Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Oct 1959, p. 20

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TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales- Service - Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in- cluding new and rebuiltlstandard, portable and electric models. Special rental rates available to students. BRIGHTEN UP that room now. Install a pre-fit window-unit. We have a complete stock of stand- a" sizes on hand. Butler and Baird Lumber Limited, Richmond BED Chesterfield with two chairs; large playpen, Gendron baby car- riage, baby crib, everything in good condition. Reasonable. TU. 4-5505. After 5 pm. c1w14 EASY Washer with pump. A1 condition. Spanish guitar with case $30.00. Phone TU. 4-5618. clwlfi GOOD used furniture for sale. Cain, Frank’s Movers and Stor- age, 28 Industrial Rd.. TU. 4- 2613. tfc3 TIME TO PAINT UP See us for Crown Diamond Paint. Painter's Brice; Butler and Baird Lumber imited, Richmond am. TU. 4- 1125. tfc41 Richmond mu WEDDING Invitations, engraved finest quality, reasonable prices. Quick service. “The Liberal.” Phone TU. 4-1105 Richmond Hill Hill, TU. 4-1125. FURNACES, used, $20 up: coal, 011. one counter flow forced air; also used oil burners. BAldwin 5-4972. tfc8 BABY PICTURES are priceless when taken by The Lagerquist Studio. TU. 4-2791. tfc12 SYLVAPLY PLYWOOD, handy anels. tapered hardwood table egs. See them at Butler 8: Baird Lumber Ltd. 181 Yonge St. N. TU. 4-1125. AV. 5-3506. tfc48 APPLES, McIntosh, 50c a basket. Snows, 75c a bus. Bring contain- er. Earl Jackson, Steeles and Keele. Phone AV. 5-4077. *1w13 TRAILEREBoS: and boat trailers for Gale and rent. House trailus for sale. Lowest prices. N. Zalser. Phone Oak Ridges PR. 3-5721 t1c40 HOME FREEZER meat supply, top quality government inspected meats, cut right, wrapped right. priced right. free delivery, special lamb (average 40 lbs.) 32c 1b. (“‘l Louis Nolan, TU. 4-4630 or ‘ 2-5543. ct. ROTTED cow manure delivered in small quantities for lawns. gardens and flower beds, TU. 4- 2236. tfc44 ELECTRIC STOVE, four burner, 21" Acme, excellent condition, $35. TU. 4-3555. c1w14 THORO washing machine. $15. Persian Lamb fur coat, size 42, $25. TU. 4-3508. c1w14 REMINGTON rifle 30.06 bolt ac- tion, new, evenings or weekends after 5 pm. AV. 5-4820. clw14 BOB'S SOD , A1 freshly cut field or nursery sod supplied and laid if desired. Free estimates, price moderate. TU. 4-2677. tlc51 cludes plenumsfibumer; controls and fan. TU. 4-3771. c1w14 ANTIQUE pine cradle. child’s spool bed, small spinning wheel. TU. 4-2149. 71 Trench St.. Rich- mond Hill. c1w14 QIL FU_RNACE,_ complete. it}- l CAPE COD lawn chairs. Unpalnted. TU. 4-2211. SUMP PUMP, fully equipped. $20.00. Kelvinator, apartment size, needs a small repair, $20. Washing machine. rustproof, $25. Antique Couch. Mixmaster, new. TU. 4-1733. c1w14 {wivNewg unpainted. TU. 4-2211. tfc47 3 BRIARCLIFF lawn seatsrifrorr ELECTRIC RANGE, 4 burner, 21” 'wide. TU. 4-1355. *1w14 BOY'S bicycle, good condition, $17. AV. 5-1423. c1w14 i SHAPER. new, as" spindle, 20" x 30" table. TU. 4-2211. mm CASH REGISTER. scales, and store fixtures. PArkview 7-4731. . *2w14 BUY YOUR darling Christmas gifts from Gail Darling, your new Avon representative. My area is south of Number 7 to Keele St. in Concord. AV. 5-5209. c1w14 LADYS winter coat, grey mohair. zippered chamois lining, good condition, size 12. Reasonable. Cocktail dress, black nylon and velvet, size 12. TU. 4-1165 even- ings or Saturdays. c1w14 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment, or telephone TU. 4-1105 and you will receive invoice. CASH RATES, first insertion 5c per word, min. charge .. