“.‘ESUBE'B-X‘ nâ€"divto bé a home 8; school member! ‘ Home & school is the.1argest voluntary organization in Canada. Ontario alone has 144,000 mem- bers. It is not a money making organization. It is not meant to be a critical body nor is it intended to interfere with school adminis- tration. To many parents the problem will be a new one, when they are forced to part with their first 'born and submit him or her to a new enviroment where he will have to conform, share. live and play with others. We parents hope and expect understanding, guidance and ‘n- struction from the teaching staff, which will help our child to grow into a happy and useful citizen. Before the parent has recover- ed from the first shock of part- ing and become lulled in their newly acquired leisure, they are alerted wlt‘ another prohleml- v The purpose of a home 8: school association is to create a situation where parents and tea- chers could study and discuss the needs and problems concerning the education and welfare of our children. hï¬iï¬he and school in action means an ultimate influence and power. _ It is responsible for community By Mrs. Kojola. President York Simcoe Home & School Council With the holiday season quickly coming to an end, we are once again faced with the problem of school. under‘ struct which Into a MILLINERY. SPORTSWEAR, ACCESSORIES 30 Levéndale Rd. Richmond Heights Plaza RICHMOND HILL The'Friendly Store - Everyone welcome FALL HATS NOW AVAILABLE From $8.95 Up. CALL TODAY â€"- SEE OUR WIDE SELECTION PIRRI'S MARKET 89 YONG! ST. N. FreJr Fruit, Vegetables, Groceries INTERNATIONAL; YEAR. AT THE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday, August 27, 1959 ’rged Come to this year‘s CNE, and the world will be there to greet you! People and exhibits representing 21 nations around the globe will be on hand. adding foreign flavor to this king-size fair: interesting people you'll most certainly enjoy meeting, exciting exhibits you‘ll surelywantto see ! And ofcourse, as always, Canada will be on dis- play in a totally new and different wayâ€"this you won't want to miss. GEORGE GOBEL every night at8:00 p.m. Cast of 400 with ERIC HOUSE. "Canadiana ’59" produced by Jack Arthur. See these lavish production numbers: "From Dream to Reality," “The Seaway," “East of Silez." "Hong Kong Holiday," and “Canada's Golden Anniversary of Flight"â€" Kaye's Casual Toggery flame anal SCAOO/ On The World’s, Largest Fully Equipped Moveable Stage Fabulous ï¬reworks ï¬nale. head up the exciting Afternoon Grandstand Matinee which in- cludes a thrilling 3-ring matinee circus for the children lâ€"with 26 IN PERSON CISCO KID & PANCHO circus for the c outstanding acts CORNER BEDFORD PARK AVE. Richmond Hill’s Only Fruit Market! In The Spectacular Evening Grandstand Show [aren [d THE EARL MpUNTBATTEN n! Burma, m, an. c.c.a., G.C.S.l.,, c.c.v.o.. 0.5.0. To OPEN Blsl ENE climabe'and public relations. » It is a medium which interprets formal education to the average parent. It is a means of stimulating resources and leadership among its members. It provides guidance for for- mation of study groups, buzz sessions. and panels on a variety of topics. Home and school has much ar- ganized subject material avail- able for actual study, discussion or for use in a series of programâ€" mes. A study kit has been prepar- ed for topics such as: Aims of Education Role of the Home Teacher 'Supply Special Education Assistance for Students The council is there to cement together the various home 8; school associations and to serve as a link between them and the Ontario Federation. . The council is there to assist you in your work and to provide leadership training courses, work shops and area conferences. Do not hesitate to use your council. get to know your council repres- entatives. Only by a joint effort of all our associations in co-operation with church and community can we promote the welfare of all children. "-iéouiï¬Ã©i‘e limiting the efficiency and power of your association by not giving it your full support. Let us not ask- “How much MUST I do?