Art Ins born at Montreal in 1897 and attended school at La- chlne, Quebec. He points out that one of the original canals to by- au the rapids was the canal at achlne. rum. Azunst Kalser With the outbreak of the first world war, Art enlisted with the Canadian Army to “fight against the Kaiser" as he puts it. He serv- ed with the Royal Field Artillery and served in France and Belg- ium. Art is a fourth generation Canadian-his ancestors arriving ï¬iï¬inally from Yorkshire. Eng- n . Arthur Clifford Jennings with his wife Dorothy. known to friends and customers as ‘Art & Dot' or as ‘Dot & Art,‘ operate the Oak Ridges Dry Cleaning Estab- lishment on Yonge Street. Art participated In the histori- cal battle of Ypres where he was wounded. He still “mpg slightly I: I result. Back in Montreal after the war he worked in a chemical factory and met his future wife, Dorothy. Born in England at Leeds, Dot's parents emigrated to Canada while she was still a baby and she was educated in Montreal. The couple were friends for some years. Both have been previously married, when they met finally I! widower and widow respective- ly they decided to marry. They weremerried in the fall of 1936 and have three boys. Two of these are now themselves married with children of their own making Art and Dot grandparents. One of the married sons Gordon ‘8 now a Jet Pilot with the RCAF and is currently serving in Ger- many. The youngest son Clifford has graduated from Etobicoke Collegiate and now attends school at Aurora. Son Breaks Leg Art is an outstanding movie camera fan and likes to film the various outings and events in whi- ch the family participate. Recenty Clifford broke his leg while diving at the Aurora Swim- ming Pool. This occurred on Au- gust int and the leg is still in a pla_stgr .cast. ,‘_1,__u“ _.-...I.. OAK RIDGES (Yonge St.) Cleaners & Dyers Proprletorl: Art a. Dot Jennings 8 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, September 10, 1959 Dot & Art Fought And Wounded At Ypres, Is Now Operating Business At Oak Ridges Free Pick-Up & Delivery l'ull Laundry Service i 7.30 PM. â€" REV. J. N. HEPBURN Phone: PR. 3-5392 ll A.M. â€" REV. B. F. ANDREW Service of praise will be led by the McDonald Clan ‘ 10,000 Shade Trees from 6-12 ft. in sev- eral varieties to be cleared this fall. Special prices to Ratepayers and Horticultural Societies. Evergreens, Shrubs, Hedging, Perennials and Rock Plants. ALPINE NURSERIES BA'l'I'IIlRS'I' STREET 2 MILES NORTH RICHMOND HILL-MAPLE ROAD TU. 4-3361 ST. PAUL'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 7TH CON. VAUGHAN TWP. Service at St. Andrew’s Maple will be withdrawn SUNDAY SEPT. 13 ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE ANNIVERSARY SERVICE King City, Oak Ridges Lake Wilcox “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of hue!- est regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our new: correspondenc In King City is Mrs. William J. Houston. telephone Kin: 205M: and in Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox. Mrs. Elisabeth Orton. Aubrey Ave.. phone PR. 3-5610. Service of Praise led by St. Paul’s Choir of Richmond Hill Last June they decided to strike out for themselves and bought the present establishment at Oak Rid- ges. while they also moved their residence to Aurora, Art 8: Dot declare that they like the district very much -â€" are en- joying the countryside, are enam- oured of the good people by whom they are surrounded and whom they serve. Ski-Fans Both _ From Montreal the family mov- ed to Toronto in 1955 when Art was transferred by his company to take up an appointment as Of- fice Manager for the British Chrome 8; Chemicals Company. Open Local gusting“ A Both are great toboggan and ski fans and are members of the Dagmor Ski-Lifts Club and have engaged In these exciting sports over many years both in Quebec Province and here. - Avvn.