KEN R"$T°N'$\\\\l///f SHELL STATION messages“ Ed. Harris, AV. 5 - 3359 SEPTIC TANKS ‘ PUMPED and CLEANED Complete Septic Tahk Repair Service Accurate Septic Tank Service HU. 5-1313 FUEL Oll. - STOVE OIL 24 HOUR BURNER SERVICE Yonge Street 1% Mile North of Richmond Hill FRANK ' PASSER Here’s a deal I know you’ll like 104“: MARKHAM FAIR OCTOBER 1â€"2â€"3, I959 Jersey Show MONSTER PARADE FROM MORGAN PARK 1 RM. MARKHAM GIRLS’ TRUMPET BAND LINDSAY BAND BLACK & WHITE SHOW GUERNSEY SHOW Old Time Spelling Match, Midway, Pony Party Full Card Of Racing. EVENING In Front Of Grandstand. Jack Fraser Calf Scramble GYMNASTIC DISPLAY GREAS PONY RIDING DEMONSTRATION REGIONAL SHEEP SHOW TAMWORTH REGIONAL SHOW FULL CARD OF RACING LIGHT HORSES PONIES HEAVY 1 SAFETY PROGRAM DEMONSTRATION . MARKHAM GIRLS TRUMPET BAND LINDSA! HORSESHOE PITCHING . CENTRAL ONTARIO CHAMPIONSHIP VINCE MOUNTFORD & SONS, Masters of Ceremonies MONSTER DANCE IN ARENA SATURDAY NIGHT MIDWAY, RIDES. FUN FOR ALL DAVID J. TRAN, President R. H. BRILLINGER, 1st Vice-Pres. H. M. WARRINER, 2nd Vice-Pres. CHAS. H. BOYNTON, Livestock Director FRED SPRING, Sec-Tress. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Scarborough Club THE SHOW WINDOW OF YORK COUNTY FAIR OFFICIALLY OPENED BY DR. M. B. DYMOND, » MINISTER OF HEALTH, ONTARIO ~ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2ND THURSDAY, OCTOBER lST SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3RD Landrace Hog Show; HORSESHOE PITCHIN G Willowdale Entertainment by VINCE MOUNTFORD & SONS OPEN DOUBLES ME. 5-1000 SPECIAL COMPETITION GIRLS & BOYS 12-15 YEARS GREASED POLE EVENT Later all were invited to the home of Nancy and Wilbur Brum- well. A social time was enjoyed and dainty refreshments were ser- ved by the hostess. The choir took this opportunity ,of expressing their best wishes and presented a set of snack tables to the young couple recently married. There were only 10 present at the first Choir practice. It is hoped that anyone who can as- sist in the "service of song" will come out next Thursday evening, October lst at 8.30 pm. The ob- jective is to have 20 members at least. Some anthems were chosen and rehearsed for the Anniversary service on October 25th. The Gormley Home and School Executive met at the home of their president, Mrs. J. Leitch, on Tuesday evening of last week to make plans for the programmes for the coming year. Choir Saturday, September 28, was the opening meeting of the lst. Gormley Brownie Pack with four- teen Brownies present. Peggy Leitch, Margaret Sandle and Nan. Varden, attended their first meet- ing. Due to the lovely weather, the .entire programme was held out of doors. In the absence’of Brown Owl, Mrs. Gor‘don Hardie, Mrs. P. Rumney with the help of Mrs. H. Varden took the meeting. Girl Guides Thursday, September 24, was the first meeting to form the lst. Gormley Girl Guide Company. Fourteen girls were in attendance at Melville United Church. The meetings will be held from 7 to 9 o’clock every Thursday evening.- We are very grateful for the gen- erous offer of the Melville Uni- ted Church to use their Sunday School room every Thursday ev- ening. Any girls between the ages of 11 to 16 years of age are in- vited to join. Mrs. P. Bumney and Mrs. N. Johnston will be the leaders. Local Association of Girl Guides "ï¬aï¬cy is a'valued member of the choir. We have an excellent organ, and a talented organist, please respond to this invitation for choir members. Brownies Home And School The local Association of Girl Guides will hold its first meeting of the fall season at the home of Mrs. N. Johnston, ‘ Gormley on Wednesday evening, October 7, at 8.30 p.m. All mothers of the Brownies and Girl Guides are in- vited to attend and .any others who are interested in this work. Couples Club The Couples Club held its Sept- ember meeting in the" form of a Weinerâ€"Roast on Tuesday even- mg of last week at the home of Lawrence and Audrey Boynton at Gormley. Games were enjoyed by everyone. They were all pleased to see that Rev. and Mrs. A. F. Binnington were able to join them after Rev. Blnnington’s serious illness. The Stouffville W. M. S. of the United Church has invited the Victoria Square W. M. S. to at- tend their Thank-Offering meet- _ing on Thursday, October 8th, at CORRESPONDENT: us. I. SAND“, VIM Sum Telephone Gonnley 5421 VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS BERKS & YORKS HEAVY HORSES LINDSAY BAND The evening was spent in Pro- gressive Euchre for the adults. while children enjoyed themselves playing croldnole and Chinese checkers. 