It's hard to believe, but in just mother two weeks you will be once again reading the scores of players and teams in the Concord- Edgeley Bowling league. Those muscles that have been swinging golf clubs and mixing pickles for the last couple of months will be back in the swlng earning strikes, spares and “Blows†for their own- ers. Friday. Septemberï¬ll at 8:00 pm. at the Woodbridge alleys, that’s all you need to know. All the old regulars and substitutes and any interested newcomers are urged to be present on opening night so that the '59-’60 season can get off with a bang. My ap- ologies to Mr. John Witney for not getting this news out. last week. Celebrating heir birthday this week are Mrs. red Hendry. Sept- ember . 1, Mrs. George Mains, September 2 and Norman Young, September 3. Happy birthday to 1031 all. Bowling Keith Charles Snider is a little new arrival at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Snider on August 20. Keith is their third son. The Edgeley 4â€"H Homemaking Club girls are displaying their A belated fareWell to the War- rens and Graves‘ of King High Drive. who have both moved to new homes. Mr. and Mrs. Warren and family we understand, have moved to Scarboro while Mr. and Mrs. Graves are a little closer. on Roosevelt Drive, Langstgff. Inducted last May as Minister of St. Andrew’s, Maple and St. Paul’s. Vaughan, who will preach anniversary Iervices at St. Paul's at the morning service, Sunday, Sep- tember 13. At the evening service guest preacher will be Rev. J. N. Hepburn of Richmond Hill. Social You remember a while back young Matthew Stoddart was the star performer in an emergency appendectomy at Branson Hospi- tal. Well, now we hear that Mat- thew did a repeat performance at Branson, his encore being an operation for the removal of a four pound tumour. He is in fine shape now and let's hope this is the end of his escapades involving hospitals: The Whaleys, Bailies and Bar- ons are back in the land of .the living. The Whaleys had a pleas- ant time at Clear Lake while the Barons enjoyed themselves at Tu- cker Lake and Sturgeon Lake. The Bailies? Well let's just say that to relate their camping ex- periences at Algonquin park, We would have to buy all printing space in “The Liberal" for about a year. Watch for Warren’s new book “How to Take Your Family Camping and Keep Your Sanity, On Saturday August 22, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Keffer were guests at n get-together held in Gormley at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lat- imer. The host and hostess for the evening (besides the senior Latimers) were Scott Latimer and his better half Pat who now live in Cornwall where Scott is a chemical engineer. Also enjoying the eVening were Mr. and Mrs. 511 Steffen, Richmond Hill, Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson, Lea- side, and Mr. Norm Middleton, Markham. Messrs. Latimer. Stef- fan, Middleton and Keffer are what might be called Richmond Hill High School “Old Boys." A- bout once a year they find it possible to get together and tell their wives and friends the same old stories they’ve been hearing for the last seven or eight years! of how many people are expected to end their lives in holiday ac- cidents. Let’s prove wrong those people who predict our fate and have a safe and happy weekend. GROWER -â€" FLORIST Since 1830 ‘ The ï¬nest in floral designs and bedding plants. 'Phone Maple 2' Keele Street Maple, Ont. “50deme W‘ We know of another lady who has been "camping" in her very own bed for the last two weeks. Mrs. Oman Bowes has been serv- ing out the sentence imposed on her by her doctor. as part of her treatment for phlebitis. Hope Mr. Bowes has been a good nurse- mald and that Mrs. B. will soon be operatingiunder full stegm. I THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont, Thursday, September 3,_1959 Maple, Concord & Edgeley Distripjs Edgeley Socials CONCORD SOCIALS REV. B. 1“. ANDREW in} Liberal†u dwm wining a, publish Interesting Item regarding people no event. contributed by It- renden in Maple. Concord a. Edsel†districts. Our representative III Mule b Mrs. Len Shore. Maple 223W: tn Concord. Mrs. Ruth Kenn, AV. 5-2875; and In Edgeley and Sherwood. Mn. Raymond Stuart. AV. 5-1934. a lot of T.V. thrillers to shame] Sunday. August 23, Mr. John Witney was host at dinner to Mrs. Charles Sadler and her daughter Doris of Toronto. In the evening they all visited Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Witney and family. Good~bye and Good Buy The Bowman: of Vaughan Blvd. are moving to Cincinatti and we wish them well in their new sur- roundings. ‘ latest project "The Milky Way‘ at the C.'N.E. on September 2. When Edgeley Public School opens next Tuesday, the classes will welcome back for the second year Mrs. McDonald of Richmond Hill and Mrs. Wilson of ConcortL They will head classes in which the enrollment is expected to be about the same in number as last year. Mr. Norm Burrows has depart- ed from concord to another ser-' vice station (could someone tell me where?) and his