Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Sep 1959, p. 20

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TIME TO mm UP Set us for Crown Diamond Paint Painter's flees. Butler and Baird Lumber united. Richmond Hill. TU. 4. 1125. tfc4l TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales- Service - Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in- cluding new and rebuilt standard, portable and electric models. Special rental rates available to students. BYLVAPLY PIYWOOD. handy anels, tapered hardwood table egs. See them at Butler & Baird Lumber Ltd. 181 Yongo St. N. TU. 4-1125, AV 5-3506. “C48 TTMILERS. Box and boat trailers for €818 and rent. House trailurs for sale. Lowest prices. N. Zalser‘ Phone Oak Ridge: PR. 3-5721 ttcdo 88 Baker Ave. Richmond mu '1' GOOD used furniture for sale. Call Frank's Movers and Stor- age. 28 Industrial Rd.. TU. 4- 2613. tfc3 FURNACES. used. $20 up: coal. 011, one counter flow forced air; also used oil burners. BAldwin H972. tch WEDDING Invitatlons. engraved finest quality, reasonable prices. Quick service. "The Liberal," Phone TU. 4-1103 Richmond Hill in}- HIE] dummies for lawns. gardens and lower beds, TU. 4- 2238. tic“ BRIGHTEN UP that room now. Install a pre-flt window-unit. We have a compIete stock of stand- r ' sizes on hand. Butler and Baird Lumber Limited. Richmond Hill. TU. 44125. tfcél ROTTED co; manmeldelgvered' GAS space hegter. Coleman, with BOB’S SOD A1 freshly cut field or nursery sod supplied and laid if desired. Free estimates, price moderate. TU. 4-2677. t1c51 controis. excellent conditiori. $50. TU. 4-2791, clwlz BABY PICTURES are priceless when taken by The Ligerquist Studio. TU. 4-2791. tfch two. New. unpainted. TU. 4-2211. tfc47 4 CAPE COD lawn chairs. Unpainted. TU. 4â€"2211. l SHAPER, new. %" spindle, 20" x 30” table. TU. 4-2211. tfc47 3 BRIARCLIFF lawn seats for 2 GIRLS' bicycles, one junior and one senior. Good condition. TU. 4â€"1959. clw13 GIRL'S sidewalk bicycle. réason- able condition, $10. TU. 4-2115. c1w13 APPLES. McIntosh, 50c a basket. Snows. 75¢ a bus. Bring contain- er. Earl Jackson. Steeles and Keele. Phone AV. 5-4077. *1w13 FRIDGE and washer, like new. $50.00 each. Bed $10.00. Gas stove, $15.00. BA. 1-1418. c1w13 ONE WESTINGHOUSE TV 17", good condition, $50.00. TU. 4-" 1395. clw13 INGLIS WASHER with $39.50. Phone TU. 4-3949 1 FULL SIZED BED, springs and spring filled matteress. Phone AV. 5-4031 evenings. ’lw13 MODEL railroad, H.0. type. Con- tact TU. 4-1647. clwl3 SMALL iron box stove, antique. $15.00. Phone AV. 5-3891. ‘1w13 HOME FREEZER meat supply. top quality government inspected meats, cut right, wrapped right. priced right, free delivery, special lamb (average 40 lbs.) 32c 1b. Call Louis Nolan, TU. 4â€"4630 or WA. 2-5543. c4w11 Cedar Ave. Richmond Hill New and used lumber and Plumbing Supplies PLUMBING SPECIALS All materials new and guaranteed. Stainless Steel Sinks, single $12.50. double $35.00: Complete Toilet with seat. $34.50; Vanity Basins, B grade, $7.50; Deck Taps $7.50; 4 inch Faucet Taps, $6.25; Copper Pipe and Fittings; 3 and 4 inch Soil Pipe and Fit. tings; Toilet Seats. $4.50. REC. ROOM SPECIALS, NEW â€"â€" Plywood GlS 4x8 $4.25; Temper- ed Hardboard 4x8 $2.00; Ceiling Squares, 12x12, 110 and up; 1x2 2c per lin, ft.; 1x3 3c per lin. ft.; 250 ft. roll 14-2 Electric Wire $15.00: 2x4 6c per ft. Complete line of Roofing Mater- 1315. No. 1 ~ 210 lb. Asphalt Shingles $8.50 per square’ METRO WRECKING & LUMBER FREE DELIVERY 2w. 5-3942 «mo Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week a possible but not later than noon on Wednesdlye. Bend ads by mail and enclose pnyment. or telephone TU. 4-1105 end you will receive invoice. CASH RATES. Int Insertion 30 per word. min. charge .. 