-- ....._ _-_ V. Operating a very friendly Cleaning, Dyeing and Laundry Service they also maintain a var- iety store and hope to expand their service shortly to take in the repair of leather goods and school satchels, etc. An heirloom christening robe over 100 years old was used for a fourth generation baby Sunday. when Rev. Martin Jenkinson bap- tized Douglas Edward Beale at the Patrick: Drive home at his parents, Mr. gnd Mrs. Ray Beale. pan-nub, flu. cuu an». A“, u ..... Unable to be present, grand- parents Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Beale 0t Letchworth, England, had sent the christening gown now used by their family for top; generations. Little Douglas Edward at four months, was the ï¬fth child to wear the long white cotton gown. fashioned wiht inset lace and eye- let bodice. The accompanying long white slip was omltted for the occasion because of the hot weather. Guests attending the baptism and tea included Rev. and Mrs. Martin Jenkinson, grandparents Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Fraser of Ot- tawa, Godparents Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hopkins of King City; Mr. and Mrs. J. Dinning of Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Roiy Anderson. of Willowdale; and King City neigh- bours, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mur- ray, Mr. and Mrs. Al D'Ambrogio. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. Ian Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Chesney, Mr. and Mrs. John Rumble. and Mr. and Mrs. ,Roly Roberts. 4th Generatidn Wears Christening Robe Mr. and Mrs. G. Cragg and family, North Rd, have returned from a varied holiday, having spent a week camping around North Bay, two days camping at Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan and ten days visiting Mr. Craggs sis- ters in Chlcaga III. lst Oakridges Cubs and Scouts Group Committee held their first fall meeting, Tuesday September lst at the Legion Hall, Stan Burr, Scoutmaster. Joy Anderson, Cub Mistress "B" Pack, and Mrs. Cecil Cassidy. Sec. Treas. have resigned. A new group committee was formed and election of offic- er's was held. The following were elected, Mr. F. Thiverge. Chair- man, Mr. C. W. Moore. Vice Chairman, Mr. E. Savage, Sec. Treas. Committee members are Captain E. C. Hawman, Mr. Stan Cook, Mr. Bill Orton, Mr. F. J. Moores, Mr. A. Ross and Mr. G. Crittenden. The Group was infor- med on September 2nd that the- Legion Hall was no longer avail- able for meetings and the boys will be'informed as soon as a new meeting place is available. Socials Mrs. Gord Rowe and children, Elmgrove Ave., are at home now from the cottage at Collingwoo-d, they have been away the entire summer. 7 A 7 Guests last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. McLernon. South Rd. were Cpl. and Mrs. R. T. Histed and two children, Mrs. McLernon and Mrs. Histed are sisters, the Histed’s were en route to Manitoba from Baden- Baden, Germany where Cpl. His- ted has been serving with the Scouts 8: Cuba vâ€"Bénnis, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Mal-r, Elmgrove Ave., cel- Trousseau Tea Mrs. Clayton Beynon entertain- ed guests at a lovely trousseau tea given in honour of her youngest daughter *Ruth Marie on Satur- day September 5th. Ruth will be- come the bride of James Brilling- er on Sept. 12th in Temperance- ville United Church at 3 pm. Mrs. Beynon welcomed the guests into their home which was tragrently scented with the per- fume of lovely roses, and arrange- ments of gladioll and Zinnia were beautiful throughout the home. The tea table was especially atâ€" tractive with its lovely lace table cloth, four silver candle holders with pink candles and beautiful flower arrangement of red roses white and pink gladioli and white mums in a basket shaped glass container. In the afternoon Mrs. H. S. Coulthalrd and Mrs. Dennis Bey- non had the honour of pouring tea. Misses Patsy Mackljn, Betty Beynon. Mary and Helen Coulth- ltd assisted at the table. In the evening Miss Grace Jennings poured tea being assisted by her daughter Donna and Joan Hare. The rooms in which Ruths shower gifts (five showers) her wedding gifts, hope chest articles and her beautiful trousseau were displayed were filled to capacity. Articles for the bathroom and kit- chen too numerous to mention but very lovely: fine china ware, vases towels, pillow cases and pillows, cooking utensils, glassware. cups and saucers, silverware, bread box and containers were among the lovely gifts. The staff at “Little Bros," where Ruth works, pres- ented her with two beautiful lamps and an electric frying pan. The members of Temperanceville Choir gave her a oresentat-ion of a lovely blue raw fruit basket. A very