'lm'ovim Council Meeting *- Council Hopes Start Soon Markham Rd. Storm Sewers Direct Levy Will Be For Half Cost Town Pay Balance Richmond Hill Town Council Monday night unani- mously passed the Construction by-law for installation of storm sewers on Markham Road and established a for payment of drainage proj attern ects which likely will e car- ried on in all sections of the municipality. The Markham Road storm sewer estimated to cost $218,000. will be paid for by a direct frontage levy on the properties served and by a levy over the whole municipal- ity. The engineer's recommendation of a frontage rate of $5.00 per foot on properties immediately abutting the work, and $2.00 per foot on properties receiving indirect enents was adopted, which means about a ï¬fty-ï¬fty baring of the cost by the area and the town as a whole. It is planned to proceed as uiokly as possible with the 'Iarkham Road project. and it is mperative that it be completed 11 time to enable the County to roceed with paving of the road ext year. The installation of term sewers will take about hree months, and it is hoped to tart by September 1st. If there hould be any delay in securing pproval of Water Resources ommission and the Ontario . iunicipal Board the work could n- undertaken in the winter as a vorks relief project and might e subject to government sub- ad that there must be no dis. crimination and that ratepayers in all parts of town must be treated on the same basis. The Markham Road project will include a storm sewer vary- ing in size from 30 inches at Bayvicw to 54 inches at Cedar Ave. The cost will be paid by issuing debentures over a 20 year period. It will serve most of Allancourt and a considerable area north and south of Mark- ham Road from Bayview to Church St. Councillor Haggart pointed out that there are other drainage ar- any problem concerning the town of Richmond Hill." said the May- or. “everyone has a common in- terest in progress". The motion by Doputy-reeve Tinker to praceed at once with the Markham Road storm sewer was carried with Councillor Has- gart voting against it. “I'm go- ing to oppose the motion.“ said Councillor Haggart. explaining that his reason for doing so was that he had opposed the appoint- ment of Proctor & Redfern as engineers for the proposed proâ€" ject. and to be consistent he could not vote for the adoption of the report. He expressed agâ€" reement with the payment for- mula recommended in the re- port. . Council adopted a recommend- ation of Proctor s. Redfern for acceptance of a tender for soil testing. Councillor Haggai-i ob- jected to the engineers opening the tenders. "All tenders should be scaled and opened by coun- cil," said Councillor Haggart. Councillor Bradstock contended the procedure followed by Mr. Redfern was accepted practice. Works Commissioner Whalen submitted estimates for several other works projects including the storm sewer on Crosby Ave. to cost. $52,200. of which the Liquor Control Board will pay $15.000. The paving of Indus- trial Road will cost $1]..985. of which $9,112. will be levied as local. improvement to the prop- erties served and $2,972. paid by the town. The cost of the Rum- ble Avenue sewer, also a local improvement will be 320.470. Council agreed to opening of Sneddon Road through the in- dustrial area from Markham Road to Beverley Acres. Deputy-reeve Tinker Works Committee Chairman comment- l l decided to call tenders for a new police cruiser to replace the 1058 model now in use. Cost of needed repairs has been estimat- ed at $530. so It was thought good business to consider pur- chase of a new vehicle, Reeve Perkins pointed out that no provision was made in the budget for such a purchase. “We might be penny-wise and pound foolish to spend the money on repairs". said Councillor Hall- gart. Councillor Ross said the car now has a mileage of 30.000 miles. Councillor Hngunri we call for tenders we don't have to buy a new car. but we will see what. we can do. Reeve Perkins â€"â€" l'll go along with that. Council concurred ln police committee reconnncndntion for an additional phone line for the police oii‘lcc. People have com- plained of receiving a busy sig- nal when calling the