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 5c per word, min. charge . . . . . . .. FOR. BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of .. COMING EVENTS NOTICE: 5c per word; min. charge .. CARD 0F THANKS, 1N MEMORIAMS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per insertion .............................. 20 ARTICLES FOR SALE L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, October 1, 1959 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ;-1745 tfc49 tfc4l New. tfc47 2 DOORS, wooden, combination LEAVING COUNTRY For the discriminating buyer who appreciates fine modern furniture. contents of beautifully furnished home for sale: Bedroom suites, living room furniture, and dining room suites are imported Danish teak-wood, Chinese Aubusson rugs, Indian broadloom rugs, com- bination Hi-Fi and television (teakwood cabinet), oil paintings, deluxe Frigidaire models, Laun- dramat, dryer, refrigerator and stove, one year old, Quebec prov- incial patio furniture and many items too numerous to mention. For appointment to view, tele- phone King 97R41. c1w14 ELECTRIC STOVE and washing machine, $20. each. TU. 4-1707. c1w14 ONE DOUBLE bed and mattress. In good condition. PR. 3-5217. clw14 storm and screen, $20.00. TU. 4- 3947. *1w14 LADY'S Muskrat Coat, size 14, good condition. $50.00. 247 S. Taylor Mills Dr., Richmond Hill. c1wl4 years old. In p'erfectficondiâ€"tidn. TU. 4-1295. 01W14 5 TROPICAL aquariums with full equipment and stands â€" small to very large sizes. AV. 5-3344. c1w14 BEATTÂ¥_w§sh§r, vgringer type, rence Ave. east of ,Kennédy Rd. PLYmouth 7-2141. , c1w14 OIL SPACE Heaters. recondition- ed, 1 Year guarantee. 200 gal. tank, Phone 011 Space Heater 8: Floor Furnace Service, TU. 4- 1221. tfc13 30 GALLON hot water tank, dou- ble element, thermostatic control. Only a few months old. 1 settee, good condition. AV. 5-3344. c1w14 8 COLONIES of bees. King- Law- Electric, good running Order. TU. 4-1837. *1W14 32 BASS accordion, suitable for a child. Used one ’year. AV. 5- 1849. ch14 WASHING MACHINE, General BABY CARRIAGE, blue, Thistle. $10. TU. 4-4047. 'c1w14 SINGLE BED with spring find mattress, chifioniere, student’s desk and chair, all in red maple. Good condition. AV. 5-2407. ALUMINUM - ALUMINUM Aluminum doors, top quality, completely installed $47. Free es- timate on storms and screens and basement windows. Give us a try. ho obligation. Bob, TU. 4-1919. - c4w12 CHILD'S outfit, winter coat with leggings, coral with beaver col- lar and cuffs, size 3x. Excellent condition. $12.00. TU. 4-3616. GIBSON TRACTOR, with plow and snow blade. AV. 5-4639. Vulcan 6 volt. charges 12 batter- ies, sacrifice, $50.00. Hartman fast charger. new 60 cycle unit, sacrifice $95.00. . Jos. Parisi, TU. 4-1853. c1w14 APPLES, McIntosh. excellent quality $2.00 bushel; also large Hallowe'en pumpkins. Bob Camp- bell’s Farm, Bayview Ave. TU. 4-3042. *1w14 LADY'S brown squirrel jacket, 27” long, in excellent condition and present style. $125.00. TU. 4- 2889. c2w13 tion, with or without 'motor. TU. 4-1393. l“2W13 SPECIAL THIS WEEK Used doors $1.00. new linoleum tile 7%c each, acoustic tile 15c each, masonite 6%0 perft. We carry a complete supply of new and used lumber, roofing, siding, hardware, etc., at bargain prices. CAPITOL LUMBER, AND BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. Steeles Ave.. Jyé mile west of Keele Street, AV. 5-5242 MOUTON Fur Coat, size 14, 825. Black cloth coat with persian lamb trim, size 14. TU. 4.2628. clwm GUNS One double barrel 12 gauge with hammers. $20.00. One Remington model 10, pump 12 gauge, $40. AV. 5-2348. c1w14 WOOD storm windows. glazed. AV. 5â€"2800. k c1w14 CHILDREN’S good used clothing. Have your qutgrown items re- sold. Children's Clothing Ex- change. 