†but, “How much CAN I do?" Harry I. Price. Presldent v Hiram E. McCaUum. General Manage- IN ITS list YEAR CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION INIERNHIONALAIRSfloszpineâ€" AerobaticTeams ...Sept. 11-12. tingling fly-pasts featLi'in'g the combined R.C.A.F.and U.S.A.F. WUDflODUflSlflflfllflkmhes aplenty and giveaways galme in the world's largest Food Prod- ucts Building. Worth a visit to the ONE in itself. NATIONAL HORSE SHOW-to see thri|ling performances byskilled riders and their magnificent steeds. Aug. 27-Sept. 2. INTERNATIONAL DOB SHOWâ€" Colorful canines from Canada and the Uniteg Stakes parade for you in their biggest social event of the seasgn. You'll love every minute of IN SepL'Z. 3, 4, 5 and 7. THE LARGEST DISPLAY OF WARSHIPS EVER ON THE GREAT LAKES Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hutchin- son and their daughter Lynne of Doncrest Rd. accompanied by a friend from Toronto, Miss Miriam Clavis, have recently returned from a very interesting visit to Stratford. While there they at- tended a concert, saw both the plays "Othello" and “As you like it." and visited the Shakespear- ean Exhibits where they have the properties from previous plays, an exhibit of puppets and also one of Eskimo carvings. The highlight of this trip for Lynne and Miriam were these carvings, they both purchased some using all their savings to do so and made friends with the carvers themselves, ob- taining their names and addresses both in English an‘d‘Eskimo. u Congratulations also go to Ian for his swimming successes at Thornhill Pool on Thursday Aug- ust 13th. He came in third in the back stroke competition and also passed his tests with his brother Jimmy which puts them into the Intermediate Class. Keith Miller wasn't left out either, he passed his test and now goes into the junior class. Keep up the good work boys. ' ery‘ Socials We are pleased to hear that Mrs. Rose. Garden Avenue â€"â€" formerly of Doncrest Rd. is now out of hospital and on the way to recovery. Mrs. vfgmundsen. B-ayview Ave., is at present in Branson Hospital. We all wish her a speedy recov- MAJ- Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. H. A. McMaster 'on the birth of a baby boy on Saturday, Aug- ust 15th. Mrs. McMaster is the former Katherine Frazer. daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Frazer 0‘ Bayview Avenue. 7 rBirthday greetings to Ian Mil- ler, Doncrest Rd. who celebrated his birthday on Monday, August 17th. u.“- ..--... .0 v.†The bride proudly displayed her many beautiful shower and wedding gifts and also her trous- seau. Mrs. Brumwell conducted the visitors to the various rooms. Mfs. JiTéylor poured tea for this happy occ“asion. Mrs. S. Trenka entertained at a Trousseau Tea on Saturday. Aug- ust 15th, in honour of her daugh- ter Nancy whose marriage to Wil- bur Brumwell took place on Sat- urday, August 22nd. Visitors were received by Nancy, Mrs. Trenka and Mrs. Brumwell. v "H.1Invvw - V Miss 'Bevefleyu'V-vaazer recently returned from a visit to Cape Cod. See Richvale Ornamental Iron Works For Stair & Porch Rails, Grilles & Gratings, Fire Escapes Portable Welding & Repairs Phone AV. 5-4421 HER MAJESTY'S quus ROYAL MARINES IAND - direct from England to entertain you with stirring martial music you'Il lingeriolislen in as you wgnder by the gigantic exhibition bandshell. MILE or MERRIMENTâ€"allfoflun andfunforallonthis merry mile of laugh-a-minute rides, games and sideshows. WOMEN‘S WORLDâ€"hourly fash- ion shows, cooking classes, handicrafts, with intemalional flavor,anentireworldforwomen