'12 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Leonard (Norman Alexander) PLASTERING & PAINTING CONTRACTORS ALTERATIONS mums AV. 5-2738 mum“ 54531/3 YONGE STREET BA. 5-4701 8. COM. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT TELEPHONE AURORA PArkvlnw 1451. Building Trades Deciantis - Rico GENERAL CONTRIJH'OII Building Repair. & Alman- Dnln 0. Concrete Wall ‘WARTERED ACCOUNTANT TU. 4-4961 'Alexander & Sons Let Us Do Your Painting and Decorating {3: Expert workmanship wk Top Materials 15} Free Estimates PRIDHAM'S Paint & Wallpaper 21 YONGE ST. N. TU. 4-2819 Evenings, TU. 4-5361 l'.l.A. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 'John R. Kane, D. X-Ray 9 CLARKE AVE. THORNHILL BY APPOINTMENT AV. 5-3451 Suite 106, 77 York 8(- H. D. M elsness, 0.0 X-RA! cor Windham: Gate 3 m (1 block south Bayview Pk.) Phone TU. (-1075 B! Appointh Accountants L. E. Clark Philip Swan G. Chassie BUILDER CONTRACTOR Hamel or General Repair- TU. 4-2933 | Richmond Hill Arthur G. Broad, le. Clubine [STERING CONTRACTOI Dr. W. R. Redford PHONE KING 29‘ â€" Chiropractic 21 Bedford Park Ave. Richmond Hill TUmer 44251 By Appointment TU. 4-1483 EM. 3-1329 P.0. BOX 53 Toronto 15 Yonge St. North Richmond Hill 1'“. H601 Dental Rosenberg Dentist PROFESSIONAl AND BUSINESS DIRECIORY Dr. P. R. Macfarlane Dr. John Simpson DENTIST 661 YONGE STREET AV. 5-4442 Thomhill, Ont. DENTIST 85A YONG!) 5": SOUTH TUrner 4-1511 Richmond Hill 1'“. 4-857! Dr. J. M. Dryer Dr. W. J. Mason 5! Ion†N. TU. #32“ Dr. J. Perdicaris MEDICAL-DENTAL Briden & Thompson Electric 4 Wiring - Maintenance Appliance OI! Burner a: Furnace Sula 8 Service TU. 4-3183 V Furnaces Vacuumed Oil Burners Serviced Repairs 8 Service for Washers. Dryers. Stoves WHEN YOU NEED IT! WE WAIT ON YOU Washers - Dryers - Ranges Commercial 8: Domestic Refrig- erauon Agents for Leading Manufactur- CENTRE BAYVIEW PLAZA BEVERLEY ACRES PHON! Charles M atthewa Phone AV. 5 - 430). Central York Appliance Service 80 Spruce Avenue R11 anew. mommy 13mm mums HELEN SIMPSON LYNETI‘ Helen Simpson Flowers METRO WIDE DELIVERY ‘ Member - Florists’ Telegraph Delivery Association 2518 YONGE ST. (at St. Clements) ‘ TORONTO 12, ONT. Refrigerators RADIO. TV J: AERIAL! llectrlo Heating and Win-int All Appliance Repair: Contractor Heavy Machinery Float Crane (.CN. Licence K Buildings Moved Phone AV. 5-1770 LANGSTAFF - Leno’s Machine Shop‘ DENTIST Gu Extraction u Yonxo SC. North ‘I'U. l-ll'" Ilolunond mu Commercial - Domestic Industrial DENTIST open Evening: Gas Extractions 18 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL I'm-net 4-1463 n cums s'r. us: ucmuom» mu. Engineering 8. Electrical Dental HERRIDGE AV. 5-1974 MAMFIT’I'ING WELDING ELECTRIC Ont. Thursday, September 24, 1959 (Continued) SERVICE Flowers I'll. $1932 TU. 4-3417 Richvale Now - Custom Built Furniture To Your Own Speciï¬cations AIRE-lI'I'E ‘ FURNITURE C0. Buy Quality Direct And Save 12 LEVENDALE RD., Richmond Heights Plaza, Richmond Hill AV. 5-4621 Gardens, lawns, Seeds, Paving smegma moan mu. J’URNER 44323 'YONGE sum é W. 6-1101 United Paving Co. We specialize in drivewaya.} First class material used 0nd ly. For a truly beautiful driveway, where workman- ship is guaranteed, you owe it to yourself to get ‘United’. Maurice Coggins Mon-72 SM"! and GRAVE Crushed Stone Loam and Fill o E. CHARITY Terms if you desire For a free appraisal, consult Sales Manager, AV. 5-3541 Furniture ! Upholstery Tune-ups - Brake Beiine - W All Make: of Can - Lubrication - . Tires, Batteries & Ace. - UPHOLSTERING Richvale Auto Body Body & Pendu- mun Complete Reï¬nth I! you haven't heard of our n- putatlon. enquire from you- Mend: All work guanmeed. 