3 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, July 16, 1959 Eventually someone mentions a trip or party or interesting hap- pening that is now stale news (but not to me). When I ask, “Why didn't you-let me know ab- out lt?" I get the standard re- ply â€" “Oh well, I never thought you'd be interested in that." I bet you and these same folk just don’t realize the kick some youngsters â€" and older ones too -â€" get when they see their name in print. End of lesson for today, and I promise not to harp on it any more â€" if I start to receive the goods pretty soon, that is. On Interesting “Pick-Up" Oh boy! did you ever try to concentrate on a particularly ex- citing novel, sprawled in a com- fortable lawn lounge, while all about you the monstroclties roar- ed, throbbed and vibrated. For several issues the Shore boys were mentioned, having been somewhere or about to do some- thing â€" in hopes we had given the local younger set a few clues as to what we would like to hear concerning their comings and go- ings. As yet very few, if any, have swallowed the bait, leaving us, come Monday evenings, wonder- ing what to use in our “Maple Notes" that would prove of in- terest to our readers. We'll bet the man who invent- ed the ï¬rst power lawn mower has thrown his ï¬rst million to the wind and high tailed it to the deepest and thickest jungle where no one has the urge to cut even a path through its high grasses. Like I say -â€"- those were the good old days! What was that you said? â€" Well. noâ€" so we can't afford one yet! No One Takes The Hint When driving in to Richmond Hill last Sunday. I picked up a hitch-hiker. During the course of conversation we found out that he, Nigel Cooper, had just been in Canada from England for three days. He was in our district looking up some acquaintances. the Cramptons, local residents. Not being able to ï¬nd them at home he was returning to the city. Nige! attends Brighton Univ- ersity in England and is major- ing in agriculture. In order to study the methods in Canada he had come over to work on a farm in Ontario for a period of ten weeks. He was to report Monday morning and would then ï¬nd out where he would be sent â€"â€" in the Niagara district, he hoped. Remember the gone. but not forgotten, summer evenings when you used to relax in your back yard to the lazy sound of your neighbor’s lawn mower as it clicked along cutting the grass, as if there was all the time in the world to get it done? Probably thinking some day one of our sons might be on his own In a strange country, I invited my hitch-hiker to come back to our house and spend the night with us. Bet 110‘- Taken to the Jungle He is a young man his parents must be proud of and with his quick enquiring mind he will have gained a great knowledge of our lives and ways of living during his stay in Canada. A greater share of his life was spent in Kenya, East Africa. and he was full of questions concerning our heating, refrigeration, TV and such. In the morning I drove him in- to the city for his appointment and he said he would let me know his address. I hope he remem- bers to and comes back to see us for he is a nice person and a good ambassador from jolly old Speaking of Meeting Nice People Had a phone call concerning some news t'other day, wonder of wonders. and it brought about my meeting a family that I would and hope to â€" get to know bet- ter. Upon ï¬rst meeting them, they appear to be a fun family â€" Hugh and Ruth McConkey and their ï¬ve children. It was Ruth giving with some news, such as: Maple, Concord & Edgeley Distrigt_s Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Kef’fer have just returned from a month long motor trip to the west coast. including several side jaunts to points of interest along the way. New Neighbours SAME DAY SERVICE Victor Draper Open 7 am. - 12 Midnight DAILY for the entire family TU. 4-3341 Nearly New Clothes Oak Ridges Ontario 67 Yonge St. North RELIANCE SERVICE STATION Radio â€" Washer Conversion To 60 Cycle ENCORE TELEVISION Repair Service Agencies PR. 3-5471 EM. 8-9559 Maple Notes on "The Liberal" is always willing to publish interestinx items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple. Concord 5; Edgeley districts. Our representative in Maple is