Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Sep 1959, p. 15

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Many other specials for cool weather CAN BE PURCHASED IN OPEN STOCK Reductions SALE Colored Full Length, rem-$1.29 Sp. Colored Knee Length, reg .980 Sp. GRANT'S CHINA 8. GIFTS ,I/Iundinger Qchoo 192 WELDRICK ROAD 5231 Yonge St Willowdale Accessories In Willow 655 Yonge-Street, Thornhill ENROLL NOW! TINKER BELL SHOPPE â€" THORNHILL â€"- ‘ Closing-Out Sale Continues WINDSOR HOSE Repairs To All Makes Of Cars Industrial Road TU.4-333l Hi" City Motors WEDGEWOOD, ROYAL DOULTON‘ ROYAL CROWN DERBY, ROYAL ALBERT, ROSENTHAL and QUEEN ANNE. RENAULT all Wall “The House of Fine China” PIANO ACCORDION 2 Stores to Serve You BA. 1-4760 CHINA GIFTS 0 Free Loan of ’ V “3“; Instruments 1'0 75-61, Beginners Fabulous Values $2.50 weekly includes lesson and free use of instrument in your own home. on all dinnerware, bone china, and porcelain. DISCOUNT 1048 Eglinton Ave. W. TU. 4-3219 75c 97c Our Lady Help of C School, in Richmond Hill. Student enrollment in public and high schools totalled 7,086, when district schools opened on Tuesday morning of last week. Largest increase was at the Wal- ter Scott Public School where 163 more pupils than in 1959 en- rolled. All told 2 896 pupils are in the Rllchmond filll Public Schools â€" accomodated as follows: Beverley Acres 589; Crosby Heights 490; 0. M. McKillop 502, besides 6 pal-tables, housing 224 pupils from the Pleasantville area where 1.5 per house, or approximately 150 pupils. (This is based on pre- vious experience as regards pub- lic school age children per house hold in the suburbs). Due to this forseen influx Beverley Acres classrooms at present have few- er than the average 30 pupils per class so are expected to absorb the inflow. Superintendent McIntyre was given permission to attend a Pubâ€" lic School Superintendents’ Con- vention in London on October 19, 20 and 21. Short out-of-town meetings were left to the super- intendent's discretion such as a meeting with the Superintendent of Elementary Education on No- vember 18 at Teachers’ College. Toronto. Change orders on the various construction projects of the board at the schools were p'res- ented by the building committee: Trustees H. Sanderson and C. Williams. After discussion these were passed. Final inspection of the Walter Scott Public School addition will take place shortly, School's In And Another Needed a new school is plinned for thé future; Lillian M. McConaghy Scl_1001 434, and Walter Scott 657. Four years ago Richmond Hill had two public schools, MacKi1~ lop (400 pupils) and McConaghy (516 pupils). Since that date the new Walter Scott School was op- ened in 1955; Beverley Acres in 1957 â€" although 85 pupils from this school were accomodated in stores and portables for the year preceeding. In 1958 the Crosby Heights School came into being; and this term Pleasantville pupils have been reorganized as po- tentials for a sixth school. One of the ‘teachers at Crosby §chool has .heen given permis- sion to send a letter to parents asking if they are interested in having their children play in a band, \provld-ing their own instru~ ments excepting drums and a tuba. On motion of Trustee Mrs. Virginia Sully the plan was ap- proved in principal but it was pointed out financial help from the board would have to be de- ferred till next year’s budget. Attendance since 1955 has more than tripled, jumping from 916 on the rolls for that year, to the present 2,894. School Area No. l M-V However, when approximately 200 new homes are sold which are nearing completion the en- rollment at Beverley Acres is_ex- pected to increase at the rate of Sup‘ervising Principal E. J. Sand reports a total enrollment at the nine schools In School Area No. 1 Markham-Vaughan as 2,385 for the 1959 Fall term. High Schools The three high schools in this district noted enrollments as fol- lows: Woodbridge 290; Thornhfll 76" and Ribhmond Hill 750 Separate Schools Due to the construction work on McConaghy Public School, Richmond Hill Public School Board met Thursday evening in the Crosby Avenue Public School. Until the ad- dition is completed one class is using the board room. Superintendent and Inspector Mr. Gordon McIntyre reported the enrollment total as 2,896 pupils in the schools. There is an increase of 150 pupils over that anticipated fol- lowing the pre-school survey in the late spring. Crosby School expected 415 pupils and has 490. Tentative plans, if a capable teacher can be secured, are to move a portable at present at Beverle‘}r Acres School down to Crosby School. Deputy-reeve Tinker said the proposal seemed like a very good one and he thought reference to the planning consultant and in- dustrial commissioner was largely a matter of form. He expressed regret that they 'had objections and the hope that if a suitable site can't be found council would reconsider the matter. Councillor J. W. Bradstock, Parks Chairman, reported to Richmond Hill Town Council Monday night that he is negot- iating with J. M. Meisener regar- ding a suitable site for a propos- ed swimming pool. At a recent council meeting council welcomed a proposal from Mr. Meisener to construct a swimming pool in town, but the