Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Sep 1959, p. 15

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STATE FARM FIRE AND CASUAL” COMPANY HEAD OFF ICE, TQBDNTD. DIST. SEYMOUR’S‘ 'I'EXACO STATION YONGE STREET NORTH OF STEELES, THORNHILI. “A THINKING MAN’S STATION” FREE ANTI-FREEZE We personally handle all sale bills and advertising. Phone Gormley 5311 Gormley, Ont. HOMEOWNERS POLICY This single policy costs less than four separate home policies, yet gives greater protection . . . insures home and private structures against fire and other perils . . . insures household goods and personal property on and off premises . . . covers liability claims by otheri for damages for which you are legally liable . . . provides theft insurance on contents of your home and personal property at homo or away. Andâ€"the State Farm Homeowners Policy costs less than many other how policies! Of course, complete and exact protection is described only in the policy. Find out about it today. Specializing in Purebred Cattle. Farm Stock, Furniture and Implements gives more home protection, SAVES $$ State Fa rm I GALLON TEXACO PREMIUM TYPE ETHYLENE GLYCOL WITH EACH FIRESTONE TUBELESS TIRE PURCHASED ON OR BEFORE OCTOBER“ 3, I959 ALVIN S. FARMER YORK AND ONTARIO COUNTIES 36 YEARS EXPERIENCE W rsma FARM 1 Licensed Auctioneer INSURANCE SUITE 1, GROUND FLOOR 31 YONGE ST. NORTH RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-2291 fur Norman Briant The Brownies will hold their first meeting for the fall term on Saturday. September 26 at 10 1.111. in the S. S. No. 7 School. Any girls between the ages of Smallyemdageuelnvited to join. College Friend! Miss Faye Nichol: has began‘ Please note there will be no church service at Victoria Square next Sunday because of the An. nlversary services at the Head- ford United Church. However there will be Sunday School «It 10:00 3.111. Browa The service opened with the‘ Sunday School theme song. “Whisper a Prayer.” David Mat- sunaga gave the Call to Worship and Invocation, followed by the Hymn, “All People That on Earth Do Well." The Responsive Read~ ing was given by Mr. L. Mumber- son's class of Junior Boys. The Scripture Lesson we read by. Shirley Boynton. Prayer was giv- en by Mrs. F. McRoberts class of Junior Girls. The words of the Anthem. “Song of the Emancipat- ed: Thanks to Thee," were ‘read by Art Storry's class of Sr. Boys” The Hymn: “Come, Children Join and Sing." was then sung. Mrs. P. Bennett very ably told the story, “See with Your Eyes." Mr.‘ Rolph Boynton, the Missionary Superintendent, gave a very in- spiring message on, “The mean- ing of Rally Day.” The classes went to their places for fifteen minutes or so. Then the closing Hymn was sung followed by the glenedictlon by Mr. Clarence Stee- ey. Church News Mr. Allan McIntosh was in charge of the service at Victoria Square on Sunday morning. This was his last service with us as he returns to College next week. We wish him every success in his work. At the close of the service. Mr. Heber McCague. the Clerk of Session, on behalf of the con- gregation thanked Mr. McIntosh for his services given this past summer and wished him every success as he returns to college. The annual Rally Day Service was held in the School on Sunday, September 20 at 10:00 am. with the Superintendent. Mr. Percy Bennett in charge. Dainty refreshments were serv- ed at the close by the group in charge. Bally Service Mrs. Reid Brumwell gave a pa- per on, “Fault Finding." Mrs. Frisby thanked everyone for tak- ing part in the programme, and the president, Mrs. L. Mumber- son took charge of the business part of the meeting. A sale of fruxts. vegetables. baking, sewing, plants and mis- cellaneous articles