or the group, paid a lovely trib- te on behalf of all preSent to r. and Mrs. Eddy on their work n Can‘vllle and of the splendid ellowship that had been enjoyed over the past four years. Mr. Klrk n his remarks said that he never elt that Dr. Eddy was preaching t one, but rather talking to you and snld that all at Carrvllle have pleasant memorlea of Dr. Eddy's imlnlsrtl‘y‘ hero. The evming was spent. in sing- ng a fr 0 hymns and BeVerley nd Jim uushell playing selec- ions on the piano and a friendly gab fest. Mr. R. Kjrk, spokesman The United Church cOngrega- Ion and friends athered at the church hall on Fr day evening to spend a few hours with Dr. and Mrs. Eddy and.wlsh them the very best at their new charge. Sunday, September 20. Rev. Gordon Smythe of Tomnlo will be in charge of the service, and the choral cholr of Richmond Hill will lead the musk: and “tag sev- eral selecllons. Honour Dr. and Mrs. Eddy Dr. E. B. Eddy gave his fare- well message, basing his talk on Hebrews 12, the latter part of the chapter. It didn’t run as most farewells might go; he stated more as it being a change as we live in a changing warld every- thing ulways changing. wth the bond of affection betwee Carr- ville and Dr. Eddy and Mrs. Eddy remaining unchanged. This friendship will go with them and we wish them everything that is good at their new charge at Hes- peler, Anniversary Service Church News Presidenth Murray McLeod spoke on the main Work of the Junior Chamber of Commerce â€" Leadership Training and how it is developed through courses run in business management, effect- ive speaking and letter writing etz, which are available wthout Cost to any member. He gave an open invitation to those present and assured. them every effort would be made to assimilate them into the chamber and every encouragement would be given to Vlliiatve them participate in its acti- les. Colln Burnss. the Vice Presl- dent outlined the program of At the Summit View Restaurant, September 10, the Richmond Hill JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE held a “Kolleg‘e of Knowledge†to acquaint prospective members with the work and aims of the Jaycees. After an excellent dinner, Chairman Peter Pfenning introduced the 1st Vice President. Ralph Markham to speak on the history of the organization and the story of the success of the Richmond Hill Chamber. Jaycees Invite Inquires M1: Bert Middleton presented W A 'I' C III E S I! I N G S Costume JEWELLERY CORRESPONDENT: M88. 1"“?! MIDDLETON CARRVILLE NEWS 16A YONGE 'ST. N. RICHMOND HILL TUrner 4â€"3311 Telephone Maple 130M TAYLOBS JE 1.5! - FRIDAY, SEPTEMBE 13 -\%-/â€"- COME IN AND LOOK Birthday grgetlngl to David Wark. who has a birthday this week. Mr, Bert Middleton, pastoral relations representative. reminds you of the service at Tharnhill on Sunday. September 20, at 11 am. Rev. Hugh R. McDonald, B.A.. B. D.. of Minden will preach in view of a call to this charge, A vote will] take place following the ser- v ce. Mr. Albert Middleton ls home from hospital and improving all the time. Mrs. J, Melnlc and Mrs. H. Ness provided lunch and Mrs. Read. Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Geo. Read, who was guest at the meet- 111g. assisted the hostess with very tasty refreshmentl. Church Service Th Carrviiie United Church Wom n’s Association held their September meeting at the home of Mrs. Grant Brewery, Stoufl- ville, with 13 ladies present on wednesday afternoon. Mrs. J. Williams, the president, was in Image of the meeting. Sunday School Su day. September 27. is Rally Sun ay and the teachers hope all the children will be back after a lovely holiday, WA. ' 'Dr. and Mrs. Eddy with a gift of money on behalf of their Carr- viile friends. Dr. and Mrs. Eddy thanked the gathering and ex- pressed regret at leaving, but were taking with them pleasant memories of Carrvilie, and also hoped the friendly relatives did not stop, but keep going on. The ladies of the church served re- freshments and Dr. Eddy closed with prayer. Sunday School Any young man from 19 to 39 requiring further information on the Jaycees should contact Mem- bership Chairman -â€" Lindsay Christie at TU. 4-3777. Secretary Bob McClelland told the group how to apply for mem- bership in the Richmond Hill Jun- lor Chamber of Commerce and a question and answer period was conducted by the chairman. projects for Communlty Better. n: mt. Beautiï¬catlon of Richmond Hill. Youth Development and Bro- therhood and showed how the theory learnt in the Chamber's training courses could be utilized ln practice through committees. A BEAUTIFUL $175.00 ROSEPOINT DLAMOND RING WILL BE DRAWN FROM SALES SLIPS TILL OCT, 3 Mrs. Dick Jones,and her daï¬gh- ter and granddaughter, Doreen and Gail Vaughan, motored to Wallaceburg recently td visit Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Jones and see the new baby in the family. Reports are glowing. Now that primary and high school students are packed off to school it is time to wave an older group on to higher learning. Betty Patterson has begun her year at the Toronto Teachers‘ Col. lege; Nancy Brown and Beverley Burr are back at Ryerson for their second year, and Harvey Brown and Don Gohn are both university bound. We wish for them all success in their chosen fields. