Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Sep 1959, p. 8

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Norman and Don Bagg of Edgev ley were the Premier Exhibitors of the JerSey Show at the Canadâ€" ian National Exhibition for 1959 and were presented with the cov- eted Premier Exhibitor Banner in recognition of their achievement. In the Groups, Norman and Don had the top Junior Herd. Junior Get-of-Slre. Graded Herd and Progeny of Dam. Socials With the twenty-five head of cattle shown, they took nine first prizes. five second prize: and many others. They had the Junior Champion Bull, Edgeley Posing Acme. The Jr. Champion Heif- er, Edgeiea Acme D. Jester Girl and the Reserve Junior Champion Heifer. Posing AcmefiLassie. This week We wish many hap- py returns of he day to Mrs. RJ. Darlington whose birthday is Sepgamber 15. nliigééhgrratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bagg on their wed- GROWER â€" FLORIS'r Since 1880 The finest in floral designs and bedding plants. Phone Maple 2 Keele Street Maple, Ont; WW The topic for the September meeting of Vellore Senior Wo- men's Institute was Home Econ- omies and the motto, “Laughter II A Good Tonic But Never Bottle 11:." The response to the roll call â€" "My Worst Cooking Failure” - gave many various and humorous eppenlngn. Mrs. R. Phillipe convene: of the programme read a paper on the motto stressing the value of laughter in the home and the lick room. Mrs. D. Julian read a poem en- titled "Contentment." Mrs. B. 1". Andrew, guest speak- or. gave a very interesting talk on Home Economics as related to British Guiana, South America. Mrs. Andrew told about the races of people in British Guiana, clim- ate and clothing, cities and vil- lages, Industries and handicrafts, young people and 4-H clubs and the Christian influence of schools. On display were interesting ex- amples of handicraft work. W.G.$ireei “I. 4 - 2213 Sanitary Contractor Vellore Senior W. I. Begin Busy Fall Season Drains Cleaned & Repaired C. STUNDEN ucmuonm mm. m. «m: Maple,00ncord & Edgeley Districts Grade 1 Voice Exams Win Honors Mrs. Lois York of Maple is pleased to announce that Shelley James and Bryce York passed with honors their. Grade 1 voice exams. These exams are set by the Royal Conservatory of Music and these young people are to be congratulated on their fine grades. for your place of business. truck lettering. sale signs. ofilce door lettering. FAST SERVICE Mrs. A. Bishop presented a pn- Specializing in Purebred Cattle, Farm Stock, Furniture and Implements We personally handle all ale bills and advertising. Phone Gormley 5311 Gormley, Ont. Septic Tanks Pumped ALVIN S. FARMER THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ont. Thursday. September 17, 1959 Edgeley Socials Licensed Auctioneer for YORK AND ONTARIO COUNTIES 36 YEARS EXPERIENCE Prop “The Liberal" Il may! willln: to Dublish interesting items recording people md event. contributed by in tendon in Maple. Concord a Edgeley district; Our nmhuvo in Magic u Mn. Len Shore. Maple 223W: in Concord. Mn. Ruth Keller. AV. 5-2315: and in ldceley and Sherwood. Mrs. Raymond Stuart, AV. 5-1984. Mrs. John Stuart was among those who attended a Stork Show- er on Tuesday evening of last week in honor of Mr. and Mrs. McAllister Todd and their infant daughter. The shower was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. McEw- en of Bathurst Street and about twenty friends and staff members of “The Villa" private hospital enjoyed the party and presented the wee one with many delight- ful gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ash became grandparents for the fourth time on September 5 when Douglas James Barton was born to Mr. and Mrs. Dave Barton. Mrs. Bab ton and her daughter, Bonnie and Douglas are spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Ash. Norman Bagg will be spending most of this week in Texas, U.S.A., leaving on Tuesday to judge the Jersey Show at the East Texas State Fair at Tyler. Norman is also looking forward to visiting several prominent Jer- sey cattlemen while in the South before he returns home on Sun- day. r Mr. Walters of Edmonton, who is an uncle of Mrs. W. Butt of Keele St., arrived by train with his daughter on Saturday to visit relatives here in the east. Mrs. Butt has not seen her uncle, who is 80 yeags old, for over 740 years. The Edgeley W. A. is holding an evening meeting on Thursday of this week at the home of Mrs. R. Stuart. Mrs. W. Butt and Mrs. Allan Poole will be the social committee. per on “Food Around The World." Fourteen different countries 0! the world were chosen to show how food preparation differs in various