Mrs. Len Shore. Maple 223W: in Concord. Mrs. Ruth Kefler. AV. 5-2375: and in Edgeley and Sherwood. Mn. Raymond Stuart. AV. 5-1934. Our welcome mat was out beâ€" ing refurbished so we are a little tardy in welcoming Mr. and Mrs. Alex Forrest back to our town. Having farmed here for a num- ber of years, the Forrests moved to their old home town of Lind- say, about six years ago. This spring they decided to come back to us and incidentally to be near their daughter, Mrs. Blake Yake and family. which includes some grandchildren. Mr. Forrest brought back with him some of his ï¬ne Standard Bred horses. Setting out to put Maple on .the map, he drove his speedy two-year-old pacer, Larry Dillard, to an easy win at the old Woodbinerlast July 11. Lining both sides of the Win- ner's Enclosure, his many friends welcomed him after the race and proudly shook the hand of this veteran driver. It is no secret to say that Mr. Forrest is the oldest, as well as one of the cleverest drivers at the Woodbine meeting this year. Con- gratulations and we'll expect to hear of many more similar feats. Covering Up Thanks to Pete Jackson for her splendid write up on the gra- duation exercises at George Bail- ley Public School while I was away. After spending several years in Regina, Mr. and Mrs. George Grant and their teen-aged daugh- ter Dianne, plus one small black cocker spaniel, have returned east and taken up residence in our town on Maple Road. A most hearty welcome and may you en- joy your new hqme in Maple. Girl Guide Campers Incidentally we witnessed the ‘coming out’ of little Johnnie Mc- Conkey’s second tooth (he swall- owed his ï¬rst one). It was so tiny Johnnie, could the fairy ï¬nd it? The Pride of Old Woodbine Diane and Debby McConkey have just returned from Sibbald's Point on Lake Simcoe where they camped. girl guide style. Understand this included “havoc night". The ï¬nal night. it seems, found the leaders and counsellors sleeping bags all tied together around a stake and their tents collapsing around them. Sounds like a heap of girl fun. Also an apology to the class. It seems as though the pictures did not turn out. So sorry too â€" the boys all looked so handsome and the girls so pretty! While verbal bouquets are be- ing handed out, I have a specially arranged one for Mrs. Margaret Woods who so faithfully arrived at my door each weekend with a written copy of the W.M.S. ac- tivitles. Not only did she conï¬ne her reports to the W.M.S., but if she thought no one else had sent in about any particular meeting con- nected with the Maple United Church, she tucked that in too -â€" such as this week. Maple United Church S. S. Picnic Congratulations to Dorothy Murchison for her reporting on Marilyn Waton’s shower. Sure sounded like it was a good haul and fun too. My Faithful Stand-by Held on June 28 at Boyd Park north of Woodbridge. members and friends enjoyed their annual‘ picnic. The weather was ideal and in no time the efficient commit- tee had an abundance of food arranged on tables for the hun- gry mob. Races were run after supper for everyone from the youngest to the oldest. Swimming was available, much to the en- joyment of many. Once again this picnic proved to be a wonderful way of getting together and en- joying yourself with a congenial group of Sunday School workers and pupils. Gift For Bride-to-Be On Sunday, July 5, Miss Mari-l lyn Watson was the recipient of a lovely fruit bowl with matching bon bon dish. Mr. Norman Lund‘ expressed on behalf of the Bible Class and teachers and officers, regret on losing Marilyn from the Maple United Sunday School. He assured her that this gift was but a small token in appreciation for her faithful service as a tea- cher and assistant pianist in the Sunday School. Much happiness in her coming marriage was wish- ed for her. Marilyn received the gift from Gloria Bowes. one of the girls from her class. Bible Class Outing The Maple United Church Sun- dw School Bible Class. along with the teachers and officers, their families and friends from the Sunday School. accepted the invitation from Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kerswell, to visit them at their summer home at Brock's Beach. This has become an an- nual event and as always every- ‘one had a delightful time and thoroughly enjoyed their picnic supper. Many thanks to hosts. 