Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Jul 1959, p. 17

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l I l i USED CARS AND, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE PRUDENTIAI TRUST CO. We have a number of low priced homes and building lots; also a few new homes List youi home or lot with us for quick action. Mr Hudson. phone TU 4-2822 or HU 3-4343 tt‘cII MELODY ACRES Township of King. paved road. convenient to Yonge, elevation over 900 ft. 1 acre scenic lots. frontages 01' 125 it. full price $3.000 Tcrmsz. John R Blyth. Realtor. member of York County Real Estate Board. F ..k Ridges PR. 23â€"5241. Evenings. Stan Rule PR. 3-5325 ttc49 PRIVATE SALE. 31,800 down. 6- room brick bungalow. aluminum storms, steps to Separate and Public Schools. shopping and bus- es. Phone TU. 4-3711. c3w2 {LARGE roomed bungalow. gar- age. large recreation room. porch. 78’ x 133’ lot. TU, 4-2684 c2w3 COLONIAL HOME. centrally lo- cated. very clean. five years ol(],i six rooms and a study. TU. 4-2947. ' VACATION PROPERTY If you have $50.00 for a down payment and can attord 50c a day. you can own a nice ten ac- res of woods, less than a mile from Provincial Highway. with 20 rods frontage on good gravel road. In three hours from where you are now you could be driving into your own summer property. Five minutes walk from boating. swimming and fishing â€" and the natives don't have to leave home in the fall to get their deer. Box 72. The Liberal. '“1w4 " i CAVE on MY JOB rut 0mm aw seems: as sickness, Yls Sim, JUST oor M04315! or warm 1:! “ “ rhu -. HA L'L’r“ DOMESTICFUEL OILS ' AUTOMATIC DELIVERY COM-WAN l/EA 7'//V6 SALES a‘SERVICE a _‘TIJ.4-206I / REAL ESTATE FOR SALE (Continued: VIRGINIA. N0. 48 HIGIIVI’AY 5 room new bungalows. Fully modern. will rent with option. Shopping centre. Toronto 48 miles. bus at door. TU. 4-5438. clw4 W PRIVATE SALE â€"â€"- owner mov- ing to Arnprior. All decorated 3- bedroom bungalow with recrea- tion room and extra bedroom in basement. Stove fireplace. Back- yard fenced. Water softener and storms and screens. Stove and trig. All for only $16,900.00. 5% N.H.A. mortgage carries for $87. a month. principal. interest and taxes. Phone TU. 4-4993. tiw4 FIRST TIME OFFERED $12,500. Well kept 5 room stucco bungalow with 60-foot frontage x107 and nicely treed. Only one block off Yonge St.. centre of Richmond Hill. Hot water oil heating, attached garge. Preperty clear Must be sold. HARDING BLVD. 317-900 $17,350. Custom built rug-brick CIW3 bungalow on quiet residential street with 88 foot frontage. All double sized bedrooms. 20 foot living room, dinette 9‘x7’, kitchen 12’ x 9'. finished recreation room with open fireplace and adjoining den. Walk-out basement to attach- ed breezeway and garage. Grounds completely sodded and nicely landscaped. Outdoor barbe- cue. A family home of distinction. Mrs. D. Carter, AV. 5-1905 J. A. Willoughby & Sons Ltd, Realtors Suburban property and farm cat- alog mailed free on request. Call AV. 5â€"1905 clw-I IT’S NOT TOO LATE! To see this luxurious brick bunga- low iii King (‘ity with five modern and tastefully decorated rooms, storms and screens, carport. $15350 with low down payment. The only ranch style home of this] quality in King! All brick. attach- ed breezeway and garage. Paneli- ed living room. fireplace. double glazing, 3 bedrooms. ultra modern kitchen. $19000 with terms. This lover stucco home is com- pletely enclosed by tall cedar hedges. is close to schools and shopping in Aurora. Features four bedrooms, large living room. am- ple closet space & finished recre- ation room. $14,700 with terms. Are you looking for a nine room 1 .ick house in immaculate condi- tio i, situated on a neat landscap- ed lot in Aurora and priced at only 516.500 with low down pay- ment? Call Peter Kitchen EARL V. STEWART Real Estate and General Insurance Agent :1 Yonge St. N. Aurora PA. 7-5076 clwi _____,_________.