500 Second and subsequent Insertions If wording unchanged. 3:: per word mIn. charge . . . . . . . . .. 400 I03 30:: NUMBERS an extra charge per Insertion of .. 25° COMING EVENTS NOTICE: per type line We: mIn. charge We CARD 0!" THANKS. [N MEMORIAMS, DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MABRIAGES, per Insertion 81.00 BIRTH NOTICE 500 20 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont. Thursday, September 24, 1959 ARTICLES FOR SALE L. H. SIMS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CO., TU. 4-1745 tfc49 Dump. c1w13 New. “C47 NORGE washing machine, $25.: tarpaulin 16x22. $25.00. Moving. must sell before Saturday noon. TU. 4-1590. *1w13 'LADY’S brown squirrel jacket, 27" long, in excellent condition and present style. $125.00. TU. 4- 2889. C2w13 BOY’S BICYCLE, large, $15.00. AV. 5-1423. c1w13 good condition, reasonable. TU. 4-2710. ' c1w13 BOYS’ BICYCLE. extras, good condition. Evenings. AV. 5-2443. c1w13 GIRL'S green C.C.M. bicycle, with whitewall balloon tires, in good condition, complete with stand, horn, lock and pump. After 4 pm. 50 Benson Ave., Apt. 103. *1w13 SUMP_ PUleZ 7 good operating condition. With' some “piping: $20.00. Phone TU. 4-1793 after 6 STORM Doors, Windows,‘ Rail- ings. Now you can buy storm doors, windows, and railings at lealers prices. No salesman's com- mission. Ron Woods. TU. 4-1514. c2w12 'CHILD’S TABLE and chair set. shin pads, pahts, shoulder_ pads; Excellent condition. Reasonable. Telephone TU. 4-1636. *1wl3 1 BABY CARRIAGE, good con- dition. 1 play pen. AV. 5-2255. clw13 CRIB and Mattress, new $28.98. Lloyd‘s Stepclimber Carriage. $54.95. The Playpen, Richmond Hill Plaza, Phone TU. 4-3861. FRIGIDAIRE 30" model. automa- tlon, with or without 'motor. TU. 4-1393. *2w13 HOCKEY EQUIPMENT, gloves. tic oven, A-l condition. AV. 5- 3462. clw12 IRON FIREMAN. in good condi- SMALL circular saw bench, 6" combination saw with 1% h.p, 60 cycle motor. Good condition. Apply 88 May Ave. TU. 4-4983. _ c2w12 2 -boys' Trench-coats, natural shade. Size 14. 2 boys suburban coats, lined, dark grey. Size 16. AV. 5-2524. c1w13 Slabs and fireplace chunks, hard and softwood lumber, builders’ supplies. Ratcliff Bros. Ltd., R. R. 4 Stouffville, c2w12 SEABREEZI‘; _tape pepprdggl ex- SINGLE bed, spring and mattress. $25.00. TU. 4-1284. c1w12 cellent conditiofi, $100. TU. 4- 3652. c1w13 WATER pressure system, tank and pump. Quebec type wood and coal range. Findlay wood and coal range. Kitchen cabinet, suit- able for cottage. Antique side- board. AV. 5-2518. clwl3 ior Service. 2 years old. Phone BA. 1-7934. ‘ clw13 BOX TRAILER for sale 4'x8'. Reasonable price. TU. 4-3619. PHILLIPS Stereo, hl-fi and radio, Walnut finish, record collection included. Perfect condition, AV. 5-4228. c1w13 WATER SOFTENER, Taylor Sen- AIR _COMPRESSOI§ ‘gotpplete,’ 1% M). motor, Smith-Corona cash register and adding mach: ine. 4-drawer filing cabinet. Coun- ter billing machine. Tubeless tire mounting band. Phone TU. '4- 3384. *1w13 % ‘SIVZVE sgeel panel bed, com'plete, GIRL'S WINTER COA'Iiand leg? WHITE treadle sewing ‘machine complete with buttonhole and oth- er attachments including zipper foot. Excellent running condition. $15.00 AV. 5-1582. c1w13 gings set. Size 6x. Excellent corâ€"1- dition, AV. 5-2892. *1w13 BEAVER saw and W 11.1). motor. Reasonable price. TU. 4-3619. suitable for éottage, $10.00: TU; 4-1687. c1w13 WOMENS C. C. M. figure skates, like new size 9, alsofipower saw; table. TU. 4-1842. c1w13 ALUMINUM - ALUMINUM Aluminum doors. top quality, completely Installed $47. Free es- timate on storms and screens and basement windows. Give us a try, no obligation. Bob, TU. 4-1919. c4w12 SMALL size. Quebec heater $5.00. Phone TU. 4-1040. c1w13 OIL SPACE Heaters. recondition- ed. 1 Year guarantee. 