Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Sep 1959, p. 17

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' Beauty' Finalists Selection Tonight Chance For $200 Cash If You'reA Girl ' CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Wand am a mum: mm For lnlormatlon cull llalunond Ell! TU. 4-1229 TU. 4-3488 AV. 5-4825 nomhlll AV. 5-1603 AV. 5-1743 Maple 247W 'AV. 5-2406 Every Member 0! the fair sex therefore who wishes to partici- abe is invited to appear T0- IGHT at 8 pm. in person. A one-piece swim suit should be worn under normal dresa and The“ people are now organis- m: I contest to select one of the dutrlot'l lovelleet girls to be Queen 0! the shopping centre with the title. “Miss Allencourt. 1959.” In spite of the title “Mlss,” mar- ried women may also compete if they l’eel they have the beauty and measurements to compete with the younger "Mlsses.f' Th5 shopping centre has been constructed on the site of the or- iginal Allen Farm and is named after the Allen family which still controls the property. The farm has been in the Allen family over the past three generations. Head of the lamily is Mrs. Cora Allen who lives on Centre Street, while her son John 1". Allen and her daughter retain shares in the landnow given over to the shop- pinggcentre. Joining the Allen family in this development are Frank E. Whittaker and Douglas Miller Junior.. Douglas is now head' of the firm of contractors which bears his name and he and his father have tried hard to give Richmond Hill one oi the‘finest mopping centres in North Am- 0 ca. part of the Medical Centre will be given over as a dressing room . for contestants. ; Judges will be Mr. John A. Rundle of 3467 Yonge Street, Willowdale, who has long been the Allen iamin lawyer and is solicitor to the Allencourt Estate Co.. Ltd. Mr. Rundle is a charm- ing and staid lawyer, married and the father of four children. An. other member of the panel will be Mr. J. E. Smith, publisher and former Member of Parliament. The third member will be the popular Councillor ‘W. James Hag- gart o! 16 Cartier Crescent, Rich- mondflill. Contestants who have not al- ready sent in their personal de- tails. should, to save time at to- -lnks- -AI_..u-_ L-I.- ....ln. LL...“ The Allencourt Shopping Centre which includes the new IGA Groceteria has only just been opened in the past few days and has proven very popular with local residents. ATTEND TONIGHT at Allencourt Shopping Centre, corner of Markham and Bayview. Richmond Hill, for selection in the contest for the title of “Miss Allencourt, 1959”. Elgin Mills loam 8. Sod (0 AV. 5-1514 Cut fresh daily. Pick it up at our field at 10¢ a roll. OUR RATES ARE REASONABLE Delivered in small or large quantities. FOR TOP :DRESSING we have pulverized and screened peat and specially mixed sandy loam. RICH QUALITY GUARANTEED WE ALSO HAVE CULTURED NURSERY SOD PW I- " l'I TOP SOIL - AND MANURE Unlonvlllo :39 BLACK The public will be invlted to attend for the final selection and crowning and to witness presenta- tion of the prizes-$200 cash for the winner and free merchandise {or' the runners up who will be appointed as ladies-in-waiting. "Liberal." It is hoped that Mayor Tomlin will officiate in the crowning ceremony and will present prizes on behalf of the Estate. Further ggtgils will appear in next weeks Contestants will be interviewed tonight for selection as finalists. Everyone presenting herself to- night will be seen and the judges will select the twelve entrants whom in their opinion they con- sider the most attractive taking into account each entrant‘s beauty measurements and deportment. These twelve will go forward for public presentation and final sel- ection for the crown and runner- up positions on Friday September 25th. at the shopping centre at 7 pm. Contestants who have not al- ready sent in their personal de- tails. should, to save time at to- nights selection. take with them a note setting out their name. ad; dress, age, and personal measure- ments. This note will be handed in on arrival. Judges will be Mr. John A. Rundle of 3467 Yonge Street, Willowdale, who has long been the Allen iamily lawyer and is solicitor to the Allencourt Estate Co.. Ltd. Mr. Rundle is a charm- ing and staid lawyer, married and the father of four children. An. other member of the panel will be Mr. J. E. Smith, publisher and former Member of Parliament. The third member will be the popular Councillor ‘W. James Hag- gart o! 16 Cartier Crescent, Rich- mondfllll. BRILLINGER-BEYNON Temperanceville United Church was the scene’ of a beautiful wed- ding on Saturday. September 12, at 3 p.111. when Ruth Marie, youngest daughter of »Mrs. Clay. ton Beynon. R_ R. 2 Maple and the late Clayton Beynon was un- ited in marriage with James Aus- tin' Brillinger, son at Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Brlmnger of Wood- bridge. ' Rév. Ivan Kennedy, Aurora, Temperanceville pastor, perform- ed the double ring ceremony Miss Donna Jennings had the pleasure of being chosen to at- tend the Y.M.C;A. Geneva Camp at Lake Couchiching for a week‘s vacation. She and another mem- her were given this honour by the York County Junior Farmers â€"â€" the ‘Geneva camp being under the direction of this organization. Rally Sunday will be held at Temperanceville Church on Sep- tember 27, The children are asked to bring all their friends and neighbours’ children to enjoy the service. The Sunday School stafi was delighted with the good at- tendance on the first Sunday af- ter vacation. The children enjoy- ed the M and M story related by Mrs. F. Hare and $2.55 was real- ized for the missionary fund. Sunday School is held It 11 am. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Robinson spent a few days in Shanty Bay at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Levison. Mr, and Mrs. Wiléon of Tofdnto were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clark this past week. Our deepest sympathy is‘ exten- ded to Mrs. Emerson Jennings and Ruston Folliott and relatives of Roy Folliott who paSSed away so suddeply on September 8. The congregation was most ap- preciative of the lovely flowers in the church Sunday â€" those left for our enjoyment from the wedding of Ruth Beynon and James Brillinger and those placed by relatives in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Folllott. Socials The first Lions supper of this season catered to by Temperance- ville W_A. wlll be held on Sep- tember 15. Mrs. L. Cunningham and Mrs. J. Macklln are conven. ors. [ Sunday, September 20, Tem- ‘paranceville United Church will hold its anniversary service at 9.46 am. The guest speaker for this special service will be Rev. Victor Wood. former pastor of the church. Friends and relatives are cordially invited to join the con- grgation in worship at this time. The children of the Sunday School are especially urged to attd the service with their par- ents as Sunday School will not be held on September 20. There will. however. be junior congregation for all those under 12 years of age. It is hoped the church will be filled for this occasion. Do come and bring your friends. Church News Anniversary Service Webbing CORRESPONDENT: MES. MILTON WELLS. B. I. 3 KING Phono PB. 3-5239 TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS Hogs 1 Yorkshire Sow and seven pigs Furniture 1 Kitchen Cabinet 1 Screw type Rope Bed, antique 1 Oil Space Heater 1 Cook Stove ' 1 Kitchen Table 2 Dining Room Table: Number of Dining Room Chairs 1 3-Corner Cupboard. pine Number Antique Chairs Number of Cracks 1 Drop-Leaf Table. cherry wood 1 Small Odd Table Number of Jars 4 Rocking Chairs, antique 1 Settee and 4 Chairs, antique 1 Gramophone Large quantity of furniture not listed, many antique articles Terms: Cash; No reserve, giving up farming. Sale at 1 o‘clock Sharp D.S.T. Ivan Eaves, Clerk ALVIN S. FARMER. auctioneer Gormley 5311 Alfalfa About 1,500 bus. of Clinton Oats, good Hereford Cattle 1. Black Hereford, milking, pas- ture bred 2. Roan Hereford, milking, past- ture bred 3. Hereford Cow, milking, pas- ture bred 4. Hereford Cow, milking. pu- ture bred 5. Hereford Cow.. milking, pw ture bred 6. Hereford Cow, milking, pas- ture bred 7, Hereford Cow, milking pas- ture bred 8. Hereford Cow, milking, pu- ture bred 9. Hereford Cow, milking, pas. ture bred 10. Hereford Bull, Yearling 10 Hereford Calves, about six months old good Forks, Hoes, many other articles Hay & Grain About 1,000 bales of Timothy Hay About 1,000 bales of Timothy and rubber, good Quantity of hemlock lumber Quantity of Used Lumber Quantity of fence wire ‘1 Single Plow Number of Steel Posts 2 Wire Gates, 10' and 12' 2 l/4-h.p. Electric Motors 1 %-h.p. Electric Motor 3 Large Tarpaulins 4 Horse Blankets 2 Small Tarpaulins 1 Set of Double Harness and 3 Collars Number of oil barrels 1 Small Drive Belt Quantity of Good Sacks Quantity of steel sheets 3 x 10. good 1 IHC Power Mower, like new 1 John Deere Tractor Cultivator, good condition 1 Case Tractor Plow, 3 furrow goo’d r Sedore Manure Loader. good condition - IHC Manure Spreader 5-Section of Drag Harrow: IHC Double Disc 18” Rubber Tired Wagon and Rack 3-Drum Land Roller Fargo 3-ton Truck, with stake body. in good condition Cutter 1 Set 2,000 lb. Scales Cyclone Seeder. near new Nurnber of extra good logging Hl-l HHHHHH H â€" r v 7 uv-~~u chains 1 Block and Tackle Quantity of extra good Rope Quantity of White Ash Lumber 1 Wagon Gear 1 Siflg Delivegy Rake. IHC, on For her travelling costume. the bride donned a lovely sheath dress of blue Italian brocade with matching top coat and accessories in black. She wore a corsage of pink carnations. FARM STOCK 8: IMPLEMENTS Lot 35, C011. 