police. Parking Reeve Perkins. chairman of the oli-sireet parking committee got council support to offer $3,000. to George Elliott for a small parcel of land to facilitate opening a rear lane on the west side of Yonge St. The committee reported prog‘ ress in plans for a lane on the east side of Yongc Si. entering from Lorne Ave. ’ it was decided to call tenders for parking meters on the lot at Yonge and Richmond Sis. 0n the parking lot there will be spaces rented by the month for all-day parking. and parking meters will have a two hour limit. Mayor Tomlin pointed out that council was anxious to assist in maintaining the business assess- ment in the Yonge Street area by making oï¬-street parking av- ailable. The parking committee recom- mended no aciion in regard to the request of Sam Sorbara for a lane from Duf’ierin Street to serve stores on the east side of Yonge St. it was reported that the lot at the corner of Yonge and Dufferin could be purchase for $35.000. ‘ if STOUFFVILLE : Tile 0.M.B. has given approval to a debenture oi $50000 for the Stouiiville Public Utilities ‘Commission. Half this sum is to erect a new Public Util- ities office building, the balance is for capital construction on lo- idy. ass in the west part of town. and ed on the extent of the works , Beverley Acres drainage a storm sewer to be built on projects which he said woum to- cal hydro lines. chemo Was mentioned during Crosby east. of Yonge and that m well over a million dollars. * * * ‘ heldiscussion. Estimated to cost 200.000. council has not yet de- ided how it is to be paid. Dur- ng last municipal eiectioa cam- algn same candidates declared he‘eniire cost should be spread ‘ver the whole municipality. onday night all members of when voted for the engineer’s ecommendation of the appor- onment of the cost of Markham oa'd storm sewer on about a full-ï¬fty lli‘nsis.l‘arid girlsb might graatHincreaseh irii gropefiy val. mmee chairman. reported his son of Aurora was reflected date tn’ “‘5 w“ e the “93' e em†“5 1“- “at 1"" committee recommended against resident fm' (3., d- Th _ mama/ovaron attern for BcVerley Acres or provements anywhere in town the appointment of a by_law em P -» 0 6 Ma Ian or ny‘other drainage schemes in he municipality. the pattern of payment would be essentially the same as for the Markham Road project. Mayor Tomlin said in the Bev- erley Acres drain project there might be government subsidies on a part of the work such as bridges and this might reduce the total cost considerably. The Mayor said he was sure the improvements planned for Markham Road would mean a were to the beneï¬t of all our citizens and all reaped the re- Sevecatwtimes during the dis- wards of progress. "We must not ussion Mayor Tomlin mention- he sectional in our approach to . BUTTONVIL CORRESPONDENT .R. It. 8 Gormley - Pb Neighbourhood Notes Last week work was completed n floodlighting for Brown’s Cor- ers United Church. and now as ou come along No. 7 highway t night the church is highlight d. Very, very el‘fective! Mary Champion entertained -: st week at an outdoor party for strid Flaska, who is back from lorida with other members of er family for the summer. stay- g at Flasks Farms. The girls ad a wonderful day Mary took er guests on a hayride and there as a picnic supper in the flats. Al and Beverley Jones. Lynda nd Jimmy spent last week vaca- oning at Orlllia while Don and velyn McQuay kept Kathy. Another recent Orillia visitor as Charles Hooper. Jr.. who ayed with his aunt and uncle ere while his parents were on trip west. Mrs. Gordon Scott of Oshawa as been a guest at the home of iv. and Mrs. James Manay urlng the past week. While Bill and Molly Hood are olidaying. Mrs. Secrett has been aying with her ï¬ve grandsons. Toronto daily papers have car- 'ed feature articles with accom- anying pictures, recently of Re- ecca Sister and her commission r the Toronto Art Gallery. The iecc on which liebccco is \i i '.â€"l 1g is a mother and two children' roupedl and it will take approx- US NEWS if ‘ l Mrs. P. G. LEA!