Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Jul 1959, p. 1

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Foresiull Annexation Membership in the permanent joint committee will include two council members from each mun- icipality, plus a representative each of the planning boards or planning departments. Set Up Permanent Jolnt Committee "We've got to stick together to save ourselves,” said Mayor Ken Tomlin of Richmond Hill as it was agreed to set up a nine man joint committe to wrestle with "mutual interests": Education, transportation, planning, water, sewage disposal and incineration. “Our three municipalities are being run on a sound economic basis. We can only lose through annexation. We would have to shoulder part of the cost of ear- lier mismanagement by councils Agreeing on a firm policy of mutual help and co-opera- tion representatives of Richmond Hill, Markham and Vaughan last week made “Little Metro” a reality by set- ting up a permanent joint committee to protect their, “in- divided autonomy and common interests.” Their decision to take such\action followed repeated threats by Metro Chairman Fred Gardiner and North York Reeve Norman Goodhead to absorb the fringe municipalities into Metro. “All we can do is lose if we go into Metro and share their fan- tastic capital debt program," the mayor declared as heads of the Lhree municipalities met» at Rich- mond Hiil's municipal hall. The alliance brings together half of York County â€" combined population of 44.000; assessment $60,000,000; acreage 160.000. fining Events DAILYâ€"~Dufierin Fairways Golf Range and 18 hole Reg. Minia- ture Golf Course open 10 am. to 11 pm. 4th Annual Toronto 3; District Miniature Golf Champ- ionship Tournament. September 8, 1959. Open to all men and wo- men over 16 years. Fun for all. Enter qualifying 'play now. For your added enjoyment after gol- fing a new swimming pool is av- ailable. Registration and infor- mation at Duflerin St. at No. '1 Highway. Phone AV. 5-0032. JULY 23 â€" Thursday. 8.30 pm. at Loblaw's parking lot, Rich- mond Hill. The “Lucky Draw" for the beautiful Hi-Fl set spon- sored by the Kinsmen Club will be drawn by Mayor K. W. Tom- lin. Remember - “Your winning ticket may not yet be sold". Tick- ets are on sale right up to the time of drawing. clw4 EVERY SA’I‘URD}:J NIGHT â€"- 9.00 p.m. - 12.00. Dancing to Max Cameron’s Orchestra, at Canad~ lau Legion Hall. Camille Road. Richvale. Sponsored by Rich- mond Hill Branch 375. Canadian Legion. 75c per ‘person tfc36 BINGO every Thursd' ’ Orange Hall lst byw- Loblaws Ago ~, EVERY TUESDAY. Bingo 3 pm. at the Legion Hall, King Side Road. Oak Ridges. Cash prizes and jackpot. tics} BINGO every Wednesday ev ing a. 7.45 pm. at the Can? Legion Branch 375. Carrvi‘f West. Rinh ale. 7,;‘5’ "The best place to reflect upon things that are wrong with our world is in from of u mirror." To Name Markham Representatives Next. Monday Markham was represented at the initial meeting by Reeve Clark and Councillor J. MacNeil. Mr. Clark asked council to be ready next Monday to name two coun- cil representatives to the committee. The third mem- ber will be a member of the planning board. Pleased with the initial meeting of "Little Metro" held last week. Reeve W. L. Clark reported to Markham Township Council Monday of the decision to set up a per- manent joint committee. This new nine member commitâ€" tee will serve the mutual interests of Markham_ Vau- ghan and Richmond Hill. Problems to be dealt with in- clude transportation, water. hospitals, education. subdiv- isions and sewage. RICHMOND HILL ACCIDENT RECORD FA TALI'I‘IES’ I ACCIDENTS [I INJURIES 84 ' ll The Country Parson 1959 ’ t; .11. in 9" [rth If ’ tfc27 cl\\'4 "While we have these prob- lems," said Mr. Clark, "they are not insurmountable. The water question is all but solved â€" there is plenty available. And the prov- ince must pay a bigger share of our schools. Our real problems, that of sewage and transportation, both have to do with Metro. of municipalities now incorpor- ated in Metro.” he sad. Mr. Tomlin said more than 99 per cent of the voters in Rich- mond Hill would vote against an- nexation at the present time. Markham Township Reeve W. Clark listed problems confronting the three municipalities as water, sewage disposal. transportation and schools. Vaughan Township Deputy- reeve Victor Ryder agreed with