in the fabulous Queen Elizabeth Building. FUR-FILLED AQUARAMAâ€"at the Waterfront Grandskand ...thrill- packed display staged free for your enjoyment. THORNLEA Correspondent: Mrs. B. Lepkey Phone AV. 5-3489 TORONTO, CANADA Mrs. W. Mott No. 7 Highway, entertained at a miscellaneous shower ~in honor of Miss Carole Deacon on Monday of this week. The bride-to-be, who is the ï¬ancee of Ron Wake, received many lovely gifts from friends and neighbours. Mr. and Mrs. H. Glassey, Cxar- den Avenue, are entertain ng Mrs. Giassey's mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bath of Rock- wood this week. On Friday, Augâ€" ust 28, they ,are planning a Family Dinner Party to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary for Mr. and Mrs. Bath. Mark-Vaun Women’s Institute Mr. Ed Willett, Fairview Ave., is coming along very well after having his leg amputated below the knee. Mr. Willett had an ac- cident with his rototiller early this month and was operated on on Saturday, August 8. We were glad to hear that he was outside in the sunshine when we called. Mark-Vaun Women's Institute will get underway next Thurs- day. September 3. with the ï¬rst meeting of the season. The roll call will be “A highlight of your summer" and there will be a con- test of “Table Centres from the Home Garden". The meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. W. Thompson. Morgan Drive. Will all members make a special ef- fort to attend and get the season off to a good start. Langstal'l’ School News Due to the efforts of the parents in the Garden Avenue and Boyle Subdivision districts, the school board has agreed to allow the children from this area to return to Langstaff School for another year instead of attending Charles Howitt School as arran- ged before the closing of school OF TRACTORS, G.M.C. TRUCK, FARM MACHINERY, STABLE AND DAIRY EQUIPMENT, ' ELECTRICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction at Truck, Tractor & Farm Machinery 1958 GMC 1 ton pickup truck with racks and tarpaulin, 8,000 miles, purchased new May 1958 Late model 35 Ferguson tractor on 14†oversized tires, and ex- tras, good Front end manure loader for ab- ove tractor M-H No, 102 tractor, complete on rubber Ferguson 3-furrowed tractor plow Ferguson stifl’ tooth tiller culti- vator, complete with scuffling shield, etc. Ferguson 7’ cut power mower, three point hitch M-H No. 26 2-furrow tractor plow MH No. 11 4 bar tractor side de- livery rake George White blower cutting box, complete with ï¬ller and dis; tributing pipes McCormick-Deering No. 45 auto- matic pickup baler, complete with Wisconsin air cooled en- gine 2 rubber tired farm wagon gears, complete with specially built grain tank boxes MH 8 forked hay tedder 32 ft. extension bale and grain elevator. mounted on rubber undercarriage 20 ft. portable bale elevator, new Wisconsin air cooled gasoline en- ORIOLE LODGE FARM, Lot IS, Concession 3, North York Township, gine Case cultipacker double gang 10' raking width MH manure spreader on rubber (4 wheels) McCormick - Deering manure spreader on rubber (4 wheels) MH 13 disc fertilizer, grain and grass drill Set of 4-section spring tooth har- rows 2-wheel rubber tired tractor trailer, complete with new plat- form MH Cyclone .liammermill, com- plete with bagger Double mouldboard drill plow Antique ï¬eld weeder MH circular all steel poll saw, with whet-bearing mindrel Clipper fanning mill with extra screens Several sets farm sloop sleighs MH corn planter, complete 2 MH heavy duty all steel roller bearing rubber tired wagon gears, near new 17 sections of diamond drag har- rows NH 10 ft. cut tractor tandem disc barrows 2 scufflers Flat rack MH dump rake Turnip drill Steel tractor snow plough Several other pieces of farm im- plements, etc. NOTE: All implements and farm equipment in this