_, ‘. Special Sale 42†Chain Link Fencing. 100’ Rolls for $15.80 WE HAVE PAINT AT . $3.99 PER GALLON Drive In - Free Parking LUMBER co. up. ' smear ro rem/E You ' ' «Taco [880 . aTR'M‘Hl/ALE - - Tu4-Ii21-f‘cr: air-flap 23 vol. YONG! s’Z-‘AK5402 “WMJ‘Z... â€" eta/4’8 “LE 3A.! 93/6 DO YOU LIKE your hot water really I193 :aud plenty of it? *for your laundry, ticfor your bath, .altfor your dishes, misfor your children is: for dozens of other \things of; Water Service which provides you With a new modern automatic elec- tric water heaterâ€"and all the hot water you needâ€" for. one attractive low r monthly payment. i There is no installation I? ou’ll like Hydro’a New ‘ charge. Maintenance, ser- 1 i vicing and even replace- ! merit are free. Our staï¬ will be pleased to tell you all about this all-inclusive HOT WATER SERVICE. Richmond Hill ‘Area Office Box 300 Richmond Hill, Or Phone TU. 4-1191 - 1192 Av. 5-3622 if; -A and led: on '. N now MA 'WAID'S' IIANDED ON THE EDGE MEANS SATISFACTION .UAI‘N'll. HIGHLAND PARK NEWS ORRESPONDENT: MRS. D. R. DARLEY, 84 Highland Park Blvd. â€" AV. 5â€"2119 School News Powell Road School Home and School Association has been dis- - banded temporarily at least as the association was unable to acquire sufficient members to fill the ne- cessary executive Offices. The pupils of Powell Road School are busily preparing them- selves for the Area School Field Day which will be held on Wed- nesday, October 7th at Thornlea School. The girls are also lim- bering up for future volleyball tournaments. Henderson Avenue Home and School will hold its monthly meeting on Monday night, Octo- ber 5th in the auditorium of the school at 8:00 pm. Please note that the date is October 5th and not October 19th as was mention- ed last week in another column. The guest speaker at that time will be Miss Helen DeLaporte from the DeLaporte Educational Clinic in Toronto. Miss DeLaporte will give an address on Remedial Reading which should prove very interesting and worthwhile mak- ing an effort to come out and hear. Henderson Avenue School pu- pils are working hard at field day preparations which will also be held on October 7th along with the other schools of School Area No. 1 Markham and Vaughan. Brownies New Brownies were accepted into the pack at the weekly meeting held Tuesday, Septem- her 29th after school in the Hen- derson Avenue School Auditor- ium. Guides The Guides held their swim tests at the York Mills Collegiate swimming pool in the week and Julian Dempster of 86 Woodward Avenue passed her Swimmers Badge.test with flying colors. Dianne Snary of 78 Highland Park Blvd. also passed her lst class test. Christmas catalogues were giv- en out to the Guides at their meeting on Tuesday evening. September 22nd. The Guides Will be selling Christmas cards, wrap- ping paper, ribbons etc. around the neighbourhood in the near fu- ture. Funds earned from these sales will go towards the purchase of more tents for the Girl Guides. They now own 4 tents and re- quire about 6 or 7 more. On Tuesday October 6th the Brownies and the Girl Guides will hold a joint meeting at Hen- derson Avenue School Auditor- ium. Mrs. McTaggart-Cowan, Dis- trict Commissioner for the Girl Guides will be present and sev- eral Brownies will “Fly Up" to Girl Guides. Parents are invited to attend this meeting. C. G. I. T. The Canadian Girls in Training got underway on Tuesday, Sept- ember 29th at 7:30 pm. at the Thornhill United Church. This is an interdenominational group, NEW D.K.W. ' CARS Only 51,995 ’54 Ford Coach, two-tone, ra- dio. A1 throughout . . . . 55 Meteor Station Wagon, fully equipped, sharp ’55 Meteor Niagara, fully equipped with extra set of snow tires and wheels. Immaculate throughout. BERTA SERVICE CENTRE D.K.W. Sales and Service V. Mile North of Victoria Square GORMLEY 5411 CHEAPER Tum cuss nrmu. snamm' use: earn. in! Lone-a TERIALS, Assistant Laboratory Technicians- required by Department of Agriculture Forest Pathology Laboratory Southern Research Station Maple, Ontario Salary: $2790. - $3150. NOTE: The positions will be of 20 weeks duration commencing on or about November 1. 1959. Details and application forms at Post Offices, National Employment Offices and the Civil Service Commission. Apply before OCTOBER 10. 