7/4 Interviewed this week after nearly three months of ownership Mrs. Paxman declared, “It is a real blessing and I don’t know how we managed without it~ before". She said that following the announce~ ment of her good fortune in winning the freezer many people greeted her in the streets with “You're a lucky girlâ€. Patricia says she thought the freezer was “a lovely present". After it arrived and was installed by the Town & Country workmen, she said she looked at it a dozen times a day for a while because “she couldn’t believe this really had been her good fortune.†She sent clippings of “The Liberal" report of her win to friends in England and these in turn wrote to the local press there so that the report was reproduced in "The Southend Standard", Essex, England. The company’s foods she says “are beautiful". Mrs. Paxman also explained that she was able to buy bread wholesale at a saving and it kept “wonderfully fresh in the freezer". This is also convenient because “with the town growing so fast the baker does not call so often". There are many other points in favour of her freezer which space does not permit to reproduce here but the company will be glad to advise at any time ' RECENTLY, as was reported in “The Liberalâ€. Mrs. Patricia Paxman of 245 Palmer Road, Richmond Hill, won absolutely free a wonderful freezer together with three months stock of frozen foods by correctly guessing the weight of radio announcer Teddy Fronxan in the contest organized by Town & Country Marketers of Markham Road. That was nearly three months ago. Mrs. Paxman is a well, known crossing guard at the Waltor Scott school and had never previouva owned a freezer. T0 WISH IS TO HAVE WITH :1 WELL STOCKED FREEZER Richmond Hill ‘Fire Department requires eight Volunteer Firemen be- tween the ages of 18 and 30 years - - - available 24 hours a day, living in the central part of town. Apply in writing GEO. McMURRICH SONS LIMITED 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill 28 Industrial Rd. Richmond Hill I‘Umer 4'1312 DOMESTIC - COMMERCIAL FLOORS - WALLS - WINDOWS MAINTAINED IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION BY WEEK, MONTH 0R CONTRACT ' ESTIMATES FREE . N0 JOBS T00 SMALL Phone Our Motto Satisfaction Prdp. TU. 4-3714 Jim Hope YOU can obtain YOUR home freezer TODAY simply by telephoning TOWN & COUNTRY MARKETERS. 210 Markham Road, Richmond Hill, AV. 5-5401, AV. 5-5402 and AV. 5-5403. or COME & SEE our wide display. Open daily until 10 pan. ’ MOVERS & Mum: Insurance Volunteer Firemen Wanted WIFE IS “LUCKY GIRL" Richmond Hill Commercial Cleaners MOVING FIRE CHIEF ALF. STONG. 56 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL W1 m“ mating: For Prompt Courteous Service Call HERBERT R. BUTT Dependable Associated With PACKING Service Telephono TORONTO AND AREA LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING DAILY SERVICE 4 Wellington St. E. Toronto TUrner 4-2613 STORAGE Toronto EMpire 2-3456 AV. 5-5101 Despite the hot weather, the main order of the day the ï¬rst part of last week was the return to schoOl for the children and teachers who had had ten weeks of holidays; For some it was the beginning of school for the ï¬rst time, while for others it meant a higher grade. We trust that the children will enjoy their school year and will work hard to sue- ceed. At S_S. No. 7 school the be- ginners were: Stephen McMullen, Shirley Heise, Marlin Heise, Jerry Collins and Monica Sprague. The’following commenced their studies at High School: Dave Bar- ber, Beverley Carington, Cher- yl Cochrane, Sheila Henderson, Walter Kelley, Douglas Reid, Frank Stansbury, Edwin Tatton, Dinah Wilcox, Ivan Winger, Bruce Martson and Allan Nichols. W.M.S. On Sunday. September 20. Mr. Allan McIntosh will be in charge of the service at 11.30 3.111. at Victoria Square. This will be Mr. McIntosh’s last service with us be- fore he returns to college. Rally Service . On Sunday, September 20. at 10 am. the annual Rally Day service will be held in the Sun- School room. It is hoped that there will be a large attendance at this rally when all the children with their parents are asked to ‘be‘ present. ’ Afterwards. Mrs. Burton sang again, one of her songs this time in her native Quebec French. During the refreshment hour, a greeting was sung and a decor- ated birthday cake was presented to Mrs. Wyn Deverell, who had celebrated a day or two before, Next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Stan Clarkson, on October 13, when the word for roll call will be “Power.