heading “Town Tax Chaos” the Editor of The Durham Chronicle deplores the growing tenden- cy of grants from one level of govern- ment to another and suggests the need for more independence for municipal administrations. But there is no clear division beâ€" tween the levels. The Federal Govern- ment is delving ever deeper into provin- cial affairs. And the Provincial Gov- ernment is getting more and more in- volved in the business of the local mun- "It is usually assumed,” says The Chronicle, “that the House of Commons is the highest level of govmment in Canada: next comes the Provincial Legislature; and somewhere far below is the Municipal Council. Union Editors and publishers of weekly newspapers from Newfoundland to Van- couver Island have gathered in the famed prairie city to discuss the prob- lems that confront them in this highly mechanized, rapidly changing world. We’re taking this space this week to salute our colleagues of the weekly press who are holding their 40th an- nual convention in Regina. ‘ How can we have this spirit as we seek to serve our Lord in this day and generation? And those of you who are not fam- iliar with the weeklies may wonder how they survive the competition of the big dailies, the national news magazines and radio and TV. We must realize first and tore- most that spontaneous service is motivated by a real love and per- sonal committment to the Lord. It is our fellowship with God through Christ, that supplies the spontaneous desire to serve God through the Church. The word The answer is simple: Your weekly editor has changed with the times, and so continues to fill an important role in the communications network of his com- munity. He does the job of providing ac- curate local news and opinion in a way that meets the high technical and cul- Eural standards of today’s modern rea- er. Gone are the days of the casual deadline and the “gone fishin’” sign, which were mainly fables, anyway. To- day, the weekly editor has one of the biggest and busiest jobs in the publish- inEgifield . He not only has to compete for business against new and powerful media, but he has to do an ever improv- EAGIS and EAI'I'I'! A weekly Comment 0! -- 83 Calvin 8. Chambers - An Independent Weekly: Established 1878 \â€"â€"-â€"â€"/ Subscription Rate $3.50 per year; to United States $4.50; 10c single copy ‘ Member Audit Bureau of Circulation Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Associatin- J. E. SMITH. Publisher W. S. COOK, Managing Editor MONA ROBERTSON. Associate Editor “Authorized as second class mail. Post Office Department. Ottawa” THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontaljio, Thursday Chrkthn LII. Am! Actio- Bf _Ni)§a. Scbtia Municipalities, Reform needed "VIâ€"III- “service” in classical Greek lit- erature means to “render service to the state". But the Bible points out that man's highest service must be rendered to the Lord. To be a servant is‘ to be em- ployed in the service of someone. We speak, for example, of govern-‘ ment employees, as civil ser- vants. The relationship which ex- ists between us and our employ- er makes all the difference to the way we work. If a man is work- ing for someone he does not like, who mistreats him and is unfair, ‘his work will certainly lack spon- taneity. But if a man works for someone who is fair. generous, thoughtful and understanding, the very opposite reaction is stimu- lated. ‘ Thus the Christian is one who serves the Lord spontaneously, because he recognizes all that has been done for him. He does not serve Christ because the Church is a good community institution; or because he wants to preserve the heritage of the past, or be- cause the Church is a good or- ganization to belong to. The true Christian serves because he has accepted what the Lord has done for him. Without the love of Jesus Christ reaching into our ‘livas. where would we be? What suggests the three types of government should join in a partnership so that one could speak to the other as an equal. “Isn’t it time,” asks Mr. Pink, “that we had a municipal ‘Statute of West- minster’ so that everyone could see that our Municipal Governments are inde- pendent and do not need to take their hat in hand to ask