Mr. Clark on the importance of an immediate solution to the sew- agg disposal problem. “it has frozen our development. We have been waiting for five ye .rs to have the question of sew- age settled but because of Metro we haven't been able to do any- thing. We can't \vai‘ any 1 nger. We have land available an must press for immediate action." said Mr. Clark. Suggests Full Time Co-ordinator VOLUME LXXXI, NUMBER 4 Reeve Clark promised to bring the suggestion to the attention of York Warden W. Hodgson. Reeve W. L. Clark of Markham Township tabled a letter Monday in which Mr. Ian Grant of Gormley, Mark- ham’s Civil Defence Coâ€"or- dlnator recommended that the county consider appoint- ing a full time co-ordinator. So far this year two success- ive part time co-ordinators have resigned. First Reeve John Perry of Vaughan Township gave up the post to be followed by former Reeve Marshal] McMurchy. It is anticipated that work will get under way in a few weeks, and the official open- ing should take place later this year. Mr. Grant stated that the adjoining County of Ontario with a population of 119.000 has a full time co-ordinator. Ontario has a slightly larger population than has York County. The Federal govern- ment will pay a grant of 75 per cent towards the salary of a tull time co-ordinator and the province 15 per cent. leaving just 10 per cent to be borne by the county. Councillor James Haggal‘t -â€" one of the representatives from Richmond Hill on the Metro Toronto Conservation Authority has advised "The Liberal" that the Minister of Planning & Development for Ontario has approved the Mill Pond Park project. Start Work Soon Mill Pond Park Mayor Ken Tomlin is seen cutting the ribbon to officially open the spank- ing new addition to the Town and Coun- try Food Marketers plant on Markham Road. Huge crowds enjoyed last week- end’s three day special celebration marking the opening. Mayor Cuts The Ribbon Mayor Tomlin said the co-opâ€" erative effort by the neighbour- ing municipalities was most com- mendable. “The degree of co-op- eration manifest at the first meet- ing was something seldom exper- ienced." said the Mayor who out- lined the many fields in which the coâ€"operation of neighboring municipalities could be very helpful. just plain stuck! Win, who is employed by Dr. W. A. Ripley. local veterinarian, called Municipal Dog Catcher Ron Herd. Mr. Herd decided when he arrived on the scene that something drastic would have to be done quickly. for a de- luge of rain was falling and quick action was necessary to save the dog from death by drowning when rain water began to pour into the tunnel from the ditches at each and of the culvert. Mr. The co-ordinating committee of representatives from the municipalities of Richmond Hill, Markham and Vaugh- an has now been organized and local council members are ltiigking forward to beneficial results fr'om the cooperative ’6 ONE. r 1n announcing the completion of the organization at Monday night’s Town Council meeting Mayor Ken. W. Tomlin said the setting up of the committee and the first meetings had been one of the most gratifying experiences of his years in public life. Each municipality will name three members to the committee and Richmond Hill representaâ€" tives will be Reeve Perkins, Councillor W. J. Haggart and a nominee of the Planning Board. In suggesting the Richmond Hill representatives Mayor Tomlin said that it was Councillor Hag- gart’s motion which had brought forward the idea of the commit- tee. The Mayor said fields ,of co- operation were unlimited but at the outset would include all branches of capital expenditure ,for services, the establishment of an incinerator for garbage dis- posal, and in the field of trans- portation and hospitalization. Mayor Tomlin said at the ini- tial meeting members were un- animous in the opinion that local representatives could best solve â€"- which was slightly on the plump side â€" had got stuck in the pipe, while running at large. Win Butlin said he was seated on the verandah of his parent’s home at 38 Roseview Avenue ar- ound five o’clock Friday evening when he saw the dog â€"- whose name by the way is Gypsy -â€" run into one end of the pipe. Casually-Win watched to see it run out the other end of the cul- vert. But as time went on and the dog failed to appear. Win went over to the culvert, peered inside and discovered the dog