___4 CHURCH NOTICES 0N PAGE 11 8900. AV. 5-4511. "1 w-l 1952 CHEV. sedan dclivci'y good mechanical condition and lll‘(‘\. $135 or best offer. TU. 4â€"1667. ch-I 1951 FORD convertible. almost new motor. needs some body work. Best offer. Cash. 223 Baker "lw~l Ave., Richmond Hill. Ont. twoâ€"door. mechan- ‘52 FORD. Freshly painted custom clean‘ ic's own car. Must be sold. Priv- ately owned $450.00. Will take car. furniture or anything rea- sonable as part payment and ar- range finances. Will guarantcc. .Vlr. Nadeau. AV. 5-5000 ch4 '50 MERCURY Sedan. Iully equipped, excellent condition. Bill. AV. 5-1075. ch-I | TRUCKS 1956 FORD Station Wagon i STATION WAGON 1955 Plymouth 4 door suburban. standard shift. new engine. trans- mission. private. AV. 5-4257 or AV. 5-2986 evenings or early morning. c-1w4 '52 MORRIS MINOR convertible. good second car. $250. Phone AV. 5-3180. clw4 _________.__._____._. 1957 VOLKSWAGEN. like new. seats 9 persons. $1895. Call AV. 5- HM 2621. 49 MORRIS. fair running condi- tion. First $65. takes. Private. AV. 5-4283. c1w4 1953 PONTIAC. Very clean. $500. Phone AV. 5-4593. clw4 '55 METEOR, 2 door automatic radio. terms or trade. Phone Maple 65r21 after 5.30 pm. *2th # TRANSPORTATION __________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" WANTED ride Richmond Hill to Lawrence 81 Caledonia. arrive 7.20 a.m.. leave after 4.30 p.m. TU. 4-5617. clw4 WANTED transportation from Beverley Acres. arriving down- town 8.30 a.m.. returning 5.30. TU. 4-4379. clw4 TRANSPORTATION wanted from Oak Ridges to Aurora. ar- riving 9 a.m.. returning 5 p.m. PR. 3-5-170 evenings. *1w4 TRANSPORTATION wanted from Beverley Acres to vicinity of Parliament and Fleet. leaving 6.30 a.m.. returning 5.30 pm. TU. 4-5257. c2w4 m WANTED PIANO WANTED Anv size or make. pay cash. phone Toronto LE. 4-9419. collect. ti’c3 WHEAT STRAW, must be good. HUdson 1-6241. c1w4 WANTED a playâ€"pen riage for foster child. Please phone TU. 4-4007. clw4 2 FRENCH DOORS TU. 4â€"3528. ' ' c1w4 and car- PETS FOR SALE 3 REGISTERED baby tuidgics from talking strain al\0 breeders TU 4-2205 ti'cllil DOGS auxilable tor good homes Impoiindinu lit-nucl- Dtlllt'l'lll Street. .\lnplc. Tclcplioiii- 54 rm: ‘2 .\Iaplc ticii DACHSIIUNI) male. 6 month pedigreed Good with children. Reasonable. TL‘ 4-35-10 cIu-I AMERICAN rocker pups bloiidc. 1 t'cmzilc. spiiycd, registered. 1 Boston II'IIIQ'I pin .\V. 5-3170. l'I\\’I 'l‘\\'0 littlc killt‘lh to anyone \\ ho \\ill give thcni it good homc 10 \‘ongc St. S. 'l‘l' 44836 c2w4 SHALL fov lt‘l‘l'lt‘l‘. tree to good home or farm in country. 9 mos. old. 'I‘U. 4-2670. clw-I ’1 Summer Resorts 1 â€"-I TRY THE White House Lodge. Rice Lakc. Gorcs Landing. 12 miles north of Cobourg. 80 miles east of Richmond Hill. Good food. Good fishing. suimming. boats launched at government pier. Phone S. Tmnlinson, 'I‘t‘. 4-1797. c4w2 3 BEDROOM cottage. Georgian Bay. 112 hours from Richmond Hill. Fully equipped. Water in kitchen. Safe. sandy beach. Availâ€" able last week in July and third week in August. $30 per week. Call TU. 4-5017 after 5.30 pm. ch4 FOR RENT l COTTAGE 10 miles from Gravenhurst on Buck Lake. Bass fishing and boat. Furnished by the week. Ap- ply .I. P. Rutton. R. R. 3 Graven- hurst. Phone Murray 7-2432. *2w4 COTTAGE TO RENT at IIalibur- RUSTIC building lot. bush and! or creek Vaughan Township. con- venient to Maplc. private. D ton. AV. 5-1508. c1w4 REAL ESTATE W A NTED -____...