Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Jul 1959, p. 6

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Miu Joyce Stevenson. daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Steven- n, Schomberg Road, Oak Ridge: my to Scotland last week for a visit with her grandmother and a tour through Ayrshire with Mr. Stevenson’s sister. Protest Meeting Around 40 angry Lake Wilcox residents met with Whitchurch Council a week ago to try to iron out tax differences. Mr. L. Han- son and C. R. Smith acted as spokesmen, after asking for the special meeting. Apparently taxes have risen abruptly. but most left the meeting satisfied and aware why taxes could not be reduced. Main “beefs” centred around the school tax, garbage collection rates. Clerk John Crawford ex- plained all matters and promised that all complaints would be monoughly looked into. Some of the delegates requested the date for payment of the discount be extended beyond July 15, but it was explained it would be a very ticklish thing to decide on since many home owners have already paid their 'taxes. Surprise Party A surprise miscellaneous show- er was held for Miss Valerie Cobb last Monday by Mrs. Wm. F ‘ler daughter Pat and Miss' 11- ga Peferseu. About 17 friends at- tended at the Fuller residence. The guest of honor was presented with many lovely gifts and the evening closed with delicious re- freshments. Miss Cobb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Cobb, Par- ker and MepLegrove, was mam‘ied July 18, at Trinity Anglican Church, Aurora. to Mr. Brian Scott. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott. Oak Ridges- Schopl Pleysmnnd A "first" this year at Lake Wil- cox Public School is a playground program. John Shierer, grade 8 tea her, is supervising, and Miss Ja e Seager is assistant supervis- or. Mr. Shierer runs or nized' sports activities for the older children and Miss Seager keeps things moving for the young sec- tion. Whitchurch Council allowed a small grant to by equipment. New swings wil be put in the school yard where the classes are held. layground hours are 9 am. to 4. 0 pm. five days Meek- ly. About 100 children attend the classes and it is hoped that swim- ming lessons on a once a week basis may be held 5040;}. Lions Annual Carnival 1y one mile north of the present- ]y built up commercial area and south almost to the Bond Lake cuwe. Representing the Board of Trade were Jack‘ Blyth. Owen Barr, Kjehl Styrmo. Ed Beeton. Donald Findley and Werner Bloehm. Pl 113 were co-ordina‘ted with Whitefiurch Council at pre- vious meetings. F11” To swam! er was proposed for the north and south of Lake Wilcox Road. More residential areas were pro- posed between these points and the zoned area would reach near- Special Vote There will he a special vote on goptember 3 by the Oak Ridges ratepayers, regarding the pro- posed water system. This date wu set last week at a special meeting of King Township Coun- cil. Council also met with repres- entatives of Oak Ridges Board of Trade to discuss zoning in the community. A plan which was drawn up two months ago was gxamined and some amendments were suggested. The major am- endment would provide for a mull industrial zone west of You e St. and north of Oak Rid- ges , uilding Supplieg, and smoth- Lions Carnival has again come and gone and for the second year in a row the Jack 8: Jill ‘Promen- aders from Pine (3 avg captured the trophy for top onors as did their caller, Murray Morrison for best caller. Placing second and third were Beayer River Square Dmcers and Fergus Junior Far- STUART PAX'I‘ON WIRING LINE WORK 6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday. July} k. «Ame \N‘z ’WWWW WWW Oak Ridges, Lake Wilma Social: Telephone TU. 4-1650 28 Industrial Rd. TUrner 4-2613 For Prompt Cogrtgnus Servicc Call Phone TUrnet 4-2881 ’ MOVERS 8 Migmei NEW WORK â€" ALTERATIONS - REPAIRS Electrician MOVING ROGER PROULX King City, Lake Wilcox Free Estimates Gladly Given PLUMBING & HEATING PACKING Vacation Bible School has end- ec‘. and the children put on their annual program for parents and friends. The attendance was close to 30 nightly and closing night it was 318. Many of the boys and gm; received certificates for faithful attendance. Note . A ‘_I _ Miu Mary Downing, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Downing, Yonge St. N., Oak Ridges and Mr. 