1959 to Civil Service Commission, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto, Ontario Seasonal sponsored by the Ontario Council of Christian Education and all girls eleven and a half years old to seventeen are invited to at- tend. We are glad to hear that Mrs. Mary Barnes of 54 Woodward Av- enue is home from Branson Hos- pital after undergoing surgery. Mrs. Barnes is feeling better now but will have to take it easy for a while yet. Mrs. Barnes wishes to thank her friends and neigh- bours for their thoughtfulness to her while in hospital and espec- ially the Guide and Brownie Mo- thers for their lovely basket of fruit. We are also pleased to see Mrs. A. A. Smith of 80 Woodward Av- enue at home again and she is felling better after her unfortun- ate accident but will also have to take it easy for a while as the shock from her burns left her quite weak. Birthdays Congratulations are in order to Mr. and Mrs. John Savage of 88 Highland Park Blvd. on the birth of a baby girl on Saturday. Sept- ember 29th at the Womens Col- lege Hospital in Toronto Chris- tine Anne was 7 lbs. 6 015. at birth. Brother Phillip is very. pleased to have a baby sister. Brian and Kenneth Jewitt held belated birthday celebrations on Saturday, September 26th as they were both away during the sum- mer when they had their birth- days. The boys had 10 guests for supper after which they all at- tended the last of the Stock Car Races for this season. Socials Happy was the bride the sun shone on at 24 Woodward Avenue on Saturday September 26th. June Anne Lahonen, only daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver La- honen was given in marriage by her father, to Douglas Sherman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Sher- man, at Thornhill United Church at 3:00 pm. The church was dec~ orated with white. gladioli and Jean Cunningham sang to the ac- companiment of Mrs. Gunn at the organ. June looked very lovely in a long white dress of lace and net over satin with long sleeves and a jewelled neckline, with finger- tip veil. The three bridesmaids also looked very lovely in aqua blue street length gowns with the new balloon style skirts. The reception was held in the garden of her parents home un- der canopy, for approximately 90 guests. After the honeymoon, June and Doug will live on Scott Avenue just north of Langstaff. The bride and groom are both well known in this area as they have lived in the Thornhill dis- trict most of their lives. New Plaza? It has been rumored in the past few weeks that the large farm on the south west corner of Steeles Avenue arid Yonge Street has been sold to an enterprise which intends to build a large shopping plaza. This will certainly be a big boon to the residents of Highland Park and Thornhill district. O.P.P.i Clamps D o w n O n “Tail-Gaiting" Sergeant J. Scott, Bond Lake Ontario Provincial Police Div- ision, issues a request and a war- ning,..that a special effort is being put forth by the Ontario Provin- cial Police personnel to detect all drivers who contravene Sub- section 16A and ‘17 of Section 41 of the Highway Traffic Act, that is, driving too close to the vehicle ahead, and sometimes referred to as “tail-gatingâ€. W Now Is The Time To do that Fall Painting We have a paint to fit your ' requirements. 1332 Colors ' Don't Forget Your Lawn Complete Line of Fertilizers 8: ' Lawn. Needs Bottrell’s Hardware ‘ 42 Levendale Rd. ‘ Richmond Heights Plaza TU. 4-4621 o'eeeoeoooodeeepedi‘i‘o‘o‘ Attend Services This Week at your own place . Lot worship A TU. 4-4247 C C Q 0 O I O O O O O O O O O O O C C O O O O O O O I O O O i O O O O O I O O O O C O O O O 7 Hall. HEADFORD NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. H. ACREMAN R. R. 2 Gormley â€" Phone TUrner (-2236 Offiicial Board Meet A very good representation from the Official Board of Victor- ia Square charge met with Rev. Binnington at Brown’s Corners church on Wed, evening last. Let- ters of appreciation were authorâ€" ized to be sent to Rev. Douglas Davies and to Allan McIntosh for their valuable services during the past summer. It was decided to keep on with the morning service at Victoria Square, with a further decision to try and obtain the services of a student to help Mr. Binnington. Finances in this re- gard were discussed and agreed upon: and Rev. Mr.‘ Butt will be asked to conduct Holy Commun- ion at one of the churches, next Sunday. October 4, which is World Wide Communion Sunday. There, was also discussion con- cerning a questionaire received by the joint boards, in connect- tlon with the proposed merging of the two major women's organiz- ations of the church. Discussion was lively, but the matter was laid over for further study. Injured Sliding Pole Richard Burton suffered a pain- ful injury to his leg last week when sliding down a pole. he made a gash requiring a multi- tude of stitches. For the repair- ing process, he had to have sev- eral “needles,†thereby making himself quite the hero to his close chums. The injury is coming a- long quite nicely. Trailer Jack-Knifes The folk at the north end had quite a bit of excitement on Fri- day morning last week when a heavily laden tractor trailer sud- denly jack-knifed on the way up the steep hill from the bridge over the creek, and overturned. The driver. J. Ross of Stouffville, went to notify the police, and on his return found his truck on fire. Fortunately