was trapped six to eight feet from the entrance. She couldn’t go through to the other end of the culvert â€" nor could she back out â€" she, was just plain stuck! Takes 5 Men, Tractor To Reiease Trapped Dog It took three men from the Richmond Hill Works Depart- ment, a tractor, the municipal dog catcher, Ron Herd, and a bystander to release a dog from a culvert on Roseview Avenue last Friday evening, after the dog Municipal Co-operation By Joint Committee Will Help Greatly Says Mayor "In Essentials Unity; in Non-Essenti Grouped around Mayor Tomlin are (left to right) Norman Boore, Robert Reid, Sales Manager Hugh Kerr, Mayor Tomlin. Hugh Wise and Fred Wise. owner of this expanding million dollar local business. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1959 district problems and there was no need to be forced into the Metro organization. Mr. Tomlin suressed the fact that local'mun- icipalities are not in competition with each other. but all are in- terested in securing the maxi- mum in services and develop ment in the most economical manner. "This we can do", he said, “much better collectively than working individually.” local force for a year as a cadet between the township of Whit- before being promoted to conâ€" church and Newmarket for the stable last April. Constable use of fire fighting equipment and March is 21 years of age and was personnel has been approved by married this spring. Newmarket council. Constable March served on the NEWMARKET - An agreement Constable March served on the local force for a year as a cadet before being promoted to con- stable last April. Constable - Councillor Haggart expressed regret that too much publicity had been given to the opposition of fringe municipalites to inclus- ion in Metro. “This new organiza- tion of the fringe municipalities was not set up to fight Metro,” he said. "but rather to co-oper- ate in matters of mutual inter~ est. I doubt if there has ever been anything like it in the his- tory of Ontario municipalities," he said. . At Monday night’s Richmond Hill = Town Council meeting, Police Chief R. P. Robbins intro- duced Constable Nigel ‘ March who recently graduated with high honors from the provincial police college. ' His Worship Mayor Tomlin congratulated Constable March and presented 'him with his cer- tificate from the college and from the St; John's Ambulance Association. The Mayor congrat- ulated the officer on the high standing attained which rated as high as 95 per cent. Reeve Perkins suggested the organization should not be labell- ed v“little Metro.” Deputyâ€"reeve Tinker suggested the organization might be en- larged to include other munici- palities in the area. “That would be fine.” said the Mayor. “we're not a closed corporation". Local Constable Wins High Honor Herd called the town works de- partment. and the three workmen who responded had to dig up the 32 foot culvert and break it open in order to release the frightened canine. Marilyn Graham. 91 Roseview Avenue. owner of Gypsy, is very happy to have her dog safely back home again. photo by Lagerquis Liberty At Mo day night’s Richmond Hill Tow 1 Council meeting Coun- cillor W. J. Haggart expressed disappointment that the press was excluded from a recent meeting of the council committee probing the engineering responsibility for the quarter million dollar drain- age problem in Beverley Acres, and the expensive breaks in the Crosby sewer. After Reeve Perkins committee chairman had complained of the difficulty of getting a meeting of his investigating committee coun- cil agreed to meet as a committee of the whole to consider the evi- dence. The meeting was held last Monday night with Reeve Perkins presiding but press representa- tives were not admitted. In declaring that the press Mayor A grees In declaring that tl‘ should he admitted to : ings of council and co} Councillor Haggart said ning the press we are out the props from our ‘ tic foundations.” Closed Meeting Poiicy Criticized By Haggart ‘ “It is with deep thanksgiving that We hold our service here this morning . . . We can now have a feeling that we have something visible to show for our labours . . . It is only a begin- ning . . . We must never forget that the Church of Christ is not bricks and mortar, but consecratâ€" ed men and women” . . . With these words, the Rev. J. Newton- Smith, rector of St. Gabriel An- glican