144 Spruce Ave. Stop 22A Vonge SL mcnvule In manned. fl AV. us“ Garages Auto Service YOUR LOCAL VOLKSWAGEN AGENT Satisfaction, Workmanship Guaranteed 'From The W & P Service 1'18 YONGE ST. N. nlcnmoxn mu. AND FILL UP TU. 4-4221 PHONE TU. 4-3203 'ALSO Coach Lines Ltd. General Business Why Use Hard Water ? Domestic & Commercial Water Softener Co. Phone {or free literature NOW! HARRY SHEPPARD TU. 4-1879 13 Benson St. Richmond Hill, Ont. Coaches for all Occasions tormerly Bloor & Yonge Stu. Individuai Attention um Styling Permanent Waving 80 Yonge St. 8. Richmond Hill LILLY VESET BEAUTY SALON Septic Tanks - WATER LINES CUSTOM TRENCHING & Digging Stop 20A Yonge St, Langstaff Av. 5-3853 By Appointment Hair Styling 8. Beauty Salons Receiving Hours: 8 am. . 6 pm. or otherwise by appointment Humane Services Langdon's FOR INFORMATION Toronto Phone Maple 326 Bill. AV. 5-3630 Res. TU. 4-3935 GENERAL INSURANCE for All Your Insurance Need: TU. 4-1219 Herrington Insurance Agency Insurance Services .. GENERAL INSURANCE ï¬re. Automobile. Plate Glass. Automobile Financing. etc. Oflice 15 Yonge St. N. Residence 73 Leisure Lane Richmont! Bill Sellwood Salon TU. 4-2321 Corner Agency Limited Insurance - Mortgages - Fire Auto - Liability no Bank of 'ion Scout Bldg. AURORA Telephone: PA. 7-5052 PA. 7-5046 EM. 4-3652 LE. 2.1226 Ernie Brock 8: Son Phone I] - Maple, Ont BETTER INSURANCE PROTECTION AND SERVICE Roy A. Phillips General Insurance 25 Grandview Ave. Thomhill AVenue 5-1379 Complete Insurance Service 24 Adelaide St. W. Insurance Roy V. Bick Telephone KDIG 56W A. BURNETT General Insurance 1'! Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill TU. 4-155] 1: AT 3 rmngm NO CHARGE - Savage Richmond mu EM. 3-0311 John S. Walkington GENERAL INSURANCE ma - AUTO - LIABILITY 113 King St. - Kin! C“! Telephone 28W Residence Business Floyd E. Corner Barrister. Solicitor ma Notary Public Aurora. Ontario Telephone: Aurora Office PA. 7-5052 Residence. Aurora, PA. 7-5046 Toronto Ofï¬ce EM. 4-3653 Stiver, Vale, Peppiatt, Errirpgton WRISTEBS. SOLICITORS NOTARIES K. M. B. stint. 0.0. Joseph Vila. 9.0. J. M. Peppiatt, EA. William Erflnzton. ll. Com. 195A MAIN ST. "1.: N. 5 4571. Newman». Ont. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR & NOTARY PUBLIC James H. Timmins Barrister. Solicitor. Notary Public THORNHILL AVenu; 5-3165 J. Rabinowitch, BA. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC 65 Yonge St. 8. Richmond Hill TU. 4-2084 Richmond Theme Block Bea. 1'0. 6 2X12 Plaxton & Deane INSURANCE SERVICES Box 324, 75 Harding Blvd. Richmond Hill AVenuu 5-4201 Neill 8: Neill W. E. Neil Mann Barrister. Solicitor. Notary Public 11 You†SLH. Richmond um Every Thursday afternoon TUrner 4-1551 Richmond Hill Toronto Ofï¬ce â€" 18 Toronto St. Phone EM. 3-5877 Norman 14. Todd. AVenuo 423 MARKHAM ROAD (Allencourt Shopping Centre) Hours: Monday to Friday - 9 mm. to 12 noon, 2 p.m.‘to 6 pm and 7 imm. to 9 pm. Saturday - 9 am. to 12 noon an d 2 pm. to 6 pm. By Appointment Phones: Oï¬ice TU. 4-5921. Res. TU. 4-7253 (B! APPOIntment) Medical Centre, Bayview Plan Richmond Hill. Out. on b Waco W. HO“ Barrister, Solicitor, etc. RICpMOND HILL Frank L. Walsh Insurance Ofllce TUrner 4-1780 Residence TUrner 4-1863 Stuart P. Parker THORNHILL Richmond Hill Office 15 Yonge Street N. AV. 5-5144 Thomhlll Office AV. 5-1191 Dr. A. J. Bernarde m. Solicitor Public 15 YONG! ST. Richmond Hill. BARRISTEB. SOLICITOB. NOTARY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL ‘1 Duflefln St. 