parts of the world and how diet! vary so neatly-g Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stuart and Jim of Brantford moved on Tues- day of this week to their new home on Scott Drive. Richvale. Bill Stuart has taken a new posi- tion with an automotive firm on Bay Street, Toronto. In 1952 when A. C. W. W. met at Toronto. Mrs. Bishop was hos- tess to two ladies from U. S. A. From them she had received the most interesting paper. Pictures of these ladies' home were shown. They had been taken by Marian when on a trip. Mrs. J. Mutiny read current av. ems. The Pioneer Festival will be held at Dalzlel Park September 26. Leave donations for this with Mrs. G. Burbidge. The bazaar will be held Novem- ber let. Everyone is asked to bring articles for bazaar to reg- ular November meeting. The Oc- tober meeting will take the form of a bus trip to Peterborough, the bus will leave Vellore at 8.30 am. on October Slst, Family Night will be observed as a Hallowe‘en party. digg Annjvgrsary, September 16 Chairman John Neufeld of the Maple Village Trustees reports favourable progress in the petition being circul- ated for the installation of a proposed municipal water system in the village. Some 175 ratepayers have already signed the petition. A mini- mum of 217 signatures is re- quired before the trustees can through the township make application to the Mun- icipal Board and the Ontario Water Resources Commission. Still Time To Sign Water Petition Any ratepayers who have- n't yet had an opportunity to sign are asked to get in touch with any member of othe board, Chairman Neufeld or Trustees Andrew Snider or Jack Yorke. It will cost con- siderably more to install wa- ter at a later date. Anyone missing the original installa- tion will have to pay $200.00 plus the initigl‘costsh Mr. Neufeld has estimated a total of $155,000.00 in de- bentures will be required to finance the project. It is hop- ed a start can be made by the end of October. Public works completed by the trustees during the sum- mer included the closing over of 1,000 feet of ditch on Keele Street lying between the Anglican Church and the Presbyterian Parsonage. New culverts and manholes were installed. The project was carried out in conjunction with the Toronto and York Roads Commission. __.‘=..__ Arriving in Montreal and then up through Quebec to Quebec City they took in all the inter- esting spots but found Quebec City most intriguing. From there they travelled on down through Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, to Prince Edward Island. Here they visited and spent the night with Roy and Margaret Younker. Roy had formerly worked in Maple with Bruce at Central Ontario Cattle Breeders. On their return they chose an- other route which took them through the U. 8., through New Hampshire and Vermont across the bridge at 1000 Islands to Canada and then on home. An interesting stop over was made at Springhill N. S. where Bruce and Dorothy toured the town and its closed mines. It seemed a sad town as its peo- ple eked out an existenc while awaiting an industry to come to Springhlll and with it a means of livelihood for its men. The older men want to stay on at Springhill, it has been their only home, some of the younger men have tried elsewhere but the majority have come back ‘home.’ A new prison Mr. and Mrs. John Cave mo- tored to Exeter recentLv to It- tend the wedding of Leone Mac- Kenzie and Norman MacIsaac. They were accompanied by Miss Sara Murray. of Scarboro. Maple Men's Bowling Lame; Celebrating your birthday on the first day of school can be a 'lot of fun as Sheena McDonald and her friends found out last September 8. Since school only lasted a short time that first morning Sharon Clegg, Linda Ingram, Linda Reeds, Cynthia McClelland, Joan Earnshaw, Mary Lou Darker, Joe Scott, David Martin, Steve Shore, and Fraser Cringah, all headed'for McDon- alds and helped Sheena celebrate her 9thvbirthday. A Travelogue Type Holiday_ _ iBruce aid Ddfothy Murchison set off with their 21 month old son Brian and headed east on August 7281171. _ _ _ I. ivsmtvd be built where the fateful mine once throbbed and this will supply employment-for many. Ezad sir! It is most difficult to concentrate on “Maple Notes" while watching that low rated team, the Alouettes, in the pro- cess of stroking the Tiger Cats into submission” Attended Wedding: The men of our town start their seeson of bowling. September 28. at the Community Centre. Any newcomers wanting information should contact Pierre Auger - 288. Lots of Birthdays: Lynda LaRiviere can still tell her age without dropping a year or two -- she was 10 on September Bt'x. We understand