Church, Richmond Hill East, commenced the Sunday morning service of Thanksgiving and Holy Communion â€" the first church service to be held in the new parish hall. Though the buil- ding is still under construction by the contractors_ the members of the congregation laboured hard to prepare the hall for use, installing the pulpit, organ, and seats to accommodate the two choirs and the large attendance of worshippers. other half thereof; for an the people had a mind to work." Ap- propriate music and hymns were selected, with church organist Mm. E. V. Collier. A.T.C.0., at the Hallman electric amplifying reed organ, which fulfilled ex- pectations, also the acoustic pro- perties of the new structure met with approval â€" as proven by In his greeting to the mem- bers and welcome to the visitors, the rector expressed his gratitude to the congregation, Wardens (Rector’s Warden, ‘ Mr. James Haggart; People’s Warden Mr. .L. Smith; Deputy Warden Mr. R. Lister), also to the local Public School Board for the use of the Beverley Acres Public School for divine worship, and to the school caretaker for his assistance. Thanks were also accorded to H. J. Mills Ltd. for their contribu- tion of beautiful roses that pro- vided such an artistic floral set- ting to mark the occasion oi‘_ the first service of the Church of St. Gabriel in its new location. The Rector’s text_ aptly chos- en from the book of “Jeremiah. 4th chapter, 6th verse . . . “So built \re the wall; and all the wall was joined together unto the other half thereof: for all the people had a mind to work." Ap- The R en from 4th chap built we wall was Study Cross Walks For Richmond Hill Mark First Service At Church Of St. Gabriel On motion of Councillor R. P. Ross, Richmond Hill Town Council Monday night asked the Police Committee to investigate and report on the advisability of establish- ing cross-walks for pedes- ing cross-walks fpr pedes- trians in the town. Mr. Ross said there'was evidence the cross-walks are working well in Toronto and reducing ac- cidents. Councillor Haggart - If they’re‘ in all things the wall; and all aimed together unto E thereof; for all 1 a mind to work." W. Tomlin who was or the start of the press was excluded )uncillor Haggart’s at all meeting-s of unmittees should be ublic and the press. thing to hide" said e are spending pub- To mm the star as was the press I) all meet; committees “in ban- : kicking demnara- Charity speaking the truth, there‘s no- thing to fear. Deputy-reeve S. F. Tinker, sec- onder of the motioa to exclude the press said he thought the best way to clear up/the sitmtion was to hold the meetinan camera, COUNCILLOR W. J. HAGGARTi Mayor Tomlin said that he thought in fairness to everyone the meetings should 1: open to the press and public. Certain st :tements were made about the engineering and he thought it only fair that the engineers have the Opportunity of presenting in public their side of the story. Councillor Haggart contended that the press and public should be welcome to attend all meet.- ings of council or council. commit- ees. and he did not think-~m' dggzx there was any disservice to public. the fine rendition of Handel’s “Holy, Holy” â€"â€" the solo sung by Mrs. H. D. Melsness (Joan Hall). The ofiicial opening ceremony of this new parish hall of the Church of St. Gabriel will be conducted by the Right Rever- end F. H. Wilkinson_ Lord Bish- op of Toronto. on September 28. Miss Sara Gibson of Rich- mond Hill, who this year won the first prize for the highest academic standing in high school Grades 9 and 10, has been chosen by United Art- ists Film Corporation to ap- pear in the television series the Hudson’s Bay Story. This series is presently on loca- tion at Kleinburg and will b: shown next Spring in Can- a a. Wants Probe In The Open Church. The bride is Mr. and Mrs. Gordon clo Frank Robson is a wedding last F Watson to Dal Local Girl To Appear In TV Series HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 SINGLE COPY 100 ell-kno To Hire Inspector Rickshaw Wedding Early in April council after receiving a letter from Tom Broadhurst, a candidate in last year's municipal election, order- ed a full. scale probe to fix res- ponsibility for the quarter mill- ion dollar drainage problem fac- ed in the Beverley Acres area and the many expensive breaks in the Crosby Avenue sewer which cost the town more than $50.000. The