200 gal. tank, Phone Oil Space Heater 8: Floor Furnace Service. TU. 4- ,1221; “(:13 ARTICLES FOR SALE WOOD FOR SALE Aluminum c1-w13 clw13 c1w13 c1w13 VACUUM cleaner, with attach- ments including floor polisher. Excellent condition, Reasonable. AV. 5-4257. c2w13 pedal bofid.‘ Electrified. TU. 4- 3190. c1w13 PART TIME. Young woman will keep books at home for small company. AV. 5-4228. c1w13 CHILDREN'S good used clothing. Have your children’s outgrown items re-sold. Snow suits, coat- sets, over boots in demand. Chil- dren's Clothing Exchange, 410 Becker ROad, TU. 4-4985. 'GIRL, 19, High School graduate, wishes full time work. TU. 4-3384. c1w13 STOVE (Frigidaire) 36", excellent condition, deep well cooker. light, clock control, automatic oven. Timer dial, $50.00. AV. 5-3955. ELECTRIC stove, 4 burner, heavy duty 21" Norge, Excellent-condi- tion. TU. 4-4108. c1w13 HOOVER constellation, new con~ REED organ, two manual, with FALL PLOUGHING. disclng and tractor work. TU. 4-3018. 62w13 HIGH SCHOOL GIRL wants ba- by sitting. Phone TU. 4-2505. BABY SITTER available, exper- ienced adult. TU. 4-2875. *1w13 PAIR of girls white tap shoes size 13, and a leotard. Excellent condition. TU. 4-1503. c1w13 OIL BURNER service men. Ex- perienced TU 4-5512. l"1w13 WOMAN wants day work, has own car. Phone after 5 o'clock. TU. 4-3125. *1w13 ditlon, $45 and Hoover polisher, $20. TU. 4-2282. c1w13 McCLARY stove. combination gas and coal. White. In good con- dition. Can be used with natural or propane gas, $40. AV. 5-1404. c1w12 FURNACE, good condition, hot and cold air ducts, half ton coal included, $25. AV. 5-3282. c1w12 QUART and pint sealers. TU. 4- 3864. clwl3 ANTIQUE cradle, large hanging oil lamp with crystal prisms; wal- nut drop leaf table, seats 6 to 8. painted; set of Bentwood chairs with carver. TW. 5-2974, New- market. c2w12 tion, $35.00. Jacket Eeater with tank, $15.00. Reconditioned V. h.p. motor, $10.00. TU. 4-5012. PUMP, McDougall deep well. Ex- cellent condition. AV. 5-1873. EDERIENCED woman willing to look after family in mother's absence; also baby sitting. TU. 4-3158. , ucza WELL ROTTED manure. $5.00i a load. AV. 5-1956. tmz; QUEBEC HEATER, good condi- URGENT Man wishes part time work house- painting, repairs, etc. AV. 5- 5294. « tfcsl DRESSMAKING Alterations and draperies by e‘:~ perlenced dressmaker. Reaso 1- able rates. TU. 4-5488 tfcl HOME typing done. Will pick up and deliver. Fast and accurate. TU. 4-2438. tfclo YOUNG men â€" 16 to 21 -â€" desire employment. Can you help? Sal- vation Army, AV. 5-5126. LOVING day care, 3 yrs. and ov- er by experienced person. TU. 4- 5155. c3w11 RETIRED man requires employ- ment part or full time. Good banking experleme and clerical work. AV. 5-3328. c2w12 EXPERIENCED handy-man to do gardening, carpentry and .clean~ ing cellars and garages etc., ev- enings and Saturdays. TU. 4-3372. c1 MAN will do painting and paper- hanging. Fast, efficient work. Very low prices, Years of exper- ience. TU. 4-2902. tfc12 2 BEDROOM apartment, duplex or house. AV. 5-5373. c1w13 COUPLE with baby would like to rent an unfurnished two bedroom apartment. Have own stove and trig. Rent not to exceed $100 a month. TU. 4-1863. c1w13 THREE BEDROOM house wanted to rent in Thornhill. Please con- tact the manager. Bank of Nova Scotia, Thornhin. c1w13 CAPONS. and fowl. hlghest pr!