85. Closes During August Still more news from Maple United! The 5.5. will be closed during the month of August so the staff and pupils may take a breather and come back for the lst Sunday in September, re- freshed and ready to start work again for another season. Western Relations Sounds like something concern- ing the UN. or foreign policy! Nothing of the kind. Just happens to be my (Toby Shore’s) uncle and aunt that came visiting their transplanted kin folk. Harold and Martha Rogers. from Bran- don. Manitoba, motored east to visit their son. Wesley and his wife Irlene and family in Long Branch. Sure nice to see them all; there is something about seeing uncles and aunts again even af- ter THAT many years that leaves 'a nice warm family feeling. Hap- py motoring and sure hope Aunt [Martha ï¬nds that ferry to cross! Margy thanks to 7 their A very pretty wedding tack place in St. Clement's Anglican Church, Toronto, on Saturday, July fourth, at four o'clock in he afternoon where Stephanie Anne Slbblck, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard George Sibbick of B.idgeport. Conn; became the bride of Edward Marshall Smith, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald McConkey Smith of Concord Cnt. Rev. J. A. Roney, B. Sc. L. Th. officiated at the double ring ceremony. after which the bridal couple received Holy Communion. A plan to extend the telephone "base rate area" served by the Maple exchange means that fu- ture telephone subscribers in the new Normaple Subdivision will not have to pay the additional mileage charges customary in ru- ral territories for individual and two-party service. Bell Telephone has applied to the Board of Transport Commis- sioners for Canada to have the plan in_effec1_: on July 22. . The bride, who was given in marriage by Ler father, wore a wedding gown of white ’aille ap- pliqued with Italian lace, made on princess lines with long point- ed sleeves and a cathedral train. Her finger tip veil was held in place by a coronet of 'seed pearls and she carried a bouquet of white gardenias and lily of the valley with a pendant silver horseshoe. The bride's attendants, Mrs. Peter Cunningham, Miss Pat Bell, Miss Nancy Raunard and "Much of the anticipated growth in Maple is centred a- round t-he Normaple Subdivision now under construction," said J. C. Garside, Bell Telephone Man- aqar for this area. “About 200 homes are expected to be built by the end of 1960, and enlarging Mrs. W. Bryson convenor of the programme read a paper on the topic showing that a good citizen must have the ability to live in harmony with his fellow beings and learn to adopt himself to other people and their ideas. Var- ious group organizations have helped a great deal. Mrs. E. Witherspoon based her topic on the motto. As an ex- ample .of a life dedicated to a great work. She told the story of the life of' Florence Nightin- gale - “The Lady With The Lamp." The Vellore Junior Girls’ Ball Team joined the meeting after their game. Double Ring Ceremony Unites Edward Smith â€"_ Anne Sibbick The topic for the July meeting of Vellore Senior Women’s Insti- tute was citizenship and the motto - “You Can Preach a'bet-ter Ser- mon With Your Life Than With Your Lips." Normaple Residents To Save On Bell Mileage Charges Good CitiZen Topic For July Meet Of Vellore Women's Institute Linaa McMahon danced 3 Scot- tish dance and the “Foster Sis- ters" sang ducts and trios. These musical numbers were very much enjoyed. Mrs. J. Harrison brought Mrs. Robinson who showed a number of her coloured slides. Mrs. E. Bryson brought her son Archie who also showed some of hls coloured slides. Both of these groups contained pictures of local inte‘rest and added much The well known Jersey herd of Don Head Farms at Richmond Hill, has again qualiï¬ed for the “Constructive Breeder Award" and a certiï¬cate covering this has been sent to the Redelmeier famâ€" ily, owners of Don Head. by the Canadian Jersey Cattle Club "Constructive Breeder Award" Again Awarded To Don Head Farm This is the third time the herd has qualiï¬ed. A certiï¬cate is re- newed every two years if the herd lives up to the high stand- ards, and so far Don Head has hadrno trouble in so