beautiful beige coloured card table was another presentation at a luncheon held by Elizabeth Cou- lthard, Ruth also has two very lovely dinner sets. one for every- day and one for special occasions, as well as her two sets of silver- ware. Very lovely indeed. The girls who were acting as hostesses in these rooms were Carolynn Brillinger, Margaret Kirby, Florrle McCslIum, Eliz- abeth Coulthsrd. _ The many friends and relatives who attended this tea were thrill- ed to see Ruth so happy and pleased with her many guests. She looked lovely in a pink ny- §og dress with a corsage of glad- o . Five Showers During the last few weeks ex-i citement and pleasure has been) taking place in the Beynon house-1 hold. The news that Ruth was to‘ be married began a desire by? those who knew her to have some small part in her future happiness.‘ Thus a shower was given in Harle- ton at the home of Mrs. Wittaker. This was followed by a bathroom shower at the home of Donna Jennings. Relatives met at the home of Mrs. Bowes where many gifts were received. Then a mis- cellaneous show was held by the community of Temperanceville. This was followed by relatives meeting at the home of Miss Jean lBrillinger to fete Ruth. Another occasion at which Ruth was guest of honour jointly with a cousin Kathleen Lock (also to be mar- ried) was a luncheon held by MiSS Elisabeth Coulthard at which twenty cousins were present. Be- sides this there was the presen- tations by the staff at “Little Bros" and Temperanceville Choir- To Ruth her many friends say â€" May she and Jim have every happiness as they journey down lites' road togher. Sand†School wï¬i resume its Oak Ridges, Lake Wilcox Social. CORRESPONDENT: MES. MILTON WELLS. C. I. 8 KING Phone PB. 3-5239 TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS With school commencing this week, it has been decided to close the skating sessions at the Le- gion H-a11,_as pupils will be busy with homework. etc. Perhaps it will’be something to look forward to next year. Fun Fair On Saturday September 19th an indoor Carnival and Fun Fair will be held at the Legion Hall by Branch 570. running from 2 to 11 pm. there will be a mutt show at 2 pm. Fancy Dress Parade, Bake Sale, etc., so please keep this date in mind. Also on the agenda for Branch 570 is a “Pop- py Fund†Dinner and Dance to be held on Saturday October 10th tickets are available from Mr. Ivor Williams at PR. 3-5429. Pro- ceeds are used to help Veteran's and their widow’s and Orphan's in the Community. A special Gen- eral Meeting of the Ladies Auxâ€" iliary of Canadian Legion Branch 570, will be held, Monday Sept- ember 14th at 8 pm. at the Hall, to finalize plans for a busy Fall schedule. All members are urged to attend. , ebrated his 12th Birthday on Saturday with a party. Good eats and prize winning games were the order of the day and those en- gwing same with Dennis, were arvey Hall. Phillip McLeod, Roe ger Wilson. Richard Orton. Ro- bert Orton, Roger OrtOn, Tommy Hunt. Dougie Hunt, Abbie Hunt, Douglas MacMillan. Kevin McKee Bill Smith- and Ronnie Broad. Country Club. John had a score of 90, on 3 Par 71 course, and received :1 Cup. two golf clubs (woods) and {golf ball. John, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Stoneman, Bond Ave., recently won the “Caddy†Tournament held at the Summit Golf and services on Septemben 13th at 11 am. Missionary Sunday will be held, please be prepared to take partrin M and M fund. Seï¬tember 20th Annversa-ry Sunday with Rev. Vic Wood offlc- iating. W “#1. and W.M.Sl to be held on Thursday Septemberg'nh. ‘ , W. I. will have its first meeting of the fall on Wednesday 16th at Temperanceville Church. The flower Show will be held at the time, all other information is in last weeks paper. Come and enoy the meeting. Th2 w. ‘2'. and w. M. s. will meet on Thursday. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wells and Mr. and Mrs. Merton Wells wish to express their thanks to all who were so kind during their re: cent bereavement when Mr. Lyle Wells passed away. Légï¬ay Women's Institute has been invited to be guests of Snowball W. I. on \September 23. W. M. S. Socials The Missionary Group, headed by Mrs. Charles Hately, Mrs. Her- bert Ross, Miss Vera Hunter and Mrs. W. Bryson, was in charge iof' Laska-y‘ï¬â€™rM. S. meeting af the' church. Mrs. Whatley Finch spoke on the theme of “Positive Thinking," taken from Norman Vincent Peale’s book, “The Power of P051- tive Thinking.