sale are in ï¬rst class condition, some near new. Dairy 3; Stable Equipment DeLaval milker with 4 Sterling single units McCormick-Deering 6 can capac- ity, cabinet model electric milk cooler. complete Woods automatic milk cooler GEORGE W. HENRY, R. R. 1 Todmorden, Out. For the executors of the estate. James Smith and D. Goulding, clerks. KEN & CLARKE PREN‘I‘ICE, Auctioneers Markham. Ont., phone 346 Milliken, Ont., phone AXminster 3â€"5987 Sale starts at 1 p.m. Terms cash. No reserve. Farm ‘sold. No. 401 Highway & Leslie St. Interchange at Oriole the following property belonging to the EXTENSIVE Thursday, September 3rd, I959. Estate of the _|.ate Honorable GEORGE S. HENRY, LANGSTAFF NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. J. 30! Phone AVenue 5-2806 AUCTION SALE in June. Langstafl Baptist Church On Tuesday, August 18, Lang- staï¬ Baptist Church gave a kit- chenware shower for Miss Don een Pullen and Mr. LeRoy Tower. An interesting program was ar- ranged including duets, solos, and a Bible Quiz on the marriage of Isaac and Rebecca. A few words of counsel were given by the pas- tor after which the presentation of the gifts was made. Lovely re- freshments were served includ- ing a pink and white shower cake. Langstaï¬â€˜ Baptist Church was the setting for a lovely wedding between Miss Doreen Pullen and Mr. LeRoy Tower on Saturday, August 22nd. The bride wore a white floor length gown with lace bodice and ï¬ngertip veil and car- ried a white bible. She was given in marriage by her brother, Mr. Ron Pullen. Following the- wedding the bride and groom left for London where they will take up resi‘ dence. 2 Beatty litter carrier buckets 1 Beatty litter carrier car 1 Beatty metal feed carrier, rub- ber tired caster wheels, near new Beatty wooden feed carrier on Mrs. Ron Pullen wearing an aqua ballerina length dress and carrying ,pink roses was matron of honor. Two sisters of the groom were flower girls, wearing pink and yellow dresses. The groom was attended by Mr. Phillip Brown, a Bible Col- lege Aassociate: caster wheels 2 feed or chop supply boxes Several steel cow stalls and stan- bowls 2 calf shipping crates 2 Sunbeam electric stock clippers Beatty electric copper tub pail washer Kit of 10 sample milk bottles Electric barn window fan, corn- plete with motor Also milk pails, strainers and nu- merous other dairy barn and stable supplies Electric 1% h.p. 60 cycle motor Electric 3;; h.p. electric motor 2 electric fencers Approx. 100 ft. of heavy duty 3- wire extension cord, for use with electric motors Easy electric washer Electric hot water tank, complete A.B.C. electric refrigerator Deep well pump with 60‘ of piping Ferguson tractor pulley 1%†Electrical 5; Micellaneous chions Several Beatty livestock water spline Beam water supply tank Mexican cowboy saddle Oxen yoke Pile of inch lumber Several good ash poles 30 ft. extension ladder 2 steel bench vises Lundy fence stretcher Endless drive belt Heavy duty drive belt Cyclone seed sower 3 Sets platform scales Set of bob sleighs for sleigh rid- ing, 10' length with hand ralls 8'x10’_wooden platform ten bot- tom ‘ 2 colony houses, approx. 12' x 12' and 3' x 12' Several steel water troughs 5â€"section steel harrow draw bar Steel‘ and wooden _har_rqw draw barsmé’x: various lenghts Several steel fuel drums and tanks . 14x28 tractor tire 12x75 tractor tire Jackall lift jack 2 real good team buggy poles, complete Quantity of used 2 inch planking Quantity of new 2 inch planking Quantity of used plywood and ' sash' Power lawn mower Hand_la\vn mower Cutter, good 2 Bag trucks Quantity of harness. collars, etc. Livestock showman’s supply trunk Cattle show halters, chains, etc. Several piles of scrap iron Lengths of garden hose Large number of farm tools, trees, yokes, shovels, pails. chains, bags, bars, stepladders, along with large amount of other useful articles too numerous to mention LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS BRING RESULTS “THE LIBERAL’“ webbing PULLEN-«TOWER - Correspondent: David Barbour Henderson Ave. Phone AV. 5-5205 Mr. P. Cal-lg. Morgan Avenue. while vacationing at Temagami with his family, suffered an in- jured hand and spent some time in Branson Hospital with a bad reaction to anti-tetanus. On Sunday, August 23, Mrs. P. Carle. 