†Also, the Thanksgiving boxes are due to be brought in at that meeting. Sixteen ladies attended the W. M.S. meeting held at Mrs_ A. Valliere's. Markham, on Wed- nesday afternoon of last week. Mrs. Acreman opened the meet- ing and with Mrs. Joyce conduct- ed the worship period from the Missionary Monthly. The theme was “Fellow Workers with God.†The new study book. “Africa Dis- turbed". was very ably introduc- ed by Mrs. Acreman. This book is so interesting that each mem- ber is planning to read it, The business was in charge of the president, Mrs. H. McCague. A committee was named for the joint meeting with the W.A. in November: Mrs. H. Collard, Mrs. S. Boynton, Mrs. H. McCague, Mrs. R. Brumwell and Mrs. R. Perkins. Mrs. Binnington very ably invited the auxiliary to the manse for the December..meetâ€" ins. Some equipment to make taking care of the church easier was authorized to be purchased; also to have the broken basement window repaired and the church doors varnished. Mrs. Deverell, her sister Mrs. Duncan of Vancouver, Mrs. Percy Briggs, and Mrs. Wm. Wellman, accompanied Mrs. Acreman to Markham to the home of Mrs. An- Mr_s. Cox of London England is visitiï¬g with Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence James. . Mrs. Drew, Elgin Mills road left Monday by plane for a three weeks visit with her mother in Philadelphia P.A. Dainty refre hments were ser- ved at the clos , and a social time was had by all. Bake Sale A very successful bake sale was held on the church lawn on Friday afternoon of last week by the September and October groups of the W.A. The groups would like to thank everyone who helped in any way to make the sale a success, Church News Mrs. E. Holdson and Mrs. John Graham have been guests this summer of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pridham. Mrs. Graham is Mrs. Pridham’s mother. Miss Dora Little, a former tea- cher at Jefferson school has been spendinga few days with Miss Audrey Leary. 7 7 __ _ A "Get-Well" card was signed by all for Mrs. McEachern who is ill in the hospital. It was very nice to have Rev. A. F. Binnington back in the pul- pit on Sunday morning after his selge of illness. There was a large congregation to welcome him back. us and accompanied herself on her guitar. Mrs. Charlie Horncr was in charge and had asked Mar- garet Brodie to show slides of the trip she and her mother had taken to Florida in the Easter vacation. To the collection she had added a few local pictures taken by herself from the air; and a few taken by the Stewart Rum- bles on their recent trip to the east coast. Améng thé friends who called on Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jones on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Headford W. A. opened its Fall season with a meeting in the Church on Tuesday evening last, with a fair attendance. Letters of thanks were read for the fine floral tribute, and for various other services performed for the late Gwen Johnson. Gwen was a much'valued member of our so- ciety. We had a delightful sur- prise whén Mrs. Harry Burton sang two delightful numbers for W. Victoria Square ELGIN MILLS-JEFFERSON NEWS Correspondent: Mrs. W. Sandie Telephone Gormley 5421 Correspondent: The Evening Branch of the Woman’n Auxiliary of St. John’s Anglican Church p...