__4 Rani Macpherson. Maple Lumber. ttc4 way 51., :V‘laple. ROOM and BOARD ROOM & BOARD available. 5 from Yonge St.. Rich- .\Ien preferred. TU. c1w3 minutes mond I Hill. 4-1821. ._.____._._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_._ ROOM 8: BOARD available. Gen- tleman preferred. Phone TU. 4- 4987. ciw14 m POULTRY W AN TED CAPONS. and fowl. highest pri- ces paid. Don’t sell until contact- ing W, S Poultry Grading Station. PRospect 3-5301. Appleton. Oak Ridges phone tfc‘l'i LIVESTOCK FOR SALE .\I.-\\' we t'Jt't‘ hit‘ \out‘ do: - uhih- you mum your vacation PR 21â€"3071 c8u31 SADDLE .\l \itE 2|. till -i.\ weeks old halt .\mb colt. also hand~ some yearling :\I‘(lll colt Will .\t'II rczisonablc to good homes Laurence Brice. Ix'celc St. 0131319 Pliuilc Maple 124 "I\\4 TWO YEAR OLD Stallion. Welsh pony in excellent condition. Real bargain. 5125. AV. 3-31‘26. cIu-l MORTGAGES _-- L _ . . ._____; it"l‘ .\ND 2.\‘D mortgages bought. sold arranged (‘all .\li. Stroud. I'IL’ 3-3711. 'l‘U 4-3263 “029 WANTED 86.000 first mortgagc. .xv. 5.3920. mm SALE REGISTERS SAT. JULY ‘25 u- Auction sale 01 choice modern and antique furniture. electric appliances. scale model Lionel railroad. ut- ensils. dishes. glassware. garden tools. etc. on \Voodvicw Road iRouue Ilillsl half mile north ofi 1st concession Pickering Town- ship Property 01 W. G Apple- gath. Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash day of sale. No reserve. Property sold. Kcn & Clarke Prentice. aucâ€" tioneers. c3w2 * a d 0 SAT” JULY 25 7- Auction sale of farm stock. implements. hor- ses. cattle to Yorkshire sows 40 chunks I l.lI.C. tractor. W4 good Case Combine. 6 It. with heavy duty motor. starter. complete. Grain. straw and household fur- niture at lot 33. con. 6 Vaughan Tounship. 114 miles west of 401. The propcrty ot' Archie McDonald. No reserve l'arm sold terms cash. Sale at 1 pm. DST. A. S. Farmer auctioneer. phouc Gorinley 5311. i! 'l» k ‘!< WED“ JULY 29 7 Auction sale oi" high grade Holstein and Guer- nsey dairy cattle. DeLavaI bulk milk cooler. Surge milker. Case tractor. Chevrolet sedan delivery. farm machinery. etc.. property of the Late George Hutching's Estate. at Lot 24. Concession 2. Pickering Twp. Sale at I p.m. Terms cash. No reserve. See sale bills for full particulars. Ken & Clarke Prentice. auctioneers (52“ it it! w o: THURS. JULY 30 -â€" Sale of farm stock. implements. Short- liorn and Hereford cattle. calves and horses. Ford-Ferguson trac- tor. tractor equipment. full line of farm implements til/i). miles east and north of Zephyr). at lot 30, Con. 4 Scott Township. The property of Ben Johnston. No re- serve. t'arm sold. Terms cash. Sale at 1 pm. D.S.T. A. S. Far- mer. auctioneer, phone Gorinley 5311. Bert Lochie. clerk SOMETHING TO RENT TRY A LIBERAL CLASSIFIED TU. 4-1105 ll fl”.-- ayr ‘I‘lic HIL'IIIIIUIItI Ilill L‘Ztaiiibi-r oi Comiucrcv has won six Provincial .\\\itl‘tn‘ \vith lion- otii‘ziblc .\lention as the best Jun- ior Chamber in Canada and for t|~- Community Service [or the Polio Fund which they organised. Tllt‘ll‘ greatest ;I('III(‘\’t‘IIICIIl however was in Leadership Train- ing and assimilating new mem- hers and integrating them into the Chambcrs' activities The New Executive elected last Monday is as follows: President. Murray Mchod: 1st Vice Presiâ€" dent. Ralph Markham: 2nd Vice President. Colin Burgess. Direc- tors. Les Buckler and Peter Pfen- ning: Secretary. Boh McClellan; Treasurer. Brian Longbottom. Past President was C. E. C. Wil- Iiams. At the ott‘iccrs training meetâ€" ing which followedV planned act- ivity tor the next year was de- cided upon. As the J-aycee's prime objective is leadership training. the inter- nal committee's are closely assoc- iated with self-improvement ac- tivities. Included in the program are courses on Effective Public Speaking. Chairmanship and Of- I‘icer Training. Rapid Reading. Business Administration. Effec- JLIIIIUI‘ dramatic. Hammond sun. Ontario. Thursday, July 23. 