“ one AXminster 3-6188 Mr. and Mrs. E. Crisp were campers at Rock Lake, Algonquin Park, last week with their son inelaw and daughter Hart and ituth Rowlands and their four children. Sunday Accidents With the‘ usual week-end traf~ flc tie-ups. accidents on Don Mills Road are becoming the rule rather than the exception. Last Sunday morning Mr. Ed. gar Fuller left his home on the east side of the road. at Button- ville and pulled into the south lane of traffic. He was rammed from behind by a second sauth~ bound car. and although he es- caped with a shaking-up his car was so badly damaged it is doubtful if it can be repaired. Before one o'clock a second ac- cident near the Markham Sand & Gravel works damaged three cars, one very badly, in a rear- end collision as cars slowred for the. light at Number 7 Highway. “21. Picnic Last Wednesday afternoon W. 1. members enjoyed a picnic at Lynbrook Park. Travelling by motor. there were approximately 30 members and friends present. During the afternoon' there were games and swimming with a picnic supper and a great deal loo much to eat. He suggested the ï¬nance com. NORTli YORK .3 Metro Toronto mittee review all in the light of executive comm‘ttee has dalayed town ï¬nances and determine a l the building of the new court- schedule of works most umenuy , house in Willowdale. Ten tenders required. An estimate of $7,800. for the extension of Enford Road to El- gin sideroad Was referred to the ï¬nance committee on motion of Councillors Haggart and Ross. Enforcement Officer Reeve Perkins. Personnel Com- forcement officer at the present time. . Ambulance Service Mayor Tomlin reported that the town solicitor has advised the municipality has not the le- gal right to subsidize an ambul- ance service. Recently the am- bulance operator advised coun- cil the local service would be dis- continued and suggested it might be continued if a municipal sub- sidy could be arranged. Lot Size David Thomas was granted permission‘ to divide a lot at the south east corner of Church and Centre East to provide one lot 45 feet in width. five feet short of the minimum requirement for the area. It was stated that Mr. Thomas was very co-operative with council in improving the corner at Church and Centre. "We're just reciprocating." said Reeve Perkins. Public Crossing A letter from the Transport Board advised that it would rec- ommend Crosby Avenue as a pub- lic railway crossing. The town must pay for improvement of crossing, but will be assessed on- ly 12 per cent of the maintenâ€" ance of crossing signals. Council felt the settlement was fair. Nursery School Council accepted the advice of the solicitor and refused the ap- plication for establishing a nur- sery school at 273 Richmond St. Councillor Ross voted against the motion to refuse the application. Water Bills On motion of Councillor Hag- gart. Bayview Variety in Bay- view Plaza was authorized to col. lect town water bills. and add a surcharge of 10 cents for the service. Arcounis must be paid before the clue dale. ":ll7"'llflil Fl'nllch and \lnri’yn Tani licence -, r ‘r v on wires lol' throw- iug the ball ill a basket: Mrs. ()ll i(‘L'Ollllllt‘lliii-liall oi' clllor W. J. Haggart, Police Com- Cuun- ‘ submitted by contracting ï¬rms were all declared too high when opened. sioner said Costs of building had gone up 10 to 12 per cent since the first estimates Were made more than a year ago. Q zi- $ ? AURORA : Malcolm D, Richard- ougbbred Horse Society at its 53rd annual meeting held in Tor- onto. John J. Mooney of Toronto, Vern Martin Jr. of Paris. Out, and Don G. McClelland of King. Ont, were new directors elected. it i i It AURORA : Mayor James Murray has criticized the closing of side- roads in King township at the Barrie highway, particularly the extension of Wellington Street West. He said the closing Was detrimental to Aurora business and necessitated the local ï¬re brigade travelling many extra miles to reach the sixth of King which is in their area. A ‘ lOSEIVO TIME. .. r get Chevrolet - Set a Chevrolet Truck to work Tile property commis- ’1 on your toughest jrec/ Woe pl'edenld 7A9 ~379fl’llc/li6/ WHOSE LOYALTY AND HARD WORK HAVE MADE THE REtENT EXPANSION OF TOWN AND COUNTRY MARKETERS POSSIBLE. TOGETHER WE SERVE YOU 6 THE CUSTOMER Back Row: ‘Walter Thurston, Bob Reid. Gerry Jarrett, Art Green, John Legier, Bob Moore, Bill Rettmeir. Harry Wiseman. Earl Riches, Rod Parnell, Hugh Wise Junior. Front Row: Archie Lyons, Gene Grose. Norm Boore, Doreen Green, H. C. Wise, Fred Wise. Helen Schick, Hughie Kerr. Mae Ruttley. Two other staff members. Thelma Patrey and Reg. Milne were absent â€"- photo by Lagerquist on duty. ‘ aml 'MY HANH' THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. July 23. 