'Russell Hughes, son of Mrs. L. Hughes and til; late Mr. Hughes of Oak Ridges, were married on Saturday gfiempon, July 18, at the Brethren in 0hrist Church. Aubé'ey Ave Rev. Roy Nigh ofl’icâ€" iat'e . dedy McLernon, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. McLernon, South Road, Lake Wilcox, has been con- fined to Sick Children’s Hospital, for a few days for a slight ail- nent, but is progressing favour- ably and will be home sometime this week. 7 _7 _ , . , Accident Victims Are Laid To Rest Sympathy of the district goes to the two King Township famil- Es of Bill Cairns and Kenneth pgglas, who were killed instant- ly last week when their car struck a tree in Vaughan Township. Both funeral services were held Friday afternoon in Aurora. Reva Martin Jenkinson conducted the service for Bill Cairns, 18-yearâ€" old son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cairns of North Keele St, King City, who leaves a brother, Boy at home. Burial was in King City Ceme- tery and pallbearers were mung friends, Barry Wallace, Donald Gorion, Jimmy Laugdon, David Flucer. ‘Vern Greenwood and Brian Peter. Ken Douglas, who was buried in the Anglican Cemetery at Nob- legon, is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Douglas of R. R. 1, Schomberg, a younger brother, David, at home, and a ‘married brother , Ross, of King "Exâ€")rrectrdate for the Legion pic- nic is August 16, not August 2. mers respectively. Jim McBride won the Hiâ€"Fi set; the panda bear and $25 went to George Marger- um, Oak Ridges, and’the Isdies' draw for the treasure chest was won by Mrs. S. Beamish. Lake Wilcox. There were excellent crowds both on Friday and Sat- urday with a very successful wind up dance following the Square Dance finals. Music for the dan- cing wss provided by George Ke- rgff and ms Melodaires- Drmm At Lake Wilcox bpgmer, a . a?“ “W. The third youth riding in the g; . Edward McNaughton, son of r- and Mrs. P. A. McNaughton of R. R. 1. King. miraculously es- caped with forehead cuts requir- ing three stitches and severe bruises. After g day in Branson Hospital he returned to his King- horn home and reportedly is com- ing along “very well,” according STOUFFVILLE : Nine years ago, the Stoufiviue Arena had an in- debtedness of approximately $27,000. This moyth, the final mortgage payment of $3,000 was completed. ing along “we to his mother‘ DAILY SERVICE "comma AND mm LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING 62 Crosb)’ Ave- RICHMOND HILL STORAGE IE : Nine years ago: a Arena had an in- of approximately AV. 5â€"5101 “The Liberal" it always pleased to publish items, of inter- est regarding people and events in the Oak mazes-Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our news correspondent in King City in Mrs. William J. Houston, telephone Kin; 9MM- and in flak Riding-Lake Wilcox, Mrs. Elisabeth in King C“! in Mrs. William J. Housu 205M: and in Oak Ridges-Lake Wilc‘ Orton. Aubrey Aw. phom I’ll 3-5619 Proving he was bhe top athlete by winning four contests at King City Women‘s nstltute picnic at Boyd, Mr. Ted Munng earngd ; handsome total of four cigars. Just happensthe 4935111 5mg. 9. uuu- Alf-rrv- -7- _, Some of the 63 parents and children attending the lively ga- thering at the conservation site