other governments . Under the circumstances it is easy to see why local officials look upon Queen’s Park ‘as a place to go seeking gifts. Grants are becoming increasing- The present system of grants to municipalities, however, works against local independence. Candidates for mun- icipal office often boast about how much they have collected or can collect from the province. The apparent ability to get extra grants is often a major factor in electing a reeve or mayor. oâ€"â€" "H ly important to cities, towns and town. ships_ Perhaps it is appropriate that municipal elections should be held at the time of year when Santa Claus is making up his gift list.” There is evidence of a, growing sen- timent throughout Ontario in favour of a thorough and complete revision of our system of municipal administration and taxation. District High School Board Chairman H. W. Sayers in his annual report asked that thought be given to some new method of financing the in- creased costs of education. Reeve John Perry of Vaughan in his inaugural ad- dress suggested that school boards be gi\ en the responsibility of levying taxes as well as spending taxpayers’ money. It is time the provincial government gave some real thought to a complete overhaul of our municipal system and system of taxation. for anything . . . ? ng local news and in- mmunity to itself. Our ' and livi'fig stan ards make this man tory. And the men and women who are gathered in Regina would be the last to claim that they are masters of the situation. In faL‘ct, they’re attending the 40th annual meeting of the CanadL ian Weekly Newspapers Association to listen to experts and to swap sugges- tions "among themselves on how to do a better job. One of the things they have done collectively through the CWNA is to set up a series of awards for excellence in the weeklies to encourage editors and publishers to strive for greater im- provement and to recognize those who are making the grade. They have, ihrough CWNA, set up their own promotion and public rela~ tions program to tell their story. And at this 40th annual meeting they undoubtedly Will take further ac- tion to help them do a better job for their readers and advertisers. It isA for this reason we ask you to join us 1n our salute to them. It may seem that we’re tootling our own horn a bit. But We feel they’ve done a great job to date â€" and are trying to do bet- ter in the future. And that’s good for all of us. July 16, 1959 would we be like? It is because God has so graciously sought af- ter us through Christ,’ seeking to win us to Himself, that the Chris- tian willingly seeks to serve His Lord. A person must be rightly re- lated to God, if his service is to be spontaneous. We can only be rightly related to God if we have cast ourselves completely upon Him. depending upon His grace to cleanse us from sin, and to create within us new attitudes and new desires. We must accept His gift to us of Jesus Christ, be- fore we can offer to Him the gift of our service. The person who serves spontaneously is one whose life has been touched by the liv- ing God. He has responded to that touch and knows that life will be different from now on. History bears Witness to the fact that men and women who have yielded to the Word of God, have embarked upon lives of ser‘ vice to their fellowman. We think of such outstanding names as Lord Shaftsbury who fought for the abolition of child labour, Flo- rence Nightingale who served courageously the forces during the Crimea War, of Elizabeth Fry who pioneered for better prison‘ conditions for women. 0! Kaga- wa, Schweitzer and others who have served oft times under ad- verse circumstances, because their hearts had been touched by ‘tbe love of God. Why do true Christians serve? Because they recognize all that God has done for them in Christ. Wherever you find spontaneous service you will find men and women who are saying “thank- you" to God, for His sacrificial love, and all the blessings of His new Life. 9" MEMO! AU 00" 6 'Policemen are among my favorite people. They have been ever since my early reporting days when I was a stringer for one of Canada’s largest newspapers. If it hadn’t been for the police I would never have made the Royal Tour. nu.