no one was in- jured. Weiner Roast The boys of Mrs. Acreman’s Junior Sunday School class met in the flats at her home for a weiner party last Friday afternoon after school. They inspected “The Boat," and generally had a good time. ~ Headford United Anniversary Anniversary services at Head- ford Church were quite well at- tended at both morning and ev- ening sessions. Mrs. Binnington was present in the morning to in- troduce the speaker, Mr. Clar- ence Barret, a layman from Glebe Road United Church. Mr. Barrett delivered a powerful sermon on The Ark of the Covenant, choos- ing his text from Chronicles 1, chap. 13, verse 14: Headford's own choir, directed by Mrs. S. Rumble, rendered two very fine selections. We are quite proud of our choir, and on Sun- day they added to their prestige. The evening service, in charge of Rev. Robert Curtis of Mt. A1- bert, was outstanding. The wea- ther was perfect (it is» not always so), the congregation good as to numbers present, the sermon fine, and the music by the York Chor- aliers, directed by Mr. Edmonds and accompanied by Mrs. An- drews, something to remember and talk about. A friendly time over a cup of tea in the Sunday School room rounded out a won- derful day. Social Notes Driving up from California, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Hazen, sister and brother-in-law of Mrs. Wes Mid- dleton, arrived in “our town†for a couple of week’s visit. There is a rumor that when they return Mrs. Middleton may go with them. Sorry to have missed offering birthday congratulations for this Tuesday, to Marg Brodie. It is Guide Notes The second meeting of the G. A. was held Monday night in Wrixon After opening exercises the members made plans on hold- ing a hike. Plans for the annual bazaar were made. Also discussed were the ideas of the executive meeting and the notes taken at the Camp Couohiching confer- ence by Sheila Robinson and J. ~ Goodier. After treat we closed at 8.30 with taps and a prayer, under the leadership of Miss Mar- ion Carter. The complete programme for brownies and guides in the east district will get under way in full swing this week. Thanks to the public school board, the superin- tendent of schools Mr. McIntyre, and'the principals of Beverley Acres and Walter Scott Schools, a very suitable arrangement was made so that all groups could be accomodated at times suitable to all concerned. Guides will meet at Walter Scott School, Monday evening at 7.30 pm... Beverley Acres school. Wednesday evening at 7 pm. and a new company will open at St. Gabriela Church on Tuesday at 7 pm. Brownies will meet at Walter Scott Sch001, Wednesday at 4.15 p.m..and Thursday at 5 pm. and at Beverley Acres School. Mon- days at 5 pm. and Wednesday at 4.15 pm. There will be brownie pack meetings as usual with Mrs. Rim- mer, 448 Bent Crescent on Sat- urday mornings and a new pack will be opening in the very near future at St. Gabriels Church. The Brownie Pack meeting at St. Matthews United Church have changed their meeting date to Friday at 4.15 pm. We hope all girls wanting to be brownies or guides will have the opportunity of joining any- one of thesegpacks or companies and we ask t at any women inter- ested in helping in any way with Guides or Brownies please contact ‘lrs. )IacGregor at TI]. 4-2119. “when an emergency arises. Our course consists of two hours one night a week for six weeks, a also the birthday of Mr. Joe Fisher. former resident for many years. Anniversary visitors in the neighbourhood were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nichols. and the Bert Leeks of Gormley. the latter having din- ner with the Elmer Leeks and family. We were happy also to see at the anniversary service. Mrs. ls- aac Reaman with Mrs. Racman Sr. and Bobby, Jean, and Marjorie. Happy to know Mr. Fred Lee was feeling able to have supper on Sunday with Herb and ‘Cille’ Lee and their family. Week end visitors with the Acremans were the Gays of To- ronto. the Porters of Iondale Heights, the Knappetts of Shaton, the Veerdoolds of Aurora, and the Cox's of Stouffville. This is the last week of Sept- ember. but the first week of 3 mar- vellously changing scene. The first lea es are turning, forecast- ing a gorious riot of color for the next two or three weeks. What a country we are privileged to live in! St. John Course Starts Oct. Ist Once again St. John Ambul- ance will be holding a First Aid course in this area. This is a won- derful opportunity for everyone to obtain valuable information to as- sist them to live, work and play safely and the importance of knowing the right thing to do review on the 7th night and the examination on the eighth night. All candidates being successful with the examination will receive a senior certiï¬cate. The total cost of this course is $3.00 per person. This ï¬rst aid course will be held in the Richmond Hill Counâ€" cil Chambers starting on October 1. Interested persons need only to register with the instructor on the ï¬rst night. For further infor- mation please contact Jack Will- iams at TU. 4â€"3200. M O D E R N SERVICE STATION for lease on No. 7 Highway, west of Keele. Attractive terms for suitable applicant. For further particulars call Cities Service Oil Co. Ltd» WAlnut ‘3-3511 â€" Sales - Rentals Service - Repairs (R.E.T.A. Rates) a, I r“; ELECTRIC 53 YONGE N. Richmond Hill 'I'V.