1959 l under one reof 15 PRIDHAM'S Paint 8. Wallpaper 2| Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Tel. TU. 4-2819 .r Consult us for personalized attention to all your painting needs. Just ask for na lan . . l Bring, all your personal credit needs with a lowâ€"costoi-eur’ed Loan Richmond Hill Branch: DONALD ROSS, Mona" ] CANADIAN! iN EVERY WORKING WITH WAlK Ol' lliF' Since Ile' McGimpsey's team won the relay race: Mrs. Jean Cook was most accurate at guessing the number of beans in the bottle, and Mrs. Wilkins guessed the correct time. Mrs. Joe Robinson was the best On motion of Councillor flag- is week enjoying the sea air, shoe kicker as usual. gart and Councillor Ross it was “The Bowlers" spent a pleas-i m nt weekâ€"end at a lodge in final untsville district. Present were c 1r. and 311's. Aubrey Stephenson. Ir. and Mrs. E. Walton. Mr. and 11’s Douglas Hood. Mr. and Mrs. . R. Paterson, Mr. and Mrs. dwin Bruce. llr. and Mrs. Chas. oynton and Mr. and Mrs. Mill herman. . Mrs. S. J. English left her ham or a few days while it was being, edecoralcd and visited relatives t Owen Sound ater eight months to complete. he work. which will bring her 2 000.00. will be on view in the allery. Mrs. Dick Jones and a group f friends are in Atlantic City the application of Northview Taxi for six additional licences in town. Police Cruiser job and it stays there, sluggingl until the job Is finished. Rugged, tireless stamina . . . Addition And Alterations To Lions Hall Sealed tenders will be received by (‘li'T- ord & Laurie. Architects. 1999A Avenue Rd.. dynamic. cost-cutting the extra strength of Chevrolet’s all-but indestructi- ble frames. Check the tough. flexible multi-leaf springs. You’ll soon see why more businesses from coast to coast depend on Chevrolet. Ever} Chevrolet Truck is built with your proï¬ts in mind . . . and engineered to keep them coming. Extraâ€"spacious load compartments bring you an extra measure of proï¬t. And Chevrolet‘s extra- Chevroiet engineering . . . mittee Chairman, council refused bring you a great new Gundy Wilson and son Larry" . . ,7 I . . . rotored to Fenelon~ Falls . last! 1?:ng Ontario. until 1.. noon. Jul) 30th, . ciï¬CICnt engines mean You save more every mp- Yes. a low minutes with your Chevrolet dealer will wekâ€"end for a hm: helmqu ‘ i "i ' Short-stroke. high-compression design makes every show you why your best insurance against costly downtime is a Chevrolet Truck. And right now is a good time to pay him a ringing Doreen back with them. h i g h in d e p e n d a b i l ity Mr. Birnlingmn after almost. “0 months" of bed rest, is now' his to be downsisil‘s once a day. i Chevrolet engine an expert at squeezing more miles Drawings may be obtained from the ar- . from every gallon of gas. chitect or Mr. D. Boyd. 66 Centre Street and a new. wider margin 1 ' Kwr was. ‘ .g . . . .- - .. . . 4:131 alignagli‘f ibifzizgga“ ingl \\ est. Richmond Hill, Ontario, after 12 noon, Visit your Chevrolet dealer 5 today and look over Visrt. Lose no time . . . do it Baitiï¬lt‘, 31:11:: gauiidljgs. maxim; the 30th day Of .illly. of profit, the truck for your job. Look under it. too! Check today! C r31 5 . ‘L‘ V. _ _ ‘ > 1 _ CT 455%: While Berta Sl-Ole.V 100“ {0†Deposit; $15.00. c -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer today!â€"_____â€"_â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" â€"â€"â€"- ' ant to a birthday the end of the 69". her brother Art is back 33‘" in Ms County ‘IOSPIFaI CLIFFORD & LAURIE. Architects . a or a skin aft on his foot which ,. 7 r A 33 injured{ in a power mower 199 . . .. ccident bar"; in June. This is the 9A Avenue Rd TU. 1â€"1194 gdï¬..........§..memoir? Toronto. Ontario 'AV. 5-4991 YONGE STREET NORTH. RICHMOND HILL I [try an, we 10 r S Dubles are ver HOW- __ . . . r “me. n... _... r m..-) H†v . ' t , ‘. L; - - ‘ I