went in swimming before supper. Afterward there was a variety of races arranged by Mrs. Austin F mble, Mrs. Robert lanes. Mrs. Verdun Gordon, Mrs. Norman Wade and Mrs. Bruce I I". u "v - _. Glearview's second plan in due to be accepted next Spring, Mr. Lawrence reported. "Our hil' gest concern at the moment is getting our subdivision assumed by townshipf: he s_aid. "UMII. Johfi 'Langdop is associa- tion secretary. W. I. picnic u an on... _._-__. .._ The men’s relay team begt the women’s in‘the race of carrying life savers on toothpicks, but in a similar juniors’ contest the girls defeated boys. -r~ «- The majority of over 50 house- holds in the subdivision is re- presented in the asspciation. “A ratepayers' associltion is thc og- ly way we can ma e sure the su - divider lives up to gal-9g ants," Mr. Lawrence told "'1‘- e L and." “After all, unitgd we stand, di- vided wefll." _ _ . . gum.“ ~v Mr. and Mrs. Ted Munroe mode the best time in a thregrlegged race. Mrs. Norman Wade and Mr. Munroe were best in shoe-kick- ing races, and Mr. and Mrs. Ro- bert Innes‘ came first in the wheelbarrow effort. Judy and Donna McKendry Stephen Honper led in the '1 to 10-year-old races. Lucky spot pri- zes went to Mrs. William .Will- oughby and Mr. Munroe for being nearest 3 congealed ground peg; ings Mr. George Lawrence, preli- dent since last autumn, resigned office but still intend! to be an active member. He in acting on his own suggestion at the rate- payers’ last meeting. that officers and chairmen be elected gradual- ly so a new. untrained. executive wouldn’t be taking over all at once. He favors the system. such as is used by school boards. ro- tating officers. The retiring president Would like to see more of the home owners supporting their associa- tion by attending its meetings and being delegates to Village Trua- tees’ gag Township Council meat.- ucngcgu :- uv..,.,..,.v_ 0,7, Tots under four years recgivefl baloons for running. In the pea- nut scramble when blind-folded youngsters tried to hit with g stiCk the bag of peanuts hanging from a tree, Janie Abrahams‘ha the, most success. Mrs. John Norris won a prize for being the eldgst mgmber pres- ent and Heather Bland, at six months, was the youngest. Cubs at Camp 7 _ I U-Hlv- -- 'Pr'rnâ€" Three Queen’s Scouts, Barry Wallace of King City, Jerry Hop- kins and David Moore of Oak- Ridges, helped Cubmistress Mrs. Rene Bamford when she super- vised the three-day camp of about Moving up from vice-presidan- cy. Mr. Ralph Laney in the new head of Clearview Garden!’ Home Owners’ Association. C Web News ‘he regular meeting of the Tes- ton Woman’s Association was held in the Sunday school room Wednesday July 15 with 19 members present. Mrs. Wm. Mar- wood was in charge of the ‘meetâ€" ing. Mrs. Roy BoWen led in pray- er follpWed by the scripture read by Mrs. .C. Couth and the les- son thoughts by Mrs. J. Murray Mrs. W. Hadwen gave the topic entitled, “If You Ask Me.” She spoke of the probLem which sometimes haunt us through life and posed the question. Are we the problem or the answer to pro- blems? For instance while driving are we the careful driver or the one who feels everyone else should be? Mrs. H. Grimsb read two poems “Time Waste -’ and “Four Leaf Clover." Church services were resumed in Testop United Chg ch pp Sua- day after a holiday 0 two weeks during which time Rev. and Mrs. Martin Jenkinson enjoyed a mo; guy-nu Mrs. Russell Burbridge was hos? tess wednesday evening July 15 to abpgt twenty friends and nei- ghbours who presented Mlss Nor- ma Amos with a miscellaneous shower in hqngur of he: (orth- coming marriage to 14;. [mag Fiorini. The we ding take place Saturday uly 25 at the Church of the Apostles, Sheppard Avenue. Miss Evelyn Hare returneg home Saturday after a two wee vacation in the Canadian West. Flying T. C. A. to Calgary Miss Hare visited with friends there and enjoyed the Calga-i'fy Starg- pede and trips to Ba f, Lake Louise etc. gum un uL-,.