1959 ees Win Many Provmnal Honour For Local SerVIce tne Letter Writing, Municipal and Civic Allan's~ and a French Conversational Course. A new .Iaycee unit l.\ to be sponsored in .\letro 'I‘oroiito. .\Iembcrs arc to be encouraged to attend as many District. Prov- incial and National Conterciices as possible to gain further expor- ience. Social functions will include a corn roast, dances and a box lun- ch auction. plus various conven- tions when the Jaycettes come out to join their husbands. .Iaycee dinner meetings will ‘be held on the lst and 3rd Mon- days every month from Septem- be through June at the Summit View Restaurant. The Jayccttes have their oun year of planned activity also wlii- ch iucludes garden parties. Christ- mas card sales, Bazaar to help Retarded children etc. as well as a booth at the Richmond Hill Fair. They will have their own dinner meetings on the first Wed- nesday each month at the same rendezvous. New members are always wel- come and those desiring further information should contact the Past President C. E. C. Williams at TU. 4-3798. ___.__._.....4 The passing of Frank Groves Peddie at Sunnybrook Hospital on Monday July 21, came as a great shock to many who called him ‘friend' yet never met him per- sonally....l‘or Mr. Peddie had. dur- ing the past 19 years been part and parcel of family life in most homes in Ontario with his beloved portrayal of Thomas Craig in the radio role which he had created. for “The Craig Family. We would venture to say that. ‘Thomas' and his homey philos- pl'iy; his devotion to ‘Martha' his radio wife. and the life he and his ‘family‘ enjoyed on their I'ic- ticious farm. has had much to do with many city-dwellers taking to rural living. over the past two decades. Children. who have loved him as Mr. McGarrity in the television series. “Maggie Muggins." will miss his beneficial influence in the life of Maggieand in their own 1ives...for it has been a beau- tiful and endearing friendship \v'iich Maggie and Mr. McGarrity {and his garden) have enjoyed to- getlier. ‘ Mr. Frank Peddie’s portrayal 01 'Thomas’ Craig. with the broad BOB CRAIGIE’S MEN'S and BOY'S WEAR RICHMOND HILL kSa ve White No Dollars” - Iron Shirts " 'A great saving in Dress Shirts .Broken Sizes Grouped for clearance. Reg. $5.95 $4.58 «5: 2 for $9.00 Retr- 57-50 o, 2 For 10 ONLY 2 Pce. SUITS Regular Weight â€" Well Tailored Greys and Browns Reg. $55.00 .. - $44.88 Popular Style SPORTS COATS Men’s Imported Tweed Reg. to $239.50 - Juniors. sizes 6 to Reg. to $21.50 Youths' s Reg. to $11.9 izes 32 to 36 $23.88 $15.88 12 $1.33 % “Famous Name Short Brand Names - Lastex Reg. $3.95 Reg. to $12.95 51 COLOUR ON WH Reg. $5.00 Reg. $1.50 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS. Easy to care for cottons. smart styles and designs - - $3.38 Mens Summer Weight. WINDBREAKERS Grouped for Quick Selling Reg. to $9.95 â€" I. DRESS SHIRT Famous Make - Expertly Tailored - - $3.38 MEN'S BELTS Quality (‘owhide - to clear .99 < Sleeve" Men’s and Knits Reg. to 980 YOU B A R G 0.48 I'I‘E school wear. Reg. to $8.95 and Reg- 31.98 T. SHIRTS You can’t have too many for summer wear Reg. 53.95 _ - $3.48 3 For SWIM TRUNKS FINE NAME BRANDS Reduced 20-50% SHOP & SAVE! White Reg. to 56 Boys” SOX Stretch and Regular Better Quality Lines .77c Wash Reg: to $1 $6.38 A good Men's SUMMER CAPS IV) League â€" plains, stripes. plaids 1.38 IL 3 ‘Don.