â€" TD. #2708 TD. (-1534 I. B. 2 Connie: â€"- Phone TUrner +2236 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. H. ACBEMAN HEADFORD NEWS St. John’s Chapel of St. Mich- ael's Cathedral was the scene of a pretty September wedding when Elizabeth Mary, daughterpf Mr. and Mrs. Martin Steiger Elgin Mills was united in marriage to David Harwood son of Mrs. Har- vood Richmond Hill and the late Mr. Hatwood. The ceremony was performed by Monseignor Kite‘y. For a honeymoon trip to U.S.A. the bride donned a beige dress with green and brown aCCessorieg. On their return they will reside at Midland, Ont. Family‘Party STUART PAXTON WIRING LINE WORK The first meeting of the sea- son was held by the Jefferson cu‘v pack on Monday evening with twelve cubs present. “Get ac- uainted" games were played dur- ing the evening and all the boys are loking forward to a happy season. Boys from 8 to 11 years are eligible for cubs. They meet every Monday night at 7 pm. at the school. Church News The first fall meeting of the Evening Branch of St. John's W.A-. was held last ThurSday ev- ening at the home of the presi- dent Mrs. Terry. Harwood â€" Steiger Given ‘in marriage by her fath- er, the bride wore a lovely gown of white embroidered OrganZa and carried red roses and carna- tions. Her attendants, Mrs. Em- berley, sister of the bride as mat- ron of honor and Miss Margaret Harwood, sister of the groom as bridesmaids, were gowned alike in blue lace and carried yellow and white carnations. Teresa Schweichart, the little flower girl was also in blue and carried a nosegay of summer flowers. Allan Robertson was best man. A meeting of teachers and of- ficers of Headford Sunday School took place last Thursday even- ing when plans were finalized for the Rally Day and Promotion service which will be held next Sunday. The committee hopes that all parents who possibly can, will be on hand for this ioint service at ten o’clock. Pupils should be in Sunday School a few iinutes before ten if possible. Mr. Allan McIntosh will tell the story. Please keep in mind also the Church Anniversary for the fol- Please keep in mind also the Church Anniversary for the fol- lowing Sunday, September 27, when services will be held-at 11 am. and 7 pm. Speakers and chorus will be announced next week. The Cummer Lees were at Grand Valley last Sunday, to bring home Mrs. McDougal who had gone up to celebrate a very special family birthday. iLorraine Acteman is remaining with her mother at the lake for this week. Peter Gould and Danny Troyer were among the little friends who helped to celebraté Mark Crawfords fifth birthday last Sa't- ur-day afternoon. Scout News The reception was held at the Catholic Settlement House Re- creation Centre at Elgin Mills where the mothers of the bridal couple received ninety guests. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Eppes entertained at a barbecue party last Sunday afternoon in the gar- den of their Toronto home, in honor of Mr. Eppes' sister, Ev- elyn. Twenty-one members of the family were present, including the Hal Robertson’s of Elgin Mills. Miss Eppes is now residing in Rosedale, Toronto. Sands: School News Belated Birthday wishes to Lourie Thomasson who celebrated a birthday on September 4. Also best wishes to Tommy Ratchford September 16, Sheila Ratchford September 19 and Carol Halgren, September 10. Don't forget the Mother's Aux- iliary meeting to be held at Mrs. Thomassons home, Corner Bath- urst and Jefferson Townline, on Tuesday, September 221 St. John's Anglican Sunday School (Yonge St. at Jefferson) opened last Sunday morning at 10 am. in the new Parish Hall. All children in the district are welcome to attend and there is a bus picking up passengers as far south as the Elgin sideroad at approximately 9.45 a.m. Miss Florlne Pridham and Miss Muriel Graham left by plane last Monday for Regina, Saskatche- wan. Florine plans to take a three year course at the Regina Bible College and will live in residence there. Her many friends wish ev- ery success in her chosen_career. The enrollment on the opening day at Jeï¬erson School was 150 pupils. gus Valliere for the September meeting of Victoria Square W. M. S. on Wednesday afternoon last. Despite the intense heat, there was a good turnout of mem- bers. The study book, “Africa Disturbed," was introduced by one of the members. Mrs. George was appointed delegate to the Fall Rally at Ashworth, taking plgce on September 15. Mrs. Acreman attended the Training School in Newmarket bu Thursday and Friday, for the Fall project of the 4-H Homemaking Clubs. Schinder of Toronto, formerly of Munich. Germany. Returning home, Mrs. Acre- man’s carload of ladies had the added delight of an unofficial preview of the flower show at Unlonville. Socials Phone TUtner 4-2881 Electrician Mi‘. Paul HorbVe'r is attending the Alliance Bible School in Sas- katoon. 