matter of suitabil- ity of the site was referred to the Town Planning Consultant and Industrial Commission who ob- jected to the location in the in- dustrial area. Total Enrollment Reaches 2,896 local Public Schools Town Council Still Hopeful Suitable SwimmingPoolSite May Be Located For Builder s are in attendance at Mrs. Kaye Baker owns the store known as Kayes Casual Toggery on Richmond Heights Plaza. A very friendly and pleasant wo- man everyone who knows her 5001; gets to like and respect her. Mrs; Bakers' husband works for the Department of Lands and Forest! Mr. Catto and Mr. Peter All- ward of Allward and Goinlock, Architects, were present with sketch plans for the proposed. eight classroom. kindergarten and gym, school in Pleasantville. Classroom use is frowned upon as it often means disarranging projects or blackboard work, as well as desks. For running on the gym floor, Superintendent McIntyre urged parents to provide safe footwear. Le. canvas running‘ shoes._ He emphasized he considered stoc- king feet hazardous when playing games. Pleasantvflle School Drawings The gym plans call for a 60’ x 40’ playroom with an added stage 12 feet deep by 24 feet wide (plus a portable extension). There will be plastic dome skylights on the gym roof. - The classrooms will be stand- ardI in size. An addition with suitable senior school classrooms will be planned for in event the school later is converted to sen- ior school use. The board decided to give pri- ority to the athletic programs of the various schools in the after- noons. This will put the Brownie meetings somewhat later in the afternoon. Streamlining the time schedule by insisting the time table be adhered to, ‘several or- ganizations will be 'able to use the all-purpose gym rooms the same evenings.‘The building com- mittee and Mrs. Street still have some last minute changes to make but both hope to be able to accommodate all requests from community nonprofit organiza- tions for a meeting place. Board members decided a short parking lot in the front would be necessary in addition to more ex- tensive parking in the rear. Traf- fic entrance will be off Mill St. only. The board hopes to be able to go out for tender for the school by early November, it is needed for occupancy by September 1960. Few people know that Kaye is an expert figure skater and was at one time a clever insu‘uctor in this art. Figure Skater Is Now Store Owner Mrs. Baker who offers some of the best and most moderately priced bargains in ladies and chil- drens clothes and has a nice sel- ection of new fall hats, has insti- tuted a monthly lucky draw, for the benefit of her customers. A duplicate of every receipt is pla- ced by the customer in a box on the counter after the c name, address and 1 number has been added A draw will be made monthly with prizes in merchandise. given free to the lucky winner. Board Secretary Mrs. Dorothy Street presented a detailed plan for use of classrooms in the five schools \after school hours by outside organizations. Mrs. Street mentioned she had been working all summer on the schedule try- ing to meet all requests. Trustee Sanderson announced. AURORA â€"- Thieves ransacked Council members eitpressed continuing concern in the pro- posal and are awaiting the report of the Parks Committee. Mayor K. W. Tomlin presided at the meeting and all members were in attendance. Councillor Bradstock samthe was negotiating with Mr. Meisen- er and hoped soon to have a re- port for council. A letter was read from the Richmond Hill Lions Club ex- pressing approval of the proposal to build the p06]. The letter stat- ed local service clubs at present are not in a position to undertake such a project. ' have one boy. Douglas 'a'éé' 11 $80 in elephone Reeve F. R. Perkins said he was pleased to report that Mark- ham Road in Richmond Hill tak- en over as a county road last January has now been approved as a Suburban Road, and Tor- onto will pay 25 per cent of the cost of construction and main- For complete service and parts â€"new machinery and industrial equipment. Goodyear Tire Service. Give us a call for demonstra- tion and full particulars. 3 miles south of Bolton on 50 * Private or Class Lessons * Lessons in own home if desired 'I'Il. 4.1629i J. FAGAN. R. R. 3 Bolton Phone Bolton 150 *Accordions Loaned 0n the suggestion of Mayor Tomlin, the Personnel Commit- tee and Works Committee will get together and make the ap- pointment. Suburban Road Councillor Haggart objected to bringing back the applicants for another interview. “That ‘would be an imposition on the appli- cants,” he said: “if the-personnel committee members were not at the meeting, they should have been”_ It was reported that three ap- plicants were interviewed by the Works Committee. Council sanctioned ‘ an agree- ment with Markham Township and the Ontario Water Resources Commission for joint develop- ment of water supply in this area. Town Inspector Council took» no action on a suggestion of a commercial firm that they design a float for Rich- mond Hill in this fall’s Grey Cup parade. Deputy-reeve Tinker suggested an appropriate theme might be a lean anxious individ- ual seeking industries. ,‘We’ve just floated several hundred thousand dollars of debentures," said Reeve Perkins, “that’s