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hm have spent most-of the summer at their new cottage at Gull L-ake this summer, and game of the neighbours have The house has been placed 70 feet from the road, and centred on the lot. At this moment the new foundation is almost complet- ed, and so far there has been no casualty to any part of the build- ing or the furnishings. A more efficient group of workmen wouid be hard to find. 0n Labor Day. September 7. the firm of James D. McCrae and Son brought in their house mov- lng equipment and since then there hasn’t been a dull moment. Perhaps it should be explained that finally, after a year of ne- gotions, F. H. Leaf and York County have come to terms and the property which the County had expropriated has now been granted to the Leafs with the pro- viso that the century old house he removed from the road ‘ailow- once which it occupied after 17 feet was taken in the summer of 1958. Neighbourhood Notes The Leaf household has been up in the air, literally, for a whole week now, so this week this col- umn will be limited to necessities. Gone from the thistle, now past its prime, Humbled by age that came along in a day, Those silvery hairs that awaited the time For the breeze to waft them up and away. Where ends the mission of the thistledown? Will it fall by the side of a lonely road, Or be done to death on the street of a town; Else ï¬nd in some far garden a. happy abode? No one can tell where the thistledown goes ' And only in spring is the secret made known. The thistle abides with the corn and the rose And anywhere else that the down seed is sown. So the strange flight ends for the thistledown, Once plucked by the wind from the thistle’s crown, .7412 jégAl 0/ FREE GIFTS â€" â€" FREE DRAW ON A LOVELY 400 DAY CLOCK CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. E. G. LEA! 8‘ 8. 1 GonnJey - Phone AXmlnstu 3-6188 BUTTONVILLE NEWS â€" Elizabeth Dale Kelson Antique lovers should ï¬nd thl sale a paradise- ‘ Y.l?.A. Dance Saturday Evening At Victoria Square After they visit the Auction sale, there is an interesting even- ing in store for all the young people of the community at Vic- torla Square Community Hall, where there will be a dance com- mencing at 8.30 pm. (Sept. 19). There will be a Record Hop and Wonderful refreshments, Io ring the calendar! Aubrey Stephenson. in this nel- ghbourhood, or Gordon Mortson at Victoria Spuaré will be happy to send a truck around for any donations. For the auction sale, all kinds of articles have been donated. If you have anything in the attic you think would be useful to someone. give the Lions in call and they will ,be glad to add it to their store. Gord Mortson’a place will be the centre of attraction, and the ladies of the community are asked to make donations of pies, cakes and other delicacies. The Lions are 'holding a Jam- boree - afternoon bake sale And. evening auction! was stolen with all the valuable papers it contained. Mrs. Cooke is only now recelving duplicates of some documents. Lions Auction Sale Saturday September 19'_ tAe Next Saturday will be a big dalat Yflctoria Square. When Mrs. Jean Cooke was on vacation she spent some time in Owen Sound and then travelled to Niagara Falls to visit her dau- ghter there. On her way home she unfortunately left her purse in the car when there was a stop to see the Rack Garden at Hamilton. While she wee nbppnt the purge enjoyed a visit and some fishing with them. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stots were among thesé, and Ken and another neighbour, Dick Jones hope to have a few more daysAfishing soon. 3AiLt/eal. ed own 'CHEVROIET TRUCKS! Right now your Chevrolet dealer is talking the kind of deals that make Chevrolet truck’s an even better buy than ever before. And Chevrolet trucks are the best truck inVestment you can make at aï¬y time. Their unsurpassed power, economy, ease of opera- tion and deepâ€"down solid construction lick every job you tackle . . . year in, year out. Act fast. Check with the truck experts at your Chevrolet Dealer’s today. You'll be a great deal better oï¬ . . . in every way. NOW...RIGHT NOIM..YOU'RE A Yonge St. at Elgin Mills BIRRELI. MOTORS lIMITED BETTER OFF WITH CHEVROLET-OLDSMOBILE DEALER Visit your authbrlized Chevrolet Dealer- THE LIBERAL Richmond Hill, Ont. Thursday, September 17. 1959 TU. 4-1195 AV. 5-4991 FOR VALUE! GIF'I'WARE SIlVER CHINA FIRST CHOICE Richmond Hill