†“Accept little things to do at first, and the time will come when all things will be ossible with God’s power,†she aid. “Do not minimize what you can do; keep frustrations at the level where they belong; don’t glamor- ize them," Mrs. Finch advised. “Our security 15, ‘Lo, I am with you aiways. “We have a torch to carry and in its reward we lose ourselves. As others see through us, may they see the master work- ing through us," the speaker con- tinued. ' "Make a decision {or the af- firmative side and God will not forsake you as an individual or as a group," she said. Miss Vera Hunter thanked the speaker for her timely topic. Mrs. Bryson presided for de- votions. Mrs. Charles Hater read the Scripture lesson. followed by prayer by Miss Hunter. Mrs. W. Bryson read the lesson theme from an article by Padre W. A. Young of Guelph O. A. 0., who advised. “The best way to show a stick is crooked is to lay a straight one beside it. A construc- tive influence is always more ef- fective than a destructive approa- ch." Miss Marjory McMurchy played the piago. Mrs. Clyde Cairns presided for business when tenatxve plans were made for the fowl supper October 28. A letter was read from Rev. W. Hunnisett of Fred Victor Mission, who accepted the invitation to preach for the W.M.S. service October 18, when he will be accompanied by musi- clans. Mrs. Glen Dock: reviewed the September Missionary} Monthly. stressing “World Refugee Year." She spoke of the need for bales of clothing for Korea. Refreshments were served by the Missionary Group to 16 mem- bers and three visitors. Fall rally Laskay United Church W. M. S. representatives will be attending York Fall Rally next Tuesday at Sandford. Laskay Socials School Open House A minimum of formality will mark the opening of the new Eva L. Dennis School on Kingslynn Ave. on Wednesday evening, Sep- tember 23, when ratepayers will have an opportunity to inspect the village’s newest public build- ing. Rev. Martin Jenkinson has been invited to dedicate the school, located in Valentine Ac- res and Clearvlew Gardens. Mem- bers of S. S. 2 School Board, Chairman Aubrey Gordon, Mr. Gordon Tetley and Mr. Jack Whalley were meeting today to complete plans for the "open hgmseâ€. Cam Roast Mr. and Mrs. Norman McMur- chy of Strange have Invited the congregation of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, King City, to a corn roast at their home to~ morrow evening. Looking after arrangements fr the social outing are members of. the Women's Association, Pre- sident Mrs. John Tanner, Mrs‘. Ted Sivems and Mrs. Willough- by, with their husbands. Holiday By Bus Mr. Harry Edwards is taking over as secretary of Lake Marie and King Athletic Association. He succeeds Jim Patton, who will be moving to Aurora after he and Miss Sarah Barradell are mar- tied on September 19. In the party of 75 was Miss Beth Gellatly, visiting from Durham. who stayed a few days with Miss Jessie Gellatly. Arrival Mrs. Frank Armstrong and Mrs. Ross Walker enjoyed a two-week holiday. travelling by bus to Cape Cod. New Secretary Mr. Laurence Scott and »Mr. John Langdon took two busloads of King City residents down to the C.N.E., in the annual tour arranged by Mrs. Len Robb. Mr. and Mrs. James Lowdon of Dennison Road were visited by Mrs. Lowdon’s brother, Mr. Rus- sell MacMillen, and Mrs. Machl- len of Elmsdale, Nova Scotia; her sister, Mrs. Reta MacPhee, from Halifax and Mr. Arthur Coston of Halifax. The travellers left last weekend after spending a week in King City. . Weekend Visitor Mr. Edwards is an original member of the 38-year-old organ- ization and was secretary-trees. urer two years ago. C.N.E. Buses Before leaving for Niagam Dio- cese, Rev. and Mrs. W. Bruce Jennings were honored by the Altar Guild of All Saints' Church at a tea at “Kincaldrum,†home of the Guild's president. Mrs. James Baxter. The occasion was attended by 15 members of the Guild, which Mrs. Jennings organized a year ago. Vice-president Mrs. Harry Finch presented, on behalf of members. an attractive, inscribed tea tray to Dr. and Mrs. Jennings, who expressed their appreciation. From Nova Scotia Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strathy of R. R. 2 King, are proud par- ents of a son born August 27 at Wellesley Hospital in Toronto. Couple Honoured Over the Labor Day weekend, Susan Ratciiffe. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Ratclif of Wil- son Heights, scayed with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Ratclif, King St. At Convention Mrs. Gordon Phippen of the Se- cond Concession of King was hos- tess to-day at a garden party and tea in aid of the building fund of the deaconess Training School. The event was sponsored by St. Andrew’s Presbyterian ladies. School Inspector Miss Dorothy Armstrong atten- ded the four-day convention in Toronto Of some 500 representa- tives of the Canadian College of Organists and American College of Organists. Garden Party Mr. Douglas Adams, in charge of this area last year, has been transferred to Stouffville, Whit- church and Newmarket. Mr. W. J. McLeod of Richmond Hill is once again Public School Inspector for this Inspectorate, taking in King and Vaughan Townships and the town of Au- rota. Mr. McLeod will ,be meeting with some 40 teachers at the new Eva L. Dennis school on Septem- ber 22. King City W. I. The program hadrbeen arrang- ed by the convenor of home ec- onomics and health, Mrs. Gregory Paul. The new president of Centre York Women’s Institutes, Mrs. Ross Armltage of Newmatket, brought greetings and guest spea- ker was Miss Ruth Moyle, Dept. of Agriculture representative. King City W. M. S. Mrs. Bruce Hall, Heritage Park, was hostess Tuesday evening to King City Women’s Institute op- ening meeting for {by fall season. Mrs. Verdun Gordon. King St., opened her home to-day for a meeting of King City United Church W. M. S. Visitor ' iiiss Linda Canney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard anney gt Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clift enter- tained Mrs. Clift’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Carson. at din- ner, to celebrate the 84th birthday of Mt. Carson. 0n T. V. Toronto, spent part of her holl- days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Burt. Marks Birthday vidWard Millard, 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Millard, was pleased to learn he had ap- AURORA S'AND 8. SPECIAL PRICES FOR HOM PIT-RUN GRAVEL, SAND FILI CONCRETE SAND, ALSO q 1 DRIVEWAYS '1 King City Notes PA. 1:9 During vacation he and a young uncle, Leroy Robinson, were try- ing out some newly-installed gym equipment at New Liskeard Bea; ch. They did not know they were being televised until they stopped playing and a T. V. cameraman told them, “Don't stop now. I've already taken 300 feet of film." Christening: peared twice on television, origin- ating at the Elk Lake Station. Rev. Martin Jenkinson officiat- ed at the christening of two bab- ies on Sunday. While summer classes have been held at Teston. Laskay and King City United Churches. next Sunday will see the start of re- organized depattments, making the end of vacation time. At Teston, he baptized Laurie Elaine Rounding. infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rounding of Toronto. Mrs. Rounding is the former Jean McGinn of Teston. who used to be church organist there. Mr. Jenkinson had been the minister at their wedding. Sunday afternoon he Ehrlstened little Douglas Edward Beale, four. month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Beale. at their Patricia Drive home. Sunday Schools Sunday School will resume at All Saints’ Anglican Church next Sunday morning at 11, under the guidance of Superintendents Mrs. Ross Walker and Mr. Gordon Tet- ley. At St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church the children are being supervised at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Siverns, during church service. Library noun Chief Librarian Mrs. A. E. Jar- vis reminds library members of the additional service beginning Monday, September 21. when the library will be open from 'I to 9 pm. Seeonee Pack of Cubs is resum- ing autumn activities this evening at All Saints’ Church, when all boys wishing to be Cubs this year are asked to report to the Akekla, Mrs. Rene Bamford, at seven pm. Later in the evening the First King Scout Troop Group Commit- tee will meet in All Saints' Par- ish Room, Mr. A. C. Macnaughton is Chairman of the