‘...-v-- 7.,1‘1- tor trip (0 the east mist aim parts of the United States. Socials « -- ,1._n AURORA : The Toronto Ar 05- auts‘ have cgncluded thgisl; V 9- ’{veék trainiqg camp at . â€" dréW’s Cofiege. Many loggl zeins watched the twice daily practice sessions in which 53 Canadians and Americans our. for the team Teston . News . . 1959 Correspondent: Miss Joan Pelletier Phone Maple 4R12 King City Notes Ridges pan“. nun", ..... _ chart, the campers were spared the return trip on loot. Cum on the camping trip in- cluded: Peter Cook. Douglas Armstrong, Jim and Douglas Dix- on, Donal Orr, David and Danny Brooks, Laurie Doolittle, Donald Allies, David Glass. Bruce Rum- ble, Chris Wilson, Leonard Long-bran. James and David Hea- slip.‘ Ronald Macnaughton, James Doner, Paul Chalk, Ricky Cooke, Noel McDonald, Bill Donaldson, Neil and John Watson. Cub Akgla in Kin City for the past yen. Mrs. Bam 0rd first be- came interested in Scouting in Richmond Hill, when her son was a cub and she served as Cub- mistress of the First Richmond Hill Cub Pack for two years. John, now 13, is a Scout and acts on Cub Instruotor. ‘ 7 III- _I-..A w sun. Some of t-hg boys accom fished tests tor their proficiency dges and tried for athletic, first aid and observer badges. Thu packed program wound up with a six- mile hike to investigate some caves. Srian time was running two dozen local Cubs at Ox Trail Camp in Hockley Valley. Cub In- structors John Lacey and John Bamford also gave a helping hand. ‘ Parents took their offspring im- a picnic supper at the camp and three days later the boys return- Ed home by bus, arranged by Mr. Jamw Flucker who acted as War- den. Last year Mr. Flucker was chairman of the Scout Group Committee and now be is on the District staff, A _ _ _ The boys slept in lodges and did not attempt their orwn cook- ing. since meals were prepared by Mrs. Gurm of Richmond Hill, They had swims twice a day, baseball and soccer. A Depart- ment of Lands and Forests rep- resgnts’civo took the Party on an imitating two-hour nature study wa . I Uuu Anon a-.." Before coming from England eight years ago Mrs. Bamford had been. active in the Anglican Church Glfls’ Brigade. but was never epnnected with Scouting before moving here. She has a seven-year-old daughter, Judith Ann, and a baby of two, Ian. She attends local Scout Group Com- mittee monthly meetings and is in Kingcrafts Leather Group. Grass tire Ar . â€". ,,,_..-_..X‘l». “In” luv A grass fire at Temperanceville called out King City’s Fire Bri- gade on Wednesday evening last week. News from Here and There Recent visitors with Mrs. E. E. Harrison, John St. were her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Beck of Keswick and her brother-in- law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Williamson from Los An- geles, who Stfiygd ten days- ,A .. o:.._L ..:.~:6 6n Vina 5“”?! YVIKV v'wazr W _ It was tin; first visit to King City for Williamsons during a trip to New Orleans, 314mg, the Eastern seaboard and through Ngw York. ‘fter their Canadian stop they went on to Las Vegas Douglas Parsons, David Camb- den and Paul Rumble had a camping holiday at Camg'Ah- shunyoon‘g, Lake Simcoe. Weed-cuttillfi A. .,,,___..:_ u- Emplpyed"by the township, Mr. Ivor Wiliams of Oak Ridges has bgen cutting weeds on village Va- cant lots durin the past week, ugdg‘ the dire: ion of Weed In- spficto; Cansbable Harold 3115- se Cradle. Boll pert? Plum» n Aha t 60 St the younger Sun- ;iay Sc moi members of King City Unitgd Church werg entertained by the W. M. S. at an outing in King Memorial Park. Mrs. Lennard Appleyarq .conâ€" ducted the graduatibn .of six-year- alds into thp Miss/mu Bané- The LLA“ 