4 Whitchurch Twp On Newmarket Townllne 03 D01; Mills Road FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER. 25 Implements 1 IHC Tractor W4, good condition 1 New_ Holland No. 77 Hay Baler, Besides the relations and friends who lived nearby were guests from Niagara Falls, Well- and, Canfleld, Harrlston. Uterson and Timmins- 20 Head of Hereford Cattle. Hogs. IHC Tractor, Fargo Truck, New Baler, Power Implements, Oats and Baled Hay The property of ARTHUR VERNON For the reception which was held at the church the bride's mother received her guests in a gown of beige brocade with brown and beige accessories. She was as- sisted by the groom’s mother Wearing a gown of rosewood col- oured lace and a feather hat of the same shade. Both wore cor- sagdes of pink gladioli and rose- bu s. The ibest min was fifi‘Féx-t Mc- Clean. Ushers were Ross Kirby of Maple and Douglas Anderson of Harriston. The groom's sister, Mlss Caro- lynn Brllllnger. maid of honor, was dressed in a lovely turquoise taffeta street length dress with butterfly bow at the back. Her hat was of white feathers with a touch of turquoise. She carried a bouquet of yellow roses. The bride was given in mar- riage'by her only brother. Robert Beynon. She looked radiant in a lovely street length gown of flocked nylon over taffeta with short sleeves. prettiiy pointed neckline in the bodice which low- ered at the back. The fingertip veil flowed from a lovely white cap trimmed with sequins, She carried a bouquet c reg sweetheart roses AUCTION SALE amidst a setting a! beautiful gladioli of varied colours. and an arrangement of zhmlas. Misl Do- rothy Armstrong was organist for the wedding. Before the bridal party entered the church, the choir sang-"th Wedding Pray- ...n ,A. e “A er" er" and "6h Perfeét Love” whiie the regjstgy was being signed. BaddiiétVFBEButYfifi milking, pu- milklng, pu- mllking, pas- muking Das- mllking, pu- mllking, pas. Mayor Kenneth W. Tomlin re- ported to Richmond Hill Town To Have Audit Bus Operation Reg. $9.95 $8.95 $6.95 ISOB'EI. HEWITT CASHMERE Wool 1/; oz. ball Now Only 50c LADIES’ Sweaters PRE-TEEN Sweaters 100% Orlon As Low As $3.97 He’s a neighbor of yours-:quah'fied to provide the kind of auto, life and fire protection you need. He may also be able to save you money on auto financing and insurance through the State Farm Bank Plan. These are jobsfot which he’s specially trained. Call him or see him soon. He is anxious to meét you. BARGAINS ARE BIGGER 8. BETTER STATE FARM AGENT $6.97 $5.97 $4.57 Now CHILDREN’S Winter Hats Mitts & Gloves PRICES SLASHED WOOL Head Squares Values to $1.85 Out They Go 97c CHILDREN’S Sleepers $2.00 VALUE Now Only $1.47 Council ,that Richmond Hill Markham and Vaughan proposed to engage a firm of uallfled auditors to report on the . T. C. operation of the North Yonze Bus Line. ' “In the past” said the Mayor “we never have had any expert study the '1‘. T. C. accounting of 1T PAYS TO KNOW YOUR STATE FARM AGENT THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ont. Thursday, September 17. 1959 SAVE NOW ON YOUR XMAS GIFTS ALL CHILDREN’S WEAR MUST BE SOLD ' NORMAN BRIANT Suite 1 Ground Floor, 31 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill, Ontario, TU. 4-2291 Richmond Hill ' NOW AND THE MONTHS TO COME STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES FOR Richmond Hill council members concurred and authorized the ap- pointment of Robert Dale Harris of the Firm of MacDonald and Currie. The expense of the au- dit will be shared by the three the line operation. I think such a study will be a great assistance in negotiating a new agreement." fiEAIi‘ bFFICEâ€" Toron'to, om. WOOLLENS - HANDICRAFTS 14 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill Reg. Now $5.98 . . .-. . . $4.77 $4.98 . . .-. . $3.97 Ladies’ Angora Mitts, Gloves Now Only 97c Reg. $1.50 Value Now Only $1.17 CHILDREN’S BAN-LON Sweaters Men’s Viyella Sox WILLOWDALE â€" North York property committee members ap- proved sale of a parcel of grain belt land to Metro Toronto for the Bayview Ave.. widening pro- ject. The hall-acre will be sold for $519. municipalities. Reg. $4.95 $7.95 $8.95 LITTLE GIRLS’ Dresses Yarn French Knitting 2 oz. ball Now 77c Boys’ & Girl! Sox 'As Low As 39c Now $3.57 $5.97 $6.97

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