- ces paid. Don't sell until contact- ing W S‘ Appleton, Oak Ridges ggultry Ggaglgg Station, ppone EMPLOYMENT WANTED ARTICLES FOR SALE WANTED TO RENT POULTRY W AN TED (Continued) c1w13 c1w13 c1wl3 c2w12 clw12 c5w10 ROTOVATING and garden maintenance. Call Joe Hampton. TU. 4-2420. tfc41 TRENCHING Water mains. sewers. footings, excavating. SEPTIC TANKS Installed and repaired. Harry Smith. AV. 5-1578A __ PIANO TUNING a: REPAIRING S. Hoflmnn Formerly of Gerard Heintzman. Work guaranteed, Free estimates. Phone Liberal Office. TU. 4-1105; evenings RUssell 2â€"6516. Toronto. FRANK’S WELL DRILLING Pumps installed and serviced. Frank Gerritz, R. R. 2 Aurora. PA. 7-5272. tf050 Landscape Contractors Limited Loam,’ Sod. Evergreens, Shade Trees, Rose Bushes, Rototilling, Lawn Rolling. 81 Yonge St. S-., Richmond Hill. phone AV. 5-1938. tfc43 BLOCK LAYING and concrete work, footings, basement floors, etc. Fred Flood. Richmond Hill. TU. 4-5072. tfc40 UPHOLSTERING and repairing Apply F. Graham, Lake Road, Oak Ridges. PR. 3-5691. “c2? THE FURNITURE SHOPPE â€" We specialize in recovering and remodelling chesterfleld suites. Phone AV. 5-5201. M Levendale Rd.. Richmond Hill. tfc32 RICHMOND DELIVERY SERVICE Light pick-up and delivery. TU. 4-1812. tics TV SERVICE Reliable. 240 South Taylor Mills Drive, Beverley Acres. TU. 4- 4347. Stan. Kucharskl. I tfc35 UPHOLSTERY and rug cleaning in your home by fully experien- ced man Lowest rates for first class job. Sword, TU. 4-2540. All work guaranteed 12 months Terms TU. 4-1070 tfc42 SAND VAND GnAyEL. gushed stone, loam and fill. E: Clarity. Richmond Hill, TU. +1701. PROFESSIONAL TREE SERVICE Get your trees done before win- ter Trimmings. Removals, Custom Chain Sawing Covered by PD. TU. 4-4031 EXPERIENCED janitor service given, offices, stores and private parties. Have own cleaning equipment. For free estimates, call TU. 4-5505. c2w13 EXCAVATING & GRADING Front end loaders and trucking. Hourly or contract. AV. :5-2f3321i ‘ c4 Ltd.. rapid delivery of quality loam. Sod delivered and/or laid. Phone BA. 1-9877. l"25w48 NORTH YORK SODDING CO. FOR children’s pictures try the friendly Lagerquist Studio, with the know how. TU. 4-2791. tfclz Call E. W. Payne for septic tanks, concrete floors and all types of concrete work around your home. Also home and foundation repairs, alterations and additions. Free estimates. AV. 5-1153‘ tfc38 PRECISION lathe work by ex- perienced workman. Reasonable rates. Guaranteed workmanship. L. Boomhower, 217 Colborne Ave. Phone TU. 4-1262 tch P. L. 8: P. D. Ins. Phone TU. 4-1221 I'm Estimate. , «a _ TRENCHING Septic tanks, water services. Don- caster Excavating Co. AV. 5-2096. ' tfc52 ELECTRICAL WORK Dryers. electric stoves and oil burners wired. AV. 5-3005. tfc5 MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework. Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard, 148 Yonge St. 5., Richmond am, phone TU. 4-5688. tfc23 SANITARY CONTRACTOR, Sep- tic Tank and Tile Bed Installation. Satisfaction guaranteed. Reason- able rates. Murray Baker, Phone TW. 5-4151. Newmarket. tfc47 Recovering and repairing of any kind of furniture. Experienced on Scandinavian furniture. Free estimates. Reasonable prices. Call anytime. TU. 4-4238. tfc52 RICHMOND TREE SERVICE Ewe Your Tree Work Done Now and Save $ BULLDOZING No float charge. $8.50 per hour. Also scraper. Available immed~ iately. Carl Herman. PR. 3-267& (:52 MISCELLANEOUS LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS PHONE TU. 4-1135 CONCRETE 8: GENERAL CONTRACTORS ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS COWELL PAVING C0. Residential Commercial SAME DAY TV ANTENNA SERVICE TU. 4-4749 RICHMOND SOD Free Estimates UPHOLSTERY c8w13 tfc41 tfc13 tfcls Free estimates guaranteed. EVERGREEN LANDSCAPE 8: GARDEN C0., LANGSTAFF AV. 5-3233 m3 AERATING Have your lawn aerated for heal- thier, greener grass. Phone TU. 4-1170. Tom Mashinter, 114 Rose view Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc7 ROTOVATING Custom rotovating, lawns and gardens. Tom Mashinter, 114 Roseview Ave., Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1170. tfc7 