Resolve to attend the Women’s Institutes’ rally next July, mem- bers were urged in a community broadcast made by York County W. 1. President, Mrs. E. S. Red- dick of Snowball. Village friends received cards from them as they travelled by car through England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Eire. Dr. Sawyer was a delegate to the British Medical convention in Edinburgh. ' Join R.C.A. She asked for suggestions for next year's projects, ideas to be given members‘ own branches or sent to Secretary Mrs. C. Powell of Gormley. Dr. and Mrs. Glenn Sawyer and Barry have returned from an exâ€" tensive six weeks’ tour of Great Britain and Ireland in July and August, Tom Knight of Hambiy Ave., older son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Knight, is stationed at St. John, Quebec. for basic training in the Royal Canadian Artillery. He enlisted as an aeronautical drafts- man, WJ. Rally York County Institutes had two special projects this year, related Mrs, Reddick. Over 400 tea ap- rons were sent to the conference of Associated Country Women of the World in Edinburgh, to be given by Ontario delegates to representatives ï¬'om other lands. The aprons carried the address- es of Ontario members making them and it was expected much correspondence will result. Older residents remember when it was always referred to as "Doctor’s Laneâ€, in tribute to the late beloved Dr_ George Lockhart, who lived in the large white house at the corner. The original name will be in the minds of many when medical of- ï¬ces are built shortly on property purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Len Robb at the rear of their South Keele St. lot, Dr. Quentin Hardy proposes having larger office accommoda- tion for his combined practice with Dr. James McPhee than they have at present on' King St, op- posite the bank. Dr. Hardy told ‘The Liberal†the two doctors were not enlarg- ing the staff to take in more doc- tors. , Holiday Abroad York County members raised $300 for the York Pioneer Histor. lcal Society for use at Sharon House grounds. This summer's ï¬fth annual ral- ly held at Vandorf was kept to a minimum of business and a maxâ€" imum of fellowship. said Mrs. Reddick. Members lingered over a two-hour picnic lunch in Whit. church Park and tea was served by Vandorf W.I. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Roots of the Third Concession Line are en- tertaining Lions and their famil- ies this Saturday evening. What’s In A Name? Funds'were raised by “county contributions for the Ontario W.I. scholarship named after Anna Lewis, to be awarded an out- Lion Harold Russell of Schm- berg, also known as King Town- ship Constable, is again under- taking the role of auctioneer. A few days~ before the 17th, local Lions will be around. from door to door‘. to collect articles for sale. Corn Roast It is only in recent years the short road beside King Memorial Park/has been called Park Road. standing 4-H girl. Four girls have already won it_ Since no one had all the qualiï¬cations this year, it was hoped two scholarships would be presented next year. On School Staï¬ Mrs. Jeanette Peddle, of Tor- onto, teacher of Grades two and three at the Eva L. Dennis School, is staying with Mrs. Joan Hoop- er in her King St. apartment. Burial Lions’ Auction King City Lions Club has de- cided to have its annual auction on October 17, a Saturday. Mem- bers found last year’s sale on a Saturday afternoon suited a large crowd. In his 62nd year, Mr. Gordon McLean of the 5th Concession, King, died at York County Hos- pital September 8. and was bur- ied at King City Cemetery, foil- owing the service at Thompson parlors in Aurora. He is survived by his widow, the former Pauline Campbell, and four children. Mrs. P. Cou- ghlin (Marjorie). Mrs_ J. Foster (Shirley), Murray and Hugh. Afllvals It iii/ill soon be time to look out a'll the treasures. with which fam- ï¬les are ï¬nally able iorpgrt. Mr. and Mrs. Garï¬eld Fleury of Springhill Road are proud parâ€" ents of twin girls, who arrived September 7. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Stuart McCarthy of R. R. 2. have a new daughter, Susan Catherine, born at Toronto Genelial Hospital on September Plans are under way to have a kindergarten again. this time in Concession line, north of Aurora All Saints' Anglican Church Rec- tory, South Keele St., starting October 1. King Kindergarten An age limit has been set by the Kindergarten Mothers' Com- mittee of ï¬ve years by‘the end of this year. The kindergarten class is expected to transfer to the new Parish Hall, when it is completed. MarkBitthdm Before that date. registrations are being received by Mrs_ H. Schmidt and Mrs. E. B. Phair. It was a dabble birthday pal-w THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont. Thursday, September 1'7, 1959 King City Notes King City, Oak Ridges Lake Wilcox "I'he Liberal†is always pleased to publish items a! Intern est regarding people and events in the Oak RidgeyLake Wilcox and King City districts. Our new: correspondent in King City is Mrs. William J. Houston. telephone King 205M; and in Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox. Mn. Elisabeth Orton. Aubrey Ave.. phone PR. 3-5610. Sister Mary Agnes Clare, who taught high school grades last year at Sacred Heart Separate School, is the new principal this year. She succeeds Sister Mary Carmella, also one of the Sisters of Providence from the Mother House at Kingston. School enrolment is gradually creeping up, but present 'class- room space is adequate to accom- modate the pupils. This month .236 boys and girls were register- ed, 16 more than this time last year. This week Assessment Com- missioner E_ S. Reddick is meet- ing at the township oï¬ice rate- payers inquiring about how the re-assessment will aï¬ect next year’s taxes. New Principal When she has ï¬nished one more season’s training, she will earn the intermediate certiï¬cate quali- fying her to teach Grade 10 home economics. Wedding Bells As the First King Scout Troop Ladies' Auxiliary resumes its monthly meetings the third Mon- day each month, Mrs. George Armstrong of South Kee‘le St. will be hostess for next Mon- day’s gathering. All mothers of Scouts and Cubs are invited to attend. Assisting the hostess will be Mrs. William Heaslip and Mrs. Donald Dixon, New Teacher Cars .will be leaving the Arm- strong store every 15 minutes from 3:15 until 4:30 this Satur- day, taking congregation members to the tea Miss Blair A. Burrows of the 6th Concession line is giv- ing in honor of the new minister of All Saints’ Anglican Church, All adult members of the church are invited. Successful Course Miss Betty Arbuckle, principal of Strange School, has been noti- ï¬ed she successfully completed her third summer course in home economics at Central Technical School. Miss Marilyn Annand of Aur- ora who has charge of Grades 1 and 2 at the Eva L. Dennis School is planning to be married October 10 to Mr. Alex Sulek. Miss Shirley Gibson of Grand Valley. who is teaching the junior classroom at Strange School this year, is staying with Mrs. Ken- neth LeGrow in Heritage Park temporarily until she takes a room with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Curtis later thismonth. Tea For Rector 'Mrs. James Crooks of King St. had for her daughter, Donna, now three, and son Ashley, ï¬ve. Little friends present included Stephen Noakes, Donnie and Gordon Mc- Callum and Debbie and Janice McKenzie. In Hospital Mrs.'W111iam Carson of South Keele St, has been a patient in York County Hospital, Newmar- ket. In New Home Mr. and Mrs. George Harvey and little daughter, Jane. have moved from North Keele St., to their newly-built home on the 6th sideroad. Scouts’ Auxiliary Besides children from/the Sac- red Heart Settlement, students come by bus from Kings Police Villages, King City, Nobleton and Schomberg. Sister Mary Thecla is instruct- ing Grade 1; Miss Mathilda Shee- ban from Colgan, Grade 2; Miss Mary Lynch of' Colgan, Grades 3 and 4; Miss Barbara Rick, Trout Creek, Grades 4 and 5; Miss El- eanor O'Leary of Colgan, Grades 5 and 6; Sister Mary Louise, Grades 7 and 8; and Sister Mary Agnes Clare, Grades 9 and 10. Open House Open house at the new three- roomed Eva L. Dennis School on Kingslynn Ave. has been set for. eight o'clock next Wed esday evening. Opening ceremoni s will be kept to a minimum and inter- ested ratepayers will have ample opportunity to inspect the mod- ern building. On hand to welcome residents will be 5.5. 2 School Board Chairman Aubrey Gordon, Mr_ Gordon Tetley and Mr. Jack Whalley; School Secretary Ray- mond Burt; Principal of the Eva L. Dennis School, Vlrs. Whatley Finch and her fellow teachers, Mrs. Jeanette Peddle and Miss Marilyn Armand; and the staff Of Doris M. Patton School, Prin- cipal Carson Bice. Miss Eva Den- nis, Mr. A. C. Collins, Miss Doris Patton and Miss Helen Nye. School Guards Following the request of an east end mother about small chil- dren crossing King St. to reach the Eva L. Dennis School, the village secretary-manager. G_ T. Thompson has been on daily duty at the corner of King St. and Patton St. Mr. Harry Edwards, now an experienced school crossing guard of a year and a half, is back on the job again to guide youngsters at the railway crossing. Besides supervising the children walking, Mr. Edwards _tries to caution youthful bicycle riders about safety