410 Becker Rd. TU. 4- 4985. c1w14 15 CU. FT. freezer chest, like new. TU. 4-4009. c1w14 IRON mREMAn, in good condi- BATTERY CHARGERS ARTICLES FOR SALE 1.00 c1w14 c1w14 clw14 c4w14 650 500 750 AVENUE 5-5246, (after hours) Custom - made storm windows. D. MacPherson, Maple Lumber, yard, Maple 11'! or Maple 98J. clw14 dition. , Reas'onablef Phone TU. +2246. c1w14 Cut glass, sterling silver, porcel- ain, brasses. stone oriental car- vings, curios, framed etchings, water colour, books, oil painting. etc., Inquire TU. 4-2509. evenings and weekends only. No dealers please. c1w14 PETERBOROUGH, Oak and Ce- dar varnished family boat. 18’ with splash combing. Cruiser de- signed. Completely fitted with 2 pairs spoon oars, paddle, 10’ boat hook. Life saving cushion. Anchor. search light and 10-H.P. Johnston motor. $400.00. TU. 4- 3469. c1w14 KNIT-KING knitting machine, very reasonable. Phone, TU. 4. 4160 after 6 pm. c3w14 FRIGIDAIRE Range 40.” Perfect Condition. Phone, Maple 129J. A A Border Terriers, - Puppies for sale. 7 weeks old. Pedigreed stock. TU. 4-1647. c1w14 GIRL'S winter coat, size 10; one winter and one fall coat, one rose dress, all size 12. In good condi- tion. 1 pair of figure skates, size 5%. Telephone evenings, TU. 4-1171. c1w14 LLOYD ibaby camage. rGood cpn- REGESTERED baby budgies from talking strain. also breeders. TU. 4-2205. tfc23 ior spring mattress. etc. $25. TU. 4-4714. c1wl4 BABY CARRIAGE, in good con- dition. AV. 5-2255. clw14 DOGS available for good homes. Impounding Kennels, Duffel-in Street, Maple. Telephone 54 ring 2 Maple. tfc3 BOXER puppies, purebred beau- ties. Windy Ridge Kennels, Reg- istered. AV. 5-3984. c1w14 TROPICAL fish and supplies. Special on small red swords. 79 Spruce Ave., Richvale. AV. 5- 3919. c1w14 BOXER puppies, permanent shots -â€" ready for show or pets. Also grown male, good house dog. English bulldog, male, from im- ported stock, young. Reasonable to kind homes only. 89 Spruce Ave., Richvale. Stop 22A Yonge St. c3w14 DOUBLE Continental bed, inter- LITTLE GIRL'S coat set. size 3X, like new, $8.00. All nylon, washable, snow suit, size 3X, $3.00. Phone PRospect 3-5534. - clw14 3 months $30.00. All with papers. TU. 4-1096. c1w14 good hunting strain. Call Maple 165W. c1w14 FANCY PHEASANTS, silver. Lady Amherst, and golden; also 35 gallon aquarium with fish. AV. 5â€"4593. ' c1w14 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION wanted from TRANSPORTATION Wanted - Starting work at 8 am. finishing ‘-.45 pm. Leaving South Taylor .xiills Drive to vicinity of Yonge and Gould (Simpson Sears) Phone JI‘U. 4-4347. c1w14 DACHSHUND pups. '7 weeks, $25 BEAGLES. purebred, fine pets, springs and mattress. Reasonable. TU. 4-2450. c1w14 TRANSPORTATION wanted from Richmond Hill to Markham and return. leaving about 7,30 3.111., returning 6.15 pm. Phone TU. +4998 evenings. ‘ c1w14 from North Taylor Mills Drive to Yonge, Bloor Spadina, area. Phone TU. 4-3819. c1w14 OIL BURNER. good condition. AV. 5-3395. c1w14 DOUBLE WINDOW. fully glazed. reasonable, AV. 5-3444. c1w14 TRANSPORTATION available Queen's Park to Pleasantville leaving Parliament Buildings at 5.00 pm. TU. 4-1523. c1w14 TRANSPORTATION available, tion, with pipes, $12.00. TU. 4- 4054. c1w14 SOLID rock maple bookcase bed, WANTED. ride for lady. arriving at Bayview and Davisville at 9.00 am. returning 6.00 pm. to Rich- vale. AV. 5-5000. c1w14 leave Richmond Hill. 7.00 am. for Bloor and Avenue Road. Return 5 pm. Phone TU. 4-2830. Monday through Friday from Walter Scott school at 6.40 am. to Richvale. Leaving 5 or 5.30 Pm. TU. 4-4552. ' clwlé containers. 