2:30 pm. Miss Mary Haig. (recentâ€" Lv retired) from Japan, will be the guest speaker. All the ladies in the community are invited to at- tend. Presentation On Friday evening of last week neighbours and friends gathered in the S S. No. 6 School for 3 Farewell gathering and presenta- tion for the Duncan family who are moving to Keswick shortb'. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan have been the school caretakers for several the 31 years Mr. Harvey Collard gave a short address to the Duncan family afo ter which they were presented With a Tri-Light Floor-Lamp; a Table-Lamp and a Step-Table. Danny McMillan was presented with an alarm-clock. The family replied in a few well chosen words and thanked everyone for their gifts. Euchre prize winners were: La- dies. (1) Mrs. Ross Cowle, Con- solation-N Mrs. Alan Chadwick. Gents; (1) Mr. Harvey Collard. Consolation: Mr. Lawson Mum- berson. Refreshments were served, and everyone left wishing Mr. and Mrs. Duncan and family every success In their new surroundings. Church News A film-strip on Africa was shown in Sunday School on Sunday. Mrs. P. Bennett was the narrator. It wasrvery much enjoyed. There was no church service- at Victoria Square on Sunday be- cause of the Anniversary services at Headford. The guest speakers were: At the morning service Mr. Clarence Barrett, an active lay- man from Toronto. with the Head- ford United Church choir furn- ishing the special music. At the evening service Rev. Robert C. Curtis. B. A. of Mount Albert, and the special music was given by the York Choraiiers under the Ieadership_of Mr. B. Edmunds._ A On Sunday, October 4. at 11:30 am. Rev. A. F. Binnington will be in charge of the service at Victoria Square. when the World rifle Communion service will be e . Next Sunday, October 4, at 10 am. The new lessons of the last quarter of 1959 begin in the Sun- day School. Every boy and girl in the community is welcome to at- tend. There ls an interesting adult class. Bring the children and be a learner with them. It is a valu- able experience. Nelghbourhood Notes It Is hoped to have Nursery Class for the children from 2-5 years of age during the Commun- ion service. Birthday Greetings to Mr. L. Stouï¬enburgh who on October lst. will be celebrating his eighty- sixt'h birthday; to Mrs. S. Boynton for October 2; to Owen Heise who and October 4 will be one year 01 . , v Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Steckley who on October lst. will be cele- brating their tenth wedding an- niversary; to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rumney who on October 4 will be celebrating their seventh wed- ding anniversary; to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bennett who on October 6. will be Celebrating their third wedding anniversary. On Friday ofllast week Mrs. P. Rumney accompanied the Camp Advisors and Cqmmissioners of Central Area Girl Guides to Hali- burton to purchase a Campsite for the Girl Guides and Brownies to use. ‘ Mrs. S. Bartlett of Newmarket called. on friends in the com- munity on Wednesday of iast week. The Onway Construction Com- pany has began paving'of 18th., Avenue tram Victoria Square to Ba-yview. 7 H Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Orr of Richmond Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Orr spent the Weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Denzil Sypes of Stony Creek. and with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Easson and family of St. Cétharines. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton and Donald spent Sunday with Mrs. N. Brodie and family at Headford. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nichols and Mr. Cecil Nichols had Sunday din- ner with Mrs. Wm. Wellman, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wellman and family at iHeadfoxjd. The October meeting of the Sr. Women's Institute will be held on Tuesday evening, October 6 at 8 p.111. at the home of Mrs. Reid Brumwell. The motto, “May we put away all pretence and meet each other face to face. without self pity and without pre- judice. will be given by Mrs. D. Parsons. Roll Call to be answer- ed by a Verse of Thanksgiving. The guest speaker will be Mrs. II. McKay. Hostesses, Mrs. A. Frisby. Mrs. F. McRoberts. Mrs. C. Walker.Allthcladiesarelnâ€" vlhed to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Aggot of Mount Dennis, Mrs. L. Knapp and Irene had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mts. Earl Empringham and girls. Mrs. Rosamond Anderson of To- ronto and Mr. Wilfred AnderSon had Sunday evening .dinner with gr. and Mrs. Louis Nichols and era. A number from here attended the Anniversary services held in the Headford United Church on Sunday. ‘ A speedy recovery is wished for David Houck, Jr.,‘who under- went a tonsllectomy in the New- market