: FREE MERCHANDISE Come ï¬ne-Come All! Remember it's Friday Nég‘ht at 8pm. 'I as """""""' *i'l' I'll-I- lia-ul- ill-I! 1-1-1: toe-Juan. aa-ue gnu-a- Il-l-II- 1-0-1- 1-1-1- 1-1-4: tiiihï¬â€˜ï¬Ã©trttgig All those entering should at- tend at the stated times in one- piece bathing suits. The judging will take place in the medical centre before Mr. John Rundle (Chairman) who is a Barrister & Solicitor practicing in Toronto and Willowdale and who is the solicitor to the Allencourt Estates; Mr. Jack Smith, Publisher and former Member of Parliament and Councillor Jim Haggart. $200 Cash Prize The crowning and presentation of prizes will take place in the open on the Shopping Centre. The cash prize to the winner is being presented by the Ailencourt 'Es- tates comprising Mrs. Cora Allen, her son John. Mr. Frank E. Whit- taker and Mr. Douglas Miller Jr. Prizes of merchandise to run- hers-up are being presented by the merchants in business in the Shopping Centre. The public are invited to at- tend at the Shopping Centre to- morrow evening at 8.00 pm. for the crowning ceremony, and to see the prizes awarded. . . . . . . . . Come One - Come All ‘ It is hoped the three winners will be invited to officiate or participate in local events during their year of office, The winner will be crowned by the Mayor or his representative as Queen of the Shopping Centre with the title "Miss Allencourt, 1959" and receive a‘cheque for $200. The two closest runners-up will receive consolation prizes in the form of merchandise, and will be appointed “Ladies-in-waitâ€" ing." iii!!! 'I'IIIIFIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII' Friday Night At 7 P. M. All those who have already en- tered and those latecomers who now decide they should enter, must present themselves at the Medical. Centre. on. Qllencourt Shopping Centre, comer of Mark- ham. with. Bayview.. Richmond Hill, tomorrow night. Those en- terinz for the first time should attend at 7 pan. without fail. Those who have already been seen by the Judges should attend at 8 pm. The contest is open to'all members of the fair sex who have celebrated their tï¬feenth birthday or any sub- sequent birthday. Married women as well as single girls are eligible. Fifteen or over is the only qualiï¬cation and there is no entry fee. - IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY ENTERED IN THE CONTEST FOR “MISS ALLENCOURT, 1959" you still have time. Yes, you have until 7 pm. tomorrow (Friday) evening to enter. Last ChanceToWin $200 First Beauty Queen iCome 0n Girls Now then girls, you lovely mar- IIIJI'III'IIIIIIII‘III'III'IIII'IIIIIIIIII IIIII'lIIII'Il'IIIIIIIIIII'll-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGI'IIIIIIII'I' III'I‘IHI $200. CASH PRIZE WHO \WILI. BE "MISS ALLENCOURT 1959" YOU Wlll. KNOW - TOMORROW NIGHT - Followed by a SqUare Dance 9pm. to Midnight UNIONVILLE: The Glenburn Shorthorn herd of K. E. Deacon won several prizes including Re- serve Female Ch'amplonship and Reserve Junior Chan'lpionship a- gainst strong competition at the EveEybody is invited by I.G.A| You can come to dance or come to watch. There’s fun for all. Spdnsofed by Allencourt I.G.A., a free square dance will be held in the shopping centre parking lot to the music of Wes Chapman and his orchestra. The squares Shape up at 9 pm. and 'dancing will continue‘ until midnight. A It’s country hoedown night at the Allencourt Shopping Centre, Friday night, September 25. Square Dance Allencourt |.G.A. Lets Inake it an event to re- member-and another milestone in the history of Richmond Hill in its climb from country village to city. [ried women too - this may be the first step towards the crown as Miss Canada. Who knows.