SuperteSt sta- tion is now under the manage- ment of Mr. Garth Bowes, King High Drive. Garth is no stranger to many of us having lived in the district all his life. He was form- erly with Simpsons for several years. We wish Garth much suc- cess in his new venture. More Coming and Going Just heard of an interesting vaâ€" cation. Mrs. Saunders, her son Charles, Tommy Clapp and Don Day returned last week-end from the east coast. While there they visited Mr. and Mrs. Saunders' relatives in Nova Scotia. Among these were Mrs. Saunders‘ parents and Mr. Saunders' brother, Frank Saunders, a well-known Gurnsey breeder who has been a cattle judge .at the ONE. Mr. Saunders took the boys to the annual 4â€"H Club rally held at Kentville Re- search Station, KentvilleLNS.» _ Another highlight of the visit was a visit to an uncle of Mr. Saunders, Mr. Charles Sanford, a retired lawyer in Saint John N. B. While there, Mrs. Saunders and the boys drank from a cup which had been used by the late King George VI and Queen Eliz- abeth during their Canadian visit in 1939. I saw them in Saint John then, but wasn't at the tea party.) A couple of weeks ago on Aug- ust 22 Mr. and Mrs. ~Fred Orr were hosts to twenty-two people at a ban voyage party for Mrs. Page, Port Credit who is going to Europe. Seem}; to me the Ogrs Vai'eiailiï¬isrvs Vsendlng soméone else off across the pond. Never mind Iris. maybe next year! Happy Holiday â€"â€"-.-râ€" The last big week-end of the summer season is upon us and once more we hear the statistics of how many people are expected to end their lives in holiday a& cidents. Let’s prove wrong those people who predict our fate and have a safe and happy weekend. other one. I'm sure. Joan Constable, a high school student, has been a very popular bus monitor all summer. It has been her duty to count noses and more or less keep their high spir- its under control. We mothers owe her a large thanks â€" other- wise it might have been necess- ary for us to ï¬ll in as supervisors. If Joan couldn’t make it. her sis- ter Ann took over for that! day. At the pool the instructors took over and the boys and girls were divided into diflerent groups ac- cording to their swimming ability. In one end you could hear, "right under, up, then down and up â€"â€" don't wipe your eyes, you are going right under again, that’s it." Across the pool others were floating on their backs and â€" O.K. push your tummy up, Louise, relax -â€" Gail, slow down, take it slowly â€" hey Steve. what kind of stroke is ,that?" etc., etc. Some of the smaller ones were allowed to jump off the side or the board into, the deep end, which was n big thrill; Lynda, Joey_ Kathy, Kerry and others taking the big plunge. during the August. On this particular morning there were 27 youngsters an the bus and for the rest of the day my ears were still ringing â€"â€" each one had tried to out-shout the other one. I'm sure. The Intermediates were being tested for life saving, giving res- piration and questioned on what they should do under certain circumstances, etc.__ Along with all this instruction, they were allowed a play period, Whlqh they seenged Atqenjoy. 'Next issue we hope to list the names of the ones who have sue cessfuuy passed their swimming tests for this season. e Thanks again to those making this twice weekly excursion pos- sible. - Tenting Can Be Fun This bus service is supplied by the Maple Lions Club for the boys and girls wanting to take swimming instruction at Thorn- hill Pool. A nominal charge is made and these classes are held Briim has Eofne aiong in great strides â€" and that’s the way he went oi! the diving board too. I hop‘e throughout the summer the parents had taken the time â€" at least one morning -â€" to go over and watch their child in ac- tion. It means a lot to be able to actually show Mom and Pop what they are learning and how they are being taught. One popular ‘student’ was ï¬ve year old Billy Watson. A sturdin built little guy he had been nick- named “The Admiral' by the in- structors and everyone got a bang out of seeing the Admiral strut his stuff. The Palmers; Lloyd and Del: with Gary. Clarence, mielyn and Bruce, found this to be true when they took of! for their holiday headquarters at the Provincial Park on Grundy Lake. Last week after having been asked by my youngest many times. “Mom, when will you come to see us swim?’ I joined the gang waiting for the bus at our community hall. Sixty miles north of Parry Sound, off Highway 69«â€" they found the ï¬shing and swimming excellent and the tenting facili- ties more than adequate. The in- dividual barbecues came in to good stead for handy lunches and of course “ï¬sh friesâ€. All in all the weather was on the Palmers' side and everyone came home tanned rested and convinced â€" tenting is OK. Georgian Bay Enthusiasts Martin and Shirley Cleworth, John and Vicki will tell you wea- ther is for the better on Georgian Bay. Next year they won’t have time for such profound thinking when they start building their cottage†It's Bowling Time Again Anyone for a little exercise, combined with an interesting sport played in the company of a bunch of good sports? Well now, there is a spot open for you as a permanent bowler or as a sub in the Maple Ladies Bowling League, starting September 14. Co-bowlers and friends sorry to hear of Ev. .Hare's recent ap- pendectomy operation. Under- stand she is doing ï¬ne, now, and will be back into the swing of things. ‘ Birthday Magic if you are interested, contact Det Palmer, phone number 5, or Julie Wismer 136. Hurry and get in on the teams being formed right now. Kerry Wismer had a year long wish come true when her family took her out for dinner at the Yangtze Pagoda on Aug. 25, for he: eighth birthday celebration. To add thrill to thrill â€" at the next table three American gen- tleman were dining and one was a real live magician! Much to Kerry's delight he performed for her and the other diners for some time. What a wonderful ending for a just arrived eight-year-old’s birthday. Another Birthday Peter Davis adds one more year towai’ds driving a car â€" this makes it 14 on Saturday, Sep- tember 5. Incidently Pete caught a 15-pounder while ï¬shing in Muskoka Lake. Lake Simcoe for Spencer: Jim and Rae spent a week cotâ€" taging on Lake Simcoe. John, Helen and Louise made the most of swimming and having fun. Week-end In Detroit Ron and Julie Wlsmer with their family motored to Detroit to attend the funeral of Mr. W. T. Brown, Ron's unde. Please, We Lose Sleep There is a yellow cat with a very ornery (flagsition that chases its adversarles every bless- ed night at duo week right undu- months of July and Maple Notes May we suggest -- if you own a cat in this district, how about keeping it shut in the house for the night. What is more horrible than a nightly cat ï¬ght? Please help us to get caught up on our sleep and get our nerves sooth- ed somewhat. Plight of Some Hones Diamond Belle and Sparky, owned by, Mary Ellen Hamilton and Stan Downing. respectively, have grown to be very good com- panions this summer while they frolicked in the ï¬elds. However, they developed bronchitis and consequently had to get several shots from the vet. Seems there is a mild epidemic around the horse set. Belle didn't appreciate the kind intentions of the vet and acted accordingly, gushing her leg which in turn required ten stitches. To further show her disapproval, she kicked the end out of herrstall. Temper, temper. the windows of yours truly and close neighbors. This can get to be very \maddenlng indeed â€" to put it mildly. Seems that Spermâ€"r was m_uch the better patient. More About Maple Cancer Soc. The chairman, 'Mrs. Rachael Spencer and her willing volun- teers are available to supply dressings at all times whenever needed. Sometimes some of these services are behind the scenes and perhaps you don't hear about them but they are in- deed a vital section of this active group. So many groups become inac- tive during the summer months, we’d like to tell you about one group that is active during every seasan. And of course we mean the Women’s Services Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society. The reports coming in from the Exhibition regarding the im- pressive and delightful paintings and sculpture on display at the CNE art gallery are most satisfy- ing. As you know this is under the sponsorship of the Canadian Cancer Society. Last Friday was their allotted time and the ladies said the res- ponse was terriï¬c. They took turns acting as ticket and prog- ram sellers, guides and handing out literature concerning the Cancer Society â€"- its activities and where and how you may re- ceive aid if necessary. ‘ Again Rae Spencer was res- ponsible for the arrangements to be made for our Maple volunteers to serve at this exhibit. Each volunteer was supplied with an immaculate yellow smock to wear and the whole affair was carried off like clock-work â€" no small chore with such an under- taking. All proceeds from this exhibit will be used for research and as- sisting wherever possible in the ï¬ght against this dread disease. Ron Miller Has Accident While spending the summer as a junior Forest Ranger at a seed- ling nursery, near Thessalon, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson Parker who were married Saturday, August 22, in Holy Trinity Church, Thornhill. The bride, the former Miss Joan Wade, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. B. Wade of Thornhill, Ontario, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Parker of Grand Manna. New Brunswick. W6! .91; 3£ornAi// Out, a tree fell on Ron Miller. crushing a vertebra and causing severe injury. We all send our very best wishes to Ron for a speedy recovery and how about his friends sending him a card and a line to Toronto Geneni Hospital. Let him know we 3:. all pulling for him. Happier Summer For Another John Darker Was also with the Junior Forest Rangers stationed at Remi Lake. 18 miles from Kap- askasing. He and Bruce Elson of Richmond Hill shared a tent and the task of improving and caring for the Provincial Park there. What with an excellent French