WILL NUTRIA BE YOUR FUTURE? All the signs point to a bright and brilliant market for this lux- ury fur. But success will come only through proper breeding methods, quality foundation stock, plus a program based on sound business methods. We offer all of this to you as a rancher, using our exclusive breeders plan. Pric- es and information on request. Canadian Nutria Ranch, R. R. 1, Richmond Hill. Ontario. tfc8 Ploughing. Discing and Grading sand and gravel. rockery stone TU. 4-1538. ctch ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet work. wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke. 96 Hunt Ave.. Richmond Hill. tfc3l OVERSEAS - TRAVEL SERVICE All air and steamship lines cruis- es. For reservations and tickets upholstered. 24 TU. 4-4615. CARPENTER WORK. Alterations and repairs. PR. 3-5707. Ruben Lahn, Richmond Hill tfc8 S. G. GURNEY, AGENT Bradford PR. 5-3464 or TU. 4- 2152. ' tfclB CHROME kitchen chairs to Frank’s Moving & Cartage, pack- ing and storage. Experienced service anytime. Pickup and de- livery. Good rates. TU. 4-2613, AV. 5-5101. tfc16 Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workmanâ€" ship. Phone Walker and Mit- chell. AV. 5-2526, tfc15 any size. Quick service. The Liberal Office. Richmond Hill. CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building, alterations and repairs, prompt service. WALKER & MITCHELL AV. 5-2526 ' WATCHES and cgl’ocks repaired. Quick service. 8 Yonge Street South, Richmmd Hill. tfc42 PHOTOS Weddings, portraits. free estim- ates. Phone Maple 225. tfc47 RUBBER STAMPS, all kinds RICHMOND HILL TV SERVICE TV 8; Radio Service, antenna and UHF. installations. Car Radios. Same day service. AV. 5-3756. Repaired, Cleaned, Restyled. Insured cold fur storage. KEN STIFF FURS LTD. Stop 21A Yonge St. AV. 5-4172 ' tfcll J. & J. SOD A1 Sod, 18c and 2°C a yard. Im- mediate delivery. Laying, rolling and grading. Free estimates. Phone anytime. TU. 4-2538. tfc48 PIANO INSTRUCTION CHILDREN and adults, special kindergarten class. Mrs. D. Warren A. L. C. M. 93 Pemberton Road, Richvale. c4w10 Magda Soodor PIANO Lessons. Phone TU. 4-4348 for appointment evenings 8-10 p. m. tfcwlo John St, â€"- Thornhill (South side, 100 yds. east of Yonge) Earth, bricks. stone, concrete, etc. No Rubbish Please WEDDING Invitations. printed or engravcd, Finest quality at a reaslaable price. The Liberal. phone TU. 4-1105. tf PAINTING 8: PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. ‘ SPECIAL Chesterfield sets recovered â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- sired. A. Smith, Upholstery, phone AV 5-1682 tfc43 Dead or crippled horses, cattle or hogs, promptly removed. High- est cash prices paid- depending on size and condition. Small animals removed free. Phone Uxbridge 541 collect, anytime. tfclO EXCAVATING, grading and load- er work. Call (Skip) Ybung. BA. 5.4008. “:11 MISCELLANEOUS COMPLETE LANDSCAPE SERVICE & MAINTENANCE FOR SEWER CHANGEOVER CALL E. W. PAYNE, AV. 5-1153 DRUGS Richvale Rexall Pharmacy Free All Day Delivery Prescriptions Accurately , Dispensed AV. 5-3772 MOVING 8; STORAGE GARDEN SUPPLIES CLEAN FILL MAY BE DUMPED HERE DEAD STOCK CHIMNEYS (Continued) FURS hour service tfc7 satisfaction c2w12 tfc38 tfc43 tfc44 BED sitting room for lady, kitch- en privileges. Close to Yonge St. Reasonable, in return for some baby sitting. TU. 4-3720. c3w11 A1 RICH GREEN Weightless sod. Immediate deliv- ery. Laid if desired. Free estim- ates. Bayview Sodding, phone TU. 4-2538. c4w13 ATTENTION SERVICE CLUBS AND ASSOCIATIONS! Please clip this ad for future . reference. Canada’s Largest and Finest Entertainment Booking Agency THE J. IAN REID AGENCY, 125 Dupont Street Toronto - WA. 3â€"2166 Currently taking