STUART PA X'I‘ON WIRING The Richmond Hill and District Intermediate Soft- ball League ï¬nals between Lake Wilcox and Wimbridge Cleaners got the second game of the series off at King City on Thursday night. The Lake Wilcox team carried on right where they left off in Richmond Hill on Tues- day night and handed the Cleaner team their second loss by a 13â€"7 count. -â€" SPORT SPOTS â€" ' For the ï¬rst time in a good many years no T.H.L. hockey will be played in the local arena This year the whole set up is going to be run on a purely Richmond Hill basis and with 31 teams going at it, the schedule will be crowded indeed. With Lake Wilcox having a two game lead, it gives them a good stranglehold on the championship. As far as the league executive is concerned, this is not an official series, so just what the outcome of the whole thing will he remains to be seen. To help defray expenses, parents who attend the Saturday afternoon games are going to be charged a nominal admission fee. Hockey is a big thing in the lives of the kids so when the time comes, don’t forget to c‘ome out and root for your boy and for his team. No- thing will please a boy more than to have parental in- terest demonstrated and to perform well in front of Mom and Dad. I... a, w» .â€"â€"~- v The senior set seem to thrive on the game. The mother of a good friend of ours was curling well past the age of three score and ten, and seemed capable of holding her own with much younger competition. The thing that appealed to her most was thexsocial life, as according to this dear soul, curlers really seem to enjoy a better than average type of companionship. Whole families can compete together, either as a family rink or against each other and although competition may be ï¬erce and sometimes feelings run high, nobody ever gets carried away to the ï¬st swinging stage. The rink is just nicely started at present but it is expected that all will be in- readiness for a roaring sea- son of curling_ If anyone would like further.information on the rink or just how one goes about joining the Curl- ing Club, Dalton Hicks at TUrner 4-1764 has most of the answers. Memberships are available and it just might be what you and your family have been looking for, so call Belt. and get the information youwant ï¬rst hand. You wen’t be sorry you did; A 7 o The Minor Softball League ï¬nals are now under way and once again ’we would urge that as many par- ents as possible plan to attend the games. Maybe it won’t be world's series calibre ball, but it is just as important to the youngsters involved. nun-av“... v.-..-ov v_- - Another attractive thing about this curling bit is the appeal it seems to have for players of all ages. High school lads seem to get just as much fun out of the stone and broom bit as do their grandfathers and grand- mothers. Out in Western Canada particularly, bonspiels for high schools are a. large part of the school sports programme. _ .. . .u' ml,_ v .... u I"... vwv Curling is a sport that has always held quite an at- traction for yours truly, although the truth of the mat- ter is that I don’t know tOO much about it. One of the attractions is the fact that say what you will it is a very colorful spectacle and all participants seem to get a tre- mendous charge out of it. 7 I There is a big new sign at the corner of Yonge St. and Elgin Mills Sideroad informing one and all that the new Richmond Hill Curling Rink is located just 200 yds. east of Yonge Street. From advance publicity and from conversation with interested curlers we gather that this is going to be as ï¬ne a curling set-up as can be found in these parts. 7 ._ .. . I 11 .. Ad _‘_ 10 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill,‘ Ont, Thursday, September 3, 1959 “1::AL7 5 LAP 2pm Phone TUmer 4-2881 Speedway - No. 7 Highway ADULTS $2.00 â€" CHILDREN FREE under 12 ONLY WITH PARENTS INTERNATIONAL SUPER MODIFIED o SPORT SPOTS 4» $2,550.00 Purse - $1,000.00 1st Place CHAMPIONSHIP D WIDE OPEN D N0 LIMITS D THE HOTTEST CARS AND DRIVERS RACING IN NORTH AMERICA [G LINE WORK Electrician (LABOUR DAY HOLIDAY) Time Trials Start 12.30 pm. PINECREST MON. SEPT. 7th STOCK CAR 8 BIG EVENTS SPORT SPOTS â€" by Ron Craine After spending a particularly harassing day with Junior â€" and being thwarted and disobey- ed by the tiresome child until she was