float enough for us". Water Agreement Donald Plaxton appeared on behalf of Mr. Gilchrist and Mr, Barr of .Gormley ReadyMix who are considering establishing a plant and office in Richmond Hill. Mr. Platton said this well known firm is contemplating locating in Richmond Hill but the town by- law regulations were in some res- pects prohibitive. The contem- plated sites are in the Crosby- Newkirk area, and would be ab- out five aeres in size. Council agreed to seek the advice of the Planning Consultant and Indus- trial Commissioner. No Float On motion of Deputy-reeve Tinker, the Works Commissioner will prepare a detailed estimate. The Mayor said the policy for the installation of storm sewers has already been Established by coun- cil and this fifty-fifty basis would apply. » New Industry A petition from residents of Lynett Crescent and Wyndhurst Gate asked council for estimates for installation of storm sewers and gutters in the area. and sug- gested the work might be consid- ered as unemployment relief pro- gram this winter. Mayor Tomlin assured egation council will give attention to the situation that it is cleaned up. Ask Estimate Deputy-reeve Tinker, Works Committee chairman. presented a report on the situation and said negotiations are under way to have the situation remedied. 'We haven't‘been inactive. there have been many meetings with the par- ties concerned,” he said. spokesman "thex‘efs “zip; 0; 1104119 around". . H U ' We Deliver Toronto and Surrounding Districts Register now WILLIAMS Sefvice & Supply MASSEY-FERGUSON SALES & SERVICE LEARN TO PLAY THE ACCORDION RICHMOND H ILL “Flowers For All Occasions” PHONE TU. 4-1812 AT ALL HOURS 162 Sussex Ave. Richmond Hill RICE’S FLOWERS the del- prompt and see High crowns are high fashion for Fall ’59. You will find the new chapeaux both pretty and practical. Softly draped turbans, swagger brims, rippled cloches . . . all styled toifhe new sil- houette in the soft plush Fur Look. * ' The colors are Irresistible â€" ranging from warm pastels ‘to brilliant jewel tones. It's not a minute too soon come in.for the best selection. It was reported that the dog control officer has reported sev- eral stray cats. The matter of en- larging the existing by-law to give him control over all animals will be referred to the Coordin- ating Committee. It was suggest- ed the doz control officer may be sworn in as a police officer. “Sometimes his duties get kind of rough." it was stated. Road Grant Council made application for statutory grant on road expendi- ture in town this year to date amounting to $101,569. On motion of Councillor Brad- stock council agreed to make al- terations enlarging the police of- fices at an estimated expenditure of $350. to $500. Provision will be made for a sound-proof inter- rogation room and locker room. “The Police Chief has said these are necessary for efficient oper- ation of the force," said Coun- cillor Bradstock. Dog Catcher On suggestion of Councillor J. W. Bradstock. Parks Chairman. council agreed to an expenditure of $275. for a hedge and some evergreen planting at‘the Mun- icipal Building_ Councillor Bradstock commended the Lib- rary Board and the Horticultural Society for beautification of the library grounds_ “It's a real beauty spot," he said. Enlarge Office tenance. Parking Reeve Perkins, chairman of the ofistreet parking committee re- ported the town has purchased the lot on Lorne Avenue which will give access for a rear lane on the east side of Yonge Street Swimming Pools Council adopted a motion by Deputy-reeve Tinker that the town pass a by-law providing that all private swimming pools be equipped with adequate fenc- ing. Planning Board Councillor Ross asked that some other council member as- sume his planning board duties while he is wanking out of area. Deputy-reeve Tinker wlr attend the meeting as council representative ‘this week. ,“I think it would do all council members good to attend Plan- nig Board meetings." commented Councillor Bradstock. ’ Beautification Over 1000 New Fall Hats ‘l I)!” stops below city limits Mlllinery & Accessories 3319 YONG: 51‘. (at Fall-lawn) BU. 8-5408 9 tum-6.30 pm. Fri. to 9 p.111. ‘Macle/eine :; Mack/fine [Men to expert Stirling Moss: "l2 you Want to get lhe absolute best out of your family car, take my advice. Fill up with B? Super. It's the clean fuel that give: every car peak K tesponse. THE LIBERALLRichmond Hill, Ont. Thursday, September 17, 1959 KEN nusrou'5\‘\‘\ifii/f SHELL STATION w $10M: H. JONES BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. It’s the long-burning, even-burning coal that gives clean, even heat at tremendous savings. Cars love Shell, you’ll love Shell Servicv Ed. Harris, AV. 5-3359 FILL UP YOUR BIN BEFORE WINTER PRICES START EUEL OIL . STOVE OH. 24 HOUR BURNER SERVICE 1 V; Mile North of Richmond Hill Here’s a deal I know you’ll like Yonge Street RICHMOND HILL Phone AV. 5-3941 or AV. 5-1081 V R E D " TRADEMARKED FAMOUS READING ANTHRACI'I'E W & P SERVICE I78 Yonge St., N. Richmond Hill â€"TU. 4-422]â€" VOLKSWAGEN AGENT Free Collection 3- Delivery Of Adjoining Richmond Heights Plaza Your Car For Servicing. Service To All Makes Quality Coal at Real Savings Ask for Your

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