To Customer Speciï¬catimns PINDER BROS; LTD. 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 The ï¬nest in floral designs and bedding plants. Phone Maple 2 Keele Street Map-1e, Ont. STEEI. [INTELS I BEAMS Women's Shoes Women's Casuals Reg to $20.00 Reg. $6.00 to $14.00 LUMBER - LATHS - TRIM - SHINGLES - GYPROC ROOFING MATERIALS 71 Centre Street East $8.95 to $12.55 $3.95 to $9.75 5225 YONGE AT PARKVIEW RAJ-6814 AIR CONDITIONED FREE PARKING AT REAR GROWER â€" FLORIST Repairs To All Makes Of Cars Kept in Stock Portable - Crane Service STEEL FABRICATHNG Hill City Motors Industrial Road TU.4-333l RENAULT Sheppard and Gill Lumber ‘Co., Ltd. SUMMER A SALE Since 1880 Children's And Men's Summer Shoes Builders’ Supplies SHOES / no. Grandma helps daughter with her responsibilities. Above left to right are Sassy and Spook, pedigreed French poodles owned by Capt. and Mrs. A. Mcâ€" Corquordale of the Salvation Army House of Concord, Keele St., Vaughan Township. Sassy, who was a pup of Spook’s two years ago, produced ten silken poodle puppies recently, and :brama .91: jAe ~/4m'ma/ Jénqc/t TU. 4-1361 Who, before his story was told in these columns, knew, even though they had many times visit- ed “The Playpen†on Richmond Heights Plaza, that the proprietor, former Squadron Leader Howarth was one of the hero‘s of the last war, a man who led through those terrible years endless bombing missions from any one of which he might not have returned. A man who has flown his squadron through heavy anti-aircraft fire to accomplish his mission, who has seen the aircraft of his com- rades tumbled out of the sky in the full knowledge that a lucky shot by a German gunner might end everything for him too at any moment. Now, shed‘of his glam- orous uniform and with the war behind us, the hero still lives and serves the people of Richmond Hill. An Ordinary Man These stories are endless and we shall be reporting more of them from week to week. Take an ordinary man like stocky, dark- haired Frank Pirri. Frank owns the only fruit market in Rich- mond Hill. Situated on Yonge Street at its junction with Bed- ford Park Avenue, it is a large and well stocked market offering its wide selection of fruits, vege- tables and groceries to the local folk who shop there. Mr. Allan Smith of Edgeley. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wilson of Toronto, Miss Diane Hoover, and Miss Patsy Baker of Ballantrae had dinner on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Yake. Mrs. Anderson and Donna, and Mr. Ron Anderson and Miss Mar- lyne Anderson of Regina. Sask.. visited Mrs. Anderson’s brother- in-lnw and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Frank’s father, Joe, emigrated from Messina, Sicily at the toe of Italy more than half-a-century ago, in 1903. Joe settled in] Mon- treal but three years later in 1906 returned to Sicily to serve the compulsory military service of those days, three years in the armed forces. Remember! Vacation Bible School commences at Gormley United Missionary Church on Tuesday, July 21, at 9 am. Every child from four years old and up is cordially invited to attend. In our report of 1959-60 church officials at the U.M. Church we omitted the Church Trustees: Mr. Melvin Baker, Mr. Alvin Farmer, Mr. Fred Yake. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Ingram of Dundas spent Saturday with Mr. and Mljs. George French. Mr. and Mrs. CfSummérfelt had dinner on Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. John Hawkins. Master Kenny Brillinger of Toronto is spending a holiday with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brillinger. Mr. and Mrs. Orland Teal of Springvale visited Mr. and Mrs. George French on Sunday after- noon and had supper with Mr. and Mrs. Roy NiglL We wish a complete recovery for Mr. Gordon Chadwick who is conï¬ned to Brierbush Hospital for several weeks with a heart condition. David and Limbert Yake and Keith Preston are at Trail of thgiPines poys’ Camp at Stayner. We are pleased Mrs. A. Haw- kins has been able to come home after convalescing at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. Koch in Mark- ham. Returning again to Canada with hi; wife, Joe this time settled in Toronto. But not for long. Em- Who, before his history was told in these columns, knew the full story of Mr. Fred Wise who is a man still living and working 10- cally, who has built up from scratch a million-dollar-a-year business, proving beyond doubt that this great country of Cana- da is stiil a land of opportunity? the store, or at the local food market, has an interesting story to tell. Readers of “The Liberal" who week by week enjoy the stor- ies we publish of the People We Know. will appreciate this fact because they are constantly hav- ing different examples placed be- fore them. ALMOST EVERYBODY YOU MEET ON THE_STREET or in “Saw Indians With Papooses†34¢ CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED GORMLEY NEWS when she had difficulties in looking af- ter her brood (her very ï¬rst), Spook came to her aid and helped mother the tiny creatures. Now Sassy and Spook are raising the poodles between them. Many visitors, including dog breeders and veterinarians have been calling