30 lb. pails $6.00 plus 600 deposit for pail. Wholesale and retail. Gormley 5293. *8w14 VACUUM cleaner, with attach- ments including floor polisher, Excellent condition, Reasonable. AV. 5-4257. c2w13 NO. 1 WHITE HONEY. -all size QUEBEC HEATER, good condi- WELL ROTTED manure, $5.00 a load. AV. 5-1956. tfc12 PETS FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE (Continued) c1w14 c1w14 BLOCK LAYING and concrete work, footings, basement floors, etc. Fred Flood. Richmond Hill. TU. 4-5072. tfc40 PIANO TUNING 8: REPAIRING S. Hoffman Formerly of Gerard Heintzman. Work guaranteed. Free estimates. Phone Liberal Office, TU. 4-1105; evenings RUssell 2-6516, Toronto. ,FRANK’S WELL DRILLING Pumps installed and serviced. Frank Gerritz, R. R. 2 Aurora. PA. 7-5272. tfc50 ROTOVATING and garden maintenance. Call Joe Hampton, TU. 4-2420. tfc41 Apply F. Graham, Lake _ Roatf, Oak Ridges. PR. 3-5391. “€27 RICHMOND SOD Landscape Contractors Limlted Loam, Sod. Evergreens, Shade Trees, Rose Bushes, Rototilling, Lawn Rolling. 81 Yonge St. 8.. Richmond Hill, phone AV. 5-1938. tfc43 TRENCHING Water mains, sewers, footings, excavating. DTHOESTERING apdyrepailrlng SAND _AND GVRAYEL. crushed stone, loam and fill. E: Charity. Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1701. TV SERVICE Reliable. 240 South Taylor Mills Drive, Beverley Acres. TU. 4: 4347. Stan. Kucharskl. tfc35 All work guaranteed 12 months Terms 7 RICHMOND DELIVERY SERVICE Light pick-up and delivery. TU. 4â€"1812. tfc3 EXCAVATING 8; GRADING Front end loaders and trucking. Hourly or contract. AV. 5-5332. tfc48 NORTH YORK SODDING C0. Ltd., rapid delivery of quality loam. Sod delivered and/or laid. Phone BA. 1-9877. *25w48 CONCRETE & GENERAL CONTRACTORS Call E. W. Payne for septic tanks, concrete floors and all types of concrete work around your home. Also home and foundation repairs, alterations and additions. Free estimates. AV. 5-1153. tfc38 THE FURNITURE SHOPPE â€" We specialize in recovering “and remodelling Chesterfield suites. Phone AV. 5-5201, 44 Levendale Rd.. Richmond Hill. tfc32 PRECISION lathe work by ex- perienced workman. Reasonable rates. Guaranteed workmanship. L. Boomhower, 217 Colborne Ave. Phone TU. 4-1262 tfc6 RICIEIOND TREE SERVICE Fave Your Tree Work Done Now and Save $ P. L. & P. D. Ins. Phone TU. +1221 TRENCHING Septic tanks, water services. Don- caster Excavating Co. AV. 5-2096. tf052 ELECTRICAL WORK Dryers, electric stoves and oil burners wired. AV. 5-3005. tfcs MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework. Fireplace. etc. V. Ostergaard, 148 Yonge St. 8.. Richmond Hill, phone TU. 4-5688. tfc23 SANITARY CONTRACTOR, Sep- tic Tank and Tile Bed Instalation. Satisfaction guaranteed. Reason- able rates. Murray Baker, Phone TW. 5-4151, Newmarket. tfc47 PROFESSIONAL TREE SERVICE Get your trees (zone before win- er Trimmings, Removals, Custom Chain Sawing Covered by PD. TU. 4-4031 UPHOLSTERY Recovering and repairing of any kind of furniture. Experienced on Scandinavian furniture. Free estimates. Reasonable prices. Call anytime. TU. 4â€"4238. tfc52 BULLDOZING No float charge. $8.50 per hour. Also scraper. Available immed- iately. Carl Herman. PR. 3-5678. tfc52 UPHOLSTERY and rug cleaning in your home by fully experien- ced man Lowest rates for first class job. Sword, TU. 4-2540. EXPERIENCED janitor service given, ofiices, stores and private parties. Have own cleaning equipment. For free estimates, call TU. 4-5505. c2w13 FOR children’s pictures try the friendly Lagerquist Studio, with the know how. TU. 4-2791. tfc12 MISCELLANEOUS SEPTIC TANKS Installed and repaired. Harry Smith, AV. 5-1578 LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS PHONE TU. 4-1105 ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS COWELL PAVING CO. Free Estimates 61:8 SAME DAY TV ANTENNA SERVICE TU. 4-4749 Free Estimates Residential Commercial TU. 4-1070 c8w1 3 tfc41 tfc42 tfc13 tfc13 WILL NUTRIA BE YOUR FUTURE? All the signs point to a bright and brilliant market for this lux- ury fur. But success will come only through proper breeding methods, quality