“ ..v h. ,V Loaded with credentials, copy paper, and aspirin I eased myself into my coach seat on a recent morning before the dawn had broken into a pink glow on the horizon. In a few hours I would be aboard the Royal Train. At'least that was the way the plan was laid down. When I heard the conductor announce that our coach would be held up on a siding outside Toronto to let the Royal Train pass on its way 'to Hamilton, my heart sank. I was supposed to be in Hamilton well ahead of Her Majesty. I began to put my ingenuity to work for I couldn’t afford to sit on a siding indefinitely. Any newspaper person can tell you there are more ways than one to skin a cat. My tale of woe gained the sympathetic ear of the conductor who introduced me to another CNR official also en route to Hamilton. I didn’t realize it at that moment, but this civvie-garbed gentleman was later to be a uniformed member of the security guard: luvâ€"Iv -__ -_, a, the siding andrgrib a taxi to drive the to Hamilton, my knight of the rails said there was a possibility there might be room for me in the car that was meeting him, to get me tormy destination. - _ wAll police officers are reticent abéut making prom- ises. After gruffly advising me_to get‘otithenyrqin at When the early morning train ground to a halt we were a mile from the station. The conductor gallantly lifted me down from the high step onto the crushed stone roadbed of the adjacent tracks. I minced tortu- ously on high. spike heels behind a stalking mountain of a, man. He was solicitous enough to glance over his shoulder every once in a while and ask if I was all right. “Fine, fine,” I assured him as I cussed those heels, two blisters, anwrenched ankle and an empty stomach that ached for a hot cop of coffee._ Luckily the rabbit’s foot in my pocket began to pay off. When we reached the station one of the five gentle- men who was to roll over the highway, was a superin- tendent of investigation for Canadian National. Royalty had nothing on me that morning as I sat cozin between a great brawny policeman and the superintendent. From here on my troubles were all on their shoulders. - .4- my comBanion’vshhéhdfiéhd I was spirited through secur- ity lines in a matter of minutes. I forgot my aching feet and empty stomach as I stood with a. battery of photogâ€" raphers} eight feet from the Queen 9_f Canada. \ . uv-v v” - .__-__ The driver told me he had been to Mass early that morning to offer a little prayer for a. safe journey. Be- lieve me we needed it, for the main artery road between Toronto and Hamilton was torn up for miles in unholy confusion. We made detour after detour as smoothly as though we were riding on a magic carpet. When we drove up in front of the station at Hamilton, a ‘wave of [ll/Pucks CLSLIU .Lccv LLUIAI vllv quuuu v- v..-â€" When the ceremony of greeting by Hamilton’s Mayor and council was atan end, the hardest working individual I have met in some. time (Frank Clarke, of x e ‘Roy . Tour inf rmafifo staff) escorted me a card he train I say halidest ltv rklng' because for the ura- tion of .y stay wit .the ya] Train, I heard his 'ame chanted constantly. He tol me he was a sort of ajor Domo for the tour ‘and I‘ soon realized it was no cinch trying to meet the demands of a trainload of tempera- mental people. ' .- i .. “a 1 “1 l1 . My housewifer instincts were thrilled with the train arrangements. Not only the Queen’s comfort and that of Prince Philip had been considered, 1: .t that of her staff, a carload of Mounted Policemen, six-"iv report- ers and photographers, plus the crew. Though that train must have seemed to the Queen like living in a vest pocket after Buckingham Palace, the CUR had ob- viously omitted nothing that would contribute to a hap- py journey. _ - - .. a e .a LTU. 4-3714 ru ‘1' "7 Lounge, bedroom and bath. charming dining ar- rangements and a lighted platform where she could wave to her loyal subjects, were all amazingly “my in spite of their necessary compactness. I found v e sec- ret of the Queen’s wrinkle-free frocks and the 'ease in Philip’s trousers was the well-equipped pressing and baggage car, a dream come true for the Queen’s dresser and the Prince’s valet. For All