'enuo 5-1471 'l‘Urner 44543 T. C. Newman Ion-isle: a; Solicitor Notary Publio Eveninzl by appointment .,. TU. 4-3445 1'! Elizabeth St. North Toronto: EMpiro 642507 850 Bay Street Dr. Leon Bloom _ BA. 1-1806 WILLOWDALI (Continued) Legal By Appointmen‘ Medical TU. 4-4618 NORTH Ontario Dr. Cameron Cowan Dr. Jas. R. Langstaï¬ Dr. John B. Wynne Dr. Allen J. Smith Dr. G. N. Norheim By Appointment Richvale - Langstal! Stop 20A Yonge Street Phone AV. 5-2621 Dr. D. A. McBurney BY APPOINTMENT 3.1 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill Northern Building Office: TUrner 4-3121 If no answer call PRospect 3-5327 Dr. Victor Zuck Dr. D. F. McGregor By Appointmem C Church St. S. at Centre Richmond Hill Ofllce â€" TU. 4-1271 Residence â€" TU. 4-1303 r.'r.c.M, L. Mus. W.U. F.R.C.C.0. Piano & Singing D’A lton M cLaughlin Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Prescriptions Filled 8: Repairs 31 YONGE ST. NORTH Phone TUrner 4-3962 Open Friday Nights A. W. Kirchen, R.0_. Marguerite Boyle Eyes Exangined Optical Repairs NOW AT 3242 YONGE STREET In North Toronto Opposite Park Theatre 9 tun. to 6 pm. including Sat. EU. 8-8949 Dr. J. P. Wilson By Appointment 363 Markham Rd. RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1008 (1 Block west of Bayvlew) OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted 15 Yonge Street North. Richmond Hill TU. 4-4641 Office Hours: 11 an. to 5.30 pm. Fri. to 9 p.m. Closed Wednesday now has vacancies for piano and theory pupils 93 Pemberton Rd. RICHVALE Residence â€" TU. 4-1314 Elocuflon, Public Speaking Platform Deportment Dramatic Art "HOMEWOOD HALL†Thornhill Available for instruction in Richmond Hill Phone TU 4-3523 HUdson 5-2591 (mornings) Richvale Electronics Repairs to: Richmond Heights Mrs. D. Warren A.L.C.M. By appointment 50 Yonge St. N. RICHMOND HILL W. C. Knox, R.0. Medical Evenings by appointment ’. L. Lowrie, R.0. STOP 22. YONGE STREET Telephone AVenue 5-2669 PETER B. SMITH intenna Installation 4 Church St. S. Richmond Hill By Appointment Office TU. 4-1422 Radio 8- TV TUmer 4-1154 Photographic Supplies Camera Centre Optometry (Continued) 48 LEVENDALE RD. FOR . YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC’ SUPPLIES Musical RADIO â€" III-Fl Glasses Fitted Yongehurst Post Ofï¬ce New Site Proves Unpopular THE MATTER of the change of location of the Yonge- hurst Post Office is still in the boiling pot stage although residents think the authorities concerned are laying low and taking no action in the obvious hope that by doing nothing and keeping quiet the subject will be dropped. Far from this being the case however. the irate householders and ratepayers of the area are planning to launch a wide campaign for an enquiry. Letter From M_ P. V I MM. Mrs. Costoff the Postmistress wrote again to the M. P. Mr. C. A. Cathers who is responsible for the change in the location of the of- fice and received a reply as fol- lows:~ Dear Mrs. C‘ I acknowfédged your letter and the list of people who have signed the petitiox}. _ . . .. â€",,1 A! I was advised by the Post Of- fice that your son had resigned and that your application was re- fused beoause you were slightly overage. Mr. Craigie applied and was accepted by the Post Office officials. I have never seen Mr. Craigie in my life. I hope this will correct the impression given in "The Liberal." (Signed) C. A. Cathers, M. P. “I Was Sworn 111†Mrs, Costoff again told “The Libgral,†“I cannot see