Fall & Winter Dates For “King Ganam & His Sons of the West" “Tommy Common" “Tommy Hunter” Plus many more exclusive attractions. CEMENT MIXER for rent. AV. 5-3244. tfc52 BEAUTIFUL two bedroom unfur- nished apartment on the first floor of a triplex, 148 Lucas St. Apply basement apartment. TU. 4-1129, after 5.30 p.111. ' FURNACE SERVICE Cleaning, repairs and parts for all makes. Space heaters bought and sold. 24 hour service. HAROLD VanDYKE, TU. 4-1221 . tfch WRITE - - - WIRE - - - PHONE clw13 CEMENT MIXER for rent. Will 2 BEDROOM apartment; 4 ex- tra large rooms in 4-plex building. paved exclusive court, plenty of trees. New, completely equipped. $120.00. AV. 5-3181. tfclO APARTMENT to rent, three rooms, 1 block from Yongeâ€" St. TU. 4-1857. clwlz 2 HOUSEKEEPING front rooms, oil heated, privaté entrance, Box 25 Kleinburg P.O. c2w12 POST HOLE DIGGING Custom post hole digging. call Joe Hampton, R. R. 1 Richmond Hill. TU. 4-2420. tfc44 deliver. Norman Ellis. Maple 31R42. tfc50 main floor of two year old, three bedroom brick bungalow, Mary- bay Crescent. All utilities paid. Limit two children. $110.00 monthly. TU. 4-5387. c1w12 CALL US for your sand, gravel. fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrarl. Maple 541112. tfc7 GARAGES built complete. All sizes. all prices. Terms if desired. AV. 5-3711 anytime. c3w12 OIL SPACE HEATER 8: FLOOR SMALL office or shop at Col- borne and Yonge St. Thornhill. $35 monthly. Mr. McLean, AV. 5- 1176. c1w13 WELL DRILLING George's Well Drilling and re- pairing. pumps installed and re- paired. George Adams. Box 192 King City, King 287. tfc46 Experienced workmanship done on homes, at builder's price by Ron Bainbridge, AV. 5-4960. TWO ROOMS in private home, close to transportation. shopping. Business couple preferred. Call TU. 4-5505 after 5 pm. c2w13 BEVERLEY ACRES. Complete MODERN 6 room 1% storey, oil heat, one year lease. Lake Wilcox. $95.00 a month. Mr. Vincent, AV. 5-1156. H. Keith, Realtor. c1w13 bNFURNISHED basement apart- ment, 3 rooms and bath. Central. TU. 4â€"1215. c1w13 MODERN service station for lease on No. 7 Highway, west of Keele. For particulars, call Cities Service Oil Co. Ltd. WAlnut 3- 3511. *1w13 FOR RENT -â€" $105 monthly, 6 room bungalow. $115 monthly, large 5 room apartments. $120 monthly, large 4â€"plex suites. Vic- tor Coughlin Real Estate Ltd., 4evendale Rd., Richmond Heights_ Tel. AV. 5-1951. c1w13 WELL FURNISHED bedroom in modern home, with quiet friendly atmosphere. Thomhill area. Twin beds. Parking. Phone. Call AV. 5-4115 after 5.30 pm. c1w13 GARAGE at 78 Wright St. For information call TU. 4-1724: _ MODERN 3 bedroom house for rent, one mile from Aurora. All conveniences. $125.00 monthly. Phone PA. 7-5892 evenings. tfcl3 PLEASANT room available {or business lady. kitchen privileges and equipment available. TU. 4â€" 1623. c1w13 COMFORTABLE ground floor flat, centre of town, 1A block from Yonge. Large bed-sitting room. spacious kitchen and dine ing area, small den. Fully equip- ped, all conveniences. Rent In- cludes hydro and garage. No chil- dren. $90.00 per month. Call TU. _4-5446. “‘13 MISCELLANEOUS PORTRAITS - A SPECIALTY LAGERQUIST STUDIO TU. 4-2791 TO RENT CAULKING (Continued) *2w14 tfc12 tfc12 tfc7 6 ROOM HOUSE, Maple a mu. Lawn cared for; half fuel paid for $116 monthly. Apply Samuel Pla- to, Skyline Marina. Highway 400 an" Maple sideroad. tfc52 FACTORY, 2.000 square feet of space available immediately 86 Spruce AVel. Richvale. AV. 5- 4373 after 4.30 p..m tfc48 YONGE ST. SOUTH, 2 bedroom apartment. lower duplex. Excep- tionally large rooms. Living room approximately 30 ft. faces lawn. Adults AV. 5-2217. c1w13 Floor polishers, Sanders. Hand Sander, extension ladders, Bis- sells rug cleaner; also lawn