cook to look after the inner man and lots of fresh air and hard work. John seems to have enjoy- ed his summer occupation. His parents. George and Mary Darker and Mary Lou and Earl holidaved on Lovesick Lake. on Deer Bay, for two ï¬ne weeks. First Time Off To Camp Sister Gail took in the swim- ming classes at Thornhlll so she will be ready to go to camp when she reaches that magic age. A New Teen-Ager Shelley James will tell you that going to a camp with around 100 girls for nearly two weeks can be loads of fun and you learn many interesting hobbies and camping out tricks. This took place at Camp Couchiching where girls between 8 and 11 made the most of their camping experien- ces. Sleep Out Inn â€" was a camp within the camp and most fascin- ating things took place. Helen Spencer is now a teen!! as of August 28. To help her cel- ebrate. her girl friends, Dlane and Debbie McConkey, Mary El- len Hamilton. Bobbie Deitch and Joan Hodgson, got together for a weiner roast and an evening of fun last Saturday. The girls said a sad adieu to Bobbie, who is moving with her parents this week. to Barrie. Come Fall Mrs. Marlon Morris will be sadly missed by this reporter as she was a wonderful newshound and reporter for her church, their various groups and J.M.S. of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. We hope she schooled her successor well. Marion and John Morris and family have moved to Oakville. While we hope they enjoy their new surroundings, their commun- ity spirit will be missed around these parts. ' New Year New Teacher- George Bailey Public School has been fortunate to acquire the services of two experienced and well recommended teachers for their teaching staï¬ for this com- ing year. Mr. W. Hazel] will teach grade 7 and be assistant to the princi- paï¬lxMr. JohnAOutramt 7 Mrs. Russell Tilt will be teach- ing grade 1. Both live in Rich- mond Hill and we trust they en- joy their teaching in our school and they can be assured of our support as parents. See “Comiï¬g Events†for an- nual meeting of the Maple Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society, Hope this extra week of school holidays won’t be like the pro- verbial straw that broke the cam- el’s back. Brace yourselves, it will be a long winter. To Customer Speciï¬cations FINDER BROS. lTD. TV Radio & Electric TU. 4-5131 $3.50 SERVICE CHARGE ANYWHERE - ANYTIME Complete Service on All Television - Radios for properly feeding your milk cow during her dry period. This is a period of preparation for the “Happy Eventâ€. It is (time that must be fully utilized if your Dairy cows are to do their best in the productive months ahead. fed at the recOmmended rate, will provide all the necessary nutrients to balance the roughages and ensure healthier cows at calving and right through the ensuing 1actation_ Just a few pounds daily of SHUR-GAIN Dry & Freshening Ration “A†fed during the dryperiod can mean 1000 lbs. extra milk during her next lactation . . . a great return for your feed dollar. MAPLE FEED MILI. STEEL lINTELS l BEAMS Kept in Stock Portable Cnne 'Ask The Man Who Feeds Shut-Gain" MAPLE‘ 0N1 PHON SHUR-GAIN Dry & Freshening Ration "A“ 28 Years’ Experienco SERVICE WITH YOUR FUTURE IN MIND STEEL FABRICATING 1000 LBS.£ EXTRA MILK CAN BE YOUR REWARD -â€" CALL The Men From M A R S TU. 4-5131 0il Burner- Wuherl - Range- Vmums - Dryer- And All Appliances 6A LEVENDALE So . . ,. should the year 1959 be yours to really get down to bun-[non about your ï¬gure â€" and incidentally your health â€" enrol your family It PR. 3-550. RICHMOND HILL MARS Service OPENS SEPTEMBER 4th CLASSES FOB Children - Business-Girls - Homemakers Posture Willy Blok Hanson WW, m 1/; DAIRY FEEDS ITHAT INCREASE DAIRY PROFITS (WITH ADDED VITAMIN “Aâ€) IPICKERING - Pickering Town- ship Council will send a letter of commendation to lifeguard Dan Huntington for quick action in pulling twenty children out of Duffin’s Creek minutes before a flash flood hit the area August 9th. Riverside ratepayers had re- quested some tribute be offered the youth. WHITCHURCH â€" Mr. R. M. Kennedy is to be appointed As- sessment Commissioner for the township. WOODBRIDGE â€" Teenage dele- gates to the International Red Cross Study Center held at the University of Toronto. and rep- resenting almost every confluent of the globe, were taken on a tour of Ontario farms in the Wood- bridge-Weston area. recently. Grace of Movement -- Dance ATTENTION EGG PRODUCERS THIS YEAR TRY YOUR FLOCK 0N -â€" Master Complete layer Krums THE ADVANTAGE THORNHILI. ~52“! Sim/a TRY YOUR BIRDS ON ['1' THIS SEASON (1) Only one feed to bother with. (4) Less wastage â€" nothing for the bird: to pick over. (2) You are sure of a. balanced diet. (3) Only feed once a day. (5) Fed by most large egg producers. ....PRAGI§AJ.FEDS W. R. BAH [ad £05 andon 'I'Il.4-22|3 for your plnoo at blamed truck lettering. ul- signs. oflico door lettering, FAST SERVICE SOMETHING TO RENT LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS BRING RESULTS PHONE TU. 4.1105 657A YONG- WA. 1-8018 TORONTO l PHONE 167 AV. 5 - l3“