- Things are happening in Richmond Hill these days and there are other plans brewing. This wonderful prize may not be the last. And what cannot you do just about now with $200 cash? First Beauty Contest Remember this is Richmond Hill's first beauty contest. The winner will be Richmond Hill's first Beauty Queen. Its tomorrow night (Friday) at 7 pm. if you are entering now for the first time; at 8 pm. if you were seen by the judges last week. " And everybody in the town and district is invited to go along too at 8 pm. to see the loveliest girl in Richmond Hill to come forward together with her ladies- in-walting. The Cathers will visit several countries in Western Europe, then on to Czecho-Slovakia, Bul- garia. Rumania, Russia, Turkey, Greece, Lebanon. Isreal, Egypt, Iakistan, India, Thailand, Austral- ia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, China, and Japan. ‘ _ _ __ i-ill it'll IIIIIIII IilllllI IIIiI'II IHill-IIl IIIIIIIII it! Iii-i IIIIIIIII NEWMARKET: East Gwillimbury Heights Public School enrolled 393 pupils at school opening. 79 children are preSently awaiting enrolment in the kindergarten. Ravenshoe: Two small boys- who upset a can of gasoline in their father’s garage and were over- come by fumes. recovered after a brief stay in York County Hos- pital. They are Richard aged four and Ronald aged three, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hill. "ï¬Ã©ï¬â€™ekpects- to be out of the Country for at least three months. C. A. Cathers, MP for York North, and Mrs. Cathers will be spending the next three months in a trlp around the world. Their daughter Sue will accompany them to Europe. Russia and as far as Egypt, then will go to Switzer- land where she will return to school for another year. The collection of trophies which Dick and Ken have won in this very successful and highly con- tested season oi motor racing may be seen on display at their new showroom at 75 Yonge St. S., which is being officially opened this weekend. There will be gifts for the kiddies as well as souv- enirs for the grownups so why not pop in and say hello to the boys and their staff. C. A. Cathers M.P. On World Trip In race No. 1; for push rod MGA’s and Austin-Healey Sprites, Ken Mansell drove the Sebring Replica Sprite to a: well won se- cond overall and first Sprite, while Dick Shelton won third Sprite. - . In race No. 4. for up to 1500 cc production cars Dick Shelton won Third place in Class G; and in the final race'of the day which was the one hour event Dick was even more successful in captur- ing First in Class “G.†Shelton-Mansell Motors racing team brought home five trophies from the British Empire motor. Club's Fall Trophy Races, held last Saturday at Harewood Acres, Jarvis Ont. Shelton - Manse" Win 5 Trophies “ ' 1' “a, “ J. ‘ m w . - .21"- . r h I ‘ “15% fr 1 ‘z ,â€" .2 1 .1- V’ I COME TO ALLENCO'URT Shopping Centre T0 WITNESS PARADE 0F TWELVE FINALISTS AND SELECTION AND CROWNING OF “MISS’SALLIENCOEFRT, 1959" These Twelve of Richmond Hill's loveliest Girls Will Appear in Public in Swim Suits and the ‘Panel of Judges will Select the, Queen of Allencouri Shopping Centre and Runners-Up. “Miss Allencourï¬' 1959" will be Immediately Presented After the .Crowning Ceremony with a Cheque for $200. and Merchandise will be Awarded the 2nd&3rd Runners-up. MEET RICHMOND HILL'S FIRST BEAUTY QUEEN! CONSULT US FOR YOUR ; JOB pnmnm REQUIREMENTS" FINE WORKMANSHPâ€" REASONABLE PRICES ~ .2 “THE llBERAI.†-â€" TU. 4-1105 .. His Worship, Mayor Kenneth W. Tomlin cuts the ribbon to officially open the 10,000 square foot Allencourt I.G.A. store at Markham Road and Bayview last Thursday. Hundreds of shoppers who lined up in advance of the store opening crowded into the store follow- NVITED - New |.G.A. Store Officially Opened (MARKHAM AT BAYVIEW) RICHMOND HILL ing the brief ceremony in which the Mayor welcomed the I.G.A. store and the shopping centre to the community. Looking on are left, G. Foster. store manager and right, Vern Barber, Dirâ€" ector of Merchandising for I.G.A. Stores. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ont. Thursday, September 24, 1959 11 -I-Minimum Age Limit 15 Years. "‘ . .No Upper Age Limit - Married or. . i 'l'. Single Entrants Welcome i " There Is Still Time! -I- :FREE MERCHANDISE: :ron RUNNERS up . Lm----_-----_. : COME TOMORROW NIGHT : AT 7pm. '|' BRING ONE PIECE BATHING SUIT IIIIIIIII 'IIIIIII' ill-i- lllll'i iii LAST CHANCE TO WIN Gï¬rsâ€"lookh III BEAUTY CONTEST: $200. FOR ‘fmw Alf/Q I959 yen C curt CASH