qualifying. There is in their herd at the present time a total of 137 cows on test that have a mature equiv- alent average production of 9,550 lbs. of milk, 509 lbs. of butterfat, with an average test of 5.33 per cent. 176 cows in the herd that have been classiï¬ed have an aver- age rating of 87.61 per cent, which is one of the highest rat- ings of a herd of any siz‘ in Can- ada. In addition to high production and type, Don Head has bred many sires that have qualiï¬ed ab- over 450 lbs. of fat on their tested daughters, in the past two years. Aluminum Windows Awnings - Doors CONSULT YOUR FRIENDLY NEIGHBOUR NOW ASSOCIATED WITH TISCO PRODUCTS ROLLY CUR'I'lN Cull AV. 5-3515 Miss Agnes Pollock wore gowns of lemon floWered nylon over taf- feta with crowns of yellow rose- buds and carried bouquets of lavender roses and mauve spring flowers. Little Miss Marilyn Orr was flower girl. Allan Smith was best man for his brother and the ushers were David Sibbick, brother of the bride; Hugh Graham, Richard Patterson and Ralph Richardson. After a reception at The Four Winds, the happy couple left by plane for a honeymoon in Ber- ; |uda. On their return they will live in West Toronto. Out of town guests included Mr. and Mrs. Albert Marshall of Vars, Ont; Mrs. Sam Smith and M:. Wm. McConkey of Cornwall; Miss Jean Marshall, Miss Phyllis Geddes, Mrs. George Muggleton and Mr. Fred Muggleton all of Ottawa; Miss Dora Schneider of Theresa, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Joy Bailey of Winchester; Mr. and Mrs. James Hurdle and Mr. and Mrs. James Davidson of Niagara Falls, Out. the Maple base rate area will bring mates of Normaple residents to the same level as in Maple." The Normaple Subdivision would, under the arrangement, be considered on the same basis as a built-up area. The new “base rate area" would extend west from Keele street to the west branch of the Don River, and from Maple Side- road south to the townlinen Without this extension \of the base rate boundaries, future sub- scribers in Normaple would be required to pay the existing base rate plus mileage rate amounting to 45 cents (for individual ser- vice) and 25 cents (for two-party service) for each quarter mile of distance from the old boundary. There will not be a meeting lh August. At the September meet- ing plans will be anounced for the bus trip to Peterborough In October. At the close of the meeting, lunch was served by committee in charge. 1:6 the programme “Erac’h. mgmber was to respond to the ro_ll call wearing a prim: dress - this was almost 100%. ’ One of the outstanding ones has been the superior sire, Bl'ampton Radar Prince, another is Don Head Golden Basileus, and the tested sire, Don Head Tulips Royal. Don Head Bas Royal Jester has a splendid rating on 10 tested daughtegs Not only has Don Head Farms been active in breeding and sale of Jersey cattle, but the organi- zation bakes a very prominent lead in Jersey activities in York County. In sales they are prom- inent contributors, not only in Canada, but south of the border as well, and have been bidders at many sales throughout the past twenty years. Needless to say, the.herd is fully accredited and negative to the blood test, and every rule and regulation is rigidly observed in their ,breeding program. and those necessary to qualify as con- structive breeders. With the Brampton Herd dras- tically reduced in number, Don Head probably now has the lar- gest Jersey herd in Canada. Sylvia Grant, who has ap- peared with The Toronto Op- era Festival Company, the CBC radio and TV, and The Stratford Festival, left for Banff where she will be sing- ing the title role in Puccini’s opera, Madame Butterfly, August 9th. In addition to the performance in Ban-ff, the opera will also be staged in the Jubilee Auditoriums of Calgary and Edmonton, Ac- companying Sylvia Grant on the western flight are her two sons, Jordan and Peter, who will visit their grandpar- ents in Calgary. The Grants until recently were residents on Gramm Street in Maple. Former Maple Resident Selected Lead Role Best wishes go to Mr. and Mrs. Don Varley, Roosevelt Dr.,.on the arrival of their ï¬rst child, a boy, at Women's College Hospital. House Guest Congratulations Miss Pat Beatty. now of Mont- real, who formerly lived on