at her wit’s end, Junior's moâ€" ther ï¬nally exclaimed, “OK. then, just do whatever you please â€" and let's see you try to dis- obey that!" - THE LAST WORD Mr. Elgin Barrow reported on the personnel employed by the ar- ent board. Mr. Jim Ley, Mr. Don- McFee and Mr. Dugald McLean were highly complimented and commended for the splendid job done during the past season. Mrs. Eileen Lee was highly commend- ed for her efforts and it was re- ported th‘at due to her efforts snack bar profits had shown a very considerable increase. The interior of the building has been generally refurbished and the snack bar enlarged. The as- soclatlon received a grant from the town and it is hoped that an oil heating system can be instal- led, it is also planned to re- paint the roof and to fix up the west wall of the arena to give the side of the building the same smart appearance as’the front. A maintenance report was giv- en by Mr. Bill Hall. Mr. Hall re- ported that the a ena seats and the interior of the ena had been painted with a ï¬re retardant paint and that additional fire extingu- lshers have been added. The front of the arena has been reshlngled and a new ï¬re escape built. All those present expressed their sat- isfaction with the Improved ap- pearance of the front of the building. The first order of business was the reading of the previous meet- ing minutes by the secretary, Mr. Dalton Hicks. The minutes were adopted as read on a motion by gril Stevenson seconded by Mrs. a . Mr. Jimmy Ley will not be with the association during the com- ing season as he has accepted oth- er employment. On a suggestion by Mr. Stevenson the secretary was directed to send a letter of thanks for services rendered to Mr. Ley. '. 487 entries were received this year for the event, which is con- sidered the major miniature golf tournament of the season. 4th Annual Open Tues. At Dufferin The 84 men and women who qualified September 2nd, at Duf- ferin Fairways, will tee off Tues- day night September 8th at 7 pm. in the 4th Annual Open, match play, Miniature Golf Tournament, for the Toronto & District Cham- pionship, at the Dufferin Fair- ways miniature golf course. Duf- ferin St. at No. 7 Highway. $500 in cash and merchandise prizes are awarded the eight best players. The public is invited to come out and see the top miniature golfers in action. There is no ad- mission charge. Those present at the meeting were Mrs. Rita Hall, Mr. Bill Hall, Mr. Elgin Barrow, ' Mr. Allan Bales, Mr. Dalton Hicks, Mr. Norm. Stevenson and Mr. L. H. Sims. The meeting was opened by Mr. Barrow at 8_20 pm. as he welcomed all those present. ‘ New Manager Mr. Wilson “Bill†Walder has been hired as arena _manager with Joe Minchella as mainten- ance man. Mr. Walder comes to Richmond Hill with a wealth of experieuce as he formerly was associated with the Thorncrest Village Community Centre. Earns Profit It was pointed out by Mr. Bar- row that the local arena is the The annual meeting of the Richmond Hill Arena As- sociation was held in the Council Chambers at the Town Hall on Wednesday evening, August 26. The heavy rain storm that preceded the meeting was possibly responsible for the small attendance as only seven people turned out for the meeting. Chicago Cubs 9 Los Angeles Dodgers 2 The Chicago kids were just too hot too handle in this game as they exploded with six big runs in the fourth inning. Peter Gates, pitched a steady game for the‘ cubs but all the team played well behind him. Bob Ritchie gave Pet. er a big target to shoot at and picked off two numbers on timely thmws to second base. American League Semi-Final Washington 14 â€" Kansas City 9 The Athletics handed the Wash- ington boys an early lead in the first two innings via the walk route. The Athletics then rallied and were steadily whittling away at the lead when the last inning sounded the curfew bell. ‘ R. Allen was a one man gang for Washington as he pitched, hit. and fielded his team to victory. Mr. Allen had some very fine sup- port from Messrs. Minchella, Pol- lard and Brown as this Washing- ton club really plays like a team. Wimbridge Cleaners 14 Lake Wilcox 6 Down two games to nothing in the Intermediate League ï¬nal ser- ies, Wimbridge Cleaners clawed out a deserved win over the pow- erful hitting Lake Wilcox Team. Big Bill Whitehead pitched all the