~4-,-32“. adventures of '9 SW‘ fl I can talk all night about those toys for tots (and old- er kiddies too) at THE PLAYPEN. Latest children’s furniture. RICHMOND HEIGHTS PLAZA â€" CARRVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. BERT MIDDLETON Church News Rev. A. E. Bake; of Toronto was in charge of the service at Carrville United Church on Sun- day. The Carrville choir sang ‘God Has a Wonderful Garden." Sunday school had 24 in at- tendance. Mrs. L. Kirk read a most interesting story from the rally day leaflet. Wendy Purvis and Gary Broom were promoted from beginners to primary class. W.A. ' The Woman's Association will meet. at the home of Mrs. J. Bak- er Wednesday, 'October 7. at 2 pm, with Mrs. Melnic and Mrs. Gray in charge of the devotions. Social convenors will be Mrs. R. Kirk and Mrs. A. Read. Plans will be made for the annual turkey supper. World Communion Rev. A. E. Baker will be in charge of services at Carrville United Church for the month of October. Next Sunday is World Communion. so a communion ser- vice will be held at Carrville at Telephone Maple 13038 2.30 pm. Community Shower A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Winger on Tuesday, when a large number of friends and neighbours met and present- ed. Ray Winger and his ï¬ancee, Miss Evelyn Bennett of Gormley With a miscellaneous shower. Mr. wm. Vanderbent opened the ev- ening with a prayer. Then Mrs. Bruce Winger read a very hum- orous letter. Ray and Evelyn op- ened their gifts, and thanked the group for their thoughtfulness. The young couple will make their home on the house on the Henry Winger farm. Mr. Henry Winger was able to be present at his son's shower, having just recovered from a heart attack. Mrs. A. Read assisted Mrs. Win- ger with refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Read and Mr. Mur- ray Winger helped with the shower gifts. Young Peoples The Young Peoples met Wed- nesday at the church Mrs. J. McEwen. the leaiidldi' sent and President Lynn Morris in charge. George Williams read the scripture. Margaret Williams Gretta Middleton and Wayne Zu: bek were welcomed as members. Birthday Party Lance Gray celebrated ' 8th birthday on Monday iiftlejiE noon and had as his guests Judv Todd. Pat Madaleno, Stewart Hiltz, Steven Cass, Janet Weise, Blair and Teddy Heslop, Kathy Hunt, David Wark, Donnie Bone Kirk. DelBrocco, Robert King. Norman Stevenson, Jamie Cutler: and Sisters Lynda and Christine and brother Ron. Duane Del Brocco was ill and unable to at- tend. Birthday greetings to Duane Del Brocco, who will be five years old on September 29; and to Jack Barton September 28. John Bar- ton celebrates his let birthday on September 30. Teddy Bow- stead will celebrate on October 2. when he will be 11 years old, and Johnny Walker of Duï¬erin St. will be four years old the same day. - Congratulations and best wish- es to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barton who celebrate their 33rd wedding anniversary on September 29. PROCLAMATION .JAYCEE WEEK WHEREAS, the affiliated provincial and community units of the Canada Junior Chamber of Commerce have set aside October 4th to 10th to observe the founding of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, and, WHEREAS, this organization of young men through projects of community service is building leadership within its ranks for the future of our town, THEREFORE, I, Mayor of the Town of Richmond Hill, do hereby proclaim October 4th to 10th as J aycee Week and urge all citizens of our community to give full con- sideration to the future services of the Junior Chamber of Commerce of Richmond Hill. ' â€"_-â€"_-_4â€"_â€"_â€"--â€" TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL R. LYNETT, Clerk } THESE LOW LOW PRICES . l1 1 l l l i n I .v ,I' r l I i ' I I 9 sIRLOI I PORTERHOUSE OR BONELESS ROUND _ LEAN MINCED 9BEEF 3 CAMPBELLS TOMATO SOUP 1 AYLMER â€"â€" 15 oz. Pork&Beans i, LARGE SIZE gTIDE I '_ AYLMER I i‘ FILL U Y0 EZE 'r †CANADA'S FINEST GOVERNMENT INSPECTED 15 01 8SAVE 24: K. w. TOMLIN, Mayor N [35 SAVE 11¢ 1.00 .o .oo .oo .oo TINS SAVE 35: TINS FOR, SAVE 24: FOR SAVE 29¢ 3 FOR w 39 & BLUE BRAND BEEF 78:. YOUR CHOICE PORK SAUSAGE SMALL LINK OR SKINLESS WIENER-S lb 29 RINDLESS SIDE BACON NO. 1 QUALITY ALL CENTRE SLICES lb 49 3 V Open Thursday and Friday Nights Until 9 pm.