Your Hardware Paint Needs from Free Delivery RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE LUMBER - LATHS - TRIM - SHINGLES - GYPROC ROOFlNG MATERIALS 71 Centre Street Eat! Dig! Ilium: 4:21 01 Richmond Hi” Commercial Cleaners DOMESTIC - COMMERCIAL FLOORS - WALLS ‘ WINDOWS MAINTAINED IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION BY WEEK, MONTH OR CONTRACT ESTIMATES FREE . NO JOBS T00 SMALL Phone Our Motto Satisfaction Prgp. Sheppard and Gill Lumber Co., Ltd. Builders’ Supplim 24 YONGE ST. S. BY DOROTHY IAWCR Jim Hope TU. 4-136] TU. 4-2101 “Visit The Real Living Santa” JUNE 19 to Thanksgiving Fun For All The Family Children to 14 years - FREE 9.30 3.11:. to 6.00 p.111. Sunday 1.00 pm. to 6.00 p.111. {BAULED ANYWHERE, \ ANYTIME FRESH WATER In the Estate of Frances Ellen CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Richmond Hill Unit FACT FOR THE WEEK: ..“Strong attack in being made on the virus possibility in Toronto, Even using a min- ute microscope we find can- cer can be caused by some- thing too small to be seen It all. In fluid. this can be fil- tered and still start the dip ease." All persons having claims ag- ainst the Estate of Frances Ellen Richardson, late of 121 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill, 011- tario who died on or about the 26th day of March, 1958, are hereby notified to send.‘particul: ars of same to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of July, 1959, after which date the Estate will be distributed, with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have not- ice, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice Dated at Toronto th fifth day of June, 1959‘ Alice Jane Thomson, Adminis- tratrix of the Estate of Maggie Winnifred Richardson, deceased, who was the Executrix of the Estate of Frances Ellen Richard- son i I Yangtze Pagoda Notice to Creditors Nearly New Clothes for the entire family TU. 4-3341 % anywhere in the dim‘ ! from 12 noon to midnight. EEnjoy a delicious meal, piping . hot. in your own home. We cater to Banquets, Wed. ding Parties, bum?“ nther-’ in! or special events of any kind. For tab}: and banquet reservations Tmnhonz AV. W uâ€"o-w uâ€"a-u- by her solicitors. Mulock, Milliken, Clark & Redman. ‘ 711 Dominion Bank Building Toronto 1, Ontario Richardson, late of the Town of Richmond Hill, Retired School Teacher. deceased. SANTA’S VILLAGE BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. 67 Yonge St. North 4o LEVENDALE RD” (OPP. LOBLAWS) RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-5621 THE BEST PLACE TO EAT Exclusive Comfortable 'n:.. :n :7 Emma TAKE OUT ORDERS, FREE DELIVERY GALBRAITH JEWELLERS FAST & EFFICIENT SERVICE EXPERT WATCH REPAIRS Frank Evison ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-2728 ENCORE ALL WORK FULL! GUARANTEED Toronto this twenty- Dr. W. G. Cosbie Exclusive Comfortable Dininx Booms. Seating 300 People North at Richmond Hill on Higth No. 11 C AN ADA’S FINEST CHINESE CUISINE Delicious Canadian Telephone TUrner 4-1212 '; omo mmnmmn mom VISIT OUR FIELD SHOW OF 50,000 Rose Bushes in '270 varieties, including the latent novelties are on display. The richest assortment of brand new Everblooming Climbers. grown for the first time in Canada. Be sure to see this colourful spectacle. Show Times 7 and 9 pm. Continuous from 6 pm. Saturdays and Holidays vii-sham 08C" mun-mum mum - IGNIS woman-m III"! Id vmom WI wand? umo IATTUADA - 361qu My}: Mm and Ammo [mum - and on I nml by Mama Mia 727?. I an \mm Thurs.. Fri.. Sat. - July 16, 17, 18 wv74???"SILVAwa VIVECA GEOFFREY HEFLIN1MANGANO LINDFORS HORNE Technicolor' PRODUCED BY DINO DELAURENWTIISi FREE PARKING REAR OF THEATRE Carusle in situated 14 miles north of Hamilton Mon., Tues., Wed. - July 20, 21, 22 finned In "HEY GANG. V JUST SAW A HOVE MTG THE GREATEST! IT’S ML ABOUT A CUTE FEE! AND HER FABULOUS SUMMER WITH THE 9355‘ BOARDERS AT MALIBU BEACH. IT’S THE FIRST MOVIE I’VE EVER ENDORSED. I’M SURE ijt. BOAFQRIGDGET‘ Held in our Nurseries from now on. KRAUS NURSERIES CARLISLE, ONT wMES WWW om .â€" uuw-Jum ufimm Matinee Wednesday 2 pan. 4mm SANDER DEE'CUFF W313! .4 PARAMOUN' RELEASE A DINO DELW m COLCR

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