Roos- evelt Dr., visited with Carol Wood for a few days last week. and en- joyed renewing old friendships. Report Cards Congratulations to those in our area who received favorable re- port cards from Thornhill High School last week, our sympathy goes to those students who failed to make it this year â€" better luck next year. Don Spears, Roosevelt Dr., en- joyed a week of ï¬ne weather for his stay with John Peek at their summer home at Belle Eau Claire. Mrs. Tom Gaston, Downsview, formerly Alma Nelson. Roosevelt Dr., was visiting her parents last week, but it wasn’t a summer va- cation. Alma was suffering from a bout of pneumonia from which she is steadily recovering. Family Re-union Mr. and Mrs. Norman Winter- ï¬eld and family, Roosevelt D11, spent ten days recently at Mrs. Winterï¬eld’s parents’ farm near Cookstown. Their son Raymond will spend the summer there helping his grandparents. Recovering Four generations were present at the family re-union held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norm Winterï¬eld on Sunday, July 12, on Roosevelt Dr. Twenty-seven people arrived including a broth- er and his wife (Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Grills from Garden Grove, California. The ages ran- ged from 4 months to 89 years. lst Langstafl Scouts The Scouts of lst Langstafl, who had their axemanship tests passed, went on a week-end trip to one of the Thousand Islands in Georgian Bay where they ap- plied their knowledge of the axe to the trees and brush on the is- land, as their good deed in clear- ing the land for a cottage. Five Scouts and Leaduef Brian Connett enjoyed their week-end of good weather. The Scouts of 151; Langstafl’ are going to the Composite Camp at Haliburton. Some are leaving o'n Wednesday, others on Saturday for a 13-day stay of supervised in- struction in Scouting. Baby Shower Mrs. Norm Pen-$7, Roosevelt Dr., had a shower for Mrs. L. Quance on ‘Thursday, July 9, with about 15 friends and weigh- bout}; present. Trousseau Tea On Saturday afternoon, July 4, a trousseau tea was given for Miss Norma Lenton by her mo- ther, Mrs. Lenton, at 26 Yonge- hurst Road. It was held from two to ï¬ve pm. and over 50 of Miss Lenton’s friends dropped in to 'see the trousseau and shower and wedding gifts. Junior Miss Mary Lenton answered the door. Greet- ing the guests, Miss Lenton was assisted by her mother. Pouring tea were Mrs. Richard Greenï¬eld, Mrs. Joe Greenï¬eld. Others who assisted were Mrs. R. James, Miss 1Joan Lewis, Mrs. G. Ellis and Mrs. J. Craig. Ross‘Doan Graduation Banquet Correspondents: MRS. E. E. SPEARS 25 Roosevelt Dr. AV. 5-3116 MRS. M. E. TAYLOR 94 Spruce Ave. AV. 5-4293 Fifteen students of the Ross Doan grade 8 class graduated this year and on Tuesday evening, June 23, were honoured with a banquet under the auspices of the Home and School. Due to the lengthy program, speeches were curtailed. Head table guests included the guest speaker, Mr. E. J. Sand. Supervis- ing Principal of the School Area, Inspector M. Haliman, who also briefly addressed the graduating class, Dr. Ross Doan, Trustee Jackson Taylor, Principal Ralph Brown and his staff of teachers, Mrs. Pressley, Mrs. J. Thomas, Mr. K. .Kinzinger, Mrs. McLeod, Miss A. Harris and Miss Honey. Others included Mr. Williams,‘ Mrs. J. Sim, past president of the home and school, and Mrs. Earl Lambert, president of the home and school for 1959-60, Rev. J. O’Neil, Mr. A. S. Elson and Mr. Lou Wainwright At the end of the banquet, par- ents of the graduates were invit- ed to come in for coffee and des- \ sert and to hear the speeches. The graduating students were: Bill Adams, Suzanne Austin, Lin- da Blight, Graham Brown, Val- erie Ewart, Tom Fredrlks, Helena King, Cherelanne Kirkpatrick, Jeanette MacDonald, Lief Schon- berg, Bob Grainger, Ray Shier, Paul Urben, Allan Favelle and Marlies Graeber. The valedictorian address was given by Graham Brown. Two scholarships given by the Home and School Association were presented. Past President Mrs. J. Sim presented the scholarship for highest academic standard to Lie! Schonberg and President Mrs. E. Lambert presented the scholar- ship for general proï¬ciency to Graham Brown. The graduation pins were presâ€" ented to the children by Dr. Ross Doan. He was assisted in