foundation stock, plus a program based on sound business methods. We offer all of this to you as a rancher, using our exclusive breeders plan. Pric- es and information on request. Canadian Nutria Ranch, R. R. 1, Richmond Hill, Ontario. tch Ploughing, Discing and Grading sand and gravel. rockery stone TU. 4-1538. ctch COMPLETE LANDSCAPE SERVICE & MAINTENANCE Free estimates - satisfaction guaranteed. EVERGREEN LANDSCAPE & GARDEN C0., LANGSTAFF AV. 5-3233 tics ROTOVATING Custom rotovating, lawns and gardens. Tom Mashinter, 114 Roseview Ave., Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1170. tfc7 CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workman- ship. Phone Walker and Mit- chell. AV. 5-2526, tfc15 AERATING Have your lawn aerated for healâ€" thier, greener grass. Phone TU. 4-1170. Tom Mashinter, 114 Rose view Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc7 WATCHES and clocks repaired. Quick service. 88 Yonge Street South, RichmJnd Hill. tfc42 upholsiered. 24 TU. 4-4615. CARPENTER WORK. Alterations and repairs. PR. 3-5707. Ruben Lahn, Richmond Hill tfc8 J. & J. SOD A1 Sod, 18c and 20c a yard. Im- mediate delivery. Laying, rolling and grading. Free estimates. Phone anytime. TU. 4-2538. tfc48 CHROME kitchen chairs re WEDDING invitations, printed or engravnd_ Finest quality at a reasmable price. The Liberal, phone TU. 4-1105. tf s. G. GURNEY. AGENf Bradford PR. 5-3464 or TU. 4- 2152. tfc18 GARAGES built complete. All sizes, all prices. Terms if desired. AV. 5-3711 anytime. c3w12 SPECIAL Chesterfield sets recovered â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- sired. A. Smith, UpholsteryI phone AV 5-1682 tfc43 OVERSEAS - TRAVEL SERVICE All air and steamship lines cruis- es. For reservations and tickets A1 Rich Green Wheatless Sod Immediate delivery. Laid if de- sired. Free estimates. Bayview Sodding, phone TU. 4-2538. RICHMOND HILL TV SERVICE TV & Radio Service, antenna in- stallations. Car radios. Same day service. AV. 5-3756. tfc44 DEAD STOCK Dead or crippled horses, cattle or hogs, promptly removed. High- est cash prices paid,depending on size and condition. Small animals removed free. Phone Uxbridge 541 collect, anytime. tfc10 er work. Call (Skip) Ybung. BA. 5-4008. tfcll PIANO INSTRUCTION Children and adults. Mrs. D. Warren, A.L.C.M., 93 Pemberton Road, Richvale. c4w14 EXCAVATING, grading and load- MINO HOME REPAIRS Alterations and carpentry work by reliable tradesmen. Howard Croutch, AV. 5-1971. c4wl4 ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 96 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc31 MOVING 8: STORAGE Frank's Moving 8: Cartage, pack- ing and storage. Experienced service anytime. Pickup and de- livery. Goodurates. TU. 4-2613. AV. 5-5101. tfc16 any size. Quick sérvice. Thé Liberal Ofiice. Richmond Hill. CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building. alterations and repairs, prompt service. WALKER 8: MITCHELL AV. 5-2526 - FURS Repaired, Cleaned, Restyled. Insured cold fur storage. KEN STIFF FURS LTD. Stop 21A Yonge St. AV. 5-4172 tfcll RUBBER STAMPS, all kixfi _ PHOTOS Weddings, portraits, free estim- ates. Phone Maple 225. tfc47 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SEWER CHANGEOVEB CALL E. W. PAYNE, AV. 5-1153 Richvale Rexall Pharmacy Free All Day Delivery Prescriptions Accurately Dispensed AV. 5-3772 PORTRAITS A SPECIALTY LAGERQUIST STUDIO TU. 4-2791 GARDEN SUPPLIES (Continued) DRUGS hour service. tfc7 c4w14 tfc38 ficlz tfc43 FOR RENT â€" $105 monthly, 6 room bungalow $115 monthly, large 5 room apartments. $120 monthly, large 4-plex suites. Vic- tor Coughlin Real Estate Ltd., Levendale Rd., Richmond Heights Tel. AV. 5-1951. c1w13 APARTMENT at 72 Yonge Street South. Apply to next door or TU. 4-5601. *1w14 heat supplied: $85.00 mbnthly. AV. 5-3760. c1w14 MODERN 3 bedroom house for rent. one mile from Aurora. All conveniences. $12500 monthly. Phone PA. 7-5892 evenings. Lfcl3 AURORA 3 room self contained apartment, private entrance, close to shop- ping. Reasonable. PA. 7-5054. $90.00 MONTHLY share heat, by- dro, water, 7 room bungalow, al- uminum storm and screens, will decorate for new tenant, small family welcome. TU. 4-4541. c c1w14 TWO ROOMS in private home, close to transportation, shopping. Business couple preferred. Call TU. 4-5505 after 5 pm. c2w13 FURNISHED room, suit business lady. Busses and shopping one block. Breakfast if desired. TU. 4-1102. *1w14 3 ROOM apartment with bath near shopping centre. Possession October 15. $85 monthly. Phone TU. 4-4143. c1w14 1 BEDROOM apartment, light and UNFURNISHED basement apart- ment, 3 rooms and bath. Central. TU. 4-1215. c1w13 BEAUTIFUL two bedroom unfur- nished apartment on the first floor of a triplex, 148 Lucas St. Apply basement apartment. TU. 4-1129, after 5.30 pm. CEMENT MIXER for rent. Will ‘ROOM, $7 weekly, or breakfast included $12 weekly. Phone 140 Maple. c1w14 2 BEDROOM apartment; 4 ex- tra large rooms in 4-p1ex building, paved exclusive court, plenty of trees. New, completely equipped. $120.00. AV. 5-3181. tfclO SMALL office or shop at Col- borne and Yonge St., Thornhill. $35 monthly. Mr. McLean, AV. 5- 1176. clw13 deliver. Norman Ellis, Maple 31R42. tfc50 GARAGE at '78 Wright St. For information call TU. 4-1724. 2 BEDROOM apartment! ihezited, 6 ROOM house in Richmond Hill, $75 a month. Call TU. 4-1970 af- ter 6 pm. c1w14 CEMENT MIXER for rent. AV. 5-3244. tfc52 immediate posséssion, adults pre- ferred. TU. 4-4291. clw14 4 ROOMED house to rent, 1/2 mile east of Yonge St. Outside facili- ties. References required. PR. 3- 5309. c1w14 APARTMENT. 3 rooms and bath, fridge and stove. Separate en- trance. Business couple. TU. 4- 3294. c1w14 SMALL APARTMENT. partly furnished. Suit pensioners or one baby welcome. Near Yonge, $10. weekly. Abstainers. TU. 4-2868. c1w14 OFFICE SPACE, 2 large rooms, low rent. .in Bayview Plaza. Call TU. 4-1952 for information. 3 BEDROOM home in Richmond Hill near Yonge St. TU. 4-2333. awn and soldâ€"24 hour service.” 7 HAROLD VanDYKE, TU. 4-1221 tfc12 STORE FOR RENT Rear Centre and Yonge Sts., heated, all conveniences. Present- ly occupied by Singer Sewing Ma- chine Co. Possession November 1. Rent $95.00. TU. 4-1853. c1w14 PART OF HOUSE, 8 rooms, un- heated, water, $50 monthly. Carr- ville Rd. W. AV. 5-3721. C1W14 APARTMENT, 3 rooms and bath. TU. 4-1205. nc14 STEELES & YONGE, 3 rooms, self-contained, unfurnished, priv- ate entrance and driveway. Wash- er and dryer. AV. 5-2535. c1w14 POST .HOLE DIGGING Custom post hole digging. call Joe Hampton. R. R. 1 Richmond Hill, TU. 4-2420. tfc44 01L SPACE HEATER & FLOOR FURNACE SERVICE Cleaning, repairs and parts for all makes. Space_ heaters bought CALL US for your sand, gravel. fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari. Maple 54R12. tfc? CAULKING Experienced workmanship done on homes, at builder's price by Ron Bainbridge, AV. 5-4960. PAINTING & PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4â€"2798. George's Well Drillix pairing, pumps install paired. George Adam King City, King 287‘ MISCELLANEOUS WELL DRILLING TO RENT (Continued) Drilling and re- installed and re. Adams, Box 192 c1w14 *2w14 c2w14 tfc12 tfc46 tfc7 UNFURNISHED, sunny, spacious ground floor apartment. Large house corner Centre and Church Streets. Fully equipped every con- venience. Garage, hydro, heat, washing and garden facilities. Suitable for 2 friends or married couple with child of School age} Included in rent $110.00 monthly. Phone TU. 4-5446. c1wl4 A LARGE SIZE basement for rent. Call TU. 4-1952 for infor- storage. in