1:- H‘nu”. "PM?! '9'? "lYVâ€"r‘x\-- , .. , tots enjoyfid suckers as they lis- tned to storms read by Mrs. Ed- mund Walla; and Mrs. Quentin Hardy. At Seminar Two King students, Carol Dem- becl; of the Fourth Concession, and Richard Duffield of 0'31; Rid- ges. were at the United Nations seminar on Africa, which was hgld for a week earlier this mon- th at ngeva Pprk, Lake Conchi- cfiing. - Mr. and Mrs. Ed‘ Poulin are qetting ‘Sefilfi‘d in their new home on Melrose Ave., with sons Jef- frey and Bruce, and Mrs.. Pou- lin's mama. Mrs. TaÂ¥l9r Arkles'. after movmg from thexr Spring- hifl Rd! hnusg. Miss Diane Glass, daughter of Mr. aim Mrs. pgyid Glass, is in Springfield Massachusetts, vaca- tioning with her cousins, Dr. and Mrs. James Snelgrove. Mrs. Snel- ,ovg is thg daughter pf Mr. and rs. A. E. Kelle’y of King City. Miss Sharon Harrison is spgnd- 'ing a few days with her ‘and- parents, Mr. and Mrs. alter Beck 9f Keswick, 3nd reiatiygs in Beaverton and Toronto. Mrs. J. Veltheer and her daughtgr, Mary, of Melrose Ave. an on a five wegk’s ' it to Mrs. Velthegr’s hgmg ip Irgrand. WMrjvén'cl'Mi‘s‘. S. ‘Allz'm ngge and family are spending three weeks at ngthan‘aptop: Racent Visitors ' with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Millard were Mr. Millard’s nephew, Norman Spence of 1:119 ,RCAF and Mrs. Spence from New Liskeard. Mr. Spence 11;- been posted to France for four years and his wife will be living 112ng in gglgium. Mr. and Mrs. A1 LaPlantg and family had a Sunday visit with triends gt ~(y‘aedar Vglley. Mr. ind rs. Millard attggded the farewel party given for the air forge couple t Oak Bldggs by Mt mQMrs; rank Kins! fir. anfl Mr§. Bru'pg Hall'rwith thgi; tyre? chfldpgy were weék- en'd gugsls of Mr. a_nd Mrs. Vic Doner at the latter’s cottagé near Owen Sound. ’ " Valentine Acres residents had been concerned about the street being considered assumed by the Department, in order to qualify for subsidies. At trustees’ prev- ious meetin Trustee Bolton and Township 'oun-clllors Ray Jen- nings and Norm-on Taylor agreed to contact the Department to see Chairman Donald Findlay road a letter going from trustees to the Department of Highways. ex- plaining the agreement already being observed, that Suhdivlder Leo Valentine provide machinery and the village. materials. for Patton 81:. work. if the changed “We’ve using too much water and too much is going on grass. Watering lawns in daytime in the hot sun is a waste." Mr. Bolton pointed out average consumption was rated at 100 gallons per per- son a day, or 130,000 gallon: for the 1.300 people in the village. King City’s consumption has been considerably higher, with almost 180,000 galons used on July 10. Lowesl paint the well reached was 28 feet for one day, August 26. last year. Lack of rain meant more water was being used for lawn-s. said the Commiuioner. Mr. G. '1‘. Thompson, newly-ap- pointed Secretary-Manager, said an Ontario Water Resources Cam- misaion representative had taken samples from both wells and had requested reqdingfis.’ “Is that letter going through township or directly to the De- partment of Highways?" asked a ratepayer. “Directly to the De- partment." replied Mt. Findlay. Lights in Heritagc After Mr. Bruce Hall, head of Heritage Park Ratepayers’ Assoc- iation. reported contributions of between $280 and 3300 would be forthcoming for four lights in the subdivision, truates passed a resolution to proceed with the installation of four fluorescent luminaires in Heritage Park upon receipi of the money. At the ratepayers‘ request, Mr. Bolton agreed to mark the tow poles where the lights are to be placed. Mr. Hall inquired when weeds were supposed to be cut and Mr. :‘indlay' replied, "before now.” trustees decided to ask Ivor Wil- liams of Oak Ridges to cut weeds m vacant lots and roadsides. Numbers