special committee of council headed by Reeve'F. R. Perkins was named early in April at the request of council resolution. The committee was asked to investi- gate engineering responsibility for the flooding condition in Beverley Acres and the expensive breaks in the Crosby In his letter' to council. Mr. Broadhurst suggested legal ac- tion if it is found the engineer- ing of the projects was at fault. Council authorized the appoint- ment of a three man committee to make a thorough investiga- tion. Reeve Perkins was named chairman of the committee and the members are Councillors J. W. Bradstock and Joseph Pater- The report of the Perkins Probe Committee will be presented to Richmond Hill Town Council at the regular meeting Tuesday. August 4th. . This was announced by Mayor Kenneth W. Tomlin at Monday night’s counch session. son Council's Probing CommitteeTo Give Report August 4th SBVVBI‘ It i tings mitte weak. , Since the appointment of the probe committee council has continued to engage the engin- eering firm of Proctor & Red- fern as consulting engineers for town projects. They were named over the objections of Councillor Haggart for preparatory work on Markham Road storm sewers and Monday night were appointed to do similar work on the Crosby sewer. Council action would indicate that the forthcoming report will not recommend any action a- gainst the firm of Proctor & Redfern. Probe Chairman Per- kins ‘and committee member Councillor Bradstock have con- sistently continued to support Proctor & Redfern for town engineering work. heard from Councillor Haggart Monday night opposed the appointment of Proctor 8: Redfern for work on the Crosby sewer. As announced by the Mayor, the probe report will be present- ed to council at the next regu- lar meeting. but it isvnot expect- ed to censure the engineering firm or recommend any legal ac- tion to recover cost of recurring sewer breaks or drainage scheme for Beverley Acres. One result of the probe was H uded ittee com; ular ee, but mmittee when s< not known how many mee- ave been held by the com- but council did meet as nittee of the whole a week 1211 several witnesses were This was the meeting which the press was ex- and to which Councillor 11 several This w hich the and to v made I counCiI he Yn FASTEST GROWING HOME WEEKLY IN ONTARIO ch Counc erence at meeting businessman and native of the district. Uncle Frank delights in giving the wed- dings of his nieces and nephews a diff- 1t toudh. like this one in full Chinese ume and rickshaw. mee- com- et as week were ill or the evident at Monday night's town council meeting when Reeve Perkins, probe chairman, and al~ so personnel committee chair- man moved fan. the appointment of a full time Inspector of Com struction. Councillor Ross who supported the suggestion for such an appointment mentionefi a possible salary of ‘from $5.000. to $6,000. a year. Councillors were unanimous in supporting the motion for a Construction Inspector. “We’ve seen too much money go down the drain not to adopt the suggestion." said Councillor Haggart. "Down the sewer." cor- rected Deputyâ€"reeve Tinker. Can’t Subsidize Ambulance Servw Markham Township Coun- cil was informed by letter from Richmond Hill Monday that it is not legally possible for ‘towns or townships to subsidize an ambulance ser- vice. On motion of Councillor W. J, Haggart Richmond Hill Council asked the Finance Committee to investigate the advisability of establishing I local Commission with au- thority to purchase land sites for industrial use. Mr. Hag- gart said he thought such a commission might prove very useful in promoting desired induatrial development. Earlier Mr, R. J. Cundy‘ operator of the Richmond Hm Ambulance Service had on suggestion of Richmond [1111 Council {revered an esâ€" timate on' th cost-of apex-o ating a subsidized service. Richmond Hill had asked him to prepare an estimate after he informed them he was unable to carry on a private service. Mr. Cundy estimated a_subsidized ser- vice would cost $2,400.00 an- nually with Markham‘s shat. set at $300.00. . Markham Police reported they have relied on the am- bulance service in Markham Village for emergencies, and the service has been satis- factory. . Earlier Mr. B. operator of the Hill Ambulance E May Name Commission, For Industrial Sites 10120 by Tom Whit!

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