Bayview Plaza. Low mation. c2w14 Lake front, nice three r661; win- terized cottage, running water in, rent $45 a month. Lake Wilcox. PR. 3-5055. c1w13 GARAGE, corner of Roseview and Church. Phone TU. 4-1880. c1w13 SELF-CONTAINED bright base- ment apartment, trig and rangette parking, suit two, available Octo- ber 15, TU. 4-5309 after 6. c2w14 UNFURNISHED recreation room FURNISHED ROOM, board or ONE furnished housekeeping room, with sink and cupboards. ideal business girl. Reasonable. AV. 5--3881. clwlA YOUNG couple with baby re- uire two bedroom flat or apart- ment, rent not to exceed $90. Phone TU. 4-1863. c1w14 MODERN store for rent 20' x 100' Oak Ridges Shopping Centre, Yonge St. $115.00 per month. PA. 7-5588. tfc12 LANGSfI‘AFF, 3 cosy rooms and private bathrdom. stéve and 7:351:12; ing. AV. 5-1959. ClW12 SPACIOUS ground floor flat in large house, corner Centre and Church Streets. Fully equipped, hydro, heating garage, washing and garden facilities. Rent $9000 monthy for 2 or $100 monthly for 3. Phone TU. 4-5446. c1w14‘ HOUSE, city conveniences, big enough for two families, between Maple and King district, 400 Highway lré mile. $100.00 month- ly. Phone 67R23. c1w14 LARGE 4 bedroom apartment, fitted kitchen, garden, garage space, over store, $95.00 including hydro. AV. 5-3337. c3w14 kitchen privileges, optional. TU. 4-5205. c1w14 RICHMOND HILL Furnished rooms, 16 Lorne Ave., first house east of Clarke's Drug Store at Yonge. *2w14 6 ROOM HOUSE, Maple area. Lawn cared for; half fuel paid for $115 monthly. Apply Samuel Pla- to, Skyline Marina. Highway 400 and Maple sideroad. tfc52 FLOOR SANDER to rent. Phone AVenue 5-1109. tfc28 LARGE ranch bungalow, 3 he'd- rooms. Living room with fire- place and dining room. 34 acre lot. Lot 35 Duncan Rd., Richvale. Phone MElrose 3-0776. *1w13 NORTH TORONTO 2 rooms, unfurnished, few min- utes to subway. Grill privileges. After 6 pm. HU. 3-5285. c2w13 in new home. Business couple preferred. TU. 4-1755. c1w14 UNFURNISHED ROOM and shar- ed kitchenette, near Yonge St. TU. 4-5179. 02w14 FLOOR SANDERS. POLISHERS. ELECTRIC TOOLS To rent. Charlton Hardware. TU. 44331 Richmond Hill. tfc32 YONGE St. South, lower duplex spacious lawn with shade trees. Exceptionally large rooms; living room approximately 30 feet. 2 bedrooms, electrically equipped, kitchen. Adults. Av. 5-2217 or TU. 4-1389. c1w14 §75 monthly, large old 9 room brick home in central Richvale near Yonge. Mr. Carlisle. AV. 5« 1176. David McLean Ltd., Real- tors. c1w14 HOUSE WANTED, Richmond Hill area, up to $80 monthly. Mrs. Ha- gan, AV. 5-4771 after 6.30 pm. evenings and weekends. c1w14 HOUSE wanted to rent. consid- eraate tenants, adults only. Beas- onable rent. Box 112 The Liberal. c1w14 MAPLE Typical country living â€": spacious Surfoom aparfment _and garage. Light, heat, and water included. Awiilable November 1. 297 Maple. PArkview 7-4104. *1w14 OFFICE space 1,200 sq. ft. Cen- tral Thomhill, ground, floorzAv‘ 5-3236. COUPLE with two children would like 2 or 3 bedroom house to rent. Agincourt and Markham area. Must be clean. Rent not to exceed $110 per month. Phone AV. 5-5085. c1w14 APARTMENT, kitchen. living room and bedroom. Fridge and stove, heated. TU. 4-1331. tfc51 BEAUTIFUL two bedroom unfur- nished apartment on the first floor of a triplex, 148 Lucas St. Apply basement apartment. TU. 4-11_29, after 5.30 pm. tfc9 Free DeL TRY OUR RENTAL SERVICE Floor polishers. Sanders, Hand Sander, extension ladders. Bis- sells rug cleaner; also lawn mow~ eré. sharpened and repaired. RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE ' WANTED TO RENT TO RENT (Continued) 24 Yonge St. S. TU. 4-2101 c1w14 tfc48 CONCORD 4 BEDROOMS $13,900. Reasonable down pay- ment, 100' x 200' lot. Low taxes. Excellent for kennels. Mr. Hea- cock, AV. 5-1156. H. Keith, Real: ROOM and, BOARD ROOM AND BOARD for two working men. 16 Yonge St. S. Phone TU. 4-1858 c2wl3 ROOM 8: BOARD, gentleman preferred. TU. 4-4987. clwu WILL board infants, Monday to Friday, 5 years and under. Cook- ed dinner â€" 7 am. to 5 pm. reasonable. PR. 3-5400. c1w14 ATTRACTIVE, comfortable. 