mow- ers. sharpened and repaired. RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE Free Del. 24 Yonge St. S. TU. 4-2101 MODERN store for rent 20' x 100’ Oak Ridges Shopping Centre, Yonge St. $115.00 per month. PA. 7-5588. tfch LANGSTAFF, 3 cosy rooms and for’rent. Immeaiate possession; TU. '4-5391. c1w13 'GARAGE, comer of Roseview and Church. Phone TU. 4-1380. c1w13 A FIVE room winterized bungaâ€" low, on South Road. Lake Wilcox, must have references and secur- ity. Apply Melrose 3-8880. tfc6 FLOOR SANDER to rent. Phone AVenue 5-1109. tfc28 private bathrdom, stéve and park- ing. AV. 5-1959. c1w12 Lake front,.nice three room win- terized cottage. running water in, rent $45 a month. Lake Wilcox. PR. 3-5055. c1w13 for rent. Conveniently locéated. ‘TU. 4-1146. c1w13 STEELES AND YONGE, two rooms suitable for light house- keeping, suit business couple. Re- ferences. Box 110 The Liberal. 2 LARGE double bed sitting rooms with use of large kitchen and diner combined. small bed- room and garage. Rent for each room $15 weekly to include hy- dro and heating, stove and frig. TU. 4-5446. c1wl3 3 ROOM cottage. AV. 5-3396 BEAUTIFUL two bedroom unfur- nished ’apartment on the first floor of a triplex, 148 Lucas St. Apply basement apartment. TU. 4-1129, after 5.30 pm. tfc9 SIX ROOM bungalow, furnished, VATI‘RACTIVE 5 room bungalow ROOM, unfurnghed, 3ng sh_ared kitchen, near Yongé St., phone TU. 4-5179. ch13 LARGE ranch bungalow, 3 bed- rooms. Living room with fire- place and dining room. 34 acre lot. Lot 35 Duncan Rd.. Richvale. Phone MElrose 3-0776. *1w13 $75.00 A MONTH, heated) 2 large rooms, kitchen. 3 piece bath, self contained. 85 Yonge St. 5., Rich- mond Hill. clwI3 BASEMENT apartment, $50.00 a month, share heating, water and hydro. Phone TU. 4-4541. clw13 FLOOR SANDERS. POLISHERS. ELECTRIC TOOLS ' To rent. Charlton Hardware. TU. 4-1331 Richmond Hill. tfc32 2 rooms, unfurnished, few min- utes to subway. Grill privileges. After 6 pm. HU. 3-5285. c2w13 Furnished rooms, 16 Lorne Ave.. first house east of Clarke's Drug Store at Yonge. *1w13 APARTMENT, kitchen, living room and bedroom. Fridge and stove. heated. TU. 4-1331. tfc51 2 BEDROOM ground-floor apart- ment, centre of Richmond Hill, 1/2 block from Yonge. Fully equip- ped. Rent includes hydro and garage. One school-age child per- mitted $110.00 per month. Call TU. 4-5446. c1w13 3 LOVELY ROOMS close to bus, schools and shopping. Suit busi- ness couple. Reasonable. AV. 5- 2833. after 5.30 pm. ’ c1w13 3 UNFURNISHED rooms in priv- ate home, near shopping centre and church and buses, with kit- chen, cupboards, and 3 piece bath, suitable for young ladies or busi- ness couple. Phone TU. 4-1434. *1w13 '7 MAPLE Typical country livi_ng â€"-‘ spacious _,r_-_- ,,, 5 room apart'ment 'and garage. Light, heat, and water included. Available November 1. 297 Maple. *1w13 ROOM and BOARD hoom AND BOARD for two working men. 16 Yonge St. S. Phone TU. 4-1856 c2w13 Eon/I & BOARD available, $15 weekly. 182 Norfolk Ave., TU. 4-4708. c1w13 iARGE BEDROOM and board. Prefer woman. Parking facilities. TU. 4-2684 after 5 p.m. c1w13 suit one or two men. Convenient to T.T.C. AV. 5-4228. c1w13 ROOM BOARD available. AV. 5-4480 c1w13 ONE BEDROOM board optional, 1200M AND BOARD available. Gentleman. Abstainer. Phoqg TU. 4-3618. TRY OUR. RENTAL SERVICE NORTH TORONTO RICHMOND HILL TO ' RENT (Continued) c1w13 c1w13 elw13 tfc48 PLEASANTVILLE GARDENS $22,300:- We proudly present 1‘ sale a fashionable well appointc family home at a price due yo consideration. Built for room comfort with over 1500 squn feet of living space. plus finishe basement. game room and de Split level entrance, attache double garage landscaped lot wit 80 foot frontage on crescent street Sale price includes drape work benches in work-shop, antenna. 