was held at the close. when $27.00 was real- ized. The meeting opened with the W. A. Theme song. “Let the Beau- ty of Jesus Be Seen In Me," fol- lowed by prayer by Mrs. Frisby. The Scripture Lesson was read by Mrs. W. Orr. The Lesson Thoughts and Prayer were taken by Mrs. A. Pope. Mrs. Jim Barker sung a lovely solo. with her own acgompgnimept. Mrs. Pope introduced the guest Ipeaker. Mrs. Helen Dertt, of Stouffville, who told of the exper- lences and the work of a Nursery School teacher. The September meeting of the W. A. was held on Wednesday ev- ening of last week in the Sunday School room with a large atten- dance. Mrs. A. Frisby was in char- geng the meeting. . v . u . . v ~ . . . . _ . . a, .---__. Please remember that the Ex- plorers will meet every Monday evening in the Victoria Square United Church Sunday School room at 7 o’clock. The Explorers held their first meeting for the fall season in the Sunday School room on Monday evening of last week. There were twenty-two girls who registered for the coming term. A On Tuesday evening of last week about thirty ladies of the community gathered at the home of Mrs. John McCague to hold a surprise miscellaneous shower in .honour of Miss Edith Joyce. a bride-toâ€"be of October 3. Mrs. Jack Rumney assisted the ride. to-be with the opening 0 her gifts. Edith received many beau- tiiul and useful gifts and thanked everyone for the kindness shown her. Dainty refreshments were served at the close. I Explorers V A dainty buffet lunch was serv- ed at the close, inclucfing the graduation cake with each of the graduatgs name on it: v For the grAduates it will be an evening long to be rgmembered. Bridal Shower Mrs. B. Cochrane the Jr. Room teacher thanked'the guest speak- ers and Sheila. Mrs. Leltch also added her word of appreciation. Those who graduated were: Da- vid Barber, Cheryl Cochrane, Sheila Henderson. Walter Kelly. Douglas Reid, Frank Stansbury, Ed Tatton. Dinah Wilcox, and Iv- an Winger. Absent was Beverley Carrlngtrorn. r The president - Mrs. Jack Leit- ch opened the meeting with words of welcome. followed by the Home and School Prayer by Mrs. Leslie Hart. Mr. Bert Moorby, the Principal. introduced the guest speakers. Mr. Hellman, the Public School Inspector and Mr. B. Ellis. vice-principal and guidance tes- cher at the Richmond Hill and District High School. Mr. Hall- man gave a very inspiring mess- age to the parents, while Mr. Ellis directed his message to the graduates. Mr. Hallman and Mr. Ellis presented the graduates with their graduating pins. _ Miss'Sheila Henderson gave a very inspiring valedictory ad- dress. The first meeting of the Garm- ley Home and School Association for the fall season was held on Monday evening of last‘ week in the Sr. Room of S. S. No. 7 School, when the graduation ex- ercises were held for those who graduated from Grade 8 to High School. Home And School ... . CORRESPONDENT: M38. W. SANDLI, m It... Telephone Gothic, “2! VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS The Lions would like to thank everyone who donated articles and who helped In any way to make it such a success. especially do they thank Mr. Farmer for donating his services at auction. eer. PICKERING: Mrs. John Petrie of R. R. 1 Picket-jug ‘received 100 points for her perfect white cake at the C.N.E. Her son. Bruce, won five prizes in the jun- ior contest. Victor Britnell won the $5.00 for guessing the combined weight of Porky and Bess. (two pigs). Alvln Caseley won the draw for the beautifully decorated Angel- cake. In the evening an Auction Sale of furniture, antiques. and other articles was held with Mr. Alvin Farmer as auctioneer. and I large crowd in attendance. The Lions Fun-Fare which in- cluded 1 Bake Sale, White Ele. phant Sale, and Rummage Sale was held at Gordon Mortson': on Saturday afternoon and was a great success. There were also games for everyone. including a fishpond for the children. which wa_s yer: mueh enjoyed. The regular meeting of the Vic- toria Square District Lions Club was held in the Community Hall on Tuesday evening of last week. It was n business meeting. New members who joined were: Geo!