rules. Ninth Birthday Next Wednesday members of Kingcrafts will be celebrating the ninth birthday of their organiza- tion. by meeting as they do each anniversary at the home of the founder, Lady Flavelle. WHITCHURCH -â€" No action is expected to be taken in connec- tion with the widening and straightening of the Island Lake road this year, but it is expected that the Department of Highways will be asked to make a report in 1960. Baskets of ivory gladioli decor- ated St. Paul's United Church. Oak Ridges, when Carol Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man T. Evans, became the wife of Daniel Bruce Geary, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Geary in an ear- ly evening wedding on August 29, 1959. The Rev. Gordon Winch officiated at the service and Mrs, Faulkner accompanied the solo- ist Mrs. Betty Farquharson at the piano, as she sang ‘The Lord's Prayer' and ‘Because’. Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride wore a traditional style wedding gown, full length, of Chantilly lace over satin, with long-sleeved bodice, its scalloped neckline studded in pearls and se- quins; the bouï¬ant skirt of the gown had panels of embroidered lace caught up by small bows of net, and her headpiece was head- ed with pearls and sequins, to which was caught her ï¬ngertip veil. In her arms she carried a Carol Anne Evans Weds D. B. Geary At St. Paul's Water Softener H. JO N ES Building Supplies Ltd. RICHMOND HILL AV. 5-3941 AV. 5-1081 TU. 4-3211 T0 CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER 01“ the Estate of Annie Emma Thomas All persons having claims as- ainst the estate of Annie Emma Thomas, deceased, late of the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York, who died on or about the 5th day of March, 1959, are hereby notiï¬ed to send them to the undersigned, duly veriï¬ed, on or before the 9th day of 0c- tober, 1959. After which date, the assets of the above mentioned estate will be distributed among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which the ad- ministrators shall then have not. ice Dated this 9th day of Septem- ber, 1959. WILLIAM H. C. BAILEY. Aurora, Ontario. Solicitor for the Administrators OIL FURNACES CLEANED Princess Alice Attends All Saints’ Herridge Electric A surprise visitor to the Sunday morning worship ser- vice in All Saints’ Anglican Church, King, was H.R.H. Princess Alice, great-aunt of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. Princess Alice was accom- panied by Lady Eaton, with whom she has been staying at Eaton Hall during her cross-country tour. Rev, Mackenzie Naughton o'f Wycliffe College preached the sermon and sidesmen on duty were the Rectar's War- den, Mr. Ian Baxter and Mr. Gerald Walker, manager of Eaton Hall Farm. Princess Alice and Lady Eaton occupied the second pew and after the service they showed considerable in- terest in the architects’ scale model of the new church and parish hall, which is under construction. The royal visitor was dress- ed in a trim tailored suit with white hat. SERVICED Salt Aqua-Nuggets NOTICE AND 53 Yonge N. bouquet of red roses and white carnations. Miss Barbara Corner attended the bride wearing a coral nylon lace gown over satin, with match- ing cummerbund which ended in a large back bow and flowing sash; her hat and accesso 'es were white, and she carried a ouquei of yellow roses and white carna- tions. Mr. Roy Geary was best man for his brother and the bride’s brother, Tom, was usher. At the reception held later in the Ridge Inn, Oak Ridges, the bride’s mother received the guests wearing rose flowered ny- lon with corsage of ivory gladioli and navy accessories; the bride- groom’s mother assisted in re- ceiving. wearing royal on light blue flowered jersey, with white accessories and a Corsage 'of pink roses. For a honeymoon trip to Wash- ington, DC, and Virginia Beach, Va., the bride chose a navy sheath dress with short navy and white check jacket, white feather hat and white accessories. Since their return they are residing in Rich- mond Hi1]. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. Ireland of Kleinburg who were attendants at the wed- ding of the bride’s parents â€"- Mr. and Mrs, Ireland celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on Aug- ust 25. OAK RIDGES (Yonge St.) Cleaners & Dyers Proprietors: Art & Dot Jennings Free Pick-Up 8: Delivery Phone: PR. 3-5392 Full Laundry Service When a memes" needs a Mend get the most out of electricity. is easyâ€"drying is certainâ€" whatever the weather. washer and clothes dryer washing You get more out of life when you automatically. Just set the dialsâ€" getting clothes dry for another day of play. and dryingâ€"and they do it to carryâ€"never a care about With a modern automatic electric At a time like this, the best and an electric clothes dryer. no heavy lifting, no wet wash friends a mother can have are a modern automatic electric washer They make short work of washing Lions Auction The Lions Auction Sale, slated for Friday, September 25th at 7.30 p. m. is still i need of don- ations. Some very useful items have already been received such as, carriages, chesterfield, bed springs etc., etc. If you have any- thing at all, in any condition please call Mr. G. Banton at PR. 3-5489 or Mr. Tim Woolley at PR. 3-5580 and they will make arrangements to have same pick- ed up. Mr. Harold Russell, Schom- berg will be auctioneer and it is hoped to give a preview of articles at 7 p.111. with the Sale Starting at 7.30 pm. sharp, everything must go, regardless of the bid- ding. Home 8: School The first regular monthly meet- ing of the Oak Ridges Home and School Association will be on Tuesday, September 22nd, 8 pm. sharp at the school. Mr. W. Shur- man is president for this coming season. After the usual business meeting, a “Travelogue†will be shown and narrated by Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Kelcey, R. R. 3, King. The parents attending will also have an opportunity to meet the teaching staff. Socials Mr. and Mrs. A. Gibeault and boys have returned to the com- munity after an absence of about two years, they are residing at their former home on Elmgrove Ave. If you are looking for some light entertainment this coming weekend, try the indoor “Fun Fair" at the Legion Hall, King Side Road, Saturday, September 19th, 1 pm. to 11 p.m., and kids, don't forget to have your favour- ite dog there by 2 pm. for the Mutt show, and your fancy dres- ses all pressed for the judging afterwards. Lots of fun and games for everyone. Separate School ‘ Due to the fact contractor's have not been able to finish the new addition at Our Lady of the Annunciation Separate School, Grades 4 and 5 and teacher, Mr. Woods is holding classes at the Legion Hall (club room.) This will be the arrangements for approxi- mately ,one month. In that time Oak Ridges. Lake Wilcox Socials LIVE BETTER ELEC AURORA SAND 8. GRAVEL SPECIAL PRICES FOR HOME OWNERS. PIT-RUN GRAVEL, SAND FILL, BRICK AND CONCRETE SAND, ALSO STONE FOR DRIVEWAYS PA. 1 - 9091 it is hoped to have the new addi- tion and the Convents finished for occupancy, 32 children are in- volved. Miss Ruth Henderson’s Sunday School Class had a corn roast at h(.' home at Gormley on Wednes- day evening. Back From Holidays Back from holidays and trying to catch up on some of the hapâ€" penings in the old home town while we were away. Happy to report that Mr. Gar- net Diceman hopes to return home from hospital this week. He has been in St. Michael’s for the past six weeks suffering from a broken leg which he received while working amongst the cattle on his farm at‘Teston, We hope it won't be too long before he is up and around again. Mr. Norman McKinnon is in the Maple Manor rest home where he is still in a cast for the brok- en back he sustained when he fell from a tree several weeks ago. We hope he will soon be feel- ing much better. We are pleased to report that Miss Evelyn Hare has recovered sufficiently from her recent ap- pendectomy to be able to be back at work. and hope that she will soon be feeling ï¬ne again. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. George Sayewell on the birth of their 5011. Church News There will be no Sunday School or church service at Teston on Sunday, September 20. This will give the congregation an oppor- tunity of joining their friends and neighbours at Hope United Chur- ch in celebrating anniversary ser- vices there, Dr. Hunnisett of the Fred Victor Mission and members of the mission orchestra will be on hand to conduct the service of worship. Teston News Correspondent: Miss Joan Pelletier Phone Maple 4R1: TRIC ALLY We have clients for all types of Real Estate with ready cash. Photo Co-op Listings. Isl and 2nd Mortgages Arranged ALPINE NUR§ERIES BATHIIRS'I' STREET 2 MILES NORTH RICHMOND HILL-MAPLE ROAD TU. 4-3361 10,000 Shade Trees from 6-12 ft. in sev- eral varieties to be cleared this fall. Special prices to Ratepayers and Horticultural Societies. Evergreens, Shrubs, Hedging, Perennials and Rock Plants. The Friendly Store - Everyone welcome Johnny Longo Real Estate Ltd. PIRRI'S MARKET 89 YONG! ST. N. ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE Property Wanted FreJm Fruit, Vegetables, Groceries 31 Yonge St. N. â€"- Northern Building Phone AV 5-5301 or Mr. Stefl'an. TU. 4-3349. Richmond Hill CORNER BEDFORD PARK AVE. Richmond Hill’s Only Fruit Market!