Group Com- mittee. King Memorial Library will then then remain open Monday and Wednesday evenings and Wednesday and Friday alter- noons. Mrs. Quentin Hardy, former head librarian of Barrie Public Library, has joined the local staff of volunteers, Mrs. Jarvis, Mrs. Gordon Wells. Mrs. Harold Rat- cllff, Mrs. John Grew, Mrs. Geor- ge Berry, Mrs. J. C. Williamson. Mrs. Edmund Walks and Mrs. Eric White. V Tea For Ministers Official announcement of the new incumbent for All Saints’ is expected to be made after Sept- ember 15. Back To Uniform. For those who do not drive. cars will leave the bus terminal at George (Nip) Armstrong’s store ‘at 3:15 and every 15 minutes until 4:30 pm. All adult members of the con- gregation of All Saints' Church, are invited to tea at the home of Miss Blair Burrows, Sixth Line of King, on Saturday, September 9. to meet the new rector. Two large Packs of Brownies will be starting their Fall pro- gnam next week, when B Pack meets after school Wednesday at the Doris M. Patton School on North Keele St., and A Pack meets next Thursday evening at King City United Church. All new Brownies who will be eight years old by December 31 are asked to contact Mrs. Donald Dixon, North Keele St., at King 55 Ring 5‘ Brown Owl Mrs. Dixon will be assisted in looking after the afternoon group by Mrs. Ken- neth Lawson. Mrs. J. H. Evans and Mrs. Jack Carglll. Mrs. R. Roberts is Brown Owl for A Pack, with Mrs. Lloyd Brown and Mrs. Church as help- ers One time trustee and cha of Sacred Heart Separate Board, William O’Rellly led in Sacred Heart C ter he succumbed to dition he had suffere Father John O’Nei the Requiem Mass Heart Roman Cathol for the well-known re the community, who ht Etna séttlem’e‘nt !or zq For 17 years he was schoo chairman. Mr. O'Reilly worked a penter and used to driv Bakery van several when the business wa King City. Surviving in r wife, the form a sister Rose brothers, R0 R. R. 1, King Thomas, Phili ward. The son of Mr. ert O’Reilly, he w ucated in Toronto » He leaves Bruce Munsl tageville; Ju dette. Mary William. LATE WILLIAM O’REILLY‘ @hituary WE ENJOY LOTS MORE ROASTS MR. AND MRS, DANIEL PRICE of Beverley Acres. Richmond Hill are the proud owners of a freezer. Dan is a prlnter and they have four young children. There are Debby, aged 8, Larry aged 6 and the twins Pam and Paul aged 3. They all have healthy appetltel too. Resident three years at Beverley Acres they bought the freezer on advice of friends nearly two years ago. “The best frlends we ever had." says wife Shirley referring to the friends who suggested the freezer for them. “Nowadays, thanks to the freezer coupled wlth Town & Coun- try’s wonderful food plan, we enjoy lots more roasts than we! ever Possible before,†says Shirley. Roasts are usually expensive but Dan and Shirley soon disaovered that Town & Country supply some mer- vellous frozen foods selected by the customer from monthly 11m provided which enable the family to teed better at less cost. “Yes.†conï¬rms Shirley, “that is literally true". And it is true because the company buys massive wholesale supplies at special rates and is able to provide beautiful roasts at the price of a hamburger. Not only this of course, if you really make the freezer work as many owners do. you can accumulate terriï¬c stocks of preserves while fruits, etc. are in season such as you can never attempt without the freezer. It is deliciously delightful to surprise your friends by cerv- ing these wonderful dainties out of season. Our meals are so much better," says Shirley. "while the nvinu have easily paid for the new: itself â€" isn’t it wonderful?†.... o T0 WISH IS TO HAVE WITH A WELL STOCKED FREEZER We have clients for all types of Real Est ready cash. Photo Co-op Listings. [st and 2nd Mortgages Arranged The Friendly Store - Everyone welcome PIRRI'S MARKET 89 YONGE 51', N Johnny longo Real Estate Ltd. You can obtain your home freezer TODAY by telephon- ing TOWN & COUNTRY MARKETERS, 210 Markham Rand. Richmond Hill, AV. 5.5402 and AV. 5-5403. Come and see our wide display. Open daily until 10 p.m. Preperfy Wanted Frer Fruit, Vegetables. Groceries 31 Yonge St. N. â€" Northern Building Phone AV. 5-5301 or Mr. Steflan, TU. 4-3349. Richmond Hill CORNER BEDFORD PARK AVE. Richmond Hill’s Only Fruit Market! of Real Estate with