5 roomed, storey and a half. all con- veniences, on one half acre lot, Keele St.. one mile south of Map- le immediate possession. For fur- ther information phone Maple 31 ring 15. *1wl4 4 BEDROOM semi-detached brick bungalow, selling below cost. Full price, $13,700. Down payment ar- ranged to suit purchaser. TU. 4- 74307. - ' nc14 $800 DOWN. 4 bedroom bunga- low, completely finished base- ment, 2 bathroomsvaluminum storms and screens, full price. $13,900, Private sale, Phone TU. 4-4541, c1w14 RICHMOND HILL $1.900 down, $14,900, all offers considered. Owner transferred Detached 6 room brick ranch bun- galow, 3 bedrooms. L-shaped liv- ing dining room, aluminum storms and screens, near public and separate schools. Call TU. 4- 1893. c2w14 tor. $13,900.00 Exceptional value is ofiered here for an attractive 2 storey brick home in Richmond Hill, close to Yonge Street. 6 rooms. steel beam construction. attached garage. Lovely trees and grounds. Carries $80.00 month including Principal, Taxes and Interest at 5% per cent. Telephone Mrs. D. Carter. AV. 5-1905 or HU. 1-3391. clw14 landscaped [3 Stone fireplaces [:1 Glass lined hot water heater. [1 Ceramic tile baths [:1 100 ft. frontage lots FREE STORMS & SCREENS ONLY $1,300 DOWN FULL PRICE $13,300 EARL V. STEWART Real Estate and General Insurance Agent 21 Yonge St. N. Aaron NOW IT CAN BE SOLD $3,500 down for this lovely 3 bed. room ranch in the heart of Pleas- antville. Modern kitchen, combin- ation living and dining rooms, beautifully finished family room, closets galore air conditioned oil- heat, storms 'and screens. Fully landscaped corner lot, breeze- way and garage. Very high and' very dry. This home will only last a few days, so inspect this one with the intention of buying. Call Mrs. Sutherland, David McLean Real Estate, AV. 5-1164 or TU 4- 5310. clw14 PRIVATE SALE 6 room bungalow, attached double garage Completely finished base~ ment. Landscaped lot. 35 Bed- ford Park Ave. TU. 4-2355. c2w18 4 piece ceramic tile bathroom. large kitchen and living room, hardwood and tile floors. Com- plete with storm windows and doors, light fixtures, soddlng, roxâ€" atone painted etc. Immediate possession. Phone evenings. PA. 7-5892. tfc12 PRIVATE â€" sacrifice, 5 room de- tached clapboard bungalow on sewers. Lot 50' x 250', convenient to schools, transportation and shopping centre. Low carrying charges. Must be seen to be ap- preciated. $10,500. Phone TU. 4« 5508. clwlz Will buy this spotless 5 room bun- galow decorated throughout and including a modern range and frig which cost more than the low down payment asked. Balance on one mortgage only. For 20'years. E. V. STEWART CAPONS, and fowl. highest pd: ces paid. Don't sell untll contact» in; W. S. Appleton. Oak Ridge: Poultry Grading Station. phone PRospect 3-5301. t1c21 DEER HUNTERS Accommodation for 10. Halibut- ton area. Good meals, guides. dogs, etc. Phone AV. ‘ ATTRACTIVE 3 bedroom new custom-built, solid brick bunga- low situated on one scenic acre planted in pines, near Aurora_ Large bright basement, oil heat. Real Estate and General Insurance Agent 21 Yonge St. North Aux PA. -5078 Tmmnc’ SAVINGS! Checklthe wonderful features on these custgn! pqilt, 3 bedroom, D 1104 sq. ft. in size I] Qompletelyr decorated and REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Hunting Accommodation POULTRY WANTED $600 DOWN brick hor’nes. PA. 5-5076 Aurora clwl! c1w14

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