Hospital recently, and for Bryan Buchanan who underwent a tonsilectomy in the Sick Chllv dren’s Hospital, frat-onto. On Friday afternoon of last week. a “Surprise†Birthday par- ty was held for Kyoko Ito, who celebrated her seventh birthday on September let. Her guests were the girls who were in the Junior Room of S. S. No. 7 Mark- ham, when Kyoko first came to Canada. Kyoko was completely taken by surprise. A wonderful time was had by all_t._h_e gi_r_ls. _i/I'rs: E. Wflow's and Mrs: Hewitt spent Sunday with Mrs. H. Att- wood at Uxbridge. Sr. Women's Institute When 0. M. MacKillop Memor- ial Home and School Association held its first fall meeting on September 23rd. a beautiful rose donated by H. J. Mills. was pre- sented to each lady. Mr. K. W. Smithies. President, extended a cordial welcome to all present, and urged a good membership. He then introduced the Executive members as foll ws; President, Mr. K. W. Smithies, Vice Presi- dents. Mr. J. Quinn, Mr. C. An- drew, Treasurer, Mr. W. J. Smith, Secretary, Mrs. A. MacNaughton, Corr. Secretary, Mrs. J. Founder, Publications, Mrs. R. Acton, Grade Mothers, Mrs. M. Reach, Mrs. A. MacNaughton. Publicity, Mrs. J. Babcock. Hospitality, Mrs. R. Ba'rnett, Mrs. G. MacKenzie, Refreshments, Mrs B. Houlc. Pro- gramme Chairman. Mr.‘J. Quinn. outlined briefly the fallAnieetings; Mrs. Reva Acton’s display of publications were most interest- ing. with a v‘ery wide reading scope for the parents of pre- school and school childrenZ A very worthwhile and infor- mative meeting for interested par- ents takes place in the Presbyter- ian Churcth Thornhill on Thurs- day Octobel' lst at 8.00 o’clock. This Workshop Meeting is spon- sored by the York Simcoe Home _and School Council. Mrs. Clifton, from our Home and School with take charge of “Children Read- ing" while Mrs. M. McLean of Thornhill will talk about Remed~ 181 Reading. All interested par- ents would be most welcome to attend. 0. M. MacKilIop Home & School Holds First Meéting Fall _Season One of the highlights of the evening was the introduction of teachers by Principal Mr. Bob Newman. - ' 1A: "Ef‘y informative Question and Answer period between Mr. FREE OFFER - If you buy a TORO mower between now and October 31, 1959, you get a $14.95 Leaf Kit absolutely FREE! POWER EQUIPMENT Sales - Service - Rentals 525 Yonge St., Thornhill Phone: AV. 5-1538 KETOLA "E": Special super- size leaf-bagging attach. meat holds 5 full bushels, replaces regular-size bag. Outmows all other rotaries. Exclusive “Wind Tunnel" daign gives cleanest cut. ALUMINUM STORMS AV; 5-3575 AV. 5â€"3575 $99.95 WINDOWS â€" DOORS Aluminum Siding By Kaiser Aluminum Local ’Ageni ROLLY CURTIN CALL ROLLY CURTIN YOUR LOCAL TISCO CO. DEALER Newman and Mr. Ross enlighten- ed the group, on rschool prqcedmje. The parents learned that the enrollment in MacKillop Schoal is five-hundred pupils. Pleasantvllle enrollment two hundred and twenty-eight. A homework policy should be developed early with the student. It helps establish work habits, which can be most valuable for the student. The time can vary from twenty to sitxy minutes de- pending upon the Grade of the student. Parents should provide a study period. The study habit is extremely necessary for the stu- dent ln higher stages of learning. No Payment -- No Charges -- Until May 1960 hPérentsycan heip guide their child by being interested and wil- lingkto offer suggestions with his war . r A student Patrol has been or- ganized on an experimental basis, at the school, to assist in the safe- ty flow of students to and from school. Parents were asked to stress courtesy, riding bicycles single file and obedience to safety rules. The success of this Patrol system depends on the co-oper- ation of all parents and children. ï¬iï¬erprincipals closed by invit- ing parents to seek interviews at any time when problems arise. 'I'Il. 4-2213 for your place of business. truck lettering. sale signs. oï¬ico door lettering. FAST SERVICE FEATURING: 52 Brunswick Crown Imperial Lanes - Fully Air Conditioned - 3 Super Service Snack Bars 3 + Ample Free Parking + one“ BOWLING ' SATURDAY FROM NOON TO MIDNIGHT 1.30 pm. to 6 pm. on‘ Sunday CHOICE LEAGUE TIMES STILL AVAILABLE i - N O W O P E N CANADA’S MOST MODERN BOWLING CENTRE North Yonge Bowling Ltd. 5740 Yonge St. (Just North of Finch Ave.) BA. 1-088] Willowd ale, Ont. THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. October 1, 1959 13 RADIATOR REPAIRS 3 ANTI-FREEZE SN6W"T"I'RES 9.95 AURORA SAND 8. GRAVEL SPECIAL PRICES FOR HOME OWNERS. PIT-RUN GRAVEL, SAND FILL, BRICK AND CONCRETE SAND, ALSO STONE FOR DRIVEWAYS ‘OK' 'I'IRE STORE Industrial Rd; TU. 4-2380 PLUS RECAPPA‘BLE CASING NEW - TREADS PA. 1 - 9091 GAL