Roy Crook celebrated a birthday last Satur- day. the 12th. Grant Wells was 6 on Septem- ber 5th and celebrated with a party on the 8th with 18 of his friends attending. Some of his friends came from out of town and they were - his Bailey cous- ins from Aurora, and Susan Hallâ€" well from Concord. Grant‘s sister Lorie looked after entertaining hi: guests, ably helped by Glen- alee McKee and Marilyn Thacker, The Murchison's travelled a to- tal of 3075 miles while seeing scenery and mountains nast des- cription; crossed on six ferries and noted the harvesting was be- hind in the Maritimes, due to the poor weather. In all their travels young Brian seemed to find as much enjoyment and excitement as anyone. He had a ride in a stage coach, drawn by horses in Six Gun City, New Hampshire; was fascinated with the deer, goats, geese and other animals in Santa’s Village at Jefferson N. H. Sleeping in the car. cabins or mot- els he took it all in his stride and his meals in restaurants - why it was lots of fun. 7.8117 in all it was a holiday Bruce and Dorothy will remember with enjoyment from start to fin- lsh. Sunday School Teachers Hold Retreat: Maple Public Library is in full swing for the fall Shelves have been added and there is a fresh supply of new books. On Friday evenings the library will open from 6:30 - 8:30 in order that our large numbers of children may use the library at this more convenient time. The other library days will be held at the same time as before. New Books: Position at Noon â€" E. Linkletter The Darling Buds of May â€" H. E. ,Bates The Danforth United S. S. tea- chers are coming to Maple United Church for a retreat Saturday September 19. Their theme spea- ker will be Rev. McNiel. The la- dies of the church will do the catering for their supper. Out of Town Guests: Over the Labor Day Holiday the James Families (Jim and Bob) certainly have been well recorded for posterity. Seems Shelley, Gail, Doug and Brian took Julia Meade’s advice and ‘shot' their families from every angle poss- ible. We understand The Liberal might be interested in certain poses ! ! Off to School Mr. and Mrs. Mel Sheppard of Ottawa, visited Eleanor and Mac Hamilton for a few days recently. Shutter Bugs: Diane McConkey is commuting and enjoying it. She is enrolled at Loretta Abbey, Armour Heights, North Toronto. This Saturday the School is going to Stratford to see "As You Like it." in their own special train. map/g pug/k 41-4 Maple Notes Sounded Like Fun Mr. and Mrs. Roland Ketter ga- thered their clan together last Saturday evening and hosted a large 'nolsy and joyous' welner roast. 0. K. So You Win: After having their gate crashed and front lawn ripped up five or six times, Charles and Jean Miller - being the co-operatlve types. have decided to ease things for their next unannounced visi- tors. The next time a truck (and its sure to happen) misses the turn at Keele and Maple Rd.. they will find a paved driveway replacing the gate and well kept lawn â€" that just didn't get a chance. A Maple-its in Big City News Command the Morning -â€" Pearl Buck The Watch on the Bridge â€" Dav- id Garth Lost in the Barrens -â€" Farley _Mowat Pasternak â€" Gerd Ruge Love and Money â€" Noel Glad Childrens Books: The Dog from Nowhere A Little Old Man The Sandman Who Lost His Sand The Cat That Wanted Out IIndians and Cowboys. As winner over many young- ster: Ind two boys as runners up - Debbie McConkey, aged 12,- won the Traffic Safety Contest at the ONE. Her picture appear- et. in a city newspaper and she received $25.00 as first prize. This she immediately exchanged for a new radio for her own per- sonal use. Congratulations Debbie. More Winners for Maple: Hoping to build up their mem- bership, they decided to make a departure from the more or less regular routine of meetings. The next meeting of the W. A. will be held We nesday, October 14 and a very special invitation is given to all members to attend a supper at the home of Mrs. Barry Hayes. Each member is asked to bring a gift and it in turn will be sold at the bazaar. A lively sing'song led by Mrs. Noble started the fall season of Maple W. I. held at Mrs. W. Noble's home. The roll call was well responded to by naming a task not eliminated by modern electricity. The members ,-were asked to sew or bake for thélboo- th at Museum Festival to be"held at Dalzlel Park on September 26. Would anyone sending in baking, sewing, fresh fruits, please price them and leave at Mrs. Alf Jones home on Friday September 25. A Remember Maple is getting its first door to door delivery of the Liberal and Michael Weir is the young man to place your order with - Phone No. 9 