at the House of Concord to see the unus- ual participants of the animal drama. â€" Photo by Mona Robertson Telephone Gonnley 5201 20%,. m chw tia. Mrs. Creelman (Judy) is keeping house at home during their absence. Misses Dawna Barrett, Marilyn Doner, Florence Yake, Jean Baker, and Patsy Baker, are spending this week at the Trail of the Pines Camp at Stayner. Mr. and Mrk. Eric Morliy and children visited Miss Margaret Brown in Hamilton on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Hendersdn and family are holidaying this week at Elim Lodge Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Wilcox, Ri- chard and Dinah left on Satur- day morning for several weeks visit with relatives in Nova Sco‘ A number from _our community attended the Sider re-union on Saturday at Queenston. Mr. and Mrs. C. Milsted and Charleen attended the Duncan family gathering at the Albion Hills on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Fred Terry of Parry Sound visited his nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. D. Moses. He also en- joyed a visit with his friend, Mr. B. Langley. Congratulations‘ to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Steckley, who were married on Saturday afternoon in Victoria Square United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Black and boys are holidaying at Shanty Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Wideman spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Neale Sider and daughter at Wellandport. D. Moses and girls last week Mr. and Mrstorman Johnston and boys enjoyed a camping trip last week. Mrs. Elias Elliott is able to be out again after her recent illness. She is very grateful for her friends’ ’kindnesses. Such are The People We Know. There are many among us who has an interesting story to tell. If YOU are one, or if you know someone else who can +ell a story, let us known at “The Liberal†office. The more a community knows about itself and the indiv- idual people who are members of it, the more friendly it will be. jr. too d ing school holidays.) by visiting t is friendly market at Richmond Hill, and maybe if you can persuade him to talk he can tell some interesting stories whi- ch he heard in his youth from the lips of “Old Joe.†That however is not the end of the story. Later other members of the Montreal family came vis- iting as the friendship of long ago resumed and blossomed. The friend’s daughter, Rose, was a- mong these visitors and it was not long before she and young Frank had fallen in love and planned to be married. They now have two children, both boys, Joe aged 15 and Frank Junior aged 13 of whom the pan ltS are very proud. | Joe senior or Grandfather Pirri as we might call him, finally died a few years ago aged 66. Grand- mother Pirri is still alive and ablé to keep the grandchildren inter- ested with the tales of the old days which are no more. Readers of “The Liberal†may meet Frank and Rose (and Joe Years later while young Frank was growing up fast, a friend of Mr. Pirri Senior went to Mon- treal in connection with the fruit business. While there this friend met a man who said that he had known a man called Joe Pirri 35 years earlier and did the friend ever hear of such a person. The friend said, “Yes, he is in busin- ess in Toronto now.†“Well,†said this stranger, “111 just have to go and see him there.†The stranger was as good as his word and came to Toronto to see old Joe Pirri. It was the man in whose home’ he had lodged when Joe first came to Canada. Joe must have created quite an impression to be ' remembered and sought after so many years later. Mr. Pirri senior finally settled permanently in Toronto and brought _ a family of one boy and three girls in the city. Strange Co-incidence ployed by the Railway he worked on a Section gang across the West and remembered the Indians, as they used to be-carrying their papoose on their backs. ingc 36 Yonge StreetuSouth + SHOP EARLY AND OFTEN DURING THIS SALE + SALE PRICE 79c ea. SUMMER HOURS NECK WEAR Normally Sold at $3.98. Now Selling at Summer Caps our THEY G0 â€" Values to $1.50 49¢ ea. OUTDOOR SHORTS ' Wash'N'Wear T. Shirts All regular lines now being offered AT SALE PRICES Reg.$2.95 SALE$2.29 Reg.$3.95 SALE $3.29 _Reg.$4.95 SALE New ngmm Popular Como Cardigan: , 1.4. __ -54.. A - ‘ - Long Sleeve 3A4} Jam? ea. hiie Koo-es Short Sleeves Regular falue to $3.98 MGSII $2.69 azmsoo Val-Mar Plads “"5 ~ I I'IUHSIJE ' Shuts - LONG SLEEVES DON THURSTON er- I -I-Il I- -v--â€"g ---â€"-.... Broken Ranges, Values to $5.95 $3.88 Ideal 'for summer wear. SHORT SLEEVES Polished Cotton. Reg. to light. so tightsnuwuy styled reve - Regularly Sell at $7.95 WAi/e jéey Jud Tuesday, Wednesday. Saturday till 6.00 p.m. Thursday and Friday till 9.00 p.111. Men's and oy's Wear C/ - earl; IHURSTON STORES LTD.» V . earlng at Balance of our regular branded wear being offered Short Sleeve SWIM WEAR '. Reg. $10.95 NOW $8.95 MEN'S THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, July 23 Hobby Jeans WM? care they're 4.95 NOW . a 5 $2 95 wash n wear ONE THIRD OFF. 2 for $1.50 Values to $2.00 - $2.98 ea. Reg. $7.95 SALE Values to $3.95 Richmond Hiil Buy now at these low pricei. $4.95 ea; . 1959