how Mr. Gathers can say that my applica- tion was refused when in fact two officials came to the Post Of- fice and swore me in as Postmisâ€" tress. Furthermore it has been shown that the Post Office authorities have recently circulated such post offices as this to the effect that the age limit would be seven- ty." Mrs. Costoff and the many other residents of the area who are so unhappy about the change of location of the Yongehurst Post Office are united in saying that, “It is still as much a mystery as ever and appears to be com- pletely unreasonable. Mr. Gathers Ontario Land Surveyors 130 Willowdale Ave., Willowdalc. Ont, BA. 5-3031 Res. George T. Yates. 0.L.S. 53 Bedford Park Avenue Richmond Hill. TU. 4-2941 Dr. W. Allan Ripley VETERINARY SURGEON Telephone “"147 Yonge St. N TU. 4-1432 10 Lorne Ave. Taxis Drivmg Tuition Dr. Cicely Wilson ERIC PALLISTER, Prop. Yates & Yates PROFESSIONALS SERVICE RADIO TELEVISION 40 LEVENDALE RD†(OPP. LOBLAWS) RICHMOND HILL \ .TU. 4-5621 Small Animal Practice By Appointment Oak Ridgés Driving School DUAL CONTROLLED HIGH-FIDELITY Watch 8: Clock Repairs (Your Family Jeweller, EXPERT WATCH REPAIRS FAST 8: EFFICIENT SERVICE GALBRAITH J EWELLERS Veterinary Surveyors PR. 3-5312 FULLY INSURED (Continued) House of Commons, Canada. 1L WORK FULL! GUARANTEED Family Jeweller) Oflice â€" Yours truly, Richmond Hill TU. 4-2220 Mrs. Ethel Costa" Former Postmistress at Yongeâ€" hurst, whose dismissal and change of postal location has raised I storm of protest in the distrch rejects the suggestion of political motive and yet the other excuses are so weak they do not bear in- vestigation. There is a Postmaster in this area of an age already a- bove seventy. In the circumstanc- es what else can we think.†Petition Group Mail Box Service Mr. R. H. Sneath of 18 May Avenue. wrote to the District Di- rector of Postal Service Mr. R. H. Reive, requesting consideration of a group mail box service for the former patrons of the Yongehunt Post office who did not wish to use the post office on Weldrick Road because of its inconvenient location. In reply Mr. Sneath was told that if enough people asked consideration would be given. Within haif-an-hour of receiving this response Mr. Sneath had col- lected a total of 43 names. ... .... Legion Notice Boeing v IL __‘u_n yuuv V___V ,, “We Will Not Be Satisfied†Supporters of the original Yongehurst Post Office now plan to circulate their com- plaint to leading newspapers, to all members of parliament and to post office authorities as well as to the‘Prime Minister-both Fed- eral and Provincial. “We will not be satisfied†they say, "until this matter has been properly investi- gated and satisfactorily explained or the Post Office restored to its original location where it was much more convenient by the ma- jority of local residents." _____._'â€"â€" SCARBOROUGH â€" A local physo m-â€" u-.. “mam an interim in- year from practising on his own in the same area. The young doc- tor had signed an agreement that if he left the office for any rea- son he would not practise medi- cine within a five mile radius for three years. The older doctor said the younger doctor had op- ened an office “a couple of blocks away." OFFICE MACHINES L. H. SIMS ' DEALER â€" TU. 4-1745 â€" 88 Baker Ave.. Bichmonfl ml SALES -' SERVICE - RENTALS Special Student Raw Typewriters . Adding id Call TU. 4-1745 day or null! “Your local typewriter specialld All popular makes on In: See Portable models I Wight’s Pharmacy 28 Yonge St. 8. or Call TU. 4-1745 day or III Machlna