24 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont. Thursday, September 1‘7, 1959 The drawing for this Smith-Corona ‘fSuper†and the other_ valuable (prizes which are being given to'mark the opening of York Office Equipment’s Richmond Hill store will be made at 5 p.m. on Saturday,.September 26th, by Mayor K. W. Tomlin, at the store ----16 Y onge Street North. l6 YONGE STREET NORTH, RECHMOND HILI. TELEPHONE TURNER 4-4231 AUTHORIZED DEALERS IN SMITH-CORONA TYPEWRITERS, ADDiNG MACHiNES AND CALCULATORSe Another “WORLD'S FIRST" From SMITH - ORONA A NEW CONCEPT m ELECTRIC TYPEWRITERS ' SEE THE NEW _ . , , r on ‘ THE mar IME . Visit our “Open House†0 R and see a High School T H I N K I N G student demonstrating o F [T THE NEW TEN . m 9 - TOUCH LEARNING TO TYPE For FURTHER LIST OF PRIZES AND MORE . PARTICULARS OF OUR “OPEN HOUSE†ON SEPTEMBER 24 - 25 - 26 WE’LL DRAW ON SEPTEMBER 26TH Next Week’s LIBERAL for the ï¬rst time in York County during our “Open House†on Sep- tember 24, 25, 26. Here is the ï¬rst office electric designed and priced for the individual or for large or small business offices. Weighing just 18 lbs. it can be used on small desks - - even table tops - - yet features a full 12’? carriage and 11†writing line. FULLY EQUIPPED with most WHICH WILL BE ON DISPLAY SEE from long-playing records GIVEN FREE when you buy a Smith"- Corona portable (Demonstrations from 51 pm. to 9 pm.) It’s easy if you do it the Smith-Corona way TYPING COURSE major features found on larger electrics, with a wide selection of type styles, it’s priced at half the cost of other electric typewriters - - - $229.50 SMITH-CORONA OFFERS the one 1y complete line of electric type- writers in the world - - the All-New ELECTRA 12- -the full size office electric- - the one and only electric portable. . See them - test them - compare them - To CELEBRATE ‘ THE OPENING l OF OUR NEW STORE I N RIC H o N D H I LL JUST VISIT OUR NEW STORE AND SHOWROOM at 16 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill, at any time during business hours on Thursday, Friday and Sat- urday next week ---Write your name and address on a slip--- put it in the box. You may be the lucky Winner of this wonderful typewriter - - - the world’s ï¬nest portable. This drawing is open to all residents of high school age and up. SEE IT - AND OTHER WORTHâ€"WHILE PRIZES N OUR WINDOW AT16 YONGE STREET NORTH NOW AND OTHER VALUABLE PRIZES ABSOLUTELY FREE DURING OUR “OPEN HOUSE" ON vat-NED vow. svwag NOTHING TO BUY ARE GVENG AWAY A “ S U P E R " :3 so“ svwam f PORTABLE TYPEWRITER RETAIL “VALUE $134.50 N0 "GIMMICKS"