100 amp. service, doubl glaze windows. Telephone Mrs. D Carter, AV. 5-1905 - or - EU. 1 3391. J. A. Willoughboy 3; Sons, L Realtors WEST OF YONGE Private sale, large 6 room bun galow in quiet crescent. 3 year old. Aluminum storms. screen and many extras. $17,900 or co sider cash offer to 5% per cen NHA mortgage. TU. 4-3527. FORCED SALE $15,9002- Here is a home thn must be sold as the owner ha moved to BC. 6 room rug brlc 3 bedroom bungalow, on qule street west of Yonge. Listed belo cost with 5%% mortgage, owne will consider all offers. Don', miss this opportunity to make wise investment. Telephone: Mr D. Carter. AV. 5-1905 - or - EU. 1 3391. $1,500 DOWN And you can own this cute 4 roamed home, complete with film ished recreation room and sep arate utility room. Carries to: $70 monthly on one mortgage. NOW IT CAN BE SOLD $4,000 down for this lovely 3 bed- room ranch in the heart of Pleas- antville. Modern kitchen. combin- ation living and dining rooms, beautifully finished family room. closets galore air conditioned oil- heat, storms and screens. Fully landscaped corner lot, breeze~ way and garage. Ver high and very dry. This home W111 only last a few days, so inspect this one with the intention of buying. Call with the intention of buying. Call Mrs. Sutherland, David McLean Real Estate, AV. 5-1164 or TU 4-: 5310. clw13‘ Private sale, cosy solid brick 6 room bungalow, large attached garage on choice lot 100 x 160, stone fireplace, all aluminum storms, oak floors, oil heat. ideal for retired couple. Price $18,500. Can be seen anytime. Phone Ma. pie 205. clwla $2,000 DOWN Is all that’s required to buy thl: brand new bungalow close to pav- ed road and completely decorated Carries for $69 monthly. EARL V. STEWART Real Estate and General Insurance Agent 21 Yonge St. N." U Aaron $650 DOWN Charming 5-roomed bungalow with garage situated on landscap‘ ed treed lot. Carries for $6! ‘ $950 DOWN Will purchase this neat bunga low, on beautiful corner lot. Can rying for $79 on one mortgage Immaculate condition. $9,600. New 5 room bungalow in Oak Ridges. $4,500 down pay- ment. AV. 5-3679. clw13 PRIVATE SALE 6 room bungalow, attached double garage Completely finished base- ment. Landscaped lot. 35 Bed- ford Park Ave. TU. 4-2355. c2w13 3 ACRES Vaughan Township, close t Yonge North of Richmond Hill $7.900: Terms arranged. 210 647. - Mrs. D. Carter, AV. 5-190 4 BEDROOM semi-detached briclfi bungalow, selling below cost. Ful price, $15,700. Down payment ar ranged to suit purchaser. TU. 4» 4307. clwli _________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" COLONIAL HOME, centrally lo cated, very clean, 5 years old, rooms and a study. 51/4 per cen N.H.A. $17,900. TU. 4-2947. *Zwlj PRIVATE â€" sacrifice, 5 room d tached clapboard bungalow o sewers. Lot 50' x 250’, convenien to schools, transportation an shopping centre. Low carryln charges. Must be seen to be a preciated. $10,500. Phone TU. 5508. clwl ATTRACTIVE 3 bedroom neq custom-built, solid brick bunga low situated on one scenic acr planted in pines, near Auror Large. bright basement, oil hea 4 piece ceramic tile bathroo large kitchen and living r003 hardwood and tile floors. Co plete with storm windows an doors, light fixtures, sodding, ro atone painted etc. Immedla possession. Phone evenings, P 7-5892. tfc monthly. SACRIFICE 3 bedroom cottage, partially ished inside on Georgian Ba four miles west of Collingwoo face sandy beach. Fully furnis ed, dishes. electric rangette, frigerator, etc., water pump kitchen. Must sell this weeken Only $2,500 complete, or be offer. Call TU. 4-5017. clw REAL ESTATE FOR SALE VILLAGE OF MAPLE PA. 7-5078 clwl clwl

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