and Michael ‘will be Johnny on the spot with your own local and neighboring lnews each Thursday. , At the Durham Orno County Fair. Mr. Alec Forest brought his 2 year old Larry Dilard in, in first place last weekend. This seemingly, is just what comes nat- urally for this pair â€"‘and con- grgtulathqs ggain. From- Maple also Bill M is the man to watch while r out of his Goodwin Stables. St. Stephen’s W. A. Plans for a bazaar to be held Saturday November 7, were dis- cussed when the W. A. met at Pat Maclachl‘an’s home Friday, September 11. Please support this entirely different type of meeting as it s the W. A. that helps support the Work of the Anglican Church in Maple. First Fall Meeting of W. I. The W. 1. Convention will be held at Royal York Hotel on Nov. 4. 5, 6. Mrs. L. Clarke and Mrs. H. Jackson were chosen as leaders to attend training school “Focus on Finishes.” Mr. N. Stephenson who works at Mills Roses at Richmond Hill, showed film on ‘Rose Growing' as it is done at their greenhouses. This was a very instructive and interesting lecture and gave us an idea of the amount of work entailed in growing such lovely blooms. He had with him many of the varieties grown there and on leaving each lady was given a nose to take home. The commit- tee in charge Mrs. H. Stephenson. Mrs. M. Palmer, Mrs. H. Jennings served cake and ice cream which was enjoyed by all on such a hot evening. The next heating, October 14 to which every lady in the commun- ity is cordially invited" will be held at Mrs. L. Clarke's home at Hope. Maple United Church W. A. The W. A. is getting its first fall meeting off to an interesting and constructive evening, Tues- day, September 22 at 8 pm. in the education centre of the chur- ch. Dr. Arkinstall M. D. of New- market is the guest speaker and she has chosen as her subject “Proposed New Way of Women's Work in the Church.” The W. A. has invited members from Hope, Edgeley and Teston for this meeting and would ap~ preciate all local members to turn out and give their full support for the first meeting of the fall sea- son. Tonights the Night Don’t forget to attend the Can- adian Cancer Society’s Annual Meeting (Maple Branch) at the Community Centre in the Lions’ Room tonight (September 17) at 8 pm. This is a meeting open to the public and you are especially invited. Have You Contaoted Michael Yet wary Bill McNab while racing 'ewJ A home and school executive meeting was held on Wednesday, September 2, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Burlington. Hillside Ave. The meeting was enthusiastically attended and everyone entered in to each discussion with much vim and vigor. Upon the resignation of Mrs. J. Boron as president, Mr. Ross Knight has been elected to the chair. An interesting pro. gramme has been planned for the 1959-1960 season. The first general home and school meeting was held on Mon- day September 14 at the schooL It took the form of a get-acquaint- ed meeting for new members, tea-I chers and the old stalwarts whose memories may be allpptn . Bowling g Home and School Friday September 11 was the opening night of Concord - Edgeley Bowling League’s 1959-80 season. Don't forget, bowlers, 8.00 pm. each Friday at Woodbrldge bowling alley. Any newcomers who wish further details may call Mr. John Witney at AV. 5-2858. Guides 'Ilhe Guides met Tuesday. Sept- ember 15 at 7:00 PM. at the school. Any girls between the ages of 1.1 and 15 are invited to come out. Last Friday the Concord-Edge- ley Bowling league was unable to get in the first games of the sea- son, the reason being the instal- lation of automatic pin setters at the Woodhridge alleys. The sys- tem was not completed until it was too late for the bowlers to play. The installation of these ma- chines should speed up the games as well as eliminate heckling from the pin boys (unless they have automatic hecklers too). The Warren Bailies went brav- ely forth last weekend, camping at Sibbald Park. Lets hear from the other organ- izations around town regarding your\starting dates for this sea- son. Socials Birthday greetings to Bruce Webster who was five whole years old -on September 5, and Mark Medensky who will be two on September 11. Bowling A very poorly attended meeting of the Elmwood Acres Ratepayers Ass’n was held on Wednesday, September 9 lat Concord School. A number of resolutions were presented to the twenty-one mem- bers who turned out. It was hoped that these resolutions could have been voted on and presented to the township council to be writ- ten as a new bty-law. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thompson, Tommy and Margie, returned re- cently from a holiday at Four Mile Lake. Bela-led congratulations to Bruce and Evelyn Snider on the arrival of their third son, a bro- ther for David and Brian. Don’t‘forget, bowlers, to come out this week for an enjoyable night of bowling. Ratepayers Let's hope he next meeting will have at least double if not triple the attendance of the last one. Socials Miss Marion Keffer, Toronto. visited last Saturday with Mrs. J. Keffer, Concord. Miss Keffer was » combining business with pleasure as she also visited Zion Lutheran Church on Saturday to collect information for a paper she will present to the York Pioneer Society. 'Iof which she is recording secretagry.‘ Mrs. G. P. Orr, Saint-John N. B. is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Orr, Rockview Gardens Wedding and Shower All of Miss Elizabeth Baker’s friends were sory to hear of her recent accident. While diving into the pond on the Baker farm, Eliz- abeth struck her head and had to be taken to the Hospital for Sick Children where she received nine stitches to close the wound. No more swimming for the Bakers this year! Mr. John Witney visited Mr. and Mrs. Bert Henderson and Mrs. Eldon Henderson, all of Cor- betton, last Sundgy.‘ __ The Simmons family of Bald- win Avenue have returned from their visit to England, Scotland and Wales. They visited many historic sites as well as having a good visit with, Mr. Simmons’ sis- ter and her family. 7 On Saturday September 12, Mr. and Mrs. Oman Bowes attended the wedding of their nephew Mr. James Brillinger to Miss Ruth Beynon. The wedding was held in the United Church at Temper- anceville. The reception was held at the church. A couple of weeks ago Mrs. Bowes and her daughters, VIrs. Doris McLean and Mrs. Lillian Poole, gave a miscellaneous show- er for the couple. Around twenty- eight of Mr. Brillinger's mlatlves gathered to make the evening a happy one. Among the lovdy gifts were a set of pots and pans and an electric coffee maker. The shower was held at Mrs. Bowes’ home in her nice cool recreation room. Where was Mrs. Bowes? Upstairs, confined to bed with phlebitis! We are happy to re- port that she is much better now and able to get up every day. STOUFFVILLE â€" Representa- tives of the 45 Credit Unions in the Georgian Bay Area will be guests of the Stouffville Credit Union when they meet on Fri- day of {his week. VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES . RICHMOND HILL BRANCH v Miss E. Woodbyrne Richmond Hill . Hall PHONE TU V. O. N. Concord Socials Municipal 4-4101 This Sunday, September 20, at 11 am. at the Hope United Ch- urch Rev. W. A. Hunniset D. D. will be the guest speaker when this church celebrates its 89th anniversary. Dr. Hunniset is widely known through his untit- ing work in connection with The Fred Victor Mission, on Queen Street in Toronto. The orchestra will be unable to take part. (as previously announced). owing to previous broadcasting committ- ments, however another musical treat has been arranged for this special occasion - the Foster Sis- ters from Nashville, will supply the music in song. So that neighboring United Churches may join with the Hope congregation for this anniversary service. both Maple and Edgeiey will have their service withdrawn for this one Sunday. Earn $30 to $40 a week working four or five hours a day. Start immediately, Av- on Cosmetics has convenient neighbourhood territories available. Write Mrs. F. Wal- ker, Box 160 Collingwood, or phone 1712. Become An A von Representative nmmuuunmmnmnmunmmmmmmmmmmmmnm\uummmlmmmmmnmmummnulumulnlIi\umumx1\\\ilunulImmmmumuumuunmmunmmmwfimfi“ To get the very best out of your grains during the winter months ahead they need bal. ancing with SHUR-GAIN CONCENTRATES. GRAINS SUPPLY MUCH NEEDED ENERGY -- BUT THEY ARE LOW IN PROTEINS, MINERALS AND VITAMINS. “Ask The Man Who Feeds Shur-Gain" MAPLE, ONT. PHON MAPLE FEED MILI. 89th Anniversary Service on Sunday At Hope United THE SHUR-GAIN ‘ WAY DON'T WASTE GRAIN BALANCE YOUR Success MAKE MORE MONEY SHUR-GAIN CONCENTRATES SHUR-GAIN CONCENTRATES MAKE THE DIFFERENCE ---- SAVE FEEDING TIME ...- SAVE FEEDING DOLLARS ICE YOUR GRAIN WITH: ‘ - BAlANCED FEEDING HEADQUARTERS 0 Ql/Alflyana’ECO/VOMY Comb/bed Dial 'I'Ilrner 4 - 2101 RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE 24 YONGE STREET S. - Courtesy & Service SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED and CLEANED Complete Septic Tank Repair Service Accurate Septic Tank Service R. R. 1 Willowdale HU. 5-1313 ME FRANK PASSER MARKET YOUR GRAIN THROUGH MEATS MILK o EGGS THE ECONOMICAL WAY For Efficient Service Second To None PHONE I67 ME. 5-1000

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