we},' for Wimbridge and in the seventh inning rapped out a homâ€" er with one abroad to add two big runs to the tally. ' 7rhe Wimbridge butfield cover- ed themselves with glory on at least 2 occasions by making sen- Only 7 At Meeting Finish Year In Black â€"Redeem Debentures 1w gm law/b only arena anywhere in the met- ropolitan area that is running at a proï¬t this year. There will be no T.H.L. Hockey played at the arena ï¬nd it is planned to levy a normal'charge for spectators at Saturday games. Treasure" Report A treasurers report was given by Mr. Allan Bales which shows that the association has a bank balance of eleven thousand se- ven hundred dollars. It was moved by Mr. Stevenson and seconded by Mrs. Hall that eighty-four small debenture holders, having debentures of $20.00. $30.00 and $40.00 have their debentures re- deemed and interest paid to date. This wlll leave one hundred and forty-seven larger debenture hol~ ders. It was pointed out that re- gardless of the fact that deben- tures are redeemed all holders of debentures. either past or pres. ent are still members of the as- sociation with full voting privil- eges. - ‘ Mr. Barrow thanked Mr. Bales for the fine way in which his du- ties have been performed and then went on to thank the whole executive for the support accord- ed him throughout the year, Mr. Barrow declined nomination for any office as he feels that hockey will take up too much of his time this winter to allow him to act in an executive capacity. Mr. Barrow moved that Mr. L. H. Sims be retained as auditor for the 1959- 60 season and this was seconded by Mr. Bill Hall and carried on a vote by the members present. Elections were held to appoint a board of directors for the coma ing term. The new slate of dir- ectors are Mr. Bill Hall, Mr. Dalton Hicks, Mr. Brydon Ellis. Mr. Donald Plaxton and Mr. Alex Clarke. Mr. Bill Hall then assum- ed the chair and thanked Mr. Barrow for the fine way he has performed his duties as president of the Association. At the next meeting of the board of directors the new executive will be chosen. The meeting adjourned at nine thirty with all present agreeing that it had ben a most successful meeting and looking forward to this seasons operations. Cleveland vs Boaton Series “B†Semi-Final Aug. 31 MacKmop School â€" Kansas City vs Washington Sept. 2 â€"- Walter Scott Sch. â€"- Series "A" Semi-Final All games 6.30 pm. at Beverley Acres September 2 â€" Cleveland September 3 â€"â€" Cleveland September 8 â€" ‘ Cleveland Walter Scott School September 1 â€" St. Louis vs Milwaukee September 2 -â€" St. Louis vs Milwaukee September 8 â€" St. Louis vs Milwaukee Series “B†Semi-Final August 81 -- Walter Scott School Los Angeles vs Chicago September 2 â€"- MacKiilop Sch. Los Angeles vs Chicago September 8 â€"- MacKillop Sch. Los Angeles vs Chicago Game Time 6.80 pm. The .scheduling committee knocked heads on Friday night and came up with a revised sche- dule. All games now go at 6.30 pm. with no double headers in the semi-ï¬nal series. Series “A†All games at 6.30 pm sational catches on balls labelled homerun. Don MacMillan smash- ed a long drive to deep center in the fourth inning that center fielder Tony Hunter grabbed as it was going over the fence. Son- ny Needham fell victim to some fielding magic on the part of Wimbridge left fielder. Connie Mason, in the ninth. The ball was going going and almost gone when Mason made a terrific one hand stab to mare the catch for the out. Tommy Biso started on the mound for the Lake and was playing a nice game until three hits‘in a row in the seventh in- ning saw Jon Bunn come on in relief. The series now stands with Lake Wilcox having won two and Wlmbridge Cleaners one game. This was something of an upset win as the cleaners have been cousins for the Lakers in the two previous meetings. Summary: Winning Pitcher: Bin Whitehead. Losing Pitcher Tom 3150 (Jon Bunn) STOUFFVILLE â€" The Canadian International Gladiolus competi- tion was held in Stouftville Arena last week. Rev. D. Sargent of Al- tona had 17 prize-winners out of 20 entries. Wimbridge Cleaners: Runs, 14, Hits. 12, Errors, 6, Homemns, 1, (Whitehead) Lake Wilcox: Runs, 6, Hits, 12 Errors 9. AMERICAN LEAGUE NATIONAL LEAGUE 'lnor Boston Boston Semi-Final 52mm oz: Bill Points gave a rundown on some of his players and the ros- ter