58 Morgan Ave.. left for Midland to be with her mother. who underwent surgery on Wed- nesday, at St. Andrew's Hospital. Mrs. H. Debney, Henderson Ave., enjoyed the company of her sister. Mrs. Baillie and three children of Nakina. Ont., for sev- eral days last week. On the week-end of August 15- 16, the men of the Doncaster Bi- ble Chapel enjoyed an overnight camping trip in the Boyd Conâ€" servation Park near Woodbridge. Mr. W. Stow of Stockport, Eng- land, is enjoying a four week visit with his son and daughter- in-law. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Stow of Henderson Ave. Brian Dale, Proctor Ave.. and Harry Morrison, Sprucewood Dr., left Tuesday of this week for Temagami, where they will be guests of Mr. F. Amone and fam- ily at their summer residence. The Amones are from proctor Ave. in Doncaster. Honored by two surprise par- ties were Barbara and Brian Dale, twins, who celebrated their 14th birthday on August 19. One par- ty was given by friends Audrey Drake, Betty Coyle and Mareen O‘Hare, the other by Terry Ad- kins, also of Proctor Ave. All are neighbors of the Dales. The senior girls of the Don- caster Bible Chapel who attended the Chapel’s Bible camp at West Gilford, in the Haliburtons, have returned home, thus ï¬nishing the church's summer programme. The Canadian Cancer Society was organized in 1938 at the re- quest of the Canadian Medical Association. One of its main fun- ctions is to teach Canadians that early diagnosis of cancer depends on the early reportng of suspic- ious symptoms to a doctor. It also supports cancer research and gives assistance to cancer pat- ients. A belated farewell is extended to the J. Ellicott family, formerly of Morgan Ave., now residents of Newmarket. Lansing Upholstery 4907 _ YONGE STREET, Chesterï¬eld Suites Rebuilt & Recovered Draperies 8: Bed-Spreads Custom Made DONCASTER (it Spring Garden) BA. 1-9044 WORN-OUT FURNACE! Specify - Natural Gas Replace that costly Than are Natural Gas "canvanian burners" for most humans, whatnvor thair luol, and there an alto Natural Gas "custom dulgn" Furnace: for Winter Air Conditioning, Gravity Warm Air, Hot Water and Steam . . . Span Heater: . . . Room Hector: . . . Fluplaco Unitt. EASY PAYMENTS OVER 5 YEARS ON MONTHLY GAS BILLS NOTHING DOWN: See these NATURAL GAS advantages Natural Gas Heating Equipment costs In: to buy, less to install, far less to mini!!! monthly installs a gas conversion burnerâ€"ï¬ts most furnaces. ln- eludes automatic cgnholm Also unils for "design"furnuces. Your Gas company does not employ door-to-door salesman nor tolephono canvassers. For information about dealers licensed by the Ontario Fuel Board to sell and install natural gas equipment call or write tho Sales Department of @onsumers'Caas AUTOMATIC CLEAN DEPENDABLE SILENT ECONOMICAL MODERN CONVENIENT COMPACT BEST SUITED TO AUTOMATIC CONTROLS for economy. . . dependability FREE BURNER SERVICE "You'll always be glad you chose Natural Gax" Specializing in Purebred Cattle, Farm Stock, Furniture and Implements We personally handle all. sale bills and advertising. Phone Gormley 5311 Gormley, Ont. Hill City Motors Repairs To All Makes Of Cars Industrial Road TU. 4 - 3331 ALVIN S. FARMER RENAULT The BANK of NOVA SCOTIA S Consolidate your debts through YORK AND ONTARIO COUNTIES 36 YEARS EXPERIENCE Licensed Auctioneer ////////A for 59-â€