of lots were to be sent to township office for billing of owners. At Donald McCallum’s re- quest, trustes are to place the fire phone from Mr. Barry No- akes’ former house in another house and consideration is to be given whether more phones are needed and if firemen on “phone duty should be reimbursed. New Constable William 'Jensen was sworn into office as Police Vilage Cpnstgble. We’“ try this and if there still isn‘t enough water we‘ll have to extend restrictions." Mr. Bolton noted. He reported water level in the 50-foot. well had been dropping steadily since June 23. It reached 32 feet and is going down at the rate of a foot aday. He signed a pledge, taken from the Police Act, that “I. William B. Jensen, do swear that I will well and truly serve Our Sover- eign Lady the Queen in the office of Constable for the Police Vill- age of King City withqut favour or affection, malicg o; ill-will; and that to the best. of ms} pgwexj Trustees agreed to circulate notices asking rasideuts on an honor system “not to water lawns in the daytime be- tween 8 MIL and 8 p.111.” First Word of King City’s current shortage of water came at the July 13 illage 'I‘rustees‘ meeting when Wa- ter Commissioner Ronald 1301th said, “We’ve got to start restricting water," after he studied daily readings at the well’s supply. By-law_ 19, covering Mr. «Ign- Sen’s appowtmem and'passed hy Trustees, stated the bylaw shall trustees stated the by-law shall be deemed effective July 1, 195,9, and “the form of remuneration 'shall be upon salary and allow- ances and not upon fees." I will cause the peace t9 be kept and presmfved, and prevent all of- fences the persons and groperties of Her Majesty's subjects; and that while I continue to hold the said office I will to the best at my skill and knowledge di'spharge all the duties thereof faithfully ac- gnding to the law, s9 help me od.” Trustees asked Secretary Thompson to inguipg radar could be rented. after he report- ed a speed trap 95 two tubes and a recorder was disputed in court and found unsatisfactory in Rich- mond Hille Mt. Thdmpson said he check- ed the ditch back of the west end of Heritage Park and found the dry ditch filled with odds and ends and “enough waqg to build a good double garage.” hates: Suscdmr Representing Valentin; Acres. Mr. Frgd Patterspp and Mr Hatâ€" ry Lacey cgmplained of speeding by tegn-ggers down Patton St, and asked for two stop signs a; Patton and Holhngsworth. “It’s a real speedwgy nqw,” said Mr. Battersqn- Tmstees discusssd with ratepayers passible spesd rates and law enforcemgqg. CQmmgntipg on g cqpy tron: tpwnship of the H. A. Babcopk survey of Kin City v‘iginity, Boltop said. " _ ere’s nothing new to us in it.” When told therg wag nothing .in the repprt gbput incorpppgtgog. ‘Mr. Paterson asked, "ngl. what's ‘the good of it?” My. Fiqdlay said trustees‘ position in'rggard to the report had been "as guests." Begardin the fqture status 0: King City, 1:. Findlgy said trus- tees had reviewed pgports’ to date. They green to asg tomiship cgungil £9; a); gatly prelimihar: meetmg" to dxscuss‘the céuris'é’m ithe further meetings énd infinit- Lies on the subject'bf‘himl‘et or mcomoyémsl sum" run-r '1 Trustee Mrs. Mary Scott report- ed rogds were graded and cal- cium applied throughout the sub- divisiohé. ‘ Mr. Bolton noted the change- over of garbage collection from Saturday ‘to Friday had gone well and people were pleased to find lids pugback on cans; r, 4.