- frey Campy, Max. Hazel of Gom- ley; Dick Gardiner. Dick Jones of Buttonviile: and Donald Born- ton of Victoria Square. Lions Fun-Fare The Mission Band members and their leaders have Christmas Cards ready to sell. Anyone wish- ing some, kindly contact one of the leaders - Mrs. A. Orr, Mrs. S. Boynton on Mrs. I". Roberts. or one of the members. They also have Everyday cards for sale. Choir Prncflce , The choir will begin its practice on Thursday evening, September 24, at 8:30 pm. in the church. All please take note. Lion: Mr. and Mrs. William Rennie and family of Scarboro called on Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hart and fam- ily_ 9n Supdgy eggnlng. 4 r Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Steckiey had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Steckley end son at Scarboro. Mission Band Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hart and family had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bonnie and family at Aglncourt. ' On Friday afternoon of Iast week Mardi Tyndall entertained several of her friends. the oc- ‘casion being in honour of her seventh birthday. Those present were: Sharron and Peggy Leitch. Francis and Joanne Wilson, Mur- iel Mortson and Margaret Sandie. The children report having a wonderful time. Miss Sharon Johnston of Nash- ville spent Saturday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Orr. Mr. Alfred Whale? of Toronto called on Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nich- ifls and family on Saturday even- ng. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton and Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Canning and Laurie and Victor Britneu, had Sunday evening din- ner with Mr. and Mrs. Tremor Canning.” r r Birthday greetings to Mr. Har- ry Forster who on September 26 will be celebrating his seventy- sixth birthday: to Gerald Hoedley for September 27; to Mrs. F. Mc- Roberts for September 28; to Miss Marjorie Barber for September 28; to Mr. Lewis Heine for Sept» ember 29. , We wish au'theso students ev- ery success in all their endea- vours. ' Neighbourhood Nom 'her studies in the Genenl Arts Course at the Victoria College, Toronto University; Miss Betty Hill has began her: at the School of Nursing, Toronto University: Miss Lillian Nichols has returned to Toronto Bible College for her final year: Allan Binnington has returned to his 2nd, Year General Arts, Victoria College, Toronto University; George Collard has returned to his 2nd. year at Queen's University., Kingston; Denton Brumwell has returned to his 3rd. year at the O. A. C. Guelph: and David Boynton has returned to his final yen- It the 0.4- ct Gunma- YowGaeompouydounolcmploydooHodoor um nor telephone «mussel-x. For Information chow doolon “wood by tho Ontario Fuel Board to nflondifloflndwdguoquipmflcaflorwrflo fluklubopoflnflof &KW\/convinr YOUR HEATING Go modern 0 . a Go Natural Gas mu BURNER smwcz IIO‘I'IIIIIG DOWN . a . Easy Payments over 5 Years FREE OFFER - If you buy K E 'I' O I. A POWER EQUIPMENT Sales - Service - Rentals 525 Yonge St. Thornhill Phone: AV. 5-1538 The winners in the Ice Contest were Mr. Lorne Francis of 328 Crasby Avenue, Richmond Hill; Mrs. D. McCabe of 243 Ruggles Avenue. Richmond Hill; and Mrs. J. Bayley of Yonge Street. Eigin Mills. Mrs. McCabe