this pleasant duty by Mrs. H. Press- ley. . av. The girls of grade 8 presented flowers to Mr. Brown for Mrs. Brown and to the lady teachers. They also presented Mr. Brown with a gift from their grade. On behalf of the home and school association presentations were made to the teacherswho are leaving Ross Doan School this year: Mrs. J. Thomas, Mrs. H.Pressley and Mr. K. Kinzinger. ‘ Miss A Harris had composed special songs for the occasion, Arbour Day, Spring Day, The Banquet (with a special bow for Mrs. Lambert who convened it). Cheerio. Mr. Kinzinger; Ta-Ta Mrs. Thomas. Adieu Mrs. Press- ley and Thank You Mr. Brown. Richvale News Close to thirty teeners and ad- ults attended the annual weiner roast held again this year at Mr. and Mrs. Orr's. The group enjoy- ed dancing to records on the lawn and of course consuming numer- ous ‘hot dogs and bottles of pop. Several novelty dances took place and one of these. “The Lemon Dance," really kept everyone on the bit. Several kids (and a cou- ple of older "kids," too) won pri- zes for spot dances a balloon dance and other games. Atten- dance could have been higher but with some members working and others on holidays, this was ex- cusable. T’rthday Party Teen Town Belated greetings to Johnny Russell who celebrated his sixth b‘sthday last Saturday by having a little party. The children play- ed games anc‘ ate a nice lunch. Enjoying themselves at the party were Lynn Keffer, Ronny Smith, Sharon and Nancy Russell and Danelle Day who came along to help Sharon to get things going. Unable to be present were Bruce and Marsha McClymont who went with the rest of their family to the cottage. Billy Johnson was on the sick list with a tonsil infec- f‘ m. Socials Congratulations to Mark Snider who recently received first class hcnours on his Grade one Music Theory. Mark is a pupii of Mrs. Echlin, Thornhill. Miriam Snider returned recent- ly from a holiday at Glenmore Camlp. We hear that Vicki Watt is making a return to Glenmore as a Junior counsellor next week. A '"ilihda Watt and Jean Gilbert just returned from a week at Guide Camp. 77 w2351:0115 Keffer arrived home last Wednesday from a week's holiday at Woodland Beach with thu Hallowell family. GROWER â€" FLORIST Since 1880 The ï¬nest 'in floral designs and bedding plants. Phone Maple 2 Keele Street Maple, Ont. To Customer Speciï¬cations PINDER BROS. LTD. 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3844 STEEL LINTELS I BEAMS Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service STEEL FABRICATING Concord Automation integrated with CENTRAL CONTROL has been developed by Massey-Ferguson to bring a new concept in service on spare parts for tractors, combines and implements. To assure availability of spare parts to meet the needs and tempo of present day farming the process of controlling the supply and dis- Massey-Ferguson introduces Master Service for Spare Parts Masseyâ€"Ferguson Limited 'I‘II'I‘. A'l‘ï¬.“ Licensed Mechanic. Repairs To All Makes 0! Can Specializing In English Automobiles Tune-ups 1} Texaco Products '1} Towing Service ELGIN MILLS 7T0. 4-1778 and ' H Fur-1 spo-r For all *‘y' THURS, FRI. â€" July 16, 17 LAW & JAKE WADE Robert Taylor SAT., MON. â€" July 18, 20 ROCK A BYE BABY Jerry Lewis TUES., WED. â€" July 21, 22 THAT CERTAIN FEELING Fred MacMurray NOW OPEN DAILY INCLUDING SUNDAY GIANT SIZE FILTERED SWIMMING POOL Bob Hope Joanne Woodward THURS., FR. â€" July 23, 24 SHAGGY DOG AURORA SAND 8. GRAVEL SPECIAL PRICES FOR HOME OWNERS. PIT-RUN GRAVEL, SAND FILL. BRICK AND CONCRETE SAND, ALSO STONE FOR DRIVEWAYS ; THEATRE ‘ .a SWIMMING POOL ' (Comedy Fantasy) - LEGEND OF SLEEPY HOLLOW PA. 1 - 9091 Cinemascope IT’S A DOG’S LIFE Cinemascope Co THREE FACES OF EVE Cinemascope OUR GARAGE tribution ofspare parts by eiectronic methods has been applied in the Massey-Ferguson Master Parts Warehousing operation. Through a network of branches and local dealers there is available to users of Massey-Ferguson equip- ment service on spare parts that will help them maintain their Massey- Ferguson equipment in ï¬rst-class working condition. RUN FOR COVER Color James Cagney Cartoon J elf Richards Cartoon Color Cartoon Cartoon Color Color Color Richard Widmark Color Marilyn Maxwell Eva Marie Saint David Wynne Jean Hagen