‘t Miss This Clearance’ TEEN - AGE SHOES Broken Size Range in many assorted lines â€" See these at this bargain price - â€" $1.99 MEN'S SLACKS & wear, blends. wools. grouped for clearance 2PAIRS For$I.50 W'Mg'gs - - CAN’T AFFORD TO MISS THESE A I N S â€" Youths 12 to 18 SLACKS Neatly Tailored Ideal for in dark colours 6-95_ 9 Special Clearance MEN‘S BOOTS AND OXFORDS For work or dress in the lot. size range in the groups. Reg. to $3.93 _ _ s5.88 Reg. to $12.95 - _ .\Ien's Iii-Cuts in this group OPEN THURS. FRI.. NIGHTS T0 9 PM. _ $1.48 Frank Peddie - Thos. Craig- Passes Mourned By Coiintless "Friends" Scottish accent. was real - for he was born in Scotland and edu- cated at the University of Edin- b rgh....but as his former radio and stage audiences know he did not always speak with the same rich Scottish burr. Following service in the First World War in which he was wou- nded & taken prisoner. Mr. Ped- die was awarded the Military Cross. later he served in India as superintendent in the Punjab. After coming to Canada he fin- ished his law course and studied acting by night, while practising law during the day. At last he gave up his practice and devoted his time to acting, which he had now made a full-time career. Radio, stage and television have all been his mediums of expres- sions until ill health curtailed his efforts earlier this year. “The Liberal" join: his many friends across the country in ex- tending sympathy to his wife, the former Lillian Nchish .and his two sons. David and James - and to those who have acted out the role of life with him, the. mem- bers of his former radio ‘family.’ Sizes 6 to 13 1'7 m DONCASTER Correspondent: 1 Ha vid Barbour Henderson .\ve. Phone AV. 5-3205 Oil Redd) Saturday and her .\la) '30 ‘Mrs youngest son Philip. left for a visit to Nor- folk. Virginia. and on July 8. her husband and her other boys. .\iichael and Peter left for the south to retrieve them. They all arrived home again after a plea 16. I ’sant time on July Correction , 'llcri'y Robinson is a she. not a be. And she is four. not three. Terry Robinson. .\iurgiin A\e. \\:.l> tour years old on Monday. .11in ii; .\lrs. II. \li/cu. Sprucewood Drive. returned hoinc. .luly ‘ll. after spending a week at the Ar.- ricultural College at Guelph. Thc Jordan family 01' Morgan Avenue, left during the past week-cud to spend two weeks \a- rationing at Cape Cod. The nine Gain children enjoy- ed the visit of their cousins Ann and Peter Gain for the weekend They are from Toronto. Cancer research is being car- ried out in seven of the 10 Cana- dian provinces. Most of the mon- ey tor its support is provided by the Canadian Cancer Socicty. R ICE’S FLOWERS R I (‘H MOND HILL "Flowers For A! Occasion" PHONE TU. 4-1810 AT ALL 801113 We Deliver Toronto and Surrounding Districts mm® SERVICE ft"; m. Tl‘iiPnaliso win... TU.4-564I BAYVIEWATMAMMAK l l â€"It03 SHOES Black. Brown and Red, in the assortm Reg. to $5.95 em. - - $3.88 â€" Boys’ Short Sleeve T. SHI RTS S to 16 yrs. Fine combed cotton. assorted stripes and plains Reg. $1.79 Reg. $2.98 $2.18 “1/2 Price Clearance" SWEAT SHIRTS 10 only in white â€" crested “Richmond Hill” in green Reg. $52.98 v2 PRICE $1.49 6 Only CAR COATS Smartly styled - Showerproot' Sand Poplin Reg. $14.95 $9.99 For Summer Wear BOYS‘ WINDBREAKERS Assorted colours. rayon l zipper closing. ined Specially Grouped Reg. $5.95 529 Reg. $6.95 S3.99

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