was the win- ner in last Thursday's contest, Mrs. Bayley in Friday’s and Mr. Francis in Saturday's. All receiv- ed a parcel of groceries free. It Is hoped to publish the photo- graphs of the prize winners with their gifts next week. - Make a date with the Plaza, it may ye your turn next time. In the September Dollar Days Contest. These dollar days are to be repeated 'monthly and each month a different merchant on the Plaza will donate a worth- while glft to the lucky wlnner lnthe month's Plaza Ldraw. Next dollar days will be run from Oc~ tober 29 to 31 and readers are advised to keep these days _free because many more enjoyable events are being planned to take we on the Plaza during those 5. Mr. Shields name came up in In earlier draw to decide which gnerghang shouldf dongtefithe prize Winner in the Plaza Draw is Mrs. G. Hamland of 224 Demaine Crescent, Richmond Hill. Mrs. Hamland receives from Mr. Bill Shields. the popular proprietor of Shield’s Footwear a total of more than $50 worth of new shoes for the family absolutely free. Those. .Lucky People Dollar Day Winners nets in the Ice Contest which run during the three dollar days are as follows: â€"â€" THE LUCKY WINNERS IN THE RICHMOND HEIGHTS PLAZA DOLLAR DAYS DRAW and the win- a TORO mower between now and October 31, 1959, you get. a $14.95 Leaf Kit absolutely FREE! "L" : Special super- .iu leaf-bagging attach- men. holds 5 full bushels. upbeat manta-silo bag. Outmowullother rotation. Exclusive “Wind Tunnel" design gives cleanest cut. $9 9.9 5 Whatever its type . . . whatever its fuel lOW COST. . . EASY TO DO! my” histth col-plot. as am Mon kgidodlng labour 0nd maforlals to mod m @onsmners'flflas RICHMOND HILL 1'“. 4424' Sanitary Contractor Septic Tank: Pumped Drains manned & Repaired CLEAN . o o SILENT o o o DEPENDABLE ECONOMICAL MONSTER DANCE IN ARENA SATURDAY NIGHT MIDWAY, RIDES. FUN FOR ALL DAVID J. TRAN,’ President i R. H. BRILLINGER, 1st Vice-Pres. H. M. WARRINER, 2nd Vice-Pres. CHAS. H. BOYNTON, Livestock Director FRED SPRING, Sec.-Treaa. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN TAMWORTH REGIONAL snow ‘ FULL CARD OF RACING LIGHT HORSES PONIES HEAVY 1 SAFETY PROGRAM DEMONSTRATION MARKHAM GIRLS TRUMPET BAND LINDSAY HORSESHOE PITCHING CENTRAL ONTARIO CHAMPIONSHIP, _ VINCE MOUNTFORD & SONS, Masters of Ceremonies REGIONAL SHEEP SHOW Old Time Spelling Match, Midway, Pony Party Full Card 0t Racing. EVENING In Front Of Grandstand. Scarborough Club PONY RIDING DEMONSTRATION GYMNASTIC DISPLAY MONSTER PARADE FROM MORGAN PARK 1 RM. MARKHAM GIRLS’ TRUMPET BAND LINDSAY BAND BLACK & WHITE SHOW, GUERNSEY SHOW, ‘ THE SHOW WINDOW 0F YORK COUNTY .104l'l1 I MARKHAM FAIR 0C'I'OBER 1â€"2â€"3, 1959 Jersey Show $560 FAIR OFFICIALLY OPENED BY DR. M. B. DYMOND, MINISTER OF HEALTH, ONTARIO mu. SH_EEP__SHOW 7 7 _7 BERKS & YORKS THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont. Thursday, September 24, 1959 15 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3RD THURSDAY, OCTOBER IST FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2ND Jack Fraser Calf Scramble I Landrace Hog Show HORSESHOE PITCHING ‘ Entertainment by VINCE MOUNTFORD & SONS Dowdy Halls gal comm bannerâ€"fin not! human. lndudu automatic Mob, Also all: for "Man" furnaces. The Friendly Store - Everyone welcome PIRRI'S MARKET 89 YONG! ST. N. OPEN DOUBLES AURORA SAND 8. GRAVEI. SPECIAL PRICES FOR HOME OWNERS. PIT-RUN GRAVEL, SAND FILL, BRICK AND CONCRETE SAND, ALSO STONE FOR DRIVEWAYS Fresh Fruit, Vegetables, Groceries Richmond Hill’s Only Fruit Market! CORNER BEDFORD PARK AVE. PA. 1 - 9091 SPECIAL COMPETITION GIRLS & BOYS 12-15 YEARS GREASED POLE EVENT HEAVY HORSES LINDSAY BAND

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