sounds impressive. ï¬rst year With the team but he gives promise of being a good of- fensvie guard. fast ,oflensive tackle; who makes up with desier fotrlacrk of size. _ MIKE BUTT. Mike is a rugged. heads up defensive tackle, who can really make things rough for the opposition. V IAN McINTOSH. Ian is a good, fast split T quarterback who is not only a good passer but a good runner on the option play. The hottest cars and drivers r3cing anywhere will gather at Plnecrest Speedway on Labour Day, Monday. September 7th to race for the 75 lap International Stock Car Championship for su - er modifieds. The wide open ru e will apply and it will bring a wide variety of hand made racing cars with “No Limit?! on motor: of any kind. A large field of Amer- ican cars and drivers will be on hand as well as cars from Western Ontario, who have been racing wide open for over two ’years. The top C.N.E. cars and drivers also will compete. DAVE SIMPSON Is a fast hard charging end, who really puts a big rush on any passer. JOHN FAVERY. John plays either quarter or wingback and although he only goes at 140 lbs. provides plenty of action. TOMMY BARTLETT. Tommy is a ï¬rst year line man who should do well as the season pro- gresses. ' BILL “BED†DUNN. Red is a good halfback and a good all- round football player. Coaches Bill Points and Del Mader are very high on this year’s team and feel that they have a. real contender. The boys have been working hard and by all indications are all set to render a better than good account of them- se ves. the sec‘ond part of the Dunn Bro- ther act and is a very good centre line backer who almost smells a play before it has time to develop. JIMMY GILLESPIE. Jlmmyrls a lineman in his ï¬rst year. The coaches expect big things of this boy. The local entry in the Intermediate Division of the Metro Rugby Union opens in the town park this Saturday at twelve noon sharp. Last year they opened against the same club, Toronto East-Enders. who are out to avenge an 8-7 defeat at the hands of the local crew last year: DICK CARR. This is Dick‘s ï¬rst year and he is a big. rugged willing centre man. Kansas City vs Washington Sept. 8 â€" Walter Scott Sch‘ â€" Kansas City vs Washington INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Se} Series "B" September 2 TOM HEALEY. Tom is a big, fast. hard charging end, who puts a big rug}; on the_pas_ser. September 9 Miami Toronto vs Rochester September 8 â€" Toronto vs Rochester September 10 - Toronto vs Rochester Coaches and umpires please note that this revised schedule replaces ALL other schedules. Large Field To Race $2,555. Lab'r. Day Purse The younger set will be playing in four groupings. The Junior “A†League is for boys eight to nine years old,» while the American Hockey League looks after the 10 and 11 year olds. The Little N.H.L. will be for boys 12 to 13 years, with the Minor League taking care of the over thir- teens. There will also be a Bantam, Midget and Juvenile Team, which during the year will play in the North York League and then move into the Ontario Minor Hockey Association playdowns. The kids are all going to be in- sured and get more ice time per game and will play two 20-minute periods. Four more games have been added to the season's sched- ule. All in all it sounds as if young hockey enthusiasts are The Little NHL. and the Minor Hockey League have joined forces and the new set-up is known as the Richmond Hill Hockey Association. This year the R.H.H.A. will have 31 teams ready to swing into action by November 1. _ Registration forms for ALL groups may be picked up at the Arena Box Office after Septem~ her 8. Registration will take place at the arena on two Saturday af- ternoons, September 19 and 26, and no registration will be ac- cepted without a birth certiï¬cate. Owing to the increase in the arena budget and due to the fact that no T.H.L. hockey will be played in Richmond Hill this year, there will be a registration fee of $5.00 per player. In addi- tion both players and spectators will pay an admission of 25c. Sea- son tickets worth $5.00 may be purchased and are good for ad- mission on Monday, Thursday and Friday nights. as well as Satur- day afternoons. KEN BROOKS. This is Ken’s RAY §NIDEB. Ray is a small, CHARLIE DUNN. Charlie is 362 MARTIN. JBe has a good Lchmon 0C“ eague Columbus ’loend )alurday Semi-Final flootéa/i 5,2 'rganize W Twenty five cars will race the 75 iap Championship, with $1,000.00 going to the driver who picks up the checkered flag, the American drivers being favoured. T. 8. C. League Opens Sept. 9 Pinecrest's Jim Hallahan will be on hand to defend his new crown, it will take all his years of racing skill to compete with the competi- tion as he will be racing against cars with over twice the power: " Tlme trial will be ï¬eld for all cars to determine starting posi- tions and [hey w_lll_ start {at 13.39 pm. the firs]: of 8 events at 2 p.111. sharp. ‘pnir of hands and makes l good safety man. If Joe will only play by the book he could be a real asset to the club. He is In his third year. President Ed. Palllster of the Town and Country Bowling Lea- gue announces that league play will resume on Wednesday, Sep- tember 9. The league plays at the Rlchmond Bowl Yonge St. S. Play is timed to commence at 9 pm. sharp. BOB “IRISH†McDONALD. Bob is a rugged tough halfback and an experienced exâ€"rugger player. JIMMY NEAL. Jim is a good back ï¬elder who will be lost to the team {or at least two weeks as he got battery acid in his eyes while at work. TERRY ‘CHOO CHOO' SMITH. A big rugged Pat Abruzzl-type fullback. who can really smash for yardage. SCARBORO - The Township of Searboro was host to 130 mem- bers of the crew of HMS. Scar~ borough, one of the NATO ships accompanying the Admiral of the Fleet. the Earl Mountbatten of Burma, K. 6., RC. Chief of the United Kingdom ï¬efence Staff, on the Friday of last week, in connection with the official open- ing and visit to the C.N.E. MOB’I‘ McDONALD, brother of "Irish", Mort ls a defensive guard. who also has rugger ex- pegience. JIM PRESTON. A good oflen- sive end and defensive back who would go a lot better if it were not (or his habit of running straight up: A BILL SEARLE. Bill is a good outside line backer and has the ability to tackle hard and low, something that has almost been forgotten in this “grab ’em ar- ound the head" era. NORM SUTCLIFFE. Good all round football player and often- sive tackle. Norm is the bell- wether of the club as he seems to carry the team with him. AL SANDERSON. Al is In his third year with the club at offen- sive guard. A1 comes up with the hard charge on occasion but has to learn never to let up. That's a good part of the boys who will be in action Saturday. so come on along and see a game where the cost is low. Let's sup- port the lads and help them to a good year. 3 miles south of Bolton on Hm. 50 going to have a good season for not too much outlay. Anyone wishing further infor- mation can contact the following people: Junior ‘A' League -‘Lorne Presser A.H.L. - Eric Charity Little N.H.L. - Bob Jackson Minor Hockey - Barry Brent 0.M.H.A. - Wick Mllla For complete service and parts â€"new machinery and industriel equipment. Goodyear Tire Service. Give us a call fdr demonstra- tion and'full particulars. R. B. 3 Bolton Phone Bolton 150 "LIBERAL" CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS PHONE TU. 4-1105 WILLIAMS Service & Supply MASSEY-FERGUSON SALES & SERVICE ‘eaéon V . . 'Moaah on start ODD PIECES ‘OF PLYWOOD Interior and Exterior grade. See these values at our yard Drive in â€" Free Parking. TU. 4-3714 21 Yonge St. See Bill Ding’s PRIDHAM’S PAINT _ 6'1 WALLPAPER DOMESTIC - COMMERCIAL FLOORS - WALLS - WINDOWS MAINTAINED IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION BY WEEK, MONTH OR CONTRACT ESTIMATES FREE - N0 JOBS T00 SMALL "Phone Our Motto Satisfaction Prop, Bargain Bin Consult us for personaliz'ed‘attention to all your painting needs. We also stock ï¬nest range of Wallpapers and can handle ALL your decorating. INSIST UPON Richmond Hill Commercial Cleaners ESTIMATES FREE t. N. Richmond Hill Tel. TU. 4-2819 A fascinating preview of latest high-style chapeaux now at Madeleines. Towering draped crowns, swagger brlms. rippled clochel â€"â€" all styled to the new silhou- ette in the soft plush Furr Look. The colors are irresistible â€"â€" ranging from warm pastel: to brilliant jewel tones, It’s n06 a minute too soon to come in for the best selection. aha-nonhuman,“ Mllllnen I Accessories 1319 YONG! 31. (It Fall-Inn) ll“. .441 O n.m.-8.30 13.11). M to D "I. M66'fé Over 1,000 New Fall Hats Wdcla/einc Benjamin Jim Hope paints the are