--]. Water Short King City Cause Of Restrictions latest ruling could be A letter from the Fire Mar- shal’s office noted, "Fire Chiefs interested in obtainiu financial assistance through Civl Defencl in obtaining short wave radio communications for fire depart- mdnt or of municipalities pur- chasing flre pumpers are remind- ded Civil Defence projects for these items could now be sub- mitted tn the Ontario C. D. Branch through the local co-or- dinator.” Trustees passed five by-laws, 15 to 111, dealing with Police Vil- lage administration. By-law 1'! ap ointed G. '1‘. Thompson to the fol owing officel: Waterworks Superintendent, Waterworks Sec- retary-Treasurer, Street Lighting Supetintendent, Roads Su rin- tendent, Chief By-law En arca- ment Officer and Secretary-Man- ager to the Trustees, the appoint- ment effective from July 1, 19,59. Mr. Thompson was given the responsibility of seeing the meet- ing roam in the Fire Hall is cleaned. “It's your job to see it’s kept clean. We don’t care how you do it." said Mr. Boltou, men- tioniuf I? had mapped the floor himsef he :revious week. The secretary said he would need, a filing cabinet and waste-paper basket. Consider pump» A lhtter was sent to the Fire Marshal's office saying Truabeec were interested in their oo-op- eratlon "with reupect to a new fire pumper now under very ac- {lvc consideration by this vil- ago." CARL E. HILL, M.D., ’M.O.H. Individual recreation may be any wholefiome leisure ex- perience engaged in 501er for the satisfaction derived therefrom. It. includes games and sports; camping. hiking, dancing, picnics, discussion groups, drama. music, arts and crafts and other activi- ties of personal choice. DEPT. OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK Recreation Recreation is a basic need for living in a democratic society. It may be an organ- ized or a spontaneous activity under governmental, volun- tary or private auspices. Recreation may be. an in.- diVidual hobby or an exner- ience shared with fibers. and, it is man’s prinmpal oppor- gunity for enrichment of liv- mg. LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS BRING RESULTS PHONE TU. {-1105 > . iii Biifi‘fiéi your fingertips ALL CANADA INSURANCE PEDERATION' Safety pays dividends. . . saves lives, helps to lower your insuranca costs. 8g quefql The firemon's hqt is a symbol of protection. So is your fire insurance policy. When fire strikes, alert firemen are soon an fheir way. excepting risks themselves to nrolect your life and 9mm”. And when fire strikes, fire insurance s'eps in to offset disastrous financial loss. Every week, some 1,400 fires break out across Canada. Companies writing fire insurance pay out more than one hypdred million dollar; qnnqqlly in claims. And ya v'utually all the fires which take the ljve_§ of more than 500 canadians each year are preventable. Fige insurance safeguards your property. But only you can guarantee against loss of li‘e. Mart Kenney's Ranch and $2.00 PER PERSON DIRECTIONS ’ H Furwggpo‘r Forfall Fred MacMurray Thursday, Friday. Saturday, Monday July 23-24-25-27 | Tuesday, Wednesday July 28-29 NOW OPEN DAILY INCLUDING SUNDAY GIANT SIZE FILTERED SWIMM‘IING POOI. George Gobel cu bghqqlol {my than 300 mtmtmrm (in, Automobile uad Cnan (mum King City‘ Caretaker Wan ted for new 3 room SchooL Salary $900.00 per .wnnum. Apply by let- ter with full particulars and' your capabilities by July 31. 1959. I Experienced for a flill set of books and trial balance 'with automobile d-paler in Richmond Hill Area. For appointment (-3“ â€"- Mr. Hasson. TU. 4-1194 01' AV 5-4991. é r- , THEATRE " .a SWIMMING! Poor. it No cm Drivin; " 1'} Fm Putin: ' ‘ 3 a Enquire for Spool-I Student mi» Party mm 12: Table Reservations For All a ‘ North on No. 7 Highway at “hell Simon (7“: Conoeulon Vnugll In) " IV. lulle- WM 0! Highway No. 900 THE BIRDS AND THE BEES} (Color) EVERY FRIDAY AND SRATURDAY cMurray ‘ Jegn Hagen LEGEND OF SLEEPY HCQLLOW Hi Neighbour It’s Fun to Dance at NOTllCE BOOKKEEPER Gunman When “Nam SHAGGY DOG Cartoon PO. Box 171, King City many-Treasurer. RESERVATIONS AT. 8-1282 RAYMOND BURT, Mitzi Gaynor

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