11'. Jack Bierce, the singing ev- angelist at Pikes Peak this past summer, renewed acquaintances here on Friday. Mrs. Sheffer who has been in Newmarket Hospital over a week had to have a second operation on Monday and have her Yeg am- putated. " Baby John Morby, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Morby, is home from Sick Children’s Hospital, Mr. ‘and Mrs. Jos. Heise, Mr. and Mrs. Elias Elliott, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Helse and family attended the Baker family re- union at Duntroon recently. c___> , College at Fort’ Erie. The pupils and teachers of U. M. Sunday School enjoyed a corn roast on Friday evening in the church shed. Mr. and Mrs. Webb and child- ren of Scarboro had supper on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Elliott. S425 MARKHAM RD. RICHMOND HILL, %‘ TO ALLENCOURT ESTATE OFFICE, z E; FO‘RPRELIMINARYSELECTION. % Mr. and Mrs. Rd’ss Henderson and Mrs, Avery of Toronto spent ‘a weekend with Mr. and Mrs E1- ias Elliott and also visited lrlends at Lake Simcoe on Sunday. Mr. John Hawkins has the foundation laid for his new home on their farm. Early Tuesday mor- ning they moved a house from Langstaff via Don Mill Rd., and placed it on this foundation. A large crowd gathered on Monday evening at the Youth Centre for a miscellaneous shower for Miss Evelyn Bennett and Mr. Ray Winger. The good wishes of the community follow this young couple, ,,_ _--_ -Vy-..u_y. Sympathy is expressed to Mr and Mrs. Arthur Coffin in the death of Mrs. Coffln's mother, Mrs. Robert Knights, of Queens- vil_le, on Saturday. Ml§s Joan Cober is spending Lhig year at Niagara Christian Correspondents Mrs. Chas. Mllsted Phone Gormley 5201 We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heise of Welland who have moved into Miss Nancy Cober's home. Miss Cober will make her hoine_ wijh Mr. and Mrs. Heise. _ Miss Carole Steckley is holiday- ing at her home after spending the summer at Cape Cod. On Sunday morning Mr. Mur- ray Bennett was re-elected as Jr. Superjntendent. 7 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gresbaugh of Stayner visited Mr. and Mrs Elias Elliott on Thursday afterâ€" noon. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Steckley went to Belleville on Sunday and took ther granddaughter home af- ter spending two weeks with them. ‘ The Evening W. M. S. meeting of the United Missionary Church was held on Monday night at the home of Mrs. Melvin Baker. Mrs. D. C. Henry of Toronto spent the weekend with M’s. Beu- lah Jones. GORMLEY SANFORIZED - SPECIAL PURCHASE Lots of hard wearing, smartly tailored, with flap pockets in Sand and Black Sizes 6 to 16 MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR SHOES for the family â€" OUTSTANDING VALUES - Mens Flannel Dressing Gowns A Safe Place To Buy “A Value You Shouldn’t Miss†Boys’ - Men’s Whlte Bucks Reg. $8.95 - $10.95 Never before could you get such value, at only a fraction of the regular price. Sizes 3% to 1] Mens Flannel Shirts SHOP CRAIGIE'S BOB CRAIGIE CHINO SLACKS FOR ACTIVE BOYS THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont. Thursday, September 17, 1959 "BOB IS BACK" Regular $5.95 The kind the girls like, in a “Savage†Quality that is always right. White with Black Sizes 8% to 3 Widths C-E “Smart For School†Mlsses’ I Saddle Shoes Serving The Community Fot Years Choice of 4 Tartans In Sizes S-M-L Gay Plaids All Sizes Tremendous Savings in broken size and price lots k Patent * Calf * Buck “ gaddle “ Sizes 4 to 10 TEENAGE ESHOES LESS THAN 1/; PRICE 20 YONGE ST. N. REGULAR T0 $7.95 Specially Priced Mlsses’ Strap Shoes Reg. to $7.95 Smart shoes for school and better wear, _ “Savage†styling in Brown ‘ Sizes 8% to 3 SPECIAL $1.98 SPECIAL $6.95 New Phone Number TU. 4 - 429] Widths B-D